
    The Aligned Life Podcast

    Welcome to The Aligned Life Podcast with yours truly, Dr. Tiffany Johnson. As a business owner, wife, mother of two and a business + life strategist, I wanted to share what I have learned in an unfiltered way. Let's get out that magnifying glass and look at every part of your life. The awesome, the suck, the pivotal moments, navigating growing businesses and living an inspired life. Join me as I discuss all aspects of guests who are living their life loudly and a couple of monologues sprinkled in for good measure. It's about your truth, and your life ... aligned.
    en-usDr. Tiffany Johnson88 Episodes

    Episodes (88)

    068: An Unfiltered Life with Amanda McKinnon

    068: An Unfiltered Life with Amanda McKinnon

    Hey, Dr. Tiff here. Do you love to help people, but never think to ask for help yourself? 

    Our guest this week can relate to that. Mandee McKinnon owns a successful branding and marketing business, is raising her 17 month old daughter and bonus sons ages 15 and 12 to be thoughtful people, and still makes time to do the household chores. Whew, talking to this relatable renegade will help you see you’re not alone.


    We chat about:

    • Boundary setting (Why you can and should do it)
    • How being bullied in her childhood made Mandee better not bitter
    • Teaching your children to be good people and not give in to bullying
    • How live events can change what you say YES to! 
    • Why vulnerability rocks and how to be authentically yourself
    • And lots of funny stories along the way!


    Connect with Mandee:



    067: Gaining Divine Confidence with Kat Kim

    067: Gaining Divine Confidence with Kat Kim

    Do you struggle with confidence? Do you wonder what you are here to do? Today's guest, Kat Kim, is here to help you!


    You need to hear Kat’s crazy story of being fed diet pills starting at age 6 to dealing drugs at 18  to becoming a spiritual leader and founder of The School of Divine Confidence. Her story is truly amazing!!


    I talk with Kat about:

    • Her wake up call to beginning her transformation process
    • How and why she began The School of Divine Confidence
    • Find out Kat’s take on the source of all things
    • How you can learn to express yourself through the source of all things (How do we tap into the source of all things and express that?)
    • What we all need to take a hard look at (you included!) We also discuss how we get sucked into the collective, consumer culture and the pros and cons of living in this culture
    • How divine confidence affects you and your world  (Find out how Divine Confidence comes into play in dealing with our consumer culture)
    • And so much more!

    Connect with Kat: 
    Facebook: Kat Kim
    Instagram: @katkimofficial

    066: How to Set Goals the Right Way

    066: How to Set Goals the Right Way

    Your New Year’s Resolutions already busted? Listen up, here it’s just me on the podcast and I’m sharing my own unique strategy on how you can set goals and actually make them happen!

    We’ll dive into:

    • The importance of writing down your goals
    • What helps you achieve what you want 
    • Changing your mindset and shifting your perspective
    • When is the best time of day to implement a new task
    • Where the drama is in goal setting
    • Breaking through the possibility barrier of who you can be in life
    • Finding the ONE thing that will fast track you to your goals
    • And so much more!

    065: Performing Without Fear or Doubt with Callyn Johnson

    065: Performing Without Fear or Doubt with Callyn Johnson

    What happens when you perform? Do you get nervous that you might make a mistake? Or are you afraid of what someone might think? Today, my daughter, Callyn joins me to talk about how you can give your best performance without fear or judgement.


    We cover:

    • Focusing in on the one task you’re performing
    • The internal struggle Callyn faced after returning to competition after an injury
    • How to build confidence to get past your anxiety 
    • What happens when you are confident in yourself  
    • Getting your mind in sync with your body 
    • When it’s ok to listen to the crowd and when to tune into yourself
    • And so much more!


    Connect with Callyn:
    Instagram: @callyn.johnson

    064: Fostering Love with Leanna Ihry

    064: Fostering Love with Leanna Ihry

    Do you ever get little nudges in your life telling you to do something? Maybe it’s to bring your new neighbor cookies and introduce yourself or maybe it’s something bigger. If this is you, then today’s guest, Leanna Ihry might be the catalyst you’ve been needing to take action.

    Leanna is a wife, mom of 4 and child of God who is passionate about vulnerable children and the foster system. She chats with me about the nudges that she kept experiencing that led her to becoming a foster and soon to be adoptive parent. 

    We talk more about:

    • Why she and her husband decide to let God guide them on this journey
    • The pivotal moment that led her back to her faith and to becoming a foster parent
    • How becoming a foster family has changed everyone in her family
    • The ripple effect fostering has created in their community 
    • Why taking the easy path isn’t always the best path (and what you can do instead!)

    And so much more!

    063: Have You Lost Faith in Your Body?

    063: Have You Lost Faith in Your Body?

    Doctor knows best. That’s normal. These are two common phrases that almost all of us have heard at one time or another. But are they true? On the podcast today, I’m breaking down the 3 big misconceptions around your personal health and how you can find out if you’ve lost faith in your body.

    You’ll learn more about 

    • Why you need to deviate from the standard when it comes to your own health
    • How stress patterns can affect you and your body
    • The constant stress your brain is constantly under and how to change that 
    • One easy thing you can do to improve your stress
    • What you should always be following and listening to in your life and body
    • And so much more!


    So if you’ve wanted to know how YOU can improve your health and let your body do what its meant to do, then this episode is for you!

    062: From Crippling Perfection to Truly Living Life with Lyndi Rosenau

    062: From Crippling Perfection to Truly Living Life with Lyndi Rosenau

    Struggling with perfectionism? Is it stopping you from really and truly living your life? If so, then this episode is for you! Today, my right hand gal and recovering perfectionist, Lyndi joins me to talk about the actions you can take to break free from perfectionism and lead the life you’ve always dreamed of!

    We chat about:

    • What happens when you try to control everything
    • The very first step in getting out of the perfectionist mindset
    • One tool you should always have in your tool belt for life
    • The mental aspect that you need to face when progressing past perfection
    • The imbalance of trying to reach perfection 
    • How fast things happens once you give yourself permission 
    • Easy techniques you can implement to discern your feelings
    • And so much more!

    Check out The Aligned Life on my website, Instagram or Facebook.

    061: What Happens When You’re Not For Everyone?

    061: What Happens When You’re Not For Everyone?

    This is one of the most important things in putting yourself out there - not letting the opinion of others diminish who you are. Living your truth comes with this price, and I understand it because guess what? I’m a recovered people pleaser.

    On this episode we’re discussing bringing everything out into the open. You’ve probably heard me say this before and I’m going to say it again: what’s in the dark cannot be healed.

    Today I’m sharing a personal story with a few major takeaways:

    • Feedback doesn’t equal failure; it equals learning
    • Anyone who gives you feedback should be thanked
    • Define the difference between their truth and yours

    Never settle for someone else’s assumptions or opinions of you to be true. As always, there’s much more inside the episode, and I’d love to hear your feedback.

    Check out The Aligned Life on my website, Instagram or Facebook.

    The Aligned Life Podcast
    en-usDecember 02, 2020

    060: Does Your Crotch Hurt Sitting on That Fence?

    060: Does Your Crotch Hurt Sitting on That Fence?

    Yep, I just said the word crotch.


    Today we’re talking about where in your life you’re stuck on the fence, between where you were and where you REALLY want to go. And instead of creating a plan to get off, you’re stuck on how you got on that dang fence - decision fatigue is REAL!  


    I’ll provide a bunch of tips to save yourself (and your crotch!) from indecision, but here’s a sneak peek of what we cover today:


    Upgrade your way of thinking

    How to quickly change your brain so that you don’t stuck in the details

    How to get that right brain to activate


    As always, there’s much more inside the episode, and I’d love to hear your feedback.


    Book a time with me at Healing Touch Chiropractic and let’s get you living your best life!

    Check out The Aligned Life on my website, Instagram or Facebook.

    The Aligned Life Podcast
    en-usNovember 25, 2020

    059: Leaving a Legacy: Growth vs. Lack Mindset

    059: Leaving a Legacy: Growth vs. Lack Mindset

    Grab your rose-colored glasses and get ready to have fun! I’m talking about brainstorming and how it helps develop a growth mindset! 


    Allow yourself to brainstorm the vision of where you’d like to see your health, business, and life. Just remember to come back down to reality (that’s the hardest part for me to remember!) and make a plan to create that reality by taking action.


    How many times have you heard or thought?


    “Don’t you work enough?”

    “Aren’t you busy enough?”

    “You have an awesome life - why do you need more?”


    These statements come from a lack mindset. If you relate, I have an exercise for you! If you’re ready to achieve your dreams, it’s time to listen to this episode.


    Don’t forget! The Made for More Workshop is happening November 10th at 12pm CST inside our Facebook Group! 2021 will only be different if you make a change, so join our free workshop and let’s get you clarity on how to reach your goals.


    Check out The Aligned Life on my website, Instagram or Facebook.

    The Aligned Life Podcast
    en-usNovember 11, 2020

    058: Are your SALES in ALIGNMENT?

    058: Are your SALES in ALIGNMENT?

    Today is all about sales! As you may or may not know, I love business and I most definitely love personal development! But you can only “fake it ‘til you make it” for so long, right? So today I share the three things you need to know to be great at sales.


    I’m warning you now! This is a triggering topic because I’m going to ask you to put yourself out there. You can’t get sales without first looking at yourself under that microscope, and that’s where this concept comes in.


    It’s about integrity and ownership, and I would love your feedback on this once you’ve given it a listen!


    Don’t forget! The Made for More Workshop is happening November 10th at 12pm CST inside our Facebook Group! 2021 will only be different if you make a change, so join our free workshop and let’s get you clarity on how to reach your goals.

    Check out The Aligned Life on my website, Instagram or Facebook.

    The Aligned Life Podcast
    en-usNovember 04, 2020

    057: Cycles, Pregnancy, and Postpartum with Dr. Tonya Loken

    057: Cycles, Pregnancy, and Postpartum with Dr. Tonya Loken

    Dr. Tonya Loken is a Naturopathic Doctor and nutritionist, who practices at Catalyst Medical Center, in Fargo, ND. On this episode we focus on the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and postpartum self-care. She also clarifies what symptoms are “normal” as opposed to “common,” and why the distinction is important.


    Dr. Tonya explains what a healthy menstrual cycle consists of, including cycle length, bleed time, consistency, and why clotting isn’t healthy.


    She also shares what happens to our hormones once we get pregnant, and the role progesterone and estrogen play before, during, and after pregnancy. What are normal symptoms during pregnancy?


    We also discuss the steps you can take to buff your adrenal glands and immune system while pregnant and postpartum. What vitamins and supplements are beneficial, the difference between folate and folic acid, and why quality matters when it comes to supplements. 


    You can find out more about Dr. Tonya, or book a call here, or find her on Instagram.


    Join the Academy I mentioned here. I can't wait to see you inside!


    *DISCLAIMER: The recommendations in this podcast are for informational purposes only and do not replace medical advice from your health care provider and is not intended to be a substitute for independent professional medical judgment, advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

    The Aligned Life Podcast
    en-usOctober 28, 2020

    056: Has PAIN pushed you into a smaller life?

    056: Has PAIN pushed you into a smaller life?

    Today we’re talking about pain. Without realizing it, you may have come to accept it as part of your everyday life and I’m here to tell you this is not normal (like for real, NOT normal). 


    I’ll be talking you through becoming aware of the pain, its impact on your health and life and what you can do about it - because maybe it doesn’t have to be your reality anymore? What if all you need to do is decide that it can be different, that there is HOPE that a solution is right around the corner. 


    There’s a root cause for pain and my superpower is helping you uncover this and elevate your life. I want you to stop living small and believing this may be your only path. 


    Book a time with me at Healing Touch Chiropractic and let’s get you living your best life!

    Check out The Aligned Life on my website, Instagram or Facebook.

    The Aligned Life Podcast
    en-usOctober 21, 2020

    055: Amanda Jelinek Intuitive Reading (LIVE)!

    055: Amanda Jelinek Intuitive Reading (LIVE)!

    Today we have one of the most connected to spirit friends that I know, Amanda Jelinek. We met 14 ½ years ago in my Chiropractic practice and we’ve always had a bond both being driven women and moms and very intuitive.

    Today’s episode is a bit nontraditional – imagine that! I tell a lot of people about her and they usually give me wide-eyed looks so I thought, “What better way to showcase her than allowing you to see, ahem hear her in action!” Healers work in many different ways, so she talked colors, brought out some cards and sensed my energy.

    Amanda is a powerhouse human, connector and communication. My intent in this session is to share another perspective…one that may unlock you, unlock your connection, unlock a key to being closer to living your purpose, ON PURPOSE.

    About Our Guest
    A seeker of the truth, the light and the way and always a little quirky, Amanda is always digging in to learn something new. She's a full-time wife & mom, business consultant, semi-farmer, spiritual leader and Enneagram 3 who never starts her day without a hot cup of coffee on the porch. She learned over 20 years ago that the way to truly live and manifest your desires in this lifetime is to start by building a regular meditation practice and paying attention to the messages you receive. She's a practitioner of multiple modalities, working with individuals to shift their limiting beliefs and align their energy with their goals. For those who manage to pull her off the farm for awhile, she'll talk your ear off about sustainable growing, clean food and wildcrafting herbal medicine and will top it off with earthing practices and how to use of color, crystals & plants to align your chakras and deepen your spirit connection.

    You can find Amanda on Instagram or her website.

    Learn more about Dr. Tiff at Healing Touch Chiropractic, or follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
    Check out The Aligned Life on my website, Instagram or Facebook.

    The Aligned Life Podcast
    en-usOctober 14, 2020

    054: Mastering the Mindset to Scale Your Business with Dr. Tiffany Johnson

    054: Mastering the Mindset to Scale Your Business with Dr. Tiffany Johnson


    I am a lot of things, but consistent hasn’t always been one of them. So putting out weekly podcast episodes for a solid year is kind of a big deal for me.

    The truth is, I can be consistent when it involves doing something I love. But as with anything in business (and life), while I love parts of podcasting, I do not love all the parts.

    Today I’m sharing about how I created a system and a team to support me, pushing this dream forward in a way I couldn’t do on my own. That living, breathing system is what gave me the push to produce even when I wasn’t feeling it.

    I’m also talking about how all of those lessons have trickled down from podcasting to infuse my entire business. And the growth I’ve created is something I never thought would be possible.

    Short story? I’m giving you the step by step formula to grow and scale your business, to cultivate a team and raise them to your level, and how to become the leader that can’t let them down.

    Check out The Aligned Life on my website, Instagram or Facebook.

    Learn more about Dr. Tiff at Healing Touch Chiropractic, or follow us on Facebook.

    #chiropodcast #podcast #inspiringpodcast #htchiro #healingtouchchiro #healingtouchchiropractic #thealignedlife #thealignedlifepodcast #drtiffanyjohnson #drtiff #drtiffpodcast #liveyourbestlife #bestlife #gogetit #newpodcast

    The Aligned Life Podcast
    en-usOctober 07, 2020

    053: Teamwork Makes The Dream Work with Lyndi Rosenau

    053: Teamwork Makes The Dream Work with Lyndi Rosenau

    Today’s episode is SO special to me, because it features my right hand gal, the PB to my J - Lyndi Rosenau. 

    For those of you that don’t know her, she is our shop mom, and keeps all of our many, MANY ducks in a row. She is a superstar hardworking, organizing, quiet force to be reckoned with, and the perfect compliment to my alpha personality.

    People ask me all the time, “Where can I find myself a Lyndi?” Welp. The truth is, I didn’t find her. And she didn’t find the Dr. Tiffany you know and love either. Back then, we were two, completely different people. 

    When we met thirteen years ago, we were two strong women who totally respected one another, but had very different personalities. What began as conflicts in our relationship, grew to become a training ground for both of us to level up. Together we’ve become an unstoppable team which is great, because we have no plans to stop anytime soon.

    Learn more about Lyndi and Dr. Tiffany at Healing Touch Chiropractic, or follow us on Facebook.

    Check out The Aligned Life on my website, Instagram or Facebook.

    The Aligned Life Podcast
    en-usSeptember 30, 2020

    052: Unswirling Yourself From the Storm with Dr. Tiffany Johnson

    052: Unswirling Yourself From the Storm with Dr. Tiffany Johnson

    I’ve noticed a big dip in people’s energy recently.

    I have my hands on hundreds of people each week, so I have a bit of a different perspective because I’m not limited to any kind of social bubble, so I can get a read on the community at large.

    Plus I’m not frigging blind.

    That storm out there is raging with all of those conflicting opinions, confusion and unrest. it’s a world of chaos presented to us every time we turn on the TV or peek at social media.

    When there’s a storm of that size, how do we keep from getting caught up in it? Especially when it feels like we’re on a little life raft in this stormy sea?

    It’s quite simple actually. We take our power back. When everything is spinning out, there is one last thing that you can take complete control of.

    Psst. It’s you.

    I’m going deep and raw in this episode, sharing tactics that work. Tune in, won’t you? We need you at your best.

    Learn more about Dr. Tiff at Healing Touch Chiropractic, or follow us on Facebook.

    #chiropodcast #podcast #inspiringpodcast #htchiro #healingtouchchiro #healingtouchchiropractic #thealignedlife #thealignedlifepodcast #drtiffanyjohnson #drtiff #drtiffpodcast #liveyourbestlife #bestlife #gogetit #newpodcast

    The Aligned Life Podcast
    en-usSeptember 23, 2020

    051: Trauma, Triggers and the Healing Power of Forgiveness with Joelle Baehr

    051: Trauma, Triggers and the Healing Power of Forgiveness with Joelle Baehr

    I wish I could turn this episode into a cloud, throw it in the air, and let it rain its wisdom down on the entire universe.

    The incredible, resilient Joelle Baehr joins me in this episode and sheds a light on trauma that everyone needs to hear. Trauma isn’t always something huge like child abuse, or a car accident. It also comes in seemingly small, daily doses that we assume disappear once they’re over.

    They don’t.

    Join us as Joelle tells us how she regained control in her life after significant trauma as a child. How her faith has blessed her with a bulletproof confidence, knowing that she is a child of God. She talks about how that same faith has shown her the way to forgive and says she could hug the people who have hurt her the most. That compassion and forgiveness is the key to healing.

    This eloquent, brilliant human runs us through how she learned to forgive, gained the confidence to risk making decisions, how she deals with triggers and why she banned bonding over hatred in her company.

    She says there are a million little things you can do to move yourself closer to peace. Just start somewhere. Start by listening to this episode.

    These are the books Joelle mentioned: The Chronological Bible, Deep Work, Will Power Doesn’t Work, The Body Keeps the Score, Multipliers, Managing Leadership Anxiety, and Widen the Window.

    About our Guest

    I started a company 17 years ago managing investment property. Today we manage 500 units and are a staff of about 20 in the Minneapolis and St Paul area. I was born and raised in North Central North Dakota where I played a lot of sports and learned to survive cold winters. I have a 20 year old son and have been married for 3 years. I love to write, read books, bake bread, be outside, and throw axes.

    Learn more about Joelle on Facebook or on Instagram.
    Follow HT Chiro on Facebook here, or @htchiro on Instagram.
    Learn more about Dr. Tiff at Healing Touch Chiropractic, or follow us on Facebook.

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    The Aligned Life Podcast
    en-usSeptember 16, 2020

    050: Cultivating a Resilient Mindset in Sports & Life with Stacy Counterman

    050: Cultivating a Resilient Mindset in Sports & Life with Stacy Counterman

    Stacy Counterman ain’t your average coach. Her approach to her athletes is 100% holistic, and that includes body, mind and soul.

    If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a million times: Sports are life. Stacy agrees - and that’s why she’s committed to prepping her athletes for the long haul.

    From establishing internal motivations, finding your why and accepting all of the hurdles and injuries that come along with sports (and life), Stacey shares her incredible experience that applies to the kids she coaches, but extends to amazing life advice for anyone.

    We talk about how to pivot with our children through the changes in their lives, how to give them tools to “expand their bandwidth for more positive things” after a setback, and share tactical ways to build back their confidence.

    Grab your kiddos and listen in together as Stacy explains the power of setting small achievable goals, focusing on what can be controlled, and remembering that we are all more than any one thing.


    Originally from SD, Stacy received a B.S. in Athletic Training and Exercise Science from MSU Moorhead. She went on to receive her M.Ed. in Athletic Training from the University of Virginia. After working in the high school setting for three years, she discovered a new passion for the mental side of injury recovery and exercise in general. Now a doctorate student working on her EdD in Sport and Performance Psychology from the University of Western States, she works with athletes, groups, performers of all kinds who want to have fun, perform better, or consistently find "peak performance," whatever that may be. Outside of school and work, she loves to spend time with my husband and family, preferably in the mountains, on the beach, or at Disney World.

    You can find Stacy on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

    Follow HT Chiro on Facebook here, or @htchiro on Instagram. 

    Learn more about Dr. Tiff at Healing Touch Chiropractic, or follow us on Facebook.

    The Aligned Life Podcast
    en-usSeptember 09, 2020

    049: Putting the Hood Back in Motherhood with Dr. Ali Young

    049: Putting the Hood Back in Motherhood with Dr. Ali Young

    What are the effects of isolation on our mental health? Any new mother can tell you - the effects are heavy and far reaching.

    On the show today we have Dr. Ali Young, who was so shocked by the isolation caused by her transition into motherhood she has made it her business to help mothers find and build their tribe.

    In a world where “busy-ness is rewarded and rest is admonished” moms are getting hit the hardest. Dr. Ali started seeing this trend in her Chiropractic practice, and the sheer volume of tapped out moms alerted her to a major problem at large.

    You can’t have this conversation with every patient. You just can’t. So she’s created a container to do it in. It’s called Unfck Motherhood, and it’s a place to nurture and grow self-aware, connected, resilient women, who understand that taking care of themselves serves their families immensely.

    The massive shift to motherhood isn’t unlike the massive shift many of us have undergone with Covid. Dr. Ali’s soul-saving approach to restoring the hood to motherhood is something we can all benefit from.


    If you are you over it, feeling like every day is the same, not fulfilling, and sometimes there are sides of you showing up that you just aren't sure where they came from - you're not alone.

    The Embracing Motherhood is designed for busy mums to reimagine their mothering experience, provide tools you can use to change it up, and to allow reconnection and joy to re-enter your world.

    If this sounds like something that could turn around your 2020, head over and check it out. www.draliyoung.com/embrace


    Dr Ali Young is a Chiropractor with a passion for helping Mums to become UnFkd and thriving. With nearly 18 years experience in practice, working with children and mothers for most of the time, she loves watching mums blossom into themselves as they grow and learn about themselves and their children.

    She graduated from RMIT University in Melbourne Australia in 2002. She moved to Perth WA early 2003 and began working as an associate for 3 years, before branching out with her best friend and mama mentor Dr Olivia Gleeson to work side by side for 8 years. In this period she served as on the WA Registration board and was the Vice President of the WA Chapter of the Chiropractors Association of Australia. She also completed her Masters in Chiropractic Pediatrics.

    She loved playing sport... which is where she met her husband. Not long after getting married, they moved to Malaysia where she had the majority of her first pregnancy. She birthed in Perth WA, with her support network, but they moved back overseas when their first child was only 2.5 weeks old. This is where her reality set in. They eventually moved back to Australia, in QLD, and she returned to work, and became pregnant again, this time birthing in a regional hospital with a great support network. They stayed in Australia for a while longer, and just after the youngest child turned 1 they moved to South Korea for two years. This was epic, and her tribe of wonder mums was really born here. As was the growth of understanding of motherhood for her.

    When they moved back to Australia Dr Ali reopened her private practice in Gladstone QLD, seeing over 50% children and another 20-30% pregnancy and post partum mums. in 2019 she has really felt a calling to share her knowledge about UnFckIng Motherhood with a bigger community. So Unfck Motherhood was born, to help mums embrace their motherhood journey again, and regain their HOOD.

    You can find Dr. Ali on Facebook, Instagram, on her website, and you can join her challenge here. You can join her Embracing Motherhood course here.

    Learn more about Dr. Tiff at Healing Touch Chiropractic, or follow us on Facebook, and more about  The Aligned Life on my website, Instagram or Facebook.

    The Aligned Life Podcast
    en-usSeptember 02, 2020