
    The Anxiety Guy Podcast

    The Anxiety Guy Podcast is the only resource you need to begin lessening and eventually ending your struggles with generalized anxiety disorder, hypochondria, and depression. Dennis Simsek takes you through the life of a former professional tennis player, who struggled with and eventually ended his 6 year struggle with panic disorder and health anxiety. Within those 6 years a dream was reached, a child was born, and suicide was being contemplated. This podcast exists so that you don't make the same crucial mistakes when it comes to stress and anxiety, that thousands of other people around the world are making. Change begins today...
    en-caDennis Simsek438 Episodes

    Episodes (438)

    Revealing Why This Way of Healing Anxiety is Ineffective

    Revealing Why This Way of Healing Anxiety is Ineffective

    The Health Anxiety University is Now Open for Sign Ups! Click Here to Join Us Today.

    This method of addressing anxiety often leads to unintended consequences for many individuals!

    In the latest anxiety guy podcast episode, I delve into a widespread approach adopted by those grappling with anxiety, which frequently ensnares them further. Enjoy!

    Understanding the Relationship Between Anxiety and Exhaustion

    Understanding the Relationship Between Anxiety and Exhaustion

    The Health Anxiety University is Now Open For Sign Ups! Click Here to Join Us Today.

    In the midst of grappling with an anxiety disorder, my constant fatigue and exhaustion took the spotlight. Despite this, I managed to reclaim a space of remarkable vitality, clear thinking, and emotional equilibrium.

    Today, I aim to explore how both myself and those I work with are achieving this transformative journey effectively.

    If the anxiety guy podcast is helping you on your path towards healing please share with someone or an anxiety support group in need.


    Unraveling Your Health Anxiety Beliefs For Authentic Freedom

    Unraveling Your Health Anxiety Beliefs For Authentic Freedom

    To learn more about the Health Anxiety University Click Here and head over to the 'Membership' menu item.

    Unraveling your health anxiety beliefs allows you to delve into the root causes of your anxieties. This understanding is crucial for addressing underlying issues effectively and today I will provide you with the clarity necessary in regards to your health anxiety.

    In this episode you will learn:

    • How to reduce your emotional distress in regards to your anxiety symptoms
    • The best way to promote rational thinking regularly
    • How to foster authentic health anxiety healing

    If the anxiety guy podcast is helping you on your path towards healing please share with someone or an anxiety support group in need.


    PS: Don't forget to join our Facebook Support Community Today.

    Navigating Through The Anxiety Of Indecision

    Navigating Through The Anxiety Of Indecision
    Choose your path to true and lasting anxiety relief today, click here.

    Navigating through indecision anxiety is crucial for personal growth, effective decision-making, and overall well-being. Indecision anxiety occurs when individuals feel overwhelmed or paralyzed by the numerous choices they face, leading to feelings of stress, doubt, and fear of making the wrong decision.

    If the anxiety guy podcast is helping you on your path towards healing please share with someone or an anxiety support group in need.


    PS: Don't forget to join our Facebook Support Community Today.

    Mindless Meditation: Unleashing Inner Peace Over Health Anxiety

    Mindless Meditation: Unleashing Inner Peace Over Health Anxiety

    All Show Notes For This Episode Can be Found Right Here. 

    Welcome to another insightful episode of the Anxiety Guy Podcast, where we journey together towards liberation from anxiety. I'm your host, Dennis Simsek, and today, I'm unveiling the transformative power of a simple yet profound practice: mindless meditation.

    In this episode, sponsored by the Health Anxiety Program, we dive deep into the intricacies of health anxiety and how to reclaim control over our thoughts and emotions.

    If the anxiety guy podcast is helping you on your path towards healing please share with someone or an anxiety support group in need.


    PS: Don't forget to join our Facebook Support Community Today.

    How To Deal With Anxiety Triggered By Relaxation

    How To Deal With Anxiety Triggered By Relaxation
    Choose your path to true and lasting anxiety relief today, click here.

    In this episode of "The Anxiety Guy Podcast," we tackle the unique challenge of anxiety surfacing in moments of relaxation. Join us as we discuss practical tips and insights to navigate and conquer the unexpected tension that can accompany moments of tranquility.

    If the anxiety guy podcast is helping you on your path towards healing please share with someone or an anxiety support group in need.

    Exhausting All Efforts To Alleviate Anxiety Without Finding Any Relief? Here's The Explanation

    Exhausting All Efforts To Alleviate Anxiety Without Finding Any Relief? Here's The Explanation

    Isn't it time you stopped managing your anxiety and started truly healing? Click here to find out how.

    When every effort to ease anxiety proves futile, understanding the root causes becomes crucial. It could involve unresolved issues, deep-seated triggers, or a complex interplay of emotions. Seeking introspection, and adopting tailored recovery strategies will unveil pathways to relief. 

    In this episode you will learn:

    • How more effort often isn't the way to true and lasting anxiety relief
    • Why our definition of what anxiety healing really is must change
    • How to begin using your mind and time wisely to get on the path to true anxiety recovery

    If the anxiety guy podcast is helping you on your path towards healing please share with someone or an anxiety support group in need.


    PS: Don't forget to join our Facebook Support Community Today.

    Essential Things I Wish I Knew During My Anxiety Disorder

    Essential Things I Wish I Knew During My Anxiety Disorder

    Isn't it time you stopped managing your anxiety and started truly healing? Click here to find out how.

    I believe my personal healing journey with an anxiety disorder would have cam much more quickly had I knew these lessons. However, I am truly grateful that I can share these important teachings with you today so that you can begin feeling anxiety relief sooner rather than later. 

    In this episode you will learn:

    • How lessening the fear around the elements of anxiety is the true key to freedom
    • Why eliminating guilt around anxiety is so important 
    • Why it's so important that you choose your authority figures wisely

    If the anxiety guy podcast is helping you on your path towards healing please share with someone or an anxiety support group in need.


    PS: Don't forget to join our Facebook Support Community Today.

    Conquering Stomach Anxiety: A Deep Dive into Emotional Healing

    Conquering Stomach Anxiety: A Deep Dive into Emotional Healing

    Pick up your FREE masterclass on how to reframe your past traumas and respond to fear effectively at https://dennissimsek.com

    This anxiety guy podcast episode unfolds with a detailed exploration of five emotional connections to stomach anxiety. From holding in nourishment to the fear of the new, Dennis provides actionable solutions, emphasizing self-love, curiosity, and trust in change.

    In this episode you will learn:

    • How the fear of uncertainty and new changes plays a part in stomach anxiety
    • How commom misconceptions around stomach anxiety fuel further distress
    • Why it's important to reflect on what doesn't work in regards to anxiety recovery work

    If the anxiety guy podcast is helping you on your path towards healing please share with someone or an anxiety support group in need.


    PS: Don't forget to join our Facebook Support Community Today.

    The Surprising Characteristics Around Your Anxiety Symptoms

    The Surprising Characteristics Around Your Anxiety Symptoms

    Pick up your FREE masterclass on how to reframe your past traumas and respond to fear effectively at https://dennissimsek.com today.

    Isn't it interesting (and incredibly frustrating when symptoms of anxiety strengthen at certain times, travel to different locations and even arise at the most unlikeliest of times? Today, on this episode of the anxiety guy podcast I will share with you why these occurences happen and what you must start doing about them starting today. 

    In this episode you will learn:

    • The truth behind why these anxiety symptoms are present
    • Why symptoms of anxiety take up so much of our focus throughout the day
    • How to begin to become indifferent towards these bodily reactions in a practical manner.

    If the anxiety guy podcast is helping you on your path towards healing please share with someone or an anxiety support group in need. It would mean so much to me. 



    PS: Don't forget to join our Facebook Support Community Today.

    Breaking Free in 2024: Becoming The Master Of Your Anxiety

    Breaking Free in 2024: Becoming The Master Of Your Anxiety

    Pick up your FREE masterclass on how to reframe your past traumas and respond to fear effectively at https://dennissimsek.com today.

    All show notes for this episode can be found right here

    Happy New Year my Peaceful Warriors. 

    Join me, Dennis Simsek, on a transformative journey in this empowering episode of the Anxiety Guy Podcast, where I guide you through breaking free from the clutches of anxiety in 2024. As your grateful host, I delve into the self-imposed pressures that may be holding you back, sharing profound insights on reclaiming a life filled with creativity and joy.

    In this episode you will learn:

    • How to let go of self created pressures that fuel your anxiety
    • Why deliberate mistake making can end your perfectionist standards
    • How to add a sense of play into all you do throughout the day

    If the anxiety guy podcast is helping you on your path towards healing please share with someone or an anxiety support group in need. It would mean so much to me. 



    PS: Don't forget to join our Facebook Support Community Today.

    Navigating Holiday Stress: A Mindful Journey to Anxiety Relief

    Navigating Holiday Stress: A Mindful Journey to Anxiety Relief

    Pick up your FREE masterclass on how to reframe your past traumas and respond to fear effectively at https://dennissimsek.com today.

    Welcome to another transformative episode of The Anxiety Guide podcast, your go-to source for conquering holiday stress and anxiety. I'm your host, Dennis Simsek, and in this special edition brought to you by the Health Anxiety Program at TheAnxietyGuy.com, we'll navigate the challenges of the holiday season together. 

    If you've been feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or depleted during this festive time, this episode is tailor-made for you.

    In this episode you will learn about:

    1. A mindset that can bring about tremendous peace during this holiday season.

    2. How to bring back inner peace and calmness to your nervous system.

    3. Why it's vital to shift your priorities from looking after others to looking after yourself first during the holiday season.

    If the anxiety guy podcast is helping you on your path towards healing please share with someone or an anxiety support group in need. It would mean so much to me. 



    PS: Don't forget to join our Facebook Support Community Today.

    A Masterclass On Dealing With Negative Emotions The David Hawkins Way

    A Masterclass On Dealing With Negative Emotions The David Hawkins Way

    Your health anxiety recovery begins today, Click Here to Get Started.

    Welcome to The Anxiety Guy Podcast, the show where we dive into the art of mental and emotional well-being. Join us each episode as we explore practical tips, insightful stories, and expert advice on navigating the intricate landscape of our emotions.

    Whether it's embracing joy, tackling stress, or understanding the depths of resilience, we've got you covered. Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and learn the essential tools for dealing with your emotions in today's powerful anxiety guy masterclass.

    In this episode you will learn about:

    • Practical ways on dealing with negative emotions so that we can reverse these old patterns and bring in inner peace.
    • The mindset necessary to not fall for an immediate negative emotional response to any given situation.
    • How healing your left-over negative emotions has an immediate effect on how you see yourself and the world. 

    If the anxiety guy podcast is helping you on your path towards healing please share with someone or an anxiety support group in need. It would mean so much to me. 



    PS: Don't forget to join our Facebook Support Community Today.

    Exploring The Impact Of Fatigue On Your Instinctual Threat Detection

    Exploring The Impact Of Fatigue On Your Instinctual Threat Detection

    Your health anxiety recovery begins today, Click Here to Get Started.

    All show notes for this episode can be found Right Here.

    Welcome to another enlightening episode of the anxiety guy podcast, where we delve into the intricate relationship between fatigue and your instinctual threat detection. In today's fast-paced world, the toll of exhaustion on our cognitive processes is often underestimated.

    Join me as we unravel the fascinating connection between fatigue and our ability to perceive potential threats, shedding light on the profound implications for our daily lives.

    In this episode you will learn about:

    • Cognitive Vulnerability: We'll explore how fatigue can compromise cognitive functions, leaving us more susceptible to overlooking or misinterpreting potential threats in our environment.
    • Stress Response Dynamics: Dive into the intricate interplay between fatigue and the body's stress response mechanisms, uncovering how weariness can alter our emotional and physiological reactions to perceived threats.
    • Practical Strategies for Mitigation: Discover actionable tips and strategies to mitigate the impact of fatigue on your threat detection abilities, empowering you to navigate challenges more effectively in your day-to-day life.

    If the anxiety guy podcast is helping you on your path towards healing please share with someone or an anxiety support group in need. It would mean so much to me. 



    PS: Don't forget to join our Facebook Support Community Today.

    Mastering Situational Anxiety: Empower Yourself Through This Powerful Technique

    Mastering Situational Anxiety: Empower Yourself Through This Powerful Technique

    Your health anxiety recovery begins today, Click Here to Get Started.

    All show notes for this episode can be found right here.

    Are you someone who struggles to stay calm in stressful situations? If so, you're not alone. Situational anxiety can be overwhelming, and finding effective ways to heal situational anxiety is essential for your overall well-being. Today, I will reveal one of the most poweful imagery techniques you can begin using today.

    In this episode you will learn,

    • The power of the 'Magic Circle' for use in any situation that causes anxiety
    • The importance of imagery in anxiety healing
    • How to begin turning situational anxiety into situational curiousity

    If the anxiety guy podcast is helping you on your path towards healing please share with someone or an anxiety support group in need. It would mean so much to me. 



    PS: Don't forget to join our Facebook Support Community Today.

    5 Ways Anxiety Causes Us Unexpected Suffering

    5 Ways Anxiety Causes Us Unexpected Suffering

    Your health anxiety recovery begins today, Click Here to Get Started.

    All show notes for this episode can be found right here

    Anxiety, the silent tormentor, creeps into our lives like a shadow, weaving its intricate web of unease and fear. While its impact on mental health is widely acknowledged, the subtle ways in which anxiety keeps us suffering are often overlooked

    In this episode you will learn,

    • How anxiety overtakes your brains filter system
    • How stress and anxiety prevents you from seeing the safety in things
    • What to do when it all become too overhwleming

    If the anxiety guy podcast is helping you on your path towards healing please share with someone or an anxiety support group in need. It would mean so much to me. 



    PS: Don't forget to join our Facebook Support Community Today.

    A Roadmap to Conquering Anxiety-Induced Exhaustion

    A Roadmap to Conquering Anxiety-Induced Exhaustion

    Your health anxiety recovery begins today, Click Here to Get Started.

    All show notes for this episode can be found right here.

    Anxiety comes with fatigue, exhaustion, and so does recovery. The only difference is there is if we are taking the right steps in our healing we are experiencing good fatigue whereas a forceful approach will lead to bad fatigue. All will be laid out for you today on the anxiety guy podcast. Enjoy!

    In this episode you will learn,

    • How your anxiety fatigue is really manifesting
    • The best ways to counter the fatigue
    • How to make sure you no longer feed into what causes your anxiety exhaustion

    If the anxiety guy podcast is helping you on your path towards healing please share with someone or an anxiety support group in need. It would mean so much to me. 



    PS: Don't forget to join our Facebook Support Community Today.

    Change This And Supercharge Your Anxiety Recovery Today

    Change This And Supercharge Your Anxiety Recovery Today

    Your health anxiety recovery begins today, Click Here to Get Started.

    In this episode of the anxiety guy podcast I want to share one small change that will bring you tremendous progress over anxiety. This one mental shift has the potential to release you of your negative mental and emotional baggage.

    In this episode you will learn,

    • How important mindset is in anxiety healing
    • How one small change can alter the course of your life 
    • why your anxiety continues to follow you day in and day out

    If the anxiety guy podcast is helping you on your path towards healing please share with someone or an anxiety support group in need. It would mean so much to me. 



    PS: Don't forget to join our Facebook Support Community Today.

    Going Beyond Fear: Unraveling Health Anxiety

    Going Beyond Fear: Unraveling Health Anxiety

    Your health anxiety recovery begins today, Click Here to Get Started.

    For all show notes for this podcast episode Click Here.

    In this episode, we dissect the fabric of health anxiety, exploring the dichotomy between the lower self and the higher self. We unravel the reasons why we tend to take the interpretations of our irrational minds too seriously and the influence of our core beliefs shaped by past experiences.

    In this episode you will learn,

    • What health anxiety really is and how you got to where you are today
    • How health anxiety must be approached 
    • Best practical practices for health anxiety relief

    If the anxiety guy podcast is helping you on your path towards healing please share with someone or an anxiety support group in need. It would mean so much to me. 



    PS: Don't forget to join our Facebook Support Community Today.

    Signals, Not Setbacks: Navigating Anxiety's Healing Path

    Signals, Not Setbacks: Navigating Anxiety's Healing Path

    Your health anxiety recovery begins today, Click Here to Get Started.

    For all show notes for this podcast episode Click Here.

    Anxiety setbacks can overtake the meaning we place on everything we encounter throughout our day. Today I want to make it clear as to where these anxiety setbacks come from and exactly what you can do about it practically.

    In this episode you will learn,

    • What anxiety setbacks really mean
    • How to consciously respond to setbacks
    • Best ways to protect against future anxiety setbacks

    If the anxiety guy podcast is helping you on your path towards healing please share with someone or an anxiety support group in need. It would mean so much to me. 



    PS: Don't forget to join our Facebook Support Community Today.