
    The Aware Show

    The Aware Show is dedicated to communicating information to inspire positive growth and change. Our goal is an increased awareness and healing on an individual and planetary level. Based on our commitment to the renewal of the human spirit, and combined with our pure faith in the power of love, we are answering a call to action for a more conscious world. The first step toward change is Awareness, and listening or watching interviews with the top minds in a wide range of fields will provide a daily oasis for you to immerse yourself in life-changing information. Listening to these shows will shift you from any space you are in to one of inspiration, while learning information, practical tools and experiential exercises to change your state and keep it that way. Press ‘Play’ and Enjoy
    enLisa Garr100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Dr. Tom O’Bryan: Inflammatory Disease and Gut Health – Part 1

    Dr. Tom O’Bryan: Inflammatory Disease and Gut Health – Part 1

     Are you tired or fatigued after eating? Do you sometimes feel unwell after a meal? Did you know it could be a food allergy or inflammation? Our guest today is Dr. Tom O’Bryan who is an expert in food sensitivities and the way they affect our lives. Our body can attack itself when we are eating the wrong foods.


    Dr. Tom has extensively researched inflammatory disease and the root mechanism behind disease. The Center for Disease Control reports that 14 out of the top 15 causes of disease are caused by chronic inflammation. But what is inflammation? And is it always bad for you? He talks about how excessive inflammation is extremely dangerous.


    He explains how we have very little bacteria when we are born, yet we die with 90% bacteria according to experts. Our microbiome changes due to our environment.  Dr. Tom shares a personal story about the birth of his son and the microbiome he was born with during an emergency C-section. He also talks about the components of breast milk and the way it affects the baby. We must always put emphasis on a healthy microbiome. Depending on the type of bacteria you have, you may not feel well physically or mentally. You may be depressed or feeling anxiety. This is influenced by what’s in your gut’s microbiome. This tells the body how to function, digest, think, and so much more. He talks about metabolism and the blood stream, which activates your genes and how it is all affected by the microbiome. Inflammation can be activated.


    So, how do you reduce inflammation? Dr. O’Bryan and his colleagues are working on a new docuseries called “The Inflammation Equation: Decoding the Path to Optimal Well Being.”  This series contains interviews and information from 80 experts and physicians worldwide.


    According to Dr. Tom, we go from health to disfunction, then to disease. It’s always inflammation causing this. When brain fog starts, when you forget where you parked, or where you left your keys, you may be heading down the path of disease. In fact, there is a 400% increase in Alzheimer’s in younger people, based on studies over the last four years. This is completely from chronic inflammation. There’s new information for Baby Boomers, as well as women of childbearing age. The incidents of autism are skyrocketing as well as children on antidepressants. This can also be because of plastics found in so many places such as water bottles. Yet, there is hope and we can learn what our bodies need to be healthy. This is Part 1 of the interview. For info about Dr. Tom O’Bryan and to find out more about “The Inflammation Equation,” visit TheDr.com and https://rkt511.isrefer.com/go/tie24/theawareshow

    Best Of The Aware Show withJean Houston : Visualize Possibilities – Part 2

    Best Of The Aware Show withJean Houston : Visualize Possibilities – Part 2

     In Part 2 of this interview with scholar, philosopher, and researcher Jean Houston, Ph.D.,  she shares her first meeting with American cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead, one of her early and most impactful mentors. Margaret considered Jean her “adopted daughter” and encouraged her to keep searching, keep understanding, keep putting pieces together to make some sense of it all. Mead was one of the early founders of Earth Day and taught Jean to keep reaching for solutions. Thorough this experience, Jean learned to produce extensive writing about the “new story of humanity” – she wrote books every month about history, culture, and possibilities.

    Jean talks today about how we can progress through community and cooperation and use our creativity to the fullest, by recognizing the good in one another. We can activate our innate genes as beings seeking constant growth and evolve to become higher humans as we visualize the possibilities and create the world we want. This is entelechy – it pushes us toward what humanity could be. Through her mentors and studies, Jean learned to observe and hone her particular awareness in a unique way of seeing people and raising them to their greatness. She worked for the UN and with many cultures throughout the world as well as working with Presidents including President Bill Clinton and President Jimmy Carter.

    Today we are asked to consider, “What does a world that works look like?”  New science, quantum physics, and relational science teach that there is unity and oneness. We can experience the evolution of the human race, activate the genes of the higher human, and witness the possible human. Jean paints an image of what our possible world could look like, by seeing the possibility in other people.

    Jean believes we are in a renaissance period now and although we’ve experienced the pandemic, wars, and scenes of outrage, we’ve also seen the linking of hearts, which is indeed the gestation period of a New Humanity. People want peace worldwide. We can do this by accessing the very depths of the human spirit which is available to all of us by seeing the very best in one another. This is the second of a two-part discussion. Info: JeanHouston.com.

    Best Of The Aware Show With Jean Houston: Visualize Possibilities Part 1

    Best Of The Aware Show With Jean Houston: Visualize Possibilities Part 1

    The news is filled with stories of wars, pandemics, mass shootings, rights getting overturned, and so much continuous devastation, it could seem that we are living in End Times. Our guest today, scholar, philosopher, and researcher Jean Houston, Ph.D., delves into the idea of finding possibility, even during these times of great grief. We have been conditioned to respond to the terrible, but it does not have to be this way. As an icon in the Human Potential movement, Jean shares ideas about how the Renaissance, with its advancements in music, art, poetry, and cosmology, came after great plagues and times of war, much like the world situation today. Could we be in a new Renaissance period now? We are once again in a similar time of radical growth, and we have the power within us to see new possibilities and reach mythical potential in our human evolution. Jean shares stories of her travels and talks about her friendship with scholar Joseph Campbell and how they would have “beautiful fights” which were friendly arguments and deep discussions about mythology and the fate of humanity. Campbell wrote extensively about the “Hero’s Journey,” while Jean considered the “Heroine’s Journey.” Part of the problem is that 50% of the human race is not being recognized for women’s immense creativity and power. Women’s ways are missing. With an emphasis on compassion, cooperation, community, and process rather than product and competition, humane creativity must be celebrated by acknowledging the achievements of women. She also talks about her fateful meeting of evolutionary philosopher and Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin who became one of her mentors when she was much younger. At an early age, they would have profound discussions of time, history, and transformation, as she gained an alternate education of possibilities through their talks.  Info: JeanHouston.com

    Best Of The Aware Show with Dr. Maya Angelou: “Church” - Dr. Maya Angelou’s Poetry and Music

    Best Of The Aware Show with  Dr. Maya Angelou: “Church” - Dr. Maya Angelou’s Poetry and Music

    Dr. Maya Angelou is a remarkable Renaissance woman who is hailed as one of the greatest voices of contemporary literature. As a poet, educator, historian, best-selling author, actress, playwright, civil-rights activist, producer, and director, she continues to travel the world, spreading her legendary wisdom. Within the rhythm of her poetry and elegance of her prose lies Dr. Angelou’s unique power to help readers of every orientation span the lines of culture and race. Today she talks about her CD titled “Church: Songs of Soul and Inspiration” in which music is set to her poetry and includes many best-selling musicians and singers such as Patti Labelle, Dionne Warwick, Stephanie Mills, En Vogue, Chaka Khan, The Fire Choir, and many more. This interview was originally taped in June 2003. Info:  MayaAngelou.com

    Elizabeth Comen, MD: Truth and Lies of Women’s Health

    Elizabeth Comen, MD: Truth and Lies of Women’s Health

     Did you know that much of what we know about women’s bodies comes from the viewpoint of men? Our pain, strength, intellect, and much more have been based on an overwhelmingly male narrative. The result is a culture and society that continues to shape our healthcare. Today’s guest, Dr. Elizabeth Comen, is a breast oncologist, physician/scientist, and medical historian. She discusses her new book “All in Her Head: The Truth and Lies Early Medicine Taught Us About Women's Bodies and Why It Matters Today.”

    She talks about how women throughout the ages, and even now, have been invalidated for their pain, and felt shamed and blamed. We’ve inherited this legacy and a culture of women apologizing for being sick, apologizing for taking up space, and apologizing for taking up time.

    Dr. Comen has dedicated her medical career to saving the lives of women. An award-winning, internationally sought-af­ter clinician and physician-scientist, Dr. Comen works as a medical oncologist with a specialty in breast cancer at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and is an assistant professor of medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College. She earned her BA in the history of science from Harvard College and her MD from Harvard Medical School, then completed her resi­dency in Internal Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital.

    As a Memorial Sloan Kettering oncologist, she sees thousands of patients and talks about the vital importance of seeing each woman as an individual. So many of these women express how they feel misunderstood and how their breasts matter. She talks about our difficult medical system and how it’s influenced so much from a cultural, religious, and historical perspective.

    Throughout history, there’s never been a narrative that women’s bodies are as strong and as powerful as a male body. Landmark studies have always been for men, then modified for women. There’s no racial or ethnic diversity either as the studies typically focus on middle-aged white men. Her book talks about the stories of our deeply flawed system and offers suggestions for moving forward.

    Dr. Comen also discusses hormones, fluctuations, hormone replacement therapy, and how to balance. There is a long story of misunderstanding hormones. Testosterone was touted as being amazing and important for men, while estrogen causes women to have crazy mood swings. She further discusses symptoms of menopause, premature aging, and the distorted idea that women should “always look perfect.”

    She talks about the importance of lifting weights and stimulating strong bone density as we need strong bones, especially as we age. It improves our overall health. The gym can be intimidating, especially when women see many men lifting weights.

    Dr. Comen talks about hysterectomies and the history of “hysteria” as it comes from the Greek word for womb. People thought women were prone to being hysterical and mentally unbalanced because of their “wandering wombs.”

    She also talks about the long, horrible history of removing organs from women who were “not behaving” because maybe they were political or outspoken or overly sexual. She also talks about the Tuskegee experiments and Black men not being treated for syphilis. During this time, women too, could be forcibly arrested and treated with experimental means – if women looked promiscuous; if they were riding a bus alone; if they were outspoken. This occurred to thousands of women at the turn of the century. Many women were considered “dirty” and the innocent, clean men were being infected. Women felt shamed and blamed from contracting a disease from a man who was dishonest about their health.

    Dr. Comen discusses the generational traumas of women and how it directly and indirectly affects women today. She talks about how bicycles were the symbols of the Suffragists movement because they represented freedom. Male doctors threatened that if women rode bikes, they would develop bulky muscles and not be able to reproduce.

    She talks about men operating on women and the duality of plastic surgery. Plastic surgery was originally used on battle wounds when weapons caused so much destruction. Today there’s a duality as it can be either empowering or punishing.

    She further discusses the history of early advertising and marketing campaigns and talks about how the tobacco companies encouraged women to smoke. Advertisers called cigarettes “torches of freedom.”  

    She also discusses the effects of stress, including “good” stress and anxiety which can help us move forward in our lives. She invites us to think about the stories we’ve been told and to realize it doesn’t have to be as shameful as it has been historically. We can truly be empowered and change the narrative about women’s health. It must be a movement aligned with all genders and the realization that we are all in this together. Info: drelizabethcomen.com.

    Best Of The Aware Show with Hale Dwoskin: Liberate Yourself From Emotional Pain

    Best Of The Aware Show with Hale Dwoskin: Liberate Yourself From Emotional Pain

    Would you like to have more joy and happiness?  Do you dream of having more money or vibrant, vital health? Would you like to experience a life of peace and ease? It is possible, according to our guest today, Hale Dwoskin. Hale is one of the teachers from the movie “The Secret” and is a founding member of the Transformational Leadership Council. Today he talks about the Sedona Method and reveals a powerful secret for manifesting what you want in your life, while showing you how to be at ease and comfortable with what you already have.

    We all have a natural ability to let go of our deepest blocks. We hold onto this because we are confused, and we believe we are our suffering. We may have regrets and live in denial. But this is not who we are. These are all false illusions.

    After many years of searching, Hale met his mentor, Lester Levenson, and began studying and then teaching emotional releasing techniques based on these ideas. He realized that Lester was no longer seeking. He showed him that it is possible to live in a state of peace.

    When we hold on to pain, we relive it over and over. We can keep the wisdom, but we can learn to let go of the pain. The mind actually acts as a “subconscious attractor” to these negative experiences if we don’t let go. We must be willing to let go of our anger. Hale teaches the Sedona Method on air and asks listeners to welcome positive feelings of relief instead. He explains that the power is always in the present moment.

    Hale Dwoskin is the author of “The Sedona Method”  book and taught this method for decades. He is an international speaker and featured faculty member at Esalen and the Omega Institute. Info: Sedona.com.

    Issac and Thorald Koren: Finding Your Voice with the Brothers Koren - Part 2

    Issac and Thorald Koren: Finding Your Voice with the Brothers Koren - Part 2

    How do you move forward when you feel blocked? Do you know that you have a beautiful power to voice what you want in the world? But what if you don’t feel safe in expression? Lisa continues the conversation today with our guests Issac and Thorald Koren, better known as the musical duo “The Brothers Koren.” They are transformational voice leaders, music mentors, and artists passionate about hearing “the World’s song, one voice at time.”


    How do you get into a safe space with sound? Finding the voice through song can be terrifying but the Koren Brothers share their ideas of 5 ways of being to create a safe space around sound. They ask a series of questions -- Can you be generous with your sound? Can you find something you like and accept it? Many people do not like the sound of their own voice, especially when it’s recorded.


    Can you seek out something new of value? Can you free yourself of judgment? They talk about reclaiming your voice after voice trauma. You can still have an experience when you feel deeply. Allow a song to tear you open – it involves taking a risk. A part of us may be waiting to be felt.


    Can you be curious about your experience? Can you make up your own melody? Can you trust the process? It’s freeing when you allow your voice to come out. Explore what’s possible.


    Are you willing? Can you flow into the moment and allow yourself to meet your voice as you are today? We live such a willful life – but what if we let it flow instead? Be willing, rather than willful. Let it out.


    The Brothers Koren sing live on air and share their song “Everything’s Changing.” They invite the audience to sing along, no matter where you are. They talk about coping with all the changes on our planet and how using our voices can help.  Harmony is always there to lean into, but so is dissonance. It’s up to us to choose. When we choose harmony, it magnetizes what we want. The most beautiful harmonies accept differences. Ask, how can you see another perspective? See the relations between the notes. Be in awe.


    Can we stay in gratitude? Can you be awe of the fact that your voice is your own personal blueprint? Can you dare to make a sound without worrying how good it is?


    Find your note, honor your note, and be interested in finding harmony with another note. This is very similar to flowing on the dance floor. Use your voice to find what feels good for you. Music holds so many memories. We all have the instrument within ourselves and can use this to embody and bring in more joy, balance, and harmony in our lives!

    The Brothers Koren have played to millions of listeners worldwide and have toured with P!NK, Coldplay, and Rod Stewart as The Kin. They now foster first-time talent, not only those who want to go into the music industry but all of those who want to tap into their hidden voices. When it came time to take a break from touring, they asked themselves, “Are we really serving the greater whole?” After contemplating the answers, and although they made their dream come alive by playing on major stages worldwide, they made the decision to move to Los Angeles and began working with people who wanted to find their inner voice.  This is Part 2 of the interview.  For more info about their upcoming online class, visit: https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/hvkb/lisagarr/ Info: BrothersKoren.com

    Best Of The Aware Show with Paul Chek: Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology

    Best Of The Aware Show with Paul Chek: Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology

    Are you looking for a new exercise program? Would you like to feel healthier and fitter? We know there is no one-size-fits-all workout. Today’s guest, Paul Chek, is an internationally renowned expert in the fields of corrective and high-performance exercise kinesiology. For more than twenty-five years, Paul’s unique, holistic approach to treatment and education has changed the lives of countless people worldwide, many of his clients, his students, and their clients. By treating the body as a whole system and finding the root cause of a problem, Paul has been successful where traditional approaches have consistently failed. Paul is the founder of the C.H.E.K. (Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology) Institute, based in California, USA, and the P~P~S Success Mastery Coaching Program.


    Today he discusses the differences in women's and men’s physiologies and talks about various exercise programs. He also discusses ways to know if you may have a fungus or parasite in your system and healthy dietary changes. His book is “How to Eat, Move, and Be Healthy.” Info: ChekInstitute.com.

    Issac and Thorald Koren: Finding Your Voice with the Brothers Koren - Part 1

    Issac and Thorald Koren: Finding Your Voice with the Brothers Koren - Part 1

    Do you sometimes feel blocked?  What do you do when that happens? How do you move forward? Do you know that you have a beautiful power to voice what you want in the world? Our guests today are Issac and Thorald Koren, better known as the musical duo “The Brothers Koren.”

    They are transformational voice leaders, music mentors, and artists passionate about hearing “the World’s song, one voice at time.”


    They have played to millions of listeners worldwide and have toured with P!NK, Coldplay, and Rod Stewart as The Kin. They now foster first-time talent, not only those who want to go into the music industry but all of those who want to tap into their hidden voices. When it came time to take a break from touring, they asked themselves, “Are we really serving the greater whole?” After contemplating the answers, and although they made their dream come alive by playing on major stages worldwide, they made the decision to move to Los Angeles and began working with people who wanted to find their inner voice.


    If your soul is not satisfied and if you don’t know what to do next, ask the Universe to assist. They explained about the Power of Request. Get to know yourself by using song and voice. This method is not just for musicians, but anyone who wants to delve deeper.


    Always being overly interested and curious, they were both natural coaches and mentors and decided to share their skills. They especially loved the audience singing along with their songs so when the opportunity came to coach a first-time singer, they happily did it. They developed a mentoring program whereby they coach people who think they cannot sing to express themselves. They realized what they were doing was transformational. They worked with people with voice trauma and people who were afraid to speak or sing in public.


    So what are people looking for who want to learn more about their voice? They are looking for a sense of home in themselves. This is an ancient art. All of our ancestors had the ability to use their voice. It’s both a power and a vulnerability. Although we may compare ourselves, we must realize everyone has their own unique voice. No two voices are alike. It can be exciting, but also awkward. Maybe you, too, have lost your dreams of wanting to sing?


    And it’s not just the sound of our voice. It’s how we listen and it’s at the core of mental health. We can be afraid or disconnected from the instrument of our voice. It’s so often about reconnection.  In scary times of anxiety or depression, it can be healed through finding our voice. We have oftentimes been comparative or competitive when we think about how we sound. The Brothers Koren find that people just want to return to their bodies and simply exhale and have ease.


    The negative self-talk and those negative voices are ingrained and it’s hard to find clarity and harmony. These internal voices can say we are not enough. They are protective, but traumatic. They become the loudest voices. Many women are not allowing their voices to be heard or are afraid to say something because it can be dangerous. It can be unsafe to express, so people dim their light.


    The voice is a reflection. It is a full-body instrument. The voice is a harmonizer.  They talk about people singing together, such as in a choir, and explain how to listen to the space between two notes. How do we be in harmony? We can work with dissonance and find a way to wrap around uncomfortable emotions. We know the way to do it, but we must be willing to look inward. Can we find “home” within our body first? Can we meet ourselves as we are today? We must be compassionate to ourselves. Be willing to feel the feelings and be ok with it all, no matter what comes up.


    Issac and Thorald Koren teach courses and classes. When people realize their voices are shut down or they were never able to express themselves, the Brothers Koren help people to reclaim their power. They also work with singers who have left their music and want to return. They also work with people who know if they use this medium, they know they will open in other ways. It’s the ancient biological birthright of us all to use our voice. This is Part 1 of the interview. For more info about their upcoming online class, visit: https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/hvkb/lisagarr/ Info: BrothersKoren.com

    Best Of The Aware Show with Sherry Gaba: Are you a Relationship Junkie?

    Best Of The Aware Show with Sherry Gaba: Are you a Relationship Junkie?

    Do you find yourself recreating and repeating the same relationship issues over and over again? Same issue, different person? Do you feel that you need a partner to “complete” you? Perhaps there’s something to look at there. And today’s guest, author and therapist Sherry Gaba just may be able to help. Her latest book, “The Marriage and Relationship Junkie,” offers great relationship insights.

    In addition to being a Licensed Psychotherapist, a Certified Coach, and the award-winning author of “Love Smacked: How to Stop the Cycle of Relationship Addiction and Codependency to Find Everlasting Love,” she also says she’s a recovering codependent and love addict who was married to a man with narcissistic tendencies.


    Sherry has been an expert on Dr. Drew Pinsky’s Celebrity Rehab, VH1’s Sober House, as well as Celebrity Rehab’s Sex Addiction, and numerous other programs. She has helped thousands of people cope with relationship addictions, narcissistic and toxic relationships, and codependency. You can find out more about Sherry and also if you’re a love junkie by taking her quiz at: SherryGaba.com.


    Glynis McCants: Numerology and Your Numbers 2024 – Part 2

    Glynis McCants: Numerology and Your Numbers 2024 – Part 2

    Would you like to learn more about the ancient art of Numerology? By studying your birth date, and determining your Life Path number, you can improve your relationships with your partner, your colleagues, and even your boss. Lisa continues the conversation today with world-renowned numerologist and author Glynis McCants. Glynis has been studying Numerology for the past several decades and explains how her unique method is based on the Pythagoras Number System, which is more than 2,500 years old.

    She explains step-by-step how to find your specific numbers and what they mean. She talks about how to find your Personal numbers, based on your birthdate. She talks all about Taylor Swift and her numbers. She shares about the immensely successful year Taylor had last year in 2023 and especially how she relates to the Number 13, which she considers lucky, as she was born on the 13th. Last year was the Year of 7, and because Taylor has so many 7s in her numerology, it led to her having an incredible year.

    Glynis further discusses 2024 including the importance of checking details, especially in May. She also talks about August and how something will happen politically then. February is a positive month, especially for love, whether in relationships or in business. If you want to make a difference, lead from the heart, as this will be a very effective way to lead in February. She talks about abundance and offers a prosperity affirmation suggestion of “I welcome financial prosperity into my life and the freedom to do whatever I want.”

    She talks about stress around money and how it IS possible to change your thoughts around it. Number 8 looks at money. This year, 2024, breaks down to an 8. That number is determined by adding 2 + 0 + 2 + 4.  This is an especially powerful year to focus on finances. Glynis further discusses how you can look at numbers based on future dates or go back to past events and analyze those numbers. She talks about “caution days” which means you are out of alignment and should carefully watch what you do or even postpone important events. She also talks about the importance of numbers where you live or where you stay. Certain hotel rooms are not ideal for some numbers; same with flight numbers.  Birth numbers are our sacred numbers. They are lucky for us. Glynis and Lisa also discuss the Master Numbers such as 11 and 22 and their frequencies, as well as the meaning of seeing “11:11.”  They also talk about perception and how to make positive changes, no matter what is going on around you.

    After evaluating approximately 15,000 Numerology Charts, she wrote the book “Glynis Has Your Number,”  which quickly became the best-selling Numerology book in the country and has been translated into fifteen other languages as well. If you’d like to order a Numerology reading report that tells you all about yourself, or a Numerology Chart Comparison report, just visit www.numberslady.com and type "Lisa" in the promo code, and you will get a special discount.

    If you are in the Los Angeles area, Glynis and Lisa Garr will both be at the Conscious Life Expo, Feb 9-12 at the Hilton LAX. Info: theawareshow.com/CLE. For numerology info: NumbersLady.com.

    Best of The Aware Show with Marci Shimoff: Create Miracles in 2024! – Part 2

    Best of The Aware Show with Marci Shimoff: Create Miracles in 2024! – Part 2

    Are you still focused on your 2024 resolutions? Did you know that less than 10% of people actually reach the goals they set during the New Year? Why do most resolutions fail? Would you like to learn how to reach your goals AND how to live a miraculous and fulfilling life? Lisa continues the conversation today with #1 New York Times bestselling author, world-renowned transformational teacher, and an expert on happiness, success, and unconditional love, Marci Shimoff. Marci joins us again today to talk about how to make 2024 a truly miraculous year! As founder of “Your Year of Miracles” online program, Marci has worked with hundreds of thousands of people from nearly 200 countries around the world in an effort to help people live in a “miracle zone.”  

    It all starts with making intentions and setting your dreams. Marci explains the difference between ego-based intentions vs soul intentions. There are outer-focused goals, which may be more about ego, and there are soul-based goals, aligned more with the truth of what’s calling you in life. The outcome is the same, but the way to go about stating it is different. Marci explains the process of how to clarify your dreams and goals and make soul-based intentions. Say “I am…” rather than “I want to….” For example, rather than saying, “I want to lose 20 pounds,” say something like, “I am fit and healthy.” Does it feel heavy and contracting? Or does it feel light and in the flow? Soul-based intentions feel more possible.  

    Lisa has been co-hosting the “Your Year of Miracles” program with Marci and Dr. Sue Morter for 5 years. Other visionaries will join them in 2024 including best-selling authors and transformational leaders Lisa Nichols, Mike Dooley, and Lynne Twist. They will talk about how to find your purpose, make intentions, take action, and how you, too, can live a miraculous life! This is Part 2 of the interview. For more information about “Your Year of Miracles” program and to receive a free ebook, pls visit  www.theawareshow.com/miracles.  

    Glynis McCants: Numerology and Your Numbers 2024 – Part 1

    Glynis McCants: Numerology and Your Numbers 2024 – Part 1

     What does 2024 have in store? It adds up to the World Number of 8. Would you like to learn more about the ancient art of Numerology? Would you like to learn more about yourself through studying your birth date, and determining your Life Path number? You can improve your relationships with your partner, your colleagues, and even your boss. It’s all based on mathematics says today’s guest, Glynis McCants, who has been studying Numerology for the past several decades. Her unique method is based on the Pythagoras Number system, which is more than 2,500 years old.

    Last year, 2023,  was the year of Mother Nature and record-breaking weather. This year, 2024, breaks down to an 8. That number is determined by adding 2 + 0 + 2 + 4.  The number 8 will focus on the year of politics, not just in the USA, but throughout the entire world. Billions of people on the planet will be voting this year. The 8 is like yin/yang or an infinity symbol. You can make positive changes. Be proactive; get out there; have conversations; be civil. Your voice will be heard in this year of 8. Your finances, prosperity, and income can all go upwards this year.  It’s also a great time to revisit any projects that have been on hold. Glynis explains the meaning of your Personal Year cycle. You find these numbers by looking at your birthdate.

    She talks further about Nov 5th, election day in the US, and talks about leaders and what they offer. She describes the numbers of President Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Marianne Williamson, and other politicians.

    After evaluating approximately 15,000 Numerology Charts, she wrote the book “Glynis Has Your Number,”  which quickly became the best-selling Numerology book in the country and has been translated into fifteen other languages as well. If you’d like to order a Numerology reading report that tells you all about yourself, or a Numerology Chart Comparison report, just visit www.numberslady.com and type "Lisa" in the promo code, and you will get a special discount.

    If you are in the Los Angeles area, Glynis and Lisa Garr will both be at the Conscious Life Expo held Feb 9-12 at the Hilton LAX. Info: theawareshow.com/CLE. For numerology info: NumbersLady.com.

    Best of The Aware Show with Marci Shimoff: Create Miracles in 2024! – Part 1

    Best of The Aware Show with Marci Shimoff: Create Miracles in 2024! – Part 1

    So many people set goals at the beginning of the year, but why do most people’s New Year’s Resolutions fail? Less than 10% of people actually reach their goals by the next year. Why is that? Would you like to learn the secret to living a miraculous and fulfilling life? What are you called to do in the New Year? Tune in when today’s powerful guest is #1 New York Times bestselling author, world-renowned transformational teacher, and an expert on happiness, success, and unconditional love, Marci Shimoff. Marci joins us again today to talk about how to make 2024 a truly miraculous year! As founder of “Your Year of Miracles” online program, Marci has worked with hundreds of thousands of people from nearly 200 countries around the world in an effort to help people live in a “miracle zone.” It all starts with making intentions and setting your dreams. Marci explains the difference between ego-based intentions vs soul intentions. There are outer-focused goals, which may be more about ego, and there are soul-based goals, aligned more with the truth of what’s calling you in life. The outcome is the same, but the way to go about stating it is different. Marci explains the process of how to clarify your dreams and goals and make soul-based intentions. Say “I am…” rather than “I want to….” For example, rather than saying, “I want to lose 20 pounds,” say something like, “I am fit and healthy.” Does it feel heavy and contracting? Or does it feel light and in the flow? Soul-based intentions feel more possible. Lisa has been co-hosting the “Your Year of Miracles” program with Marci and Dr. Sue Morter for 5 years. Other visionaries will join them in 2024 including best-selling authors and transformational leaders Lisa Nichols, Mike Dooley, and Lynne Twist. They will talk about how to find your purpose, make intentions, take action, and how you, too, can live a miraculous life! This is Part 1 of the interview. For more information about “Your Year of Miracles” program and to receive a free ebook, pls visit www.theawareshow.com/miracles

    The Aware Show
    enJanuary 25, 2024

    Bill McKenna and Liz Larson: Optimal Brain Health – Simple Exercises to Adapt to Change! – Part 2

    Bill McKenna and Liz Larson: Optimal Brain Health – Simple Exercises to Adapt to Change! – Part 2

    Change is not always easy, but there are ways for our brains to adapt.  Concussions can severely affect brain function, but did you know that if you have small accidents, like hitting your head while playing soccer as a child for example,  parts of your brain can actually go dormant? Lisa continues the conversation today with guests Bill McKenna and Liz Larson, the founders of the Cognomovement Program, which offers hope and a possibility for getting your brain to be stronger than ever before.  This program is accessible to everyone, whether you would like to correct a minor brain injury or achieve peak performance and higher executive function. You can “wake up” your brain’s nerve bundles again through a pioneering series of eye movements that integrates the cognitive process and cross-body movements to drive changes. 

    Bill McKenna and Liz Larson are researchers who developed the “Cognomovement Method.” Bill is the founder and co-creator of Cognomovement, the author of “The Only Lesson,” and co-host of “New Life Perspectives.” Bill blends scientific insight and spiritual wisdom to revolutionize brain rewiring techniques. His diverse experiences as an ultra-marathon runner, helicopter pilot, and a survivor of a near-death skydiving accident, shape his resilience and innovative approach. In 2017, Bill co-developed Cognomovement, discovering that combining brain activation with body focus could lead to transformative change. This led to the creation of the Cogno Ball, a key tool in the methodology.   

    Liz Larson is co-creator of Cognomovement and a Cognomovement Practitioner Trainer. She is the author of “Suffering is Optional” and “The Tiny Book of Big Manifesting.” She is a Master NLP Practitioner and the host of “New Life Perspectives” on UK Health Radio. Liz is renowned for her innovative techniques in transforming the nervous system and brain-body connection. Her work combines spiritual and scientific elements, revolutionizing approaches in personal development and wellness. Liz is dedicated to training practitioners and students with her latest discoveries, ensuring the Cognomovement modality remains a powerful, evolving tool for overcoming personal challenges. Liz started by studying the nervous system after her parents had Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. She combined this study with her work in Neurolinguistic Programming, and research in brain changes and neuroplasticity.  

    In today’s interview, Bill talks about how our eyes and our spinal cord are literally one system. We can affect our brain through our eyes as well as through movement of the spine. This affects the nerve bundles. We can know which area of the brain may not be functioning optimally. Through movements with the eyes, in combination with simple motions, you can improve your brain function. 

    Liz Larson discusses her parents who never even saw a doctor. They were extremely healthy. They didn’t have any markers for Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s, yet they both developed these diseases. Liz explains how Parkinson’s is a fear disease, while Alzheimer’s is a retreating disease.  

    A big trauma, whether physical or emotional, drains your energy. So much energy goes toward this, and your body is not able to resolve it. It’s hard for your body to keep fighting all of the free radicals, including fighting stress, so your body cannot detoxify. Stress and division can cause disease. 

    So how do you begin to resolve these issues? 15- to 20-minute eye movements can help the system to auto-correct. The nervous system calms, and the energy drain can stop. You get your energy back so your body can heal. Cognomovement allows for the patterns of stress thinking and trauma to stop. If done every day, then even a few times a month, you will see significant difference.  

    They demonstrate an easy on-air exercise you can try at home. Pick up a colorful object. Then think about an opinion that is not helpful to you, or a little thing that’s bothering you. Liz then explains how to use easy eye movements to connect with sensations. After going through a series of exercises using both the left- and right-sides of the brain, Liz asks us to now consider the feelings we have about the opinion we were working with and how the story may change. After this simple series of exercises, new ideas and inspiring thoughts and feelings may flow! This is a great way to help make decisions. You may feel more energetic and clearer as well. 

    Bill and Liz also discuss how the Cognomovement Method is also very good for curbing cravings and food addictions, since eye movements can help to reprogram the brain.  The nervous system can auto-correct. Most cravings are not good for us, even though we may enjoy what we are having. We may be looking for a moment of relaxation or a brain break, while we are eating an unhealthy snack. Once we realize this, we can take a healthier break like walking around the yard or doing a yoga stretch, etc. You can also note how good you feel afterward. This is Part 2 of the interview. Info: Cognomovement.com and Cognocravings.com.

    Best of The Aware Show with Ian Punnett: How to Pray When You're Pissed at God – Part 2

    Best of The Aware Show with Ian Punnett: How to Pray When You're Pissed at God – Part 2

    How do you deal with angry feelings when things go wrong? Do you sometimes think that God is to blame? Is it possible to pray when you are upset and hurt? Lisa continues the conversation today with radio host, best-selling author, and Episcopalian Deacon Ian Punnett as he shares ways to express your rawest emotions through prayer, as described in his book, “How to Pray When You’re Pissed at God.” 

    Ian talks about anger in a societal aspect and how it’s even portrayed in gender. He discusses an emphasis in how women are taught to “accept things” and “not be too loud.” This mutes their own voice because of expectations. If things are going wrong, prayer can actually keep you going so you can express your feelings. Ian talks about a simple 3-step method: Name it – What is really bothering you? Proclaim it – Give it voice in detail. Then, Reframe it.  He talks about giving anger space and not reacting right away. 

    Ian also talks about prayer and religion, as well as meditation and visualization. He explains ways to express anger and how, in certain circumstances, it is fine to do so. We have a poor understanding of the role of anger; we don’t teach it, and we don’t know how to be constructively and responsibly angry. The model is in the Bible. Ian explains how there are Psalms and Hymns about anger, and he discusses the work he has done as a chaplain in the hospital with people who are very angry about their situations. He talks about addressing it, as suppressed anger can eventually lead to depression. If we feel like we are being hurt, we can pray about it. 

    Ian Punnett is one of the hosts of Coast to Coast AM, a legendary radio show syndicated on more than 600 stations across North America. He received his Ph.D. from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University and served as a professor and chief operator of the award-winning KSDB–FM at Kansas State University.  He is a deacon in the Episcopal Church and received his Masters of Divinity degree from Columbia Theological Seminary in Atlanta.  He has worked in radio since he was 14 years old, at the high school radio station, then as a nighttime DJ at a Chicago station during college. He also worked at stations in Nashville, Atlanta, and Minneapolis/St Paul. After experiencing tinnitus, he was forced to step down from radio and during many sleepless nights, he wrote the book, “How to Pray When You’re Pissed at God.” This is Part 2 of the interview. Info: https://www.coasttocoastam.com/article/ian-punnett 

    This interview was originally taped in June of 2013, and we air this today in honor of our colleague and friend Deacon Ian Punnett. Ian is one of the hosts of Coast to Coast AM, a Hall of Fame award-winning broadcaster, professor, and best-selling author. He passed away on December 22, 2023. Deus te Amat, Ian. Info:

    Bill McKenna and Liz Larson: Optimal Brain Health – Simple Exercises to Adapt to Change! – Part 1

    Bill McKenna and Liz Larson: Optimal Brain Health – Simple Exercises to Adapt to Change! – Part 1

    Change is constant. So how do our brains adapt to those changes? Did you know that if you have small accidents, like hitting your head while playing soccer as a child for example,  parts of your brain can actually go dormant? Concussions can severely affect brain function, but there is hope and a possibility for getting your brain to be stronger than ever before. Today’s guests, Bill McKenna and Liz Larson, are the founders of the Cognomovement Program. This program is accessible to everyone, whether you would like to correct a minor brain injury or achieve peak performance and higher executive function. Whether through childhood sports and games such as a ball hitting your head, or accidentally banging your noggin on an open cabinet door, etc, the brain adapts to these small injuries. You can “wake up” your brain’s nerve bundles again through a pioneering series of eye movements that integrates the cognitive process and cross-body movements to drive changes. 

    Bill McKenna is the founder and co-creator of Cognomovement, the author of “The Only Lesson,” and co-host of “New Life Perspectives.” Bill blends scientific insight and spiritual wisdom to revolutionize brain rewiring techniques. His diverse experiences as an ultra-marathon runner, helicopter pilot, and a survivor of a near-death skydiving accident, shape his resilience and innovative approach. In 2017, Bill co-developed Cognomovement, discovering that combining brain activation with body focus could lead to transformative change. This led to the creation of the Cogno Ball, a key tool in the methodology.   

    Liz Larson is co-creator of Cognomovement and a Cognomovement Practitioner Trainer. She is the author of “Suffering is Optional” and “The Tiny Book of Big Manifesting.” She is a Master NLP Practitioner and the host of “New Life Perspectives” on UK Health Radio. Liz is renowned for her innovative techniques in transforming the nervous system and brain-body connection. Her work combines spiritual and scientific elements, revolutionizing approaches in personal development and wellness. Liz is dedicated to training practitioners and students with her latest discoveries, ensuring the Cognomovement modality remains a powerful, evolving tool for overcoming personal challenges. Liz started by studying the nervous system after her parents had Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. She combined this study with her work in Neurolinguistic Programming, and research in brain changes and neuroplasticity.  

    In today’s interview, Bill talks about how our eyes and our spinal cord are literally one system. We can affect our brain through our eyes as well as through movement of the spine. This affects the nerve bundles. We can know which area of the brain may not be functioning optimally. Through movements with the eyes, in combination with simple motions, you can improve your brain function. 

    After meeting with medical doctors and acupuncturists, Bill and Liz began to understand how body disfunction can be released as nerve and facial muscles relax. Ideas, inspiration, and moods can all be influenced as you progress with the movements throughout the day. The fascia is in better harmony and your brain essentially “switches on.” This is especially helpful for those who have had concussions. It helps with order and function, as well as preventing anger spikes. The brain is overwhelmed, and these exercises can help tremendously.  

    Bill shares his story of events where he accidently wrecked his yacht and almost went “down with the ship.” This led to an awakening – he realized that after this incident, he knew he needed to be of service to others. He was very logic-based but wanted to learn more about intuitive and psychic skills.  He began to study and read books about these topics. He also realized he resented so many things and realized the importance of forgiveness. This was counter to anything he’d ever experienced and upon continuing his study, his crown chakra opened, and information started pouring into his consciousness. He was fully cognitive through these blissful experiences. This transformation took years, and then he met Liz Larson. They decided to start working together. 

    Liz had her own life path that led her to the Cognomovement work, as well as learning about business. As soon as they met, they started working together and started to develop their process. Their research is constantly expanding.  

    They also discuss how cravings can be subsided through this work. Any addiction or pattern can be broken. Anything that feels like an unconscious driver or toxic obsession can be changed. Health goals, as well as life goals, can all be set on track. Focus can be enhanced as eye movements and patterns will begin to bring about changes.  

    They further discuss how this system can help people with ADD as well as how grief and trauma affects the brain just like an injury. This can be very similar to how early-onset Alzheimer’s starts. If you don’t resolve the grief and trauma, your brain will adapt and change and your focus may become very diffused. This method may offer hope and healing. This is Part 1 of the interview. Info: Cognomovement.com and Cognocravings.com. 

    Best of The Aware Show with Ian Punnett: How to Pray When You're Pissed at God – Part 1

    Best of The Aware Show with Ian Punnett: How to Pray When You're Pissed at God  – Part 1

    hen things go wrong, what do you do with the feelings you might harbor? Do you sometimes think that God is to blame?  Listen in to today’s interview as radio host, best-selling author, and Episcopalian Deacon Ian Punnett shares with Lisa a spiritual path for expressing your rawest emotions through prayer, as described in his book, “How to Pray When You’re Pissed at God.” 

    During this interview, Ian talks about prayer and religion, as well as meditation and visualization. He explains ways to express anger and how, in certain circumstances, it is fine to do so. We have a poor understanding of the role of anger; we don’t teach it, and we don’t know how to be constructively and responsibly angry. If we feel like we are being hurt, we can pray about it. The model is in the Bible. Ian explains how there are Psalms and Hymns about anger, and he discusses the work he has done as a chaplain in the hospital with people who are very angry about their situations.  

    Ian Punnett is one of the hosts of Coast to Coast AM, a legendary radio show syndicated on more than 600 stations across North America. He is a deacon in the Episcopal Church who received his Masters of Divinity degree from Columbia Theological Seminary in Atlanta.  He has worked in radio since he was 14 years old, at the high school radio station, then as a nighttime DJ at a Chicago station during college. He then continued to have great success as a radio host in Atlanta, Nashville, and Minneapolis/St Paul, in addition to working in television. After experiencing tinnitus, he was forced to step down from radio and during many sleepless nights, he wrote the book, “How to Pray When You’re Pissed at God.” This is Part 1 of the interview.  Info: https://www.coasttocoastam.com/article/ian-punnett

    This interview was originally taped in June of 2013, and we air this today in honor of our colleague and friend Deacon Ian Punnett, Ph.D. Ian is one of the hosts of Coast to Coast AM, a Hall of Fame award-winning broadcaster, professor, and best-selling author. He passed away on December 22, 2023. Deus te Amat, Ian. Info: https://www.coasttocoastam.com/article/ian-punnett-march-3-1960-december-21-2023/ 

    Marci Shimoff: Create Miracles in 2024! – Part 2

    Marci Shimoff: Create Miracles in 2024! – Part 2

     Did you know that less than 10% of people actually reach the goals they set during the New Year? Why do most resolutions fail? Would you like to learn how to reach your goals AND how to live a miraculous and fulfilling life? What are you called to do in 2024?  Lisa continues the conversation today with #1 New York Times bestselling author, world-renowned transformational teacher, and an expert on happiness, success, and unconditional love, Marci Shimoff. Marci joins us again today to talk about how to make 2024 a truly miraculous year! As founder of “Your Year of Miracles” online program, Marci has worked with hundreds of thousands of people from nearly 200 countries around the world in an effort to help people live in a “miracle zone.”  

    It all starts with making intentions and setting your dreams. Marci explains the difference between ego-based intentions vs soul intentions. There are outer-focused goals, which may be more about ego, and there are soul-based goals, aligned more with the truth of what’s calling you in life. The outcome is the same, but the way to go about stating it is different. Marci explains the process of how to clarify your dreams and goals and make soul-based intentions. Say “I am…” rather than “I want to….” For example, rather than saying, “I want to lose 20 pounds,” say something like, “I am fit and healthy.” Does it feel heavy and contracting? Or does it feel light and in the flow? Soul-based intentions feel more possible.  

    Lisa has been co-hosting the “Your Year of Miracles” program with Marci and Dr. Sue Morter for 5 years. Other visionaries will join them in 2024 including best-selling authors and transformational leaders Lisa Nichols, Mike Dooley, and Lynne Twist. They will talk about how to find your purpose, make intentions, take action, and how you, too, can live a miraculous life! This is Part 2 of the interview. For more information about “Your Year of Miracles” program and to receive a free ebook, pls visit  www.theawareshow.com/miracles.  

    Best of The Aware Show with Don Miguel Ruiz and Don Jose Ruiz: The Four Agreements – Personal Freedom - Part 2

    Best of The Aware Show with Don Miguel Ruiz and Don Jose Ruiz: The Four Agreements – Personal Freedom - Part 2

    Today’s show continues the conversation with the author of the mega-bestselling book, “The Four Agreements” don Miguel Ruiz, and his son, don Jose Ruiz. Together they talk deeply about truth, individuality, and belief systems. They ask us to enjoy life for the limited time we are here. Try to enjoy every moment, while also acknowledging that there is suffering and hardship. They talk about the power we have and how we can change “the story” through our awareness. They explain how the ancestors say we are living in a dream. It is up to us to decide, and to have courage and discipline to change the dream through our habits and by getting to the root of our truth. Don Miguel Ruiz was born into a family of healers and raised in rural Mexico by a curandera (healer) mother and nagual (shaman) grandfather. The family anticipated don Miguel would embrace their centuries old legacy of healing and teaching and as a nagual, carry forward the esoteric Toltec knowledge. Instead, distracted by modern life, Miguel chose to attend medical school and become a surgeon. A near death experience in 1970 changed his life and he began an intensive practice of self-inquiry. He continues to devote himself to the mastery of his ancient ancestral wisdom. His book “The Four Agreements” has been a mega-bestselling book for years. Don Jose, his son, grew up in a long lineage of Toltec Teachers. His father, the Nagual don Miguel Ruiz, and his grandmother, Sarita, passed on their Toltec Teachings to don Jose, who carries on the family tradition of teaching Toltec wisdom. In 2010, don Jose Ruiz released his first book titled “The Fifth Agreement” in partnership with his father, don Miguel Ruiz. Following this publication, don Jose began traveling around the US, Mexico, and South America. Don Jose inspires people in many different ways including through his book signings, lectures, seminars, and hosting intensive journeys to Teotihuacan and other sacred sites around the world. This is Part 2 of the interview. Info: miguelruiz.com and theuniverseofnow.com