
    The Aware Show

    The Aware Show is dedicated to communicating information to inspire positive growth and change. Our goal is an increased awareness and healing on an individual and planetary level. Based on our commitment to the renewal of the human spirit, and combined with our pure faith in the power of love, we are answering a call to action for a more conscious world. The first step toward change is Awareness, and listening or watching interviews with the top minds in a wide range of fields will provide a daily oasis for you to immerse yourself in life-changing information. Listening to these shows will shift you from any space you are in to one of inspiration, while learning information, practical tools and experiential exercises to change your state and keep it that way. Press ‘Play’ and Enjoy
    enLisa Garr100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Marci Shimoff: Create Miracles in 2024! – Part 1

    Marci Shimoff: Create Miracles in 2024! – Part 1

    So many people set goals at the beginning of the year, but why do most people’s New Year’s Resolutions fail? Less than 10% of people actually reach their goals by the next year. Why is that? Would you like to learn the secret to living a miraculous and fulfilling life? What are you called to do in the New Year?  Tune in when today’s powerful guest is #1 New York Times bestselling author, world-renowned transformational teacher, and an expert on happiness, success, and unconditional love, Marci Shimoff. Marci joins us again today to talk about how to make 2024 a truly miraculous year! As founder of “Your Year of Miracles” online program, Marci has worked with hundreds of thousands of people from nearly 200 countries around the world in an effort to help people live in a “miracle zone.”  

    It all starts with making intentions and setting your dreams. Marci explains the difference between ego-based intentions vs soul intentions. There are outer-focused goals, which may be more about ego, and there are soul-based goals, aligned more with the truth of what’s calling you in life. The outcome is the same, but the way to go about stating it is different. Marci explains the process of how to clarify your dreams and goals and make soul-based intentions. Say “I am…” rather than “I want to….” For example, rather than saying, “I want to lose 20 pounds,” say something like, “I am fit and healthy.” Does it feel heavy and contracting? Or does it feel light and in the flow? Soul-based intentions feel more possible.  

    Lisa has been co-hosting the “Your Year of Miracles” program with Marci and Dr. Sue Morter for 5 years. Other visionaries will join them in 2024 including best-selling authors and transformational leaders Lisa Nichols, Mike Dooley, and Lynne Twist. They will talk about how to find your purpose, make intentions, take action, and how you, too, can live a miraculous life! This is Part 1 of the interview. For more information about “Your Year of Miracles” program and to receive a free ebook, pls visit  www.theawareshow.com/miracles

    Best Of The Aware Show with Don Miguel Ruiz and Don Jose Ruiz: The Four Agreements – Personal Freedom - Part 1

    Best Of The Aware Show with Don Miguel Ruiz and Don Jose Ruiz: The Four Agreements – Personal Freedom - Part 1

    Are you familiar with the concept of “The Four Agreements”? Do you strive for personal freedom? Today’s special guests, Toltec masters don Miguel Ruiz and his son, don Jose Ruiz, talk about the power of The Four Agreements and the importance of awareness. The Four Agreements are a powerful code of conduct for attaining personal freedom, and awareness is the first step toward freedom because we cannot be free if we don’t know what we really are. Together they deeply discuss these concepts and how death begins at the moment of conception – your physical body can die at any moment. We must enjoy the preciousness of this life. Don Miguel Ruiz was born into a family of healers and raised in rural Mexico by a curandera (healer) mother and nagual (shaman) grandfather. The family anticipated don Miguel would embrace their centuries old legacy of healing and teaching and as a nagual, carry forward the esoteric Toltec knowledge. Instead, distracted by modern life, Miguel chose to attend medical school and become a surgeon. A near death experience in 1970 changed his life and he began an intensive practice of self-inquiry.  He continues to devote himself to the mastery of his ancient ancestral wisdom.  His book “The Four Agreements”  has been a mega-bestselling book for years. Don Jose, his son, grew up in a long lineage of Toltec Teachers. His father, the Nagual don Miguel Ruiz, and his grandmother, Sarita, passed on their Toltec Teachings to don Jose, who carries on the family tradition of teaching Toltec wisdom. In 2010, don Jose Ruiz released his first book titled “The Fifth Agreement” in partnership with his father, don Miguel Ruiz.  Following this publication, don Jose began traveling around the US, Mexico, and South America.  Don Jose inspires people in many different ways including through his book signings, lectures, seminars, and hosting intensive journeys to Teotihuacan and other sacred sites around the world. This is Part 1 of the interview. Info: miguelruiz.com and theuniverseofnow.com

    Best Of The Aware Show with Serena Dyer Pisoni and Saje Dyer: Deeper Understanding of Your Soul

    Best Of The Aware Show with Serena Dyer Pisoni and Saje Dyer: Deeper Understanding of Your Soul

    How does one begin to navigate sudden loss? International best-selling author Wayne Dyer passed away suddenly in August 2015 and today Lisa interviews his youngest daughters Serena Dyer Pisoni and Saje Dyer. Growing up with the “Father of Motivation,” as he is so compassionately known, forced Serena and Saje to draw upon deep wells of inner wisdom and consider his life-long teachings at a very personal level. Find out how we can all access the deepest wisdom of our soul, through the good times and the seemingly rough seas, to find our rightful place — essentially how to "become a host to miracles instead of a hostage to circumstances," as they write in their new book, “The Knowing.”  Together they all share stories and memories about Wayne, his profound wisdom, and even the signs they believe he is sending from the Other Side. Info: serenadyer.com and sajedyer.com.   

    Best Of The Aware Show with Dr. Angeles Arrien: Creativity, Myths, and Finding Possibilities

    Best Of The Aware Show with  Dr. Angeles Arrien: Creativity, Myths, and Finding Possibilities

    What is important to you? In a world so divided, how can we work together? How can we find creative options? So many of us are so good at chronically complaining, but how can we look at workable solutions? Our guest today is Dr. Angeles Arrien, an anthropologist, award-winning author, educator, and corporate consultant who suggests we focus on what IS working. We can turn our thoughts into “possibility thinking” and creative solutions. 

    Our humanity is braided through our heart. Our countries and nations are different patches of the quilt of humanity. Our call is to be creative and problem-solve together. 

    Slowing down will help. When we move at a fast pace, we subject ourselves to burn-out. Nature has its own slower rhythm. We can accomplish so much more if we take time to be present and mindful. Various cultures around the world allow for more time with each other, whether it’s spending time on a meal with family, or simply lingering over coffee with friends when possible.  

    We can also look toward indigenous wisdom. Dr Arrien discusses different cultures and various ways of using our imaginations as a tool for re-visioning. She explains that if you can see it, you can manifest it. Manifestation takes action and goals. Most people talk about the vision, rather than acting on it. She reminds us that people “who cannot vision will perish.” 

    The root of imagination is to “image.” If you are unsure, how can you reconnect to your vision? How can you begin to imagine? Start with tracking your dreams and discovering what has heart and meaning. We stop ourselves by saying, “when I have time,” or “when I have money.” We need to bring our dreams forward and not leave them on the backburner. What inspires you? What challenges you? How flexible are you with the unexpected? By asking these questions and listening to these answers, we receive an invitation to grow and move forward.  

    Dr. Angeles Arrien studies creation myths and how these cross-culturally occurring myths provide doorways to envision and re-dream aspects of our lives. She is the President and Founder of the Foundation for Cross-Cultural Education and Research, and a fellow at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Her work with multi-cultural issues and conflict resolution has been used with the International Human Rights Commission and the World Indigenous Council. Info: AngelesArrien.com 

    Dr. Michael Lennox: Dream Interpretation, Intuition, and Astrology – Part 2

    Dr. Michael Lennox: Dream Interpretation, Intuition, and Astrology – Part 2

    What do astrology and dream interpretation have in common? They are both a language filled with symbols! Interpreting dreams and analyzing an astrology chart are very similar. Would you like to learn more about what your dreams mean or even how to remember them more clearly? And, would you also like to learn more about what the planets have in store for us astrologically in the coming months? Lisa continues the conversation today with Dr. Michael Lennox. Michael is a psychologist, astrologer, expert in dreams and dream interpretation, podcast host, and the author of several books, including his soon-to-be-released title, “Psychic Dreamer: Exploring the Connection Between Dreams and Intuition.” Today he discusses how we are multi-dimensional beings and the link between our dreams and intuition. He even talks about how to connect to loved ones in the dream state and how it’s a multi-dimensional connection involving our spiritual consciousness. You can call on your loved one’s consciousness and see them in the dream state.  

    Michael also discusses how we can look at the happenings in the world from an astrological view. Many astrologers, including Michael, are saying we have not nearly seen the peak of what’s coming as big planets like Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus change signs. Will it get darker before things get better? Although we are in a darker cycle, we have breakdowns and then breakthroughs. We are in a challenging historical time and an intense astrological cycle, but this time WILL pass. We are resilient. Part of what astrology tells us is that we’ve been in hard times before and it’s a cycle. Things will eventually improve. We must find our inner resilience and also regulate how much information we take in about current events. Neptune guides spirituality and religious ideals and it is moving into a new sign. Uranus is moving, as well as Pluto, marking radical change. Empathic people have it especially difficult, but we are nearing the end of the current cycle. 

    He also discusses the difference between dreams and intuition and how everyone can learn to receive and interpret messages. He talks about tools to get through these challenging times. We can actually change what we are thinking about. You do not need to stay stuck. You can learn to discipline your mind. Whether through astrology or through dreams, positive, valuable, and important information will be revealed by our subconscious. This is Part 2 of the interview. Info: MichaelLennox.com.  

    Best Of The Aware Show with Dr. Bruce Lipton: How our Thoughts Affect our Cells

    Best Of The Aware Show with  Dr. Bruce Lipton: How our Thoughts Affect our Cells

    Do you know that disease is not always hereditary? If you change your lifestyle, and your thinking patterns, you may be able to shift your genetics. Our guest today, cellular biologist and best-selling author Dr. Bruce Lipton discusses the effects of positive and negative thoughts on the anatomy of the cell while discussing the new field of epigenetics. Bruce is an internationally recognized authority on identifying and coalescing science and spirit and New York Times best-selling author of “The Biology of Belief” and “The Honeymoon Effect.”  Bruce is regarded as one of the leading voices of the new field of biology called epigenetics, which takes into account environmental factors. He discusses leading-edge science and how it dovetails with mind-body medicine and spiritual principles, so we can live healthier, happier lives!  Info: BruceLipton.com

    Dr. Michael Lennox: Dream Interpretation, Intuition, and Astrology – Part 1

    Dr. Michael Lennox: Dream Interpretation, Intuition, and Astrology – Part 1

     Did you know that everyone dreams? Would you like to learn more about what your dreams mean or even how to remember them more clearly? Today’s guest is Dr. Michael Lennox, psychologist, astrologer, expert in dreams and dream interpretation, podcast host, and the author of several books, including his soon-to-be-released title, “Psychic Dreamer: Exploring the Connection Between Dreams and Intuition.” Today he discusses how we are all multi-dimensional beings and the link between our dreams and intuition. 

    So how do you better remember your dreams? Michael suggests having bedtime rituals and setting intentions to remember. Consciously go into sleep by shutting off the outside world first. Approach it like a ritual. Turn off the TV and all screens. Say a prayer and welcome sleep. It’s like practicing Death. We end our day, and we don’t know if we’ll wake up to the miracle of consciousness in the morning. Approach sleep from an elevated declaration. It’s an important time in your day. Talk to your Higher Self and ask yourself to remember your dreams. 

    Then, in the morning, be sure to have a device to record your dreams. It’s best to have a notebook, but you can also use your phone recorder. Be sure to have it placed right by your bed because as soon as you get up, you may forget your dreams. 

    Michael suggests writing something down no matter what. Even if you write, “I don’t remember any of my dreams from last night,” it could help. This is a signal to your unconscious. It may take a little time, but then you’ll open up your dream memory. 

    He also deeply discusses the difference between dreams and intuition and how everyone can learn to receive and interpret messages. He further explains how interpretation of dreams and analyzing an astrology chart are very similar. Whether through astrology or through dreams, positive, valuable, and important information will be revealed by our subconscious. This is Part 1 of the interview. Info: MichaelLennox.com.  

    Best Of The Aware Show with Premal Shah: Matching the Working Poor with Small Business Loans

    Best Of The Aware Show with Premal Shah:  Matching the Working Poor with Small Business Loans

    Did you know that nearly 2 billion people worldwide have no access to banking and financial services? A young tech engineer originally from India and living in Silicon Valley, decided to do what he could to change that. Premal Shah first began dreaming of “internet microfinance” while working at PayPal, the online payments company. In late 2004, Premal took a 3-month leave from PayPal to develop and test the internet microfinance concept in India. When he returned to Silicon Valley, he met other like-minded dreamers and quit his job at PayPal to help bring the Kiva concept to life and eventually to scale. At the time of this interview, Kiva had raised more than $1 million each week for the working poor in more than 60 countries and was named a Top 50 Website by TIME Magazine. Today they are helping in more than 80 countries. By donating just a few dollars, you can be part of the solution and change someone’s life for the better.  Info and ways to donate at Kiva.org

    Abiola Abrams: The Key to Self-Love and Self-Worth - Part 2

    Abiola Abrams: The Key to Self-Love and Self-Worth - Part 2

    Would you like to feel happier and more empowered, especially as a woman? Have you ever felt like you just didn’t fit in or found yourself in challenging relationships where you couldn’t be yourself? Lisa continues the conversation today with award-winning author and intuitive and self-worth coach Abiola Abrams. As a first-generation American born to parents from Guyana, South America, Abiola talks about the struggles she felt and the difficulty she had fitting in. She experienced a very different upbringing compared to her neighborhood friends in New York City. She always felt like an outsider. She realized she was a people-pleaser because she so badly wanted to fit in. She explains how so many people do this as a coping mechanism. Women around the world have been told for so long that we are “less than,” and that things are wrong with us. We are made to feel insecure. For most women, this can be stressful and hurtful. It’s challenging until we empower ourselves and realize there is actually nothing wrong. 

    Abiola explains how we can begin to cultivate self-acceptance and eventually self-love. Compassion and love are the keys. She also discusses Divine feminine power and energy, as well as the use of Oracle Cards as a form of divination and a way to further hear messages from our higher selves. She talks about the deck she developed, the African Goddess Rising Oracle Deck, and how African culture has so many different types of divination from reading chicken bones to sand fox footprints, tea leaves, sand crabs, and even bibliomancy by using the Bible.  

    Her oracle deck is compiled of African Goddesses and Ancestors from various African countries and places where Africans are living throughout the world including the USA, the Caribbean, and South America. Because Africans experienced human trafficking and slavery, they’ve had to hide their traditions. This deck honors the traditions in surprising ways with messages hidden in folklore and meanings meant to be preserved. 

    Abiola also discusses her work as a business coach to entrepreneurs and how business and spirituality are not separate. It’s all about love and service, yet you must have conversations about money. It’s about sacred work and moving toward your purpose.  

    As a sound healer, she utilizes crystal bowls and guided meditations, as well as drumming. She talks about how drumming was forbidden as it was once a form of communication between tribes. It’s a very empowering way of healing. 

    As a teacher and international retreat leader, Abiola empowers women to find freedom from their personal fears, manifest authentic power, and align with purpose. She is the founder of Mawu's Goddess Mystery School and the international Goddess Retreats. She is the author of womanist theology guidebook "African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity, and Joy” and the best-selling  "African Goddess Rising Oracle Deck." Her most recent meditation album is called, "Enter the Goddess Temple." Info: Womanifesting.com

    Best Of The Aware Show with Gregg Braden How Human Consciousness Influences Physical Matter

    Best Of The Aware Show with  Gregg Braden  How Human Consciousness Influences Physical Matter

    Could our thoughts contribute to what’s happening on Planet Earth today? Can nations be influenced by the emotions of their people? Today’s guest is New York Times best-selling author Gregg Braden who is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science and spirituality. He talks about the field of intelligent energy which carries our thoughts and feelings and how this may affect weather patterns and relationships between nations. He also discusses how consciousness can be measured through electronic devices. 

    Gregg explores the wisdom of the past and guides us to the possibility of a peaceful future. He discusses how human consciousness is an energy which directly influences physical matter, thereby surmising that emotions in a mass population may be responsible for unique weather patterns, Earth changes, and magnetic shifts. He recounts his recent trip to Tibet, his explorations of monasteries there, and how the people truly represent a “culture of compassion.”    

    Following a successful career as a Computer Geologist for Phillips Petroleum during the 1970s energy crisis, he worked as a Senior Computer Systems Designer with Martin Marietta during the last years of the Cold War. In 1991, he became the first Technical Operations Manager for Cisco Systems, where he led the development of the global support team assuring the reliability of the internet in its early days.  

    For several decades, Gregg has searched high mountain villages, remote monasteries, and forgotten texts to uncover their timeless secrets. To date, his work has led to such paradigm-shattering books as “The Isaiah Effect,” “The God Code,” “The Divine Matrix,” “Fractal Time,” “Wisdom Codes,” “Deep Truth,” and more. Gregg’s work shows us beyond any reasonable doubt that the key to our future lies in the wisdom of our past. Info: GreggBraden.com. 

    Abiola Abrams: The Key to Self-Love and Self-Worth - Part 1

    Abiola Abrams: The Key to Self-Love and Self-Worth - Part 1

    Have you ever felt different or like you didn’t fit in? Have you ever found yourself in a challenging or co-dependent relationship? Today’s guest is award-winning author and intuitive and self-worth coach Abiola Abrams. As a first-generation American born to parents from Guyana, South America, Abiloa talks about the struggles she felt and the difficulty she had fitting in. She experienced a very different upbringing compared to her neighborhood friends in New York City. She always felt like an outsider.  Eventually Abiola fell in love with her high-school sweetheart and when the relationship fell apart, she realized she needed to dig deep and surrender. She realized she was a people-pleaser because she so badly wanted to fit in. She explains how so many people do this as a coping mechanism. Women around the world have been told for so long that we are “less than,” and that things are wrong with us. We are made to feel insecure – ads show flawless, perfectly photoshopped women and marketing companies tell us there’s always something wrong or something we can do, be, or have that’s so much better. For most women, this can be stressful and hurtful. It’s challenging until we empower ourselves and realize there is actually nothing wrong. 

    Abiola explains that although she felt very lucky to have kind, loving parents, they couldn’t understand her and what she was experiencing. They were not able to teach her, as they, too,  were also people-pleasers. That’s how they coped and interacted with the world, especially as an immigrant family. She felt love from her family, but Abiola didn’t find self-love until she surrendered. She explains that if you don’t have self-love, start with self-acceptance. Start by asking “What do you desire?” This is a very vulnerable question that allows us to express our desires. We know what we don’t want, but do we know what we do want? This can be a very challenging question. Once we begin to find the answers, we can begin to cultivate self-acceptance and eventually self-love. She also discusses Divine feminine power and energy, and how to empower our Yin energy to develop our feminine side. Compassion and love are the keys. 

    As a teacher and international retreat leader, Abiola empowers women to find freedom from their personal fears, manifest authentic power, and align with purpose. She is the founder of Mawu's Goddess Mystery School and the international Goddess Retreats. She is the author of womanist theology guidebook, "African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity, and Joy,” and the best-selling "African Goddess Rising Oracle Deck." Her most recent meditation album is called, "Enter the Goddess Temple." Info: Womanifesting.com. 

    Best Of The Aware Show with Dr. Therman Evans: You are Magnificent! - Inspiring Thanksgiving Message – Part 2

    Best Of The Aware Show with Dr. Therman Evans: You are Magnificent! - Inspiring Thanksgiving Message – Part 2

     Happy Thanksgiving! This is Part 2 of a very special rebroadcast, as we air Dr. Therman Evans’s presentation at the Agape International Center of Truth’s “Revelation of Spirit 2000 Conference.” Dr. Therman Evans is the founder and CEO of Whole Life Associates, a graduate of Howard University undergraduate (BS) and medical school (MD), the former Vice President and Corporate Medical Director of Cigna Insurance and Healthcare Corporation, as well as the National Health Director and Washington Bureau Chief for Rev. Jesse Jackson’s Operation Push. Additionally, he studied and achieved his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in theology from the United Christian College of New York.  Dr. Evans was appointed in 1998 and formally installed as Pastor of Morning Star Community Christian Center (MSCCC ) in 1999. As the Senior Pastor, he has brought the message of “wholeness” in mind, body, and spirit to the dynamic and growing membership and ministries of the Morning Star congregation. He talks about Divine Timing and being at the right place at the right time. He weaves his practice as a medical doctor with his wisdom as a preacher and gives a speech that glorifies the magnificence we are as human beings. Info: thermanevans.com

    Best Of The Aware Show with Dr Therman Evans: You are Magnificent! - Inspiring Thanksgiving Message – Part 1

    Best Of The Aware Show with Dr Therman Evans: You are Magnificent! - Inspiring Thanksgiving Message – Part 1

     Do you realize how truly magnificent you really are? In today’s very special rebroadcast, we air Dr. Therman Evans’s presentation at the Agape International Center of Truth’s “Revelation of Spirit 2000 Conference.” Dr. Therman Evans is the founder and CEO of Whole Life Associates, a graduate of Howard University undergraduate (BS) and medical school (MD), the former Vice President and Corporate Medical Director of Cigna Insurance and Healthcare Corporation, as well as the National Health Director and Washington Bureau Chief for Rev. Jesse Jackson’s Operation Push. Additionally, he studied and achieved his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in theology from the United Christian College of New York.  Dr. Evans was appointed in 1998 and formally installed as Pastor of Morning Star Community Christian Center (MSCCC ) in 1999. Today he talks about how to have Heaven on Earth. As the Senior Pastor, he has brought the message of “wholeness” in mind, body, and spirit to the dynamic and growing membership and ministries of the Morning Star congregation. He weaves his practice as a medical doctor with his wisdom as a preacher and gives a speech that glorifies the magnificence we are as human beings. This is Part 1 of his inspirational speech. Info: thermanevans.com

    Best Of The Aware Show with J.D. Messinger: Seeing the Magic Everyday

    Best Of The Aware Show with J.D. Messinger:  Seeing the Magic Everyday

    What is love? Who am I? What is war? What is God? Our guest today, JD Messinger, received answers to these questions and more when he had a spontaneous awakening- type experience. He explains how he sees and hears things that most people do not, yet everyone can learn to do this. During an NDE experience after he broke his neck, he went through the tunnel of Light, and came back with spiritual gifts. Prior to this, JD was the former CEO of Ernst & Young Consulting, one of 37 distinguished graduates from the US Naval Academy, a former fireman, nuclear submarine officer, and former radio and television show creator, producer, and host. In the world of business, he helped supervise the Exxon Valdez oil spill cleanup and is an advisor to Fortune 100 clients and governments on five continents.  

    After his experience, which he says “was no accident,” he began having prophetic visions and insights. Over the course of eleven days, he conversed with a “mysterious friend” in what became the book, “11 Days in May: The Conversation That Will Change Your Life.” 

    Today he offers wisdom that he learned including the importance of focusing on the positive. He says do not give energy to what you do not want. Surround yourself with people who support your beliefs. Be with people who are trying to promote awareness. He also talks about looking for signs, noting synchronicities, and seeing the magic in life every day. Info: TheMessingerInstitute.com

    Steve Farrell: Waking Up to Your True Mission and Purpose – Part 2

    Steve Farrell: Waking Up to Your True Mission and Purpose – Part 2

    It seems that there is more division of late on our planet. People are angry and hurt. Since the pandemic, we’ve all been asked to change and pivot directions, even though we may not know exactly where we are heading. It seems that more people than ever are searching for answers. Lisa continues the conversation today with Steve Farrell, Co-founder & Worldwide Director of Humanity's Team, a global nonprofit organization helping people everywhere awaken to our interconnectedness through platforms such as their new Humanity Stream+ streaming service. They give away a free subscription for every paid subscription.   

    Steve talks about his latest book, “A New Universal Dream,” which is a true story of how he grew up with 6 siblings and a single mom in a small house. Eleven years later he is in the heart of success of Silicon Valley, then finds himself in the middle of the consciousness conversation.  

    They discuss how channelers and mediums say one person standing in the light can affect millions in the dark. Buddha and Christ are examples of this. Mediums teach energy work and Steve found a process of the daily practice of meditation and at least 3 times a day just tunes in to the love and light of universal intelligence, pure love. With all the challenges of the world, there is support for people in their journey to consciousness. We can have a new, awake world. A daily practice of meditation and mindfulness can carry energy throughout the day.  It is possible to bring your level of light out to the world, whether meditation, or a walk, or just a moment in which you can brighten someone else’s day. 

    Steve also talks about the “New Spirituality” and the deep understanding that we are spiritual beings. We are approaching a Tipping Point. After Covid, people are looking for a better way to live a life. We must elevate our consciousness. Through meditation and mindful acts, we can all connect to guides and angels and talk with them to get answers. 

    So many people are still experiencing low-level frequencies of early childhood trauma. We are reacting to this. But there is a way to operate through connectedness and consciousness. Self-compassion is key. Be in the possibility. The inside doesn’t get healed until we take time for self-compassion. This is Part 2 of the interview. Info and Free programs are available at HumanitysTeam.org

    Best Of The Aware Show with Michael Tamura: Finding the Answers Within – Part 2

    Best Of The Aware Show with Michael Tamura: Finding the Answers Within – Part 2

     Although we live in uncertain times, what would you like to create for your life? What would you like to share with others? Lisa continues the conversation today in an interview originally taped during August of 2020 at the height of the pandemic with spiritual teacher and visionary Michael Tamura. Michael talks about the waking up of humanity, and how the pandemic served as one more catalyst to spark this purpose. He believes it’s a time for miracles. It’s a state of mind. Yet, if it comes from a place of “wanting,” it comes from lack. But if we come from a place of “having,” we are sharing and giving. This brings about our experience of happiness. What would you like to create? And where do you create from? If you come from a place of giving and generosity, everything works. It expands and opens.  


    Michael talks about how you can find lightness and happiness in this, as well as connection. It can help get us through limits and heavy times. It takes a shift in perspective. It is an internal switch. When we can ultimately be in charge of our internal, the external will shift. If you come from spirit and limitlessness, the outside follows. 

    In a seemingly divided world, how can we find common ground and start the healing? Michael talks about how it is time for women to take the lead. Social justice movements are gaining strength. Communities are building and people are connecting. It is possible to work together and find understanding when you come from a place of internal peace.  

    This interview was originally taped in August of 2020, and we air this today in honor of Michael Tamura, Master Teacher, Visionary, Spiritual Healer, Clairvoyant, and Pioneer in the field of psychic development. He made his transition in late October. His award-winning book, “You Are The Answer,” helps guide people to their true destiny and life purpose. Info: MichaelTamura.com

    Steve Farrell: Waking Up to Your True Mission and Purpose – Part 1

    Steve Farrell: Waking Up to Your True Mission and Purpose – Part 1

    Change is inevitable, and it seems like humanity has been on a non-stop roller coaster of a ride since the pandemic.  We’ve all been asked to change and pivot directions, even though we may not know exactly where we are heading. It seems that more people than ever are searching for answers. Where and how are things changing, especially in the consciousness communities? Our guest today is Steve Farrell,Co-founder & Worldwide Director of Humanity's Team, a global nonprofit organization helping people everywhere awaken to our interconnectedness through platforms such as their new Humanity Stream+ streaming service.  

    Steve attained the pinnacle of success as a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, founding two high-tech firms, yet he was still looking for meaning in it all. After years searching for answers, he found himself at a meeting two decades ago with best-selling author of the “Conversations with God” series Neale Donald Walsch. Together they and a group of visionaries discussed the idea of what a new world could look like and how we can all find answers from within. Steve decided to leave his highly successful role running high-tech firms and pivoted to lead Humanity’s Team. His new book is "A New Universal Dream," which details his journey from a young entrepreneur to a life in service to humanity.  

    Today he talks about the initial meeting with Neale and how awakening the idea of Oneness -- the idea that we are one with God and one with the Universe -- was such a radical idea at the time. They realized education is the key factor in conscious living, so he utilized his technology background, and they created a streaming platform.  

    It seems with all the division in the world, more and more people are being called to conscious living now. In a world so divided, learning to live in a different way is a necessity and we DO have choice. Do you choose division? Or do you choose love? It is possible that we can choose the divine and we can live in alignment with compassion for the billions of people on Earth.  

    As a serial entrepreneur in Silicon Valley, Steve learned how to run companies and understood how to bring information to people. His goal is to bring consciousness to people in an easy way to access it. Humanity’s Team offers courses and classes and programs will be translated into 75 languages worldwide.  

    Steve also discusses his latest book “A New Universal Dream” and talks about the real possibility that there’s life all over the universe and multi-verse. The mystics shared the vision that we are all part of this universal consciousness. We are inseparable from God and the Universe. We are part of it all, including all of the billions of people on Earth. 

    We know that everything is energy. We can learn to change our wording and aim to live in our greater self. Instead of saying, “Today is a bad day or today is a good day,” we can live as our “bigger self.” We can create a new level of self every day. This choice is free. Decisions are free. Changing your state of mind is free. It’s a leap, but if you do it over and over, you can change where you place your focus. Synchronicities and miracles are possible. If you put your thoughts in a forward direction, things will change.  

    Steve also talks about life reviews, Near Death Experiences, and the feelings people have at the end. We know life can change in an instant. We can realize this and not accept what doesn’t work anymore. There is a way to live an authentic life. We can have authentic conversations with ourselves and our loved ones. If we were to live like our last day is tomorrow, would we make different decisions? It is possible to make choices toward living a life of light and love. This is Part 1 of the interview. Info and Free programs are available at HumanitysTeam.org

    Best Of The Aware Show with Michael Tamura: Finding the Answers Within – Part 1

    Best Of The Aware Show with Michael Tamura: Finding the Answers Within – Part 1

    This interview was originally taped during August of 2020 at the height of the pandemic and throughout it all, it seems our country, and our world, remain divided and torn. Spiritual teacher and visionary Michael Tamura talks about the waking up of humanity, and how the pandemic served as one more catalyst to spark this purpose. Michael reflects on how the uprisings and protests are all coming to the surface during this time. He talks about how we are all working out our karmic cycles. 

    Michael suggests through recognizing wholeness, we can heal the division. We can connect with no beginning and no ending into a state of pure limitlessness. Once we see past the quarrels of division, we can arrive at limitlessness and experience peace. Meditation and mindfulness practices are key. 

    As long as people keep looking outside for answers, they keep arguing and fighting. There is a natural state of peacefulness inside of all of us. It is possible to reach this state, but when people continue to blame and judge, they don’t see what’s inside. They look outside for happiness and stay in the illusion of it all. 

    Lisa and Michael talk about experiencing real inner truth and how to be in the present moment. Michael explains how suffering is based on conditions. When happiness is inside of us, it doesn’t matter what’s going on outside. We can start dreaming again. We can create something better.  

    We’ve all experienced the pain that comes from expectations that anything will return to normal, especially during the pandemic. But we all must learn to pivot and return to ourselves. The form may change, and we may not know what it looks like, but we can create it. We can form connections together and heal. This is Part 1 of the interview. 

    This interview was originally taped in August of 2020, and we air this today in honor of Michael Tamura, Master Teacher, Visionary, Spiritual Healer, Clairvoyant, and Pioneer in the field of psychic development. He made his transition in late October. His award-winning book, “You Are The Answer,” helps guide people to their true destiny and life purpose. Info: MichaelTamura.com

    Dr. Darren Weissman: A Lifeline of Healing – Part 2

    Dr. Darren Weissman: A Lifeline of Healing – Part 2

    Would you like to be more in control of your thoughts and your life? Would you like to feel happier and healthier and know you are on a path of healing? Lisa continues the conversation today with chiropractor and holistic physician Dr. Darren Weissman. Dr Darren believes that if we can have rapport with our subconscious mind, we can drive it, rather than being driven by it.  We can create “mind-medicine” through our thoughts. We can go beyond everyday perception. He explains how the brain and the body don’t know the difference between memory, reality, or imagination. So, if you imagine yourself living the life of your dreams, you can begin to shift your reality. This opens a doorway, a portal, that allows us to trigger the reactive mind where it no longer reacts. We change the pattern.


    Dr. Darren is the creator of The Lifeline Technique, which incorporates 16 various modalities of healing including Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine, applied kinesiology, and so much more. Through his profound understanding of various methods, he deeply explains the language and the steps of healing. It’s a way to interpret the subconscious mind. Ultimately, we are all asked to take responsibility for our healing. He suggests we rest, eat well, drink water, exercise, and be responsible for doing these healthy acts.  


    He explains how the body innately has the capacity to heal itself. The subconscious mind is energy. Thoughts are energy. The conscious mind is the active mind. The subconscious is the re-active mind. It is a “copy” and its role is to protect in the present moment. When it gets triggered, the subconscious mind is activated. Emotions play a key role. Dr. Darren further explains his work with Dr. Masaru Emoto and the influence of emotions over water, and therefore our health. 


    Dr Darren talks about the Philosophy of The Lifeline Technique and shares how “every problem is a portal to the next greatest version of yourself!” Dormant greatness lies within us all. Through healing, we have an opportunity to awaken. Our very nature is one of healing. Your choice is how to react and respond. 

    He reminds us that we all have the ability to respond with Infinite Love and Gratitude. We can change the patterns which trigger us. Acceptance, forgiveness, and compassion can begin to happen. We can remember the love which we are here to be.  

    With best-selling books such as “The Power of Infinite Love & Gratitude,” “Awakening to the Secret Code of Your Mind,” “The Heart of the Matter,” and his children's book, “The Daily Lessons of Infinite Love & Gratitude,” Dr. Darren’s insightful writings have touched the lives of many seeking personal growth and healing. His contributions can also be found in Dr. Masaru Emoto's best-selling book, “The Healing Power of Water.”  


    In addition to his written works, Dr. Darren has appeared in films such as "E-Motion," "Making Mankind," "Beyond Belief," and the award-winning documentary "HEAL."  Through coaching, online courses, and certifications, Dr. Darren equips others with the tools and knowledge to facilitate profound shifts and lasting healing. With his expertise, guidance, and compassionate approach, he empowers individuals to embrace their true potential to awaken the dormant greatness within.  


    This is Part 2 of the interview. Info: TheLifelineCenter.com and the Weekly Healing Circle: TheLifelineCenter.com/healing-circle

    Best Of The Aware Show with Michael Lewis: Conclusions of a Parapsychologist

    Best Of The Aware Show with Michael Lewis: Conclusions of a Parapsychologist

    Happy Halloween! And what better to talk about on Halloween than paranormal phenomena?! Lisa’s guest today is Parapsychologist Michael Lewis and he shares with us some of his own first-hand experiences and encounters with the paranormal and ‘ghosts.’ After encountering several near-death experiences from a normally fatal heart condition, Michael found new proof for previous conclusions and broadened his paranormal horizons. Info: www.michaellewis.org.uk