
    The Balanced Warrior Podcast

    The Balanced Warrior podcast is designed to help anyone who is tired of making sacrifices when it comes to living the life they want. Hosts Chris Berlow, Paul Melella Jr., and Mike Mertens are serial entrepreneurs and lifelong martial artists. They have combined the best of Eastern philosophy and modern business practices to enjoy lives that are rewarding and satisfying both personally and professionally. And, they have coached thousands of busy men and women to do the same. Do you want to achieve financial success without giving up your health? Would you love to be both a great parent to your children and maintain passion for your partner? Then what you are seeking is multi-dimensional success, and that is exactly what this podcast can help you to achieve. Every episode is packed with effectiveness hacks, daily habits tips, and interviews full of practical strategies that you can apply immediately. So get ready to be educated, entertained, and inspired, so you too can become a Balanced Warrior!
    enChris Berlow89 Episodes

    Episodes (89)

    Staying True to BHAG…your Big Hairy Audacious Goal

    Staying True to BHAG…your Big Hairy Audacious Goal

    For those who do not know, BHAG stands for “Big Hairy Audacious Goals.”  And we always encourage our clients to set the BHAG at the beginning of the year.  However, doubt and fear set in as the year progressed, and things didn’t go as planned.  This is normal, especially when someone creates goals that excite them and scare them simultaneously.  BHAGs are risky and require you to leave your comfort zone to accomplish your vision and worthy ideal.  In this podcast, Coaches Chris and Paul outline strategies to stay above the obstacles and keep the BHAG front and center, allowing you to stay away from the sharks and see yourself on the other side.  If you’re not sure what that means, tune in to find out, as well as these other value bombs.

    • Your goals should excite and scare you at the same time.
    • You have to be above the obstacles.
    • Be consistent in the day-to-day, and have to work to win the day.
    • Set the 12-month goal and reverse engineer it to make manageable benchmarks.
    • What is your definition of “winning the day.”
    • Work to eliminate distractions, ease your mind, and when things get tough, do the next right action.

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please don’t be shy and share it with anyone who would benefit from its content.  Visit empoweredmastery.com for more information, or contact us at info@empoweredmastery.com should you have any questions about Balanced Warrior and Empowered Mastery.

    Make Valentine’s Day Every Day!

    Make Valentine’s Day Every Day!

    On the Balanced Warrior Podcast this week, coaches Chris Berlow and Paul Melella discuss several ways to maintain a happy and loving relationship.  All three Balanced Warrior coaches pride themselves on having flourishing marriages with their wives, but of course, as with anything, there were challenges.  But always, the strength in the marriage is what allows them to overcome any obstacle that comes their way.  Coaches Chris and Paul share the seven strategies to build, maintain, and foster a deep relationship with the one you love the most.  And keep the spirit of Valentine’s Day alive all the time in your marriage.  Because when things are good at home, you can successfully fulfill all the other obligations you have in life to the best of your ability.

    • Always work on effective communication with your spouse.
    • Pre-set quality time with and be present when you’re together.
    • Show appreciation…It’s the little things that matter.
    • Foster a relationship of trust and honesty.
    • When facing adversity, work together as a team to resolve conflict constructively.
    • Support each other’s goals and ambitions.
    • Maintain intimacy and work to keep the spark alive.

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please don’t be shy and share it with anyone who would benefit from its content.  Visit empoweredmastery.com for more information, or contact us at info@empoweredmastery.com should you have any questions about Balanced Warrior and Empowered Mastery.

    Having an open “Hobby” Relationship

    Having an open “Hobby” Relationship

    This week on the Balanced Warrior Podcast, we have coaches Chris Berlow and Mike Mertens talking about the empty-nesting season of life.  Many couples fall in love, get married, have children, raise their children, and when the children move out, they forget why they were together.  They focused solely on being great parents and providing for their children, which is very worthy and admirable, but they didn’t take time for themselves.  Thankfully, that is not the case with Chris or Mike; in fact, it is quite the opposite.  Now that they have adult children, they have more time to pursue other hobbies and interests.  Both Mike’s wife, Alisa, and Chris’s wife, Kathy, completed a full Ironman and have taken their hobbies to an extremely high level.  Alisa rides her bicycle all over the world, and Kathy is always out for the next challenge.  The key to having a solid relationship is understanding and appreciating others’ interests and passions, or as Mike put it, having an “Open ‘Hobby’ relationship.”  Meaning they support each other in their endeavors but always find time for each other.  Some key takeaways to look our for are…

    • Always invest in your relationships.
    • Children should enhance a relationship and not change it.
    • It is important to support your spouse’s endeavors, no matter how bizarre and extreme.
    • Be sure to come back to a “Common Ground” in between adventures.
    • Ask your spouse, when proposing an idea, “Are you sure you are ok with it?”
    • Communication is key.
    • Earn your “Spousal approval credits.”

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please don’t be shy and share it with anyone who would benefit from its content.  Visit empoweredmastery.com for more information, or contact us at info@empoweredmastery.com should you have any questions about Balanced Warrior and Empowered Mastery.

    The Balanced Warrior Podcast
    enFebruary 10, 2024

    The Importance of Connection and Collaboration

    The Importance of Connection and Collaboration

    2023 was an interesting year for Balanced Warrior coaches Paul and Chris.  While Paul was growing his coaching business, Chris traveled the world and had a major knee replacement surgery.  Paul was highly focused, and Chris was, as Paul likes to joke, on the “Berlow world tour.”  There was a disconnect between them, and on this podcast, Chris and Paul put themselves through the powerful Rules and Values exercise to understand each of their perspectives.  On a very positive note, the two met at Paul’s house in South Carolina, and both became reinvigorated.  In this very personal podcast, Paul and Chris drop many powerful lessons you could apply to keep your personal and professional relationships positive and meaningful.

    • In a partnership, never go too long without connecting and aligning your goals.
    • Be proactive with collaborative and creative meetings.
    • Understand each other’s motivation to appreciate their perspective.
    • Keep the main thing the main thing.
    • Paul values growth, and Chris values fun, which wasn’t in alignment.
    • Understanding each other’s driving values allows for better communication.

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please don’t be shy and share it with anyone who would benefit from its content.  Visit empoweredmastery.com for more information, or contact us at info@empoweredmastery.com should you have any questions about Balanced Warrior and Empowered Mastery.

    Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work!

    Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work!

    While most people set New Year’s Resolutions that most likely fall by the waste side after a few weeks, Balanced Warriors Chris, Paul, and Mike share an alternative approach to New Year’s Goals.  Why?  Because the fact is…New Year’s Resolutions don’t work!  They say the first action people take after New Year’s is to join a gym, and the second one is to cancel the membership.  Paul shares his strategy on how he utilizes New Year’s to make adjustments to the related areas of life, but because he is constant in his lifestyle, there is no need for dramatic change.  Please listen to what he says because he is masterful at maximizing his time and squeezing every ounce of juice out of his life.  He leaves no stone unturned and accomplishes more weekly than most people do monthly.  Now, Chris and Mike aren’t slackers either; they also have some useful tips to add to the perfect formula for making 2024 the most productive and best year ever!  Here are some valuable tips to look out for…

    • Identify the Core Four areas of life that are important to you when evaluating your New Year’s Goals.
    • Where are you going to invest more time and spend less time?
    • Create three specific clarity goals for each area of life.
    • Identify what you could do daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly to move the needle forward.
    • Most importantly, time-block the action items in your calendar and protect it at all costs.
    • Pre-plan rejuvenation time to make sure your batteries stay charged
    • Commit to be consistent.

    And as always, If you enjoyed this podcast, please don’t be shy and share it with anyone who would benefit from its content.  Visit empoweredmastery.com for more information, or contact us at info@empoweredmastery.com should you have any questions about Balanced Warrior and Empowered Mastery.

    How to Finish the Year Strong!

    How to Finish the Year Strong!

    Many people are working tirelessly to finish the year strong at this time of the year. So much so that they work so hard that they become exhausted; while this is admirable, it does find reasons to reevaluate the end-of-year approach.  Chris and Paul have a powerful conversation that could help all aspiring Balanced Warriors approach 2024 consistently so they could have a strong and productive year while also enjoying the process. This takes prior planning and a proactive approach to the year rather than being reactive.  If you haven’t heard of the “Five P’s”, you will in this podcast.  “Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance,” especially for all high performers tuning in to the podcast.  Here is a list of highlights to look out for. 

    • It’s ok to hit the turbo buttons when needed
    • Analyze the year to see how you could have done better
    • Reflect on how you performed, what you could have done better, and when you excelled
    • Learn to celebrate your victories and from your mistakes
    • Rejuvenate and recover systematically so you can always have the energy to perform
    • Plan for the next quarter and year with new strategic projects and goals
    • Always work to level up!  (ABG..Always Be Growing)

    And most important, happy holiday season to all who take the time to listen to our podcast.  As always, If you enjoyed this podcast, please don’t be shy and share it with anyone who would benefit from its content.  Visit empoweredmastery.com for more information, or contact us at info@empoweredmastery.com should you have any questions about Balanced Warrior and Empowered Mastery.

    The Balanced Warrior Podcast
    enDecember 23, 2023

    How to Have a Stress-Free Holiday Season

    How to Have a Stress-Free Holiday Season

    This week on the Balanced Warrior Podcast, we have coaches Chris and Mike chatting about the holidays and how, for many, it is a very stressful time of year.  How do you get the perfect gift for your loved ones?  How much debt am I going to go into buying gifts for everyone?  Will our gathering be enjoyable or filled with stress?  Chris and Mike discuss all these points and how to keep the holiday spirit alive in your circles.  Listen and take notes on how to make your holiday season more memorable than ever before, and it very well could start with you.  As Balanced Warriors, we always strive to be better for ourselves and those around us, so embrace the holiday spirit, no matter what you celebrate, and make memorable moments that will last forever.  Here is a list for you all to ponder…

    • Give the gift of experiences
    • There is no greater gift than shared quality time
    • When you give and do good deeds, it is good for your mental health
    • Play “Dysfunctional Bingo” at your family gathering…a fun game to keep sensitive topics light-hearted
    • And a very powerful quote from coach Mike, “I’m going to work with the state of the world that I create.”

    And most important, happy holiday season to all who take the time to listen to our podcast.  As always, If you enjoyed this podcast, please don’t be shy and share it with anyone who would benefit from its content.  Visit empoweredmastery.com for more information, or contact us at info@empoweredmastery.com should you have any questions about Balanced Warrior and Empowered Mastery.

    The Balanced Warrior Podcast
    enDecember 09, 2023

    It’s All About Relationships

    It’s All About Relationships

    This week on the Balanced Warrior Podcast, we have coaches Chris and Mike discussing the importance of treating people how you would want to be treated.   Chris just came off a European Cruise and was blown away by unparalleled customer service. He was so inspired that he shared it with Mike, and they decided it would be a powerful podcast topic.  The two of them dive into stories of excellent and negative customer experiences to demonstrate the extremes of the customer service spectrum.  Being in business for almost three decades, they have much to say about this topic.  Here are some of the highlights to look out for…

    1. We should never be too busy to be personable.
    2. It’s all about relationship builders.
    3. Quote to live by, “Customers are not always right, but they are customers.”
    4. You tell a lot about a person and how they treat servers in a restaurant.
    5. Sincerity + Trust = Credibility
    6. Treat your clients like your family and your family like your clients.

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please don’t be shy and share it with anyone who would benefit from its content.  Visit empoweredmastery.com for more information, or contact us at info@empoweredmastery.com should you have any questions about Balanced Warrior and Empowered Mastery.

    The Balanced Warrior Podcast
    enNovember 25, 2023

    Celebrate Thanksgiving All Year!

    Celebrate Thanksgiving All Year!

    Being thankful and expressing gratitude is top of mind as we gather around the table for Thanksgiving. But how much more rewarding would you life and your relationships be if you centered them around gratitude every single day?  In this episode, Paul and Mike discuss how you can cultivate a gratitude mindset, and take consistent action to demonstrate your appreciation to others. 

    • Paul's recommendation for music that creates the right state for starting each day
    • The most powerful question you can ask yourself each morning 
    • Real world examples of how your day succeeds or fails based on the "frequency" you are tuned in to 
    • The relationship between appreciation and abundance 
    • How getting emotionally connected to your goals creates momentum and follow through 
    • Why successful  people expect to achieve what they envision 
    • How Paul used the "gratitude theater" to reset his mind after a traumatic financial downturn 

    This is a powerful episode that has application to your health, home life and career. Listen in and learn how you can tap into the power of gratitude. 

    The Balanced Warrior Podcast
    enNovember 18, 2023

    Remember the time we reacted without thinking?

    Remember the time we reacted without thinking?

    This week on the Balanced Warrior Podcast, all three coaches, Chris, Mike, and Paul, dig into the importance of responding to a situation instead of reacting.  Have you ever had a situation where you reacted a certain way and regretted it and wished you could have taken it back?  Or have you reacted in a way where all parties involved were better because of it?  Well. Chris, Mike, and Paul all experienced both and are sharing with all of the listeners the tips, tricks, and strategies to help you respond appropriately and not react in haste.  Because the latter will help you and those around you grow from the experience, whereas the former brings regret and could set you back in many ways.  So tune in, get a pen and paper ready, and take notes to learn how to respond and not react.  Some key takeaways to look for are…  

    • When confronted with a situation, write it out and schedule time to address it.
    • Run through a value checklist.
    • Responding and not reacting takes conscious effort.
    • If people bring toxicity to your world, disconnect with them.
    • Understand the other person’s rules, and you could respond more appropriately
    • Make your rules easy to meet and hard to break
    • Communicate your standards so they understand the rules of your game.

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please don’t be shy and share it with anyone who would benefit from its content.  Visit empoweredmastery.com for more information, or contact us at info@empoweredmastery.com should you have any questions about Balanced Warrior and Empowered Mastery.

    What would you tell your younger self?

    What would you tell your younger self?

    This week on the Balanced Warrior Podcast, we have coaches Chris and Mike reflecting on what they would tell their younger selves if they could do it again.  Both Balanced Warrior coaches discuss the mistakes they made in the past and what they would do differently if they turned back time.  Now that Chris is a new grandfather and Mike’s children are adults, they took this opportunity to share their wisdom through the mistakes and successes of their past.  Hopefully, their children will listen, but if not, we know you will get great advice from this one. So, Tune in, grab something to take notes, put these tips into action, and use the hard-earned wisdom Mike and Chris share.  Here are some highlights to listen for…

    • Don’t wish for the future because it comes to you very fast.
    • Show appreciation for people who help you, and do it at the moment.
    • Keep the personal element in front of every communication because it is personal.
    • Prioritize your priorities.
    • Training for sport is excellent, but it’s more important to train for life.
    • YOUTH IS WASTED ON THE YOUNG!…and don’t let that be you!

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please don’t be shy and share it with anyone who would benefit from its content.  Visit empoweredmastery.com for more information, or contact us at info@empoweredmastery.com should you have any questions about Balanced Warrior and Empowered Mastery.

    Materialism and simplicity

    Materialism and simplicity

    This week on the Balanced Warrior Podcast, Coaches Chris, Paul, and Mike discuss materialism vs. simplicity.  How it is possible to strive for growth and material things while maintaining a balanced state of existence.  And if it is possible, how do you do it?  This is a question that many people who experience some level of success often ask themselves. Well, the three Balanced Warrior coaches have some sound advice to ensure we all stay centered as we grow.  Some key takeaways are…

    • Value experiences over things
    • A sense of gratitude comes with a sense of abundance
    • We are compensated in direct proportion to the impact that we make; want more? Make a more significant impact.
    • Manifestation of money
      • Create and deliver massive value
      • The intention is to serve other people
      • Have the right to earn money
      • Residulalize the money
    • Remember…success is good, but it must be earned!

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please don’t be shy and share it with anyone who would benefit from its content.  Visit empoweredmastery.com for more information, or contact us at info@empoweredmastery.com should you have any questions about Balanced Warrior and Empowered Mastery.

    Think Like a Monk Book Review…How to stay positive

    Think Like a Monk Book Review…How to stay positive


    This week on the Balanced Warrior Podcast, we again have all three coaches, Chris, Paul, and Mike, as they discuss the book, “Think Like a Monk” by Jay Shetty.  Mike had read the book and, because of what Balanced Warrior stands for, felt it was perfectly aligned with the Balanced Warrior philosophy.  While the book touches on many topics that have been discussed before, today’s topic was how to stay positive when things aren’t going the way you wish.  How do you stay positive in the face of adversity?  All three coaches share their personal stories, experiences, and anecdotes, making this episode one to tune into.  So grab your pen and paper, and get ready to jot down some value bombs that will surely keep you positive when things are not going your way.  Some key takeaways are…

    • Have a set morning routine and get your mind in a positive state
    • Put things into perspective when things are difficult
    • Care less about the things you can’t control and more about the things you can
    • Use the statement, “Not Today!” when dark thoughts occupy your mind
    • Spot, Stop, and Swap negativity
    • Ask yourself, “What’s the positive
    • Focus on Progress, not perfection
    • Time heals all wounds, and the pain you experience is only temporary

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please don’t be shy and share it with anyone who would benefit from its content.  Here is a link to “Think Like a Monk,” should you want to read it.  https://thinklikeamonkbook.com/

    Visit empoweredmastery.com for more information, or contact us at info@empoweredmastery.com should you have any questions about Balanced Warrior and Empowered Mastery.

    Send your Kid Back to School as a Balanced Warrior!

    Send your Kid Back to School as a Balanced Warrior!

    This week on the Balanced Warrior Podcast, we are joined by all three coaches, Mike, Chris, and Paul.  The three of them dive deep into their extensive parenting experiences, through their own children, and from teaching thousands of kids, they share their most effective parenting tips to help children go back to school with a winning mindset.  There is no more meaningful work than parenting, and with Paul’s children attending high school, Mike has one in college and is now into a career, and Chris has legitimate adults and is expecting to be a Grandfather this month, there is a wealth of knowledge to be shared, so tune in and get ready to send your kids back to school as Balanced Warriors.  Some key takeaways are. 

    • Let your kids fail forward
    • Tell them you love them, respect them, and are grateful they are your children
    • Focus on character traits more than academics
    • Be honest about their strengths, not just their weaknesses
    • Encourage them to fulfill their passion
    • Make their future bigger & and better than their past
    • Be aware of the ramifications of the pandemic, and help them leave it in the past

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please don’t be shy and share it with anyone who would benefit from its content.  Visit empoweredmastery.com for more information, or contact us at info@empoweredmastery.com should you have any questions about Balanced Warrior and Empowered Mastery.

    “The “How to” guide in scaling your Business.”

    “The “How to” guide in scaling your Business.”

    This week on the Balanced Warrior Podcast, we have an exceptional guest, Jerry Tavella, discussing the importance of replicable systems.  Jerry is a managing partner in Prosperian Wealth and a partner in Strategies for Wealth, the largest agency in the Guardian Life Insurance network located in Westchester, NY, and New York City. First as an advisor and now as a general agent, Jerry has cultivated a tremendous team, and continues to roll out top leaders in the industry.  He is a dedicated father, loving husband, and committed leader who has truly experienced multi-dimensional success and is now sharing his success strategies with all of you.  So get your pen and paper ready, and get ready to listen and write how to build a successful duplicatable and replicable business so you, too, can experience multi-dimensional success.

    • Success is built on a duplicatable process, including a protege and a mentor.
    • The protege must have a clear and concise growth plan and a clear progression from entry-level to partner.
    • A protege model is a mutual relationship between the protege and the mentor.
    • The protege model should be highly regarded as a paid graduate program.
    • The protege model allows time expanse to free the junior and senior advisors to delegate and focus on higher-level tasks and projects.
    • Be patient and don’t rush the process, and allow the process to do its job so the quality of the team remains high.
    • Create compensation based on the mentor’s successes, so they can experience and see their potential.
    • No better investment than an investment in good people.
    • “When you invest in people, success is exponential.”
    • Keep a steady proactive training program for the proteges.

    If you want to learn about what Jerry does, a possible career opportunity, and the ability to impact countless lives, you could contact Jerry at jtavella@prosperianwealth.com.

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please don’t be shy and share it with anyone who would benefit from its content.  Visit empoweredmastery.com for more information, or contact us at info@empoweredmastery.com should you have any questions about Balanced Warrior and Empowered Mastery.

    The Balanced Warrior Podcast
    enSeptember 23, 2023

    Always pay it forward…how to properly transition a business

    Always pay it forward…how to properly transition a business

    This week on the Balanced Warrior Podcast, Coaches Chris and Mike are back to discuss the importance of properly preserving one’s legacy.  Mike had the fortunate opportunity to purchase five martial arts businesses from his long-time Taekwondo Master, mentor, and business partner Grandmaster Chong.  The question was how to continue Grandmaster Chong’s legacy while the businesses transitioned to new ownership.  There were many steps along the way, but most notable, were the two large retirement parties to celebrate Grandmaster Chong’s legacy, which also acted as a celebration for the continuation of the organization under new leadership.  Mike and the team did it right!  They honored the man who started the business and showed all of the clients that they were in good hands.  Some notable takeaways to look for are…

    • Small businesses should always properly plan for succession
    • Respect and appreciation are key to passing on one’s legacy
    • It is important to pay it forward
    • Position a business transition as a celebration
    • Always remember where you came from and who helped you get where you are

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please don’t be shy and share it with anyone who would benefit from its content.  Visit empoweredmastery.com for more information, or contact us at info@empoweredmastery.com should you have any questions about Balanced Warrior and Empowered Mastery.

    The Balanced Warrior Podcast
    enSeptember 16, 2023

    How to set new goals after you CRUSH a milestone

    How to set new goals after you CRUSH a milestone

    What do you do AFTER you accomplish a significant  goal that took you six months of daily effort  to achieve? That’s the topic that Balanced Warrior coaches Paul Melella and Mike Mertens discuss on this episode. Having recently competed, and successfully won, his men’s bodybuilding physique competition, Paul answers questions about how he felt in the moment and how he transitions on to his next higher set of goals. During this thought provoking conversation you will hear: 

    - The moment of clarity that struck Paul as he took to the stage regarding why he is driven to excel 

    - The degree of celebration that he allowed himself to enjoy after a victory 

    - The difference between a diet and a lifestyle 

    - The power of a vision board and keeping your most important goals in front of you 

    Mike also shares his own goals setting tips, including the link between physical goals and how to they impact your work and career goals as well. 

    As always, you can count on the Balanced Warrior podcast to provide you with interesting stories, real world examples, and strategies to help you aspire to and achieve more out of life. Enjoy listening and let us know what you think by providing us with a review. 

    The Balanced Warrior Podcast
    enSeptember 09, 2023

    Lessons learned from a double knee replacement

    Lessons learned from a double knee replacement

    This week on the Balanced Warrior Podcast, Chris shares with Coach Mike his path to recovery after double knee replacement surgery.  Just three weeks prior to his surgery, he was standing on to of the highest mountain in Africa, Mt. Kilimanjaro, and then he was relearning how to walk.  Where most people in need of knee replacement do one at a time, Chris opted to get them both done at the same time so he would only have one surgery, one recovery, and one rehab.  Also, if it was a difficult recovery on one leg, he couldn’t chicken out on the second one.  He knew it was going to be difficult, but he also knew the pain was going to be temporary and day by day he was going to improve.  For anyone who is hell-bent on keeping their passions alive as their body ages, or facing a hardship that needs to be overcome, this is the podcast for you.  Why, because no matter what obstacle is in front of you, it is having the right mindset that gets you through.  Some key takeaways are…

    • It was necessary to mentally prepare prior to surgery
    • Put a positive spin on whatever challenge you face
    • It’s all training
    • Time is the greatest healer
    • If something compromises your quality of life, just get it done
    • We all should train for longevity 
    • Strength and flexibility training becomes more important as we age

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please don’t be shy and share it with anyone who would benefit from its content.  Visit empoweredmastery.com for more information, or contact us at info@empoweredmastery.com should you have any questions about Balanced Warrior and Empowered Mastery.  

    The Balanced Warrior Podcast
    enSeptember 02, 2023

    How to stay strong during the summer

    How to stay strong during the summer

    This week on the Balanced Warrior Podcast, Chris and Paul share some valuable tips on how to stay strong during the summer.  A lot of professionals believe that summer is inevitably going to be slow and in turn, business is going to be slow.  While it is true that people do take more time off in the summer, successful people will come up with innovative ways to make the most out of their time; not just in business, but all areas of life.  Paul and Chris give some solid strategies to take advantage of the summer and come out ahead, where most struggle to get through.  Some key takeaways are…

    • It’s ok to downshift during the summer but must continue growing
    • If business is slow, put the energy towards other areas of life
    • Use the summer to nurture key relationships
    • Consistency is key
    • Rejuvenate your mental energy daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly
    • Pre-plan rejuvenation activities
    • Eliminate distractions to be more production

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please don’t be shy and share it with anyone who would benefit from its content.  Visit empoweredmastery.com for more information, or contact us at info@empoweredmastery.com should you have any questions about Balanced Warrior and Empowered Mastery. 

    It's not all about the six pack: Lessons learned from training for a physique competition

    It's not all about the six pack: Lessons learned from training for a physique competition

    This week Mike and Paul discuss Paul's upcoming physique competition. The Balanced Warriors are all about taking on new fitness challenges, and pushing themselves to grow! As Paul explains, the benefits of taking on this unique challenge have extended to more than just the shape of his body. The discipline, habits, and sense of purpose required carry over into his relationships, work, and even faith. 

    Listen in as Paul shares: 

    • A day in the life during the final phase of competition training 
    • How to overcome temptation and peer pressure and stay on track 
    • The 4 D's that make goal setting more effective 
    • Why prioritizing your fitness is compatible with prioritizing your family

    Even if you never intend to lift a weight or to pose on a stage, Paul's experience will give you inspiration to take on your own unique fitness goals