
    The Balanced Warrior Podcast

    The Balanced Warrior podcast is designed to help anyone who is tired of making sacrifices when it comes to living the life they want. Hosts Chris Berlow, Paul Melella Jr., and Mike Mertens are serial entrepreneurs and lifelong martial artists. They have combined the best of Eastern philosophy and modern business practices to enjoy lives that are rewarding and satisfying both personally and professionally. And, they have coached thousands of busy men and women to do the same. Do you want to achieve financial success without giving up your health? Would you love to be both a great parent to your children and maintain passion for your partner? Then what you are seeking is multi-dimensional success, and that is exactly what this podcast can help you to achieve. Every episode is packed with effectiveness hacks, daily habits tips, and interviews full of practical strategies that you can apply immediately. So get ready to be educated, entertained, and inspired, so you too can become a Balanced Warrior!
    enChris Berlow89 Episodes

    Episodes (89)

    Thriving with adult ADHD as a busy professional

    Thriving with adult ADHD as a busy professional

    This week on the Balanced Warrior Podcast we have another very special guest, David Greenwood.  David is an accomplished author and podcaster, coach, and all-around great guy.  His two books, Overcoming Distractions and Overcoming Burnout are both timely and prescriptive given today’s information overload that everyone is experiencing.  Dave’s podcast provides tremendous value with insightful conversations on how to overcome the many distractions we face in our lives.  So whether you are a business owner, entrepreneur, manager, employee, parent, or student, this conversation will surely keep you focused, and provide proven strategies to help you accomplish all you set out to do.  

    Some key takeaways are…

    • Self-awareness is key to overcoming distractions
    • Clear your mind with a brain dump, then organize from there
    • Don’t just create a to-do list, schedule the actions in your calendar
    • Keep tasks right in your face and make them easy to see
    • You must own your ADHD and/or distractibility challenges
    • Work to stay in control of your world instead of your world controlling you
    • Always seek clarity


    If you want to learn about David and all he has going on, go to overcomingdistractions.com, and we strongly recommend you listen to his podcast, Overcoming Distractions, and order either or both of his books. 


    If you enjoyed this podcast, please don’t be shy and share it with anyone who would benefit from its content.  Visit empoweredmastery.com for more information, or contact us at info@empoweredmastery.com should you have any questions about Balanced Warrior and Empowered Mastery.

    The Blueprint: How to build an enduring business Part 2 of 2

    The Blueprint: How to build an enduring business Part 2  of 2

    In part 2 of this presentation, Mike Mertens reveals more of the principals that allowed his businesses to thrive for several decades, and to serve as a standard for his industry. These concepts are applicable to virtually any field, and can be used as a checklist to determine where you need to put more effort into your career or business. Mike discusses 5 elements including: 

    Your People: Have you built a roster of team members that have complimentary skills?

    Your Process: Create a love affair with the methods you use and strive to be remarkable.

    Your Innovation: Regular adjustments, improvements and upgrades are vital to business health 

    Your Language: The importance of upgrading how you communicate what you do, how you do it, and why it matters 

    Your Goals: There is no limit to what you can achieve if you commit to constant growth and learning 

    The Blueprint: How to build an enduring business Part 1 of 2

    The Blueprint: How to build an enduring business Part 1 of 2

    What does it take to build a business that succeeds at the highest level decade after decade? Mike Mertens is a serial entrepreneur, with ownership in martial arts schools, consulting, and software. In this episode, Mike  explains the importance of building your business on a solid foundation, and that foundation is you! Listen in and learn as Mike discusses: 

    Clarity of Vision: The key to decision making 

    Time management: How to avoid majoring in minor things 

    Emotional Management: Learning to become self aware of your emotional states and triggers 

    The Warrior Spirit: Business ups and downs are inevitable but entrepreneurs embrace the challenge 

    How influential figures can shape your future

    How influential figures can shape your future

    This week on the Balanced Warrior Podcast you have all three Balanced Warrior’s on-air discussing mentorship.  Not of their parents or Taekwondo mentors, but from other influences who have inspired the three of them. Chris, Mike, and Paul each chose two historical figures whom they respect, admire, and who have influenced them in one way or another.  Chris chose U.S. Grant and Rosa Parks, Mike acknowledged Walt Disney and Ray Kroc, and Paul talked about Napoleon Hill and Bruce Lee.  All the historical figures were innovators, passionate, and overcame tremendous adversity to achieve the impact and success they desired.  Tune in and travel through time as the Balanced Warriors take you through a historical journey of some of the most influential people in history.  

    1. U. S. Grant because of his rise from poverty to the greatest military commander in U. S. history, held steadfast in his values and was able to always see the forest through the trees.
    2. Walt Disney was relentless to see his vision come to life and was able to create and inspire a dedicated team, which was undeterred by critics, and financial challenges.
    3. Ray Kroc was the architect behind McDonald’s and used training, standards, and systems to produce a consistent experience and result for customers anywhere in the world. 
    4. Bruce Lee was the master of discipline who went against the norm and challenged common thinking. H was an innovator who lived outside the box and a true pioneer that inspired martial arts in Western culture. 
    5. Rosa Parks was a black woman who refused to give up her seat to a white man on a bus in 1955.  Her bold statement instigated the Civil Rights Movement who despite her adversity, always stayed true to the mission.
    6. Napoleon Hill was the famous author of Think and Grow Rich and could be considered the father of personal development.  his commitment, dedication, and patience in spreading secrets of success were unparalleled.

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please don’t be shy and share it with anyone who would benefit from its content.  Visit empoweredmastery.com for more information, or contact us at info@empoweredmastery.com should you have any questions about Balanced Warrior and Empowered Mastery.

    The Top 5 things that high achievers do

    The Top 5 things that high achievers do

    Do you have a mentor or mentors in your life? What about a peer group that challenges and inspires you? How much of your time each week is spent developing yourself by learning new concepts and acquiring new skills that will help you to achieve your goals? And equally important, are you passing on the knowledge that you have to others who are at an earlier stage in their journey than you?


    In this episode Paul and Mike address these questions, and how significant mentoring has been to their success. This discussion includes: 


    • A mentor isn’t someone who isn’t  all knowing and all powerful 
    • Even the coaches have coaches 
    • Pursuing knowledge with price tags ranging from $20 to $20,000Creating a checklist for success that examines what you are spending your time on and with who you are spending it with. 

    Be the “Difference Maker” in your community

    Be the “Difference Maker” in your community

    This week on the Balanced Warrior Podcast, we have Erin Hartnett, the Director of Development for the Children’s Hospital of Buffalo Foundation. Balanced Warrior Mike Mertens and his martial arts organization, World Class Tae Kwon Do, have supported the Children’s Hospital for many years and raised a whopping 1.3 Million Dollars to help children in the Greater Buffalo area.  Balanced Warriors believe that we are measured by what we give, not by what we have in life, and Erin is built from the same mold.  She left a career in academia and politics after she asked herself, “What could I do to make a greater impact in the Buffalo community?”  She works tirelessly to raise funds by inspiring people to donate so that the hospital can meet the medical needs of children and mothers throughout New York State. She shares her personal story and how when Covid happened, she decided she needed to do something in life with more meaning.  This turning point caused her to pivot and seek out a position at a non-profit. This is a great listen to learn about the behind-the-scenes aspects of charity work and how there is no greater gift than the gift of giving.  Some key takeaways to look for are…

      • In life, we are measured by what we give, not by what we have.
      • Charity is the greatest gift and should be educated by teachers and parents.  
      • A career that can impact those in need is worth its weight in gold.
      • When you question what you do, take the time to look at the impact that you are making, and that will keep you inspired.
      • Give without memory, and receive without forgetting.  

    For more information about The Children’s Hospital of Buffalo Foundation, or if you would like to donate, please visit FOROCH.ORG, and know that any contribution you make will enrich the lives of children and mothers in need.  

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please don’t be shy and share it with anyone who would benefit from its content.  Visit empoweredmastery.com for more information, or contact us at info@empoweredmastery.com should you have any questions about Balanced Warrior and Empowered Mastery.

    The Balanced Warrior Book-review Discussion “Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity” by Peter Attia, M.D.

    The Balanced Warrior Book-review Discussion “Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity” by Peter Attia, M.D.

    This week’s podcast is one not to miss, although we say that to all of them; however, the conversation between Mike, Paul, and Chris will surely get you reflecting on how you are living your life and planning to live in the future.  We cover a topic that people don’t want to discuss, yet, what we all spend a great deal of time training for.  What are we training for? longevity.  In this episode, Mike leads off with the insights and actionable strategies found in his newest favorite book, “Outlive,” written by a medical doctor and popular podcaster, Peter Attia. Together, the Balanced Warrior team discusses their daily habits to increase both life span AND health span. While none of the three do it the same way, all of them are committed to investing now in their physical, mental, and emotional health so that they may reap the benefits of a more vibrant and independent lifestyle as they age. And let’s face it, they are getting older but could continue to feel young. Listen in and gain great ideas on how to age gracefully and continue to do what you love for all your days! 

    In this episode: 

    • The sobering tale of two  73-year-olds and how different their daily lives are today
    • Three different “flavors” of daily activity and a mix of physical training 
    • Where each Balanced Warrior finds emotional support and inspiration 
    • The area that each Balanced Warrior recognized that they needed to improve 
    • The importance of finding a coach and how they contribute to your progress and motivation 
    • What are some of the items that the Balanced Warriors include in their Centenarian Decathlon 

    Dr. Peter Attia’s book “Outlive,” his podcast, and information on his great work can be found at www.peterattiamd.com. And if you know anyone who would benefit from this podcast or an of our conversations, be sure to share with your family and friends.  Visit empoweredmastery.com for more information, or contact us at info@empoweredmastery.com should you have any questions about Balanced Warrior and Empowered Mastery.

    Life’s an Adventure…So Live It!

    Life’s an Adventure…So Live It!

    In this episode on the Balanced Warrior Podcast, we are wrapping up the April 2023 theme of Happiness and fun with the owner of Embark Exploration Co., Donovan Pacholl.  Donovan started Embark Exploration because he loved adventure and travel, and he combined the two to form his very successful adventure travel company.  They have facilitated countless trips worldwide and brought people to accomplish mountains and treks they never believed they could.  He has helped charitable organizations such as Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and countless others raise money and climb Kilimanjaro in Africa, Everest Base Camp in Nepal, Cotopaxi in Ecuador, and more.  Balanced Warrior Coach Chris had the opportunity to spend three weeks with Donovan climbing Aconcagua earlier this year.  Donovan drops numerous value bombs in this episode and refers to various sources; one is the book MicroAdventures by Alastair Humphries, which allows people to get a sense of adventure without traveling the world.  Donovan shares his fantastic adventure stories, how he started and conceptualized Embark Exploration, and what inspires him to grow and take more people out of their comfort zone and climb the world’s highest peaks and remote places.

    Some notable takeaways…

    • Adventure Travel allows you to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
    • There is beauty all over the world waiting to be explored.
    • It is possible to do what you love as a business.
    • What Type 2 Fun is and how it helps you grow.
    • Suffering is a good thing and part of any adventure.
    • You don’t need to travel the world to experience adventure.
    • You, too, can climb Africa’s highest peak, Kilimanjaro.

    You can learn more about Embark Exploration at https://embarkexplorationco.com, where you can all choose from an array of adventures.  Embark hosts a podcast called, Type2Fun, https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/type2fun/id1539555571, which is highly recommended.  And you can find Donovan Pacholl and Embark Exploration on all social media channels.  Of course, this is the place to go if you are looking for adventure travel!

    And don’t be shy and share it with anyone who would benefit from its content.  Visit empoweredmastery.com for more information, or contact us at info@empoweredmastery.com should you have any questions about Balanced Warrior and Empowered Mastery.

    The Key to Happiness…an Interview with Grandmaster Byung Min Kim

    The Key to Happiness…an Interview with Grandmaster Byung Min Kim

    This week, we have a most memorable episode of the Balanced Warrior Podcast as Paul and Chris had the distinct honor and opportunity to interview their Taekwondo and spiritual Grandmaster, Grandmaster Byung Min Kim.  Grandmaster Kim is one of the most influential Taekwondo Grandmasters in the world, from being a Middle and Heavy Weight Korean National Champion in his youth to owning and operating multiple successful Taekwondo Schools in New York and New Jersey. He has performed on National television in ABC’s Wide World of Sports and has impacted thousands of lives. Even more impressive is his unrelenting commitment to his personal training and spiritual journey to reach enlightenment.  His discipline is second to none, and he retired from Taekwondo to advance his training.  Grandmaster Kim possesses a great deal of wisdom and knowledge that only one who has spent thousands of hours in meditation could have.  We are excited to share a piece of that wisdom with all of you!    Paul and I sat with Grandmaster Kim in his backyard, having tea in a beautiful setting on a warm day in Loma Linda, California, where he shared how we could all live happier lives.  Please grab a pen and paper, or use your phone for notes and capture the wisdom of a Great Grandmaster with years of experience and training.  

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please be sure to subscribe to the podcast and allow us to help you live a balanced life while maintaining a warrior spirit.  

    And don’t be shy and share it with anyone who would benefit from its content.  Visit empoweredmastery.com for more information, or contact us at info@empoweredmastery.com should you have any questions about Balanced Warrior and Empowered Mastery.

    What is your definition of happiness?

    What is your definition of happiness?

    This episode on the Balanced Warrior Podcast is all about fun and happiness.  Coaches Chris Berlow and Paul Melella have a “fun” conversation on “Happiness.”  What is your definition of happiness?  Is it dependent on the success of your business?  Is it the quality of your relationships?  Is it the achievement of material things?  Or is it the freedom to do the things you love?  There is no right or wrong answer because it is individualized to you.  This episode will get you laughing and thinking about what brings you joy.  Because in the end, if we are not happy in our lives, we are not living our best life.  

    Here are some notable takeaways to living a happy life.

    • Everyone has a different definition of "Happiness.”
    • Happiness is not a destination.
    • How do you measure Happiness?
    •  Your definition of happiness constantly evolves depending on the season of life you are in. 
    • Top tips for creating a happy life:
      • Golden relationships play an essential role in the happiest humans.
      • Intimacy with partners and spouses 
      • Simplifying life
      • meaningful work
      • Being mindful and grateful for the little things in life
    • Learn to become aware of your top values and simplify any rules you attach to them. 
    • Have fun!

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please be sure to subscribe to the podcast and allow us to help you live a balanced life while maintaining a warrior spirit.  


    And don’t be shy and share it with anyone who would benefit from its content.  Visit empoweredmastery.com for more information, or contact us at info@empoweredmastery.com should you have any questions about Balanced Warrior and Empowered Mastery.

    How to See the Forest Through the Trees

    How to See the Forest Through the Trees

    This week on the Balanced Warrior Podcast, coaches Mike Mertens and Chris Berlow share tips and strategies to achieve your goals regardless of the obstacles.  In the spirit of the spring season, we know this is a great time to initiate growth in our personal and professional lives.  There is a vibrant energy that inspires us to do and be more.  However, what happens when there is an obstacle?  In the world of immediate gratification and expecting progress right away, these obstacles become more daunting because we, as a society, need to be more patient.  It’s like someone is standing right in front of a tree, and the tree is blocking the view of the forest, so you don’t even see there is a forest.  This is why we owe it to ourselves to keep the vision and goal that inspires us at the forefront of our minds, allowing us to overcome obstacles.  

    Here are notable takeaways to overcome any obstacle that comes your way:

    • Motivation is temporary, and Inspiration is long term
    • We must motivate ourselves daily to stay in touch with what inspires us
    • We should have clarity in our goals every day
    • Create a vision board to stay inspired, and do it with your family
    • Develop a team to support you
    • Find a mentor or coach to help you overcome your obstacles
    • Always, always, always focus on the positive 

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please don’t be shy and share it with anyone who would benefit from its content.  Visit empoweredmastery.com for more information, or contact us at info@empoweredmastery.com should you have any questions about Balanced Warrior and Empowered Mastery.

    Olympic hopeful to multi location business owner

    Olympic hopeful to multi location business owner

    Donovan Rider was a national level Taekwondo competitor who made an ambitious decision at age 17. After earning the credit he needed to graduate, he  left high school to join the U.S. Army. There he was a member of the prestigious World Class Athlete Program. His military duty was to train and compete at the highest level, with the goal of representing the Army at the Olympics. After a great deal of success both nationally and internationally, 

    Donovan saw his hopes dashed by a career ending injury in the ring at the 2012 Olympic team trials. And yet… that is where his story BEGINS. Donovan applied the focus, intensity and resilience he had gained from being a top fighter into fighting his way up the business ladder. He currently operates six martial arts school/ after school programs, and is poised to open dozens more. In this inspiring interview Donovan shares: 


    • The power of reflection and the moment that everything changes when you realize you are living a life incongruent with your vision of yourself
    • What it was like to start up a new business with only 10k in a brand new city with no business contacts 
    • The biggest mistakes elite performers make when identifying and training staff
    • How personal development leads to business development, and why Donovan continues to invest 100K annually on a business coach 
    • The “time blocks” that this ambitious entrepreneur, devoted husband and loving father uses to see continued growth in all areas of his life


    If you enjoyed this podcast, please don’t be shy and share it with anyone who would benefit from its content.  Visit empoweredmastery.com for more information, or contact us at info@empoweredmastery.com should you have any questions about Balanced Warrior and Empowered Mastery.

    Chris’s adventure up Aconcagua Mountain; the highest mountain in the America’s

    Chris’s adventure up Aconcagua Mountain; the highest mountain in the America’s

    This week’s podcast is enjoyable and will get you laughing as Coach Paul Melella interviews Chris about his latest adventure in Argentina.  Chris has been touring the world, climbing high-altitude mountains for six years and countless peaks across the country for the past ten years.  He is always looking for his next adventure, and in the spirit of growth, his altitude and challenges grow as time goes on.  He has climbed notable peaks such as Kilimanjaro, Cotopaxi, Everest Base Camp, and volcanoes in Guatemala; his latest challenge was to climb the highest mountain in the Americas, Aconcagua, at 22830’.  In this podcast, Chris shares with Paul why adventure is such an essential part of his life, why he spends so much time in nature, and is always looking for a taller, more prominent, or farther expedition.  Get ready for an adventurous podcast as Chris and Paul heckle their way through the conversation.  Here are some notable takeaways:* Keeps me humble - it doesn't matter how big or successful we get... we are small compared to the power of nature 
    * You never genuinely know about life until you experience time in the mountains
    * Put yourself in situations to challenge yourself and then see your full potential 
    * Getting outside your comfort zone and not be confined to limits
    * It allows your mind, body, and spirit to be without limits or ceilings

    If you are interested in an adventure like Chris has experienced, contact Embark Exploration at https://embarkexplorationco.com .  If you are interested in raising money for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and experiencing an epic adventure, go to https://cure.lls.org/campaign/climb2cure-landing/c423188.  Whatever you do, be sure to go outside and enjoy nature.  

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please don’t be shy and share it with anyone who would benefit from its content.  Visit empoweredmastery.com for more information, or contact us at info@empoweredmastery.com should you have any questions about Balanced Warrior and Empowered Mastery.

    Let’s get ready for spring! How to declutter your life

    Let’s get ready for spring!  How to declutter your life

    March is the beginning of Spring, bringing abundant growth in our worlds.  The dormant seeds of winter blossom and energy flow all around us.  This is the perfect time to tap into the well-known concept of “Spring Cleaning” and give your mind, body, spirit, home, and office the spring cleaning it deserves.  As Balanced Warriors, we believe what gets measured gets managed, and this is the perfect time to measure what is cluttering your world.  Balanced Warrior’s Chris and Paul share some Spring Cleaning methods to declutter your mind, calendar, and even home.  We hope that after listening to this podcast, you will allow the decluttering process to begin.

    • Work on decluttering your mind daily to give yourself a fresh start to the day.
    • Take an assessment of your thoughts to see if they are serving you or not.
    • Neutralize negative thoughts and gain clarity on your desired outcome.
    • Take ownership to the improvements you want to make
    • Be grateful for all experiences, both good and bad, because they led you to where you are.
    • Control your calendar, and you can control your life…lose the clutter.
    • See how you could eliminate clutter in your home; an organized home is a happy home.

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please don’t be shy and share it with anyone who would benefit from its content.  Visit empoweredmastery.com for more information, or contact us at info@empoweredmastery.com should you have any questions about Balanced Warrior and Empowered Mastery.

    “Celebrate your marriage every day” with Power couple Mike and Glori Storms

    “Celebrate your marriage every day” with Power couple Mike and Glori Storms

    As Balanced Warriors, we always talk about multi-dimensional success: success in the areas most important to you.  And the relationship with your significant other is paramount to achieving this level of success.  Why? Because to be a high performer, your home life has to be rock solid; otherwise, there is no foundation for your success.    We are incredibly excited to share this interview with a genuine power couple, Mike and Glori Storms.  The two of them are the epitome of multi-dimensional success with a highly successful health coaching business, they are in excellent physical condition, have beautiful relationships with their family, have strong faith, and, most importantly, have a loving and reciprocal relationship that grows stronger every day. The two share what it takes to have a happy marriage and how it is a lot of work.  Mike and Gloria opened their hearts and shared personal challenges and obstacles they experienced and practical strategies that helped them overcome the struggles.  Now they get to live a life most people could only dream of.  And it all comes back to their commitment to having a happy and healthy marriage. There are a lot of takeaways, so tune in on how to always keep your marriage first and continue to be married to your best friend!

    • Focus on becoming the person you want to find.
    • Heal yourself first; otherwise, you bring your personal bruises into the relationship.
    • Identify your marriage expectations and align your financial goals.
    • Become aware of what season you and your spouse are in. 
    • Faith is the glue to keep the relationship strong and provide structure for your family.
    • "Celebrate your marriage every day” - Glori Storms

    To learn more about Mike and Gloria’s health coaching or this podcast, please email Glori at gloristorms@gmail.com and Mike at sensei.storms@gmail.com.  You could follow them on Facebook at facebook.com/mike.storms.754 and Instagram at instagram.com/coachmikestorms/

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please don’t be shy and share it with anyone who would benefit from its content.  Visit empoweredmastery.com for more information, or contact us at info@empoweredmastery.com should you have any questions about Balanced Warrior and Empowered Mastery.

    The Balanced Warrior Couple: Secrets to Keeping the Spark after 20 years of Marriage

    The Balanced Warrior Couple: Secrets to Keeping the Spark after 20 years of Marriage

    All three Balanced Warrior coaches enjoy marriages that have lasted over 20 years. In this episode, Mike interviews Paul and Gina Melella. The Melellas explain how they met and fell in love after ten years of knowing one another.  They also share their secrets for growing even closer together while dealing with the daily challenges of running multiple businesses and parenting their two teenage children. As this discussion unfolds, you will see for yourself how the Balanced Warrior concepts of seasons of life, core values, and time blocking all contribute to the health, happiness, and sense of connection that Gina and Paul are sharing. They are a true power couple, and what they do most powerfully is love their family and one another! 


    Listen in and learn: 

    • A phenomenal "time to prime" morning routine

    • How to establish helpful boundaries that make working from home possible and productive

    • The value of a scheduled "family business meeting"

    • How you and your partner can learn to speak each other's love languages 

    • The incredible impact of attention, affection, and spontaneity

    • A well-worn book that has added "spice" to Gina and Paul's private time and the surprising person who gave it to them!

    • Paul and Gina's advice to new couples who want to enjoy a lifelong "love affair" with one another 

    The Balanced Warrior Podcast
    enFebruary 08, 2023

    Balanced Warrior Interview: Marco Barbaro: Real estate riches and humble family man

    Balanced Warrior Interview: Marco Barbaro: Real estate riches and humble family man

    Our first-ever Balanced Warrior interview was with the inspiring and genuine 

    Marco Barbaro. He is a multi-family real estate investor and coach to individuals looking to grow their wealth. Marco owns an incredible 3,500 rental units and has achieved financial freedom at age 48 with a passive income that will support him for the rest of his life.  However, his passion is for more than just sharing tips on cash flow and market trends. Marco preaches and lives a life balanced around health, family, and contribution. In his own words, he is a “go-giver” who thinks beyond his own needs and envisions providing a better future for his children, grandchildren, and clients. Listen in and learn from a true master of multi-dimensional success! Included in this episode: 

    • Marco’s strategies for using a vision board 
    • The value and benefit of setting “layup goals” 
    • The importance of being a student for life 
    • The most valuable “asset” that you can pass on to your children
    • The connection between daily fitness routines and maintaining a positive mindset 
    • How to reframe and obtain lessons from failure
    • The multiplier effect of surrounding yourself with the right people 

    For more information on the content of this podcast, and any other Empowered Mastery programs, be sure to visit www.empoweredmastery.com or email us at info@empoweredmastery.com.  For more information about Marco and his multi-family mastermind group, visit marcobarbaro.com for more information.  

    The Balanced Warrior Podcast
    enFebruary 01, 2023

    The Power of habit tracking

    The Power of habit tracking

    Habit Tracking will help you achieve more of your goals this year! 

    It has been said that your life is made up of your habits. Virtually all of us fall into routines regarding what we eat, when we sleep, how active we are throughout the day, and even the time that we spend with our loved ones. The question is, how many of these habits have you consciously chosen, and how well do the choices support the goals and the lifestyle that you desire? In this episode, Mike goes over the benefits of habit tracking, and how this simple but powerful tool provides both motivation and accountability to readjust your daily routine. 

    Topics covered include: 

    • What most people get wrong about goal setting 
    • Understanding the difference between outcome goals and process goals 
    • How to establish action items for any goal or area of life 
    • How to decide how high to set your goals 
    • Keeping motivated when you falter along the way 

    For more information on the content of this podcast, and any other Empowered Mastery programs, be sure to visit www.empoweredmastery.com or email us at info@empoweredmastery.com.

    Crushing your goals in 2023…What’s on your calendar?

    Crushing your goals in 2023…What’s on your calendar?

    Podcast 24 will turn the wheels in your mind as we all jump into 2023 to make this year better than the last.  If you are listening to this podcast, there’s a good chance you are already working on the goals you set; why? Because that is what high achievers do.  Balanced Warrior’s Chris, Paul, and Mike share what’s on their calendar and how they will accomplish their goals.  What makes this conversation interesting is the differing approach due to the different seasons of life.  Besides being serial entrepreneurs, Paul has two children who still live at home, Mike has one out of the house and one getting ready to graduate, and Chris’s children are all grown up.  Enjoy the podcast, and may 2023 be your best year ever!

    • There is excitement about filling in your calendar with things you want to accomplish
    • Micro-habits will help you achieve the bigger goal
    • Set the year goals and reverse engineer them down to the week/months
    • Allocate time for mental energy rejuvenation
    • Be specific with the goals you set, clarity makes it a reality
    • Ask yourself, How will I know when my goal is achieved”
    • Know the difference between “Outcome“ goals and “Process” goals

    For more information on the content of this podcast, and any other Empowered Mastery programs, be sure to visit www.empoweredmastery.com or email us at info@empoweredmastery.com.

    The Path to wisdom is reflection…2022’s biggest takeaways

    The Path to wisdom is reflection…2022’s biggest takeaways

    This episode is sure to get the wheels turning in your mind as Mike, Chris, and Paul share their most valuable lessons of 2022.  December is an excellent time for reflection, or an evaluation, of how you performed this year.  How did you do as a leader, a spouse, a parent, a child, or whatever role you have?  How did you do with accomplishing your goals for the year? Most importantly, what did you learn, good or bad, that will help you in 2023?  That is what this podcast is all about.  The three Balanced Warriors share their greatest takeaways of 2022 with the hope that you, the listeners, will also reflect on how your year went.  We all know life has ups and downs, trials and tribulations, but it is the wise leader that has the ability to learn from their experiences and adapt for the future.  That is the Balanced Warrior way.  Here are some of the lessons learned in 2022 and what to listen for in this podcast…

    • Experience does not equal wisdom.  Experience plus reflection equals wisdom.
    • If you don’t want the answer, don’t ask the question. (learn to let the question to)
    • Embrace the power of rituals.  Know how to prepare for the day and wind down to close the day.
    • What gets measured gets married, not just with money, but everything.
    • Hit the Core Four before you enter the door.
    • Everything is minus one, you never know what the future holds.

    For more information on the content of this podcast, and any other Empowered Mastery programs, be sure to visit www.empoweredmastery.com or email us at info@empoweredmastery.com.