
    The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC Show: Understanding Love, Accepting Truth, & Changing Your Perspective

    Coach Martez and Woodrina Layton, LPC are a determined and inspiring power couple looking forward to teaching more people about the importance of having strong and healthy relationships in their lives. Coach Martez is a Certified Life Coach, and Woodrina Layton is a Licensed Therapist, and they have been married for over thirty years. With such experience in keeping a strong marriage growing, Coach Martez and Woodrina realized that their divine role in life is to help empower others and their relationships. Woodrina and Coach Martez share more than 30 years of marriage experience and have had their expertise and story featured on the OWN Network and popular Christian talk show, The 700 Club, The Real Housewives of Atlanta, Good Day DC, Great Morning Washington and several other media outlets. They have also counseled celebrity couples in and outside the Greater Atlanta area. They founded the notable and successful “Married 4 Life Walk” marriage movement where they host an annual 2-mile walk that has had over 1,000 participants who are committed to building and maintaining strong, healthy marital relationships. Be prepared to gain knowledge on understanding love, accepting truth and changing perspective, as Coach Martez and Woodrina Layton deliver the prescription for healthy relationships. Whether mending hearts or clearing out emotional baggage, their passion to help you in your life and relationships will help to achieve your goals in life and relationships. Coach Martez and Woodrina are renowned speakers, authors and relationship coaches specializing in premarital counseling, affair recovery and marriage coaching. To book a session with Martez and Woodrina, go to DreamBuildersCoaching.net/about and book an appointment online now.
    en-usTransformation Radio - New Mainstream in Talk Radio32 Episodes

    Episodes (32)

    What's All The Talk About Marriage Coaching & Counseling?

    What's All The Talk About Marriage Coaching & Counseling?

    Have you asked yourself, “What’s all the talk about marriage coaching and counseling?” Today, professional coaching and counseling is becoming more accepted and normalized, which is hugely different from being in a relationship in the 80’s, 90’s and 2000’s. However, most men still feel as if they do not want to open and share about their relationship with a professional coach or counselor. Many couples who have received marriage or relationship counseling have stated, “they did not have a connection with their counselor.” Some men feel when they go into a counseling session, it will be a place where they will be bashed or blamed for everything that is going wrong in their relationship. Many women feel as if they want to receive couples coaching and counseling, however, they cannot get their spouses to commit to join them in a session. This is one of the reasons that Coach Martez and Woodrina Layton, LPC became a professional coach and licensed therapist to provide a service that they were looking for, years ago, during challenging times in their marriage. Do you want to learn what to listen for, what to expect, and how to choose the best fit for you in your relationship when working with a coach or counselor? Then, join Coach Martez and Licensed Therapist Woodrina Layton on the next episode of The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC Show as they share insight and bring a unique perspective to working with them to improve your relationship.

    Encore: What’s The One thing That Negatively Impacts And Affects The Confidence And Emotional Security In A Marriage?

    Encore: What’s The One thing That Negatively Impacts And Affects The Confidence And Emotional Security In A Marriage?

    Have you ever asked yourself, “What's the reason that I have so much to be thankful for in my life and marriage, but I still feel empty?” Over the years, after being a highly confident person, have you had times to where you can’t explain what happened to your inner strength and confidence? Emotional security is very important in a marriage, but what happens when your spouse doesn’t understand how important that emotional connection is to you? Have you felt the invisible negative energy in your relationship, but can never put your finger on it? Join Coach Martez and Licensed Therapist Woodrina Layton on the next episode of The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC Show as they share insight and bring a unique perspective to the one thing that negatively affects confidence and emotional security in a marriage.

    Encore: What Is The Married 4 Life Walk?

    Encore: What Is The Married 4 Life Walk?

    Many people hear about the Annual Married 4 Life Walk but may not really understand what it is all about. The slogan for the Married 4 Life Walk is, “Never Let Go Of The Hand You Are Holding.” This is important because marriage is a journey of learning about each other while growing through challenges and tests to get to a place of deeper love and complete unity. But while you and your spouse are on this journey, it’s natural to want to be left alone and sometimes choose to disconnect from one another physically and emotionally. This is the foundation for the Annual Married 4 Life Walk held each year in Atlanta. The goal is to bring like-minded couples together to educate, empower and encourage them to remember that they can overcome those challenges and keep their marriage and family together. The Married 4 Life Walk is an initiative, of Healing Hearts Healing Homes, Inc. 501C3, that advocates for the importance of professional marriage coaching & counseling. Join the founders of the Married 4 Life Walk, Coach Martez & Licensed Therapist Woodrina Layton, as they discuss the history, vision and more on The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton Show.

    Is Engaging In Inappropriate Conversations, Texting Or Sending Pictures Considered Cheating?

    Is Engaging In Inappropriate Conversations, Texting Or Sending Pictures Considered Cheating?

    If you are married or in a committed relationship, do you feel as if private and intimate conversations that do not involve touching or kissing with someone other than your spouse or partner is cheating? How about engaging in inappropriate conversations via text with someone you work with, or knew back in the day or someone from a Social Media site? Some of the most destructive infidelities that have broken up marriages, did not even involve another person, but financial deceit. Cheating can happen in various ways in your relationship or marriage, but it is important to understand the difference between appropriate and inappropriate actions. Join Coach Martez and Licensed Therapist Woodrina Layton on the next episode of The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC Show as they share insight and bring a unique perspective to what cheating looks like in your relationship.

    What Are Some Common Misconceptions About Marriage & Relationships?

    What Are Some Common Misconceptions About Marriage & Relationships?

    Many people feel as if they have a good grip about being married or being in a serious relationship. And there are several misconceptions around being married that some people feel are true. For example, have you ever heard others say or even said to yourself that, “having a healthy relationship should be easy” or “romance never dies for couples who are in love?” Sometimes people think that because a couple loves God, and they are always having moments of “public display of affection” that they probably never argue or have fall outs. Another common misconception is, “once you get married sex becomes boring and is no fun.” Join Coach Martez and Licensed Therapist Woodrina Layton on the next episode of The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC Show as they discuss and break down some of the common misconceptions about marriage and relationships.

    Encore: Is It Selfish Or Not? The Importance Of Self-Love In Your Relationship

    Encore: Is It Selfish Or Not? The Importance Of Self-Love In Your Relationship

    Do you feel as if making time for yourself means you are not making your marriage a priority? Have you wondered how some people find the time to have a manicure, pedicure, or massage? Is it ok to desire something that you really want, but your spouse says, we don’t have the time or money for that? Sometimes the decisions not to show love to ourselves could be the result of guilt or a need to make other things and other people more of the priority than ourselves. As a result, this can cause many problems in our relationships. Join Coach Martez and Licensed Therapist Woodrina Layton on the next episode of The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC Show as they share insight and bring a unique perspective on the importance of self-love in your life and relationship.

    What Is The Married 4 Life Walk?

    What Is The Married 4 Life Walk?

    Many people hear about the Annual Married 4 Life Walk but may not really understand what it is all about. The slogan for the Married 4 Life Walk is, “Never Let Go Of The Hand You Are Holding.” This is important because marriage is a journey of learning about each other while growing through challenges and tests to get to a place of deeper love and complete unity. But while you and your spouse are on this journey, it’s natural to want to be left alone and sometimes choose to disconnect from one another physically and emotionally. This is the foundation for the Annual Married 4 Life Walk held each year in Atlanta. The goal is to bring like-minded couples together to educate, empower and encourage them to remember that they can overcome those challenges and keep their marriage and family together. The Married 4 Life Walk is an initiative, of Healing Hearts Healing Homes, Inc. 501C3, that advocates for the importance of professional marriage coaching & counseling. Join the founders of the Married 4 Life Walk, Coach Martez & Licensed Therapist Woodrina Layton, as they discuss the history, vision and more on The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton Show.

    What Does Fighting For Your Marriage Look Like?

    What Does Fighting For Your Marriage Look Like?

    Marriage can consist of years of fighting negative thoughts that can cause you to question yourself and your marriage. Marriage can sometimes feel as if you are fighting to get the other person to simply love, understand, respect, and have compassion towards you. Marriage is something that you must fight for because, the institution of marriage is a representation of what God’s love towards men and women resemble. Anything or anyone that shares Godly character will go through tests and trials. Successful and healthy marriages, where the love bond is unbreakable, have passed the tests and trials that most married couples face together. Have you ever said to yourself, “I feel like I am the only person fighting for this marriage.” Or “I feel as if my spouse gave up on our marriage years ago.” Join Coach Martez and Licensed Therapist Woodrina Layton on the next episode of The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC Show as they share insight and bring a unique perspective to fighting for your marriage and not giving up on your destiny partner.

    How To Protect Your Marriage From Toxic In-Laws

    How To Protect Your Marriage From Toxic In-Laws

    Being married to the person you love is an amazing feeling, but what happens when your in-laws cause frustration and tension in your marriage. This may not be a challenge for everyone, but for many couples, toxic in-laws create several problems in their marriage. For example, “Do your in-laws constantly criticize and belittle you? Does it seem as though they are always depending on your spouse to meet their needs? Do they regularly make demeaning comments about your character or your talents? Do they frequently criticize your parenting skills? Do you feel like you are constantly under assault from your in-laws? If you are dealing with any of these, then there is turmoil in your marriage and discord between you and your spouse. Join Coach Martez and Licensed Therapist Woodrina Layton on the next episode of The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC Show as they share insight and bring a unique perspective on dealing with these types of challenges in your marriage and how to protect you and your spouse from years of strife, resentment, or divorce.

    What’s The One thing That Negatively Impacts And Affects The Confidence And Emotional Security In A Marriage?

    What’s The One thing That Negatively Impacts And Affects The Confidence And Emotional Security In A Marriage?

    Have you ever asked yourself, “What's the reason that I have so much to be thankful for in my life and marriage, but I still feel empty?” Over the years, after being a highly confident person, have you had times to where you can’t explain what happened to your inner strength and confidence? Emotional security is very important in a marriage, but what happens when your spouse doesn’t understand how important that emotional connection is to you? Have you felt the invisible negative energy in your relationship, but can never put your finger on it? Join Coach Martez and Licensed Therapist Woodrina Layton on the next episode of The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC Show as they share insight and bring a unique perspective to the one thing that negatively affects confidence and emotional security in a marriage.

    Why does Marriage have to be so complicated? Ways to prevent it… with Coach Martez and Woodrina Layton

    Why does Marriage have to be so complicated? Ways to prevent it… with Coach Martez and Woodrina Layton

    Falling in love with someone happens so naturally and seems effortless, but as soon as you get married all the challenges start to appear. Have you ever asked yourself, “why does marriage seem so hard”, or stated to yourself, “I wish I knew ahead of time that all these problems were going to arise”, and one of the questions so many couples ask is, “is there anyone or hope for us to get back to a good place.” Marriage can seem very complicated and sometimes getting back to a good place seems hopeless. Join Coach Martez and Licensed Therapist Woodrina Layton as they share insight and bring a unique perspective to ways to prevent having a complicated marriage.

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    Managing Sexuality, Spirituality & Success In Your Relationship

    Managing Sexuality, Spirituality & Success In Your Relationship

    Have you felt overwhelmed trying to balance your spiritual life, sexual relationship and career or business success? Do you sometimes feel as if you must choose between spiritual and sexual fulfillment? Is it healthy for your relationship to focus on succeeding in your career first, then letting everything else fall in place? Having balance in the areas of your sexual life, spiritual life and career or business success creates a deeper level of emotional and mental intimacy in your relationship. Join Coach Martez and Licensed Therapist Woodrina Layton on the next episode of The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC Show as they share insight and bring a unique perspective to managing sexuality, spirituality, and success in your relationship.

    Encore: What Are 3 Vital Things That Every Spouse Desires To Feel In A Relationship?

    Encore: What Are 3 Vital Things That Every Spouse Desires To Feel In A Relationship?

    Many times, in a relationship, we expect for things to be fine if everyone involved is working hard, bills are paid, and the kids have everything that they need to be successful. All these things are very important and needed to maintain good balance, however having an emotional connection is key to a healthy, long-lasting marriage. There is a reason that people with financial security, and beautiful families, find themselves in divorce court asking the question, “What was wrong in our marriage? or When did we fall out of love?” Join Coach Martez Layton and Licensed Therapist Woodrina Layton on the next episode of The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC Show as they share insight and bring a unique perspective to the 3 vital things that every spouse desires to feel in a relationship.

    Is It Selfish Or Not? The Importance Of Self-Love In Your Relationship

    Is It Selfish Or Not? The Importance Of Self-Love In Your Relationship

    Do you feel as if making time for yourself means you are not making your marriage a priority? Have you wondered how some people find the time to have a manicure, pedicure, or massage? Is it ok to desire something that you really want, but your spouse says, we don’t have the time or money for that? Sometimes the decisions not to show love to ourselves could be the result of guilt or a need to make other things and other people more of the priority than ourselves. As a result, this can cause many problems in our relationships. Join Coach Martez and Licensed Therapist Woodrina Layton on the next episode of The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC Show as they share insight and bring a unique perspective on the importance of self-love in your life and relationship.

    The 3 P’s That Make a Tremendous Difference in Your Marriage: Prayer, Positivity & Passion

    The 3 P’s That Make a Tremendous Difference in Your Marriage: Prayer, Positivity & Passion

    Have you asked yourself, what happened to the passion in my marriage? Or felt as if your spouse is happy and joyful with everyone else, but when it comes to you, their attitude and emotions are negative. As a husband, have you asked God, how is it that my wife prays, listens to gospel music, listens to different pastors teach, but still treats me mean? Often in a marriage balance is required in the areas of prayer, positivity, and passion for a healthy loving relationship. When either spouse puts more focus and attention on one and forgets the other, that causes frustration and resentment to become the controlling emotions. Join Coach Martez and Licensed Therapist Woodrina Layton on the next episode of The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC Show as they share insight and bring a unique perspective on the power that prayer, positivity and passion have in your marriage.

    How To Establish a Married 4 Life Mindset As a Couple?

    How To Establish a Married 4 Life Mindset As a Couple?

    Have you ever asked yourself, “What’s the reason that some couples seem as if they have everything figured out?” or “How do couples stay married for so long?” Or maybe you’ve thought to yourself, “I could not deal with what he or she puts up with in their marriage.” Being married 4 life does not happen by chance but it happens by choice. Being married 4 life is a mindset that all marriages possess in thoughts and feelings at their inception; until challenges arise, life kicks in and the feelings of emotional brokenness turns into bitterness. When this happens, the married 4 life mindset turns into the “I am done” mindset and for most couples there is no looking back. Join Coach Martez and Licensed Therapist Woodrina Layton on the next episode of The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC Show as they share insight and bring a unique perspective to creating and maintaining the married 4 life mindset.

    What Are 3 Vital Things That Every Spouse Desires To Feel In A Relationship?

    What Are 3 Vital Things That Every Spouse Desires To Feel In A Relationship?

    Many times, in a relationship, we expect for things to be fine if everyone involved is working hard, bills are paid, and the kids have everything that they need to be successful. All these things are very important and needed to maintain good balance, however having an emotional connection is key to a healthy, long-lasting marriage. There is a reason that people with financial security, and beautiful families, find themselves in divorce court asking the question, “What was wrong in our marriage? or When did we fall out of love?” Join Coach Martez Layton and Licensed Therapist Woodrina Layton on the next episode of The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC Show as they share insight and bring a unique perspective to the 3 vital things that every spouse desires to feel in a relationship.

    Seeing Your Dreams Manifest This Year: Understanding The Comforter, Counseling and Coaching

    Seeing Your Dreams Manifest This Year: Understanding The Comforter, Counseling and Coaching

    Have you asked yourself, “God, what’s wrong with me, what’s the reason that I can’t find love?” Or stated, “God I have prayed for my spouse to better understand me or to make our communication better, but it seems as if nothing changes.” Many times, in life and in our relationships, we pray, or we seek counseling to get changes in our situations, but it seems like we keep failing to see results. Often, we blame God or question if He hears our prayers because it may seem as though no one else is going through what we are facing. Join Coach Martez Layton and Licensed Therapist Woodrina Layton on the next episode of The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC Show as they share insight and bring a different perspective to understanding the roles of the Comforter, Counseling and Coaching as you maximize your life, your goals and relationships.

    The First Step to Having a Winning Year in Your Relationship

    The First Step to Having a Winning Year in Your Relationship

    Did you know that when you write something down that you are twice as likely to make it happen? Research has shown that individuals with written goals achieved approximately 50% more of their goals than those without written goals. Goals that are written down are more powerful than goals you keep in your mind. Writing your goals down provides motivation and helps you to focus on the priorities that will help you achieve your goals faster and easier. When you define your goals, you give yourself a destination to reach and a timeline to achieve the goal. The scripture in Habakkuk 2:2 says, “The Lord answered me: Write down this vision; clearly inscribe it on tablets so one may easily read.” Join Coach Martez Layton and Licensed Therapist Woodrina Layton on the next episode of The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC Show as they discuss the importance of writing out your goals for your marriage and the impact that it will have on your relationship.

    Encore: Managing Relationship Expectations

    Encore: Managing Relationship Expectations

    Are you aware that most of your disappointments in life and relationships involve an unmet expectation? Expectations about love and marriage have a powerful impact on your relationships. To a large degree, you will be disappointed or happy and fulfilled in life based on how well what is happening matches up with what you think should be happening. All couples start out hoping for and believing they will experience the very best. The challenges and the problems arise when these hopes and beliefs are not based on reality. Join Coach Martez Layton and Licensed Therapist Woodrina Layton on the next episode of The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC Show as they discuss important ways to manage expectations and tips on how to prevent high levels of stress and frustration in your relationship.