
    The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC Show: Understanding Love, Accepting Truth, & Changing Your Perspective

    Coach Martez and Woodrina Layton, LPC are a determined and inspiring power couple looking forward to teaching more people about the importance of having strong and healthy relationships in their lives. Coach Martez is a Certified Life Coach, and Woodrina Layton is a Licensed Therapist, and they have been married for over thirty years. With such experience in keeping a strong marriage growing, Coach Martez and Woodrina realized that their divine role in life is to help empower others and their relationships. Woodrina and Coach Martez share more than 30 years of marriage experience and have had their expertise and story featured on the OWN Network and popular Christian talk show, The 700 Club, The Real Housewives of Atlanta, Good Day DC, Great Morning Washington and several other media outlets. They have also counseled celebrity couples in and outside the Greater Atlanta area. They founded the notable and successful “Married 4 Life Walk” marriage movement where they host an annual 2-mile walk that has had over 1,000 participants who are committed to building and maintaining strong, healthy marital relationships. Be prepared to gain knowledge on understanding love, accepting truth and changing perspective, as Coach Martez and Woodrina Layton deliver the prescription for healthy relationships. Whether mending hearts or clearing out emotional baggage, their passion to help you in your life and relationships will help to achieve your goals in life and relationships. Coach Martez and Woodrina are renowned speakers, authors and relationship coaches specializing in premarital counseling, affair recovery and marriage coaching. To book a session with Martez and Woodrina, go to DreamBuildersCoaching.net/about and book an appointment online now.
    en-usTransformation Radio - New Mainstream in Talk Radio32 Episodes

    Episodes (32)

    4 Tips to Keep Your Relationships Healthy During the Holidays with Guest Hosts Martez & Woodrina Layton

    4 Tips to Keep Your Relationships Healthy During the Holidays with Guest Hosts Martez & Woodrina Layton

    Do you sometimes ask yourself, “What is the reason that arguments and misunderstandings, along with unwanted stress and pressure seem to arise during the joyous holiday season? The holidays bring laughter, good times, good food, and good memories. But, for many people, the holidays can also bring up different emotions. As we are getting ready to celebrate the holidays and prepare to go into a New Year, join Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton as they share a few tips on keeping your relationship healthy and staying in the spirit of love, compassion, and giving during the holidays.

    The 4 C’s You Need To Know About A Person When Looking For Your Soul Mate Or Destiny Partner

    The 4 C’s You Need To Know About A Person When Looking For Your Soul Mate Or Destiny Partner

    Have you asked yourself, “How did I end up staying in a relationship so long and wasting so much time?” Do you sometimes wonder, “Is my picker messed up or is it even working?” Have you given up on finding true love or connecting with someone whom with you can build a life and future? Join Coach Martez Layton and Licensed Therapist Woodrina Layton on the next episode of The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC Show as they discuss the 4 C’s you need to know when looking for your Soul Mate or Destiny Partner; so that in 2022, you won’t waste time finding and connecting with your true love.

    How To Start The New Year Off in a Better Season in Your Relationship

    How To Start The New Year Off in a Better Season in Your Relationship

    Relationships are constantly in a state of transition, continually moving from one season to another. Sometimes couples find themselves in the winter season feeling discouraged, detached and dissatisfied; other times they experience springtime with its openness, hope and anticipation. On other occasions, couples are in the summer season with feelings of warmth that bring relaxation, enjoyment and comfort in life. Then comes the fall season with its uncertainty, negligence, and apprehension. This cycle repeats itself many times throughout the marriage or relationship, just as the seasons repeat themselves in nature. Join Coach Martez Layton and Licensed Therapist Woodrina Layton on the next episode of The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC Show as they discuss the seasons of marriage and provide practical tips on how to start the New Year off in a good season.

    Managing Relationship Expectations

    Managing Relationship Expectations

    Are you aware that most of your disappointments in life and relationships involve an unmet expectation? Expectations about love and marriage have a powerful impact on your relationships. To a large degree, you will be disappointed or happy and fulfilled in life based on how well what is happening matches up with what you think should be happening. All couples start out hoping for and believing they will experience the very best. The challenges and the problems arise when these hopes and beliefs are not based on reality. Join Coach Martez Layton and Licensed Therapist Woodrina Layton on the next episode of The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC Show as they discuss important ways to manage expectations and tips on how to prevent high levels of stress and frustration in your relationship.

    Encore: What Are The 3 Keys to Immediately Improve The Communication in Your Relationship?

    Encore: What Are The 3 Keys to Immediately Improve The Communication in Your Relationship?

    Do you ever say to yourself, “I am going to stop talking to my partner because it is a waste of time, they simply don’t get it?”  Does this statement ever come to mind, “My wife has no idea how I really feel, or my husband has no idea of what I have to put up with.” Well, Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton understand how frustrating it can be to not be understood, because for the first 16 years of their marriage, they were not understanding one another. They want to help you learn and begin to put into practice 3 keys that will dramatically impact your communication today.  Join Coach Martez Layton and Licensed Therapist Woodrina Layton on the next episode of The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC Show as they share 3 Keys to Immediately Improve the Communication in Your Relationship.

    Meet Relationship Experts and Power Couple Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC

    Meet Relationship Experts and Power Couple Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC

    Dr. Pat welcomes her guests Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC to her show for the first time. Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton will tell us about their book, A Blessed Affair, Tips to staying Married 4 Life and discuss their upcoming 5th Annual Married 4 Life Walk.

    Watch live on Facebook. www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/

    7 Proven Steps To Restore Love & Trust In Your Relationship Pt. 2

    7 Proven Steps To Restore Love & Trust In Your Relationship Pt. 2

    Join Coach Martez & Woodrina for part 2 - Do you feel lost because your confidence, trust and heart have been broken? Relationships are the currency to a healthy life and falling in love is one of the things that we all look forward to; however, it takes time to give your heart, love, and trust to someone. And when that trust is broken it sends you into an emotional whirlwind. You can become full of anxiety and start worrying and wondering and then ask yourself, “Can I ever love and trust again?” Our relationship experts Coach Martez and Woodrina Layton, LPC shared three proven steps last week and this week they will share with you four more proven steps to restore love and trust in your relationship. Together, they have helped couples all over the country discover the ways to rebuild trust and reignite the love and passion back into their relationship.

    7 Proven Steps To Restore Love & Trust In Your Relationship Pt. 1

    7 Proven Steps To Restore Love & Trust In Your Relationship Pt. 1

    Do you feel lost in your relationship because your confidence, trust and heart have been broken? Relationships are the currency to a healthy life and falling in love is one of the things that we all look forward to; however, it takes time to give your heart, love, and trust to someone. And when that trust is broken it sends you into an emotional whirlwind. You can become full of anxiety and start worrying and wondering and then ask yourself, “Can I ever love and trust again?” Our relationship experts Coach Martez and Woodrina Layton, LPC want to show you the 7 Proven Steps to Restore Love and Trust in Your Relationship. Together, they have helped couples all over the country discover the ways to rebuild trust and reignite the love and passion back into their relationship.

    Why Do The Good Ones Step Out And Cheat In Their Marriage?

    Why Do The Good Ones Step Out And Cheat In Their Marriage?

    Infidelity is one of the main reasons that trust is broken in a marriage or in which the marriage itself is destroyed. Most often the spouse who was cheated on will ask the question, “how could this happen to me? or I never saw this happening because my spouse is a good person who loves their family.” Some people may even go so far as to say, “because you have a good God-fearing spouse, you won’t have to worry about them cheating on you.” However, the question is, what’s the definition of a good, trusting and loyal spouse? What causes this good person, with a good heart, who loves their family to break their bond of trust and have an affair. You don’t want to miss this show because Coach Martez and Woodrina Layton are going to share their personal stories of infidelity in their marriage, and what caused them as two God-fearing people who loved God and who loved each other to cheat. They will also share on how to avoid affairs from happening in your marriage. 

    What Are The 3 Keys to Immediately Improve The Communication in Your Relationship?

    What Are The 3 Keys to Immediately Improve The Communication in Your Relationship?

    Do you ever say to yourself, “I am going to stop talking to my partner because it is a waste of time, they simply don’t get it?”  Does this statement ever come to mind, “My wife has no idea how I really feel, or my husband has no idea of what I have to put up with.” Well, Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton understand how frustrating it can be to not be understood, because for the first 16 years of their marriage, they were not understanding one another. They want to help you learn and begin to put into practice 3 keys that will dramatically impact your communication today.  Join Coach Martez Layton and Licensed Therapist Woodrina Layton on the next episode of The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC Show as they share 3 Keys to Immediately Improve the Communication in Your Relationship.

    What Are The Emotional & Mental Keys That Can Help You Stay Committed To One Person For Life?

    What Are The Emotional & Mental Keys That Can Help You Stay Committed To One Person For Life?

    Welcome to The Coach Martez and Woodrina Layton, LPC Show. Last week, they shared with you two keys to being married 4 life which are Falling In Love and Facing The Truth. In today’s episode the power couple who has been married for over 30 years will continue that discussion with two more keys which are Fighting For Your Future and Fearlessly Changing Your Perspective. Also, together they will be breaking down some of the marriage / dating myths and providing insight and practical tools to keep your relationship healthy and thriving. 

    Can You Really Stay Committed To One Person for Life?

    Can You Really Stay Committed To One Person for Life?

    Welcome Coach Martez and Licensed Therapist Woodrina Layton to the first episode of their new show, The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton Show. In today’s episode the power couple who have been married for over 30 years will be discussing some keys to stay married 4 life. Also, together they will be breaking down some of the marriage / dating myths and providing insight and practical tools to keep your marriage healthy and thriving. 


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