
    The Creative Mystic

    Lightworkers & Highly Creative Spiritual Seekers need inspiration and blessings to expand into their next step of spiritual growth and purpose. Each Wednesday, join Deepa Liu, Sacred Artist, Interfaith Minister and Spiritual Success Coach/ Teacher as she shares intuitive messages, meditations and her own miraculous experiences as a Creative Mystic, to support and inspire you to deepen your connection with Divine Presence so you can let your greatness out. If you want to learn how to access your spiritual gifts, use your creativity as your super power and be a blessing in this world making a difference, this podcast is for you.
    enDeepa Liu100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    What Hidden Obstacles do You have Blocking Your from Your Greatest Potential

    What Hidden Obstacles do You have Blocking Your from Your Greatest Potential

    You have a hidden obstacle that is keeping You from reaching your greatest potential of manifesting your purpose.


    Today I want to share with you:

    1.     what's creating that hidden obstacle.

    2.     what that hidden obstacle is

    3.     what you do to overcome your hidden obstacles


    I'm Deepa Liu,

    I'm the creative Mystic and I'm an empath so everything I'm going to share with you I've either learned from my own personal experience or from something I've learned from working with my coaching clients or students that are in past and highly sensitive.


     So, let's get going


    Number one:   Why you have a hidden obstacle? 


     The reason you have a hidden obstacle is because you have a blind spot.  Everybody has a blind spot. I have a blind spot. You have a blind spot. 


    Why is that?

    You’re wired that way.

    You come on to the planet where you have difficulty seeing yourself.  Think about it, have you ever seen your own face?  You haven't, have you.

    You might say “Yes I have, I've seen it in a in a mirror or a photo.

    But you haven’t actually seen your face. What you have seen is a reflection of your face, and the image you see is determined by the quality of the mirror or the camera that created the reflection.

    Because of this you are unable to have a clear picture of yourself and what your obstacles are.


    Number 2:  What are your hidden obstacles?


    Your hidden obstacles are your subconscious programing.


    The programing you received when you were a child are your biggest, and most pervasive hidden obstacles.  Your beliefs, paradigms and emotional wounds are the obstacles that continue to hold you back and you don’t understand why you can’t seem to reach your greatest potential which is your purpose.

     If you liked to hear the step 3- What you do to overcome your hidden obstacles please listen to my podcast.

    Remember:  Greatness is Within You It’s Time to Shine Your Light

    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support.  Click this link to receive your free gift.   https://deepaliu.com/gift/

    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to work with in your spiritual growth Click this link https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/





    Unveil Your Purpose- 4 Steps to Knowing Your Purpose as an Empath or Highly Sensitive

    Unveil Your Purpose- 4 Steps to Knowing Your Purpose as an Empath or Highly Sensitive

    Biggest problem I see  Empaths and HSP’s have is knowing what their purpose is

    Today I want to share with you:

    4 steps to knowing your purpose as an Empath so you can move from surviving to thriving


    Step 1 to know your purpose you have to know what your true hearts desires are.


    How do you do that?


    you use the power of the pause.



    What do you do when you pause? 


    You breathe,

    Take deep belly breaths and draw your energy in and check in with yourself


    Ask yourself:  


    ·       how do I feel emotionally, physically?  

    ·       what am I sensing?

    ·       Have I gotten any intuitive downloads or Inklings?


    Why do you do this?


    One you are probably a busy person.  When you are busy you don’t take the time to acknowledge what you are feeling or if you are having any intuitive inklings or downloads.  I know the pause is what helped me to see how much spirit was actually communicating to me through intuitive downloads. 

    Two as an  empath or HSP you are picking up on everybody else’s energy or emotions so you aren’t in  touch with what is going on with yourself and what is true for you.

    The power of the pause enables you to take a moment to check in with yourself and acknowledge what you are sensing.  Acknowledgment is the first step to knowing what is true in your heart.  Your true hearts desires are what begin to lead you to your purpose.


    Step 2 ,  Take time to journal about what came to you in your pause.  You want to write it down because that helps you to connect with what you acknowledged and what is true.  You can journal at the end of the day or the. Morning of the next day of what you sensed in your pauses.

    I recommend you put 3 reminders in your phone or smartwatch throughout your day so this becomes a practice to check in with yourself so you know what is true in your heart. 

    If you liked to hear the next 2 steps of how to know your purpose please listen to the podcast.

    Remember:  Greatness is Within You It’s Time to Shine Your Light

    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support.  Click this link to receive your free gift.   https://deepaliu.com/gift/

    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to work with in your spiritual growth Click this link https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/

    Why Knowing & Acting on Your Purpose is Vital for Empaths & Highly Sensitives

    Why Knowing & Acting on Your Purpose is Vital for Empaths & Highly Sensitives

    Do you want to go from surviving to thriving?

    If you are highly sensitive or an empath knowing your purpose is vital? 

    Why do you need to know your purpose as am empath or highly sensitive?

    If you don't know your purpose and you will see yourself swing from thing to thing to thing depending on who you are around and what they are thinking and feeling.

                                          Your Purpose is Your Compass


    when you know your purpose it guides you in your choices.  It gives yo a place to come back and check in with yourself to see, is this something for me to do?  It gives you a direction to focus your energy on.

    Without the compass of your purpose yo will be pulled by the energy and emotions of all the people around you.

    In my latest episode I am going to share with you:

    • Why you need to know your purpose
    • What acting on your purpose does for you
    • Why knowing yor purpose is vital in moving youf from surviving to thriving


    If you'd like to know more about why your purpose if vital in shifting your from surviving to thriving please listen to the podcast.

    Remember: Greatness is Within You It's Time to Shine Your Light

    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart's desire and fulfill your purpose so you create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection call to see if you are a fit to coaching.  Click this link to get your free gift.  https://deepaliu.com/gift/

    If you would like to see more of Deepa's work or get your own Spirit guide portal click this link https://deepaliu.com



    Unlock Self-Compassion with a Powerful Meditation With Mother of Compassion

    Unlock Self-Compassion with a Powerful Meditation With Mother of Compassion

    Why is self-compassion so important?

    What do you do if you aren't being compassionate to yourself?

    You probably fall into negative self-talk.  Maybe you berate yourself or call yourself stupid because you made a mistake.  At the very least you probably judge yourself that you aren't doing somethin well.

    When you have compassion for yourself you have more self esteem, more postive self-talk and you are able to make decisions easier.

    Mother of Compassion came to me in meditatio in the fall colors of red, orange and yellow.  When I saw her in my vision my first feeling was "How Unusual".

    Mother Mary had never come to me in these colors, but as I continued to meditate and connect with her Mother of Compassion's guidance came through loud and clear:

    "The most important compassion is self-compassion and for you to have self-compassion you have to acknowledge and honor the nedds of your first 3 chakras.


    Are you acknowledging and honroing your needs of your first 3 chakras?


    Mother of Compassion came with the clear message that the key to self-compassion is you getting honest with yourself of where you aren't honoring what you need with your first 3 chakras.  

    She guided me to do a self-compassion meditatio to help you embrace your needs of your lower 3 chakras so you can have compassion for yourself and transform how you feel about you.

    Come and experience Mother of Compassion in this powerful meditation.

    The Amazing Health Benefits You Will Get From Forest Bathing

    The Amazing Health Benefits You Will Get From Forest Bathing

    I was meditating and what came across were the words FOREST BATHING, so I decided that Divine Mother was guiding me to talk to you about what forest bathing is and how it can help you.

    Today I am going to share with you 3 things:
    - What forest bathing is
    - What the benefits are for you as an empath or highly sensitive person
    - How to forest bathe to bring you from surviving to thriving

    So what is forest bathing?

    You’re probably thinking it’s just getting out in nature and getting around the trees, and you are correct you are getting out in nature around the trees. But as someone who LOVES nature and would go out hiking, mountain biking and do just about anything in nature.  I always had a goal in mind of what I was going to accomplish.

    I would climb huge mountains riding my bike or hike several miles and I was focused on the goal of what I was going to do rather than forest bathing.

    When you forest bathe there is no goal you are trying to accomplish. You go out to commune with nature.  What is communing with nature?

    Communing with nature is connecting with the trees, the plants, the flowers, the stream.  What do you sense with your 5 senses from the trees, the flowers, the animals, and as an empath what are you sensing with your sixth sense that you have as an empath or highly sensitive person that enables you to see beyond what you can see with your eyes and ears.  

    Even though I have spent my whole life forest bathing (It wasn’t called that back when
    I was a child) I didn’t know the science behind why I always felt so good when I would go out in nature.

    So I decided to do a little research on forest bathing, and I found the most amazing benefits have been discovered when they did research on being in nature.     

    These benefits help everybody on the planet, but from my own personal experience as an empath I have found we get some added benefits from going out in nature.

    If you would like to hear all of the amazing benefits forest bathing will do for you as an empath or highly sensitive person please watch the video.

    Remember:  Greatness is Within You It’s Time to Shine Your Light

    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support.  Click this link to receive your free gift -  https://deepaliu.com/gift/.

    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to work with in your spiritual growth click this link https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/

    The Creative Mystic
    enApril 26, 2023

    Empaths & HSPs, 4 Words That Keep You Stuck & Struggling

    Empaths & HSPs, 4 Words That Keep You Stuck & Struggling

    Do you feel like your stuck and not able to move forward on what you truly desire?

    Is struggle kind of your M.O.?

    Today I’m going to share with you:

    1. Why empaths & HSP’s get stuck more often
    2. The 4 words that you are saying or thinking that keep you stuck and in the struggle.
    3. Why they keep you stuck and in the struggle.
    4. And what YOU need to do to overcome the stuck and struggle.  

    #1 - Why as an empath or highly sensitive person do you struggle more with feeling stuck?

    The reason you struggle more is because you haven’t learned how to turn your sensitivities into your superpowers. Your Sensitivities are a challenge for you rather than something that is actually helping you in your life.

    The reason your sensitivities are a challenge rather than a gift is because you don’t have strong energy in your energy account. Because of this you are easily swayed by other people’s emotions/ energy and you don’t know where you end and they begin.

    Now, what exacerbates this problem of your sensitivities being a challenge rather than a gift?


    Codependency exacerbates your sensitivities into them being a challenge.

    #2 – What are the 4 words that you are saying or thinking that keep you stuck and in the struggle?

    If you’d like to know what the 4 words are that you are saying or thinking that are keeping you stuck and struggling, and how to overcome your struggle and stuckness, please watch the video.

    Remember:  Greatness is Within You It’s Time to Shine Your Light

    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support.  Click this link to receive your free gift - https://deepaliu.com/gift/.

    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to work with in your spiritual growth Click this link https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/.

    The Creative Mystic
    enApril 19, 2023

    Empaths & HSPs Transform Your Sensitivities Into Your SuperPowers

    Empaths & HSPs Transform Your Sensitivities Into Your SuperPowers

    Have your empath sensitivities made you feel like you’re weak and afraid?  

    Like you can’t do what you really want without some negative repercussions?

    Wouldn’t you like your sensitivities to actually be your superpowers and you feel like a superhero, ready to tackle anything that happens in your life?

    Well, today I am going to share with you:

    What superpowers you have as an empath or HSP
    Why your sensitivities have felt like a weakness rather than the amazing superpowers that they are.
    How to turn them into your superpowers so you can start to go for what you really want, not just what you think you can have.

    Why is it important to transform your sensitivities into your superpowers?

    Because that’s what they really are. They are not a curse or a problem to overcome.
    Because your super powers are meant to help you transform your life into what you truly desire to be, do and have.

    If you continue to feel like your sensitivities are a hindrance you will never go for what you really want in life. You will live a life of just ok rather than one you love.

    Here are your 3 superpowers as an empath or HSP:

    Superpower #1:  X-Ray vision
    Superpower #2:  ESP
    Superpower #3: the ability to shapeshift

    You might be thinking I have no superpowers, but I am here to tell you not true.

    If you would like to know how to transform your sensitivities into your superpowers so you can transform your life check out the video.

    Remember:  Greatness is Within You It’s Time to Shine Your Light

    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support.  Click this link to receive your free gift - https://deepaliu.com/gift/

    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to work with in your spiritual growth click this link https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/.

    The Creative Mystic
    enApril 12, 2023

    Empaths & HSPs Why Grounding is so Important for You

    Empaths & HSPs Why Grounding is so Important for You

    Why as an empath, is it so important to ground yourself?

    Because you are a bioelectrical being.

    You have neural pathways in your brain where there are neurons and synapses firing off.  You have a nervous system that you need to have it operate properly so it it can signal your body to move your arm or your leg or your fingers.  

    You're a bioelectrical being where an electrical charge naturally runs in your body.
    You have to have it operating properly so you can move your arms and legs, use your brain to make decisions. These are just a few of the reasons why it's so important.   

    And you might be thinking as an empath or highly sensitive person, isn't everybody a bioelectrical being? Yes, but you as an empath or a highly sensitive person can easily be pulled off into other people’s emotions and energy if you are not grounded.

    As an empath or HSP it's vital,  vital for you to be filling your energy account with strong energy and be grounded.

    So, let's talk about why it's so vital as an empath or HSP to ground yourself.

    You want to make those deposits of strong energy into your energy account, but if you don’t ground yourself you are kind of like a car. When you drive a car if you turn on the air conditioner you get less mileage in your car. As an empath or HSP if you don’t ground yourself your energy in your energy account is depleted faster, just like a car running its’ air conditioner.  You will run out of gas faster if you are not grounded.  

    If you would like to know ways to ground yourself and keep your energy strong as an empath or HSP please watch the video.

    If you are interested in checking out some products that help ground you even when you can’t get out in nature, please check out the affiliate links here.  

    Remember: Greatness is Within You. It’s Time to Shine Your Light.

    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support.  Click this link to receive your free gift - https://deepaliu.com/gift/.

    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to work with in your spiritual growth click this link https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/.

    The Creative Mystic
    enApril 05, 2023

    Archangel Michael, How to be Resilient in Challenging Times

    Archangel Michael, How to be Resilient in Challenging Times

    Are you having challenging times?

    Maybe you just got laid off or you have an ailing parent.

    Whatever challenge you are having, Archangel Michael wants to help you.  

    He came to me in an amazing vision in meditation with a clear vision of not just protection but of empowerment most of all empowering you to step into your purpose of who you already are but just need to let out.

    Today, Archangel Michael came forth with a clear message on how to be resilient in challenging times.

    When you think of Archangel Michael you probably think of protection.  That he will protect you or that you have to put your guard up to be protected. But he came with a clear message of:  

    Resiliency is actually your protection.  

    He said when there are challenging times you tend to put your guard up because of the fears you are having, but resiliency is about having faith.

    If you’d like to learn more about Archangel Michael’s intuitive message on  how to build your resiliency in challenging times, please watch the video.

    Remember:  Greatness is Within You It’s Time to Shine Your Light

    If you would like to get your own Archangel Michael Spirit Guide portal to work with so you can become more resilient in these challenging times, click this link https://deepaliu.com/project/archangel-michael/

    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support.  Click this link to receive your free gift.   https://deepaliu.com/gift/


    The Creative Mystic
    enMarch 29, 2023

    What Makes Someone Successful? It’s Not What You Think

    What Makes Someone Successful? It’s Not What You Think

    What makes someone successful?

    The person with the strongest energy wins

    It’s not about learning the 8 traits of successful people, or the 10 habits of successful people.  It is about having strong energy in your energy account AND here is the key to you being successful:

    “Energy flows where attention goes.”

    You have to keep your attention on:

    • what you desire
    • your goal
    • your dreams & aspirations, your end in mind that you want to create in your life

    Because success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.

    You get to decide what that aim or purpose is.  And you need to decide what to keep your attention on or not.

    This is true for everybody.  

    • you can be the average person, above average person, below average person
    • you can be educated, not educated
    • you can be an empath or HSP

    This is true for every person on the planet, but it is especially important for you who is an empath or highly sensitive person.

    The key to your success is Keeping your attention on your desired outcome, your goal, your dream, your aspirations.  

    But where do you most likely keep most of your attention?
    On what is bothering you, what you are worried about, what you are afraid of, What you are complaining about.  The very things that you don’t want more in your life is where your attention goes.  

    Why do you do this?

    What makes it so challenging to keep your attention on what your dreams and goals are?

    Watch the video to learn how you can change this.  

    Remember:  Greatness is Within You It’s Time to Shine Your Light

    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support.  Click this link to receive your free gift - https://deepaliu.com/gift/.

    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to work with in your spiritual growth Click this link https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/

    The Creative Mystic
    enMarch 22, 2023

    The Energy Drains NO One is Talking About

    The Energy Drains NO One is Talking About

    Today I’m going to share with you:

    The top 3 energy drains that NO ONE is talking about and how to stop the drain

    Why is this important?


    The person with the strongest energy wins.

    This is true for everyone, but if you are an empath or highly sensitive person it is even more important for you. Because  as an empath or HSP if you don’t have strong energy in your energy account or it is filled with weak energy, you will find yourself being pulled into another person’s emotions and feel confused frustrated or even worse take on the emotions of the other person.

    If someone is frustrated, angry, worried, doubtful, or negative, you will find your energy being pulled in that direction.

    In this episode I am going to share with you the most important thing that causes your energy drain, which is your inner environment.

    What is your inner environment?

    Your inner environment is made up of your:

    • Subconscious mind
    • Conscious mind
    • Superconscious mind

    And within your subconscious mind are the top 3 energy drains that are making it impossible for you to have the level of success you desire.

    If you would like to learn more about your top 3 energy drains that no one else is talking about, please watch the video.

    Remember: Greatness is Within You. It’s Time to Shine Your Light.

    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support.  Click this link to receive your free gift - https://deepaliu.com/gift/.

    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to work with in your spiritual growth, click this link https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/.

    The Creative Mystic
    enMarch 15, 2023

    What Drains Your Energy as an Empath or HSP

    What Drains Your Energy as an Empath or HSP
    A common question or complaint I hear from my coaching clients who are empaths or highly sensitive is:
    • What is draining my energy?  Sometimes I feel like the life is being sucked out of me
    • Or they say  “at the end of the day I feel exhausted from being around people.
      I don’t have any energy left.
    Do you ever feel that way?
    Today, I will share with you:
    The 3 top energy drains for you as an Empath or HSP
    The reason I am sharing with you first what is draining your energy is because I want you to get to the cause so you can have transformation and change in your life.  
    If you just treat the symptom you only get temporary results.  
    An example of treating the symptom is you feel exhausted and you drink a bunch of coffee to rev you up, but when it wears off you feel worse.
    When you get to the cause of why you don’t have the energy you need, and you understand what is causing these energy drains, then you can have lasting transformation and change.
    Then you can:
    • have the energy for your loved ones when you get home for work
    • go for your dreams, goals and aspirations
    I want you to go from surviving to thriving and part of thriving is going for your dreams, goals and aspirations.  
    Your First energy drain is YOUR ENVIRONMENT.
    There is an outer environment and an inner environment.
    I’m going to start with your outer environment because it’s the easiest to make some of the changes that can help you.  
    But as an empath or HSP your inner environment is the most important.
    If you would like to learn more about how your environment is draining your energy, please watch the video.

    Remember:  Greatness is Within You It’s Time to Shine Your Light.

    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support.  Click this link to receive your free gift - https://deepaliu.com/gift/

    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to work with in your spiritual growth Click this link https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/

    The Creative Mystic
    enMarch 08, 2023

    Empaths & Highly Sensitive People, Your Most Valuable Asset for Success

    Empaths & Highly Sensitive People, Your Most Valuable Asset for Success

    As an empath or HSP have you struggled to have the level of success you desire?

    Have you wondered as an empath or HSP what do I need so I can be successful?

    Maybe you:

    • don’t have the level of success in your business or job
    • are looking for more meaning or fulfillment in your life
    • just want to be around people more without negative effects

    Today I am going to share with you:

    1. What Your most valuable asset is as an empath or HSP that will enable you to have more success
    2. Why it is your most valuable asset and how it will make your life better as an empath or HSP
    3. What you need to understand so your most valuable asset will work for you so you can create a life you love, one where you are happy, fulfilled and on purpose.

    I’m an empath so I know what you’re going through. Everything I’m going to share with you today is something I have learned from my own experience or from working with my coaching clients who are empaths and HSPs.

    Your most valuable asset as an empath or HSP is your ENERGY ACCOUNT. Having an energy account that is filled with STRONG ENERGY!

    You might be thinking WHHHHHAAATTTT is an energy account?

    Your energy account is where you store your energy to use throughout your day. If your energy account is full with good deposits of energy then you have plenty of energy to be used for what you want to do in your day.

    But the most important thing about your energy account is are you depositing / filling it up with weak energy or strong energy.  

    Because your most valuable asset is an energy account filled with Strong energy.

    How do you know if it is filled with weak energy or strong energy?

    Quiz to determine what kind of energy is in your energy account:

    1. Do you wake up feeling tired?
    2. Do you need to have a cup of coffee or some other stimulant to get you going?
    3. As an empath or HSP are you easily affected by other people’s energy and emotions?
    4. Are you frequently afraid, stressed, doubtful, worried or anxious?
    5. Do you have emotional meltdowns where you just can’t handle other people who are negative.

    If you said yes to 1 or more of these you have signs of weak energy.  

    If you would like to know how you can start using Your Energy Account so you can have more success in your life please watch the video or listen to my podcast.


    Remember:  Greatness is Within You It’s Time to Shine Your Light


    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support.  Click this link to receive your free gift.   https://deepaliu.com/gift/

    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to work with in your spiritual growth Click this link https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/


    The Creative Mystic
    enMarch 01, 2023

    Empath Meditation with Heart Chakra Angel

    Empath Meditation with Heart Chakra Angel

    The Heart Chakra Angel Spirit Guide portal came and guided me to do an empath meditation to help you as an empath and highly sensitive person connect with your true heart’s desires.

    Knowing your true heart’s desires is so important as an empath and HSP because it enables you to know who you are.  

    She shared intuitive guidance on why it is so important as an empath and highly sensitive person to meditate.  She also shared the importance of cultivating an inner environment that uplifts you because it makes you more resilient.

    She came to bless you with the ability to know what is true in your heart and the ability to make choices from that truth. 

    Come and experience her blessings in this guided meditation.  

    If you want to skip the message and go to the instructions of how to do this meditation with the Heart Chakra Angel Spirit guide go to 5 min 48 seconds.

    The Guided meditation starts at 9 min.

    If you would like to get your own high end reproduction of the Heart Chakra Angel Spirit guide click this link deepaliu.com/project/heart-chakra-angel/.

    Remember: Greatness is Within You. It’s Time to Shine Your Light.
    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support. Click this link to receive your free gift.

    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to work with in your spiritual growth, click this link https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/.
    The Creative Mystic
    enFebruary 22, 2023

    Yogananda Intuitive Guidance on Overcoming Feeling Stuck

    Yogananda Intuitive Guidance on Overcoming Feeling Stuck

    Yogananda came to me today volunteering to share with you

    intuitive guidance on how to overcome your habits that keep you stuck.  

    He also guided me to share with you the amazing story of how he was created into a spirit guide portal to help you connect with Divine beings, specifically with him.

    If you don’t know Yogananda, he was a great spiritual yogi who came to bring east and west together and teach the oneness of all religions.  If you would like to know more about him I highly recommend his book “Autobiography of a Yogi”

    He came sharing that if you have come on this video you are ready to step into this truth that  you are a “Powerful Being, Powerful Beyond Measure.”

    He focused on the “Beyond Measure” phrase because he wants you to connect with that dream or desire that is beyond what your logical mind thinks you can have.

    He says: if you're hearing this you're ready.   It is time for you, it is time for you to start to change your habits because your habits he says the habits you have currently are from the programming you received as a child and those habits keep you stuck doing the same old thing.

    To hear the rest of Yogananda’s guidance.

    Remember: Greatness is Within You. It’s Time to Shine Your Light.

    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support. Click this link to receive your free gift - https://deepaliu.com/gift/.

    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to work with in your spiritual growth, click this link https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/.

    I am an amazon affiliate so if you purchase through the link I would like to thank you now for your support.

    The Creative Mystic
    enFebruary 15, 2023

    Being an Empath, Curse or Gift

    Being an Empath, Curse or Gift

    Have you felt like being an empath is a curse?

    I know I felt that way before I learned what I am going to share with you today.

    I was able to shift from feeling like being an empath was a curse to feeling like it’s a gift.

    Would you like to feel that way?

    Today I’m going to share with you:

    • 3 Things that makes your empathic abilities into a curse
    • 3 Things you are not doing that keep you feeling drained and a victim to other people’s energy
    • What you need to do if you want to shift your sensitivities from being a curse to a gift and transform your life.  

    Why do you need to know what makes your empathic abilities a curse?  

    Because you have to know what is causing the problem before you can solve the problem  

    The 3 things that make your empathic abilities a curse are:

    1. You have weak energy
    2. You have fear
    3. Your programming

    In my latest The Creative Mystic episode I share with you some solutions to the 3 things that make your empathic abilities a curse and:

    3 things you aren’t doing that keep you feeling drained and like a victim to other people’s emotions and energy
    What you need to do if you want to shift your senitivities from being a curs to a gift and transform your life.

    If you would like to learn more about what turns your sensitivities into gifts check out my latest video.

    Remember: Greatness is Within You. It’s Time to Shine Your Light.

    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support. Click this link to receive your free gift - https://deepaliu.com/gift/.

    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to work with in your spiritual growth, click this link https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/.



    The Creative Mystic
    enFebruary 08, 2023

    Being an Empath, Curse or Gift

    Being an Empath, Curse or Gift

    Have you felt like being an empath is a curse?

    I know I felt that way before I learned what I am going to share with you today.

    I was able to shift from feeling like being an empath was a curse to feeling like it’s a gift.

    Would you like to feel that way?

    Today I’m going to share with you:

    • 3 Things that makes your empathic abilities into a curse
    • 3 Things you are not doing that keep you feeling drained and a victim to other people’s energy
    • What you need to do if you want to shift your sensitivities from being a curse to a gift and transform your life.  

    Why do you need to know what makes your empathic abilities a curse?  

    Because you have to know what is causing the problem before you can solve the problem  

    The 3 things that make your empathic abilities a curse are:

    1. You have weak energy
    2. You have fear
    3. Your programming

    In my latest The Creative Mystic episode I share with you some solutions to the 3 things that make your empathic abilities a curse and:

    3 things you aren’t doing that keep you feeling drained and like a victim to other people’s emotions and energy
    What you need to do if you want to shift your senitivities from being a curs to a gift and transform your life.

    If you would like to learn more about what turns your sensitivities into gifts check out my latest video.

    Remember: Greatness is Within You. It’s Time to Shine Your Light.

    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support. Click this link to receive your free gift - https://deepaliu.com/gift/.

    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to work with in your spiritual growth, click this link https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/.



    The Creative Mystic
    enFebruary 08, 2023

    Being an Empath, Curse or Gift

    Being an Empath, Curse or Gift

    Have you felt like being an empath is a curse?

    I know I felt that way before I learned what I am going to share with you today.

    I was able to shift from feeling like being an empath was a curse to feeling like it’s a gift.

    Would you like to feel that way?

    Today I’m going to share with you:

    • 3 Things that makes your empathic abilities into a curse
    • 3 Things you are not doing that keep you feeling drained and a victim to other people’s energy
    • What you need to do if you want to shift your sensitivities from being a curse to a gift and transform your life.  

    Why do you need to know what makes your empathic abilities a curse?  

    Because you have to know what is causing the problem before you can solve the problem  

    The 3 things that make your empathic abilities a curse are:

    1. You have weak energy
    2. You have fear
    3. Your programming

    In my latest The Creative Mystic episode I share with you some solutions to the 3 things that make your empathic abilities a curse and:

    3 things you aren’t doing that keep you feeling drained and like a victim to other people’s emotions and energy
    What you need to do if you want to shift your senitivities from being a curs to a gift and transform your life.

    If you would like to learn more about what turns your sensitivities into gifts check out my latest video.

    Remember: Greatness is Within You. It’s Time to Shine Your Light.

    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support. Click this link to receive your free gift - https://deepaliu.com/gift/.

    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to work with in your spiritual growth, click this link https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/.



    The Creative Mystic
    enFebruary 08, 2023

    Find Your Inner Peace Meditation with Holy Mary Mother of Peace

    Find Your Inner Peace Meditation with Holy Mary Mother of Peace

    Do you wish you had more inner peace?

    Do you see yourself, worrying, feeling nervous, having doubt about your choices or your abilities?

    Well, Holy Mary Mother of Peace came today to do a guided meditation to help you feel the blessings of her peace and find your inner peace

    Hi I’m Deepa Liu, I’m the Creative Mystic. I’m here to bless you with Divine Inspiration and spiritual tools and techniques so you can develop your intuition, grow spiritually and shine your light in the world so you can manifest your holy calling.

    It’s all about blessing you with transformation of your consciousness, shifting you from fear to love or peace, from contraction to expansion and from dimming your light to shining your light in the world so you can manifest your holy calling.

    Mother of Peace shared her intuitive guidance on peace and gave a blessing of your own ball of light to bring you peace.

    Remember: Greatness is Within You. It’s Time to Shine Your Light.

    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to work with in your spiritual growth Click this link https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/.

    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support. Click this link to receive your free gift - https://deepaliu.com/gift/.

    The Creative Mystic
    enFebruary 01, 2023

    Why as an Empath or HSP NOT to Focus on Protection

    Why as an Empath or HSP NOT to Focus on Protection
    Why as an empath or highly sensitive person you don’t want to focus on protection?
    Because it is the worst thing you can do for yourself.
    Today, I was Divinely guided to share with you:
    • Why you don’t want to focus on protection
    • What challenges it is going to create for you
    • What you need to do rather than protection to be the powerful being that you are
    • The biggest habit that keeps your empathic sensitivities feeling like a curse rather than your superpowers.
    I share with you my story of what happened when I focused on protection and what the key was to me embracing my empathic abilities so I could step into being a powerful empath here to serve you and fulfill my purpose.
    From my own experience I learned that focusing on protection made me more fearful, and the most important thing you must do if you want to thrive as an empath is

    Strengthen and take care of your energy.
    I share with you one of my techniques that will help you strengthen your energy so you are not so susceptible to other people’s emotions and energy.
    Remember: Greatness is Within You. It’s Time to Shine Your Light.
    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to work with in your spiritual growth Click this link https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/
    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support. Click this link to receive your free gift.
    The Creative Mystic
    enJanuary 25, 2023