
    The Creative Mystic

    Lightworkers & Highly Creative Spiritual Seekers need inspiration and blessings to expand into their next step of spiritual growth and purpose. Each Wednesday, join Deepa Liu, Sacred Artist, Interfaith Minister and Spiritual Success Coach/ Teacher as she shares intuitive messages, meditations and her own miraculous experiences as a Creative Mystic, to support and inspire you to deepen your connection with Divine Presence so you can let your greatness out. If you want to learn how to access your spiritual gifts, use your creativity as your super power and be a blessing in this world making a difference, this podcast is for you.
    enDeepa Liu100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Heart Chakra Angel Intuitive Guidance on Self-Love and Being an Empath

    Heart Chakra Angel Intuitive Guidance on Self-Love and Being an Empath
    The Heart Chakra Angel volunteered to give you some guidance on self-love. She came wanting to share with you the topic of self-love specifically for highly sensitive people and empaths.
    I was so excited to hear that she wanted to share guidance on this topic because I have found that most highly sensitive people and empaths have a particularly challenging time with loving themselves because they often hear things like:

    • You’re too sensitive
    • Stop being so sensitive,
    • Stop crying or I’ll give you something to cry about

    And if you are a man that is an empath or highly sensitive you heard
    • Crying is for sissy
    • Stop being like a girl
    • Toughen up

    All of these comments result in you:
    • Not liking yourself,
    • Thinking something is wrong with you because everyone else seems to not be affected
    • Maybe even self-hatred for your sensitivities and empathic abilities
    Have you heard comments like those?

    Do you have a challenge loving yourself with all your sensitivities and
    empathic abilities?

    Hi I’m Deepa Liu, the Creative Mystic.  I’m an empath so I know what you’ve been through. One of the reasons I am here on the planet is to bless you with Divine Inspiration, spiritual tools and techniques so you can develop your intuition, grow spiritually and shine your light in the world so you can manifest your holy calling.
    The Heart Chakra Angel came today to bless you with self-love and to guide you in what you can do to start loving yourself.  

    She shared:
    • what self-love is
    • Signs you’re not listening to yourself
    • 2 things she wants you to start doing to develop self-love

    Check out the video to find out more of the Heart Chakra Angel’s message on self-love for the empath or HSP.
    Remember: Greatness is Within You. It’s Time to Shine Your Light.

    If you would like to get your own Heart Chakra Angel Spirit Guide portal to work with in your self-love discovery Click this link https://deepaliu.com/project/heart-chakra-angel/

    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support.  Click this link to receive your free gift.   https://deepaliu.com/gift/

    I want to say thank you for anything you may purchase through my amazon affiliate links.  I make a small commission and It all helps to support me and my work.  

    The Creative Mystic
    enJanuary 18, 2023

    Struggling to Keep Your Resolutions? Here’s How You Can Keep It

    Struggling to Keep Your Resolutions? Here’s How You Can Keep It

    Are you struggling to keep your New Year’s resolutions?  

    If you struggle with keeping your resolutions, you are not alone.

    Today, I was Divinely guide to talk to you about:  

    1. Why you struggle to keep them
    2. What a resolution really is and
    3. What needs to be in place so you can keep your resolutions and transform your life.

    Why do you make resolutions?

                                     because you want transformation, right?

    I’m Deepa Liu, I’m the creative Mystic and I’m here to bless you with Divine inspiration & spiritual tools, techniques and truth so you can develop your intuition, grow spiritually and shine your light in the world.  

    You make these resolutions because you want to transform something in your life.  

    You want something to be better like:

    • lose weight and be healthier
    • or you want to reach a financial goal
    • Fulfill a dream or your purpose

    In order to keep your resolutions you have to understand:

    • Why you struggle to keep them and what you need to do to change what creates the struggle.
    • What a resolution really is so you make the right resolutions for you
    • What you need in place so you can be successful in keeping them.  

    So Let’s get started on the 3 reasons you struggle to keep your resolutions.

    1. Do you have clarity on WHY you are making this resolution?

    You need to make resolutions that come from your heart’s desires not because you think you should or because someone else is making it and it sounds good to you.

    Your resolutions need to ignite your passion and those only come from your heart’s desire.

    1. Your subconscious programming is one of the BIGGEST REASONS you don’t keep your resolutions.  

    Your programming are:
    • Your beliefs you have about yourself, how life works and what is possible determine whether you will keep your resolution or give up on it
    • Your self-talk that you habitually do without even noticing
    • Your thoughts that ruminate in your mind that self-sabotage you because of your fears and problems that keep you going around and around and around so you don’t move forward

    Your subconscious mind wants to keep you safe, secure and everything the same.

    1. You have to LET GO of something that is no longer serving you to make space for your resolutions

    Do you know what a resolution really is?

    The definition of a resolution is "the firm decision to do or not to do something”

    When you made your resolutions did you actually think about and connect to why you made this resolution and what it was going to give you?  

    Did you think about what you needed to let go of so you can make space for this new resolution in your life?

    Probably not.

    A resolution is asking yourself to make change.  Most importantly, An inner change first.

    If you want to make lasting change outwardly, you have to make an inner change of What is most important and that requires you to look at the beliefs you have,
    the self-sabotaging behaviors and the emotions that are causing you to avoid or judge yourself.  

    Now what needs to be in place so you can keep your resolutions?  

    That is a little more than I can share with you in an email so go check out my podcast or youtube video to find out what needs to be in place to keep your resolutions.
    Remember: Greatness is Within You. It’s Time to Shine Your Light.
    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support. Click this link to receive your free gift - https://deepaliu.com/gift/
    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to aid you in your spiritual connection and inspiration, click this link https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/

    I want to say thank you for anything you may purchase through my amazon affiliate links.  It all helps to support me and my work.  
    The Creative Mystic
    enJanuary 11, 2023

    Guidance & Meditation with Mother of Joy

    Guidance & Meditation with Mother of Joy
    Are you having a challenge feeling joy in your life?

    Do you feel kind of blah?  

    Holy Mary Mother of Joy Spirit Guide portal wanted to come and give you some spiritual insights and do a guided meditation to help you connect with the vibration, the energy of JOY.

    Finding your joy is so important if you want to shine your light in the world and Mother of Joy knows this.

    Mother of Joy is this amazing energy that she wants to bring to the planet.

    She volunteered to come forth today because she sees that so many people are having a challenge feeling joy and shining their light.  

    Holy Mary Mother of Joy said: To start to feel your joy,  you have to stand in your power.  She’s asking you to be open to receiving joy, that you have to consciously say you are open to receiving joy: and that you are open to shifting.  

    She said: Part of standing in your power is recognizing when you’re not in joy and two that there is the possibility that you can shift.

    Come and experience Holy Mary Mother of Joy’s blessings and guidance.

    Remember: Greatness is Within You. It’s Time to Shine Your Light.
    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support. Click this link to receive your free gift.

    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal of Holy Mary Mother of Joy to aid you in your spiritual connection and inspiration, click this link deepaliu.com/sacred-art.
    If you would like to check out the items I mentioned in the video please click this link.  

    I want to say thank you for anything you may purchase through my amazon affiliate links.  It all helps to support me and my work.  
    The Creative Mystic
    enJanuary 04, 2023

    Spiritual Lessons Learned From Yoda to Help You Shine Your Light

    Spiritual Lessons Learned From Yoda to Help You Shine Your Light
    Today I was guided in meditation to share with you, spiritual lessons from Yoda that will help you shine your light and grow spiritually.
    Yoda from the original Star Wars is full of spiritual lessons that when embraced and understood will help you shine your light.  He is one of the most profound characters, in ways a spiritual teacher.  

    I’m Deepa Liu, the creative mystic and I have come to realize the most important thing in life is for you is to shine your light. Shine your light fully.  As each person shines their light we shift the consciousness on the planet.

    Shining your light is what will transform your life to one filled with purpose, meaning and joy, and it will shift the energy on the planet from fear to love.

    Every time you diminish yourself or hold yourself back from acting on what is true for you, you are dimming rather than shining your light, and you will struggle.  
    Yoda knew this.
    I’m going to share with you 2 of Yoda’s most important spiritual lessons he was trying to impart on you as you watched the movie Star Wars.
    We’re going to talk about 2 of Yoda’s quotes that are key to shining your light.  
    Quote 1:  Try not. Do or do not.  There is no try.
    Quote 2:  You must unlearn, what you’ve learned
    Watch the episode to check out how these 2 spiritual insights can help you live by spiritual truth and become the powerful being that you are so you can shine your light.
    Remember: Greatness is Within You. It’s Time to Shine Your Light.
    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support. Click this link to receive your free gift.
    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to aid you in your spiritual connection and inspiration, click this link deepaliu.com/sacred-art/.
    If you would like to check out the items I mentioned in the video please click this link.  
    I want to say thank you for anything you may purchase through my amazon affiliate links.  It all helps to support me and my work.  
    The Creative Mystic
    enDecember 28, 2022

    Shine Your Light, Here’s How

    Shine Your Light, Here’s How

    As a mystic, a light worker, a healer, it’s probably a phrase you have heard often – 


    “Shine Your Light”


    When you’ve heard this, it might have come up for you,  “But How do I shine my light?” or “How can I fully step into shining my light?” 


    Mother of Light told me “If you want to shine your light fully you have to lead with an open heart.  You open up your heart by being open to possibility, to change to being different than you are.  


    When she talked about being different, she talked about being different in your habits.  That your light is already here, but your habitual habits are what keeps your light from shining.  


    The biggest habit that keeps you from shining your light is your fear.  


    • Fear of what other people think, 
    • fear of making a mistake, 
    • fear of not being good enough, 



    and the key is to shift out of fear to love.  By shifting from fear to love you naturally open your heart.  


    Mother of Light had me share examples of how these fears show up and what you need to do to shift out of fear to love and shine your light.


    Remember:  Greatness is Within You It’s Time to Shine Your Light


    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to aid you in your spiritual connection and inspiration Click this link https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/


    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support.  Click this link to receive your free gift.   https://deepaliu.com/gift/


    Amazon Affiliate links:

    Shine Your Light sign   https://amzn.to/3HoHuxt

    Baby yoda   https://amzn.to/3ObPUtv

    Let Your Light Shine sign https://amzn.to/3FFzUgR

    The Creative Mystic
    enDecember 21, 2022

    Mother Mary’s Guidance – What is Unconditional Love and How to Practice it

    Mother Mary’s Guidance – What is Unconditional Love and How to Practice it
    Do you have a family that can be difficult to be with on the holidays?
    Do you find loving them unconditionally is a challenge?
    Mother Mary knows holidays can be challenging, and she wants to give you a way to make family time with holidays more enjoyable.
    She asked me to give her guidance on what unconditional love is and how to practice it so you can change the energy from struggle to the higher vibration of love.  
    She gave me this profound download on what you can do to love yourself unconditionally and how it enables you to unconditionally love others.   
    Mother Mary emphasized the importance that unconditional love is a PRACTICE.  A practice that will develop the more you practice it on yourself first which will then enable you to practice it with others.
    Come and be blessed by Mother Mary of Unconditional Love’s wisdom and blessings of her guidance.
    Remember: Greatness is within you, it’s time to let it out.

    If you would like to get your own Mother Mary of Unconditional Love sacred art portal to aid you in your spiritual connection and inspiration Click this link https://deepaliu.com/project/mother-mary-unconditional-love/

    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support.  Click this link to receive your free gift.   https://deepaliu.com/gift/
    The Creative Mystic
    enDecember 14, 2022

    Angelic Feng Shui, Ways to Make Your Home Heaven on Earth with Jayne Howard Feldman

    Angelic Feng Shui, Ways to Make Your Home Heaven on Earth with Jayne Howard Feldman

    Have you ever heard of Angelic Feng Shui?

    I had never heard of it until I met with Jayne Feldman to do this interview. Even though I have worked with Jayne for years I didn’t know her amazing story of how she started communing with the angels, doing astrology and angelic feng shui.

    Jayne has this amazing connection with the angelic realm which started when she was just 11 years old with an apparition of an angel appearing to her.

    In order to overcome her doubt that often comes after she moved farther away from the mystical experience she began doing research on the angels and found that other people had had similar experiences as her.

    She talked about the importance of acknowledging the energy shifts that happen when you go in your home, and what you can do to Angelically feng shui your house so the energy in your home or office will help you with the changes you need to make in your life to empower yourself.

    Come and hear Jayne’s amazing story and her guidance from Archangel Michael of what you can do for the energy in your home.

    Remember: Greatness is within you, it’s time to let it out.

    If you would like to connect with Jayne Howard Feldman go to http://earthangel4peace.com/ or email her at earthangel4peace@aol.com

    If you would like to get your own Sacred art portal of a Divine being click this link to check out Deepa’s Spirit Guide portals  https://deepaliu.com/

    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support.  Click this link to receive your free gift.  

    The Creative Mystic
    enDecember 07, 2022

    Best Gifts for Spiritual Friends That Help Your Spiritual Journey

    Best Gifts for Spiritual Friends That Help Your Spiritual Journey

    Are you looking for gifts for your spiritual friends?

    or maybe

    You are looking for a gift for yourself that inspires or helps you on your spiritual journey?

    I was inspired to share with you my list of the best gifts for your spiritual friends or for yourself, because the right gift can be a blessing to you or your friend.

    It can remind and inspire you of spiritual truths and make your journey on the spiritual path more joyful.

    Each of these items I am sharing with you are things I have personally bought and use in my life to help bring forth and cultivate the spiritual qualities I want to have in my live.

    The gifts fall into 4 main categories that I have seen make a difference on the spiritual journey.

    Gifts to help foster your creativity which is key to awakening your spiritual gifts, to toys that bring out your big kid to keep you in possibility, to centering tools and reminders of spiritual truths.

    May you be blessed with the joy and growth they bring me.

    Remember: Greatness is within you, it’s time to let it out.

    Here is the list of gifts I share with you in this episode. Listed in order of how I shared them. I am an amazon affiliate so if you purchase through the link I would like to thank you now for your support.  


    If you would like to get your own Sacred art portal of a Divine being click this link to check out Deepa’s Spirit Guide portals deepaliu.com/
    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support. Click this link to receive your free gift.


    The Creative Mystic
    enNovember 30, 2022

    How to Shift from Negative to Positive Thinking

    How to Shift from Negative to Positive Thinking

    Do you have challenges with negative thoughts?

    Do you actually even know what negative thoughts are?

    Divine Mother guided me to share with you today 

    “how to shift from negative to positive thinking”

    Rather than call it negative or positive thinking I call them contractive or expansive thinking.  Negative and positive makes it sound like they are bad or good, when it is really just how you were programmed.  

    Divine Mother guided me to talk about what negative thoughts are so you can have the awareness to catch yourself and make the shift.

    A few examples of contractive/ negative thoughts are:

    • When you complain about something that happened to you over and over and over.  You know what that looks like you tell your spouse, your friend, another friend…..
    • Talking about what you don’t want rather than what you want


    She asked me to share with you what I have done to shift myself out of contractive thinking to expansive thinking.  

    I am sharing with you the 4 steps that Divine Mother gave me that have worked for me.  

    Remember:  Greatness is Within You It’s Time to Let it Out

    If you would like to get your own Sacred art portal of a Divine being click this link to check out Deepa’s Spirit Guide portals  https://deepaliu.com/

    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support.  Click this link to receive your free gift.   https://deepaliu.com/gift/

    The Creative Mystic
    enNovember 23, 2022

    Benefits of Getting Up Early as a Highly Sensitive Spiritual Seeker

    Benefits of Getting Up Early as a Highly Sensitive Spiritual Seeker

    As a creative, a mystic or spiritual seeker you are most likely highly sensitive like me.  I’m actually an empath and as an empathic creative mystic I have found getting up early for my time with Spirit has huge benefits in my life.


    Divine Mother gave me a download this morning that she wanted me to share with you what benefits have come to me from getting up early.  She asked me to share this because she said that you would reap the same benefits.  


    As a highly sensitive spiritual seeker and creative you probably have struggled to:

    • Stay in your own center of what you would like to accomplish for the day
    • Know what your truth is because you pick up on what everyone else wants

    Getting up early to spend time with Spirit has given me many benefits.  


    Here are a few of them:

    • I am able to stay centered in my energy rather than be pulled off into other people’s agendas. 
    • Connection to my true heart’s desires so I can act on my truth
    • Deeper connection with Divine Presence


    Remember:  Greatness is Within You It’s Time to Let it Out

    If you would like to get your own Sacred art portal of a Divine being click this link to check out Deepa’s Spirit Guide portals 


    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support.  Click this link to receive your free gift.   https://deepaliu.com/gift/


    The Creative Mystic
    enNovember 16, 2022

    Let Go of Your Judge and Have a Mystical Experience

    Let Go of Your Judge and Have a Mystical Experience

    I was Divinely guided to share with you my aha I had this morning in meditation.

    I’ve been doing this program where you observe your ego, what they call your saboteurs. You may have a saboteur that is an avoider, a perfectionist, hyper vigilant, but I’ve come to discover that what is behind all of them is your judge.

    You are either judging yourself or judging others, but the big aha I had was when I let go of the judge that was judging myself and others when I was meditating.

    This is a short episode, but it was one of my most powerful aha’s because of the mystical experience I had from letting go of the judge.


    Remember: Greatness is within you, it’s time to let it out.

    If you would like to get your own Sacred art portal of a Divine being click this link to check out Deepa’s Spirit Guide portals 

    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support.  Click this link to receive your free gift.   https://deepaliu.com/gift/

    The Creative Mystic
    enNovember 09, 2022

    Guided Meditation with Mother Mary Blessing the World

    Guided Meditation with Mother Mary Blessing the World

    Do you want more meaning in your life?


    Have you felt like something is missing in your life?


    My Spirit Guide portal Mother Mary Blessing the World came forth wanting to share with you


    "How to have meaning in your life"

    She guided me to share with you 3 Keys to having more meaning in your life, but she also shared how important it was to have not just meaning but also money.

    If you want to have meaning that is fulfilling in every area of your life, you actually need to manifest meaning AND Money. If you only have meaning and you are struggling, you will never get the full breath of the meaning you desire.


    Her guided meditation was blessing you with the energy and consciousness so you can be open and receptive to having meaning and money in your life.


    If you’re ready to have more meaning and be blessed by Mother Mary, click here to listen.


    Remember: Greatness is within you, it’s time to let it out.


    If you would like to get your own Mother Mary Blessing the World sacred art portal to aid you in your spiritual connection and inspiration, click this link


    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support. Click this link to receive your free gift - https://deepaliu.com/gift/

    The Creative Mystic
    enNovember 02, 2022

    Intuitive Message Yogananda, How to Find Joy in Life Again

    Intuitive Message Yogananda, How to Find Joy in Life Again

    Have you been struggling to be joyful?


    Have you wondered what happened to your joy?

    Well, Yogananda wanted to share a message with you on 

    “How to Find Joy in Life Again".

    He wanted me to share some about his life because his life represented all of the important factors in spirituality.  Not just the seriousness that you see on many spiritual paths, but the joy that is meant to be there in your life and in your spiritual growth.  

    Yogananda wanted me to title this episode with the word “again”  because he shared that we all come in with joy and so it’s about finding it again.

    The Yogananda spirit guide portal is infused with Yogananda’s power and his joy to bless you with both of these Divine aspects.  

    It surprised me what he had to say of why you don’t feel your joy and what to do so you can find it.  

    Remember: Greatness is within you, it’s time to let it out.

    If you would like to get your own Yogananda sacred art portal to aid you in your spiritual connection and inspiration Click this link

    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support.  Click this link to receive your free gift.   https://deepaliu.com/gift/

    The Creative Mystic
    enOctober 26, 2022

    How a Challenge Helps You

    How a Challenge Helps You

    I was contemplating this whole idea of challenges since I am doing this Mother Mary painting challenge. I was thinking about why do we have problems and challenges in our lives, and all of a sudden the words:

    Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

    This is a spiritual truth I learned as a yoga teacher.


    As I sat with this spiritual truth it came to me why problems and challenges come into our lives. It’s where we are suppose to have our energy go. A problem or a challenge draws our attention and energy naturally flows there.


    What is your first reaction when a problem happens in your life?


    I know mine unless I am consciously aware is frustration or resistance. What’s yours?


    When I am consciously aware I see that it is happening for my life rather than some thing to get frustrated about. The problem is actually a challenge that Spirit is trying to help you learn something so you can shift your consciousness and grow into the next step in your life.


    So, how can you turn the problem mindset in your life into a self-imposed challenge that can help you in your life rather than frustrate you?


    Come and hear how I turn problems into challenges that help me grow and expand in my life.


    Remember: Greatness is within you, it’s time to let it out.


    If you would like to get your own sacred art portal to aid you in your spiritual connection and inspiration Click this link deepaliu.com/sacred-art/


    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support. Click this link to receive your free gift.

    The Creative Mystic
    enOctober 19, 2022

    How to Get Intuitive Answers and Understand What it Means

    How to Get Intuitive Answers and Understand What it Means
    Have you ever gotten an intuitive message that you didn’t understand what it really meant?  

    I know I have.  

    So, I decided to share with you my method of getting intuitive guidance and most importantly how to get the understanding you need so you can act on it.  

    I woke up this morning feeling unclear on what was true for me, and when I am not clear on what is true for me, I become confused on what my next step is.  

    Do you ever feel confused or unclear on what it is for you to do?

    Whenever I feel confused or unclear I ask my Spirit Guides who wants to volunteer to give me some intuitive guidance.  

    Heart Chakra Angel volunteered to show up for me.  

    The Heart Chakra Angel gave me this amazing message that helped me have clarity and the willingness to move forward on the next step in my life.  

    The message was so inspiring for me that I wanted to share the message with you.

    Remember: Greatness is within you, it’s time to let it out.

    If you would like to get your own Heart Chakra Angel sacred art portal to aid you in your spiritual connection and inspiration Click this link deepaliu.com/project/heart-chakra-angel/

    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support.  Click this link to receive your free gift.
    The Creative Mystic
    enOctober 12, 2022

    How to Get Intuitive Answers and Understand What it Means

    How to Get Intuitive Answers and Understand What it Means
    Have you ever gotten an intuitive message that you didn’t understand what it really meant?  

    I know I have.  

    So, I decided to share with you my method of getting intuitive guidance and most importantly how to get the understanding you need so you can act on it.  

    I woke up this morning feeling unclear on what was true for me, and when I am not clear on what is true for me, I become confused on what my next step is.  

    Do you ever feel confused or unclear on what it is for you to do?

    Whenever I feel confused or unclear I ask my Spirit Guides who wants to volunteer to give me some intuitive guidance.  

    Heart Chakra Angel volunteered to show up for me.  

    The Heart Chakra Angel gave me this amazing message that helped me have clarity and the willingness to move forward on the next step in my life.  

    The message was so inspiring for me that I wanted to share the message with you.

    Remember: Greatness is within you, it’s time to let it out.

    If you would like to get your own Heart Chakra Angel sacred art portal to aid you in your spiritual connection and inspiration Click this link deepaliu.com/project/heart-chakra-angel/

    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support.  Click this link to receive your free gift.
    The Creative Mystic
    enOctober 12, 2022

    How to Overcome a Spiritual Rut & Stay Inspired Spiritually

    How to Overcome a Spiritual Rut & Stay Inspired Spiritually
    Are you in a spiritual rut or slump?
    Have you had challenges staying inspired?

    Or maybe

    You want to avoid falling into a rut?
    If you’ve been on the spiritual path for a while, (or maybe you are even new to the spiritual path) you know one of the biggest challenges is to stay motivated to keep doing your daily spiritual practices. And more importantly not let your practice fall into a habit that you do because you should or have to.
    I began my spiritual journey on the Buddhist path, and was given 3 things that are important for your spiritual growth:
    • Faith
    • Practice &
    • Study
    But I’ve been on the spiritual path for many years and I’ve seen that the spiritual path has its ups and downs.  Some days you feel enthusiastic and some days you feel ho hum.  
    How do you get out of the HO HUM?
    The most important thing is to stay inspired spiritually.
    Inspiration keeps your practice fresh and keeps you doing your practice with enthusiasm.  
    So, how do you overcome a rut and stay inspired?
    I have found that faith, practice & study are important but there are 2 other vital components that are so necessary in staying inspired.  
    Check out the new episode if you want to know what they are and how to bring them into your practice.
    Remember: Greatness is within you, it’s time to let it out.

    If you would like to check out and join our Spiritual community Magnify Your Miracles click here.

    If you would like to get your own sacred art portal to aid you in your spiritual connection and inspiration, click this link deepaliu.com/sacred-art/.
    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually  and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call click this link to receive your free gift.
    The Creative Mystic
    enOctober 05, 2022

    Mother Mary’s Guidance and Blessing

    Mother Mary’s Guidance and Blessing
    Mother Mary Blessing the World came to me wanting to give an intuitive message on the difference between problems and challenges.

    Do you have problems and challenges in your life?
    As I was connecting with her, being true to her name she also wanted to give you a blessing to help you overcome the problems in your life.    
    She shared an intuitive message on what the difference is between a challenge and a problem, and what you need to shift in your consciousness so you can stop having so many problems and start to transform your life.
    Mother Mary also gave a blessing to help you shift your consciousness so you can transform your life to more success and happiness.  
    She also asked you to work with her on a daily basis so she can be there to help you as you make this change. 
    Remember: Greatness is within you, it’s time to let it out.

    If you would like to get your own high end reproduction of Mother Mary Blessing the World, and work with her in overcoming your challenges and problems, please click this link deepaliu.com/project/mother-mary-blessing-the-world/
    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually  and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call Click this link to receive your free gift.
    The Creative Mystic
    enSeptember 28, 2022

    Abundance Meditation by God Rays

    Abundance Meditation by God Rays
    Would you like to have more abundance in your life?

    I was guided by Mother Mary to share with you an abundance meditation with my Spirit Guide portal God Rays.
    God Rays came to not only connect you with the energy of abundance, but to also bless you with the abundance vibration which is so important if you desire to manifest something else in your life.
    As I was setting up my easel to display God Rays for the meditation, I received another download to also use my Tibetan singing bowls in the meditation.  
    Singing bowls are so helpful to center your energy and help you to focus on the Divine energy within.
    If you would like to experience God Rays blessings and the Tibetan singing bowls, please join me in this abundance meditation.
    Remember: Greatness is within you, it’s time to let it out.

    If you would like to get your own God Rays, please click this link

    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually  and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call Click this link to receive your free gift.
    The Creative Mystic
    enSeptember 21, 2022

    The Key to Knowing Yourself

    The Key to Knowing Yourself

    The key to knowing yourself is so important.


    Knowing yourself is the only way you are ever going to be happy, fulfilled and know why you are here on the planet


    Knowing yourself is all about knowing what your true heart’s desires are.  


    Why don’t you know your true heart’s desires?


    Because You’ve been programmed to do what is practical, logical, responsible, safe, secure and what you can afford and this programming squishes your heart’s desires.   


    You may have even been programmed that to follow your heart’s desire is irresponsible, silly, and not practical.  I know I was.


    But your heart’s desire is what is TRUE FOR YOU!


    When you connect with your heart’s desires and you live by this truth you will be happy, fulfilled, filled with joy, more success and have more flow in your life.  


    There are 3 things you need to do to connect to your heart’s desire.


    • Listen to your heart’s desires
    • Acknowledge and accept your heart’s desires
    • Act on your heart’s desires


    How do you do this?


    Listen to the podcast and check out the practice I give you so you can connect to your heart’s desire and know yourself.


    Remember:  Greatness is Within You It’s Time to Let it Out


    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually  and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call Click this link to receive your free gift - https://deepaliu.com/gift/


    To check out Deepa’s Sacred art portals and get your own Spirit Guide portal reproduction go to https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/

    The Creative Mystic
    enSeptember 14, 2022