
    The Creative Mystic

    Lightworkers & Highly Creative Spiritual Seekers need inspiration and blessings to expand into their next step of spiritual growth and purpose. Each Wednesday, join Deepa Liu, Sacred Artist, Interfaith Minister and Spiritual Success Coach/ Teacher as she shares intuitive messages, meditations and her own miraculous experiences as a Creative Mystic, to support and inspire you to deepen your connection with Divine Presence so you can let your greatness out. If you want to learn how to access your spiritual gifts, use your creativity as your super power and be a blessing in this world making a difference, this podcast is for you.
    enDeepa Liu100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Benefits of Having Your Own Altar

    Benefits of Having Your Own Altar
    A home altar has so many benefits to you as a spiritual seeker and mystic that Divine Mother wanted me to share with you about my altar and encourage you to create one of your own.  
    Why do you want to take your time, energy and resources and create a home altar?
    It helps you with remembering.
    One of the things I have realized being on the spiritual path for so many years is remembering is one of the most important aspects of the spiritual path.
    • Remembering the spiritual lessons that happen in your life.  
    • Remembering that Spirit is here with you 24/7.  
    • Remembering the basics on the spiritual path.  
    I have my main altar that I meditate, pray and chant at every morning and evening, but
    I also have mini altars to remind me that Divine beings are with me in everything I do.  
    A home altar is a place where you go consistently to practice your spiritual tools and techniques and because you go there consistently you build up a vortex of spiritual energy.
    Whatever you do as your spiritual path you will benefit by doing it in the same location.  The spiritual energy will build there the more you practice at your altar.  
    Check out the recording to find out where the best place is for your altar and the best things to put on your altar.
    Remember: Greatness is within you, it’s time to let it out.
    If you want to check out some things for your altar:
    Laughing Buddha page  amzn.to/3A6Hb5g
    My favorite Laughing Buddha  amzn.to/3AuK3Kw

    To check out Deepa’s Sacred art portals and get your own Spirit Guide portal reproduction go to deepaliu.com/sacred-art/

    If you are ready to get the support you need to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually  and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call Click this link to receive your free gift.
    The Creative Mystic
    enSeptember 07, 2022

    Angel Blessings From Heart Chakra Angel

    Angel Blessings From Heart Chakra Angel
    Heart Chakra angel came wanting to give a blessing to you.  
    I was given the specific guidance that it was to be a blessing not just an intuitive message. She wanted me to share with you that the difference between an intuitive message and a blessing.  
    An intuitive message is just information/knowledge and a blessing is a transmission of energy and information.  
    Heart Chakra angel showed up as a she today, which is always a sign that it is time to focus on the divine feminine energy of receptivity. She wants you to be receptive to receiving the energy from her that she is blessing you with.
    Today, Heart Chakra angel is blessing you with the energy of expansion in your heart chakra and the awareness and acknowledgement to know what your true heart’s desires are.
    Come and experience the blessings of the Heart chakra angel.
    Remember: Greatness is within you, it’s time to let it out.
    If you are ready to get the support you need to start having the spiritual growth you desire and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are ready to get the support you need. Click this link to receive your free gift.   

    If you would like to get your own museum grade art reproduction of the Heart Chakra angel that has been prayed and blessed over, Click this link deepaliu.com/project/heart-chakra-angel/.
    To check out Deepa’s Sacred art portals and get your own Spirit Guide portal reproduction go to deepaliu.com/sacred-art/.
    The Creative Mystic
    enAugust 31, 2022

    Likes, Dislikes & Mystical Experiences

    Likes, Dislikes & Mystical Experiences
    I woke up this morning thinking about likes and dislikes which was surprising because it wasn’t anything I had been discussing or thinking about the night before.  
    But I had asked Divine Mother in my evening sadhana/spiritual practice what do you want me to share in The Creative Mystic tomorrow. So, when I woke up and that was the first thing on my mind I felt Divine Mother wanted me to talk about your likes and dislikes.
    Everyone has likes and dislikes.  When you are caught in the excitement of something you like or the disdain of something you dislike you are coming from your ego. What came to me in the morning was that if we keep living our lives by our likes and dislikes we will forever be stuck where we are.  
    You have likes and dislikes and it’s important to not pretend you don’t have them when you do, but if you want to have more spiritual growth you have to be able to discern when it is important to honor the dislike or move beyond it and do something even though you don’t like it.
    Trying to stay away from what you dislike can keep you stuck from manifesting what you truly desire or experiencing the spiritual growth that is just waiting around the corner.  
    Come and hear what I was Divinely guided to share with you on how to know which   dislikes are best to override so you can have the growth and results you desire.
    Remember: Greatness is within you, it’s time to let it out.
    If you are ready to get the support you need to start having the spiritual growth you desire and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are ready to get the support you need. Click this link to receive your free gift.   
    To check out Deepa’s Sacred art portals and get your own Spirit Guide portal reproduction go to deepaliu.com/sacred-art/.
    The Creative Mystic
    enAugust 24, 2022

    Spiritual Entrepreneurs - Mother Mary’s Guidance on How to Know Your Next Step

    Spiritual Entrepreneurs - Mother Mary’s Guidance on How to Know Your Next Step
    Mother Mary Breaking Thru the Ethers came to me volunteering to give a message specifically to spiritual entrepreneurs and light workers.
    This vision came to me during a time when I was having some challenges in my life. I saw her coming through the ethers as if she was breaking through it to come to me. I could feel her energy was there to help me breakthrough and overcome the challenges I was having.

    This sacred art portal was created with the intention to help you connect with Mother Mary’s infinite power and energy so you can overcome your challenges and obstacles.

    She came today with a message to help you as an entrepreneur to stop stagnating and get unstuck.  She gave specific instructions on what you need to start doing to know what your next step is so you can grow your business to the next level.
    Remember: Greatness is within you, it’s time to let it out.

    If you are ready to get the support you need to start having the spiritual growth you desire and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are ready to get the support you need. Click this link to receive your free gift.   

    If you would like to get your own Mother Mary Breaking Thru the Ethers go to deepaliu.com/project/mother-mary-breaking-thru-the-ethers/
    To check out Deepa’s Sacred art portals and get your own Spirit Guide portal reproduction go to deepaliu.com/sacred-art/.
    The Creative Mystic
    enAugust 17, 2022

    Your God-given Superpower That Empowers You!

    Your God-given Superpower That Empowers You!

    This third superpower is one of the most important and self-empowering. 

    It also is one of the most misunderstood and misused God-Given Superpowers.  

    The power of your intellect.

    You have been programmed to use your intellect to analyze what you already see in your life.  Analysis to paralysis, so you stay right where you are.  

    You have been programmed to do what is practical, logical, responsible and what you can afford, which will keep you stuck in your current situation.  Unhappy in a job you don’t like, doing your business in a way that is a rat race.  Living life knowing something is missing but thinking you have no other choice.  

    Your power of Intellect is meant to be used to help you move forward on your true heart’s desire, not to keep you stuck in something that is unfulfilling and you don’t like.  

    You are meant to be empowered in creating a life you love.  One that is filled with meaning and joy.  

    Come and learn how you are meant to use your power of intellect so you create what you desire in your life – A LIFE YOU LOVE.  

    Remember Greatness is Within You It’s Time to Let it Out

    Working with the Law by Raymond Holliwell

    paperback  https://amzn.to/3QjAGCR
    Kindle https://amzn.to/3zoqP7T

    If you are ready to get the support you need to start having the spiritual growth you desire and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call Click this link to receive your free gift - https://deepaliu.com/gift/.

    To check out Deepa’s Sacred art portals and get your own Spirit Guide portal reproduction go to https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/

    The Creative Mystic
    enAugust 10, 2022

    Your God-given Superpower of Choice, How it can Transform Your Life

    Your God-given Superpower of Choice, How it can Transform Your Life
    Your second God Given Superpower is your power of choice.  
    I was walking out in nature, and I saw a caterpillar inching along, and it occurred to me that the caterpillar doesn’t have a choice in its next level of transformation.  It is in its biology and DNA to transform into a butterfly.  It’s a beautiful transformation but one that is decided for the caterpillar.  
    Your power of choice is what separates you from all of the other beings on the planet.  You get to choose your next step in what your next level of expansion, growth and transformation is.  
    I was guided to talk about how your power of choice can transform your life and the world when you learn the key factors that allow you to make your choices from what is true in your heart rather than your fears.  
    Making your choices from your truth is what your higher power intended for you with your power of choice. Unfortunately, you were programmed to make them from what you are afraid of.  
    Fear is a funny thing it disguises itself in many forms. You make choices by what is logical, practical, responsible, safe, and what you can afford which is fear disguised to keep you right where you are.  
    Come and find out what 2 things you can do to start using your God Given Power of Choice so it is your super power rather than what holds you back.
    Remember: Greatness is within you, it’s time to let it out.
    If you are ready to get the support you need to start having the spiritual growth you desire and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are ready to get the support you need. Click this link to receive your free gift.   
    To check out Deepa’s Sacred art portals and get your own Spirit Guide portal reproduction go to https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/.

    https://amzn.to/3PkT51t  Journal- There is a voice that doesn’t use words listen
    https://amzn.to/3yAMpFR  Journal – The map to where she’s going is written on her heart
    https://amzn.to/3NWQ0DP  Journal – You are here to do incredible things
    https://amzn.to/3yDb7W4 Journal - Life is beautiful
    https://amzn.to/3awA11p  Journal – You are here, it is time you are ready
    https://amzn.to/3c5oiaC  Journal – This might be the day you’ve been waiting for
    https://amzn.to/3uEcK4D  Journal – What makes you feel alive
    https://amzn.to/3AOV2PF  Journal - Good things start Here
    https://amzn.to/3yYsIcq  Journal – Always remember, you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem & smarter than you think.
    The Creative Mystic
    enAugust 03, 2022

    3 God-given Superpowers That You Have at Your Fingertips

    3 God-given Superpowers That You Have at Your Fingertips

    I was given a Divine Download to share with you  your 3 God-given superpowers that are here at your fingertips. They are just waiting for you to utilize them in creating a life you love and letting your greatness out.

    You were given these superpowers so you can create what you desire, but unfortunately you  are not using them as God intended. If you were you would feel empowered and love your life.

    Don’t feel bad if you are dissatisfied with areas of your life. It is your soul communicating that here is the area of life you need to focus your energy in. Dissatisfaction is actually a sign that Spirit is telling you it is time to act.

    Your 3 superpowers that can transform you and your life, if used consciously and with clear intent are your:

    • Power of your words
    • Power of choice
    • Power of your intellect


    Unfortunately, most people have been raised to be careless with their words. And to use your words to complain rather than to create.

    You are creating moment by moment with your words.

    Today, I’m going to share with you how the power of your words can be used to start your day with the intention of creating what you would like to see in your life and most importantly in the world.

    Come and hear the divine download about the power of your words and how you can start to use them as the superpowers that they are.


    Remember: Greatness is within you, it’s time to let it out.

    If you are ready to get the support you need to start having the spiritual growth you desire and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are ready to get the support you need. Click this link to receive your free gift - https://deepaliu.com/gift/.

    To check out Deepa’s Sacred art portals and get your own Spirit Guide portal reproduction go to https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/.

    The Creative Mystic
    enJuly 27, 2022

    Something to Help You Have Positive Energy

    Something to Help You Have Positive Energy
    Sword of Light wanted me to do a guided meditation with him to help you feel the positive energy of Love, joy and peace.

    He wanted me to do this meditation because having positive energy in your day is key to manifesting more of what you desire.  

    The Sword of Light actually guided me to knight you with what you already possess.  The energy of love, joy and peace are within you just waiting for you to become aware of them.  

    The vision of Sword of Light came to me when I was at an Archangel Michael retreat where we were focusing on the energy of love.  It was the most amazing vision.  It inspired me and blessed me so much that I needed to paint the sword immediately when I got home.

    If you are wanting to start your day with positive energy check out Sword of Lights guided meditation for positive energy.
    If you’d like to get your own high end reproduction go to https://deepaliu.com/project/archangel-michaels-sword-of-light/

    If you resonate with this meditation, please give me a like, comment and subscribe.

    Remember: Greatness is within you, it’s time to let it out.

    If you are ready to get the support you need to start having the spiritual growth you desire and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are ready to get the support you need. Click this link to receive your free gift.   

    To check out Deepa’s Sacred art portals and get your own Spirit Guide portal reproduction go to https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/
    The Creative Mystic
    enJuly 20, 2022

    Want Spiritual Transformation? Here’s How

    Want Spiritual Transformation? Here’s How
    This morning, I sat down to do my morning Sadhana (Spiritual practice) and I have this Buddhist saying on my altar

    “Today is a new beginning, what matters most is what I do today”

    As I read it, I received a flood of a download from Divine Mother abouhow to have spiritual transformation and why this quote is so important.  

    This quote is not just a catchy saying to inspire you, but it is a philosophy of how you live your life from an empowered place.  

    But most importantly how you can manifest a life from your spiritual truth

    It is one of the most important spiritual truths that will transform your life when you understand the depth of what it means and how to actually make conscious causes for what you desire in your life, rather than living life as a habit and doing the same old thing.  

    Divine Mother wanted me to share with you the 2 most important things you need to do to live this quote and have the spiritual transformation you desire so you can create a life you love that has meaning and purpose.

    Remember: Greatness is within you, it’s time to let it out.

    If you are ready to get the support you need to start having the spiritual growth you desire and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are ready to get the support you need. Click this link to receive your free gift - https://deepaliu.com/gift/

    To check out Deepa’s Sacred art portals and get your own Spirit Guide portal reproduction go to https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/.

    The Creative Mystic
    enJuly 13, 2022

    How to Free Your Mind from Overthinking

    How to Free Your Mind from Overthinking

    Why do you want to free your mind from overthinking?  

    Overthinking drains your energy.

    It is a big waste of your energy and time.

    If you feel exhausted or tired frequently you probably are an overthinker.  What are the 2 things you overthink?

    Something that may happen in the future or something that already happened in the past.

    You overthink:

    • Your next decision on something you are afraid of making a mistake in. (future)
    • Something you did that you felt like you made a mistake in and what you could’ve, should’ve done differently. (past)
    • Something that someone did something to you that you don’t understand why they did it and you are trying to figure out (past)


    What is the core reason you overthink?  

    Because you think something is wrong with you or you don’t feel good enough.  

    You worry that you did the wrong, will do the wrong thing with something you did, or that you will make the wrong decision.  

    The 2 things you need to do to stop overthinking.

    • Practice forgiveness
    • Heal your belief that you aren’t good enough and replace it with the truth of who you really are.  


    Remember: Greatness is within you, it’s time to let it out.

    If you are ready to get the support you need to start having the spiritual growth you desire and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call Click this link to receive your free gift -  https://deepaliu.com/gift/

    To check out Deepa’s Sacred art portals and get your own Spirit Guide portal reproduction go to https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/

    The Creative Mystic
    enJuly 06, 2022

    Spiritual Tips For Your Spiritual Practice

    Spiritual Tips For Your Spiritual Practice
    "Each day is a new beginning. What matters most is what you do today." - Buddha

    Today, I was guided by Divine Mother to start sharing with you my experiences of having a consistent spiritual practice that transformed my life. She asked me to share some of my story of what helped me to be consistent in my spiritual practice. 

    One of the most important things that can set your day for success is a morning spiritual practice.

    Last week, Archangel Gabriel gave an intuitive message on how to be successful. It was all about deciding what you desire for your day and directing your energy toward that desired result.

    One of the things that I have found that enables me to direct my energy toward what I desire is a consistent practice.  

    I was guided by my guides to share with you how you might start a spiritual practice so you can have more success in your life. More success with feeling the Divine Presence, having more joy, and feeling peaceful and centered.

    If you resonate with this please feel free to subscribe, comment and give me a like.

    Remember: Greatness is within you, it’s time to let it out.

    If you are ready to get the support you need to start having the spiritual growth you desire and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are ready to get the support you need. Click this link to receive your free gift.   

    To check out Deepa’s Sacred art portals and get your own Spirit Guide reproduction go to https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/

    The Creative Mystic
    enJune 29, 2022

    Archangel Gabriel Intuitive Message on Success

    Archangel Gabriel Intuitive Message on Success

    Have you wondered how you can be more successful?  

    Archangel Gabriel came to me wanting to talk about this topic of success and how you can have success in every area of your life.  

    He wants you to know you are here for success and you are wired for it.  

    His message was so interesting about why you don’t have the level of success you desire and what you need to do to have that success.

    Archangel Gabriel talked about it doesn’t matter whether you are wanting success in your business or your relationship or how you feel, what you need to do is the same in order to create the success you desire.

    Come and listen to his message and receive the blessings of his guidance.

    Remember: Greatness is within you, it’s time to let it out.

    If you are ready to get the support you need to start having the spiritual growth you desire and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call Click this link to receive your free gift.   https://deepaliu.com/gift/

    To check out Deepa’s Sacred art portals and get your own Archangel Gabriel reproduction go to 


    The Creative Mystic
    enJune 22, 2022

    Light Workers, Healers, Entrepreneurs who are spiritual

    Light Workers, Healers, Entrepreneurs who are spiritual

    Do you feel stuck in your life or in your business?


    Are you feeling like there is nothing you can do to make it different?


    Feelings of stuckness or unhappiness with the way your life or business is,  is a sign that you need to wake up and be willing to do something new and different. 


    It actually is Divine Presence communicating to you that it is time to get some support to make the changes that your soul is calling out for you to do, but you are too afraid to do on your own.  


    Mother Mary came to me today and guided me to talk about what keeps you stuck.  


    There are 3 main components that she guided me to talk about that keep you feeling stuck.


    Come and learn what is keeping you stuck and a few things you can do to help yourself to start opening yourself up to getting unstuck.


    Remember: Greatness is within you it’s time to let it out


    Here are some things that can help you start to open yourself up so you can get unstuck:


    I was guided to offer you some signage that can help remind you in your home and work space to have a new and different perspective:



    Everyday is a new beginning take a deep breath and start again” Inspirational sign



    She remembered who she was and the game changed



    post it’s in different colors for writing your own positive reminders


    If you are ready to get the support you need to start having the spiritual growth you desire and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call Click this link to receive your free gift - https://deepaliu.com/gift/

    The Creative Mystic
    enJune 15, 2022

    Candle Ritual for Your Empowerment

    Candle Ritual for Your Empowerment

    Are you wanting to be more empowered in your life?


    Do you often feel like life is happening to you rather than being the active creator in your life?

    Divine Mother came to me wanting to bless you with this candle ritual of empowerment.


    She came to me one morning in meditation bringing to my attention the importance of how the simple act of lighting a candle can be an empowering act.  One that can transform you when done with purpose and intention each day.


    I share with you one of the most important keys to being empowered and how this candle ritual will help you with empowering yourself.  


    If you are needing help in shifting from a disempowered place in your life to one that is affirming the powerful being that you are, come and join me in this empowerment ritual.

    Remember: Greatness is within you, it’s time to let it out.


    If you would like to get your own beeswax candles here are my favorite brands:






    If you are ready to get the support you need to start having the spiritual growth you desire and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call Click this link to receive your free gift --  https://deepaliu.com/gift/

    The Creative Mystic
    enJune 08, 2022

    The Power of Ritual

    The Power of Ritual
    What are rituals?  If you check the definition up in the dictionary it says rituals are 


    1. a religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order.

    "the role of ritual in religion"



    1. relating to or done as a religious or solemn rite.


    But for me rituals have nothing to do with a religious or solemn rite, but everything to do with empowering yourself.  

    Divine Mother gave me an AHA this morning about the rituals I take part in every day when I do my spiritual practices.  One of the most important rituals I do with the beginning of my spiritual practices each morning is the lighting of a candle.  

    An act that seems so mundane and meaningless but yet it is full of power to bring forth and awaken your spiritual power that is within you that stays hidden away until you start to understand the power of ritual in your life.

    Come and learn what candles are the best for ritual, meditation and relaxation and how a simple ritual can awaken you to the Divine Presence within you


    Remember: Greatness is within you it’s time to let it out

    If you would like to get your own beeswax candles here are my favorite brands:


    If you are ready to get the support you need to start having the spiritual growth you desire and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call Click this link to receive your free gift.   https://deepaliu.com/gift/

    The Creative Mystic
    enJune 01, 2022

    Guided Meditation for Inner Peace Christ Consciousness Portal

    Guided Meditation for Inner Peace Christ Consciousness Portal

    Do you have anxiety?

    Do you wish you had more inner peace?

    Lack of inner peace and anxiety come because you have racing thoughts that are projecting into the future about something you are afraid might happen.  

    My Christ Consciousness Spirit Guide portal came to me because he wanted to give a meditation to help you stop those racing thoughts and touch your inner peace.  

    It’s all about bringing your energy into the present moment of what is at this moment and not what might happen in the future.  

    Christ Consciousness wants to help you touch your inner peace so you can make a choice from your inner peace rather than from your fear and anxiety of what might happen.

    Remember: Greatness is within you it’s time to let it out

    If you’d like to get your own reproduction of Christ Consciousness portal go to https://deepaliu.com/project/christ-consciousness-portal/

    If you are ready to get the support you need to start having the spiritual growth you desire and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call Click this link to receive your free gift.

    The Creative Mystic
    enMay 25, 2022

    Mother Mary’s Intuitive Message on How to Stop Feeling Lonely

    Mother Mary’s Intuitive Message on How to Stop Feeling Lonely

    Do you feel alone or lonely?

    My Spirit Guide Mother Mary of Unconditional Love came to me and volunteered to give an intuitive message about how to stop feeling alone and lonely.

    She talked about why we have this feeling of loneliness and what is missing that creates the feeling of aloneness and loneliness.  

    She also shared a practice that will help you transform this feeling of loneliness to one of connection with your higher power so you can alleviate your loneliness and be empowered in your life.

    Remember: Greatness is within you it’s time to let it out

    If you are ready to get the support you need to start having the spiritual growth you desire and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call Click this link to receive your free gift.  

    To check out Deepa’s Sacred art portals go to https://deepaliu.com/

    The Creative Mystic
    enMay 18, 2022

    What Enhances & Strengthen Your Most Powerful Asset

    What Enhances & Strengthen Your Most Powerful Asset

    Have you wondered what you can do to more easily solve the problems in your life?

    Are you having a challenge utilizing your most powerful asset, Creativity?

    Have you ever wondered what stunts creativity more than anything.  

    Come and learn what strengthens your most powerful asset of Creativity, what stunts it and what you can start to do to free up your creativity.  


    Deepa will share with you:

    • Her process of what cultivates and strengthens your Creativity
    •  Her key practices that enhance your creativity so you can utilize it to help you solve all the problems in your life.  
    • Her process in how she creates her Spirit Guide portals that are here to bless you 
    • The attitude you need to open up your creative flow.  


    Remember: Greatness is within you it’s time to let it out

    If you are ready to get the support you need to start having the spiritual growth you desire and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call Click this link to receive your free gift.   https://deepaliu.com/gift/

    To check out Deepa’s Sacred art portals go to https://deepaliu.com/


    The Creative Mystic
    enMay 11, 2022

    Creativity – Your Most Powerful Asset

    Creativity – Your Most Powerful Asset

    I asked Mother Mary what she wanted me to talk about today and in my meditation, the words floated across my consciousness “Creativity Your Most Powerful Asset.”  


    As I continued to sit in meditation she continued to guide me to what she wanted me to share.  


    Are you a spiritual entrepreneur, spiritual seeker or an empath where you are having problems that you just can’t seem to overcome?  If so tune into see how creativity is your most powerful asset to whatever problems you are having in your business or life.  

    Mother Mary wanted me to share with you  

    • The 2 types of creativity 

    • Importance of creativity in finding solutions to whatever problem you have in your life. 

    • Why creativity is your most powerful asset in creating a life you love and stepping into your holy calling

    Remember: Greatness is within you, it’s time to let it out.

    If you are ready to get the support you need to start having the spiritual growth you desire and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call Click this link to receive your free gift.   https://deepaliu.com/gift/


    To check out Deepa’s Sacred art portals go to https://deepaliu.com/


    The Creative Mystic
    enMay 04, 2022

    Guided Meditation with Archangel Michael What is Bravery and How Do You Get It

    Guided Meditation with Archangel Michael What is Bravery and How Do You Get It

    Archangel Michael volunteered today wanting to lead you in a meditation that will connect you with your courage, your bravery.


    He decided to give you a double blessing by also giving an amazing intuitive message about courage and bravery to help you in manifesting in your life.  


    The meditation was so significant to me because he gave a blessing to you of courage, but most of all he blessed you with awakening you to your courage and bravery that already exists within you.


    Come and experience Archangel Michael’s blessing and message.


    Remember: Greatness is within you it’s time to let it out


    If you’d like to get your own reproduction of Archangel Michael that has been prayed and blessed please go to deepaliu.com/project/archangel-michael

    The Creative Mystic
    enApril 27, 2022