
    The Dad Edge Podcast

    The Dad Edge Podcast is a movement. It is a strong community of Fathers who all share a set of values. Larry Hagner, founder of The Dad Edge, breaks down common challenges of fatherhood, making them easy to understand and overcome. Tackling the world of Fatherhood can be a daunting task when we try to do it alone. The mission of The Dad Edge Podcast is to help you become the best, strongest, and happiest version of yourself so that you can help guide your kids to the best version of themselves. Simple as that. Everything you need and all of our resources can be found at thedadedge.com/podcast
    enLarry Hagner1153 Episodes

    Episodes (1153)

    Creating Depth and Intimacy with your Spouse Again with Brad Rhoads

    Creating Depth and Intimacy with your Spouse Again with Brad Rhoads

    Brad Rhoads founded Grace Marriage in 2015 to help churches and couples prioritize marriage. Prior to this, Brad was a practicing attorney for 22 years. He served as a marriage pastor at their local church, where he noted the nationwide absence of an intentional, ongoing strategy to keep couples on a trajectory of growth.

    In this episode, Brad Rhoads shares his personal journey of feeling pressure to perform in his Christian life. He talks about how a friend helped him understand the concept of relying on the grace of God instead of his own efforts. Brad Rhoads explains the freedom he experienced when he realized that it's okay to not be perfect and that he could enjoy life without the heavy burden of constantly striving. He also discusses how this mindset shift improved his relationships and allowed him to embrace imperfection.

    One of the key factors that they emphasized is the importance of prioritizing quality time in marriage. The busyness of life often takes a toll on couples, causing them to go through the motions and lose sight of what truly matters. With kids' activities, work demands, and financial pressures, it becomes easy to neglect the relationship and settle for a mediocre marriage.

    Many couples desire a better marriage, but they lack the knowledge and guidance on how to achieve it. They may have tried attending conferences or seeking advice, but nothing seems to bring about lasting change. As a result, they resign themselves to the status quo, accepting that their marriage is simply tolerable.

    However, Brad and Larry argue that there is hope for a better marriage. The answer is not as difficult as it may seem, but many couples have not been given the tools or coaching to break free from their stagnant situation. The key is to find the answer and receive the necessary guidance to have a fulfilling and joyful marriage with one's best friend.




    Beyond the Bedroom: Unlocking the Secrets to Lasting Passion with Shana James | Dad Edge Live QA Mastermind

    Beyond the Bedroom: Unlocking the Secrets to Lasting Passion with Shana James | Dad Edge Live QA Mastermind

    Larry Hagner hosts members of the Dad Edge Mastermind in this behind-the-scenes episode. This is an opportunity for members to ask Larry and the community their most pressing questions and get tailored insights from experienced dads.

    From work-life balance to dealing with tough emotions and building stronger relationships with our kids, this episode is packed with actionable insights and practical strategies to help you become the best dad you can be. 

    Sit back, listen in and get ready to level up your fatherhood game.



    How to Achieve Work Life Integration with David Hauser

    How to Achieve Work Life Integration with David Hauser

    David Hauser is an American entrepreneur, speaker, and angel investor, best known for co-founding the Grasshopper Group, a virtual telephone service that was acquired by Citrix Systems for $170 million in 2015. He is also a founding member of the National Entrepreneurs' Day and has co-founded several tech companies, including Grasshopper, Chargify, Spreadable, PopSurvey, and Deck Foundry.

    In this episode, David Hauser and Larry Hagner discuss the concept of work-life balance and challenge its validity. They argue that balance is elusive and can prevent us from fully engaging in both work and personal life. Instead, they advocate for integration, finding ways to include family and personal responsibilities into our professional pursuits. They also explore the history of the term "work-life balance" and its connection to the increase of women in the workforce.

    David Hauser then argues that constantly striving for balance can be detrimental, as it consumes valuable time and energy. Instead of constantly thinking about how to allocate time between different areas of life, he suggests integrating family and personal commitments into daily activities.

    The origins of the term "work-life balance" are also briefly discussed, with David Hauser suggesting that it emerged in the 70s or 80s when more women entered the workforce. The term was created to address the challenge of balancing work responsibilities with the role of being a mother. 

    However, the concept of balance itself is questioned, as it implies a trade-off between work and personal life, which may not be the most effective approach. By integrating work and family life, parents can demonstrate the importance of dedication, perseverance, and delayed gratification to their children.








    Stop Worrying About What People Think of You with Dr Michael Gervais

    Stop Worrying About What People Think of You with Dr Michael Gervais

    Dr. Michael Gervais is a renowned high-performance psychologist and the host of the Finding Mastery podcast, where he explores the psychology of peak performance with world-leading experts and athletes. His work focuses on helping individuals excel in high-stakes environments and unlock their full potential.

    In this episode, Larry Hagner and Dr. Michael Gervais delve into a fascinating discussion about the mind, emotions, and the power of being present. They explore the concept of the brain as hardware and the mind as software, emphasizing the importance of upgrading our mental software through training and self-awareness. They also distinguish between emotions (observable and physical) and feelings (subjective and interpretive), highlighting the role of thoughts in shaping our emotional experiences.

    The conversation further explores the challenges of being present in a world filled with distractions and the aversion many people have to being alone with their thoughts. They discuss the fear of not being enough and the deep-rooted need for acceptance and belonging. Dr. Michael Gervais shares insights from his book, highlighting the real consequences of stress and anxiety and offering practical strategies for managing them.

    Throughout the episode, Dr. Michael Gervais emphasizes the importance of training the mind, just like we train our physical and technical skills. He discusses the power of acute stress and the benefits of pushing ourselves to the messy edge, as well as the value of mindfulness meditation and other contemplative practices in cultivating presence and navigating stress.

    Overall, this episode offers valuable insights and practical tools for upgrading our mental software and living a more fulfilled and present life. By increasing awareness of our thoughts, feelings, and emotions, we can better navigate the external world and cultivate a sense of calm and confidence.



    Finding Mastery Podcast

    The First Rule of Mastery: Stop Worrying about What People Think of You


    Regret-Free Dads: Mastering Challenges and Embracing Gratitude | Dad Edge Live QA Mastermind

    Regret-Free Dads: Mastering Challenges and Embracing Gratitude | Dad Edge Live QA Mastermind

    Larry Hagner hosts members of the Dad Edge Mastermind in this behind-the-scenes episode. This is an opportunity for members to ask Larry and the community their most pressing questions and get tailored insights from experienced dads.

    From work-life balance to dealing with tough emotions and building stronger relationships with our kids, this episode is packed with actionable insights and practical strategies to help you become the best dad you can be. 

    Sit back, listen in and get ready to level up your fatherhood game.


    Strategies for Balancing Fatherhood and Personal Development with Connor Beaton

    Strategies for Balancing Fatherhood and Personal Development with Connor Beaton

    Connor Beaton is a men's life coach, founder of ManTalks, and an author focusing on men's wellness and personal growth. He integrates Jungian psychology and somatic therapy into his coaching and speaking engagements​

    In this episode of the Dad Edge podcast, host Larry Hagner and guest Connor Beaton talk about the power of voice in conveying emotions and creating a comfortable environment for effective communication. They discuss how slowing down speech and being mindful of tone can reduce anxiety and improve relationships.

    Connor Beaton shares his expertise in voice training and music, explaining how a person's voice can reflect their internal state. He suggests that speaking quickly or in a high-pitched tone can be indicative of anxiety or discomfort. By intentionally slowing down speech, individuals can bring attention and presence to their delivery, thereby potentially reducing anxiety and creating a more calm external perception.

    The conversation also extends to the impact of voice in parenting and marriage. Connor Beaton emphasize how their calm demeanor and voice can influence the behavior and emotions of their children and partners. They note that when they are calm, their children and partners also tend to be calm. This demonstrates that voice plays a crucial role in creating a sense of safety and comfort in relationships.





    A Dad's Guide to Healing Relationships, Embracing Forgiveness, and Asking the Hard Questions with JC Batista

    A Dad's Guide to Healing Relationships, Embracing Forgiveness, and Asking the Hard Questions with JC Batista

    JC Batista is a father and a husband. He shares his powerful and heartbreaking story of losing his 25-year-old son to substance abuse and gun violence. Despite facing unimaginable pain and grief, JC and his wife have shown incredible resilience and strength in navigating through this tragedy.

    In this Dad Edge Podcast episode, Larry Hagner is joined by JC Batista and heard about JC's poignant tale of losing his 25-year-old son and the profound impact it had on him and his wife. Their journey, steeped in sorrow, is also a narrative of resilience and shared purpose. The episode explores crucial themes like personal growth in the face of adversity, the effects on marital and family bonds, and discovering strength amidst tragedy.

    JC Batista places a strong emphasis on personal growth, underscoring the necessity of mental, emotional, and physical preparedness for life's challenges. He advocates for continuous self-improvement as a tool for building resilience, enabling individuals to more effectively overcome difficult periods.

    The strength of JC's marriage shines through as he recounts the various hurdles they've encountered. Their united vision of nurturing a robust family unit has consistently guided them. They've learned the importance of mutual support during times of grief, becoming each other's pillars of strength. This unwavering commitment to their union has significantly contributed to their collective resilience.

    Addressing the inevitable anger and unanswered questions that follow tragedy, JC Batista admits to grappling with these emotions himself. He stresses the importance of redirecting anger into constructive paths like personal growth and solution-finding. Rather than dwelling on the unanswerable "why," he advocates for focusing on the "how" – how to grow, how to help others.

    In conclusion, JC's story is a powerful illustration of the resilience possible in the face of personal tragedy. Through their harrowing experience of losing a child, JC Batista and his wife have confronted their grief together, offering unwavering support to each other and their family. Their story is not just one of enduring pain but also of finding purpose and strength in each other, highlighting the value of self-improvement, open communication, and helping others navigate their struggles.



    Instagram: @jcbatista4383 

    YouTube: @jcbatistathemirrorneverlies

    Mastering Success in 2024 by Unleashing the Power of SMART GOALS | Dad Edge Live QA Mastermind

    Mastering Success in 2024 by Unleashing the Power of SMART GOALS | Dad Edge Live QA Mastermind

    Larry Hagner hosts members of the Dad Edge Mastermind in this behind-the-scenes episode. This is an opportunity for members to ask Larry and the community their most pressing questions and get tailored insights from experienced dads.

    From work-life balance to dealing with tough emotions and building stronger relationships with our kids, this episode is packed with actionable insights and practical strategies to help you become the best dad you can be. 

    Sit back, listen in and get ready to level up your fatherhood game.


    5 Traits of a Healthy Family with Dr. Gary Chapman

    5 Traits of a Healthy Family with Dr. Gary Chapman

    Gary Chapman, Ph.D. is an author, speaker, and counselor. He has a passion for people, and for helping them form lasting relationships. The 5 Love Languages® is one of Chapman’s most popular titles, topping various bestseller charts for years, selling over twenty million copies and has been on the New York Times bestsellers list since 2007.

    In this episode of Dad Edge, Dr. Gary Chapman discusses his new book on the five traits of a healthy family. He shares that many people struggle with understanding what a good family looks like, especially if they come from a dysfunctional background. Dr. Chapman wrote the book to provide guiding principles for those who are unsure or struggling with creating a healthy family dynamic.

    Dr. Gary Chapman emphasizes that the attitude of service is crucial for building a healthy family. He acknowledges that humans are naturally self-centered, but in order to have a healthy family, individuals must adopt an attitude of service. This means approaching relationships and family life with a mindset of wanting to help each family member reach their potential for good in the world.

    He also emphasizes that while individuals may not have control over their emotions, they can choose their attitude. This means that even when negative feelings arise, such as anger or hurt, individuals can still choose to think in terms of how they can enrich the lives of their family members. By choosing an attitude of love, individuals can respond to their family members in a positive and loving way, even when their emotions might be telling them otherwise.





    Sculpting Strong Fathers with Joel Staley

    Sculpting Strong Fathers with Joel Staley

    Joel Staley is a fitness coach and the creator of the Shed Fat Fast program, specializing in helping individuals optimize their health and reduce body fat through methods like intermittent fasting. Despite holding a lucrative six figure job, he made the brave decision to quit on his daughter Kennedy's first day at daycare.

    In this episode of The Dad Edge, host Larry Hagner sits down with Joel Staley for a raw and insightful conversation about fitness, fasting, and finding your purpose. They dive deep into the importance of nutrition, the benefits of fasting, and the keys to building a great physique. Joel Staley, a successful fitness coach and entrepreneur, shares his own journey of leaving a corporate job to pursue his passion for helping others. They also discuss the significance of setting small goals, finding a supportive community, and being an active and involved parent.

    Joel Staley emphasizes the importance of finding a sustainable diet that includes a balance of healthy meals and indulgences. It's not about depriving yourself, but rather enjoying nutritious food while still allowing room for treats.

    While Joel used to believe fasting was the answer to everything, he now sees it as just one tool for building a lean physique. Fasting can optimize hormone levels, aid in weight loss, and improve energy levels and self-mastery. However, it's essential to break a fast with healthy, whole foods to feel great and avoid discomfort.

    Both Larry and Joel stress the importance of finding a strong reason or "why" to prioritize physical fitness. Whether it's being an active and involved parent or wanting to keep up with your kids, having a compelling purpose will motivate you to take action and make positive changes.




    Elevating Intimacy and Conversational Mastery for Men, Husbands, and Fathers in Marriage | Dad Edge Live QA Mastermind

    Elevating Intimacy and Conversational Mastery for Men, Husbands, and Fathers in Marriage | Dad Edge Live QA Mastermind

    Larry Hagner hosts members of the Dad Edge Mastermind in this behind-the-scenes episode. This is an opportunity for members to ask Larry and the community their most pressing questions and get tailored insights from experienced dads.

    From work-life balance to dealing with tough emotions and building stronger relationships with our kids, this episode is packed with actionable insights and practical strategies to help you become the best dad you can be. 

    Sit back, listen in and get ready to level up your fatherhood game.


    From Darkness to Triumph with Aaron Hale

    From Darkness to Triumph with Aaron Hale

    Aaron Hale is a former Navy chef and Army EOD team leader turned motivational speaker and entrepreneur, overcoming blindness and deafness to found the chocolate company Extra Ordinary Delights​​​​​​.

    In this episode, host Larry interviews guest Aaron Hale who shares his powerful story of resilience and overcoming the odds. Aaron Hale reflects on his journey from being an all-American slacker to facing challenges in college and gaining the "Freshman 50." Determined to find his purpose, he turned to cooking, a passion he had since childhood. From being a Navy cook to becoming an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) technician. Aaron's journey is one of determination, adaptability, and a desire to serve their country in the best way possible.

    Aaron Hale's journey begins with a comfortable job in the military. He enjoys the perks and safety that come with his position, and for a while, it feels like a cushy gig. However, he soon realizes that he craves something more. He wants to serve a greater purpose and be on the front lines of danger.

    Another factor that contributes to Aaron Hale's decision to transition from comfort to danger is the nature of his job as a Navy cook. The Navy views cooks as the military equivalent of hotel restaurant management. Their duties often involve working in dining facilities on bases or in barracks, which can be mundane and unchallenging. Aaron's placement as a night clerk at the front desk of the bachelor quarters during his shore duty further reinforces his desire for something more stimulating.

    Aaron's motivation to serve others and make a positive impact also drives his transition from comfort to danger. He believes that by doing his best for others, he can lead a more fulfilling life. This mindset aligns with his desire to contribute and do something greater than himself. Additionally, Aaron Hale admits that it's also fun to blow things up, highlighting his adventurous spirit and willingness to embrace the excitement and challenges that come with being an EOD technician.





    Turning Setbacks into Success with Michelle Icard

    Turning Setbacks into Success with Michelle Icard

    Michelle Icard is the author of the books “Fourteen Talks by Age Fourteen” and “Middle School Makeover”. She has a degree in Education and has worked with parents, children, and teachers for more than 20 years, creating curriculum, books, and programs that help them better understand and navigate early adolescence.

    In this episode, Larry Hagner interviews Michelle Icard about their family and their experiences in parenting. Michelle shares that she has two adult children and two dogs. The conversation also touches on their long-term marriage and recent celebration at a concert.

    Setbacks can lead to success. This is a concept that is explored in the podcast transcript, where the author, Michelle Icard, discusses her book "8 Setbacks That Can Make a Child a Success." The conversation revolves around the idea that setbacks and failures are not necessarily negative experiences, but rather opportunities for growth and development.

    Michelle begins by sharing her own experience of being relationship and commitment phobic before getting married. She explains that she and her husband dated for seven years before tying the knot, which she finds amusing. This sets the stage for the discussion on setbacks and how they can shape individuals and relationships. 

    She reveals that she does not have a lot of frustration in her marriage and that it has been mostly easy. She attributes this to the fact that both she and her husband came into the relationship with burdens from their own childhoods and approached their marriage with loyalty and flexibility. They deeply appreciate stability, which they lacked in their upbringing.





    Mastering the Art of Self-Leadership A Journey for Men, Husbands, and Fathers to Ignite Personal Excellence | Dad Edge Live QA Mastermind

    Mastering the Art of Self-Leadership A Journey for Men, Husbands, and Fathers to Ignite Personal Excellence | Dad Edge Live QA Mastermind

    Larry Hagner hosts members of the Dad Edge Mastermind in this behind-the-scenes episode. This is an opportunity for members to ask Larry and the community their most pressing questions and get tailored insights from experienced dads.

    From work-life balance to dealing with tough emotions and building stronger relationships with our kids, this episode is packed with actionable insights and practical strategies to help you become the best dad you can be. 

    Sit back, listen in and get ready to level up your fatherhood game.


    How to Protect Our Kids From Predators with Matt Parker

    How to Protect Our Kids From Predators with Matt Parker

    Matt Parker is the co-founder of The Exodus Road, a non-profit organization dedicated to combating human trafficking. He started his anti-trafficking efforts in Thailand in 2010, which led to the creation of the organization in 2012.

    In this episode of The Dad Edge podcast, host Larry Hagner interviews Matt Parker, the co-founder of The Exodus Road. Matt Parker shares his journey from running a children's home in Thailand to becoming an undercover operative working with the Thai Royal Police to rescue victims of trafficking. 

    Matt Parker discusses the importance of being vulnerable and open with his wife and children about the challenges he faces in his work, and how it has strengthened their relationships. Matt also emphasizes the need for couples to invest in their marriage through date nights, counseling, and open communication.

    He then shares insights on trauma and the importance of seeking help and healing, as well as the impact of online exploitation on children and the steps parents can take to protect their kids. Throughout the episode, Matt's message of resilience, growth, and the power of vulnerability shines through.

    Matt's story serves as a powerful reminder that even in the face of darkness, we can find strength and make a difference in the lives of others. He encourages listeners to redefine success as personal growth and improvement, rather than striving for perfection. 



    Instagram: @theexodusroad

    A+ Parenting with Eric Grannis

    A+ Parenting with Eric Grannis

    Eric Grannis is the co-author of the book "A+ Parenting: The Surprisingly Fun Guide to Raising Surprisingly Smart Kids." Eric's ethos revolves around challenging the traditional definition of intelligence based on academic performance.

    In this episode, Eric Grannis joins Larry Hagner and explores the topic of raising smart kids. He begins by discussing the concept of intelligence and how it has evolved over time. He shares his personal experience of struggling in school but eventually excelling through understanding his own learning style. Eric Grannis also emphasizes the importance of recognizing that intelligence is not solely defined by grades or traditional measures, but rather by understanding how each child learns best.

    Eric Grannis acknowledges that the term "smart" is used in the podcast title to attract attention, but the book they discuss is about helping kids find their interests and passions in life. They emphasize the importance of going beyond school and college, where knowledge is dictated, and instead finding what truly interests and engages them.

    The conversation also touches on the harmful tendency of parents to compare their children to others, particularly in terms of educational achievements. Eric Grannis suggests that this comparison can be detrimental and that parents should focus on fostering their child's passions and creativity instead.

    Investing in our kids is of utmost importance. As parents, we have a responsibility to guide and nurture our children, helping them grow into successful and fulfilled individuals. However, it is essential to recognize that success and intelligence are not solely determined by grades and academic achievements. 




    Take the Guess Work Out Of Your Marriage | Dad Edge Live QA Mastermind

    Take the Guess Work Out Of Your Marriage | Dad Edge Live QA Mastermind

    Larry Hagner hosts members of the Dad Edge Mastermind in this behind-the-scenes episode. This is an opportunity for members to ask Larry and the community their most pressing questions and get tailored insights from experienced dads.

    From work-life balance to dealing with tough emotions and building stronger relationships with our kids, this episode is packed with actionable insights and practical strategies to help you become the best dad you can be. 

    Sit back, listen in and get ready to level up your fatherhood game.


    Optimizing Sleep, Sex, and Hormones with Dr. Doug Lucas

    Optimizing Sleep, Sex, and Hormones with Dr. Doug Lucas

    Dr. Doug Lucas is a double board certified physician specializing in metabolic health, hormone optimization for both men and women, as well as osteoporosis. He is known for his innovative approach in patient care, leveraging his expertise to improve longevity and vitality​

    In this episode, Dr. Doug Lucas shares his journey into the medical field as an orthopedic surgeon specializing in foot and ankle. He discusses the significance of diseases that impact feet, such as diabetes, and the importance of nutrition and aging. After seven years, he transitioned into pursuing additional training to focus on these areas.

    The episode delves into the topic of nutrient-poor, calorie-dense food and its impact on our health. Larry Hagner and Dr. Doug Lucas discuss how our diet has evolved over the past century, transitioning from simple, locally sourced foods to highly processed and calorie-dense options. This shift was initially driven by the need to transport food into cities and support a growing population. However, what was once a practical solution to food scarcity has now become a major contributor to the obesity epidemic.

    The abundance of food available today has led to a situation where most people have access to more food than they could ever need. However, this food is often lacking in essential nutrients and packed with empty calories. As a result, people are becoming overweight and suffering from diet-induced diseases.

    The consequences of consuming nutrient-poor, calorie-dense food are far-reaching. Not only does it contribute to obesity, but it also leads to a host of other health issues. Dr. Doug Lucas also mentions the prevalence of chronic diseases such as diabetes and osteoporosis, which can be attributed, at least in part, to poor dietary choices. This highlights the need for a shift towards a more balanced and nutrient-rich diet.





    Peak Performance for Dads: Todd Herman's Alter Ego Insights

    Peak Performance for Dads: Todd Herman's Alter Ego Insights

    Todd Herman is an acclaimed performance strategist and coach, known for helping athletes, business leaders, and entrepreneurs unleash their potential by tapping into alter egos. He is also the author of the book called "The Alter Ego Effect". His innovative methods blend psychology and peak performance tactics to achieve exceptional results.

    In this Dad Edge episode, host Larry Hagner and guest Todd Herman discuss various topics, including their age, prescription glasses, and a quote about spending time with children. The guest shares a statistic that 80% of personal time with kids is used up by the age of 12. This quote has had a profound impact on the host, prompting him to reflect on how he uses his time with his own children.

    Children grow up quickly, and the opportunities to create lasting memories and build strong relationships are fleeting. It is essential to be present, engaged, and intentional in our interactions with them. Quality time spent together not only strengthens the bond between parent and child but also contributes to the child's overall well-being and development.

    As parents, we must make a conscious effort to create meaningful experiences and memories with our children. This may involve setting aside dedicated time for activities, conversations, and shared interests. It may also require us to be fully present, putting aside distractions and focusing on the present moment.

    In a world filled with constant distractions and busy schedules, it is easy to overlook the value of time with children. However, as the podcast conversation highlighted, time is a finite resource, and once it is gone, it cannot be reclaimed. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritize and make the most of the time we have with our children.





    What To Do When Your Kids Fail | Dad Edge Live QA Mastermind

    What To Do When Your Kids Fail | Dad Edge Live QA Mastermind

    Larry Hagner hosts members of the Dad Edge Mastermind in this behind-the-scenes episode. This is an opportunity for members to ask Larry and the community their most pressing questions and get tailored insights from experienced dads.

    From work-life balance to dealing with tough emotions and building stronger relationships with our kids, this episode is packed with actionable insights and practical strategies to help you become the best dad you can be. 

    Sit back, listen in and get ready to level up your fatherhood game.
