
    The Devoted Dreamers Podcast

    Whether you have a dream in your heart or aren’t sure what God might be calling you to, The Devoted Dreamers Podcast will encourage you on the journey. This space is dedicated to sharing stories every week of women who are following Jesus and pursuing their God-given gifts in beautifully imperfect ways. You’ll hear about the fears and challenges that threaten their dreams as well as the joy, courage and confidence that comes from following Jesus even in the unexpected…especially in the unexpected. I’m your host, Merritt Onsa, and my prayer is that this show will meet you where you are in your walk with God. I hope you will come away from the podcast each week with encouragement to begin pursuing your own dreams even when you still feel flawed, imperfect, unfinished and not ready. Because if you wait until you are perfect, you will never take the first step. Join us!
    enMerritt Onsa: Dream Coach | Faith-based Business Owner | Christian Entrepreneur348 Episodes

    Episodes (348)

    301 || Why Dreaming Big Is a Trust-Builder for Your Faith || Rachel Bates

    301 || Why Dreaming Big Is a Trust-Builder for Your Faith || Rachel Bates

    Find show notes here: http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/301 

    Is there a God-nudge you’ve been ignoring? 

    Rachel Bates never imagined starting a nonprofit; in fact, even as she leads the Beauties ministry, this role feels outside of her comfort zone and skill set on most days. The reason she said ‘yes’? Beauties has touched Rachel’s life and the faith of her young daughter so deeply. She couldn’t ignore the Spirit’s prompting to grow the ministry and reach girls beyond her home community—or that she was the one to begin this work.

    Now, looking back, she can see the breadcrumbs of God’s hand leading her from a teaching career, to mothering, and then to this opportunity. At the same time, she knew nothing about nonprofit leadership before sitting down with an attorney to discuss next steps. In order to be obedient to the call, she knew she would have to surround herself with others who had the skills and experience she lacked. 

    Rachel candidly shares about her struggles with self-doubt and on-going battle with perfectionism, sharing scriptures that keep her anchored continuing to embrace the joys and challenges of this role.

    As you listen to this episode, pay close attention to what Rachel’s story can teach you about trusting the Lord as you pursue a dream outside your comfort zone, including: 

    💡 Why we hesitate to listen to those “God nudges” about the big dreams He’s given us (and what’s really at play there),

    How to find courage to say “yes” to the adventure God has for you, and

    ❤️ The transformative power of stepping into the identity He has given you in Christ.

    This encouraging podcast episode is for any Christian woman in search of encouragement about how to use your skills, talents and experience for the big dreams God has planted in your heart.



    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Book a Discovery Call

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    Produced by Jonathan R. Clauson.
    Theme music by
    Reaktor Productions.
    Ad music by Komiku.

    300 || How to Not Miss God’s Purpose for Your Life || Tracey Gates

    300 || How to Not Miss God’s Purpose for Your Life || Tracey Gates

    Find show notes here: http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/300 

    Is it possible to miss God’s plan for your life? 

    This is what Tracey Gates wondered as the years went by while she raised children and worked odd jobs along the way. She knew God had made her for more, but could she have missed it?

    Tracey always had a dream in her heart to write a book but she had no idea how to begin or what the topic would be. It didn’t seem urgent at the time. The idea would come up in conversation with a friend or her spouse but there was never enough clarity to move forward. 

    In her 40s, the dream was still there. By the time she reached her 50s, Tracey realized that the comfort she once felt about this someday-dream to write a book no longer felt comfortable. It was actually frightening. Had she missed God’s plan?

    As you listen to this episode, pay close attention to what Tracey’s story can teach you about finding your unique calling and purpose, including:

    How to overcome fear and find the courage to write,

    ❤️ The transformative power of daily acts of kindness, and

    🗝️ Two questions that were the key to unlocking & discovering her full purpose.

    This encouraging podcast episode is for any Christian woman in search of encouragement about how to use your skills, talents and experience for the big dreams God has planted in your heart.


    Get Connected with the Dreamers Facebook Community

    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Book a Discovery Call

    Leave a Review: Apple Podcasts/iTunes

    Subscribe: on Apple Podcasts * on Android

    Produced by Jonathan R. Clauson.
    Theme music by
    Reaktor Productions.
    Ad music by Komiku.

    299 || How an Unexpected Layoff Brought a Dream to Life || Shadia Hrichi

    299 || How an Unexpected Layoff Brought a Dream to Life || Shadia Hrichi

    Find show notes here: http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/299 

    What have you been waiting on God to do with your dream? 

    Let’s be honest, waiting is hard. But often we are so busy looking ahead wondering when God will answer a prayer or change a difficult circumstance that we risk missing out on what He’s already doing right in front of us, right now.

    In this episode, I am honored to introduce you to Shadia Hrichi, a passionate Bible teacher, award-winning author, and speaker. She’s joining us to share the surprising twist in her career as a result of corporate layoffs and how one question from a godly mentor opened her eyes to a seminary degree and the possibility of working in full-time ministry.  

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    How scheduled, intentional downtime can bring you into a closer walk with the Lord,

    ❤️ About trusting God even when progress seems slow, and

    👂 The vital role of wise mentors to help uncovering your God-given dreams.

    I pray this conversation is a reminder that God is always working. He never sleeps on our dreams; He is never blind to our concerns. He is always present, always loving, and completely aware of every aspect of our lives.

    I’m eager for you to hear Shadia’s story about the journey to her God-shaped dream. This soul-nourishing conversation promises to reignite your passion for God’s plan in your life.  


    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Book a Discovery Call

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    Produced by Jonathan R. Clauson.
    Theme music by
    Reaktor Productions.
    Ad music by Komiku.



    298 || How to Start out Your Dream in Alignment with God || Polly Payne

    298 || How to Start out Your Dream in Alignment with God || Polly Payne

    Find show notes here: http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/298 

    How do you know if you’re following God’s plan for your dream? 

    It’s a big question! And if you’re asking it, you should know you are not the only one. I hear this all the time from listeners who are concerned about missing what God is prompting them to do. 

    It’s one of the reasons I’m so honored to have the inspiring Polly Payne back for a second episode this month. In case you’re new to Polly, she’s the CEO + Founder of Horacio Printing, and she’s here to share her heart for putting structure around how we plan and pursue our dreams.

    In this follow-up to last week’s interview, Polly and I talk about her core philosophy of how to make time for our dreams and ensure that those dreams are in alignment with the will of God.

    You’ll learn:  

    • Polly’s strategies for beginning to plan and dream (anytime, not just at the new year),
    • How to nurture your weekly schedule and make space for a dream, as well as
    • How to set goals and intentions that stick.

    If you don’t know Polly or aren’t familiar with Horacio Printing, her Dream Planner or Print School, School, go back to episode 297 and get caught up on her story of bringing Horacio Printing to life! Especially the mishap as she was naming her company; that story is unforgettable and has some great takeaways if you struggle with perfectionism!

    Okay, let’s jump into it! Grab your planner, set your intentions, and lean into the blessings of God’s new mercies every morning.

     You don't want to miss this revitalizing episode of the Devoted Dreamers Podcast—here's to dreaming, growing, and becoming the person God is calling you to be in this God-breathed new year! 


    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Book a Discovery Call

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    Produced by Jonathan R. Clauson.
    Theme music by
    Reaktor Productions.
    Ad music by Komiku. 

    297 || How to Overcome Fear and Take Leaps of Faith Toward a Dream || Polly Payne

    297 || How to Overcome Fear and Take Leaps of Faith Toward a Dream || Polly Payne

    Find show notes here: http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/297 

    Have you ever felt unqualified for the dream God has given you? 

    You’re not alone in that. My guest today is a decade into her dream, and she’s here to share how God moved her from a career in corporate advertising to building a ministry and business that would glorify God and serve His people. 

    Polly Payne is the CEO + Founder of Horacio Printing and in this episode, you’ll hear her talk about the birth of her dream to create a God-centered planner company. Horacio Printing has sold over 45,000 Dream Planners around the world and raised over $73,000 to fight human trafficking through her partnership with A21.

    A mother of two, Polly now lives in Lookout Mountain, GA, where she leads her company and empowers other dreamers to create their own bible studies, journals and planners, through her Print School, which she founded in 2022.

    Stick around to learn from Polly about:

    • the challenges, strategies, and faith journey in her shift from corporate to entrepreneurship
    • sharing knowledge and experience with other creators—even if it means empowering future competitors, and
    • the profound effect of surrendering our dreams and their outcomes to God's control.

    Our God is good and trustworthy and He is at work in the world—in your life, in mine, in Polly’s.

    If you’ve struggled to get started. If you’re tired of spinning your wheels and going nowhere with your dream, join me for a Devoted Dreamers Zoom call on Wednesday, January 31st to connect, build community, share boldly and imagine what God might do with our dreams in 2024! 

    Register for the call at merrittonsa.com/first90days



    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Book a Discovery Call

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    Produced by Jonathan R. Clauson.
    Theme music by
    Reaktor Productions.
    Ad music: “New Day” used under Creative Commons by Lee Rosevere.


    [Recast] Starting Your Day with Gratitude: A Guide to Making it a Habit || Merritt Onsa

    [Recast] Starting Your Day with Gratitude: A Guide to Making it a Habit || Merritt Onsa


    Find show notes for the entire Habits series here. 

    Are you stuck in a cycle of negative thoughts?

    Throughout my January Habit Series, I’ve been talking about habits you might consider adopting this year (and tips for making them easier), because building new habits has the potential to strengthen you and support your dream.

    Each episode focuses on a particular habit and a tip/hack to help you implement it. These are short and sweet episodes (about 10 minutes each) and are meant to get you thinking about what you can do right now to nurture your dream by building positive habits into your life.

    In this final episode of the series, I’m talking about the reasons I began a simple daily gratitude practice and the mindset shift that resulted in a fairly short period of time after implementing it.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • The easiest way to practice daily gratitude,
    • What daily gratitude can do to change your attitude for the better, and
    • The underlying benefit for your dream when you start building new habits.

    Grab my free, UPDATED Devoted Dreamers Habit Tracker.

    Subscribe to the show and then come on back on Wednesdays following this series for more interviews and solo episodes customized for the dreamer in you who knows there’s a dream inside just waiting to come out!



    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Book a Discovery Call

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    [Recast] How to Unlock Your Potential: Step Out of Your Comfort Zone and Learn a New Skill || Merritt Onsa

    [Recast] How to Unlock Your Potential: Step Out of Your Comfort Zone and Learn a New Skill || Merritt Onsa


    Find show notes for the entire Habits series here.

    When was the last time you tried a thing you’ve never done before? 

    In my January Habit Series, I’ve been talking about habits you might consider adopting this year (and tips for making them easier), because building new habits has the potential to strengthen you and support your dream.

    Each mini episode focuses on a particular habit and a tip/hack to help you implement it. These are short and sweet episodes (about 10 minutes each) and are meant to get you thinking about what you can do right now to nurture your dream by building positive habits into your life. If you’ve missed any of them, I’ve created a Spotify playlist for you right here.

    But the habits we’re talking about in these episodes are not necessarily the “new skills” I’m referring to in today’s episode. Rather, this one is all about making it a habit to try something new every chance you get. It’s important because it builds perseverance, confidence (even when you fail), and rewires your brain for other uncomfortable endeavors that are bound to come your way as you run after a God-shaped dream.

    In this episode, you’ll:

    • Learn the value of getting out of your comfort zone by learning a new skill,
    • Consider possible roadblocks to the “new” things necessary in pursuing a dream, and
    • Gather some ideas for making it easy to try new things.


    Grab the free Devoted Dreamers Habit Tracker.

    Join me for a 2-hour Co-Working session once a month in 2024, with the accountability you need to finally check that project off your list. Register for Co-Working here.


    Subscribe to the show and then come back to learn about building simple, small habits that will grow your confidence and create the consistency you need to run your race and pursue a God-shaped dream. 



    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Book a Discovery Call

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    [Recast] Three Simple Tips to Help You Effectively Manage Your Email || Christa Hutchins

    [Recast] Three Simple Tips to Help You Effectively Manage Your Email || Christa Hutchins


    Find show notes for the entire Habits series here.

    How good would it feel if you could clear out your email inbox by next week?

    This month on the podcast I’m talking about habits to consider that will strengthen you and support your God-shaped dream. Each mini episode will focus on a particular habit and a tip/hack to help you implement it. These are short and sweet episodes (~10 minutes each) and will help you begin thinking about what you can do right now to nurture your dream by building positive habits into your life.

    For this one, I’ve got a special treat for you. I’m sharing an episode from my friend Christa Hutchins’ podcast, Just One Simple Thing, about getting your email inbox in order as part of her “January Reset” series. (The entire series is GOLD, so I urge you to subscribe to her show and listen to all of them!)

    If you don’t already know Christa, she’s a professional project manager, ministry leader, and entrepreneur. Christa loves details and turning scary, complex ideas into specific plans to accomplish a goal, one step at a time.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    The easy way to get your email subscriptions under control,

    A simple 5-step method for clearing out your inbox once and for all, and

    One thing you should start doing with the subscribers on your email list.

    Grab the free, UPDATED Devoted Dreamers Habit Tracker.

    Get Christa’s January Reset Handout in her Plan & Pray Facebook group

    Subscribe to the show and then come back every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in January to learn about building simple, small habits that will grow your confidence and create the consistency you need to run your race and pursue a God-shaped dream.



    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Book a Discovery Call

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    [Recast] How Better Sleep Provides Energy and Clarity for Your Dream || Merritt Onsa

    [Recast] How Better Sleep Provides Energy and Clarity for Your Dream || Merritt Onsa


    Find show notes for the entire Habits series here. 

    What if getting more sleep at night could increase your energy for pursing a dream?

    This month on the podcast I’m talking about habits to consider that will strengthen you and support your God-shaped dream. Each mini episode will focus on a particular habit and a tip/hack to help you implement it. These are short and sweet episodes (~10 minutes each) and will help you begin thinking about what you can do right now to nurture your dream by building positive habits into your life.

    Getting more sleep has been one of the most impactful shifts I’ve made in the last six months for improving my energy and the creativity I’m able to give to my dream.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • The importance of sleep hygiene (and a definition, in case this is the first time you’re hearing this term),
    • Indicators you need to clean up your sleep habits, and
    • How to get started at getting to bed earlier, even if you’re naturally a night owl.

    Grab the free, UPDATED Devoted Dreamers Habit Tracker.

    Subscribe to the show and then come back every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in January to learn about building simple, small habits that will grow your confidence and create the consistency you need to run your race and pursue a God-shaped dream.



    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Book a Discovery Call

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    [Recast] How a Weekly Planning Ritual Gives You More Time for Your Dream || Merritt Onsa

    [Recast] How a Weekly Planning Ritual Gives You More Time for Your Dream || Merritt Onsa


    Find show notes for the entire Habits series here. 

    Could you benefit from planning out your week on Sunday nights?

    Preparing for the week ahead on a Sunday night will not only help you stay on top of those one-off commitments you might otherwise forget, but it also illuminates where you have pockets of time that could be used more effectively for pursuing your God-shaped dream.

    I started weekly planning (off-and-on) about two years ago. I usually get really excited about it at the beginning of the year and lose track when summer rolls around.

    But I’ve noticed that when I consistently do my weekly planning, I am less likely to be in a panic about needing to be somewhere all of a sudden (even though I made the appointment just last week), or feel unprepared for a call that’s about to happen, or wish I’d washed my hair that morning so I’d be “camera ready” for an afternoon Zoom meeting.

    Simply making an appointment with myself to plan once a week often means the days that follow go more smoothly.

    This month on the podcast I’m talking about habits to consider that will strengthen you and support your God-shaped dream. Each mini episode will focus on a particular habit and a tip/hack to help you implement it. These are short and sweet episodes (~10 minutes each) and will help you begin thinking about what you can do right now to nurture your dream by building positive habits into your life.

    Weekly planning has so many benefits, and in this episode, you’ll learn:

    • A few tell-tale signs that you could benefit from weekly planning,
    • Why to start weekly planning now, even if you’re not currently engaged in pursuing a dream, and
    • The surprising rhythms you might discover just by starting a habit of planning out your week in advance.

    Grab the free UPDATED Devoted Dreamers Habit Tracker.

    Grab my Weekly Planning Training & Worksheet for just $19.

    Subscribe to the show and then come back every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in January to learn about building simple, small habits that will grow your confidence and create the consistency you need to run your race and pursue a God-shaped dream.



    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Book a Discovery Call

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    [Recast] 3 Tips to Help You Commit to Moving Your Body Every Day || Merritt Onsa

    [Recast] 3 Tips to Help You Commit to Moving Your Body Every Day || Merritt Onsa


    Find show notes for the entire Habits series here. 

    What would need to change for you to spend 20 minutes a day moving your body?

    Five days ago, when I recorded this episode, I did not have a daily movement habit, but that is no longer the case. Just thinking and talking about it for this episode was enough to spark me into action. Maybe it’ll do the same for you. As of Tuesday morning, I’ve walked four out of four mornings for fifteen to twenty minutes, just as the sun was rising (and didn’t let 14 degrees temps keep me inside!).

    Every day I’m excited to pull out my UPDATED Habit Tracker and check off that day when I get home from my walk. So simple and yet so satisfying!

    This month on the podcast I’m talking about habits to consider that will strengthen you and support your God-shaped dream. Each mini episode will focus on a particular habit and a tip/hack to help you implement it. These are short and sweet episodes (~10 minutes each) and will help you begin thinking about what you can do right now to nurture your dream by building positive habits into your life.

    This is the fourth episode in my Habit Series, and in it I’m talking about the value of moving your body every day (ideally outside in the morning sunlight) and a few tips to help you get this habit started.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • What your body needs in a 24-hour cycle,
    • The impact of getting morning sunlight, and
    • How to make moving your body every day easier.

    Grab the free UPDATED Devoted Dreamers Habit Tracker.

    Subscribe to the show and then come back every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in January to learn about building simple, small habits that will grow your confidence and create the consistency you need to run your race and pursue a God-shaped dream.



    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Book a Discovery Call

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    [Recast] 3 Tips to Help You Commit to Moving Your Body Every Day || Merritt Onsa

    [Recast] 3 Tips to Help You Commit to Moving Your Body Every Day || Merritt Onsa


    Find show notes for the entire Habits series here. 

    What would need to change for you to spend 20 minutes a day moving your body?

    Five days ago, when I recorded this episode, I did not have a daily movement habit, but that is no longer the case. Just thinking and talking about it for this episode was enough to spark me into action. Maybe it’ll do the same for you. As of Tuesday morning, I’ve walked four out of four mornings for fifteen to twenty minutes, just as the sun was rising (and didn’t let 14 degrees temps keep me inside!).

    Every day I’m excited to pull out my UPDATED Habit Tracker and check off that day when I get home from my walk. So simple and yet so satisfying!

    This month on the podcast I’m talking about habits to consider that will strengthen you and support your God-shaped dream. Each mini episode will focus on a particular habit and a tip/hack to help you implement it. These are short and sweet episodes (~10 minutes each) and will help you begin thinking about what you can do right now to nurture your dream by building positive habits into your life.

    This is the fourth episode in my Habit Series, and in it I’m talking about the value of moving your body every day (ideally outside in the morning sunlight) and a few tips to help you get this habit started.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • What your body needs in a 24-hour cycle,
    • The impact of getting morning sunlight, and
    • How to make moving your body every day easier.

    Grab the free UPDATED Devoted Dreamers Habit Tracker.

    Subscribe to the show and then come back every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in January to learn about building simple, small habits that will grow your confidence and create the consistency you need to run your race and pursue a God-shaped dream.



    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Book a Discovery Call

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    [Recast] 3 Tips to Help You Commit to Moving Your Body Every Day || Merritt Onsa

    [Recast] 3 Tips to Help You Commit to Moving Your Body Every Day || Merritt Onsa


    Find show notes for the entire Habits series here. 

    What would need to change for you to spend 20 minutes a day moving your body?

    Five days ago, when I recorded this episode, I did not have a daily movement habit, but that is no longer the case. Just thinking and talking about it for this episode was enough to spark me into action. Maybe it’ll do the same for you. As of Tuesday morning, I’ve walked four out of four mornings for fifteen to twenty minutes, just as the sun was rising (and didn’t let 14 degrees temps keep me inside!).

    Every day I’m excited to pull out my UPDATED Habit Tracker and check off that day when I get home from my walk. So simple and yet so satisfying!

    This month on the podcast I’m talking about habits to consider that will strengthen you and support your God-shaped dream. Each mini episode will focus on a particular habit and a tip/hack to help you implement it. These are short and sweet episodes (~10 minutes each) and will help you begin thinking about what you can do right now to nurture your dream by building positive habits into your life.

    This is the fourth episode in my Habit Series, and in it I’m talking about the value of moving your body every day (ideally outside in the morning sunlight) and a few tips to help you get this habit started.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • What your body needs in a 24-hour cycle,
    • The impact of getting morning sunlight, and
    • How to make moving your body every day easier.

    Grab the free UPDATED Devoted Dreamers Habit Tracker.

    Subscribe to the show and then come back every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in January to learn about building simple, small habits that will grow your confidence and create the consistency you need to run your race and pursue a God-shaped dream.



    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Book a Discovery Call

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    [Recast] Why You Should Add Sabbath Rest to Your Weekly Rhythms || Merritt Onsa

    [Recast] Why You Should Add Sabbath Rest to Your Weekly Rhythms || Merritt Onsa


    Find show notes for the entire Habits series here. 

    How important is restorative rest in pursuing a big dream?

    Our body, mind and soul require rest; it’s just how we were made and it was modeled for us by God in the creation account and in Adam’s first day on earth. Why wouldn’t we also benefit from regular rhythms of rest in our lives?

    This month on the podcast I’m talking about habits to consider that will strengthen you and support your God-shaped dream. Each mini episode will focus on a particular habit and a tip/hack to help you implement it. These are short and sweet episodes (~10 minutes each) and will help you begin thinking about what you can do right now to nurture your dream by building positive habits into your life.

    This is the third episode in my Habit Series; I’m talking about the value of living from rest instead of for rest and how simple it can be to add Sabbath rest into your weekly rhythms.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • How restorative rest differs from just chilling out,
    • Steps you can take to determine if you need more Sabbath rest, and
    • When and how I get Sabbath rest even when life is busy.

    Grab the free UPDATED Devoted Dreamers Habit Tracker.

    Subscribe to the show and then come back every Monday, Wednesday and Friday to learn about building simple, small habits that will grow your confidence and create the consistency you need to run your race and pursue a God-shaped dream.



    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Book a Discovery Call

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    [Recast] The Easy Way to Start Reading the Bible Every Day || Merritt Onsa

    [Recast] The Easy Way to Start Reading the Bible Every Day || Merritt Onsa


    Find show notes for the entire Habits series here.  

    Why should you read the Bible every day?

    All month long I’ll be talking about habits to consider (and tips for making them easier) as part of my series on building habits that will strengthen you and support your dream.

    Welcome to the second episode in the Habit Series. Today is all about the easy way to start a daily Bible reading habit.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • The benefits of reading the Bible every day
    • It’s easier than you think to create a daily Bible-reading habit, and
    • Why tracking your habits can make all the difference in your motivation to stick with it!

    Grab the free Devoted Dreamers Habit Tracker and start reading the Bible on a daily basis.

    Subscribe to the show and check back every Monday, Wednesday and Friday in January to learn about building simple, small habits that will grow your confidence and create the consistency you need to run your race and pursue a God-shaped dream.

    Each mini episode will focus on a particular habit you might consider and/or a tip/hack to help you implement a new habit. These will be short and sweet (5-10 minutes each) and are meant to get you thinking about what you can do right now to nurture your dream by building positive habits into your life.



    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Book a Discovery Call

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    [Recast] The Easy Way to Start Reading the Bible Every Day || Merritt Onsa

    [Recast] The Easy Way to Start Reading the Bible Every Day || Merritt Onsa


    Find show notes for the entire Habits series here.  

    Why should you read the Bible every day?

    All month long I’ll be talking about habits to consider (and tips for making them easier) as part of my series on building habits that will strengthen you and support your dream.

    Welcome to the second episode in the Habit Series. Today is all about the easy way to start a daily Bible reading habit.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • The benefits of reading the Bible every day
    • It’s easier than you think to create a daily Bible-reading habit, and
    • Why tracking your habits can make all the difference in your motivation to stick with it!

    Grab the free Devoted Dreamers Habit Tracker and start reading the Bible on a daily basis.

    Subscribe to the show and check back every Monday, Wednesday and Friday in January to learn about building simple, small habits that will grow your confidence and create the consistency you need to run your race and pursue a God-shaped dream.

    Each mini episode will focus on a particular habit you might consider and/or a tip/hack to help you implement a new habit. These will be short and sweet (5-10 minutes each) and are meant to get you thinking about what you can do right now to nurture your dream by building positive habits into your life.



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    [Recast] How to Build Habits That Nurture Your Dreams All Year Long || Merritt Onsa

    [Recast] How to Build Habits That Nurture Your Dreams All Year Long || Merritt Onsa


    Find show notes for the entire Habits Series here. 

    What small steps can you take that will have a lasting impact?

    Let's spark some change today that fuels your God-shaped dream and sets the stage for enduring success tomorrow. It’s easier than you might think, and it all starts with building sustainable habits into your life.

    This Habit Series was so popular in 2023 that I’m re-sharing the episodes for your new year’s inspiration.

    Each mini episode focuses on a particular habit you might consider and tips to help you implement it. These are short episodes (5-10 minutes each) and are meant to get you thinking about what you can do right now to nurture your dream by building new habits into your life.


    Welcome to the intro episode for a new series focused on habits. Come back through the first two weeks of January to learn about building simple, small habits that will grow your confidence and create the consistency you need to run your race and pursue a God-shaped dream.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • Why I recommend trying new habits now even if they are unrelated to your dream,
    • The difference between new habits and New Year’s resolutions,
    • My 2-minute vocal warm-up habit that has changed how I prepare for public speaking or podcast recording, and
    • Why tracking your daily, weekly, or monthly habits can make all the difference in your motivation to stick with it!

    Grab your free Devoted Dreamers Habit Tracker to start building competency, consistency & courage to invest in your dream!



    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Book a Discovery Call

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    296 || [Solo] The Guaranteed Result of Sharing Your Secret Dream Out Loud || Merritt Onsa

    296 || [Solo] The Guaranteed Result of Sharing Your Secret Dream Out Loud || Merritt Onsa

    Find show notes here: http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/296

    How do you commit to a dream you’ve felt too scared to share?

    Your dream is part of you; of course it feels vulnerable to speak about it, especially if you’ve tried in the past and it turned into a mess of mixed-up words as they tumbled out of your mouth.

    If you’ve been keeping your dream to yourself for longer than you’d like to admit, this is your cue that it’s time to learn how to talk about it privately if you ever have a hope of it coming to fruition publicly.

    If you're ready to uncover the game-changing potential of speaking your dream out loud, join me for an empowering and insightful practice that will grow your readiness for the dream.

    In this final solo episode of 2023, we explore:

    • the importance of speaking your dream out loud, even if it sounds discombobulated or feels uncomfortable,
    • how to use your creativity to bring your dream out of hiding, and
    • a simple challenge to help you get comfortable and find the words you want to use to talk about the dream.


    I’m creating something for the Devoted Dreamer who wants a road map to help guide her on the journey of stepping into a God-shaped dream in 2024.

    Here’s the link to sign up for more information (when it’s ready to share):  https://www.merrittonsa.com/first90days



    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Let’s Talk

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    295 || [Solo] Two Ingredients You Need Before Stepping into a Unique Calling || Merritt Onsa

    295 || [Solo] Two Ingredients You Need Before Stepping into a Unique Calling || Merritt Onsa

    Find show notes here: http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/295

    How important are prayer and intimacy with God to our dreams?

    Even the most faithful woman can get distracted by the flood of ideas that often accompanies a God-shaped dream. As the dream enters our awareness, we begin to feel excited—a little trepidation is normal too. Then, when we entertain the possibilities, suddenly there are so many ideas vying for our attention that it’s easy to forget that we are the clay and He is the potter.

    God is so gracious to call us back into an intimate and connected relationship with Him because He knows this relationship has to be the foundation for pursuing our God-shaped dreams.

    This mini episode is all about the undeniable necessity of prayer and intimacy with the Lord in the pursuit of your God-shaped dream.

    In it, we explore:

    • Prayer as a foundational practice that is essential for every devoted dreamer,
    • The significance of developing a close relationship with God,
    • and how prayer can transform your approach to achieving your dreams.



    Enrollment is open for my highly-curated 3-month group coaching experience that’ll get you writing that book, launching your ministry, starting a business all for the glory of God and His purposes in the world.

    This is a unique opportunity to build community, dive deeper into your dream, and cultivate a consistent relationship with the Lord.

    Join us January - March 2024 to build community, ignite clarity, and invigorate your confidence to begin making small, consistent actions towards your God-shaped dream.

    Or, if you’re hearing this after the fact, get on the waitlist for the Dreamer Lab at: https://www.merrittonsa.com/dreamerlab



    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Let’s Talk

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    294 || [Solo] The Truth About Pursuing a Big Dream Your Way || Merritt Onsa

    294 || [Solo] The Truth About Pursuing a Big Dream Your Way || Merritt Onsa

    Find show notes here: http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/294

    How can we learn to surrender our dreams and trust God for the outcome?

    As dreamers, it’s easy to fall into the trap of wanting our dreams to go our way. We have an idea of what it might look like. We’ve grown cautiously excited about the possibilities. We talk about surrendering the dream and its outcome to God. During our quiet time, we even tell Him that we trust Him. 

    And then, when we start to take action, something shifts.

    There’s a challenge we didn’t anticipate, or an opportunity we’re terrified to say ‘yes’ to, or a mentor suggesting a next step we couldn’t possibly take. All of a sudden, we realize how tightly we’ve been holding on to something that’s not even really ours to grip.  

    In this week’s solo episode, we explore:

    • the pitfalls of holding tightly to a specific vision for your dream,
    • how to start listening for God’s voice and guidance on the journey, and
    • embracing surrender by letting go of control and trusting God's plan.

    If you're ready to step boldly into God's path for your dream, hit play and join me on this empowering journey.



    Mark your calendar and RSVP for my free Devoted Dreamers Workshop on December 4, 2023, at 9am PT / Noon Eastern. During the workshop, we’ll dive deeper into how you can establish a strong foundation for pursuing your God-shaped dream. You’ll build a supportive community to encourage you on your journey, begin refining the way you talk about your dream, and learn how to move from feeling stuck into meaningful action.

    Click here to RSVP: https://www.merrittonsa.com/workshop


    Are you ready? Let's go!

    RSVP for the Devoted Dreamers Workshop on Dec. 4th:  https://www.merrittonsa.com/workshop 



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