
    The Devoted Dreamers Podcast

    Whether you have a dream in your heart or aren’t sure what God might be calling you to, The Devoted Dreamers Podcast will encourage you on the journey. This space is dedicated to sharing stories every week of women who are following Jesus and pursuing their God-given gifts in beautifully imperfect ways. You’ll hear about the fears and challenges that threaten their dreams as well as the joy, courage and confidence that comes from following Jesus even in the unexpected…especially in the unexpected. I’m your host, Merritt Onsa, and my prayer is that this show will meet you where you are in your walk with God. I hope you will come away from the podcast each week with encouragement to begin pursuing your own dreams even when you still feel flawed, imperfect, unfinished and not ready. Because if you wait until you are perfect, you will never take the first step. Join us!
    enMerritt Onsa: Dream Coach | Faith-based Business Owner | Christian Entrepreneur348 Episodes

    Episodes (348)

    293 || [Solo] How to Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed by What You Don’t Know|| Merritt Onsa

    293 || [Solo] How to Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed by What You Don’t Know|| Merritt Onsa

    Find show notes here: http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/293

    Is it possible to avoid overwhelm when there’s so much more to learn?

    In a world where anything you need or want to learn is available within a few quick keystrokes and a Google search, how do dreamers stay focused on the most significant action steps that will move a dream forward? 

    This episode is about taking inventory of what you already have on hand to support your dream. I have two steps you can take and one commitment you can make that will shift your perspective on what it takes to pursue your God-shaped dream. 

    I'll guide you through a three-step process designed to help you celebrate God’s good gifts to you, let go of information overload, and consume only the resources you need right now so you can let go of the rest.

    In this episode you’ll consider:

    • What gifts has God given you to use,

    • What distractions do you need to remove so you can finally make progress on your dream, and

    • How to develop a discerning approach to learning and growth as you take each new step in this journey.


    Mark your calendar for my upcoming free Devoted Dreamers Workshop on December 4th, where we'll dive deeper into how to pursue a God-shaped dream and gain strategies for building a supportive community to encourage you on the journey. It’s time to move your dream into action. Are you ready? Let's go!

    Register for the Devoted Dreamers Workshop on Dec. 4th: https://www.merrittonsa.com/workshop 


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    292 || [Solo] How to Resist Your Dream Taking Over Your Life || Merritt Onsa

    292 || [Solo] How to Resist Your Dream Taking Over Your Life || Merritt Onsa

    You can find show notes here:  http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/292


    What does the day-to-day of your dream look like? 

    Imagine you could see ten years into the future of your God-shaped dream. What would an “ideal day” in the life of your dream be like? How would you be spending your time?  

    ➡️ Are you sitting at a laptop in your favorite coffee shop tapping away at a manuscript?

    ➡️ Is it spending a few hours a day in your home office / workshop fulfilling orders for your art pieces? 

    ➡️ Maybe you’re on a stage teaching the Bible to women who are hungry for the Word of God, and afterwards you get to participate in a lively conversation about taking the gospel and the love of Christ to a hurting world.

    But what if you’re still not sure what exactly He’s asking of you? 

    And how do you even begin to answer these questions? 

    Do you just start and figure it out along the way?

    I’m tackling these questions in this episode -- the first in a series of short conversations laying the groundwork for how we get started on a dream, what needs to come first, and how to think about moving forward when the path isn’t absolutely clear.


    If you could choose (and you can!), what would it look like to live out your dream? 

    I’m asking you to consider a few key questions in this episode, including:

    • Do you know what your ideal day would include?
    • How can you begin in the way you want to go?
    • What support might you need to bring the dream to life?
    • How can you shape your day-to-day activities so all of your priorities fit?


    I’m creating something new in 2024, for the Devoted Dreamer who wants to lay a firm foundation in her life so she can realistically consider stepping into a God-shaped dream in 2024. Here’s the link for more information: https://www.merrittonsa.com/first90days    


    Join me for The Everyday Disciple Summit
    November 13-17, 2023

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    291 || How Brain Science and Creativity Can Grow Our Faith || Amy Pierson

    291 || How Brain Science and Creativity Can Grow Our Faith || Amy Pierson

    Find show notes here: http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/291 

    What does creativity have to do with spiritual transformation?

    Amy Pierson is a champion for the spiritually transformative power of creativity. She returns to the podcast to share a dream that’s been on her heart for over a decade, her newly-published book: Makers in a Thinker's World: What Brain Science Teaches Us about the Spiritually Transforming Power of Creativity.

    In this episode, Amy opens up about her exploration of creativity and neuroscience in the context of faith. I would love to dig deeper into this topic; but since we only scratch the surface here, I highly recommend grabbing a copy of her book

    We explore the topic of lament and how it can become a catalyst for discovering ways to make meaningful contributions to the world. She also emphasizes that our pursuit of a God-shaped dream can help us find joy and purpose in our lives. 

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • How neurotheology deepens our understanding of faith and relationship with Christ,
    • Practical steps to identify your personal lament and find your unique purpose, and
    • How to overcome creative blocks and connect with your creativity in a meaningful way.



    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Book a Discovery Call

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    Produced by Jonathan R. Clauson.
    Theme music by
    Reaktor Productions.

    290 || [PodSwap] Clarifying Your Message One Stage at a Time || with Host Heather Sager

    290 || [PodSwap] Clarifying Your Message One Stage at a Time || with Host Heather Sager

    Note about language in this episode: Some of you may listen with children in the room, so I want you to know that there are a few occurrences of profanity in this episode, mostly towards the end of the interview.

    Find the show notes here:  http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/290

    How has self-doubt or perfectionism blocked your progress?

    In this week’s PodSwap episode, I’m giving you a peek into my growth over the last two years of pursuing my dream of teaching and coaching Christian women through the discovery and pursuit of their dreams.

    Honestly, it’s been an incredibly stretching and challenging season, filled with more struggle than I bargained for. I knew it would be difficult, but I’ve needed increased support as I’ve tried things I’ve never done before and set ambitious goals for myself and my business that felt totally outside my comfort zone.

    Listeners often ask to hear more of my backstory, so in this one you’ll hear MY coach, Heather Sager, ask me pointed questions about the work we’ve done together and how far I’ve come since I started investing in my own growth.

    In this episode you’ll hear us talk about:

    • Learning how to clearly communicate your dream,
    • The power of employing consistent action as your weapon in the battle with perfectionism, and
    • How to step into a leadership role so that you truly can begin to serve others who need what you are creating.

    I’m sending HUGE thanks to Heather Sager for allowing me to use her episode while I’m in content creation mode of another kind.

    Want to be the first to know when what I’m creating right now is available? Get on the list for my weekly email newsletter and I’ll make sure you get the scoop in early 2024!



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    289 || [PodSwap] Why You’ll Always Feel a Little Afraid and That’s a Good Thing || with Host Anne Watson

    289 || [PodSwap] Why You’ll Always Feel a Little Afraid and That’s a Good Thing || with Host Anne Watson

    Find the show notes here:  http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/289  

    Have you ever felt afraid when starting to step into a dream?

    If so, you are 100% not alone; in fact, one of the most valuable discoveries I made in the first six months of hosting my podcast was that every woman I spoke to said she feels the same.

    I reveal this juicy nugget about dreamers in a recent interview with Anne Watson, host of the Swayology Podcast. We have the most beautiful conversation about pursuing our dreams even when we feel afraid. She affirms how hard it is to figure out what you want to be when you grow up, especially as a multi-passionate woman. And she takes us on a journey, digging back into the archives of how I started pursuing my dream of serving women who are actively seeking a path on which to live out their God-shaped dreams.

    In this episode you’ll learn about...

    • My unspoken prayer in 2012 that cracked open the door of considering how to engage my creative gifts for a purpose I felt passionate about,

    • The self-imposed bondage that needs to be broken so we can live freely in who God created us to be, and

    • The challenge to stop hiding behind my podcast and go all-in to create a business that would serve women with big dreams for God’s kingdom.  


    I’m calling this episode a PodSwap and sending HUGE thanks to Anne Watson for allowing me to re-purpose this interview while I’m in content creation mode of another kind.

    Want to be the first to know when what I’m creating right now is available? Get on the list for my weekly email newsletter and I’ll make sure you get the scoop in early 2024!



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    288 || [PodSwap] How Do You Start to Dream Big After Divorce? || with Host Joy Bartholomew

    288 || [PodSwap] How Do You Start to Dream Big After Divorce? || with Host Joy Bartholomew

    Find the show notes here:  http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/288


    Are you navigating a huge life transition right now?

    I recently sat down with Joy Bartholomew, host of The Divorce Confidante Podcast, and we talked about how to think about dreams during a significant life transition like divorce. 

    Whether or not you’ve experienced divorce, you likely know someone who has. (Why not share this episode with her?) And either way, you’ve certainly experienced seasons where you wondered if you had anything left to give to a dream.

    In this episode you’ll learn about:

    • How to begin the process of realizing your dreams
    • How to determine if you're ready to start, and
    • The beautiful transformations that come when you begin to live into your authentic purpose.

    I’m calling this episode a PodSwap and sending HUGE thanks to Joy for allowing me to use her episode while I’m in content creation mode of another kind.

    Want to be the first to know when what I’m creating right now is available? Get on the list for my weekly email newsletter and I’ll make sure you get the scoop in early 2024!



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    287 || [Solo] Find Your Momentum: The 4 Phases of Chasing a Creative Dream || Merritt Onsa

    287 || [Solo] Find Your Momentum: The 4 Phases of Chasing a Creative Dream || Merritt Onsa

    Find the show notes here:  http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/287


    What strategies can help you stay consistent in pursuing a God-shaped dream? 

    Buckle up! When you’re starting out with a big dream idea, your emotions can take you on a journey that puts any amusement park rollercoaster to shame. It all begins with excitement and elation. Then, as you start to get serious about the dream, look out for comparison, imposter syndrome and fear that will stop you in your tracks.

    In this episode, I share behind-the-scenes tactics I used to start and manage a podcast even though I didn’t know what I was doing, had technical barriers, limited time, and a tiny budget. We cover the ways specific, attainable goals can help tamp down the emotional rollercoaster and what to do when you’re not making any progress on a dream.

    You’ll also learn about:

    • Overcoming distractions and negative emotions
    • The significance of consistent action, and
    • Why every dreamer needs to set small, attainable goals

    Get the 30 Days of Prayer email series in your inbox!


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    286 || [Solo] Top 3 Traps Standing in the Way of Your God-Given Purpose || Merritt Onsa

    286 || [Solo] Top 3 Traps Standing in the Way of Your God-Given Purpose || Merritt Onsa

    Find the show notes here:  http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/286


    Seeking clarity and confidence for pursuing a God-shaped dream?

    Time, money, energy, and having little kids at home often top the list of big reasons women put their dreams on hold.

    However, I’ve discovered 3 traps that are an even greater threat because we don’t always recognize their power in our lives.

    If you’ve felt stuck and unable to move forward on your dream, grab a journal and a pen, take a listen, and then examine whether the traps mentioned in this episode could be part of the problem.

    You might even pause to pray and ask God for eyes to see which one (or ones) are at work. Because you cannot escape the trap until you realize you’re caught up in it.

    In this solo episode you’ll learn about:

    • The transformative power of community in pursuing a God-shaped dream,
    • Recognizing and overcoming common obstacles to our dreams,
    • Who the Dreamer Lab is for, and how you can join us this fall!



    Click here to Learn More.



    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Let’s Talk || Join the Dreamer Lab

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    285 || Want a Supportive Space to Bring Your Dream to Life? || The Dreamer Lab members

    285 || Want a Supportive Space to Bring Your Dream to Life? || The Dreamer Lab members

    Find show notes here: http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/285

    Can the Dreamer Lab support a dreamer like you? 

    Over the last three weeks I’ve highlighted The Dreamer Lab—my signature group coaching program—where we build community, clarity and confidence to help you finally take meaningful action for your God-shaped dream.

    This week you’re a fly on the wall for a conversation with three Dreamer Lab members—Terri, Brandy, and Kathy—where they share what it’s like to be part of The Dreamer Lab.

    You’ll hear language like: powerful, effective, focused on God, like-minded, connection and support to describe what it’s like to commit every week to a group of women who have dreams like you—even if the dreams themselves are different—and how we work together in The Dreamer Lab sharing creative ideas, solutions, support and prayer for one another.

    You’re probably wondering if the Dreamer Lab can provide results FOR YOU! Will it help you finally defeat procrastination? Do you really have time to invest in weekly calls? Will it work for you in the way that it’s worked for others? Why do I need accountability if I’m already working on my dream? What if I am not ready to commit? 

    In this episode you’ll learn:  

    • What’s different about exploring your dream with fellow dreamers,
    • How we tackle spiritual as well as technical challenges inside The Dreamer Lab,
    • The real struggles of saying yes to a dream and why like-minded community is a game-changer for your forward progress.


    The Dreamer Lab opens on September 27th with just 5 spots available for the fall cohort.

    Join the waitlist to get the news as soon as the doors are open.  https://www.merrittonsa.com/dreamerlab

    284 || How Pursuit of a Dream Invites Intimacy with God || Kathy Stoops

    284 || How Pursuit of a Dream Invites Intimacy with God || Kathy Stoops

    Find show notes here: http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/284

    What does “Christ in me” really mean? 

    Last year I created a group coaching experience called The Dreamer Lab where women with big dreams could come together to build community, find clarity through action, and grow their confidence as they pursue a God-shaped dream. 

    Today I want you to meet another Dreamer Lab member, Kathy Stoops, who joined in spring 2023. Kathy has been on a transformational journey of discovering her true identity in Christ, learning how God’s Word impacts her everyday life, and figuring out how to recall these truths anytime, anywhere.

    As Kathy has witnessed proof of God’s unconditional love and ever-presence in her life, she’s grown in her passion to communicate those truths with others—specifically through creative endeavors like visual journaling. 

    Kathy’s story highlights the power of a heart-to-heart connection with God and the transformation that occurs when we live from the heart by the Spirit.

    In this episode you’ll learn about:

    • Discovering your true identity in Christ (and what it’s really all about),
    • How small action steps can help build your confidence, and
    • Cultivating an awareness of God’s presence in your everyday life.


    Join the Dreamer Lab Mirror Experience – a free workshop on Zoom – to experience exactly what it’s like to be part of this group of women who are invested in one another’s success and who know deep in their bones what it’s like to step boldly into a God-shaped dream.

    Register at https://www.merrittonsa.com/dlexperience

    Sept. 19, 2023 at 9:00 am MT / 10:00 am CT



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    Produced by Jonathan R. Clauson.
    Theme music by
    Reaktor Productions.

    283 || Why Taking Action Is the Secret to Clarity for Your Dream || Brandy Traylor

    283 || Why Taking Action Is the Secret to Clarity for Your Dream || Brandy Traylor

    Find show notes here: http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/283

    Why is there so much pressure to figure out the dream before you start?

    Most women say it’s the fear of getting it wrong, making a mistake, or misunderstanding God’s prompting and falling out of His will. 

    But truly, these concerns have nothing on God. He is not afraid of you getting it wrong. He’s not withholding his direction to see if you’ll make a misstep. He loves you deeply. He is with you constantly, and His heart is for you to walk confidently in the freedom he purchased for you through His Son Jesus.  

    Last year I created a group coaching experience called The Dreamer Lab where women with big dreams could come together to build community, find clarity through action, and grow their confidence as they pursue a God-shaped dream. 

    Today I want you to meet another Dreamer Lab member Brandy Traylor. She’s the dreamer behind Spoken For, a storytelling event where women share the mundane, messy, and monumental chapters of their lives and how God showed up and showed off as the main character in their stories. 

    When Brandy joined in January 2023, she did not have certainty about the details of her dream as it exists today. 

    In this episode you’ll learn about:

    • Pursuing a dream even when you’re not sure of the direction or outcome,
    • Letting your ideas and ambitions mature over time, and
    • Maintaining an open-handedness so that God can redirect your dream if He wants to.


    If you are looking to build community, clarity and confidence are your God-shaped dream, join me on September 19th for the Dreamer Lab Mirror Experience – a free workshop on Zoom – to experience exactly what it’s like to be part of a group of women who are invested in one another’s success and who know deep in their bones what it’s like to step boldly into a God-shaped dream. 

    September 19th at 8:00 am Pacific / 11:00 am Eastern
    Register here: https://www.merrittonsa.com/dlexperience



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    Produced by Jonathan R. Clauson.
    Theme music by
    Reaktor Productions.

    282 || How the Right Community Becomes Fuel for Your Big Dream || Terri Albrecht

    282 || How the Right Community Becomes Fuel for Your Big Dream || Terri Albrecht

    Find show notes here: http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/282

    Want an incubator for your dreams? 

    Last year I created a space where women with big dreams could come together and build community around the experience of pursuing a dream.

    Together, they invite clarity by taking action and invigorate confidence by doing it all in the nurturing community of sincere like-minded believers in Jesus (because we all need Him, plus it’s just a little less scary to walk with girlfriends who are doing it too).

    Terri Albrecht has been involved in church ministry most of her adult life and has a passion for finding ways to draw people closer to God and each other. One way that she’s living out that passion is by helping churches create new ministries that are specifically designed to fit their mission, culture, and unique needs.

    Terri joined the Dreamer Lab in January 2023, and she is learning to follow her dream one step at a time, working through the fear while following Gods direction.

    In this episode you’ll learn about:

    • How our unique personal experiences shape our dreams from God,
    • The importance of trusting His timing and guidance in the dream, and
    • The mistake of underestimating your gifts and what you have to offer the world.

    Join the Dreamer Lab Mirror Experience – a free workshop on Zoom – to experience exactly what it’s like to be part of this group of women who are invested in one another’s success and who know deep in their bones what it’s like to step boldly into a God-shaped dream.

    Sept. 19th at 9:00 am MT / 10 am CT

    Register at https://www.merrittonsa.com/dlexperience 



    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Book a Discovery Call

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    Produced by Jonathan R. Clauson.
    Theme music by
    Reaktor Productions.

    281 || How to Nurture True Belonging as You Pursue a God-Shaped Dream || Katy McCown

    281 || How to Nurture True Belonging as You Pursue a God-Shaped Dream || Katy McCown

    Find show notes here: http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/281 

    Have you been pursuing a dream all on your own?

    This week Katy McCown returns to the show with a power-packed episode on the importance of belonging in the body of Christ and the impact of community as we pursue our dreams. Join me and Katy as we unravel the significance of community, acknowledge the challenges, and uncover practical ways to invite others into your unique journey.

    If you didn’t catch last week’s recast of episode 199, my previous conversation with Katy, you’ll learn in this one that she’s a passionate writer, speaker, and mother of six. She has a heart dedicated to sharing the message of Christ and brings a wealth of experience to this topic. She's the author of She Belongs: Learning to Embrace the Gift of Belonging in a World Meant to Divide, a new Bible study that resonates with the struggles and joys of finding true community. 

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    • How to recognize and overcome the natural tendency to isolate ourselves,
    • Practical steps to invite others into your dream journey, and
    • The significance of Jesus’ last words to his disciples.



    Get $30 off Your Purposeful Podcast and launch your own heart-centered, business-boosting podcast in 30 days or less! Yes, it’s possible. That’s what I did in 2016 and you can do it too with just a little support and a few shortcuts to get you started the easy way! Use the code SUMMER30 by August 31st at https://www.merrittonsa.com/podcastcourse



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    Produced by Jonathan R. Clauson.
    Theme music by
    Reaktor Productions.
    Ad music: “New Day” used under Creative Commons by Lee Rosevere.

    280 || [Recast] How to Keep Perspective When You Don't See the Fruit of Your Dream || Katy McCown

    280 || [Recast] How to Keep Perspective When You Don't See the Fruit of Your Dream || Katy McCown

    Find the show notes here: http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/280

    Does it sometimes feel like God’s timing doesn’t make sense?

    Katy McCown always knew she was called to write but she didn’t expect to get the green light when she was eight months pregnant with her sixth child. Today she is the author of two Bible studies, president of She Laughs Ministries, a writer for Proverbs 31 Ministries, and a national speaker. Through all life’s uncertainties and surprises, Katy has learned some things about “living sure” even when the future is not.

    I hear so many women talk about not having time to pursue their dreams. I get it; life is full. Whether you’re caring for kids, a home, aging parents, yourself (or all of the above) or maybe you’re pursuing education, a career, a paycheck—whatever it is that will help you provide for yourself and your family—all of these responsibilities carry significant demands. It’s no wonder you’re finding it difficult to dream.

    We all wake up with the same number of hours to our day. The question is, how do we choose to use the limited time we’ve been given, not to do every. single. thing. but to be intentional with the few things God has given us for today?

    Or maybe you are the dreamer who is questioning whether you’ve heard God wrong because your dream isn’t turning out the way you imagined it would. 

    Or rejection has been so much a part of your story, that it hurts to the core of your being,

    If any of this sounds familiar, listen as Katy and I talk about: 

    • What it looks like to have significant demands upon your time and still be faithful to your dream day after day,
    • The temptation to take things into your own hands when you don’t see the fruit of your labors in the timing you expect (and what to do instead), and
    • The fruit that grows when you allow rejection to draw you into deeper trust in the Lord and how he uses it for your good and his glory.


    Get $30 off Your Purposeful Podcast and launch your own podcast in 30 days or less! Yes, it’s possible. That’s what I did when I launched mine in 2016 and you can do it too! Use the code SUMMER30 at https://www.merrittonsa.com/podcastcourse


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    279 || [Solo] What Will Kids Going Back to School Mean for Your God-Shaped Dream? || Merritt Onsa

    279 || [Solo] What Will Kids Going Back to School Mean for Your God-Shaped Dream? || Merritt Onsa

    Find the show notes here: http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/279


    How will you find balance between your dreams and your kids’ school routines?

    Amidst the flurry of back-to-school preparations, are you also quietly pondering what this season holds for your personal dreams?

    If you’re a mom with kids still living at home, your routines (and theirs) are likely about to shift big time! 

    For some, you’ll have more free time than you’ve had in years. (<- This is me with my youngest heading off to full-day kindergarten!) Or maybe you’ll have less time because your middle school and not-yet-driving high school aged kids have activities that put you in the driver's seat (for hours and days on end).

    Whatever your season of life or motherhood, you may feel tempted to rush headlong into assembling plans for your dreams. But before you do that, let’s hit “pause” and unpack what is really needed other than just more time to work on your dream.

    In this solo episode you’ll learn:

    • Why it’s necessary to reflect and reconnect before filling up your calendar with tasks and To-Dos,
    • The top qualities to look for as you build a support system,
    • How to create space for your dreams, if you don’t have a lot of time to yourself, and
    • How to overcome the fears and doubts that come when you’re getting ready to take action



    Get $30 off Your Purposeful Podcast and launch your own podcast in 30 days or less! Yes, it’s possible. That’s what I did when I launched mine in 2016 and you can do it too! Use the code SUMMER30 through August 31st at https://www.merrittonsa.com/podcastcourse 



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    278 || 3 Things We Wished We Knew before Starting Our Podcasts || Merritt Onsa & Natalie Blenkush

    278 || 3 Things We Wished We Knew before Starting Our Podcasts || Merritt Onsa & Natalie Blenkush

    Find show notes here.

    How could a podcast help build your dream?

    A podcast can help you build an audience (for your book launch, ministry, online business, you name it!) It also gives you a place to go DEEP with your audience and to talk about things that truly inspire you and will, ultimately, attract people to you and your work.

    If you’ve ever felt a tug to launch your own podcast, this episode is just for you. My dear friend, fellow podcaster, and brand strategist Natalie Blenkush and I have teamed up to share what we learned from launching our own podcasts (and how we can help you get over the hurdles faster and easier than we did when we first launched).

    Three things we wished we knew before we started podcasting:

    #1 - If you're bootstrapping your podcast, it's going to take way longer than you think.

    #2 - Your podcast is a test run for your message as it evolves and as YOU grow in sharing your message and using your voice.

    #3 - The internal battle is REAL, but surrounding yourself with supportive community is the best way to take messy, scary steps forward.

    In this episode, you’ll learn: 

    • The techy obstacles are not *really* what’s standing in the way of you starting a podcast,
    • How podcasting becomes an opportunity to show up and refine your message,
    • Your authenticity attracts the right audience,
    • You might be hiding rather than sharing your message—and what to do instead,
    • Community can provide the support you need to launch your show.

    You have a message to share, and your people need to hear it from YOU!

    It's time to launch your podcast, Dreamer. 

    And Natalie and I are here to help with our self-paced, power-packed course, Your Purposeful Podcast!

    We’re having a summer sale right now, through the end of August: 

    Get $30 off Your Purposeful Podcast and learn how to launch your podcast in 30 days or less! Yes, it’s possible. That’s the timeline I gave myself when I launched my podcast in 2016 and you can do it too! Just use the code SUMMER30 at https://www.merrittonsa.com/podcastcourse to grab lifetime access to Your Purposeful Podcast.



    You're ready to show up consistently in your business, ministry or dream in a way that works around your family.
    You want to create evergreen content that doesn't disappear within a few hours (or minutes!)
    You've got a message to share with the world, and you know that a podcast is the vehicle to do it!


    • Creating your podcast launch plan
    • Gaining brand clarity
    • Refining your message
    • Setting up the tech
    • Streamlining your process + workflow
    • Mapping out content
    • Battling fear and imposter syndrome
    • Embracing messy action
    • And more!

    Sign up here:  https://merrittonsa.com/podcastcourse



    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Book a Discovery Call

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    Support the Podcast

    Leave a Review: Apple Podcasts/iTunes

    Subscribe: on Apple Podcasts * on Android


    Produced by Jonathan R. Clauson.
    Theme music by
    Reaktor Productions.
    Ad music used under Creative Commons by Lee Rosevere.

    277 || [Recast] How Trusting God Changes the Way You Pursue Your Dream || Krista (Hengesh) Breilh

    277 || [Recast] How Trusting God Changes the Way You Pursue Your Dream || Krista (Hengesh) Breilh

    Find show notes here. 

    I am taking a short break in July to rest and recharge (because our dreams require it), so I’m reaching back into the archives to serve you up a recast of some oldie-but-goodie episodes this month. Each week builds upon the others with tangible faith-inspired lessons and encouragement for you to find renewed energy for your dream. 

    Looking to go deeper in your relationship with God?

    Krista (Hengesh) Breilh is the Executive Director and Founder of Live Salted, an intergenerational women’s ministry based in Seattle, Washington. (Also, she’s gotten married since we last talked – go watch her wedding video on her Instagram. It’s a tear-jerker for sure!)

    If you heard last week’s recast episode, you know I lost an interview because I forgot to hit record. (SMH. That’s the worst kind of mistake, if you ask me. I wanted to kick myself.) But God had other plans and Krista (Hengesh) Breilh (my guest in that conversation) was a total rockstar and said yes to re-recording with me.

    It was an amazing convo back in 2018, and it’s quite possible the second time around was even better than the first! Krista has an infectious enthusiasm for life, unwavering devotion to God, and a remarkable ability to fuse practical wisdom with scriptural truths. She is such an encouragement to the dreamer in us all!

    Krista shares her journey of facing uncertainty and questioning her own leadership abilities. You’ll appreciate her honesty about the faith necessary to step into what God has called you to do, especially when you don’t know what the results will be (and who ever does!?) 

    This episode is a reminder that, as daughters of the King, there is no challenge, doubt, or fear that can limit our potential. Krista motivates us to embrace the journey of faith, take bold steps towards our dreams, and trust that God's promises will be fulfilled.


    Get $30 off Your Purposeful Podcast -- a power-packed course that will teach you how to launch your own podcast in 30 days or less! Yes, it’s possible. That’s how I launched mine in 2016 and you can do it too! Use the code SUMMER30 at https://www.merrittonsa.com/podcastcourse


    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Book a Discovery Call

    Get Connected with the Facebook Community

    Support the Podcast

    Leave a Review: Apple Podcasts/iTunes

    Subscribe: on Apple Podcasts * on Android

    Produced by Jonathan R. Clauson.
    Theme music by
    Reaktor Productions.
    Ad music used under Creative Commons by Lee Rosevere.

    276 || [Recast] Find Your Purpose: 12 Steps to Uncover a God-Given Dream || Merritt Onsa

    276 || [Recast] Find Your Purpose: 12 Steps to Uncover a God-Given Dream || Merritt Onsa

    Find the Show Notes here.

    I’m taking a short break in July to rest and recharge (because our dreams require it), so I’m reaching back into the archives to serve you up a recast of some oldie-but-goodie episodes this month. Each week builds upon the others with tangible faith-inspired lessons and encouragement for you to find renewed energy for your dream.

    What if you had a road map for chasing your dream?

    I recorded this episode because of a mistake I made recording a guest interview. At the time, it seemed like a huge blunder, and I felt like a fool (I’m hard on myself like that). 

    But it wasn’t public; it happened inside the four walls of my home office. No one had to know. If I had kept it to myself, it might have minimized my embarrassment, but I chose to share it publicly.

    Why? Because I always want to be real with you about the experience of pursuing our dreams. And that is: mistakes happen, and that’s okay because they are one of the best ways to learn.

    In fact, when we play small or shy away from big action because we fear getting it wrong, we’re actually missing out on one of the very best ways to figure out how to do it differently next time.

    This decision impacts our faith too, because when we hide a flaw or mistake or choose to self-protect in an effort to avoid making mistakes in the first place, we miss the opportunity to trust God’s sovereignty over the outcome. 

    Listen to this episode and you’ll gain:

    • Clarity on the steps it takes to uncover your God-shaped dream,
    • A road map of how I went about pursuing my dream (to help you decide what to do next in yours), and
    • Insight about what you might be lacking (and why that’s okay).

    I’ve written out the steps referenced throughout the episode here:

    Steps to Uncovering & Pursuing Your God-Shaped Dream

    • Know your value and worth in Jesus
    • Believe He created you for a purpose
    • Investigate your gifts, talents and life experiences that inform the identification of your dream
    • Recover from the shame that keeps you in hiding or in fear
    • Realize and own your true identity
    • Build a set of internal and external tools to keep yourself returning to your identity in Christ
    • Examine your dream and why you SHOULDN’T pursue it
    • Pray with open hands about your dream
    • Determine your next steps
    • Consider where you’ll find the support you need to keep taking those steps
    • Figure out what information and/or training you lack and where you might find it
    • Be honest with yourself about what help you’ll need to recruit to keep going

    Find me on Instagram or leave a comment on the Show Notes page if you know where you are on this list and what you think could be helpful as you move through that step and on to the next.


    Get $30 off Your Purposeful Podcast and launch your own podcast in 30 days or less! Yes, it’s possible. That’s what I did when I launched mine in 2016 and you can do it too! Use the code SUMMER30 through August 31st at https://www.merrittonsa.com/podcastcourse


    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Let’s Talk

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    Leave a Review: Apple Podcasts/iTunes

    Subscribe: on Apple Podcasts * on Android

    275 || [Recast] How to Grow in Courage? Take Action Even When You Don’t Feel Brave || Julie Landreth

    275 || [Recast] How to Grow in Courage? Take Action Even When You Don’t Feel Brave || Julie Landreth

    Find show notes here.

    I am taking a short break in July to rest and recharge (because our dreams require it), so I’m reaching back into the archives to serve you up a recast of some oldie-but-goodie episodes this month. Each week builds upon the others with tangible faith-inspired lessons and encouragement for you to find renewed energy for your dream.

    What if you were brave enough to step into your dream? 

    Get ready to be inspired as we revisit a captivating conversation with Julie Landreth from season five.

    If you’ve ever found yourself paralyzed by fear while preparing to embrace something significant and new, this is a must-listen. I’m sharing it again because of the vital role Julie played in anchoring me to truth when I was facing significant fear and doubt. This conversation offers fresh insights and a renewed perspective to propel you forward on your journey toward a God-shaped dream.

    I know I’m not the only one who has struggled while preparing to step into something big and new. I pray this episode (along with last week’s, #274) will help you gain new perspective to move forward.

    If you’re meeting Julie for the first time, she is passionate about loving others and encouraging them to become elevated in this life. She loves to pray and encourages others to pray without ceasing. She is the creator of “Wife Lab” a course that helps wives grow in their marriages. In this conversation Julie also shares how she started leading women through her Wife Lab curriculum: Loving Well, The Art of Praying for Your Husband.  

    If you’re still trying to find your way to being brave (or if your marriage is struggling), I pray you’ll find hope and encouragement in this conversation.



    Get $30 off Your Purposeful Podcast -- a power-packed course that will teach you how to launch your own podcast in 30 days or less! Yes, it’s possible. That’s how I launched mine in 2016 and you can do it too! Use the code SUMMER30 at https://www.merrittonsa.com/podcastcourse



    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Book a Discovery Call

    Get Connected with the Facebook Community

    Support the Podcast

    Leave a Review: Apple Podcasts/iTunes

    Subscribe: on Apple Podcasts * on Android

    Produced by Jonathan R. Clauson.
    Theme music by
    Reaktor Productions.
    Ad music used under Creative Commons by Lee Rosevere.

    274 || [Recast] Why It’s Time to Let Go of the Fear That You’re Not Enough || Merritt Onsa

    274 || [Recast] Why It’s Time to Let Go of the Fear That You’re Not Enough || Merritt Onsa

    Find the show notes here.  

    I am taking a short break in July to rest and recharge (because our dreams require it), so I’m reaching back into the archives to serve you up a recast of some oldie-but-goodie episodes this month. Each week builds upon the others with tangible faith-inspired lessons and encouragement for you to find renewed energy for your dream.  


    What if you stepped into your fear of failure?  

    Tune in this week to learn about fear of failure, what its true source really is, and how we can battle it and get a move on with pursuing our God-shaped dreams.

    In this solo episode you’ll learn:

    • What our identity in Christ really means for us,
    • How to shift the way you think about failing over and over again, and
    • The good news about why you can stop trying to be enough.

    If you’ve been avoiding your dream because you fear you might fail, if you’ve stopped taking steps forward because you feel like you are not enough, this is the episode for you. Jesus is enough and He promises to bring His work in you to completion.



    Get $30 off Your Purposeful Podcast and launch your own podcast in 30 days or less! Yes, it’s possible. That’s what I did when I launched mine in 2016 and you can do it too! Use the code SUMMER30 at https://www.merrittonsa.com/podcastcourse


    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Let’s Talk

    Get Connected with the Facebook Community

    Support the Podcast

    Leave a Review: Apple Podcasts/iTunes

    Subscribe: on Apple Podcasts * on Android