
    The Disability Download

    The Disability Download is brought to you by pan-disability charity Leonard Cheshire. We respond to current topics, share stories and open up conversations about disability. From sex education, to inclusive sport, to music and mental health - you don't want to miss this! Don't forget to hit subscribe!
    enLeonard Cheshire53 Episodes

    Episodes (53)

    Fashion, design and being the change you want to see with Caprice Kwai

    Fashion, design and being the change you want to see with Caprice Kwai

    Check out Caprice's website: https://www.capricekwai.com/about-me

    Follow Caprice on Instagram: @capricekwai

    Check out Caprice's business on Instagram: @bycapricekwai

    Read Caprice's blog: Nine businesses owned by disabled people

    Follow Leonard Cheshire: @LeonardCheshire 

    Visit our website: https://leonardcheshire.org/ 

    Read more about Zebedee Talent: https://www.zebedeetalent.com/ 

    Shielding and Coronavirus - Why Sarah’s fighting for free testing

    Shielding and Coronavirus - Why Sarah’s fighting for free testing

    Sign Sarah's petition here: https://www.change.org/p/boris-johnson-we-want-free-lateral-flow-tests-available-to-those-who-are-clinically-extremely-vulnerable?recruiter=88671692&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=share_for_starters_page&recruited_by_id=7d3d9f85-1a0e-4f46-a04f-a6e821f4a689&utm_content=fht-32443340-en-gb

    Follow us on social: @LeonardCheshire

    Visit our website: https://leonardcheshire.org/

    Email us at: disabilitydownload@leonardcheshire.org 

    Inclusive sport: Making connections and breaking down barriers

    Inclusive sport: Making connections and breaking down barriers

    You can find out more about the programmes and organisations we discussed. Visit Get Yourself Active and follow them on Twitter @GetYrselfActive. Visit Disability Rights UK and follow them on Twitter @DisRightsUK. Visit Sport for Confidence and follow them on Twitter @SportforConf.

    Also check out @LeonardCheshire for our forthcoming sport programmes in 2022. See Leonard Cheshire and Sport England All Active Together.

    You can follow boccia coach Donna Robinson on Twitter via @donna_c1987

    You can follow rower Scott Ballard-Ridley on Twitter via @ballardridley. Scott works as a Communication Engagement Manager at Bridges Self-Management and runs the podcast BridgesCast

    Leonard Cheshire youth advocate Arthur Lawson has the excellent YouTube channel Arthur’s Rolling Vlog.

    Follow Leonard Cheshire on Twitter/Instagram: @LeonardCheshire

    Find out more about our own sports programmes:  https://leonardcheshire.org/about-us/our-news/press-releases/leonard-cheshire-and-sport-england-all-active-together 

    At the Intersection: Gender Identity and Autism with Kit and Beck

    At the Intersection: Gender Identity and Autism with Kit and Beck

    Check out Beck's website: https://www.disabledinnovation.com/ 

    Read Beck's blog about their experience as a disabled , non-binary person: https://www.leonardcheshire.org/our-impact/stories/my-autism-and-gender-identity 

    Check out Kit's blog about the controversy around Sia's film 'Music': https://www.leonardcheshire.org/our-impact/stories/why-i-wont-be-watching-sias-music

    Some resources recommended by Kit on 'spoon theory': https://www.autisticanimist.com/post/spoons-spoon-theory-autism-and-the-social-model-of-disability



    Follow Leonard Cheshire on social: @LeonardCheshire

    Contact us at disabilitydownload@leonardcheshire.org

    Change Makers meet 2030 and Counting

    Change Makers meet 2030 and Counting

    Change Makers is  supported by the Act for Change Fund is a £3.6 million partnership between Paul Hamlyn Foundation and Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, for organisations supporting young people working for change. The Fund provides resources for young people to challenge social injustice, find ways of overcoming inequality and give voice to issues they are experiencing.

    Act for Change Fund is a joint initiative between Paul Hamlyn Foundation and Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, working in partnership with the National Lottery Community Fund. Both foundations are acting as match funders and are awarding grants on behalf of the #iwill Fund.

    The #iwill Fund is made possible thanks to £50 million joint investment from The National Lottery Community Fund and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) to support young people to access high quality social action opportunities. Paul Hamlyn Foundation and Esmée Fairbairn Foundation are acting as a match funder and awarding grants on behalf of the #iwill Fund.

    Find out more about the Change Makers: https://leonardcheshire.org/get-involved/campaign-us/change-makers

    Find out more about 2030 and Counting: https://leonardcheshire.org/our-impact/our-international-work/youth/2030-and-counting

    Follow Leonard Cheshire on social media: @LeonardCheshire

    Email us at disabilitydownload@leonardcheshire.org







    At the Intersection: Fantasy Fiction with Ennis Rook Bashe

    At the Intersection: Fantasy Fiction with Ennis Rook Bashe

    Follow Ennis on Twitter: @rookthebird or visit their website https://ennisrook.wordpress.com/

    Check out Leonard Cheshire's 'At the Intersection' blog series: https://leonardcheshire.org/our-impact/stories/why-we-need-talk-about-intersectionality

    Follow Leonard Cheshire on Twitter and Instagram: @LeonardCheshire

    Email us at disabilitydownload@leonardcheshire.org

    Muscular Dystrophy - Fundraising, family and fighting for a fairer world with Martin Hywood

    Muscular Dystrophy - Fundraising, family and fighting for a fairer world with Martin Hywood

    Follow Martin on social media: @HywoodMartin 

    Read Martin's blog: https://martinhywood.blogspot.com/ 

    Follow Muscular Dystrophy UK: Twitter - @MDUK_News Instagram/Facebook/LinkedIn: musculardystrophyUK

    Learn more about Muscular Dystrophy UK: https://www.musculardystrophyuk.org/

    Follow Leonard Cheshire: @LeonardCheshire

    Read more about Leonard Cheshire's work: https://www.leonardcheshire.org/ 

    Know someone who would be a great guest? Emails us at disabilitydownload@leonardcheshire.org 

    You can also view a full transcript over on the Leonard Cheshire website: https://www.leonardcheshire.org/our-impact/stories/podcast-fundraising-family-and-fighting-fairer-world


    From retail to record label - How self-employment empowered me

    From retail to record label - How self-employment empowered me

    Find out more about Grinning Dog Records, the label Grace runs with her husband, at https://nickcapaldi.com/, or by following  Grinning Dog Records on Facebook, @_GDRecords on Twitter, and @grinningdogrecords on Instagram. 

    Sound design and editing by Sally Raper: https://sallyar.wixsite.com/sallyraper

    Find out more about Leonard Cheshire's employment campaign: https://www.leonardcheshire.org/get-involved/campaign-us/employment

    Follow us on Twitter and Instagram: @LeonardCheshire

    Email: disabilitydownload@leonardcheshire.org

    Sport, doughnuts and finding your passion with Paralympians Livvy Breen and Mo Jomni

    Sport, doughnuts and finding your passion with Paralympians Livvy Breen and Mo Jomni

    Follow Livvy on Twitter: @BreenOlivia 
    And on Instagram: @livvy_breen

    Follow Mo on Twitter: @MoatezJomni
    And on Instagram: @mr_jomni

    Follow Leonard Cheshire: @LeonardCheshire

    Find out more about Leonard Cheshire: https://www.leonardcheshire.org/

    Check out Livvy's 15 minute home work outs: https://www.leonardcheshire.org/get-support/learning/can-do/show-me-you-can

    Find out more about the Paralympics: https://paralympics.org.uk/articles/games/tokyo-2021



    'Never Mind the Gap' - My Employment Journey with Ruth Owen OBE

    'Never Mind the Gap' - My Employment Journey with Ruth Owen OBE

    Find out more about Ruth: https://www.leonardcheshire.org/about-us/our-news/press-releases/ruth-owen-joins-leonard-cheshire-ceo

    Our employment research: https://www.leonardcheshire.org/sites/default/files/2020-10/Locked-out-of-labour-market.pdf

    Follow Ruth on Twitter: @Ruth_owenOBE

    Follow Ruth on Instagram: @ruthowenobe

    Follow us on Twitter/Instagram: @LeonardCheshire

    Email us: disabilitydownload@leonardcheshire.org 

    University challenge - how has the pandemic impacted disabled students?

    University challenge - how has the pandemic impacted disabled students?

    We reached out to London School of Economics and Durham University for their response to some of the topics raised in this episode.

    A Durham University spokesperson said:

    “During her time at Durham University we worked with Amelia, both as a student, and in her role as a Sabbatical Officer for Durham Students’ Union, to understand and seek to address concerns that she raised. 

    Whilst respecting the experiences that Amelia has discussed, we are resolute that inclusivity is at the heart of our University and we are proud of the progress we have made. 

    We are deeply committed to ensuring that all our students have the best possible experience during their time at Durham and believe our high student retention rate, including those with disabilities, demonstrates this.

    Nearly 20 per cent of our student body disclose a disability and staff across the University work hard to help ensure that adjustments are put in place to facilitate their engagement with academic studies and the wider student experience. 

    We have made, and continue to make, significant investments in our estate to improve access for all students, adopting high accessibility standards when designing both new buildings and the refurbishment of existing buildings. 

    We established an Access Review Team which incorporates students, disability support staff and estates staff who review and identify local infrastructure projects that make our campus more accessible for disabled students, staff and visitors. 

    Our dedicated Disability Support service provides information, advice and guidance to support prospective and current students with a wide range of disabilities, and to staff working with disabled students.

    Most recently they have launched an interactive toolkit to help those with autism make a confident start at University and joined forces with a range of partners to establish a number of fully funded internships, with tailored support, for students and graduates with autism. 

    We have also made funding available to help students secure full diagnostic assessments for Dyslexia or Dyspraxia.”

    More information on Durham University’s Disability Support service can be found at www.dur.ac.uk/disability.support

    An LSE spokesperson said:

    “We are grateful to Cassie for sharing her experiences. Clearly there is more for the School to do in terms of accessibility and support for our disabled students, which we will raise with our colleagues. We are heartened to hear what has worked well over the past year and will seek to build on this as we learn from our handling of the pandemic.” 

    Follow Disabled Students UK on Twitter: @ChangeDisabled

    Visit Disabled Students UK's website: https://disabledstudents.co.uk/

    Read the Disabled Students UK Covid-19 report: https://disabledstudents.co.uk/DSUK_Report_Update.pdf

    Follow Cassie on Twitter and Instagram: @soapsub

    Visit the Leonard Cheshire website: https://www.leonardcheshire.org/ 

    Follow Leonard Cheshire on Twitter and Instagram: @LeonardCheshire 

    Get in touch with us: disabilitydownload@leonardcheshire.org


    Reshaping the experience for disabled musicians

    Reshaping the experience for disabled musicians

    Some of the links mentioned in this month's episode:

    https://youthmusic.org.uk/ - Youth Music Website 

    https://youthmusic.org.uk/reshape-music - Reshape Music Report

    https://youthmusic.org.uk/thehigherfrequency - Higher Frequency Podcast

    https://takeitaway.org.uk/news/adaptive-musical-instrument-guide/ - Adaptive Musical Instrument Guide

    Follow Nick on Twitter: @Nick_Wilsdon

    Follow Youth Music on Twitter: @youthmusic

    www.carolhodge.co.uk/ - Carol's website

    Follow Carol on Twitter and Instagram: @carolxhodge 

    https://www.leonardcheshire.org/  - Leonard Cheshire website 

    Follow Leonard Cheshire on Twitter and Instagram: @LeonardCheshire 

    Get in touch with us: disabilitydownload@leonardcheshire.org 

    The journey to inclusive travel

    The journey to inclusive travel

    You can read the 'Breaking Down Barriers to Travel' report on Leonard Cheshire's website. 

    You can listen to Sophie Elwes' A Life Less Ordinary podcast on the Apple Store.

    You can find out more about Makingtrax and Jezza Williams on their website.

    You can read more about Expedia Group's diversity and inclusion initiatives on their website. 

    Find out more about Leonard Cheshire on their website. 

    Follow Sophie Elwes on Twitter @sophieelwes, or Instagram @sophieelwes

    Follow Makingtrax on Instagram or Facebook using the handle @makingtrax.co.nz or on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/company/makingtrax/ 

    Follow Expedia Group on Twitter at @ExpediaGroup

    You can follow Leonard Cheshire on Facebook @LeonardCheshireOrg, on Twitter and Instagram at @Leonardcheshire, or on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/company/leonardcheshire/mycompany/. 

    The Change Makers Takeover

    The Change Makers Takeover

    This month we're doing something new and exciting with our first ever 'takeover' episode. We're hearing from the Change Makers, a group of citizen youth reporters who have been investigating the main challenges facing young people with disabilities today. Mia Stevenson, Pasha  Richards and Arthur Lawson talk about their experiences as young reporters during the lockdown.  

    Change Makers is supported by the Act for Change Fund, a £3.6million partnership between Paul Hamlyn Foundation and Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, for organisations supporting young people working for change. The Fund provides resources for young people to challenge social injustice, find ways of overcoming inequality and give voice to issues they are experiencing. 

    Act for Change Fund is a joint initiative between Paul Hamlyn Foundation and Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, working in partnership with the National Lottery Community Fund. Both foundations are acting as match funders and are awarding grants on behalf of the #iwill Fund. 

    The #iwill Fund is made possible thanks to £40million joint investment from the National Lottery Community Fund, and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport to support young people to access high quality social action opportunities. For more information, visit www.iwill.org.uk   

    Music: Sun Shine by Cymatix provided by Premiumbeat. 

    To find out more about the Change Makers project, visit: https://www.leonardcheshire.org/get-involved/join-our-campaigns/change-makers

    Read more from Arthur:  https://www.leonardcheshire.org/our-impact/stories/why-we-need-listen-young-disabled-people 

    Find out more about iwill week: https://www.iwill.org.uk/iwill-week-2020

    Find out more about On Our Radar: https://onourradar.org/ 

    Find out more about Act for Change: https://www.phf.org.uk/funds/act-change-fund/

    To get in touch, email us at disabilitydownload@leonardcheshire.org or contact us on  Twitter/Instagram @LeonardCheshire. 

    Photograph: Pasha