
    The Eleshia Show

    Need simple strategies to help you grow your business and achieve more without working harder? Struggling to balance work, life, and all your other commitments and don’t want to burnout? You’re in the right place. The Eleshia Show is a holistic business and lifestyle strategy podcast to help you get clear on your business goals, stop procrastinating, boost your income, and do what lights you up. Women are taking notice! We have listeners across 61 countries and over 999 cities! We’re teaching female business owners across the world how to achieve more with less while looking after themselves. And we can do the same for you! We’re having intimate conversations — the kinds that most female business owners are having privately. You don’t want to miss these. Tune in to the podcast every Wednesday to discover exactly what expert CEOs did to get their businesses off the ground and achieve success so you can do the same! With your host, Eleshia Harris, business coach and growth strategist, you can redefine what success means, ditch the stress and confusion and learn how to run your business from a place of ease and excitement. If you want to talk business, wellbeing, lifestyle, mindset, goals, and scaling organic growth, don’t miss it!

    en-usEleshia131 Episodes

    Episodes (131)

    Time Waits for Nobody: Lessons from Reflecting and Planning

    Time Waits for Nobody: Lessons from Reflecting and Planning

    In 2015, my life changed forever when my mum passed away. I was heartbroken, and my body shut down. I distracted myself so I wouldn’t feel the pain of losing a parent. One of my biggest lessons learned is that time waits for nobody. My mum had so many plans, but dying at 56 meant she didn’t get to fulfill many of them. People often plan, but they don’t execute the plan. They make excuses, procrastinate, feel overwhelmed, talk themselves out of really going for what they truly want, and then they freeze...

    I believe that we should all have the opportunity to live the life we long for. After 18 months of distraction, I had to review, reflect, and replan how I would live my life without my mum, so planning became really important to my lifestyle. Now that I’m juggling motherhood, being a carer, a wife, and a business owner, being strategic about my planning for my life and business needs is really key. Especially since I know that my time in all of my roles is limited.

    In this episode, you’ll discover:

    • My methods for holistic planning
    • Why we need to assess where we are in life to move forward
    • My version of the wheel of life assessment
    • Why I’m on a mission to ensure other women understand they are enough and can achieve their desires
    • The reason behind my urgency to get 45 goals completed in my business and my personal life this year

    And so much more!

    Grab a notepad, pen, and your favourite drink. In less than 25 minutes, I'm going to take you through a planning session to help you move your goals forward. Ready to prioritise your life while building your business? Take the next step and sign up for my membership program "Harness the Female Cycle to Grow Your Business." Gain access to invaluable resources, expert insights, and a supportive community.

    Additional resources mentioned:

    Connect with Eleshia:
    You can stay connected with me by booking a chat or signing up for my newsletter.

    Here’s my social media handles  Instagram, LinkedIn or Pinterest, and my Website.

    Listen below 👇

    Team Dklutr Production

    Beyond the Covers: My Virtual Bookshelf of Recommendations

    Beyond the Covers: My Virtual Bookshelf of Recommendations

    Ever get lost in a good memoir and feel like you're right there with the author, living through their highs and lows? That's exactly where I found myself when I decided to dive into more books by black authors last year.

    In this episode, I take you on my latest literary adventure. 

    I explored stories of resilience, love, heartache and so much more from icons like Cicely Tyson in "Just As I Am" and eagerly anticipating the screen adaptation of "Black Cake." There's a certain magic in reliving Mariah Carey's life through her autobiography and getting swept away by the vibe of her live performances – a magic I can't wait to share with you.

    But this episode isn't just about reliving stories; it's like a virtual bookshelf full of recommendations spanning genres and experiences. 

    In this episode:

    • I talked about the transformative power of the books that we read from a personal and professional perspective. 
    • I spoke about the impact all of the books had on me, like  the resonant wisdom of Tabitha Brown in 'Feeding the Soul' to the financial savvy in 'Rich as F,' it's clear that stories aren't just for entertainment; they empower and educate too.

    Join me as we share these books' gems, and I'd love to hear how these stories align with your own life experiences.

    Happy listening!

    Connect with Eleshia:
    You can stay connected with me by booking a chat or signing up for my newsletter.

    Here’s my social media handles  Instagram, LinkedIn or Pinterest  and my Website.

    Listen below 👇

    Team Dklutr Production

    Life and Business Brilliance: “My Transformative Journey with Eleshia” Featuring Special Guest: Debbie Danon

    Life and Business Brilliance: “My Transformative Journey with Eleshia” Featuring Special Guest: Debbie Danon

    I'm pretty good at articulating how much I love the work that I do as a Holistic Business growth strategist and Implementation coach. I love all things project management. I love the women that I get to work with, but I'm not always so good at promoting myself. 

    In this revealing episode:

    • Debbie and I discuss her wins, the challenges, and the transformative journey we undertook together. 
    • Debbie shares how I helped her double her revenue, focusing on sustainable growth and avoiding burnout.
    • You will gain insights into my holistic approach, emphasising not just business strategies but also health, lifestyle, and overall well-being. 
    • We also discuss the importance of open conversations with coaches and mentors to ensure a holistic approach is being implemented. 

    Debbie Danon, an integral development coach and inclusive leadership facilitator based in London, shares her rebel leadership approach. Her framework focuses on rebel authenticity, rebel balance, and rebel courage, enabling clients to break free from limiting beliefs and lead with confidence.

    I hope you enjoy this episode, offering a glimpse into myr work and the tangible results Debbie achieved . The conversation with Debbie showcases the power of strategic planning and a holistic perspective in achieving business goals.

    To learn more about my Holistic Business Growth Strategy offerings, book a chat, explore my website, www.eleshialifestyle.com or dm @eleshia_lifestyle.

    I hope you feel motivated and equipped with insights to pursue your desires with clarity and determination.

    Enjoy this episode!

    Connect with Debbie: 

    Debbie Danon - Leadership Coach, Expert Facilitator & Inclusion Consultant

    Download 'Wellbeing: Reclaimed' my free 30-minute video coaching session

    Receive leadership insights and reassurance with my weekly Rebel Reframes newsletter

    Connect with Eleshia: 

    You can stay connected with me by booking a chat or signing up for my newsletter.

    Here’s my social media handles  Instagram, LinkedIn or Pinterest  and my Website.

    Listen below 👇

    A Team Dklutr Production

    Behind the Scenes: 26 Invaluable Lessons Learned in Growing My Holistic Business

    Behind the Scenes: 26 Invaluable Lessons Learned in Growing My Holistic Business

    Running a business is not easy by any means, I often find myself wearing all the hats.
    Without structure and help, I can honestly say burnout would constantly show up to remind me to slow down. Every year, I make the time to go through my lessons and my reflections for my business because without this crucial information, we don’t know how we are doing in our life’s or businesses.  In order to grow we need to understand our path and what has been our successes and our failures. 

    There have been a lot of changes in my business this year, some beyond my control and so this exercise was extra important to ensure that I learn from these experiences to help with better results the next time change may happen. 

    In today’s episode I share with you 26 invaluable lessons that I have learnt, which have significantly impacted my business, my lifestyle and my wellbeing. 

    • I go into why I hired a money mindset coach and how it unlocked my earning potential 
    • The importance with reconnecting with my ‘Why’ 
    • How reviewing my existing systems provided me with the clarity i needed about streamlining my business
    • Why reminding yourself that your the CEO of your life will help you live in your integrity 
    • The reason why building my business around my family is so important to me

    This episode is seriously jam packed with all of my reflections, tips and lessons on building a sustainable business.

    Connect with Eleshia:
    You can stay connected with me by booking a chat or signing up for my newsletter.

    Here’s my social media handles  Instagram, LinkedIn or Pinterest  and my Website.

    Listen below 👇

    Team Dklutr Production

    Face Yoga and Holistic Living: My Journey Revealed and the “Why” Behind It All with Carelle Rose

    Face Yoga and Holistic Living: My Journey Revealed and the “Why” Behind It All with Carelle Rose

    I’ve always found the ageing process so fascinating. In a world where we have access to so many images, products and services that promote anti-aging, it’s intriguing how discussions around natural alternatives seem so taboo!! I knew I had met someone special when Carelle slipped into my DMs a few years ago. 

    Carelle Rose is a face yoga instructor, a Gua Sha therapist. reflexologist and is very passionate about holistic healing and natural pro ageing alternatives to Botox and fillers. When I found this out my ears pricked up, as I have no interest in having injectables. This is no judgment to anybody who does, I simply believe in exploring alternatives that work.

    Carelle openly shared her journey, including her personal experience with Botox, leading to her obsession with holistic face and body care. In our vulnerable conversation, we delved into the challenges women face, both physically and emotionally. Normalising that we are human and we all go through our own hardships is so important to both of us. Especially as mothers raising young girls.

    In this episode Carelle shares:

    • Why she explored alternatives to Botox and fillers
    • How a transformative moment empowered her from feeling powerless
    • The holistic habits we can implement to help us with the ageing process 
    • Her advocacy for self-wellness, particularly when diagnosed with psoriasis.
    • The importance of taking responsibility for our well-being preventively.

    And so much more!

    Carelle also shared her experience of balancing her children's health and wellbeing and the significance of nourishing them with nutrient-rich foods. Towards the end, Carelle shares a jaw tension relief technique that made an instant difference for me. Tune in to this enlightening and honest episode about facial fitness, holistic parenting, and everything in between. It might just change the way you approach ageing!

    Connect with Carelle:

    Connect with Eleshia: 
    You can stay connected with me by booking a chat or signing up for my newsletter.

    Here’s my social media handles  Instagram, LinkedIn or Pinterest  and my Website.

    Listen below 👇

    A Team Dklutr Production

    Grieving with Love: Reflecting on Healing and Growth

    Grieving with Love: Reflecting on Healing and Growth

    I was heartbroken when my mum died but I had to bottle it all up in order to be strong for others. Although this has been a very painful journey it has helped me understand the importance of openly expressing my emotions as they come up and the need to create a safe space for healing. 

    In this episode I share 

    • Why I think it's important for you to slow down and take as much time as you need to process your feelings
    • How my grief was impacted by my role as a carer for my special needs brother 
    • The importance of self-care when it comes to maintaining our mental and physical wellbeing
    • The biggest lesson I’ve learnt from my mum death
    • Why it’s important for me to continue to honour my mums legacy 
    • Some of the lessons I’ve learnt from death, including why forgiveness is important in your healing journey.

    And so much more:

    As we navigate the complexities of grief, I also share my challenges with setting boundaries, the risks of burnout, and the difficulties faced by others in understanding our grief.

    I truly hope this episode resonates with you. My aim is to remind you that your grief journey is personal, and it's ok to take the time to heal. And most importantly, you're not alone. Please reach out if you need somebody to talk to.

    Remember you can stay connected with me by booking a chat or signing up for my newsletter.

    Additional resources mentioned:

    Episode 2 - Why It’s Important To Be In The Right Relationship With Grief | Uma Girish

    Episode 4 - How I Enhanced My Chances of Fertility

    Episode 53 - Taking Control of Your Fertility Journey using Acupuncture with Naava Carman

    Episode 62 - 11 Lessons I Learnt On My Fertility Journey

    Listen below 👇

    A Team Dklutr Production

    7 Business and Lifestyle Trends to Explore in 2024

    7 Business and Lifestyle Trends to Explore in 2024

    Every year, I love to explore predictions for business growth, and this year was no different. However, I was particularly interested to see a few things that I already consider good practices making the trending list.

    As a Holistic Business Growth Strategist and Implementation Coach, I always strive to be mindful of the trends that I'm researching. I hope that the seven trends I share in this episode prove useful for you.

    In this episode, I discuss:

    • Business and lifestyle sustainability
    • The importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance
    • Strategies for ensuring you have a diverse team
    • Networking and building a community
    • The systems I love within my business

    And much more.

    Are you ready to dive deeper into this inspiring journey of resilience, empowerment, and self-care? Don't miss out on this impactful episode of The Eleshia Show podcast!

    Additional resources mentioned:

    Listen below 👇

    A Team Dklutr Production

    How I’ll be Managing the Holiday Season with Flow

    How I’ll be Managing the Holiday Season with Flow

    The Holiday seasons are always so hard for me because they remind me that my mum is no longer with us. So in this episode, I'm sharing with you some of the things that I will be doing to make my life easier and less emotional during this time.  

    I really enjoy celebrating and spending time with my family, but sometimes the emotions can take over which means that everything can become very draining. In previous years I've overcompensated because I wanted to ensure that everyone was having a good time but when you’re trying to do all of the things yourself, you can end up burnout and miserable. 

    In this episode I share: 

    • Why it's really important for me to get everybody in the family involved and why I’ll be delegating as much as I can 
    • How I’ll be tracking what I eat during a time when we just want to indulge 
    •  Why I’m leaving the tree decorating to my brother and my daughter
    • How I will be gifting this year.
    • The importance of keeping memories and traditions alive 

    And so, so much more.

    I really hope you enjoy a step into my festive holiday preparations. My aim for this episode is to give you some food for thought so you too can manage the festive season with flow.  This is the time to spend quality time with your loved ones, make new memories and reminisce about the old ones.

    Enjoying The Eleshia Show? Don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe wherever you're tuning in for more engaging content.

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    A Team Dklutr Production

    The Power of Gratitude, Connection, and Self-Care

    The Power of Gratitude, Connection, and Self-Care

    We often overlook the power of gratitude, connection and selfcare. I believe without each of them we are not leaning into our wellbeing potential.  For so long I believed that I had to be the strong one and not ask for help but over the years it's become so important to me to build a community of trusted people and ask for help when I need it. 

    In this episode I share:

    • My own personal journey with gratitude 
    • The power of daily joyfulness 
    • Why I’m learning from my mum’s lessons and not putting everybody else first
    • How showing up and being vulnerable for my clients helps us all 
    • Why acknowledging the little things helps us to be heard and seen
    • How making small changes can really transform your wellbeing
    • The reason why I harness my female cycle to help monitor my wellbeing and grow my business

    And so much more 

    I want to listen to the episode and consider how you can build more gratitude and connection into your lifestyle. Remember you can stay connected with me through booking a chat or signing up for my newsletter.  It’s easier to make a change together. Remember you are the biggest investment.

    Additional resources mentioned:

    Ready to dive deeper into this inspiring journey of resilience, empowerment, and self-care? Don't miss out on this impactful episode on The Eleshia Show podcast!

    Listen below 👇

    A Team Dklutr Production

    How to Navigate Empathic Distress

    How to Navigate Empathic Distress

    How are you really? 

    I know a lot of us are really feeling the pain of all things that are happening worldwide. It's so easy to submerge ourselves in the distress of others, often to our own detriment. I didn't even know that empathic distress was a thing until a friend mentioned the term to me and I recognised my own personal experiences with empathic distress. 

    As somebody who is a parent, a carer, a wife, a business owner, a loyal friend and family member I recognised the challenges I have come up against and the importance of sharing my journey and my go to tools to help to preserve my energy and lower my anxiety when difficult times occur.

    Join me in this thought provoking conversation where I share:

    • The importance of saying “YES” to you first 
    • How to say “NO” with confidence 
    • Why making small changes within your lifestyle will help you gain more energy
    • The impact of having very limited family support has had on me
    • The reason why I choose to keep my inner cycle small
    • How being a caregiver to my brother with autism affects me frequently 
    • My journey of dealing with triggers that can bring past traumas to the surface

    And so much more 

    Opening up dialogues about empathic distress and providing simple to implement strategies to nurture your wellbeing is really important to me. Once we start to create self care boundaries we can start to protect our inner peace

    I hope you get what you need from this episode.

    Sending you love and healing!

    Listen below 👇

    Team Dklutr Production

    Why Quitting Video Has Been the Best Decision for My Business with Jacqueline Fisch

    Why Quitting Video Has Been the Best Decision for My Business with Jacqueline Fisch

    Have you ever felt like you just wanted to shy away from the camera within your business? You don't want to record any more reels? You’re sick and tired of turning up on zoom calls and feeling like you have to constantly show up?

    I know I've been there and that’s why it was so refreshing to talk to Jacq (short for Jacqueline) who made the decision to go video free in her business. Yes. She is building her business without video and I’m so inspired by this move.

    Jacq explains the reasons way she made this decision and what a positive impact it has had on her business but most importantly to her energy.

    This episode is very thought provoking, both Jacq and I would love you to pause when you need to, take notes and integrate the things that we discuss which may resonate with you.

    In this episode we also covered: 

    • Intuitive writing and why as women it's important to tap into our feminine energy, the moon and our own personal cycles 
    • Why Jacq does not think that you should be using AI for writing
    • Deep fakes and how our identities can be cloned easily 
    • Self publishing and why it may be the way forward 
    • Why homeschooling is working best for Jacq’s children after trying all school options. 

    And much more!

    I love having these intuitive conversations, Jacq and I meet in 2020 and I’m so glad that we did! It feels like we are very aligned in our business models and the things that are really important to us.

    If you haven’t listened to Jacq’s previous episode I highly recommend you do, here is the link Episode 32 The Easiest Way to Get Started with Your Website Copy | Jacqueline Fisch

    Connect with Jacqueline Fisch:







    Listen below 👇

    Team Dklutr Production

    Self-Reflection: The Key to Personal Growth

    Self-Reflection: The Key to Personal Growth

    Have you ever felt invisible in corporate roles or like you had to compromise your heritage to pursue your dreams and aspirations? I certainly have, and I'm here to share my experience with you.

    In this episode, I'm opening up about my personal journey – from growing up with immigrant parents and climbing the corporate ladder to embracing motherhood. We'll delve deep into the life lessons I've learned about fitting in, understanding our roots, and the additional pressure that comes with being a person of color in senior corporate roles.

    But the conversation doesn't stop there. I'll also discuss the often-overlooked aspects of parenting and business partnerships. Drawing from my experience growing up with a single mom, I'll share insights on starting a family, the importance of equitably sharing parenting and household responsibilities, and the crucial role that communication plays.

    In this episode, you'll hear about:

    • The crucial role of self-care for both personal well-being and business success.
    • Why self-reflection is essential when growing a business.
    • The importance of granting yourself grace during the stressful times of building a business.
    • Why parenting partnerships are key for my family.
    • The reason integrity plays a significant role in my business values.
    • How I'm embracing authenticity and self-acceptance to navigate life's complexities with confidence.

    And there's much more to discover! 

    Are you ready to embark on this inspiring journey of resilience, empowerment, and self-care? Don't miss out on this impactful episode of The Eleshia Show podcast.

    Listen below 👇

    Team Dklutr Production

    The Intricate Link of Money, Self-Value, and Emotions: How to Figure Out Your Money and Improve Your Life with Coach Karen Noel

    The Intricate Link of Money, Self-Value, and Emotions: How to Figure Out Your Money and Improve Your Life with Coach Karen Noel

    One of the reasons I love what I do is because I get to witness people transforming their lives to get what they desire. Over and over again Money Mindset Coach and Accountant Karen Noel, my guest for this episode, has shown me that having a good mindset around money attracts money.  We met in a business development programme in 2020 and Karen then contacted me to be her coach! We’ve been working together ever since. 

    In this episode we share our coaching journey together so far, Karen shares her personal journey from accounting to coaching, and how she aids her clients in realising their dreams.

    This episode is not just about numbers and budgets, it’s also about setting meaningful goals, acknowledging the power of small action steps, and manifesting dreams - like Karen's own accomplishment of living on a beachfront.

    In this episode you’ll hear:

    • The importance of business and lifestyle coaching 
    • Why you should give yourself grace when it comes to your spending habits 
    • Ways to achieve your goals and overcoming your challenges
    • Managing finances and building Self-Worth
    • Grieving money and the power of manifestation

    And so much more! 

    Finally, we explore the intriguing interplay between managing finances and building self-worth. We talk about creating systems and routines to stay on top of your finances and the potential for self-sabotage when it comes to earning more. Listen as Karen shares the joy of viewing money as a puzzle and how it can be a source of delight when used for a good cause. This episode is a journey of self-discovery and financial enlightenment.

    Listen below 👇

    Team Dklutr Production

    Empowering Healing: How to Be Your Own Investigator After Baby Loss

    Empowering Healing: How to  Be Your Own Investigator After Baby Loss

    What if I told you that despite being diagnosed with polycystic ovaries, a blocked fallopian tube, and fibroids at 37 and mourning a baby loss, I managed to change my narrative?

    When I decided to be my own detective after being told that my body wasn’t naturally capable of conceiving my whole life changed.

    In this episode I open up about my personal story of infertility and baby loss. I share why it was important for me to become my own detective. From being diagnosed with fertility issues, to experiencing the joy of pregnancy and the crushing pain of loss, my journey is laid bare.

    However, it doesn't end there. I also share how I took charge of my health through a holistic approach to conceive my precious daughter despite the odds.

    Listen in as I highlight the power of self-advocacy, the role of a supportive community, and the game-changing impact of visualisation and self-acceptance.

    I recorded this episode to remind you that you're not alone, this episode is not just about my story, it's also a tribute to all who have walked this path.  I see you and I send you love.

    In this episode you’ll hear:

    • How I found out about my baby loss and importance of leaning into the healing process
    • My holistic personal journey, including fertility challenges due to issues like polycystic ovaries, a blocked fallopian tube, and fibroids.
    • My experiences with holistic wellness practices, such as juicing, exercise, and how they improved my overall health.
    • How I used wellness practices to support my mother during her battle with multiple myeloma.
    • My pregnancy journey: We'll explore my determination to conceive naturally and the challenges I faced.
    • How alternative therapies, especially acupuncture, played a crucial role in my successful pregnancy.
    • The emotional impact of my miscarriage and why it's essential to take time to grieve and heal.

    And so much more! 

    Ready to dive deeper into this inspiring journey of resilience, empowerment, and self-care? Don't miss out on this impactful episode on The Eleshia Show podcast!

    Listen below 👇

    Team Dklutr Production

    Breaking Down Burnout

    Breaking Down Burnout

    After a few busy months I found myself teetering on the brink of burnout. The family commencing a new routine with my daughter starting school, the anxiety of juggling homelife, the business, relationships and school needs I could feel myself being pushed to my limits. Luckily I recognised the burnout signs quicker than I would have a few years ago and I was able to pump the brakes and take action to take care of myself.  In this episode, I’ll be opening up and giving you insights and strategies on what I need to get myself back on track. 

    You’ll hear about:

    • What burnout it is and how it can affect us
    • My journey through burnout including the symptoms and the triggers I faced 
    • The strategies I used get myself back on track, including how to continue to parent, provide care and continue to build your business 
    • The importance of self-care to prevent and recover from burnout 
    • Why continuing to revisit your boundaries is key 

    And so much more! 

    Ready to take a deeper dive on how you can take care of yourself before burnout comes knocking? Hit the button and listen to this impactful episode of the The Eleshia Show podcast.

    Listen below 👇


    A Team Dklutr Production

    The Power of Self Investment

    The Power of Self Investment

    Have you ever felt like something was off in your body but you couldn't pinpoint what it was? Or have you ever doubted your gut instincts when it came to your health? You are not alone.

    In this episode, I share my personal experience with my mother's battle against multiple myeloma—a type of blood cancer. This journey taught me the importance of listening to our bodies, trusting our instincts and the value of seeking a second opinion if you need one. I also share some insights on different types of blood cancers and the devastating effects they can bring. It's a cautionary tale that underscores the importance of comprehensive health checks like the full body MOT and Dutch Test.

    This episode goes beyond illnesses. I also share through my personal journey how I've learned to balance the demands of running a business while prioritising self-care—tips  that I'm excited to share with you. Using the natural rhythms of my female cycle  to stay in tune with my body,, making small lifestyle changes to promote better health, and leaning on the strength of a supportive community are just a few of the practices that have enabled me to navigate life's ups and downs. More importantly, this episode is about empowering you to take control of your health and life.

    Join me, together let's learn, grow, and thrive in a holistic way.

    You’ll hear about:

    • Finding the essential balance between running a business and prioritising self-care
    • Recognising how self-care contributes to professional success
    • Understanding the importance of a supportive community in fostering self-care practices
    • Trusting your gut instincts when making health-related decisions, which serves as a foundation for self-care
    • Learning how self-care can be a key factor in thriving, even in challenging circumstances
    • Understanding the transformative power of self-care in the journey of survival, personal growth, and thriving.

    And so much more! 

    Ready to dive deeper into this inspiring journey of resilience, empowerment, and self-care? Don't miss out on this impactful episode on The Eleshia Show podcast!

    Listen below 👇

    Team Dklutr Production

    Embracing Change: From Condensed Business Hours to School Run Mum

    Embracing Change: From Condensed Business Hours to School Run Mum

    Who knew my daughter starting school would bring up such a whirlwind of emotions. In this episode I take you through the exhilarating, yet nerve-wracking process of school selection. Weighing factors like diversity, inclusiveness, and unconscious biases, I realised the magnitude of this decision. Coupled with the excitement and anxiety of shopping for uniforms, school bags, and shoes, this episode is a heartwarming reminder of my baby girl growing up and stepping into a new chapter of her life.

    You’ll hear about:

    • How I feel about transition into a school run mum
    • Why I won’t be trying to use every available hour expanding my business
    • Why I’ll be carving out crucial self-care time for myself amidst these changes
    • I share my hopes for my daughter as she embarks on this new journey and my plans to keep her connected with her old friends

    And so much more!
    Listen to this vulnerable and very honest episode as I share my personal journey of transitioning into a primary school mum while also prioritising self-care and managing a thriving business.

    And much more! Listen below 👇


    Team Dklutr Production

    Redefining Project Management with a Holistic Touch

    Redefining Project Management with a Holistic Touch

    After 15 years in the fast-paced, high-stress world of corporate project management, burnout sets in and I decided it was time to take a step back to heal.  For years I wanted nothing to do with the office lifestyle I previously had. That was until I found an organic way to merge my two passions, project management and wellbeing. In this week's episode, I discuss why it was important to me to swap the traditional, process-driven project management methodology for a more holistic method that not only serves my clients but also supports both mine and their wellbeing.

    We take a deep dive into the importance of self-care and a balanced lifestyle in achieving success.

    Are you looking for ways to organize your projects, integrate resources, and build relationships? We've got you covered!

    Tune in as I break down a range of tips and tools that you can implement into your day-to-day lifestyle. Don't miss out on the unveiling of my unique 'Eleshia method,' a revolutionary take on project management that strikes the perfect balance between efficiency and wellbeing.

    Let's explore the art of holistic project management together. Trust me; this is an episode you don't want to miss!

    You’ll hear about:

    • Holistic Project Management and Wellbeing Integration
    • The Importance of Holistic Project Management
    • Why you have to prioritising yourself for success

    And much more! Listen below 👇


    Navigating Stress and Anxiety Through the Lens of Hypnotherapy with Leonora Paul

    Navigating Stress and Anxiety Through the Lens of Hypnotherapy with Leonora Paul

    Leonora is qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist, specializing in Solution Focused Hypnotherapy she is deeply dedicated to empowering individuals to Bring Change to their lives, equipping them with the necessary tools to facilitate positive transformations and regain control over their life. I offer support in a wide range of treatments including hypnotherapy for anxiety, weight loss, helping women with menopausal symptoms and more. I combine Solution Focused hypnotherapy techniques with the latest scientific research to provide effective solutions tailored to individual needs.

    I have qualified as a Breathe Quite Smoking Technique Master Practitioner, allowing me to specialise in using my hypnotherapy skills to help smokers quit their habit and achieve results that last.

    My goal is to provide a caring, supportive environment where my clients can achieve lasting change.

    Can we really overcome depression and anxiety with hypnotherapy? My good friend and clinical hypnotherapist, Leonora Paul, joins me to explore this question. Leonora bravely opens up about her personal struggle with mental health, a battle that was thrown into high gear during the early days of the pandemic. In her search for healing, Leonora found hypnotherapy and it transformed her life. Now, she is passionate about helping others on their healing journeys.

    Ever felt like your stress bucket is overflowing, leading to anxiety and panic attacks? You're not alone. Leonora and I discuss techniques to manage stress and anxiety, including the power of positive self-talk and the importance of REM sleep. We debunk myths about hypnosis, reinforcing that it's not about controlling someone else's mind, but rather a tool for relaxation and personal growth. You'll also learn about 'box breathing', a fascinating technique that can help you redirect negative thoughts.

    So, whether you're searching for an alternative approach to mental health or just curious about hypnotherapy, you're in for a treat. Leonora shares her transformative journey through hypnotherapy and how it played a pivotal role in reclaiming her life. We talk about the importance of operating from the conscious brain and the benefits that it brings along. This episode is a deep dive into the world of hypnotherapy—a journey packed with inspiring stories, eye-opening facts, and useful advice. Join us, embrace the ride, and explore the power of hypnotherapy in managing stress and anxiety.

    You’ll hear about:

    • Overcoming Depression and Anxiety With Hypnotherapy
    • Managing Stress and Anxiety Through Hypnotherapy
    • Myths and Benefits of Hypnosis

    And much more! Listen below 👇

    Mastering Holistic Growth: Aligning Business, Lifestyle, and Wellbeing for Success

    Mastering Holistic Growth: Aligning Business, Lifestyle, and Wellbeing for Success

    What if there was a holistic approach to succeeding in both business and life, while prioritising self-care? This episode is your one-stop-shop for aligning entrepreneurial journeys with personal life, helping you navigate the intricacies of brand building, and offering strategies to stave off procrastination and manage overwhelm. Sharing my personal experience of dealing with burnout and how I chose to switch things up for regaining my energy, we'll explore why investing in yourself is an absolute essential for business success. Remember, I'm here not just for business advice but as a friend who's listening, so don't hesitate to reach out!

    Stepping into my shoes as a mother, I'll share how I incorporated my role into my business and staying focused and motivated even during the toughest times.

    You’ll hear about:

    • The significance of having a clear purpose
    •  Attracting the right people to your brand
    • The art of being visible. 

    We'll also delve into the importance of jotting down your goals and turning your brainstorms into reality. Moreover, we'll discuss the concept of an accountability partner and how it can help keep you on track. So buckle up and get ready for a transformative journey of self-discovery, progress tracking, and self-care! 

    Remember to hit the like button, and subscribe to stay tuned for more insights.

    And much more! Listen below 👇


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