
    The Emil Barna Podcast

    A psychotherapist interviews experts about why humans are the way that they are. When he's not doing that, he's talking psychology and self-development. Slap on your earphones, settle in, and become a better version of yourself!

    en-gbEmil Barna61 Episodes

    Episodes (61)

    Safe Place Visualisation Meditation | Promotes Neuroplasticity | Guided by Emil Barna

    Safe Place Visualisation Meditation | Promotes Neuroplasticity | Guided by Emil Barna

    This is a 12-minute 'Safe Place' visualisation meditation protocol that helps enhance the brain's learning process, reduces daytime fatigue, and helps improve focus. This exercise can be done before bed to relax your nervous system or any other time during the day to help you reconnect with the present moment. Exercises like this have been found to promote neuroplasticity—your brain's ability to change and grow.

    "Brain scans show us that generally many of the same neurons that fire when we perceive something in the external world also fire when we first remember that object or experience. In the brain, imagining an act and doing it are not as different as they may seem ... visualizing, remembering, or imagining pleasant experiences activates many of the same sensory, motor, emotional, and cognitive circuits that fired during the "real" experience." Norman Doidge, The Brain's Way of Healing.

    Recorded by psychotherapist Emil Barna.


    To access Emil's FREE Academia courses on anxiety, stress, trauma, self-awareness, and the neurobiology of confidence, use this link.

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    Apple Podcasts

    The Emil Barna Podcast
    en-gbMarch 09, 2024

    NSDR (Yoga Nidra) (20 mins) Inspired by Dr. Andrew Huberman | Guided by Emil Barna

    NSDR (Yoga Nidra) (20 mins) Inspired by Dr. Andrew Huberman | Guided by Emil Barna
    This 22-minute NSDR Protocol (a.k.a Yoga Nidra) is inspired by Dr Andrew Huberman's 10-minute script which can be found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKGrmY8OSHM

    This meditation incorporates calming music and expanded instructions for those who want a longer version of the original.

    Recorded by psychotherapist Emil Barna.


    To access Emil's FREE Academia courses on anxiety, stress, trauma, self-awareness, and the neurobiology of confidence, use this link.

    BUY Emil's books here

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    Apple Podcasts

    The Emil Barna Podcast
    en-gbFebruary 29, 2024

    51: All In The Mind | Lynne Malcolm

    51: All In The Mind | Lynne Malcolm

    Lynne Malcolm is a science journalist and broadcaster with a deep passion and fascination for people, their behaviour and the workings of the human mind. For nine years, she produced and presented the hugely popular ABC radio program and podcast All in the Mind, in which she explored a range of topics including neuroscience, psychiatry, psychology, cognitive science, mental health and human behaviour. All In the Mind is one of the most downloaded ABC podcasts in Australia and internationally.

    Lynne has received numerous media awards and contributes to media award judging panels, including the Australian Museum's Eureka Awards and the Mental Health Service of Australia and New Zealand media awards. She continues to write, podcast and communicate about the topics she's inspired by. All In the Mind is her first book. 


    To access Emil's FREE Academia courses on anxiety, stress, trauma, self-awareness, and the neurobiology of confidence, use this link.

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    Apple Podcasts

    The Emil Barna Podcast
    en-gbJune 12, 2023

    50: Eliminate Nightmares | Justin Havens, PhD

    50: Eliminate Nightmares | Justin Havens, PhD

    *This episode contains explicit themes relating to traumatic stress and traumatic nightmares*

    Dr Havens is an EMDR therapist, trainer, and PTSD specialist. In this episode, he explores The Dream Completion Technique and The Flash Technique for nightmares and distressing memories.

    A former army officer, Havens has dedicated his career to helping military veterans and civilians alike overcome traumatic stress. To find out more, please visit his website and enrol in his regular training here: https://justinhavens.com/page/therapist-webinars

    You can view his popular video on The Dream Completion Technique here: http://tiny.cc/stop_nightmares


    To access Emil's FREE Academia courses on anxiety, stress, trauma, self-awareness, and the neurobiology of confidence, use this link.

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    Apple Podcasts

    The Emil Barna Podcast
    en-gbJune 01, 2023

    49: Addiction Recovery | Chapter 6 | Minding The Brain Towards Change

    49: Addiction Recovery | Chapter 6 | Minding The Brain Towards Change

    In this episode, psychotherapist Emil Barna reads the revised sixth chapter to his 2017 book Minding The Brain Towards Change: What Willpower Really Means For Addiction.

    Here is a snippet from the book:

    "Only when one creates a life where addiction does not make sense can they move forward with their head held high and their shoulders back. You are the maker of your own fate. You are the driver. Sobriety is not easy, but it is worth it. Taking your life into your own hands is one of the more empowering things a person can do!"

    Chapter Summary

    Main Points

    • Willpower takes effort, and there are no shortcuts to recovery, just a consistent and disciplined approach. 

     Practical Considerations

    • You cannot back away from addiction. You must turn and walk into a new life. Find what's right for you, and embrace it wholeheartedly. Practice, practice, practice.


    To access Emil's FREE Academia courses on anxiety, stress, trauma, self-awareness, and the neurobiology of confidence, use this link.

    BUY Emil's book (2017 edition), click here (IT'S UNDER $2!)

    BUY Emil's other books here

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    The Emil Barna Podcast
    en-gbApril 09, 2023

    48: Love & Attachment | Chapter 5 | Minding The Brain Towards Change

    48: Love & Attachment | Chapter 5 | Minding The Brain Towards Change

    In this episode, psychotherapist Emil Barna reads the revised fifth chapter to his 2017 book Minding The Brain Towards Change: What Willpower Really Means For Addiction.

    Here is a snippet from the book:

    "Professor Michael Poulin of the University of California and his colleagues investigated how giving to others impacts a person’s stress levels and, ultimately, mortality risk.62 Their research found that those who compassionately aided a friend or family member when they were stressed, had a significantly lower mortality rate than those who chose not to help. Let me say that again: those who helped others in times of need were less likely to die, even if they experienced the same amount of stress as those who didn’t help. Helping others buffered against the effects of stress, and increased life expectancy by 30%! We can call this ‘the Good Samaritan effect.’"

    Chapter Summary

    Main Points

    • English has a restricted vocabulary for the description of love. Therefore, getting to know the nuances between couple love, family love, friendly love, and transcendent love will give a person with addiction a better grasp of how to put relationships at the forefront of their recovery.  
    • Understanding how one relates to another is pivotal to moving forward in life, especially when considering addiction. One would do well to consider their own attachment style, as this serves as the template for future relationships. Secure attachments to others fuel self-regulation and strong relationships.
    • The stress response is the body’s way of getting you ready for action. It is important, however, to consider how one views this stress response. Those who view stress as a potential positive navigate it better than those who do not. It is also the stressful times that one could connect with others, bolstering their overall physical and mental well-being. 

     Practical Considerations

    • Find a trusted other to connect with when you are under the pump. If you do not have this other, consider counselling. And shop around if you don’t immediately connect with the first therapist you see. Just like doctors, you will not always connect with every therapist. You must find the right fit. You should know if your therapist is right for you within the first few sessions.
    • When stressed, ask yourself, “What is my body trying to tell me?” The body is very communicative. For example, if one feels tension from the waist up (e.g. heightened heart rate, shoulder tension, neck pain, clenched fists, sharpened focus), the body is preparing to fight. From the waist down (e.g. restless legs, stiff joints, trembling in the thighs, the urge to run), the body is preparing for flight. Locating these sensations and responding to them can put one in a better position to move forward.


    To access Emil's FREE Academia courses on anxiety, stress, trauma, self-awareness, and the neurobiology of confidence, use this link.

    BUY Emil's book (2017 edition), click here (IT'S UNDER $2!)

    BUY Emil's other books here

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    Apple Podcasts

    The Emil Barna Podcast
    en-gbMarch 10, 2023

    47: Philosophy Of Willpower | Chapter 4 | Minding The Brain Towards Change

    47: Philosophy Of Willpower | Chapter 4 | Minding The Brain Towards Change

    In this episode, psychotherapist Emil Barna reads the revised fourth chapter to his 2017 book Minding The Brain Towards Change: What Willpower Really Means For Addiction.

    Here is a snippet from the book:

    "... each ‘given’ in life is a paradox. On the other side of death is life. The flipside of isolation is connection. With meaning, there’s meaninglessness. With freedom, there’s constraint. Once these paradoxes are acknowledged, and overcome, self-actualisation is possible. Most of us want the best in life, the ability to reach our full potential. We seek to do the best we can with what we’ve got. Ask yourself, what does life expect from you? What does the world require that only you can give? ."

    Chapter Summary

    Main Points

    • Considering the big questions in life can lead to higher self-awareness, leading to personal growth.  
    • We must all live with the implications of death, meaning, freedom, and isolation. To shirk these is to put aside the potential for living your best life. The more you consider these basic facts of life, the more likely you are to fulfil the necessary role of marriage between your values and action—in short, the more likely you are to act wisely.

     Practical Considerations

    • Do not be afraid to ask yourself the ‘why’ questions.  
    • Ask yourself whether what you are doing lines up with your core values. If not, consider whether it is time to change your core values or to change your actions so they can align with your core values. 
    • Ask yourself—given the limited time you have on this planet—what you would like to do with each day to make it more meaningful. 
    • Close your eyes and imagine you are at your own funeral (some may find this exercise too confronting and instead imagine they are at their 50th birthday). Listen in on the eulogies or discussions people have of you. Mingle with the crowd, invisibly, and hear what they have to say about you. You may be surprised at what you find out.


    To access Emil's FREE Academia courses on anxiety, stress, trauma, self-awareness, and the neurobiology of confidence, use this link.

    BUY Emil's book (2017 edition), click here (IT'S UNDER $2!)

    BUY Emil's other books using this link

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    The Emil Barna Podcast
    en-gbFebruary 17, 2023

    46: Discipline | Chapter 3 | Minding The Brain Towards Change

    46: Discipline | Chapter 3 | Minding The Brain Towards Change

    In this episode, psychotherapist Emil Barna reads the revised third chapter to his 2017 book Minding The Brain Towards Change: What Willpower Really Means For Addiction.

    Here is a snippet from the book:

    "People do things that require self-control every single day without needing to reason themselves into it. Getting up as soon as your alarm goes off in the morning requires willpower. As does holding your tongue when somebody pisses you off. Flossing your teeth requires the same thing. The more these are practised, the more your body acclimates. In sessions, I often talk about the discipline of “one is better than none.” One push-up is better than no push-ups. One glass of water is better than none. One dollar is better than no dollars. You get the point. What I find when I emphasise this is that people don’t usually stop at one. Because doing something once is relatively simple, they create a sense of mastery and are more likely to take another step forward. The same is the case in practising willpower. One is always better than none."

    Chapter Summary

    Main Points

    • The amount of willpower energy you have is affected by the type of drug you consume. Get to know the drugs you take so that you can know how that affect your self-control in other areas of your life. 
    • Ego-depletion hits the more you use self-control for a particular task.
    • The more you practice self-control (even in unrelated tasks to the one you are trying to change), the stronger it gets. Self-control is generalisable.
    • Self-awareness is pivotal for self-regulation—the more you understand yourself and your surroundings, the better you can regulate your behaviour. Willpower is the energy behind self-control.

     Practical Considerations

    • Commit to understanding yourself by asking questions, seeking different points of view, and being open to discomfort along the way. If you never challenge why you believe what you do, it is difficult to get better. Question yourself, often, How did I come to that conclusion? 
    • Remind yourself that the more you understand your triggers, the more control you have around your destructive habits. 
    • Watch what you eat and choose foods that fill you up for longer and give you longer lasting energy. 
    • Practice, practice, practice. The more you practice self-control, the stronger you become.Keep your body well-nourished for the exercise of energy


    To access Emil's FREE Academia courses on anxiety, stress, trauma, self-awareness, and the neurobiology of confidence, use this link.

    BUY Emil's book (2017 edition), click here (IT'S UNDER $2!)

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    The Emil Barna Podcast
    en-gbFebruary 12, 2023

    45: The Psychology Of Eating Disorders | Stephanie Georgiou

    45: The Psychology Of Eating Disorders | Stephanie Georgiou

    Stephanie Georgiou is a psychologist, author, and food enthusiast. In this episode, she delves into the psychology of eating disorders, addiction, and even what it takes to be a psychological influencer on social media.

    You can find out more about Steph at mindfoodpsychology.com

    You can also find her on TikTok and Instagram if you search the handle @mindfoodsteph

    Get her book Food Jail here: https://www.mindfoodsteph.com/shop-1 with a 20% discount if you use this code: MINDFOOD20


    To access Emil's FREE Academia courses on anxiety, stress, trauma, self-awareness, and the neurobiology of confidence use this link.

    BUY Emil's book (2017 edition), click here (IT'S UNDER $2!)

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    Apple Podcasts

    Music Credit: Adam Matejko, 'He Is Not My Luke'

    The Emil Barna Podcast
    en-gbNovember 08, 2022

    44: A New Frontier In Psychology | Ryan Morgan

    44: A New Frontier In Psychology | Ryan Morgan

    Ryan Morgan is a registered psychologist who specialises in non-medication-based approaches for addressing conditions such as sleep disorders, ADHD, stress and burnout, depression, and anxiety; and peak performance for students, athletes, and professionals. 

    In this podcast episode, Ryan delves into what he considers to be a new frontier in psychological treatment.

    You can find out more about Ryan at https://neuroperformance.com.au/


    To access Emil's FREE Academia courses on anxiety, stress, trauma, self-awareness, and the neurobiology of confidence use this link.

    BUY Emil's book (2017 edition), click here (IT'S UNDER $2!)

    Check Emil out on the Socials by clicking below:

    Apple Podcasts

    Music Credit: Adam Matejko, 'He Is Not My Luke'

    The Emil Barna Podcast
    en-gbNovember 01, 2022

    43: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu | From White Belt To Black | Wayne Spence

    43: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu | From White Belt To Black | Wayne Spence

    Wayne Spence is a primary school teacher and ... a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt! In his interview with Emil, Wayne highlights some of the most fundamental experiences shaping his journey towards his black belt, including the teaching that a belt focus is not the way to success. Wayne busts myths, talks about what NOT to do in Jiu-Jitsu, and shares a few laughs in a discussion anybody interested in BJJ would benefit from listening to!

    Wayne is co-owner and coach at Loyalty Jiu Jitsu Academy. More information can be found at https://graciebjj.com.au/


    To access Emil's FREE Academia courses on anxiety, stress, trauma, self-awareness, and the neurobiology of confidence use this link.

    BUY Emil's book (2017 edition), click here (IT'S UNDER $2!)

    Check Emil out on the Socials by clicking below:

    Apple Podcasts

    Music Credit: Adam Matejko, 'He Is Not My Luke'

    The Emil Barna Podcast
    en-gbOctober 27, 2022

    42: Revolution in Iran | Nojan Leilabi

    42: Revolution in Iran | Nojan Leilabi

    Nojan is an Iranian-born activist who migrated to Australia as an adult. She lived through the Iranian government's theocratic rule and in this episode outlines what it was like living under the regime and how she chose to speak out against the evil flooding the streets in 2022. Nojan is passionate about sharing the voice of the survivors in Iran—the men and women fighting on the front lines to stop the massacre of women and young children fighting for their basic human rights.

    Her message is one of hope.

    Nojan is active on Instagram and can be found here: https://www.instagram.com/nojanlyb/


    To access Emil's FREE Academia courses on anxiety, stress, trauma, self-awareness, and the neurobiology of confidence use this link.

    BUY Emil's book (2017 edition), click here (IT'S UNDER $2!)

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    Apple Podcasts

    Music Credit: Adam Matejko, 'He Is Not My Luke'

    The Emil Barna Podcast
    en-gbOctober 16, 2022

    41: Treating Traumatic Dissociation | Cecile Boganin, PsyD

    41: Treating Traumatic Dissociation | Cecile Boganin, PsyD

    Building on from the last episode, Dr Cecile Boganin ventures into various treatment approaches for structural (or traumatic) dissociation, making special reference to EMDR. Other therapies discussed included Internal Family Systems and Schema Therapy.

    Dr Boganin is a clinical psychologist skilled in working with people who have complex PTSD through modalities such as EMDR, DBT, and others.

    To find out more about Dr Boganin and the work she does here: https://www.alliedpsychologygroup.com.au/about-us


    To access Emil's FREE Academia courses on anxiety, stress, trauma, self-awareness, and the neurobiology of confidence use this link.

    BUY Emil's book (2017 edition), click here (IT'S UNDER $2!)

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    Music Credit: Adam Matejko, 'He Is Not My Luke'

    The Emil Barna Podcast
    en-gbOctober 12, 2022

    40: What Is Structural Dissociation? | Cecile Boganin, PsyD

    40: What Is Structural Dissociation? | Cecile Boganin, PsyD

    Dr Cecile Boganin ventures into the devastating effects of trauma and the imprints these experiences leave on the survivor. She describes structural dissociation (what even is that?!), posttraumatic stress, and ways to approach childhood abuse.

    Dr Boganin is a clinical psychologist skilled in working with people who have complex PTSD through modalities such as EMDR, DBT, and others.

    To find out more about Dr Boganin and the work she does here: https://www.alliedpsychologygroup.com.au/about-us


    To access Emil's FREE Academia courses on anxiety, stress, trauma, self-awareness, and the neurobiology of confidence use this link.

    BUY Emil's book (2017 edition), click here (IT'S UNDER $2!)

    Check Emil out on the Socials by clicking below:

    Apple Podcasts

    Music Credit: Adam Matejko, 'He Is Not My Luke'

    The Emil Barna Podcast
    en-gbOctober 12, 2022

    39: Willpower | Chapter 2 | Minding The Brain Towards Change

    39: Willpower | Chapter 2 | Minding The Brain Towards Change

    In this episode, psychotherapist Emil Barna reads the revised second chapter to his 2017 book Minding The Brain Towards Change: What Willpower Really Means For Addiction.

    Here is a snippet from the book:

    "... there formed a group of Kurdish female freedom fighters who began to hold the Islamic State (IS) at bay in the small Syrian town of Kobane. These freedom fighters were relentless. They were convinced that IS was afraid of them because if a fighter were to die at the hands of a woman they wouldn’t inherit heaven. These women were convinced that the reason they were so successful at holding IS off was the power of their indomitable ‘will.’ They said that their ‘will’ could not be budged, and that IS could never compete with their determination. Driving IS from Kobane was top priority.."

    Chapter Summary

    Main Points

    • Willpower is the energy behind self-control
    • Self-control is the ability to refrain from current temptation for a future goal
    • Glucose is an important carbohydrate that gives you the energy to do the things you set your mind to
    • Things like violence, aggression, tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, stress, and a lack of attention can often come about when blood glucose levels and metabolism are out-of-whack
    • Expectations play a big role in willpower
    • Self-regulation is the ability to evaluate the pros and cons of a particular behaviour and adjust that behaviour accordingly
    • Self-awareness is the ability to know yourself, others, and your surroundings
    • Willpower, self-control, self-regulation, and self-awareness work together in intricate ways to help you keep to your set goals

     Practical Considerations

    • Keep your body well-nourished for the exercise of energy
    • Remind yourself that positive expectations lead your brain to work better on a goal you’ve set for yourself
    • Open your mind, learn more about yourself, listen to others' opinions of yourself (especially if you disagree with them), and consider your impact on others and the way others impact you
    • Weigh up the pros and cons in determining the benefit of a particular action


    To access Emil's FREE Academia courses on anxiety, stress, trauma, self-awareness, and the neurobiology of confidence use this link.

    BUY Emil's book (2017 edition), click here (IT'S UNDER $2!)

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    Apple Podcasts

    The Emil Barna Podcast
    en-gbJuly 17, 2022

    38: Addiction | Chapter 1 | Minding The Brain Towards Change

    38: Addiction | Chapter 1 | Minding The Brain Towards Change

    In this episode, psychotherapist Emil Barna reads the revised first chapter to his 2017 book Minding The Brain Towards Change: What Willpower Really Means For Addiction.

    Here is a snippet from the book:

    "In the 1970s, the communist politician Pol Pot took power of Cambodia and led a militant regime—helped along by the Khmer Rouge (a communist-backed militant group operating at the beck and call of Pol Pot)—that made it their mission to wipe out academics, businessmen, monks, and anybody who sought to question the regime. Some of Makara’s family were among the two million people murdered during that time. At the time, those being executed had to dig their own graves before receiving a death blow (usually by a sharpened bamboo stick through the back of the skull). Many fled, including Makara's family. Some would set up shop in countries like Australia, becoming successful businessmen and women. Others would try to extinguish the traumatic flashbacks of these incidents by using drugs, especially heroin. Once the drug's effects wore off, the evil thoughts re-penetrated."

    Chapter Summary

    Main Points

    • There are many ways to understand addiction and all include personal choice
    • The brain is the main organ affected when you use an addictive substance and use can lead to neural degeneration and loss of function (especially when starting earlier in life)
    • Addiction is not a brain disease in the proper sense. Although the brain is affected, you can choose to recover when ceasing use

     Practical Considerations

    • The more you understand about addiction, the better you’ll be able to help those who are addicted. Patience and curiosity are the best approaches to addressing those with an addiction


    To access Emil's FREE Academia courses on anxiety, stress, trauma, and the neurobiology of confidence use this link.

    BUY Emil's book (2017 edition), click here (IT'S UNDER $2!)

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    Apple Podcasts

    The Emil Barna Podcast
    en-gbMay 27, 2022

    37: Introduction | Minding The Brain Towards Change

    37: Introduction | Minding The Brain Towards Change

    In this episode, psychotherapist Emil Barna reads aloud the revised introduction to his 2017 book Minding The Brain Towards Change: What Willpower Really Means For Addiction.

    Here are a few snippets from the book:

    "In his powerful memoir Man’s Search for Meaning, the Holocaust survivor and psychiatrist Viktor E. Frankl said that a person's will to meaning was their “primary motivational force.” What did he mean by this? Essentially, he was referring to the way one makes meaning out of what's happened in their life. To Frankl, this meaning is what motivates. When one finds meaning in life, they feel like they've got a purpose—they're energised, pursuing something of value. In fact, time and again I've seen that when a person suffers needlessly and cannot find purpose to that suffering, they're much more likely to develop posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)."

    Chapter 1 will introduce the concept of addiction and define key terms. I’ll discuss the basics of the human brain and how it’s affected when a person decides to take drugs or drink alcohol.

    Chapter 2 will talk about willpower, utilising the field of neuroscience and physiology to paint a scientific picture of a practical construct. I’ll review how glucose metabolism operates within the human brain and its relationship to willpower and addiction.

    Chapter 3 will combine and relate addiction and willpower from a practical point of view. I’ll talk about how willpower relates to the absorption of glucose within the human brain and why this matters for addiction. I’ll discuss how you could lose motivation and how to overcome this on the road to recovery through self-awareness and regulation. This chapter will also discuss nutrition.

    Chapter 4 will focus on philosophy. What does philosophy have to do with willpower and addiction? Read on. You'll see.

    Chapter 5 will talk about love and attachment. This one's for all you love-birds out there.

    Chapter 6 will bring it all together, listing a bunch of practical tips and tricks to living a happier, wholesome, and healthy life.

    Chapter 7 will include afterthoughts, especially relating to the complexity of human life and how there may be some individuals who find it difficult to apply this learning due to things like suicidality and post-traumatic stress.


    To access Emil's FREE Academia courses on anxiety, stress, trauma, and the neurobiology of confidence use this link.

    BUY Emil's book (2017 edition), click here (IT'S UNDER $2!)

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    Apple Podcasts

    The Emil Barna Podcast
    en-gbMay 10, 2022

    36: What Willpower REALLY Means For Addiction | Book Details

    36: What Willpower REALLY Means For Addiction | Book Details

    Emil Barna's experience as an addiction therapist and familiarity with a wide variety of work in psychology and philosophy equips him to be an ideal guide to the interested reader or the person struggling with addiction and their families. This book helps all of us, addict and non-addict alike, better understand ourselves.

    —Neil Levy, PhD
    Senior Research Fellow, Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, University of Oxford
    Author of Consciousness and Moral Responsibility

    In this episode, psychotherapist Emil Barna discusses the context behind his 2017 book Minding The Brain Towards Change: What Willpower Really Means For Addiction alongside his current revision of the text. What follows is his reading of the entire book, revised and expanded.

    This episode includes the Endorsement, Book Details, Dedication, and Preface.


    To access Emil's FREE Academia courses on anxiety, stress, trauma, and the neurobiology of confidence use this link.

    BUY Emil's book (2017 edition), click here (IT'S UNDER $2!)

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    Apple Podcasts

    The Emil Barna Podcast
    en-gbMay 06, 2022

    New Series Coming Soon!

    New Series Coming Soon!

    Psychotherapist Emil Barna announces a new series for The Emil Barna Podcast!

    Curios? Tune in to hear how he will be reading aloud his eBook on addiction and willpower, providing practical strategies to tackle addictive behaviours in your life or the life of somebody you love. To find out more, keep tuned. 


    To access Emil's FREE Academia courses on anxiety, stress, trauma, and the neurobiology of confidence use this link.

    BUY Emil's eBook on addiction and willpower here (IT'S UNDER $2!)

    Check Emil out on the Socials by clicking below:

    Apple Podcasts

    The Emil Barna Podcast
    en-gbMay 03, 2022

    35: When Nietzsche Wept | Psychological Book Review

    35: When Nietzsche Wept | Psychological Book Review

    Psychotherapist Emil Barna surveys the psychological and clinical themes that appear in his reading of Irvin Yalom's masterpiece When Nietzsche Wept. He picks up on and makes accessible themes relating to existential psychotherapy, physical illness, human suffering, philosophical exploration, death, and acting with intention without forgoing personal responsibility.


    To access Emil's Academia courses on anxiety, stress, trauma, and the neurobiology of confidence at 50% off (INCLUDES ACADEMIA SUBSCRIPTION to access these and HUNDREDS of other courses), use this link.

    BUY Emil's eBook on addiction and willpower here (IT'S UNDER $2!)

    Check Emil out on the Socials by clicking below:

    Apple Podcasts

    The Emil Barna Podcast
    en-gbMarch 04, 2022