
    The Entrepreneur Way

    Are you an Entrepreneur, Wantrepreneur, or Small Business Owner? Would you like new ideas, insight inspiration that you can apply from successful entrepreneurs? Be our guest and listen to our podcast to discover how other entrepreneurs are getting all of this as they commute, and as they workout in the gym, and as they jog etc. 7 days a week we interview successful entrepreneurs and talk about their journey to discover their struggle before finding success, the big ideas that made their businesses grow, and their aspirations and ideas for the future. In each episode of The Entrepreneur Way Neil chats with successful entrepreneurs as they reveal golden nuggets of information and advice. For the Show Notes and the latest news go to http://theentrepreneurway.com/
    enThe Entrepreneur Way1000 Episodes

    Episodes (1000)

    2048: Unleash the Boldness Inside You with Fred Joyal

    2048: Unleash the Boldness Inside You with Fred Joyal

    Fred Joyal is #1 Amazon Bestselling author, speaker, entrepreneur, and business advisor. He co-founded the most successful dentist referral service in the country:1-800-DENTIST, which, over 30 years, generated over $1 billion in revenue. Along with this achievement, he has also been awarded the Conrad Hilton Distinguished Entrepreneur Award by Loyola Marymount University, and had a successful career at one of the top advertising firms in Los Angeles; for which, as the company’s CEO, he has written over 200 television and radio commercials, written two books on marketing, dabbled in stand-up and improv comedy, acted in bad movies and excellent TV commercials.

    “Start. Get up every day and start something and focus on what you need to do that day – it will aggregate. Don’t get too involved about your five or 10 year plan because nobody can predict five years from now anymore. Listen to the marketplace, listen to what your customers are telling you. A lot of people don’t do that and they don’t adjust to that. And don’t complain about the fact that your business is hard because if it were easy then everybody would be doing it. Be happy that it is hard, be excited that it is really hard and be really good at it”…[Listen for More]

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    2047: Get Ready for a Wild Ride with Mike Malatesta

    2047: Get Ready for a Wild Ride with Mike Malatesta

    Mike Malatesta is an entrepreneur who has helped start, grow, and sell two amazingly successful waste management companies. One sold for mid-8 figures and the other sold for low-9 figures. Mike also created and host the "How'd it Happen Podcast" [200+ Episodes] where I explore stories, lessons, and wins with some of the most fascinating and successful people in the world. His new book, "Owner Shift - How Getting Selfish Got Me Unstuck" is a philosophical memoir that reveals the secret to why so many entrepreneurs get stuck and how they can SHIFT to get free once again. Following the success of his book, Mike founced Owner Shift Coaching, an exclusive and customized one-on-one coaching program for high-performing entrepreneurs and CEOs.

    “Get ready for a wild ride. And I mean a wild ride in an exceptionally positive way and a wild ride in a challenging way that you can’t even anticipate. And I don’t say that to scare people but to get people prepared and ready because this is not an easy game to play but it can be very rewarding game particularly if you know… Just like a professional sports team knows they are going to get beat on a play, they are going to get hurt and things are not going to go right. Lots of things are not going to go right and you are not going to win every game but if you stick to the basics of business, you have resilience, you know that you can’t expect perfection but you also know that every single day you can get better - I think that’s what you need”…[Listen for More]

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    2046: Elevating Your Business with Macy Troyer Founder and Owner of Blossm Social Media

    2046: Elevating Your Business with Macy Troyer Founder and Owner of Blossm Social Media

    Macy Troyer is the founder and CEO of Blossm Social Media, a social media marketing agency. She is a business owner and entrepreneur. Macy is an expert in personal branding, social media marketing, and scaling brands in both the public and private sectors and for professional athletes. Receiving her first award for entrepreneurship and innovation at 17, Macy’s most significant assets are providing solutions, growing brands online, and bringing ideas to life.

    “Choose your pain because no matter what route you choose you are going to be challenged and it is going to be hard”…[Listen for More]

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    2045: Taking Your Business to New Heights with Farzad Rashidi Co-Founder and Partner of Respona

    2045: Taking Your Business to New Heights with Farzad Rashidi Co-Founder and Partner of Respona

    Farzad Rashidi is the lead innovator at Respona, the all-in-one digital PR and link-building software that combines personalization with productivity. He also runs the marketing efforts at Visme, where he helped the company gain over 12 million active users and pass 2M monthly organic traffic.

    “it’s going to be okay… Sometimes it’s easy to get freaked out about things… Knowing that mistakes happen and things don’t always go the way you want them to is part of the journey. And when you look back at it, things will always make sense and it’s not always as bad as it is in your head”…[Listen for More]

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    2044: Stop Thinking about it and Get Started with John Connors Co-Founder and Co-Owner of Boathouse Group Inc

    2044: Stop Thinking about it and Get Started with John Connors Co-Founder and Co-Owner of Boathouse Group Inc

    John Connors is the co-founder and CEO of Boathouse Group, a Boston based full-service marketing and technology agency focused on how marketing can drive company performance. He has built the business over 18 years purely on referrals and a great reputation, as well as a simple idea that if you make a promise, you keep a promise. This mindset has rewarded John and his company with large success along with a high retention rate among clients. After starting his career at the largest agency in New England (Hill, Holliday) and the largest agency in the world (McCann), he launched his own firm in 2001. John has a strong belief that agencies and marketing departments have lost the respect of C-Suites and boards over the past few decades, while possessing an equally strong conviction that now is the best time in a generation to rebuild that respect based on the ability to connect strategy, data, creativity and technology.

    “Get started… Stop thinking about it and get started”…[Listen for More]

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    2043: Telling Your Story and Publishing Your Book with Jeremy D Brown Founder and Owner of Throne Publishing Group

    2043: Telling Your Story and Publishing Your Book with Jeremy D Brown Founder and Owner of Throne Publishing Group

    Beginning his entrepreneurial journey at age 19, Jeremy D Brown used his free time to interview hundreds of successful people across the country, learning from their expertise and acting on their advice. As Jeremy's business development and sales expertise grew, he decided to write his first book in order to establish authority, generate leads, and increase his credibility. The result? His business exploded and Jeremy knew he had found his calling - empowering leaders to share their stories.

    “Stop listening to this podcast and any podcast and any webinar and anything that you are doing right now and go and start working at it, get it done. I wouldn’t listen to any more of Neil’s 2000 plus podcasts unless it’s in the background while I actually doing what I say I’m going to do so that you become the person that Neil then calls to be on the podcast instead of just listening to it”…[Listen for More]

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    2042: Building an Ecosystem of People and Consultants and Peers with Satyam Kantamneni Founder and Partner of Ux Reactor Inc

    2042: Building an Ecosystem of People and Consultants and Peers with Satyam Kantamneni Founder and Partner of Ux Reactor Inc

    Prior to founding UXReactor, Satyam Kantamneni led various in-house design organizations such as Citrix and PayPal. He is also an alumnus of Harvard Business School. While at Harvard, Satyam realized that most businesses aren’t leveraging the full power of User Experience (UX) Design as an engine for strategic growth. So, he resolved to change that. Through UXReactor, Satyam demonstrated that UX can and should drive enterprise-wide innovation and business outcomes. UXReactor has enabled its clients-partners to generate hundreds of millions in additional revenue from user-cen-tered innovation. Satyam is passionate about user-centered innovation and he is authoring a book titled which will be released in May 2022.

    “Take it one quarter at a time. Don’t worry about trying to figure out where and how you will end up 10 years from now … Don’t let the destination mess with the journey and enjoy every phase of the journey and plan for every sub phase of the journey. But don’t plan for the big part because you don’t know where you will end up and what will happen, what resources, what the market … Don’t try to control them, don’t try to predict them just work in the first quarter or two ”…[Listen for More]

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    2041: Stop Hanging Around People Who Don't Want to win with Tracy Benson Co-Founder and Owner of Obsesh Media Group Inc

    2041: Stop Hanging Around People Who Don't Want to win with Tracy Benson Co-Founder and Owner of Obsesh Media Group Inc

    Tracy Benson is the CEO and co-founder of Obsesh, the sports marketplace platform connecting consumers to top athletes, and empowering athlete entrepreneurs to manage, merchandise, market, and monetize their fans online. Previously she was Global Chief Marketing Officer at Seek Thermal, Global Chief Marketing & Product Officer at Monster Inc. (maker of Beats by Dre and Monster headphones), Head of Marketing at Best Buy, Hyper-Growth Market leader at The Home Depot (where she developed the first athlete-work program for Olympians) and Sales & Marketing Manager at AT&T. Tracy was an All-Conference NCAA volleyball athlete at Western Illinois University before becoming a professional beach volleyball player. She earned an MBA in Marketing & Finance from the University of Notre Dame.

    “Fear can kill growth. You can’t be afraid, stay focused, understand your why, put your story out there, don’t let fear get in the way. Your job is to solve a problem as an entrepreneur. Don’t give up to early. Rarely is it a honeymoon other ride rarely but if you have got your purpose and you understand your story keep telling that story keep focused on that story. The journey of how you will solve your problem is going to change because we are in this changing environment”…[Listen for More]

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    2040: Methodical in Starting and Building Your Business with Sherrie Price Clark Founder and Owner of Storehouse Media Group, LLC

    2040: Methodical in Starting and Building Your Business with Sherrie Price Clark Founder and Owner of Storehouse Media Group, LLC

    Sherrie Clark is the founder and CEO of Storehouse Media Group as well as a best-selling and award-winning author, ghostwriter, author coach, editor, publisher, and book marketer. She uses her 17 years of acquired skills, accomplishments, and experiences to raise up best-selling and award-winning authors, many of whom are entrepreneurs and leaders. To date, she has worked on over 160 books, noting the common struggles many authors share, especially new ones. Her online courses were created to show them how to address those challenges before they arise so they can achieve success with writing a book. So whether she’s coaching authors one-on-one, in groups, or through her online courses, she’s passionate about ensuring they create a book they’re proud to have their name on. Over the years, Sherrie has been dubbed the “Page-Turner Queen” because of her ability to communicate through storytelling and skillfully pull stories and messages out of people. She then masterfully crafts them in a way that not only breathes life into them but also gives her clients credibility and value so that they can become the go-to expert in their profession. As a national speaker, she enjoys sharing her love for storytelling and how it can change lives, even cultures. She learned how to tell a good story as a police officer with the NYPD and has honed this skill ever since through content writing, copywriting, and books. Sherrie has enjoyed every role and phase of her life. She feels each one has contributed to where she’s at now, doing what she’s most passionate about, and fulfilling the adage, “Do what you love to do, and you’ll never work a day in your life.”

    “be methodical in starting and building your business. There is a saying that says don’t quit your day job and to me that means that if you are wanting to build a business do it on the side, keep working your job - the job that is providing for you and your family. Because in reality building a business and realising that kind of income it can sometimes take some time and if you replace it with your job you may find yourself and your family in a bad place without that financial support - and it could become really hard on the family as well. And to make matters worse you will become desperate ”…[Listen for More]

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    2039: Overcoming Impostor Syndrome with Amanda Hamilton Founder and Owner of Hamilton Raye

    2039: Overcoming Impostor Syndrome with Amanda Hamilton Founder and Owner of Hamilton Raye

    Amanda Hamilton believes most business owners are getting it wrong. It’s not about just delegating. It’s about delegating with intention. She is the founder of Hamilton Raye “Your Outsourced Admin”, which brings professional remote administrative support to startup organizations and businesses so that you can claim your most valuable nonrenewable resources.

    “Even when the times are tough and you get extremely discouraged don’t lose that momentum. Find the one little glimpse of light that you could see out of a challenging circumstance to keep yourself going. Because it can be really tough and it can feel really dark at times but there is definitely light at the end of the tunnel. And while it takes a long time to get there will get their and everyone goes through it.”…[Listen for More]

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    2038: $600 Million of Exits and Never Hired a Single Employee with Trevor Blake

    2038: $600 Million of Exits and Never Hired a Single Employee with Trevor Blake

    Trevor Blake is a physicist by background who grew up extremely poor. Eventually, he tapped into the workings of energy, consciousness, and transformation and began creating through intentionality. Over the last ten years, Trevor has created and successfully exited three separate companies for over $600 million and never hired a single employee.

    "So, I have all the same doubts that everyone else has but what I learned through all of the biographies and all of the testing I have done through life is the tools and techniques that I can use for myself to help me get through that”…[Listen for More]

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    2037: Your Passport for a Busy Business with Dr Gordon Jones Founder and Owner of Thrivacy

    2037: Your Passport for a Busy Business with Dr Gordon Jones Founder and Owner of Thrivacy

    Dr. Gordon Jones is a former healthcare executive turned entrepreneur. With more than 30 years of digital innovation, entrepreneurship, and business development experience, Dr. Jones has founded and invested in a variety of projects and startups. Alongside his role leading the emergence of Validide, he is the Adjunct Professor of Blockchain, Data Privacy and Self Sovereign Identity at the University of South Carolina. Dr. Jones earned his bachelor’s degree in business administration from The Citadel. Following two tours as a member of the United States Army, Dr. Jones completed his master’s and doctorate degrees in health administration from the Medical University of South Carolina.

    “Really think about all you are going to have to endure in order to do this because it is going to be very difficult and I don’t want you giving up two quickly. So, once you commit to your idea… And there is different ways to bring it to market, you don’t have to do it by yourself. You can patent it and licence it. But at the end of the day really think about how you want to bring this thing to life, decide on what path you want to do that in, and then once you commit then you have got to stick with it”…[Listen for More]

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    2036: Passion for Business and Talent for Success with Shawn Khorrami Founder and Owner of Khorrami Consulting

    2036: Passion for Business and Talent for Success with Shawn Khorrami Founder and Owner of Khorrami Consulting

    Shawn Khorrami has made a career of identifying and artfully handling the issues most business owners don’t even look at or lose sleep over. He has been a serial entrepreneur since the age of 16, having started and managed more than a dozen businesses involving products and services across a wide range of verticals.

    “Take the steps forward… Don’t be so hard-headed about the product, have flexibility… You have to have that flexibility to keep on developing to bring what you envision as product you are bringing to the world and the problem you are solving…to understand that the world may have different ideas of what that problem is and you may not fully understand it and that may mean changing. So that is a very important thing that I do not see a lot of times”…[Listen for More]

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    2035: Value Is Built Over Time with Ed Vincent Founder and Co-Owner of Festival Pass LLC

    2035: Value Is Built Over Time with Ed Vincent Founder and Co-Owner of Festival Pass LLC

    Ed Vincent is an Entrepreneur with over 25 years business, technology and management experience including 6 years banking and valuation experience. Founded an e-commerce business in 1999 which was sold to a competitor in 2001. Repeat Founder including SimplyEngage, myProducer, & Predict Ventures. Currently Founder & CEO of festivalPass. Specialties: Subscription Business Models, Marketplaces, NFTs, Corporate Development, Marketing and Branding, Company Structuring, Technology Marketing Solutions, Entertainment Consulting, Complex Deal Structuring

    “Patience… I think every entrepreneur expects things to go faster than they do… I think the patients to realise that value is built over time and things don’t always happen as fast as you expect them to. Persistence and patience is what usually creates value”…[Listen for More]

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    2034: Finding the Right Person to Help You When You Feel Stuck with Tiffani Higgins Founder and Owner of The Stay At Home Bookkeeper Academy

    2034: Finding the Right Person to Help You When You Feel Stuck with Tiffani Higgins Founder and Owner of The Stay At Home Bookkeeper Academy

    Tiffani Higgins is the founder of the Stay at Home Bookkeeper Academy and a mother of five amazing children. She started her career out as a CPA working 60 hours a week during tax season, feeling guilty for “choosing” her career over her family. She realized 80% of what she was doing in bookkeeping data entry and could be done from anywhere, so why was she working for a corporation away from her family? Now, she works for herself for 10 hours a week, makes nearly the same pay with no more long days, no stress, and, most importantly, she gets to spend valuable time with her sweet family. She started the Stay at Home Bookkeeper Academy to teach thousands how to make money while pursuing the freedom in life they desire, whether working from home or on the road in an RV.

    “if you feel stuck in any way in your business there is a solution, you just have to find the right person that can help you with that. So, whether that’s a coach or a business partner or a vendor or a team member somebody out there has the solution so don’t focus on the problem focus on how you can attract that solution”…[Listen for More]

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    2033: The Importance of Having Metrics to Measure Progress in Your Business with Renee Fry Founder and Co-Owner of Gentreo Inc

    2033: The Importance of Having Metrics to Measure Progress in Your Business with Renee Fry Founder and Co-Owner of Gentreo Inc

    Renee Fry is the Co-Founder and CEO of Gentreo, an on-line software provider with a mission to provide affordable, accessible and easy-to-use estate planning tools for everyone. Renee has led and helped start multiple companies, served in the Massachusetts government cabinet as head of Business and Technology and is a graduate of Harvard Business School.

    “Do it, try it, get going. Those are the things that to many people spend too much time asking questions, planning… Put something out there, try it out see what’s working, see what’s not working… When I say do it it’s more get product, get going and make sure that people have something to try out, and that you get your name out there as well”…[Listen for More]

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    2032: Legal Marketing in a Business with Jordan Ostroff Co-Founder and Owner of Legalease Marketing

    2032: Legal Marketing in a Business with Jordan Ostroff Co-Founder and Owner of Legalease Marketing

    Jordan Ostroff is a visionary entrepreneur, President of LegalEase Marketing, Managing Partner of Jordan Law Fl, Host of multiple facebook live show and the Chair of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Florida.

    “You have to know your ideal client. The more that you know your ideal client, the one you truly want to work with, the best kind of client as specifically as possible the easier every other decision becomes because you can think about where they are now and that’s where you can market to. You can think about where they are going to go when they need you and that’s where you market to. You can think about what they are really concerned about and you can write about that or talk about that in what you are putting out there. You can think about what they want to see out of the company when they hire it and you start doing those things. You start thinking about what they want to see after they have done hiring you and start doing those things to get referrals and more business”…[Listen for More]

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    2031: Trust Is the Foundation of Every Relationship with Cody Bjugan Founder and Owner of Bjugan Enterprises Inc and VestRight LLC and Allied Development

    2031: Trust Is the Foundation of Every Relationship with Cody Bjugan Founder and Owner of Bjugan Enterprises Inc and VestRight LLC and Allied Development

    Cody Bjugan has been a key player in 30 development projects, developing 2,300 lots/units from raw dirt to create $920M in revenue from residential real estate development. He started VestRight in 2019, to teach others the system that got him into the game, a simple way to create 5 to 7-figure paydays from off-market land deals, without owning or developing the land, without debt, and with very little cash at risk.

    “Just don’t stop. Keep going, keep pushing, don’t give up on yourself, you are worthy and you are capable… A lot of entrepreneurs are their own worst critic… Get out of your own head and just don’t stop, don’t give up, keep pushing forward… Really be aware of have you put limitations on yourself and are those fair limitations or are they limitations that you need to figure out how to overcome and remove from your thinking”…[Listen for More]

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    2030: Business Acumen in Apparel with Bryan Rhode Founder and Owner of Acumen Apparel

    2030: Business Acumen in Apparel with Bryan Rhode Founder and Owner of Acumen Apparel

    Bryan Rhode is the founder of ACUMEN Apparel, a new men’s clothing brand keeping dress shirts tucked and tight all day. He served in the Marine corps infantry and practiced corporate law before becoming a prosecutor. Rhode served as Secretary of Public Safety for the Commonwealth of Virginia.

    “My best advice is just to stay at it. It’s a lengthy process… There are going to be million reasons to turn your back along the way and just stop particularly when you see how long process is. But if you are really committed to it my advice to you, is you have just got to stay with it, stay with it, stay with it, stay with it, keep going. It seems long, it seems hard but you will look back and it will have gone by in a blink and you will be amazed at what you can achieve”…[Listen for More]

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    2029: The New Model of Selling with Jeremy Miner Founder and Owner of 7th Level Communications LLC

    2029: The New Model of Selling with Jeremy Miner Founder and Owner of 7th Level Communications LLC

    We live in a post-trust world, but Jeremy Miner understands what it takes to not push, but persuade customers in the world of selling. As the founder of 7th Level Communications, Jeremy educates how to close more sales in less time, learning how to communicate to today’s cautious, skeptical buyers.

    “learn how to position your brand the right way where people don’t view you as some needy company but you are viewed as more of a trusted authority, viewed more as an expert who is going to get them the results that they want. It’s all about how you position your brand”…[Listen for More]

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