
    The Entrepreneur Way

    Are you an Entrepreneur, Wantrepreneur, or Small Business Owner? Would you like new ideas, insight inspiration that you can apply from successful entrepreneurs? Be our guest and listen to our podcast to discover how other entrepreneurs are getting all of this as they commute, and as they workout in the gym, and as they jog etc. 7 days a week we interview successful entrepreneurs and talk about their journey to discover their struggle before finding success, the big ideas that made their businesses grow, and their aspirations and ideas for the future. In each episode of The Entrepreneur Way Neil chats with successful entrepreneurs as they reveal golden nuggets of information and advice. For the Show Notes and the latest news go to http://theentrepreneurway.com/
    enThe Entrepreneur Way1000 Episodes

    Episodes (1000)

    2028: Only Focusing on What You Can Control with Robert Overweg Founder and Owner of Adaptable Mindset

    2028: Only Focusing on What You Can Control with Robert Overweg Founder and Owner of Adaptable Mindset

    Robert Overweg is the founder of the Adaptable Mindset program. He and his team empower people to develop their own Adaptable Mindset, to develop mental flexibility. Learn how to create mental space and to find new possibilities.

    “Follow your own path, take care of this mental space that we have been talking about, take care of your inspiration and build a structure that supports you. Like structure of how many times you exercise, where you take your inspiration and a few things which helped me a lot which is how to find your USP, your unique selling point. It could be by thinking what is your spiky point of view? What is the one thing that you believe is true but other people still have difficulty accepting but you can have beautiful discourse about and you can talk for hours or days about that specific subject. I think those are wonderful tips. ”…[Listen for More]

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    2027: If You Plan You Will Get That Future with Bew White Founder and Owner of Summer Classics

    2027: If You Plan You Will Get That Future with Bew White Founder and Owner of Summer Classics

    Bew White began his entrepreneurial journey at age 28, and despite many ups and downs, started his own company called Summer Classics - he designs, creates, and builds beautiful furniture. Bew was inspired to write his biography outlining his successes and failures and what it means to live a truly substantial life. The book, "A Summer Classic, The Bew White Story", helps readers jump into the wealth of experience of Bew White. He offers crucial lessons in both business and life to those who have ambition but perhaps not the road map to success.

    “Have those six characteristics or stop… The grit… Push through. Don’t let anything get you down. Push through. And you will think that you can’t push through but you can. You have got to have that grit to be able to push through”…[Listen for More]

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    2026: Generating Something That Solves a Problem and People Really Appreciate with Guy Remond Co-Founder and Co-Owner of Guidr LLC

    2026: Generating Something That Solves a Problem and People Really Appreciate with Guy Remond Co-Founder and Co-Owner of Guidr LLC

    Guy Remond - Non Executive Director, Investor & Entrepreneur An experienced individual with over 20 years in the tech, software & consulting/advisory industries, as a founder, director, investor and advisor. Brief Profile: Guy’s working career began in retail where he enjoyed an eleven-year stint in various managerial positions. Following this, he followed his passion for anything technical and branched out on his own into the technical world. In 2001 he was a founding member and CEO of Cake Solutions Limited and over the next 16 years, he directly oversaw the development of the business from a small start-up to that of an international, multi-million-pound company respected as being at the cutting edge of engineering and process in the open-source software development world. After being recognised in the Deloitte UK Technology Fast 50 and being viewed as one of the most unique, forward-thinking and fast-growth companies in the industry Cake Solutions Limited was acquired by a multinational corporation and the business was subsequently rebranded as Disney Streaming Services, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a company owned by The Walt Disney Corporation. As a creative and widely experienced individual with a keen focus on personal development, company culture and process improvement, Guy has invested in a number of companies and is actively working with these companies in a non-executive director or chairman role, helping them to fulfil the leadership's drive to a successful outcome. Guy is building two new organisations with his business partners Gary Fletcher and Dave Zumpano. EHE Capital Limited is a highly efficient tech-led Private Equity organisation with a genuine focus on supporting entrepreneurs through their companies high growth stage through to a successful conclusion. We also provide qualified, high-quality deal flow for investors, private equity and venture capital organisations. Guidr LLC is a legal document platform whose moonshot is to be the largest legal entity in the world that does not employ any lawyers. We are digitising, democratising and demonetising legal services, helping smaller law firms compete in the digital era. In addition to his working commitments, Guy dedicates time to charitable activities. For well over a decade he has worked with Variety - the Children's Charity in a number of voluntary roles, currently acting as the Chairman for the North West region in the UK and more recently as a Trustee for the organisation.

    “There is going to be more change in the next 10 years than there has been in the last 50. Any businesses that are not tech led or tech driven in the next 10 years that don’t adopt AI won’t be around, they will just disappear. All future businesses have to be tech led and they have to understand how artificial intelligence is going to affect that business and they then have to be on top of that and ahead of the curve and that will give them a fighting chance ”…[Listen for More]

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    2025: The Business of Online Growth with Kenny Gray Founder and Owner of Grayt Media LLC

    2025: The Business of Online Growth with Kenny Gray Founder and Owner of Grayt Media LLC

    With us today is Kenny Gray, founder of Grayt Media. Kenny and his team help businesses find their unique message. He is here today to provide insights on creating unique, creative strategies that produce effective results to help scale revenues, boost brand awareness, and enhance the user experience.

    “Come up with your plan and work it. And believe in yourself because nobody else is going to show up for you, no one is going to do it for you and no one is going to tell you that you are going to be great at it and you can do it. You just need to have goal and a vision and go for it. Even if your business or whatever your idea doesn’t pan out you are going to learn so much and it’s going to bring so much tremendous value to your life win or lose. Just keep swimming”…[Listen for More]

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    2024: Your Ideas. Your Voice. Your Book Done for You! with Vikrant Shaurya Founder and Owner of Best Selling Book

    2024: Your Ideas. Your Voice. Your Book Done for You! with Vikrant Shaurya Founder and Owner of Best Selling Book

    Vikrant Shaurya is the CEO & Founder of BestsellingBook.com, #1 Bestselling Author, sought-after Book Launch Manager, and an internationally recognized Digital Publishing Expert. He has helped thousands of entrepreneurs and first-time authors actualize their dreams by joining them in their self-publishing journeys through his courses, coaching, and done-for-you services.

    “Your business is kind of a reflection of your personality. The way you are, the way you are systemised, the way you deal with people, the way you prioritise. It is going to be reflected in your business. So, this really important to also work on yourself along with business. So, if you are constantly working, if you are constantly improving your business, I highly recommend people to improve yourself as well. And of course, improving yourself on all of the areas of your life not only with finance and business but also with productivity, with health, with relationships and all the other areas of your life which is going to drastically improve your business and also it’s going to make your entrepreneurial journey very easy”…[Listen for More]

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    2023: Being the Best at Whatever You Are Doing with Edwin Rojas Founder and Owner of Rojas Talent Group Inc

    2023: Being the Best at Whatever You Are Doing with Edwin Rojas Founder and Owner of Rojas Talent Group Inc

    Edwin Rojas was born for the entertainment industry. From stumbling into a magic shop at ten, entertaining “at sea”, to climbing his way up to corporate office as a talent booker, Edwin founded Rojas Talent Group and has now produced shows for numerous casinos, theatres, resorts, cruises and top corporations while also managing entertainers and consulting to major venues.

    “Follow your gut and just be the best you can be at whatever you are doing and don’t do everything for money. The money will come. If you are the best at whatever you are doing the word will spread like wildfire … People talk to people and you are going to have… There is nothing like word-of-mouth”…[Listen for More]

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    2022: If You Will it it Is Not a Dream with Evan Nierman Founder and Owner of Red Banyan

    2022: If You Will it it Is Not a Dream with Evan Nierman Founder and Owner of Red Banyan

    Evan Nierman is a crisis management expert who serves as the Founder and CEO of Red Banyan, a globally renowned public relations firm that guides clients through complex high stakes situations. He is also the bestselling author of CRISIS AVERTED: PR Strategies to Protect Your Reputation and the Bottom Line.

    “If you will it it is not a dream. If you believe in yourself and you believe in your team and you every day, take incremental steps to make yourself a little bit better each day. It’s like this Japanese concept of kaizen which is incremental improvement. If you get a little bit better as a person or as a business every single day in short order the gains are massive”…[Listen for More]

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    2021: Quickly Cutting Your Losses and Iterating with Dom Einhorn Founder and Owner of CX Sports

    2021: Quickly Cutting Your Losses and Iterating with Dom Einhorn Founder and Owner of CX Sports

    Dom Einhorn is the founder and CEO of CXSports, a technology platform that helps amateur and semi-professional sports teams develop and monetize their brand and media assets. Dom also serves as the president of Sarlat Rugby, a semi- professional rugby team founded in 1903.

    “Never give up. I’ve seen so many ventures that should have succeeded and did not ultimately succeed simply because the entrepreneur threw in the towel to early… If you truly are on the wrong track then yes you need to cut your losses but it doesn’t mean you have to give up being an entrepreneur. Try to pivot and try to find something that works. When you are doing gambles make calculated gambles that don’t cost you a fortune. Be able to quickly cut your losses and iterate. If you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur try and stay in entrepreneur and not get a job just because you had a failure. Don’t be afraid to fail. Fail as quickly as possible. The quicker you fail the cheaper it is. ”…[Listen for More]

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    2020: Creating Memorable Stories That Stand Out and Drive Predictable Sales with Joseph Wilkins Founder and Owner of Funny Sales Videos

    2020: Creating Memorable Stories That Stand Out and Drive Predictable Sales with Joseph Wilkins Founder and Owner of Funny Sales Videos

    20 years ago, Joseph Wilkins founded ProCreative marketing agency and has produced ad campaigns for clients including Google, Linkedin and McDonalds. With two decades experience, hundreds of millions of views and over $50 MILLION in tracked sales, Joseph shares his 8 step process to help other businesses drive online sales.

    “Get off your rear end and do it… You have got to outcomes… You can get off and go and do it and it will be outrageously successful or it can fail. And in both cases, you are going to learn… If you genuinely have a great business idea or even a good business idea with great marketing and great confidence you can take a good idea and you can make it great but you will never know if you don’t just go for it.”…[Listen for More]

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    2019: Bootstrapping a Beauty Business with Jared Mitchell Founder and Owner of Skin Care by Alana

    2019: Bootstrapping a Beauty Business with Jared Mitchell Founder and Owner of Skin Care by Alana

    Jared Mitchell is the co-founder of SkinCarebyAlana - which is one of the largest online retailers of organic and all natural skin care products. He started the company with his wife and is responsible for over 30 million dollars in product sales. Jared is also the eCommerce consultant for NPDigital and founder of BeefySites, which is focused on helping e-commerce founders scale up their businesses.

    “In the US the stat that I heard is 75 percent of all new businesses that are attempted fail. I think there is a good reason for that. I think number one people give up way too early. It’s about blood sweat and tears. There is going to be times when you are going out of business. You not only feel that you are, your numbers not only say it but you are. And you are in charge of your own destiny… If you are actually going to do it right starts from day one, make sure that your product is amazing. Do the right research… I rather see somebody wait and keep it as a side hustle for three or six months before rushing into something that is going to fail”…[Listen for More]

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    2018: Persistence and Perseverance Wins in Business with Ambrose Blowfield and of The Marketing Company

    2018: Persistence and Perseverance Wins in Business with Ambrose Blowfield  and  of The Marketing Company

    Ambrose Blowfield is one of Australasia’s leading trainers and specializes in mastering the sales conversation, business-to-business selling, mindset development and long-term business growth. He has delivered training in person in 10 different countries across 3 continents, his online training has helped over 15,000 businesses in 20 countries, across 6 continents.

    “aside from building a great and open support team around you it has to be persistence and perseverance. I think it was Thomas Edison said that genius or success becomes from one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. I think that is absolutely true in entrepreneurship. Having a great idea or a great product or a great service isn’t enough. You have got to be able to persevere and to see yourself through the ups and downs of life and business and the economies of the world and even the local economy. You are going to have to work hard hence pick something you are passionate about and then you will put in the perseverance”…[Listen for More]

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    2017: Stop Trading time for Money with Joey Mure and Russ Morgan Co-Founder and Co-Owner of Wealth Without Wall Street

    2017: Stop Trading time for Money with Joey Mure and Russ Morgan Co-Founder and Co-Owner of Wealth Without Wall Street

    Joey Mure, Founder and Partner at Wealth Without Wall Street, brings impact, integrity, and generosity to the company every day. He hopes to be remembered as a lover of Jesus, devoted husband, and faithful father. Despite dreaming, around age 10, of becoming an orthopedic surgeon, Joey was in the mortgage business for 11 year before moving to finance in 2014. His personal mentor, Nelson Nash — another man of integrity and impact — is someone Joey deeply admires. Joey’s strengths in building relationships, asking great questions, and influencing and empowering people with the Wealth Without Wall Street message make him invaluable to the company’s mission. He is relational, impactful, and a true leader. His colleagues would add that he’s thoughtful, funny, and a family man. Many people don’t know that Joey ate a 72-ounce steak dinner once. If he could be anywhere other than work, you’d find him at the beach with his family. And every Sunday morning, they’re worshipping the Lord. A lifetime goal of Joey’s is to impact the world for Christ; and a more near-term goal is to purchase a beach house for my family. Aside from Wealth Without Wall Street, Joey listens to Sharran Srivatsaa’s Business School podcast and Donald Miller’s Building A StoryBrand podcast. He’s happiest when he’s traveling with his wife or golfing with his girls. He cares deeply about Campus Outreach, Cru, Navigators, Sav a Life, Lifeline Adoption, and Young Business Leaders. His aims to live by the words “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path (Prov 3:5-6).” Wealth Without Wall Street’s Founder and Partner, Russ Morgan, is known as “The Idea Guy.” Russ began his professional career as an investment advisor in 2004 after graduating from Auburn University — a slight foray from 10-year-old Russ’ dream of becoming a professional baseball pitcher. Russ started IBC in 2009, and eventually went on to found Wealth Without Wall Street in 2015. Russ' mother was an enormous inspiration for him growing up. As a single mother with two young children, she took a rigorous, accelerated track through college while working multiple jobs, all with the goal of bettering her children’s lives. When he’s not working, you can wave to Russ on a boat at the lake pulling his kids around on a tube. And on Sunday mornings, he’s probably rushing to church with his family … only 10 minutes late. Russ’ creativity, fresh ideas, and knack for problem solving are indispensable assets to his role at Wealth Without Wall Street. Russ would describe himself as competitive, creative, and passionate; his colleagues would likely add that he is helpful and abundant. Russ hopes to be remembered as an innovator who loved to teach others, and he has a goal to one day serve in the mission field. Finishing the book is another more near-term goal. Aside from Wealth Without Wall Street, Russ learns from the Business School podcast with Sharran Srivatsaa and Donald Miller’s Building A StoryBrand book and podcast. Aspire Movement, Campus Outreach, and Young Business Leaders are three causes near to Russ’ heart. Russ in one motto? “Just try!”

    “I would say doing what you’re doing right now, educating yourself and even taking it one step further, networking… The more you can force yourself to be in a position to network and to grow that to me is number one… Find people who are successful, way more successful than you and spend time with them ”…[Listen for More]

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    2016: Understanding How to Scale with Lynne Silber Eichenbaum Founder and Owner of Nompi Gloves and Gardensleeves

    2016: Understanding How to Scale with Lynne Silber Eichenbaum Founder and Owner of Nompi Gloves and Gardensleeves

    Lynne Silber Eichenbaum is the inventor of GardenSleeves by NOMPI Gloves. A self-taught seamstress and a huge gardener who suffered multiple bouts of Poison Ivy, short wrist length glove was not helpful, so she invented GardenSleeves with a blouson sleeve that secured over the bicep with an elastic band.

    “Do your research, make sure you have a product that fills a need. Not just necessarily something that whimsical or that cute. What’s really going to sell is when you solve a problem that people have… Then take baby steps. Don’t spend your life savings and say okay I am just going to throw all of my eggs in one basket… I would say have faith, grow the business at a comfortable pace and just do it and you never know. You don’t know unless you try”…[Listen for More]

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    2015: Putting Your Money to Work So You Do Not Have to with Samson Jagoras Investor and Owner of The Growth Vue

    2015: Putting Your Money to Work So You Do Not Have to with Samson Jagoras Investor and Owner of The Growth Vue

    Samson Jagoras is an entrepreneur, RE/MAX commercial real estate broker. President, and founder of Growth Vue Properties. Over his 12+ year career in business, executive leadership & entrepreneurship, he has served as a professional Futures & Commodities broker, actively invested in real estate, and acted as the Chief Strategy Officer for Madwire, an INC 500 marketing, and technology company located in Fort Collins, Colorado. Samson currently puts together large commercial apartment investments throughout the United States, opportunistic land development, fix n flip and buy/hold deals in Northern Colorado; and sits on the executive leadership team at Madwire, where he helped grow revenue from 7 million to over 100 million & grown the employed base from 35 employees to 600 employees in ten years. Having built 5 departments, consulted thousands of businesses on marketing and business operations, hiring north of 400 employees, and coaching countless business/marketing professionals, Samson now uses those skill sets to structure, negotiate and manage multifamily projects for active and passive investors, business consulting and commercial real estate. Samson graduated from the University of Colorado and holds a master’s degree from Logan University.

    “Make sure that you are building a business that accommodates your lifestyle design. I see a lot of people build businesses that don’t actually support their ultimate life goals and they find themselves years later not entirely happy in their business or maybe not able to maximise the business to the greatest level because they aren’t ultimately not loving what they are doing”…[Listen for More]

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    2014: Fuelling Entrepreneurial Sparks with Christopher Kovalik Founder and Owner of Rushdown Revolt

    2014: Fuelling Entrepreneurial Sparks with Christopher Kovalik Founder and Owner of Rushdown Revolt

    Christopher Kovalik is the CEO and Creative Director of Rushdown Revolt. A former Wall Street Banker turned game developer, Chris risked reputation, success and salary to go all in on “the worst video game in history”, a platform fighting game that shut down after only a year of operation and was ranked in the bottom 5% of all Steam-reviewed games at the time. With no coding or game development experience, Chris relied on his analyzing skills, savviness and Wall-Street swagger to flip this game that flopped. By opening communication lines wide open between business leaders, developers, designers and gamers, encouraging a vibrant, active community and listening to customer feedback, Chris catapulted what was a thriving social environment for fighting games back to life. Rushdown Revolt has flipped the industry upside down ever since, ranking in the top 5% of all Steam-reviewed games in only two years since its acquisition and growing at a rapid rate, with game users up 20% month-over-month by word of mouth only.

    “Never give up and then you wont fail. You only fail once you give up”…[Listen for More]

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    2013: Creating the Shopify of Business Formation Services with Chad Sakonchick Founder and Co-Owner of Betterlegal

    2013: Creating the Shopify of Business Formation Services with Chad Sakonchick Founder and Co-Owner of Betterlegal

    Chad Sakonchick is a serial entrepreneur and automation expert. He believes strongly that humans should do things humans are good at and robots should do things robots are good at. His most recent business is BetterLegal, where he is automating the professional services arena.

    “a formula for building your business… If you are starting a business, you should develop and then market, and then develop and then market. And do equal parts of both because… Too many people think that their service is better, their product is better, and that might be true. I know ours is but it is not out there enough. And so, if you are starting from scratch, it should be… And develop doesn’t have to be software it can be developing processes, developing what your services look like or your culture. But develop in equal amounts as you market. And make sure that you do as much marketing as you do development because if you don’t tell anybody, if you don’t get that out there then it doesn’t matter how much time you spend on the development part”…[Listen for More]

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    2012: Finding the Gold in the Jewellery Business with Joseph Ladin Founder and Owner of SFL Maven Corp

    2012: Finding the Gold in the Jewellery Business with Joseph Ladin Founder and Owner of SFL Maven Corp

    Joseph Ladin is the CEO of SFLMaven Corporation, an online provider of premium, high-end luxury jewelry and goods, which he founded in 2003. He is a highly-accomplished entrepreneur with more than 18 years of e-commerce experience. Ladin graduated from the University of Florida with a degree in sociology and business.

    “Just go for it, do it while you are young… Even if you fail there’s still you went out and you did it you try your hardest and you learned lessons and you are just ready for the next adventure after that. There is no failing ”…[Listen for More]

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    2011: Disrupting the Flooring Industry with Jack Aspenson Founder and Owner of S3 Surface Solutions LLC

    2011: Disrupting the Flooring Industry with Jack Aspenson Founder and Owner of S3 Surface Solutions LLC

    Jack Aspenson is the CEO and President of S3 Surface Solutions, a disruptive, client driven organization that focuses on providing environmentally friendly, simple surface systems that are long lasting and cost-effective. With more than 25 years of experience in entrepreneurial business development, consulting, and sales management, Jack knows how to develop a competitive advantage.

    “accept risk. It’s going to happen… Accept change, be ready for it… Manage your personal cash flow as well as you do your business cash flow and don’t overspend. I don’t care if you are worth three or 4,000,000 dollars in the bank you can overspend and cause yourself to go down quickly… Plan… If you don’t have a plan you are planning to fail ”…[Listen for More]

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    2010: Execution Is Where Your Vision Comes Out with Christy Keeton Founder and Owner of Keeton Realty Investments LLC

    2010: Execution Is Where Your Vision Comes Out with Christy Keeton Founder and Owner of Keeton Realty Investments LLC

    As an Engineering Technician in the oil industry, Christy Keeton’s expertise was to analyze multi-million dollar acquisitions and build annual budgets. She opened Keeton Realty Investments in 2012 to flip houses. In 2019, focus transferred from single-family to multi-family. She chose real estate for freedom, to rescue children from trafficking, teach single parents be financially free and build a legacy.

    “don’t think you have to do it alone. Most businesses are a team effort. Somebody is going to know something more than you. Find somebody who has been in your shoes, see how they can help you. Education is great, knowledge is money, it really is. But experience, that is even greater. So if you can find somebody that can help you where you need help because they’ve already been there and they can bring your experience to you that is the best thing I can say. Just don’t do it alone, it will kill you”…[Listen for More]

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    2009: Redefining the Sleeping Market with Kevin Hillman Founder and Owner of Restflix

    2009: Redefining the Sleeping Market with Kevin Hillman Founder and Owner of Restflix

    Kevin Hillman is obsessed with redefining the sleep market. He has won multiple awards and was recently named a 40 under 40 award winner by the Business Observer. Hillman served as the president of Powr, a OTT platform, before launching Restlix.

    “My best advice would be if you have a vision, it is up to you to make it a reality. Create a plan to begin, execute it. Some things won’t go your way but stay the course and most importantly never get distracted or discouraged. I think you will have success if you can persevere”…[Listen for More]

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