
    The Ernpowered Life

    This podcast aims to inspire listeners to create the life that they want to live.
    en-usErn Ynion32 Episodes

    Episodes (32)

    Why There are Wars

    Why There are Wars

    Today, we still have that war in Ukraine that has been going on for the past two years.  We have another ongoing war in Israel.  We have so many pocket wars since the last World War in 1942. The Korean war, Vietnam, Afghanistan and so on.  But it is not about the wars that happened the last century that we are talking about.  We have been fighting for centuries.   Listen to find out why.

    Center of the Universe

    Center of the Universe

    We all know that Earth is just one of the planets that revolves around the sun.  And we also know that our solar system is just part of the Milky Way galaxy and that Milky Way is just one of the billions of galaxies in the universe.  So we are literally just a speck of a speck raised to the infinite power in the entire universe.  And yet, many times we act as if everything revolves around us.  Where did we get this idea?  What is the impact? And what are the solutions.

    The Depth of Envy

    The Depth of Envy

    Envy is one of the seven deadly sins in the Roman Catholic theology that leads to immoral behavior.   Envy is rooted on the concept of fairness.  In Cognitive Behavior Therapy, the Fallacy of fairness is a cognitive distortion that makes a person believe life should be fair.  What makes this distortion tough to understand is because as a society or community, we are governed by rules, laws and regulations that promote fairness.  In this episode, let’s look at the cause, the impact and how can we solve this.  

    Victim Drama Triangle

    Victim Drama Triangle

    The Victim Mentality has puzzled me for many years.  I always asked why kids, who used to be bubbly, energetic and full of life became depressed teenagers and irresponsible adults.  And this is happening everywhere.  What process are we going through or a system do we have in place that we are getting this type of results?  Because if we can just figure out what this process or system is, we can change it and thereby changing the outcome.  That system is the Victim Drama Triangle.

    Memory and Imagination

    Memory and Imagination

    Many adults when they see children becoming too imaginative, we tell them to get real and be grounded.  I think this is one of the greatest mistakes we made.   I believe every generation should be better than the previous generation.  To help our children to be better than us, we have to take care of their imagination.  Imagination is the key to survival.  Imagination is the key to progress.  Imagination is the key to evolution.  

    The Three Faces of Hope

    The Three Faces of Hope

    What is hope?  Why do we hope for a better future if no one can guarantee what the future will be even we act on it.  There are many schools of thought about it.  Discover them here in this episode

    The Ernpowered Life
    en-usJanuary 31, 2023

    Life Entanglement

    Life Entanglement

    Death is something we all share.  It is definite. However, we don’t know when it will come.  How do we prepare or better yet, what do we need to prepare?  Learn the three important steps before death comes.  

    The Ernpowered Life
    en-usJanuary 23, 2023

    Intelligence and Creativity

    Intelligence and Creativity

    Learn the relationship between intelligence and creativity.  Every person needs to understand this very well because it will spell the difference between living a full life or just getting by.  

    The Ernpowered Life
    en-usJanuary 16, 2023

    Types of Procrastination

    Types of Procrastination

    People may seem to be resistant to change because change is not happening in them.  Reality is, they want to change but they keep on putting the necessary action off.   This is procrastination and there are different types of it.  By knowing what type you are in can help you address it and put you in a position to complete whatever you are working on.