
    The Ernpowered Life

    This podcast aims to inspire listeners to create the life that they want to live.
    en-usErn Ynion32 Episodes

    Episodes (32)

    Dynamics of Change

    Dynamics of Change

    Change is necessary in life.  It is the only constant.  We need to better understand change so we could use it to improve our lives.  Learn the different types of change.

    The Ernpowered Life
    en-usDecember 20, 2022

    The Gift of Gratitude

    The Gift of Gratitude

    Gratitude is the quality of being thankful.  But contrary to popular belief, gratitude is not an attitude that you can turn on and off whenever you want to.  

    The Ernpowered Life
    en-usDecember 12, 2022

    Behind the Story of Adam and Eve

    Behind the Story of Adam and Eve

    We have popular beliefs that led to the challenges we face today.  Treating women as second class citizens for centuries, not giving them equal rights than men has been the biggest mistake we made in all humanity.    The world needs more women to step up.  

    The Ernpowered Life
    en-usDecember 06, 2022

    The Pursuit of Freedom

    The Pursuit of Freedom

    When we were born we only had two natural fears. But as we get older, we add to that list of fears.  Now, we are afraid of all sorts of things. We are afraid of darkness, uncertainty, being alone, making mistakes, failure, death etc.   Why is this so?  Is this really what life should be or we just completely misunderstood it.  

    The Ernpowered Life
    en-usNovember 28, 2022

    Going Beyond Ownership

    Going Beyond Ownership

    Sense of ownership is what we need to develop to fight entitlement.  However, there is a point that we need to abandon it to something far more important.  

    The Ernpowered Life
    en-usNovember 21, 2022

    The Trap of Entitlement

    The Trap of Entitlement

    This poison is inflicting all social classes and across ages.  Entitlement is the reason why kids join gangs and why people in power abuse their power.  Find out more.

    The Ernpowered Life
    en-usNovember 14, 2022

    Approval Addiction

    Approval Addiction

    Validation is our desire to get the approval of someone with what we say, believe or do.  We are social creatures, and we desire to belong in a community.  This is natural.  However, if you constantly seek for validation to the point of depending on it to run your life, that is where the problem lies.  So where do we put the line here.

    The Ernpowered Life
    en-usNovember 07, 2022