
    The Floral Hustle

    Are you ready to grow your floral business not only in profits but in creativity and fulfillment? Listen as Jeni Becht a wedding and event designer of over 25 years shares all the juicy details of growing and evolving her floral business into one of passion, purpose, and financial freedom. She shares all the secrets with actionable tips and strategies so you can wake up inspired and on a path to profitability while feeling lighter and more aligned in work and life. Join Jeni in building your business while ditching the overwhelm, avoiding burnout, and feeling fulfilled in work and life.
    enJeni Becht132 Episodes

    Episodes (132)

    Are you speaking to your ideal client?

    Are you speaking to your ideal client?

    Welcome to the Floral Hustle podcast, where we dive deep into the heart of the floral industry to help you grow your business and passion for flowers. In this episode, our host Jen shares invaluable insights and personal experiences on transforming a floral business from struggling to thriving. Whether you're new to the floral world or looking to elevate your existing business, this episode is packed with tips, strategies, and real-life advice that will inspire and guide you.

    Topics Covered:

    • Identifying and Overcoming Business Plateaus: Learn how to analyze your business's current state and identify why it may not be achieving the financial goals or attracting the high-end weddings you desire.
    • The Power of Branding and Rebranding: Discover the critical role your brand image plays in attracting your ideal clients. Jen shares her journey of rebranding and how it significantly impacted her business.
    • Investing in Yourself and Your Business: Understand the importance of education, mastering new skills, and investing in quality to elevate your offerings and attract a more affluent clientele.
    • Social Media and Marketing Strategies: Get insights into effective social media use, from what to post to how often, and learn why focusing on your most profitable services is key to your marketing strategy.
    • Client Attraction and Retention: Learn how to tailor your brand and marketing efforts to attract your ideal client. Jen discusses the importance of being specific about who you want to work with and how to communicate this through your branding.
    • Consultations and Proposals: Gain tips on conducting impactful consultations and creating proposals that sell, ensuring that potential clients understand the value you bring to their special day.

    Featured Insights:

    • Rebranding Journey: Hear about Jen's transition from attracting low-budget weddings to rebranding her business to attract high-end, creative clients.
    • Masterminds and Education: Discover the benefits of joining masterminds, participating in educational courses, and how continuous learning can transform your business.
    • Content Creation Tips: Learn how to use tools like ChatGPT to craft engaging and relevant content for your social media and marketing materials.


    03:50 Personal Decision to Rebranding
    06:47 Investing in Self and Business Growth
    09:10 The Power of a Strong Brand Identity
    11:46 Elevating Your Brand to Attract Premium Clients
    12:43 The Importance of Aligning Your Brand with Your Ideal Client
    14:59 Crafting a Business That Resonates with Your Ideal Client
    24:29 Mastermind Opportunities and Peer Support
    25:13 The Invitation to Join the Mastermind

    Join Our Community:

    If you're inspired to take your floral business to the next level, consider joining our mastermind group. With new spots opening soon, it's the perfect opportunity to connect with like-minded florists, gain new insights, and grow your business. Visit our website or Instagram for more details.

    Thank You:

    Thank you for tuning into the Floral Hustle podcast. We hope this episode leaves you inspired and ready to take actionable steps towards achieving the floral business of your dreams. Stay tuned for more insights and inspiration in our upcoming episodes. Have a flower-filled week!

    Strategies to stay in budget for your events

    Strategies to stay in budget for your events

    In today’s mini episode, we delve into a common challenge for florists: the temptation to overbuy or overorder at the wholesaler. Drawing from personal experience and industry knowledge, Jen shares invaluable strategies for managing budgets without sacrificing creativity and quality. This episode is a must-listen for florists at any stage of their career, from those just starting out to seasoned professionals seeking to refine their budgeting and sourcing practices.

    Key Points Discussed:

    • Emotional Buying vs. Strategic Sourcing: Understanding how emotional decisions can lead to overspending and how to counteract this with effective strategies.
    • Budgeting Essentials: How to accurately calculate your floral budget using a markup strategy, ensuring profitability without compromising on quality.
    • Incorporating ‘Unicorn Flowers’: Jen introduces the concept of budgeting for those irresistible, unique flowers that can take your designs to the next level, advocating for a balance between creativity and fiscal responsibility.
    • Online Marketplaces: Exploring alternatives to traditional wholesalers, such as online platforms like holics, for finding unique flowers and potentially better deals.
    • Recipe Rigidity vs. Flexibility: The importance of having structured recipes for your floral designs while allowing room for creativity and unexpected issues, like breakage.
    • Team Dynamics: Ensuring your team operates in a stress-free environment, emphasizing the importance of not being overly rigid with recipes to the point of creating a tense atmosphere.

    Time Stamps:

    01:27 Strategies to Avoid Overspending on Flowers
    02:10 Understanding Your Floral Budget
    03:54 Incorporating 'Unicorn Flowers' into Your Budget
    06:32 Online Marketplaces: A Solution for Controlled Buying
    07:31 Recipe Rigidity: A Double-Edged Sword


    • Learn how to manage your floral budget effectively, making room for creative freedom without losing sight of profitability.
    • Discover tips on incorporating unique and eye-catching flowers into your designs without breaking the bank.
    • Understand the benefits of utilizing online marketplaces for sourcing flowers.
    • Gain insights into recipe creation that balances structure with the need for flexibility, promoting a positive work environment.

    Closing Thoughts:

    Jen wraps up the episode by reminding florists of the joy and creativity at the core of their profession, encouraging them to find a balance that allows for financial health and artistic expression. She also touches on the importance of having a good relationship with wholesalers or exploring other sourcing options if the current situation isn't inspiring.

    Thank you for tuning in to the Floral Hustle Podcast. Here’s to a week filled with beautiful blooms and flourishing business!

    Can you actually make money being a florist?

    Can you actually make money being a florist?

    Welcome to the Floral Hustle Podcast with your host, Jen! In this week's episode, we dive deep into the world of floristry to debunk myths and uncover the truth about the profitability of running a floral business. Whether you're dreaming of leaving your day job to embrace the floral industry or aiming to scale your flower business to six figures, this episode is packed with invaluable insights and practical advice.

    Key Highlights:

    • The Profitability Misconception: Explore the common perception that floristry is more of a passion project than a profitable venture, and why this isn't necessarily true.
    • The Importance of Paying Yourself: Learn why drawing a salary from your business is non-negotiable and how it signifies respect for your hard work.
    • Profit First Approach: Discover the revolutionary concept from Mike Michalowicz's book "Profit First," which can change how you manage your business finances, ensuring you pay yourself first.
    • Setting Realistic Expectations: Jen discusses setting achievable financial goals in floristry, the hard work required, and strategizing to increase your average earnings per wedding or event.
    • Efficiency Over Hard Work: Tips on optimizing your time and resources to increase profitability without burning out, including focusing on higher-revenue opportunities like weddings over daily deliveries.
    • Success Stories: Be inspired by examples of florists who have significantly increased their income by making smart business choices and strategic planning.

    Resources Mentioned:

    • Book Recommendation: "Profit First" by Mike Michalowicz for a transformative approach to business finance management.

    Episode Quotes:

    "Florists can make money... You absolutely can, and there are people driving BMWs and Mercedes who have figured out how to optimize their time and revenue."

    "If you're not paying yourself, that stops now. You deserve to be compensated for your hard work."

    01:42 The Perception of Profitability in Floristry
    01:54 The Reality of Replacing a Full-Time Salary with Floristry
    03:03 Balancing Personal Life and a Home-Based Business
    03:43 The Concept of Paying Yourself First
    06:58 Understanding Your Business's Operating Expenses and Profit Margin
    07:33 The Challenge of Scaling Your Business Revenue
    08:34 Strategies to Increase Your Average Wedding Revenue
    11:57 The Potential of Making Money in Floristry

    Should you start your floral business? - Mini Episode

    Should you start your floral business? - Mini Episode

    In this inspiring mini-episode, Jen dives into the pivotal question many flower enthusiasts grapple with: "Should I finally start my floral business?" Whether you've dreamed of turning your passion for flowers into a thriving business or find yourself hesitating to take that first step, this episode is crafted for you. Jen shares invaluable insights on the entrepreneurial journey within the floral industry, tackling the fears of uncertainty and the thrill of stepping into the world of floral entrepreneurship.

    Key Highlights:

    • Embracing Uncomfortability: Understand the importance of stepping out of your comfort zone and how it's a crucial trait for entrepreneurs, especially in the floral industry.
    • Traits of a Successful Floral Entrepreneur: Discover the essential characteristics needed to thrive, including resilience, risk-taking, self-investment, and a love for interacting with clients.
    • Introverts in Business: Learn how being an introvert isn't a barrier to success in the floral business and how to leverage your strengths.
    • The Journey of Patience and Drive: Hear real-life stories of individuals who transitioned from corporate jobs to successful floral entrepreneurs, highlighting the importance of patience, drive, and the right mindset.
    • Building Your Runway: Jen emphasizes the necessity of having a solid plan and foundation before making significant life changes, including quitting your day job to focus on your floral business.
    • The Free Challenge: Get introduced to a free 5-day challenge starting on March 11th, designed to help you lay the foundational stones of your floral business, from compliance and branding to website creation.

    What You'll Learn:

    • How to assess your readiness to embark on the entrepreneurial journey in the floral industry.
    • Practical steps to overcome fear and start building your floral business.
    • The significance of patience, learning, and building a solid foundation for your business.
    • How to join Jen's free challenge to kickstart your floral entrepreneur journey.

    Call to Action:
    Ready to bloom into the floral industry? Join us on March 11th for an empowering 5-day challenge that will set your floral business's foundation. Sign up now at thefloralhustle.com/challenge and transform your floral dreams into reality.

    About The Host:
    Jen is a seasoned floral entrepreneur and coach, passionate about helping aspiring florists navigate the complexities of starting and growing their floral businesses. With years of experience and a heart full of flower love, she brings a wealth of knowledge, inspiration, and practical advice to her listeners.

    Subscribe & Follow:
    Don't miss out on future episodes full of tips, insights, and stories to fuel your floral hustle. Subscribe to our podcast and follow us on Instagram @thefloralhustle for more flower-filled inspiration.

    Have a Flower-Filled Week:
    Thank you for tuning in to The Floral Hustle Podcast. Remember, every step forward is a step towards achieving your dream. Keep blooming, flower friends!

    Join the challenge at thefloralhustle.com/challenge

    00:39 Overcoming the Fear of Starting
    01:32 Traits of a Successful Entrepreneur
    04:49 The Reality of Running a Business
    05:43 The Dangers of Quitting Your Day Job Prematurely
    07:09 The Joy of Being a Business Owner
    09:10 Building a Runway for Your Business
    10:45 Learning and Growing Your Business

    Social Media Strategy for New Florists

    Social Media Strategy for New Florists

    Welcome to another episode of the Floral Hustle Podcast with your host, Jen! This episode is a goldmine for aspiring florists and those looking to breathe new life into their floral businesses. Join us as we delve into effective strategies to launch or reignite your floral business, with a special focus on leveraging social media to its fullest potential.

    What You'll Learn in This Episode:

    • Foundation of a Successful Floral Business: Insights into daily activities that are crucial for establishing a strong foundation for your floral business. Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to revamp your business, learn how to reconnect with the basics.
    • Navigating Taxes and Branding: Tips on ensuring you're up-to-date with sales tax requirements and how a mini brand photoshoot can elevate your business's visual appeal.
    • Networking and Collaboration: The importance of attending networking events and collaborating with wedding professionals and other florists to expand your reach and opportunities.
    • Social Media Strategy for Florists: A deep dive into creating a compelling social media presence on platforms like Instagram, focusing on engaging potential clients and professionals within the wedding industry.
    • Free Social Media Guide: Access to a comprehensive social media guide to audit and enhance your online strategy, available at floralhustle.com/social.
    • Content Creation Tips: Practical advice on generating engaging content that resonates with your ideal clients, including wedding couples and industry professionals.
    • Event and Venue Specific Marketing: How to target cultural weddings and specific venues to showcase your expertise and familiarity, increasing your appeal to potential clients.
    • Exclusive Tools and Resources: Announcement of an upcoming tool launch designed to provide everything you need to know about starting your floral business, coupled with live training sessions.

    Why This Episode Is a Must-Listen:

    Whether you're at the inception stage of your floral business or in the phase of reigniting it, this episode is packed with actionable tips and strategies to make your floral dreams a reality. From understanding the importance of social media in the floral industry to detailed strategies for content creation and engagement, you'll learn how to set your business up for success.

    Join the Challenge:

    Ready to take your floral business to the next level? Sign up for our free 5-day challenge at floralhustle.com/challenge. This challenge is your stepping stone to launching or revitalizing your business with daily, guided actions.

    Connect with Us:

    Follow us on Instagram @FloralHustle to stay updated with our daily activities and insights. Dive into our journey as we share everything from the basics of starting your business to sophisticated social media strategies that attract and retain your ideal clients.

    Thank you for tuning in to the Floral Hustle Podcast. Here's to a flourishing week ahead, filled with beautiful blooms and business growth!

    04:20 Understanding Your Target Audience on Social Media
    04:56 Crafting Your Social Media Strategy: Speaking to Potential Couples and Wedding Professionals
    05:19 The Importance of Showcasing Your Work and Services on Social Media
    06:43 Building Relationships with Wedding Professionals
    07:23 Creating a Roadmap for Doing Business with You
    09:04 Leveraging Your Niche: Cultural Weddings
    16:43 The Power of Evergreen Content and Direct Links
    20:15 The Importance of Setting Clear Objectives and Keeping Promises to Yourself
    21:14 Conclusion: Join the Free Challenge and Launch Your Floral Business

    Join the challenge - https://www.thefloralhustle.com/challenge

    Floral Foundations: Key Resources and Strategies for Business Growth - Mini Episode

    Floral Foundations: Key Resources and Strategies for Business Growth - Mini Episode

    Welcome to this week's mini-episode of the Floral Hustle Podcast, where your host, Jen, dives deep into the core foundations that can drive a floral business towards success. Whether you're a budding florist or a seasoned bloom expert looking to grow your floral empire, this episode is packed with actionable insights tailored just for you.

    Key Highlights:

    • Understanding the Basics: Jen emphasizes the importance of mastering fundamental design skills across different floral arrangements. From crafting the perfect bridal bouquet to creating stunning arch flowers, these skills are the building blocks of any successful floral business.
    • The Power of Social Media and Marketing: Discover strategies to effectively market yourself and your services on social media. Learn how to attract bridal clients and network with fellow vendors to broaden your reach and reputation in the floral industry.
    • SEO and Online Presence: Jen shares essential tips on optimizing your online presence through SEO and the strategic use of wedding directories to ensure you're found by potential clients.
    • Business Acumen and Mindset: Delve into the significance of possessing a strong business mindset, from understanding financial basics to developing a sales strategy that resonates with your target audience.
    • Selling and Product Selection: Uncover the art of selling not just your services, but the experience and expertise you bring to the table. Jen discusses the importance of choosing products and services that align with your financial goals and customer needs.

    For the Aspiring Florist:

    This episode is a goldmine for florists at any stage of their career, offering wisdom on how to navigate the complexities of the floral industry while laying a solid foundation for growth and success. Whether you're refining your design skills, carving out your niche in the market, or expanding your business acumen, Jen's insights will guide you towards achieving your floral ambitions.

    Join the Conversation:

    We'd love to hear your thoughts on this week's episode! Connect with us on social media to share your own experiences, challenges, and successes in building your floral business. Let's grow together in this vibrant community of flower enthusiasts.

    Thank you for tuning in, and remember to have an amazing flower-filled week!

    01:54 Key Design Skills for Florists
    03:00 Social Media and Marketing Strategy
    04:12 Targeting Different Audiences on Social Media
    05:52 Marketing Strategy
    09:59 The Art of Selling as a Florist
    11:04 Choosing the Right Product for Your Financial Goals

    Step by Step - Book your first wedding

    Step by Step - Book your first wedding

    Join Jen on the Floral Hustle Podcast as we delve into a comprehensive guide for florists embarking on their journey to book their first wedding. This episode is a treasure trove of actionable advice for those who have launched their floral business but are seeking to reignite their passion and navigate the complexities of pricing, client acquisition, and establishing a unique value proposition. Whether you're refining your ideal client profile, exploring effective networking strategies, or crafting a social media presence that resonates with your target audience, this episode has got you covered.

    Key Highlights:

    • Finding Your Ideal Client: Discover how to identify and attract clients who value your creative vision and are willing to invest in your floral artistry. Learn the importance of a comfortable budget range and trust in your creative process.
    • Leveraging Social Media: Uncover strategies for using your personal and business social media accounts to build connections with potential clients and industry professionals. Get tips on interacting with wedding industry influencers to increase your visibility.
    • Networking and Relationship Building: Find out how attending networking events and fostering genuine connections can lead to referrals and business growth. Learn the art of reciprocal energy exchange and how supporting others can benefit your business.
    • Creating Evergreen Content: Understand the significance of having ready-to-share content that highlights your services and availability. Discover the balance between strategic posting and engaging with your audience.
    • Contractual Agreements and Deposits: Gain insights into the essentials of drafting a florist-specific contract and setting up a straightforward deposit system to secure bookings.
    • Finalizing Details with Clients: Learn how to maintain clear communication with clients from booking to the big day, ensuring expectations are set and details are finalized efficiently.

    Why Listen: Whether you're struggling with the idea of getting paid for your passion or you're navigating the first steps towards booking weddings, this episode provides a step-by-step breakdown of the process, demystifying the challenges and highlighting the joy of working in the floral industry. From identifying your ideal client to executing a successful social media strategy and building lasting industry relationships, Jen shares invaluable insights drawn from her experience. Perfect for florists looking to make a significant impact with their business, this episode is filled with inspiration, practical advice, and a roadmap to success.

    01:39 The Challenge of Starting Your Floral Business
    02:41 Identifying Your Ideal Client
    03:44 Strategies to Find Your First Client
    06:55 Creating a Posting Strategy for Your Business
    08:38 The Importance of Networking Events
    09:04 Building Reciprocal Relationships in the Industry
    13:00 Steps to Book Your First Couple
    17:09 The Importance of Having a Contract
    22:21 Setting Expectations with Your Clients
    23:05 Finalizing Details and Preparing for the Wedding
    24:20 Conclusion and Encouragement for Floral Entrepreneurs

    Putting together a brand shoot - Mini Episode

    Putting together a brand shoot - Mini Episode

    Episode Title: Maximizing Your Floral Brand with Effective Brand Shoots

    Episode Overview:

    In this week's mini-episode of the Floral Hustle Podcast, host Jen dives into the essentials of organizing a successful brand shoot for new florists looking to elevate their business presence. From styled shoots to studio sessions, Jen shares invaluable insights and personal experiences to help you showcase your creativity and professionalism through photography. Whether you're launching or growing your floral business, this episode is packed with actionable advice to make your brand visually compelling.

    Key Points Discussed:

    • Understanding Brand Shoots: Learn what a brand shoot is and why it's a crucial step for showcasing your identity as a florist and business owner.
    • Benefits of Brand Shoots: Discover how brand shoots can enhance your online presence, attract clients, and reflect your unique style and professionalism.
    • Strategies for Organizing Brand Shoots:
      • Leveraging styled shoots for dual-purpose brand imagery.
      • Utilizing your studio or workspace for authentic behind-the-scenes shots.
      • Exploring mini photo sessions for cost-effective brand photography.
    • Personalizing Your Brand Shoot:
      • Coordinating outfits and floral designs to match your brand aesthetics.
      • Selecting the right photographer to capture your brand's essence.
      • Planning your shoot around your peak personal and professional times.
    • Jen's Brand Shoot Experience: Gain insights from Jen's own brand shoot planning, including outfit and scene design, to align with the Green Goddess Floral brand identity.

    For New Florists:

    This episode is a treasure trove of tips for new florists eager to take "uncomfortable action" and launch their businesses with confidence. Learn how to strategically plan and execute brand shoots that convey your passion for floristry and set you apart in a competitive market.

    Resources Mentioned:

    • Soona Photography: A recommended photography company offering budget-friendly, per-photo pricing for brand shoots. https://soona.co/

    Episode Conclusion:

    A brand shoot is more than just a set of professional photos; it's a celebration of your floral artistry and a critical tool for building your brand's visual narrative. Jen encourages all florists to embrace the joy and creativity of their work through well-planned brand shoots, promising an enriching experience with long-lasting benefits for your business.

    00:27 The Importance of Brand Shoots for Business Owners
    02:43 How to Prepare for a Brand Shoot
    06:00 Locations
    08:22 Scheduling and Timing
    09:24 Checklist for a Successful Brand Shoot

    Baseline marketing plan for new florists

    Baseline marketing plan for new florists

    Welcome to this week's episode of the Floral Hustle Podcast, hosted by Jen. This episode is dedicated to florists at various stages of their business journey, from newcomers starting out to seasoned professionals seeking to revitalize their brand. Our focus is on the indispensability of a solid marketing strategy, a concept that might seem daunting but is foundational for any business size.

    Episode Highlights:

    • The Importance of Marketing Strategy: Understanding the significance of having a baseline marketing strategy to alleviate the overwhelm and uncertainty often felt by entrepreneurs.
    • Navigating Marketing Offers: A critical look at the myriad of marketing opportunities targeting new florists and how to discern valuable investments from potential money pits.
    • Social Media Strategy: Insights into Jen's personal social media plan, which includes a mix of introductory posts, cultural wedding features, visually appealing content, and educational videos, aimed at increasing engagement and visibility on platforms like Instagram.
    • Networking with Wedding Planners: The episode discusses the benefits of building relationships with wedding planners and other professionals to secure client referrals.
    • SEO and Website Optimization: Tips on optimizing your website for search engines through keyword-rich content, focusing on areas such as sustainability and cultural weddings to attract a targeted audience.
    • Alternative Marketing Strategies: From leveraging personal networks on Facebook to the strategic use of bridal fairs and styled shoots, Jen shares a variety of methods to market your floral business effectively.
    • Avoiding Common Pitfalls: Advice on being selective with preferred vendor lists and styled shoots, ensuring they align with your brand's values and goals.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Every florist needs a marketing strategy, regardless of their business size or stage.
    • A well-thought-out social media plan can significantly enhance your brand's visibility and engagement.
    • SEO is not just for tech experts; simple keyword integration can elevate your online presence.
    • Building solid relationships with wedding planners and other vendors is crucial for referral-based growth.
    • Personal branding and regular updates on platforms like Facebook can remind your network of your services and specialties.

    For Our Listeners:

    • Join Our Community: Connect with fellow florists and business owners in our https://www.facebook.com/groups/676268590471667
    • Subscribe and Review: Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast and leave a review if you found this episode helpful.

    02:24 The Challenges of New Entrepreneurs in Marketing
    02:56 SEO and Social Media Packages
    03:46 Consistency in Marketing
    04:21 Crafting a Social Media Strategy
    08:14 Networking
    08:52 Leveraging Your Website for Marketing
    10:57 La Carte Flowers Programs
    15:38 Styled Shoots
    18:00 Choosing the Right Venues

    Fundamental systems in your new business

    Fundamental systems in your new business

    In This Episode:

    • Introduction to Business Systems for Florists: Discover why implementing fundamental systems is crucial for your floral business's success and how it prevents potential pitfalls as you grow.
    • Client Journey Mapping: Learn the art of crafting a seamless client experience from initial inquiry to post-service follow-up. Understand the importance of a structured approach to client interactions and how it leads to higher satisfaction and increased referrals.
    • Financial Management Essentials: Explore the importance of having a dedicated financial system, such as QuickBooks or Xero, for managing your business finances. Tips on setting up a business checking account and strategies for efficient expense tracking and receipt management are discussed.
    • Ordering and Studio Processes: Gain insights into streamlining your ordering and processing workflows. Jen shares practical tips for managing studio operations, including creating one-sheets for flower processing and organizing workspaces for efficiency.
    • Quotation and Pricing Strategies: Uncover the formula for accurate pricing to ensure profitability. Learn the significance of a solid pricing strategy and how to avoid common pitfalls like overstuffing orders or underestimating costs.
    • Engagement and Conversion Tactics: Jen elaborates on how to funnel inquiries from various platforms into a coherent system, ensuring consistent communication and enhancing the chances of conversion.
    • Listener Questions and Success Stories: Engage with the Floral Hustle community through listener questions and shared success stories, fostering a supportive environment for growth and learning.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Implementing structured systems in your floral business can significantly reduce errors and improve client satisfaction.
    • A clear client journey, financial management, and efficient studio processes are pillars of a successful floral startup.
    • Understanding and applying solid pricing strategies are essential for sustainability and growth.

    Join Our Community:

    • Floral Hustle Facebook Group: Connect with fellow florists and aspiring entrepreneurs. https://www.facebook.com/groups/676268590471667
    • Follow Us on Instagram: @TheFloralHustle for daily challenges and inspiration.
    • Subscribe and Review: Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast and leave a review if you found this episode helpful.

    01:48 Client Journey for Your Floral Business
    04:19 Consistent Customer Experience
    04:32 Utilizing CRM and Email Templates
    05:17 Managing Inquiries from Different Platforms
    06:20 Setting Up a Financial Accounting System
    08:06 Organizing Your Studio and Processing Orders
    09:29 Understanding Your Product and Budgeting for 'Fun Finds'
    11:23 Establishing a Pricing Strategy and Quoting System
    12:43 Conclusion: The Importance of Systems in Your Business

    Want to start a floral business in 2024? - Start here!

    Want to start a floral business in 2024? - Start here!

    Episode Highlights:

    1. The Challenge of Choosing a Business Name:
      • Importance of a unique and memorable name
      • Utilizing resources like GoDaddy, social media platforms, and the USPTO for availability checks
      • The implications of trademark laws and brand confusion
    2. Establishing Your Business Legally:
      • Navigating federal and state requirements for business registration
      • Securing an EIN, state sales tax ID, and local business licenses
      • The significance of having a cohesive social media presence across platforms
    3. Crafting Your Brand Identity:
      • Defining your brand’s ethos, target clientele, and visual aesthetics
      • Leveraging tools like Canva and DALL·E for logo design and brand materials
      • Choosing DesignCrowd for custom, competitive logo creation
    4. Strategizing for Growth:
      • Developing a marketing strategy tailored to your business goals
      • Utilizing social media and SEO for client acquisition and engagement
      • Generating content ideas with ChatGPT for blog posts and social media
    5. Creating a Productive Workspace:
      • Setting up a dedicated space for order fulfillment and creativity
      • The benefits of behind-the-scenes content in building your brand identity
    6. Building Confidence and Visibility Online:
      • Overcoming the fear of showing up online
      • The power of authenticity in attracting and retaining customers
    7. Networking and Community Engagement:
      • Leveraging local and online communities for support and growth opportunities
      • The importance of peer groups and masterminds in entrepreneurial development
    8. Resource Utilization:
      • Identifying educational resources and tools to streamline operations
      • Emphasizing the value of self-care and support systems in entrepreneurial success

    Resources Mentioned:

    Join the Community:

    Engage with fellow florists and access a wealth of knowledge and support by joining the Floral Hustle Facebook group, now home to over 1,300 members committed to fostering a culture of encouragement, respect, and innovation in the floral industry. https://www.facebook.com/groups/676268590471667

    For Our Listeners:

    • Join Our Community: Connect with fellow florists and business owners in our https://www.facebook.com/groups/676268590471667https://www.facebook.com/groups/676268590471667
    • Subscribe and Review: Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast and leave a review if you found this episode helpful.
    • Next Episode Teaser: Stay tuned for the month of February to be about launching your floral business.

    01:14 Starting Your Floral Business: The Basics
    02:20 Choosing a Business Name
    03:57 Trademark Searches
    05:23 Legal and Social Media Aspects
    06:44 Developing Your Brand Identity
    07:10 Creating Your Logo: Free and Paid Options
    09:17 Marketing Strategy: How to Attract Clients
    12:12 Setting Up Your Workspace
    13:10 Building Your Online Presence
    14:35 Networking and Finding Support
    18:33 The Importance of Self-Care and Support

    5 must have habits while starting your floral business - Mini Episode

    5 must have habits while starting your floral business - Mini Episode

    Episode Overview:

    In this mini-episode, Jeni shares five indispensable habits that are crucial for anyone starting out in the floral business. Drawing from the collective wisdom of our Floral Hustle community and Jeni's personal journey, these practices are designed to streamline your path to success, ensuring your business blooms from the ground up.

    Key Highlights:

    1. Self-Care and Replenishment: Learn the importance of replenishing your energy, both creatively and emotionally. Discover self-care strategies that keep you balanced and inspired, an essential aspect for entrepreneurs juggling multiple roles.
    2. Commitment and Accountability: Understand the power of keeping promises to yourself. Jeni emphasizes the significance of setting goals and publicly committing to them for increased accountability, sharing personal anecdotes of consistency leading to achievement.
    3. Strategic Planning: Uncover the necessity of having a concrete business plan. This segment offers insights into setting actionable goals, the importance of consistency, and the benefits of seeking mentorship or joining business-oriented communities for guidance.
    4. Habit Stacking for Efficiency: Dive into the concept of habit stacking to maximize productivity. By linking related tasks, Jeni illustrates how to create a seamless workflow that propels your business forward.
    5. Effective Time Management: Master the art of managing your time wisely. Jeni provides practical tips for dedicating specific days to various business activities, ensuring that every moment spent contributes to your business growth.

    Engage with Us:

    Join our journey on social media for exclusive content tailored to budding florists. Follow The Floral Hustle on Instagram and join our Facebook group for a deeper dive into the floral business ecosystem. Your dream of starting a floral business deserves a community that supports and uplifts your ambitions.

    Closing Thoughts:

    Whether you're laying the groundwork for your floral startup or aiming to scale your existing business, these five habits are pivotal. Jeni wraps up the episode with a heartfelt reminder of the joy and fulfillment that comes from pursuing your floral business dreams.

    Call to Action:

    Embrace these habits and watch your floral business thrive. Stay tuned for more insights, and remember, the Floral Hustle Podcast is your partner in growth. Let's cultivate a blooming future together.

    For Our Listeners:

    • Join Our Community: Connect with fellow florists and business owners in our https://www.facebook.com/groups/676268590471667
    • Subscribe and Review: Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast and leave a review if you found this episode helpful.

    02:43 The Importance of Self-Care in Business
    04:12 The Power of Keeping Promises to Yourself
    06:51 The Importance of Building a Plan
    09:01 The Power of Habit Stacking
    10:30 Effective Time Management Strategies

    2023 Not profitable? Start here to get on track

    2023 Not profitable? Start here to get on track

    🌸 Feeling stuck in your floral business journey? Let’s bloom together! 🌼 This week on the Floral Hustle podcast, we dive deep into the heart of profitability - or the lack thereof. 📉💰

    We're dissecting the good, the borderline, and the downright drain on your resources. 🌿 From high-ticket weddings that sparkle to the Valentine's rush that fizzles out, we're peeling back the layers on what truly brings in the green. 💐

    🔍 Ever thought a project was a gold mine only to find it's a time sink? We’re talking real numbers, real lessons, and real strategies to pivot from loss to lush profits. 🚀

    💡 Plus, I’m sharing an inside look at my own expense audit - a revelation that might just change the way you see your costs. (Spoiler: It’s eye-opening! 👀)

    🎙️ Tune in as we tackle the tough decisions that could transform your floral hustle from surviving to thriving. This isn’t just about trimming the dead leaves; it’s about nurturing the blooms that will make your business flourish. 🌺

    And because action speaks louder than words, February is your month to ignite change with our daily Instagram challenge. 💪 Follow @thefloralhustle for a step-by-step guide to breathe life into your floral dreams. It’s time to plant the seeds of success. 🌱

    #FloralHustlePodcast #FloralBusiness #FloristLife #Profitability #BusinessGrowth #ExpenseAudit #FloralDesign #Entrepreneurship #FloralCEO #BloomWhereYouArePlanted

    02:08 Evaluating Your Business: What Worked and What Didn't
    04:09 The Importance of Objectivity in Business Decisions
    06:35 The Power of Expense Audits
    08:20 The Dilemma of Studio Space: Cost vs. Ego
    11:48 Balancing Business Growth and Personal Life
    14:03 The Importance of Setting Boundaries
    18:43 Conclusion and Announcement of February Challenge

    5 ways to be more organized - Mini Episode

    5 ways to be more organized - Mini Episode


    Welcome to the Floral Hustle Podcast, where we dive into strategies and insights to help florists and floral entrepreneurs thrive. In this week’s minisode, our host Jen shares personal reflections and actionable tips on getting more organized during the off-season, with a focus on making the business year more profitable, efficient, and less complicated.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Reflection on Past Challenges:
      • Jen discusses how last year felt more complicated due to adding new responsibilities, including managing her children's summer activities, expanding wedding services, and starting one-on-one coaching and this podcast. She emphasizes the importance of reflecting on ways to simplify and enhance business operations.
    2. The Importance of Organization:
      • Organization is highlighted as crucial for streamlining processes and making tasks more manageable. Jen shares her initiative to implement a pull sheet for inventory management and a teardown sheet to facilitate event breakdowns.
    3. Five Ways to Get More Organized:
      • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): Creating documented SOPs for every aspect of the business, from flower processing to client offboarding, ensures consistency and clarity within the team.
      • Electronic Calendar: Utilizing a business Gmail account and its suite of products for scheduling and information management enhances accessibility and coordination.
      • Organizing Electronic Folders: Keeping digital files and folders well-organized, including client notes and key images, improves efficiency and reduces clutter.
      • Emergency Kit: Assembling a comprehensive kit with tools and materials for on-the-spot fixes during events guarantees preparedness for any situation.
      • Financial Organization: Adopting a business checking account, an accounting system, and understanding financial management basics, such as the principles outlined in "Profit First" by Mike Michalowicz, are essential for financial health and profitability.


    Jen wraps up the minisode by stressing the significance of organization in setting up a business for success. She encourages listeners to take these tips to heart to create a more organized, efficient, and joyful floral business.

    Call to Action:

    Listeners are invited to reflect on their own business practices and consider implementing these strategies for a more streamlined and profitable year. Jen wishes everyone an amazing flower-filled week and looks forward to sharing more insights in future episodes.

    Additional Resources:

    • Book Recommendation: "Profit First" by Mike Michalowicz for financial management guidance.
    • Suggested Tools: Google Suite for electronic organization and QuickBooks or Xero for accounting.

    For more insights and tips, tune into the Floral Hustle Podcast weekly. Thank you for joining us, and don’t forget to subscribe for more episodes on flourishing in the floral industry.

    01:02 Reflecting on Past Experiences
    03:57 The Role of Standard Operating Procedures
    06:28 The Power of Electronic Calendars
    08:07 Organizing Electronic Folders
    08:46 The Necessity of an Emergency Kit
    10:44 Getting Your Finances Organized

    Want to sell out your workshops? Listen in! Guest Liz Fiedler

    Want to sell out your workshops? Listen in! Guest Liz Fiedler

    In this inspiring episode of the Floral Hustle podcast, Jeni interviews Liz Bidler of Sunny Mary Meadow, a successful flower farmer and podcaster. Liz shares her journey from an interest in floriculture in high school to building a thriving flower business and podcast. After facing personal challenges, including being widowed in 2020, Liz transformed her small farm stand into a profitable year-round business. The episode dives into various aspects of running a successful flower business, including workshops, newsletters, customer engagement, and unique business strategies.

    Key Takeaways

    • Overcoming Challenges: Liz's story is a testament to overcoming personal hardships and channeling passion into a successful business.
    • Engaging with Customers: The importance of building a strong customer relationship through newsletters and exclusive offers.
    • Workshops & Experiences: Workshops are a significant avenue for generating revenue and engaging customers, especially in floristry.
    • Marketing Strategies: Liz emphasizes the importance of storytelling, authenticity, and leveraging social media and email marketing effectively

      03:38 Balancing Nursing and Flower Business
      04:04 Creating a Year-Round Business
      04:47 The Importance of Focusing on One Thing
      05:55 Successful Workshops and Events
      06:54 Newsletters in Marketing
      08:58 The Importance of Authenticity in Business
      10:44 The Challenges of Growing Flowers in Minnesota
      17:38 The Success of Stem Bars

    What business tools you need for 2024 - Mini Episode

    What business tools you need for 2024 - Mini Episode

    In this week’s Mini episode of the Floral Hustle Podcast, host Jen delves into the crucial business tools for florists looking to grow and manage their businesses effectively in 2024. With an emphasis on being financially prudent and strategic, Jen shares her personal toolkit, which has helped streamline her operations without overburdening her budget.

    Key Points Discussed:

    • Importance of Financial Prudence: Jen emphasizes the need to assess whether your business can support new expenses, highlighting the risks of overspending on shiny, new tools.
    • Canva for Proposals: Jen shares her success with Canva, using it for creating beautiful, 3D digital mock-up proposals, and social media graphics.
    • Financial Management with QuickBooks: Insights into how QuickBooks, coupled with professional accounting assistance, keeps her business financially organized.
    • Photo Editing with PS Express: Jen uses Photoshop Express for quick and effective editing of her iPhone photos.
    • Organizational Tools: Evernote for capturing fast-paced ideas and a physical planner for scheduling weddings and managing freelancers.
    • Payment Processing: Using Square, Zelle, and Venmo for efficient invoicing and payment processing, including handling credit card fees.
    • Professional Email with Gmail/G Suite: The importance of having a professional email domain for credibility.

    Jen’s insights offer valuable guidance for florists seeking to grow their business while being mindful of their expenses. The tools she recommends are not just about managing finances and operations but also about enhancing the aesthetic and professional aspects of the business. This episode is a must-listen for any florist looking to navigate the business landscape in 2024 with efficiency and style.

    For Our Listeners:

    • Join Our Community: Connect with fellow florists and business owners in our https://www.facebook.com/groups/676268590471667
    • Subscribe and Review: Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast and leave a review if you found this episode helpful.
    • Next Episode Teaser: Stay tuned for our next episode where I interview Liz Fiedler who is talking all things selling out your workshops.

    Time stamps:
    01:29 Why I Don't Use Proposal Software
    02:00 The Power of Canva
    03:22 Managing Finances with QuickBooks
    04:16 Editing Content with PS Express
    04:55 Organizing Ideas with Evernote
    05:40 The Value of a Physical Planner
    06:27 Payment Processing Systems
    08:15 Professionalism with G Suite

    1. Florist Business Growth
    2. Canva for Florists
    3. Floral Business Management
    4. QuickBooks for Small Business
    5. Floral Design Proposals
    6. Professional Email for Florists
    7. Photoshop Express in Floral Industry
    8. Efficient Payment Processing for Florists
    9. Small Business Financial Planning
    10. Organizational Tools for Florists

    Creating a plan to quit your day job - Mini Episode

    Creating a plan to quit your day job - Mini Episode

    In this inspiring Minisode of the Floral Hustle Podcast, Jen shares her personal journey of leaving a decade-long corporate career to pursue her passion in the floral industry. This episode delves into the challenges and triumphs of transitioning from a stable job to running a successful floral business, offering valuable insights for aspiring florist entrepreneurs.

    1. The Decision to Quit a Corporate Job: Jen discusses her tough decision to leave a stable corporate job while facing personal challenges like pregnancy, the loss of a loved one, and her daughter's autism diagnosis.
    2. Planning for a Successful Transition: Emphasizing the importance of having a solid plan, Jen talks about financial considerations, setting realistic revenue goals, and understanding the costs of running a floral business.
    3. Building Your Business Runway: The episode highlights the necessity of a 'runway' – preparing your business to reach a point where it can sustain your financial needs before quitting your job.
    4. Navigating Financials and Setting Targets: Jen explains how to calculate your business's gross revenue needs and the importance of understanding net profit versus gross income.
    5. The Importance of Insurance and Other Essentials: The discussion includes ensuring that essential needs, like medical insurance, are covered during the transition.
    6. Balancing Work, Life, and Business Growth: Insights into managing work-life balance, childcare, and the emotional aspects of running a business.
    7. Maximizing Revenue Streams: Jen advises on focusing efforts where the money is, like prioritizing larger projects or weddings over smaller orders.
    8. Seeking Help and Building a Team: Acknowledging the need for support and assistance to grow a floral business successfully.

    For Our Listeners:

    • Join Our Community: Connect with fellow florists and business owners in our https://www.facebook.com/groups/676268590471667
    • Subscribe and Review: Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast and leave a review if you found this episode helpful.
    • Next Episode Teaser: Stay tuned for our next episode where we talk about the essential business tools you need in 2024.

    02:55 The Turning Point: Deciding to Quit Corporate
    04:13 The Struggles of Transitioning
    05:00 The Importance of a Plan
    05:45 Understanding the Financial Aspects
    06:30 The Concept of a Runway
    08:03 The Importance of Insurance
    10:58 The Need for Help and Support

    Transition from Corporate to Entrepreneur, Floral Business Plan, Florist Entrepreneurship, Floral Business Growth, Financial Planning for Florists, Building a Floral Business, Florist Business Strategy, Revenue Goals for Floral Business, Florist Work-Life Balance.
    11:29 Setting Realistic Goals

    Exploring Cultural Weddings with Sarah Khan

    Exploring Cultural Weddings with Sarah Khan

    In this episode, we are thrilled to introduce our special guest, Sarah Khan, a florist renowned for her stunning, out-of-the-box wedding decor. Her impressive portfolio on Instagram is a testament to her creativity and skill. We delve into Sarah's diverse background, exploring her journey across various states during her upbringing, her educational path in financial economics, and her eventual shift from a corporate career to the world of floral design. Sarah shares the story of her transition, fueled by her lifelong passion for creating and making things, a love instilled in her by her mother.

    We gain insight into Sarah's strategic approach to business and sales, skills she honed during her time at Bank of America and in health insurance underwriting. These experiences have significantly contributed to her success in the floral industry. Sarah recounts the inception of her floral business, including the challenges she faced and her decision to name the business after herself. She discusses her philosophy of creating timeless wedding decor, emphasizing her focus on the beauty and diversity of nature.

    Sarah also opens up about the challenges she faced as a Muslim woman in a post 9/11 world and how this impacted her business approach and clientele. The episode delves deep into the diversity and complexity of South Asian weddings, covering various religions, cultures, and the fusion of different traditions. Sarah gives listeners a behind-the-scenes look at the intricacies of planning and executing large-scale events, discussing logistics, budgeting, and the creative process.

    We also explore the growth of Sarah's business, her team dynamics, and how she manages a high volume of elaborate events. Concluding the episode, Sarah shares personal anecdotes, industry insights, and advice for aspiring florists, particularly those interested in culturally diverse weddings. This episode is a treasure trove of information for anyone passionate about floral design and the rich tapestry of cultural wedding traditions.

    03:22 Sarah's Education and Early Career
    06:57 Transition into Event Styling
    12:18 Approach to Business and Branding
    14:50 Experience with South Asian Weddings
    21:41  Event Planning and Execution
    22:34 Team and Workload
    29:58 Understanding Client Needs and Selecting Colors
    31:51 Incorporating Cultural Elements into the Design
    35:13 Balancing Tradition and Innovation in Event Design
    36:05 The Financial Aspects of Event Planning
    41:42 The Challenges of On-Site Installations
    44:21 Teaching and Mentoring in the Event Planning Industry

    3 key ingredients of a six figure florist - Mini Episode

    3 key ingredients of a six figure florist - Mini Episode

    Hello flower friends! Welcome back to the Floral Hustle Podcast with your host, Jen. In today's mini episode, we're diving into the three crucial elements that can propel your florist business into a six-figure year. Let's break it down:

    1. Focus on Revenue-Producing Opportunities:
      • Successful florists prioritize activities that generate income efficiently.
      • Identify and assess areas in your business that may not be profitable, such as order gathering with high fees.
      • Concentrate on revenue-generating tasks like networking, creating proposals, meeting with clients, and devising strategies for maximum profitability.
      • Audit your time investment and ensure it aligns with your highest revenue-generating activities.
    2. Do Things That Feel Good:
      • Acknowledge the importance of aligning your actions with what feels good for your business.
      • As the CEO, avoid getting stuck in tasks that don't resonate with you.
      • Cultivate positive energy by focusing on aspects of your business that bring fulfillment and creativity.
      • Assess your mindset and eliminate negativity, creating a positive environment that attracts success.
    3. Build a Strong Networking Tribe:
      • Networking is a key component for success in the florist business.
      • Instead of broad marketing efforts, focus on building a network that positions you as an authority.
      • Invest time in developing relationships with vendors, planners, and your ideal clients.
      • Your tribe should be comprised of individuals who genuinely support and believe in your success.
      • Building strong relationships with key individuals can lead to referrals and opportunities for bigger, more lucrative projects.

    Remember, flower friends, your network, positive energy, and strategic focus on revenue-generating activities are the secrets to achieving a six-figure florist business. Thank you for tuning in, and may your day be filled with blooming success! 🌸

    01:18 Focusing on Revenue Producing Opportunities
    04:25 Doing Things That Feel Good in Your Business
    06:29 The Impact of Positive Energy in Your Business
    09:32 Building Relationships with Vendor Friends
    10:33 Conclusion: The Secret to a Six Figure Business

    Join our free Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/676268590471667

    Want to learn more about working directly with Jeni- thefloralhustle.com/coaching and the floralhustle.com/mastermind

    2024 Goal Planning Strategy Hour

    2024 Goal Planning Strategy Hour

    01:56 The Importance of Auditing Your Business
    05:33 Identifying Your Revenue Sources
    10:36 The Role of Social Media in Business Growth
    11:33 Managing Freelancers and Labor
    21:03 Conducting an Expense Audit
    26:15 Understanding Your Effective Hourly Rate
    30:55 Effective Time Management and Tracking
    32:59 Focusing on Revenue Generating Activities
    34:35 The Importance of Self-Care
    35:08 Time Blocking and Prioritizing
    36:31 Developing a Plan for the Next Year
    38:08 Setting Realistic Goals
    40:35 The Impact of Mindset on Business
    55:45 Dealing with Negative Energy in Business