
    The Fluent Show

    Learn a Language...Or Maybe Three! The Fluent Show is on a mission to help you get excited about language learning. We learn languages every day in our lives, and have learnt over 15 different languages between us. We share stories, news, tips, and ideas that will make you fluent...eventually. Subscribe to the show today to get your regular dose of Fluent love. It is worth clarifying that we actively want to support anti-racism and will highlight and advocate for the equality of all. Language learning means committing to tolerance of other world views, and this open mind is a core value for me. This topic deserves well considered words so here are the best Kerstin managed to put together. (https://www.fluent.show/blacklivesmatter)
    en-gbKerstin Cable242 Episodes

    Episodes (242)

    Bilingual Episode: Meet My Language Teacher Dafydd (Fearlessly Speaking Welsh)

    Bilingual Episode: Meet My Language Teacher Dafydd (Fearlessly Speaking Welsh)
    "I never drop anything entirely. It's always still there in the background." In today's episode, I have brought on my very own language teacher! Dafydd Morse is a Welsh-Maths-Baking-Everything tutor and learning enthusiast from Wales. We'll chat about * Dafydd's own background growing up bilingually in Wales * Why it's important to Dafydd to pass on the Welsh language to his own children * Daf's love of learning and the one language he tried that didn't work out at all * What types of Welsh learners there are, and how you can become successful as a learner of any language Bilingual Episode You've been asking for a bilingual Welsh episode, and finally here it is! I took the opportunity to ask Dafydd a few questions in Welsh in this episode. You will hear him reply in Welsh and conduct the conversation like that for a few minutes. I summarize in English afterwards. If you are not a Welsh learner, don't worry as we'll always switch back to English. Here I always like to remember what the late Ron Gullekson from Language Surfer told me: "in a new language, I like to get uncomfortable as early as possible." So enjoy the challenge and enjoy the practice! Where do you listen? Take a photo of where you're listening to the Fluent Show and share it on social media to say hello! Here's where you can tag me: * Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thefluentshow * Instagram: http://instagram.com/kerstin_fluent/ and #thefluentshow * Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fluentlanguage Thank you to Popi for this episode introduction. Love the show? Rate & Review it here (https://lovethepodcast.com/0dH1NG) Special Guest: Dafydd Morse.

    The Hidden Cost of Cheap & Easy Language Learning

    The Hidden Cost of Cheap & Easy Language Learning
    We've never had it so good, have we? Language instruction is easily available these days through apps, social media, and teaching platforms. And it's so affordable ...if not entirely free! Sounds great, right? Well, just like every other big global industry "disruption", things aren't so simple with this one either. In today's podcast episode, we bring you a deep dive into that Boston Review (https://bostonreview.net/class-inequality/yuliya-komska-alberto-bruzos-moro-roberto-rey-agudo-who-pay-cheap-language-classes) article called "Who Pays for Cheap Language Instruction?" We discuss: * working conditions of language teachers and course creators * how the apps profit from language learners * what the tutoring market is like for teachers from different parts of the world * why this is weakening the language learning industry * what you can do about this right now "We have put up with “products” inspired less by linguistic justice than by game design. We have acquiesced to corporate cognitive-science experiments that harvest and mold our habits as data When it comes to acquiring languages, we have learned to ignore our agency, our sense of ethics and social justice, even as we have flexed these same faculties to support a bookstore or a clothing company. Simply put, we have consented to being the consumers that the language industry wants us to be. Where do you listen? Take a photo of where you're listening to the Fluent Show and share it on social media to say hello! Here's where you can tag me: * Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thefluentshow * Instagram: http://instagram.com/kerstin_fluent/ and #thefluentshow Love the show? Rate & Review it here (https://lovethepodcast.com/0dH1NG)

    Elle Charisse: Escape from New York

    Elle Charisse: Escape from New York
    Elle Charisse is a language podcaster (she hosts Speaking Tongues), language lover, and foodie. She's a New York woman through and through! We discuss * why and how life in New York is different from the movie version we're often sold * how to engage with New York's wealth of languages and native speakers respectfully * what a "woman of the world" is and who the most glamorous woman in Elle's life is * how reading books, learning languages, and eating food from other places all gives us that happy escapist buzz If you want to hear more episodes with a fantastic New York woman, check out my previous guest Ellen Jovin. Click here to see more about Ellen (https://www.fluent.show/guests/ellen) Love the show? Rate & Review it here (https://lovethepodcast.com/0dH1NG) Where do you listen? Take a photo of where you're listening to the Fluent Show and share it on social media to say hello! Here's where you can tag me: * Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thefluentshow * Instagram: http://instagram.com/kerstin_fluent/ and #thefluentshow Special Guest: Elle Charisse.

    Top Tools: Online Language Teacher Edition

    Top Tools: Online Language Teacher Edition
    Welcome to a special edition of the Fluent Show favourite top tools segment, and this time we're discussing the most useful online tools and tricks for language teachers. If you're familiar with Top Tools, you might know we try to leave out the most obvious ones and go straight to the practical tools that you might never have heard of. But with this being a first special edition for teachers, allow us to introduce each tool in the context of its wider theory. Want to cut straight to the top tools discussion? Go to timestamp 14:28 Here are the Top Tool nominations Listen to the show to find out which ones we chose as the three must-haves. TidyCal, an online scheduler you can use to cut out going back and forth on emails while you try to schedule lessons and appointments with your students. Get $10 credit on Appsumo with this referral link. (http://fbuy.me/v/kerstin_87) ThriveCart, a payment gateway that allows you to sell anything you like, set up memberships, add students to your courses and more Get to know Thrivecart (affiliate link) (https://kerstin--checkout.thrivecart.com/thrivecart-standard-account/) ConvertKit, an email newsletter software that allows you to create sign-up forms, send out branded email to lots of people, and grow your audience. Get free space for your first 1000 subscribers with this referral link. (https://app.convertkit.com/referrals/l/01240f77-0541-4823-b2a0-6816b3f2f278) Zoom breakout rooms, where you can easily organise group work, networking, chat meet-ups, language practice, language exchanges and more. Lindsay's video on Zoom for online teaching (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy9t7oOObmo) Zapier, the workflow "middleman" between all the different services you use online. Zapier can do SO MUCH. For example, save student assignment files into cloud storage, upload notes to course areas, add new bookings through your booking system to your email list, get a text when an appointment is about to start, back up your social media posts...there's a lot on offer! Look at what Zapier can do here (http://www.zapier.com) Canva, the web and app based design solution for any quick graphics you need. From your logo to your next workbook, Canva has you covered. Get a free premium element on canva with my referral link. (https://www.canva.com/join/flq-fwf-dvm) Love the show? Rate & Review it here (https://lovethepodcast.com/0dH1NG)

    How We Found Our Teaching Styles: Kate Fisher & Karina Thorne

    How We Found Our Teaching Styles: Kate Fisher & Karina Thorne
    In this podcast episode, you're going to meet two independent online teachers who decided to build their businesses in unique and interesting ways: Kate teaches, coaches, and creates materials for English language learners, and she's a fellow podcaster. Karina organises online writing experiences for English Language teachers so they can share their personal stories with confidence. Listen to this interview to learn more about - Kate & Karina's paths to online teaching - Creating and promoting a unique lesson structure and approach to teaching a language - The role of friendship and a support system for online language teachers Love the show? Rate & Review it here (https://lovethepodcast.com/0dH1NG) Note: I mixed up Karina and Kate's bios slightly at 08:00-08:30 in this episode, the above is the correct version. Support the Fluent Show on Patreon to get access to extra interview questions and extended show notes. Special Guests: Karina Thorne and Kate Fisher.

    What is Language Coaching?

    What is Language Coaching?
    If you are solo learning a language and want to feel confident and fluent, and make language a part of your life, you may feel stuck at some points along the way * Bored and frustrated with the methods you're currently using * Unable to progress no matter how hard you work * Unable to experience the results that you've been working so hard for Language Coaching is a service that helps you make the most of your learning journey. It’s designed for people who are serious about their goals and committed to achieving them In this episode, you're going to learn more about language coaching and what it can do for you. Find out * Why you would need a language coach * How working with a coach can help you figure out your best way to learn a language * How to get the most out of your language coaching sessions * How to approach investing in your work with a language coach Check out the links below for more podcast episodes that help you understand what language coaching is all about. Language Coaching Flowchart https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/500fab79c4aa83ca4b6cacae/1609776984808-CSJ4GOYNBUBYHWS5HK54/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kB80eW4KK5wgMfkTp6SjTNtZw-zPPgdn4jUwVcJE1ZvWQUxwkmyExglNqGp0IvTJZUJFbgE-7XRK3dMEBRBhUpxkEDnlqEYEiGVDb0kl5jpOJsm5iyfgdjNZyk67t96-U_4JMfIDDY8RGcVnRlrKExA/coahing+flow+chart.jpg?format=1500w Where do you listen? Take a photo of where you're listening to the Fluent Show and share it on social media to say hello! Here's where you can tag me: * Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thefluentshow * Instagram: http://instagram.com/kerstin_fluent/ and #thefluentshow * Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fluentlanguage Thank you to Marissa (http://www.releanalanguage.com) for this episode introduction. Love the show? Rate & Review it here (https://lovethepodcast.com/0dH1NG)

    Teaching Twi on Clubhouse with Afua Abrafi

    Teaching Twi on Clubhouse with Afua Abrafi
    My guest for today's episode is somebody I met on a brand new app! No, it's not a dating app. It is the new social media app called Clubhouse. There's a huge global audience of people on Clubhouse and you can join in, listen in and sometimes even speak hundreds of languages, including the language that we're focusing today: Twi! Twi is spoken in Ghana, and my expert guest Afua Abrafi has been teaching it for many years. She was born in Ghana herself, and is passionate about helping the African diaspora learn African languages. In today's podcast, Afua shares why she is so passionate about languages, how she became fluent in Dutch in a very short time, and what led her to start teaching the Twi language to people around the world. Where do you listen? Take a photo of where you're listening to the Fluent Show and share it on social media to say hello! Here's where you can tag me: * Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thefluentshow * Instagram: http://instagram.com/kerstin_fluent/ and #thefluentshow * Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fluentlanguage Thank you to my guest Afua for this episode introduction. Love the show? Rate & Review it here (https://lovethepodcast.com/0dH1NG) Special Guest: Afua Abrafi.

    Top 5 Tips for Starting a Career as an Online Language Teacher

    Top 5 Tips for Starting a Career as an Online Language Teacher
    You love languages and you want to spend your whole life around them. Ever thought about teaching? Teaching languages online is a realistic and interesting career choice. You could start a freelance career or even create your very own business. In today's episode, I'm answering the top five questions about being an online teacher plus some bonus tips you can use too! I am short of intros! Record your intro using Vocaroo (https://vocaroo.com/) and send me the link. You can speak any language you like. Just say your name, where you're from, which language you're speaking and "you're listening to the Fluent Show" Top 5 Questions I Answer in This Episode What is the best way to get the word out so I can book new online teaching customers? How do I market myself to new people and grow my audience online? How can I know my programmes and services will sell? What are the steps I need to take for creating my first online course? What's the best part of online teaching? Coaching, product creation, something else? a few bonus ones about responding to naysayers and keeping students motivated Want a little more support? You can book a whole day with me here: Mobile Mentoring with Kerstin (https://bookme.name/kerstin/lite/kerstins-day-of-mobile-mentoring-trial) Don't miss these two Fluent Show episodes: How Can We Make Online Lessons Less Exhausting? (https://www.fluent.show/183) and Where and How to Start Teaching Online (https://www.fluent.show/177) Where do you listen? Take a photo of where you're listening to the Fluent Show and share it on social media to say hello! Here's where you can tag me: * Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thefluentshow * Instagram: http://instagram.com/kerstin_fluent/ and #thefluentshow * Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fluentlanguage Thank you to Bonnie for this episode introduction. Love the show? Rate & Review it here (https://lovethepodcast.com/0dH1NG)

    The Best Song in Europe: We 💜 Eurovision

    The Best Song in Europe: We 💜 Eurovision
    Many cultural highlights were lost in 2020 due to the Coronavirus pandemic. One that's particularly close to our hearts here at the Fluent Show was the Eurovision Song Contest. One year on, the event is back ON and Lindsay and I meet to bring you a colourful podcast episode celebrating all the magical things about the Eurovision Song Contest.

    via GIPHY

    1) The history of Eurovision and of singing non-English songs 2) A preview of what's on this year 3) What we love about Eurovision - from a language learner's perspective and a wider perspective 4) Ideas for using Eurovision as a talking point for lessons/exchanges 5) Our Fluent Show Eurovision QUIZ --> See you at #EuroLangParty on Twitter! Where do you listen? Take a photo of where you're listening to the Fluent Show and share it on social media to say hello! Here's where you can tag me: * Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thefluentshow * Instagram: http://instagram.com/kerstin_fluent/ and #thefluentshow * Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fluentlanguage Love the show? Rate & Review it here (https://lovethepodcast.com/0dH1NG)

    Learning & Teaching with a Visual Impairment with Holly Jensen

    Learning & Teaching with a Visual Impairment with Holly Jensen
    Holly Jensen has studied Spanish, German, Arabic, French and Russian. She is an online English teacher. Holly is also blind. 👩‍🦯 In today's podcast interview, Holly shares her language life as a blind person. It was a super interesting interview and I'm so appreciative of Holly for suggesting the topic. Better Listening is for Everyone Holly shared in the interview that her superior listening skills have helped her. She can easily copy sounds and learn pronunciation, and she is a teacher appreciated for her fantastic abilities to teach accent in English. Teaching Online has Opened Doors for Holly It was difficult at first for Holly to get a job doing the teaching work that she loves, and it is common for blind people to struggle to access employment opportunities worldwide. Finding access to online teaching has helped Holly realise her career goals and work with students around the world. Most Students Build Trust Over Time Holly's students are sometimes nervous about having a blind teacher, but over time most build a good relationship with her and it doesn't stand in their way anymore. Listen to the interview today to get to know Holly and enjoy her open and positive attitude to life. Thank you for listening to the Fluent Show! If you enjoyed this episode, please consider supporting the show by leaving a review in your podcast app or becoming a member of our Patreon community Love the show? Rate & Review it here (https://lovethepodcast.com/0dH1NG) Special Guest: Holly Jensen.

    3 Lessons Podcasting Has Taught Me About Life and Languages

    3 Lessons Podcasting Has Taught Me About Life and Languages
    Welcome to episode 213 of the Fluent Show. Yes, that's a pretty high number! I've been a podcaster for 7+ years now, and in this episode I look back on why I believe podcasting is wonderful, and what it has taught me about life and languages. I'll be focusing on 3 lessons: Consistent improvements and the joy of curiosity Podcast creation isn't about cranking out perfection. It's about having fun and capturing fun just by being yourself. Just like languages, the magic is actually in the journey and not the result. Teamwork, trusting, and daring If you have a vision, you're allowed to be into it and to truly pursue the goal that you are aiming for. You are not on a schedule. You can just dare to go for it, just like that. Being myself, speaking like me, and learning how to communicate well Over the years, podcasting has taught me how to become more comfortable with the sound of my voice and the way I express myself. In conversations, I have learnt invaluable skills about listening, prompting good answers, and supporting my conversation partner. Do you want to become a podcaster too? My wider goal this week is to open you up to an idea - could you start a podcast? A little one? Maybe a big one? Maybe for your business, your project, for other language learners, for your students if you teach? Podcasting is a wonderful creative medium, and it makes bloody good business sense too! If you want to learn more about podcasting and get step-by-step guidance on how to start your own successful podcast, sign up for my Podcasting 101 Masterclass. It's perfect for you You’re in the beginning stages of starting a podcast and need a clear roadmap to get you to success You’ve started a podcast, but now you need tips and trade secrets to polish it up and make it shine You’re interested, but also worried it will be way too much work and you want a system that allows you to publish weekly . . . *easily* You’re looking for a simple and flexible way to plan out content so you always know what’s coming next You’re unsure of your voice (or message) and want to express yourself confidently You want to expand your reach and turn listeners into customers who cannot wait to pay you and work with you Learn more and join the class at www.fluentlanguage.co.uk (http://www.fluentlanguage.co.uk/podcasting101) Thank you to Heidi for this episode introduction. Where do you listen? Take a photo of where you're listening to the Fluent Show and share it on social media to say hello! Here's where you can tag me: * Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thefluentshow * Instagram: http://instagram.com/kerstin_fluent/ and #thefluentshow * Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fluentlanguage Love the show? Rate & Review it here (https://lovethepodcast.com/0dH1NG)

    Teaching Qualifications - yay or nay? with Aubrey Carter

    Teaching Qualifications - yay or nay? with Aubrey Carter
    Today's guest is Aubrey Carter, experienced ESL teacher, holder of an MA TESOL and a 3 Keys IELTS Certification. Aubrey's been a professional ESL teacher for 20 years and has taught in classrooms in New York and Montréal before taking up online teaching as part of the team at All Ears English. In our podcast conversation, you'll hear more about * how Aubrey became an English teacher through the New York City Teaching Fellows programme * why online teaching the English language is so different from other types of teaching * whether you need to make sure you have qualifications for online teaching or not * why starting a business isn't for everyone * how Aubrey keeps her 1:1 lessons interesting and fresh every time * how to create an online course that stands out above all others. I was inspired by Aubrey in so many ways and I'm excited for you to meet her today. Love the show? Rate & Review it here (https://lovethepodcast.com/0dH1NG) Ever thought about creating your OWN podcast? My brand new masterclass Podcasting 101 is going live on 15 May and you can book your super early place on it here (https://www.fluentlanguage.co.uk/podcasting101). Next time your mate mentions "we should do a podcast together"? This training is where you go! Special Guest: Aubrey Carter.

    No Stress: A Stress Awareness Special 😌

    No Stress: A Stress Awareness Special 😌
    Welcome to our second season of the year. In the coming bunch of episodes, I am going to focus on different stories and aspects related to teaching languages and teaching online. For today though, it's time to discuss something close to my heart: Stress! 😖 It's Stress Awareness Month in the UK and today I wanted to share my story and bring you helpful tips that can completely change your life. Whether you teach or learn languages, today's episode is going to help you figure out the struggles of stress. Important steps for reducing stress anywhere in your life The following tips are from mind.org.uk, a wonderful charity: Make some lifestyle changes such as Working on your assertiveness so you can feel confident saying no when people add pressure Developing your hobbies and interests - as language lovers you're miles ahead Adding in relaxation techniques and relaxing activities like yoga, meditation, creative activities, engagement in nature and music...er and podcasts? podcast walks! Limit your tech consumption - have an evening off from social media now and then Look after your physical health, this is the classics of sleep, exercise and healthy food Make sure you have a good support network through friends and family, workplace support (I found my union invaluable), your doctor if needed The Importance of Taking a Break As a language teacher, self-employed worker, I sometimes struggle with my boss - my boss being me. I have to make sure that the standards I set myself are fair. I had to learn to take breaks so that I can create better work. As a language learner, I'm very laid back but I often see others who worry that a break means stopping and being unable to pick things back up. Whether it's pressure from an app, a teacher, or your Insta feed, make sure you know that breaks are not endings. How will you use these tips? Thank you to Jon for this episode introduction. Thank you for listening to the Fluent Show! If you enjoyed this episode, please consider supporting the show by leaving a review in your podcast app or becoming a member of our Patreon community Love the show? Rate & Review it here (https://lovethepodcast.com/0dH1NG)

    Überraschungstüte with Lindsay: Running Conferences, Doing Masters Degrees, Learning What a "Blaue Reise" is

    Überraschungstüte with Lindsay: Running Conferences, Doing Masters Degrees, Learning What a "Blaue Reise" is
    Lindsay's back on the show and we're closing off the first season of 2021! Kerstin has more new German words to read out to Lindsay and they're all corona-related We review this year's Women in Language conference and answer a few questions about how to organise an event with 599 participants We discuss Lindsay's studies for her MA in Applied Linguistics, and why distance learning is her jam This show's a lovely mixed back of lots of fun topics, so kick back and enjoy with us. The Fluent Show will now be on a break until mid-April, when I'm excited to start the next season theme: teaching! Thank you for listening to the Fluent Show! If you enjoyed this episode, please consider supporting the show by leaving a review in your podcast app or becoming a member of our Patreon community Love the show? Rate & Review it here (https://lovethepodcast.com/0dH1NG)

    Good bye Chemistry, hello Linguistics! with Sarah F. Philips

    Good bye Chemistry, hello Linguistics! with Sarah F. Philips
    Bi-dialectal and bilingual as Korean-Black american, Sarah Phillips has always known that language is a huge part of her identity and she was blown away when she found out that she could become a linguist! Sarah focuses on code switching in her research. In this episode, you'll get SO MUCH super useful information about how linguists can study your brain when you are speaking another language. I loved talking to Sarah and having her as my guest. What's code switching? Code-switching means alternating languages during conversations. It has been widely studied in linguistics, psychology, and neuroscience; but the aim of Sarah's research is to integrate approaches from all three fields to develop a more holistic perspective on the bilingual mind. Free Class! How to Get Fluent When Life's Chaotic I'm running a brand new free training where you will learn how to get fluent without having to make a complex study plan, micro-manage yourself, or ever feel bad about missing a lesson. Sound good? Sign up at www.fluentlanguage.co.uk/lifechaotic (https://www.fluentlanguage.co.uk/lifechaotic) Thank you for listening to the Fluent Show! If you enjoyed this episode, please consider supporting the show by leaving a review in your podcast app and telling someone about the Fluent Show Special Guest: Sarah F. Phillips.

    Should You Come to Women in Language 2021?

    Should You Come to Women in Language 2021?
    Are you considering joining Women in Language 2021 (http://www.womeninlanguage.com) but aren’t sure whether it’s right for you? In today's episode, I'm going to be answering all of your burning questions about the event so that you can have the full information for the event that runs 4-7 March 2021. Tune in and hear me discuss: What happens during the conference days? We start on Thursday 4 March with our opening ceremony, welcoming all attendeesy and getting everyone in the mood for our 4 days of fun. Then we start with the first presentation. You will watch this presentation by logging into a special attendee's area on our website. There will be a fun and lively chatroom where you can meet other participants. This year we have - 23 presentations from expert speaker, covering topics from having a bilingual family to revitalising an endangered language - 3 powerful panels about languages in the world of social media, in technology, and in Australia with our Australian speakers Michele, Bec & Karla - 2 Speak Easy sessions where all participants can join to practice languages What's on? Here's the schedule! Women in Language schedule 2021 https://files.fireside.fm/file/fireside-uploads/images/9/9103f3da-a263-4bfe-b5a3-58649ff9b5f7/7juB37TB.jpg How does it all work technologically? When you get your ticket, you're automatically a member of our teachable online school, which is the Women in Language members area. For the chatroom, we use Youtube Live. You'll need a Youtube account in order to chat, but you don't need to download anything in order to watch. For the Speak Easy portion, we use Zoom. You need to download the free Zoom app if you want to join. For follow-up and connecting outside of the presentations, we have an exclusive Facebook group. Who is Women in Language 2021 for? People who are learning languages, no matter if it's their first language or their 10th Women, men, trans, non-binary, queer people, people of color, white people, monolingual people, multilingual people - our community welcomes you People who are passionate about culture, society, equality, and self-improvement People who want to connect with a strong and lively community of like-minded language learners People who enjoy this podcast! If you like the Fluent Show, honestly, I think you'd love Women in Language Can men join Women in Language 2021? Sometimes, men ask us if they can come too. The answer is YES - come along and enjoy learning from these smart, funny, and dedicated language loving women. In this episode you'll hear from 🤴🏼Jonathan, Léo, Richard and Shane who want to encourage you to join us! Is Women in Language just for people who speak multiple languages? Nope! We are not a space where you have to prove yourself. We're not going to ask you or test you, and we will speak out against any implication that knowing more languages makes anyone a better learner or a better person. If you're interested in the topics we bring you, then sign up and you'll be welcome. How much does it cost to join Women in Language 2021? $29 all in, including our presentations, opening party, closing party, live language exchange, Facebook group, raffle ticket and replays for anything you miss first time round. How do I sign up? www.womeninlanguage.com (http://www.womeninlanguage.com/) and tickets are open until 7 March but we start 4 March! See you there? See you there!! Thank you to Bonnie for this episode introduction and to Léo, Jonathan, Shane, and Richard for their participation. Thank you for listening to the Fluent Show! If you enjoyed this episode, please consider supporting the show by leaving a review in your podcast app or becoming a member of our Patreon community

    Stylistics: The Science of Hemingway and The Wire (with Professor Dan McIntyre)

    Stylistics: The Science of Hemingway and The Wire (with Professor Dan McIntyre)
    Wait, stylistics is not about fashion magazines? There's a job that involves watching The Wire? And Hemingway's language wasn't as simple as everyone says? In this interview with Professor Dan McIntyre from the University of Huddersfield, you'll get a super interesting guide to Stylistics, the study of style in language. Dan and I chat about corpus linguistics and audio-visual subtitles, and you'll learn more about what inspired him to start the popular language magazine, Babel. If you ever wanted a linguist in your pocket to answer all kinds of questions about subtitles and style, this is going to be the best hour of your week. Thank you to Dan for this episode introduction. And just like you heard in the episode, tickets are currently available for Women in Language 2021! Get yours here (http://www.womeninlanguage.com) Thank you for listening to the Fluent Show! If you enjoyed this episode, please consider supporting the show by leaving a review in your podcast app or becoming a member of our Patreon community Special Guest: Dan McIntyre.

    Top Tools: Winter of 2021

    Top Tools: Winter of 2021
    Look, yes, maybe you’re all here for the hottest tips about learning a language super efficiently, but we’re all real people too and so today’s Fluent Show comes with * added love of Riverdale * haikus * and a denouncement of optimising ourselves and our language learning to within an inch of our lives. Anti-efficient? But no! We are bringing you the beloved TOP TOOLS of winter 2021. Six hot new language learning apps and resources to help you through that pandemic with a smile on your face Here are all of our top tool suggestions Radio Garden Brainscape Flipboard wiktionary.org Down Dog yoga app BBC Bitesize Listen in to find out which ones came out on top. Thank you for listening to the Fluent Show! If you enjoyed this episode, please consider supporting the show by leaving a review in your podcast app or becoming a member of our Patreon community

    Discover the Languages of Western and Central Asia (with Erin Morgan)

    Discover the Languages of Western and Central Asia (with Erin Morgan)
    In today's episode, my guest Erin Morgan will tell you more about the most widely spoken languages of Western & Central Asia, such as.. * Arabic * Persian * Armenian * Kazakh * Turkmen * Pashto * ....and only a few dozen more! where "Western and Central Asia" even is how to understand the impact of history on any language why it works best to learn a language when you're really feeling it https://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/service:gmd:gmd7:g7420:g7420:ct002250/full/pct:25/0/default.jpg Thank you for listening to the Fluent Show! If you enjoyed this episode, please consider supporting the show by leaving a review in your podcast app or becoming a member of our Patreon community Special Guest: Erin Morgan.

    From Expat Bubbles to Bilingual Books: Letters to the Fluent Show

    From Expat Bubbles to Bilingual Books: Letters to the Fluent Show
    The first mailbag Fluent Show, answering four listener questions on: The best ways to learn grammar - does spaced repetition software work for learning grammar? 🗂 How to overcome shame and embarrassment when you're caught in the expat language bubble 🙈 Why all the tips about learning your 3rd, 4th, 5th language can be wrong for you 🪜 How I would instruct you in a lesson if we're using a bilingual parallel reader 📙 Thank you to Amanda for this episode introduction. If you want to submit an intro for this podcast, you can do so! Click here to read how it works. (https://www.patreon.com/posts/intros-needed-46860317) Thank you for listening to the Fluent Show! If you enjoyed this episode, please consider supporting the show by leaving a review in your podcast app or becoming a member of our Patreon community.