
    The Fluent Show

    Learn a Language...Or Maybe Three! The Fluent Show is on a mission to help you get excited about language learning. We learn languages every day in our lives, and have learnt over 15 different languages between us. We share stories, news, tips, and ideas that will make you fluent...eventually. Subscribe to the show today to get your regular dose of Fluent love. It is worth clarifying that we actively want to support anti-racism and will highlight and advocate for the equality of all. Language learning means committing to tolerance of other world views, and this open mind is a core value for me. This topic deserves well considered words so here are the best Kerstin managed to put together. (https://www.fluent.show/blacklivesmatter)
    en-gbKerstin Cable242 Episodes

    Episodes (242)

    What 2020 Taught Us About Languages (with Shannon Kennedy)

    What 2020 Taught Us About Languages (with Shannon Kennedy)
    A new year fireside chat with Shannon Kennedy! We have been recording these for a few years now and with 2020, what a year to review. This is Shannon's personal review of the year, and you can use the following questions to conduct your own review and set goals for the next year. How would you sum up the year in your languages? What changed in your life and in your languages in 2020? What lessons do you think you learnt from the year 2020? What surprised you? What will you change going forward? Looking forward, what are your language learning goals for 2021? Shannon's top 3 books of 2020 Digital Minimalism (https://www.calnewport.com/books/digital-minimalism/) by Cal Newport Homo Deus (https://www.ynharari.com/book/homo-deus/) by Yuval Noah Harari Sapiens (https://www.ynharari.com/book/sapiens-2/) by Yuval Noah Harari Shannon also mentioned Atomic Habits (https://jamesclear.com/atomic-habits) by James Clear Shannon's top 4 apps of 2020 This is for language learning and not-language-learning. Todoist (https://todoist.com/) for task management Notion (http://www.notion.so) for study note management Drops (https://languagedrops.com/) and Memrise (http://www.memrise.com) for language learning Thank you for listening to the Fluent Show! If you enjoyed this episode, please consider supporting the show by leaving a review in your podcast app or becoming a member of our Patreon community Special Guest: Shannon Kennedy.

    Words of the Year 2020

    Words of the Year 2020
    There are two big types of news in this episode: 1. Important celebrity word news from the worlds of Hilaria Baldwin and Wagatha Christie πŸ•΅πŸΌ 2. Important annual word news from the Word of the Year committees around the world It's a bumper episode as Lindsay dropped in to discuss all those words that made our 2020, including * lockdown * coronavirus * rona / Miss Rona * BLM / Black Lives Matter * Samfundssind * PPE * Karen AND MANY MORE!! πŸ˜„ I have a bunch of small corrections from this episode: * I got the German gender letters wrong when talking about Gendersternchen and job applications, it’s not n for the 3rd option but d (to mean β€œdivers”). * The French word "dΓ©confinement" isn't "confinement"or "lockdown" but the period after: the confinement is being "undone", usually in small steps, a de-lockdown, so to say (Merci to Ines) * TERF stands for trans exclusionary radical feminist, which makes way more sense than my guess "revolutionary" (Thanks to Ines) If you enjoyed this episode, please consider supporting the show by leaving a review in your podcast app or becoming a member of our Patreon community at www.patreon.com/fluentshow Thank you for listening to the Fluent Show!

    Back from Hiatus with 5 Ways to Set Your Language Goals for 2021

    Back from Hiatus with 5 Ways to Set Your Language Goals for 2021
    Hi!!!! The Fluent Show is back! How was your 2020? Can you believe we had 200 episodes of Fluent Show? I mean wow. WOW. In this episode, I'll be reflecting on the big themes of last year and giving you 5 ways to set your language goals for 2021. * Set your Vision Goal first * Build around milestones for the year * Commit to recording over planning * Put the joy and the experience first * Work with micro-challenges As always, patrons of the Fluent Show will get a copy of my full show notes for this episode. Curious? Join the Fluent Show's Patreon community. (https://www.patreon.com/fluentshow) Thank you to Israel for this episode introduction. Thank you for listening to the Fluent Show! If you enjoyed this episode, please consider supporting the show by leaving a review in your podcast app or becoming a member of our Patreon community

    Bonus Episode: International Podcasters' Panel

    Bonus Episode: International Podcasters' Panel
    Can you imagine creating a podcast in your mother tongue...AND in a foreign language? Even though I am a German speaker, I podcast in English. And I never really think about it! But I was curious about people who podcast in other languages, and so I reached out to a few awesome people to find out: What's it like to podcast, but not in English? My guests for this special bonus episode are Karin from Sweden, Vero from Venezuela and Aakanksha from India. Each of them has an inspiring wonderful story of podcasting. If you're a lover of podcasts, languages, or if you're just curious learning languages using podcasts, this is the episode for you. This bonus episode is released one week early for all of the Fluent Show patrons. If you are interested in getting bonus content, early access, and you just want to support this podcast, then please consider supporting us on Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/fluentshow). Any amount is welcome! Thank you for listening to the Fluent Show! If you enjoyed this episode, please consider supporting the show by leaving a review in your podcast app or becoming a member of our Patreon community Special Guests: Aakanksha Saxena, Karin Heimdahl, and Vero Wall.

    Episode 200 Party Live Stream πŸŽ‚

    Episode 200 Party Live Stream πŸŽ‚
    We've done it! Welcome to episode 200 of the Fluent Show podcast with plenty of quizzing and jingles! This episode was broadcast live on 16 October 2020 with awesome participation from our live chatroom and bonus quiz questions from Sarah L, and Megan, the host of Oh No! Lit Class (https://www.ohnolitclass.com/). Please review us or support us on Patreon (http://www.patreon.com/fluentshow) and get bonus episodes and extra materials during the hiatus. We'll be back on the feed in 2021! We had ALL THE QUIZ questions, including the following: * Episode 25 (Lindsay Dow) saw the emergence of one of Kerstin's book-related pet peeves..which one is it? * Episode 28 (Shannon Kennedy): In this episode, Shannon admitted to being an extreme , which is why she doesn't find it lonely to learn languages by herself. * Episode 73 (Ultramarathon for the Brain): This episode is a part of Fluent Show history as the first ever bilingual show, in German and English. Who was the guest? * Episode 136 (Paul Kaye): Paul Kaye is a professional translator who used to be a journalist. He applied with an Eastern European language. Which one is it? * Episode 145 (Indigenous Languages): Which glorious pop star referred to English as little tongue, sparking a discussion for this episode? * Episode 150 (Langfest 2019): This episode featured a drinking song in which very small European language? * Episode 158 (David Peterson): Which important distinction did David need to work out before he could record the Dothraki intro to the Fluent Show? some explicit words are included in this one, but all in the context of fun and education! Thank you to LINDSAY for introducing this episode of the Fluent Show! Thank you for listening to the Fluent Show! If you enjoyed this episode, please consider supporting the show by leaving a review in your podcast app or becoming a member of our Patreon community

    Learning a Language While Working From Home

    Learning a Language While Working From Home
    How is this not the most current question ever? It's so 2020, and so relevant to many of us. Today, I'm going to do a deep dive into the ups and downs of working from home. You'll learn How to improve your separation between work life and language life How to structure your goals so you make regular progress How to find a productive study routine even if you have only 10 minutes a day Thank you to Octavio for this episode introduction. Thank you for listening to the Fluent Show! If you enjoyed this episode, please consider supporting the show by leaving a review in your podcast app or becoming a member of our Patreon community

    Language Dabbling Advice, the Scots Wikipedia Shocker..and Adele's πŸ‡―πŸ‡² Bikini

    Language Dabbling Advice, the Scots Wikipedia Shocker..and Adele's πŸ‡―πŸ‡²  Bikini
    We're exploring the hottest of hot potatoes in this episode by discovering the scandal, the drama, the shock of what happened over on Scots Wikipedia. And once everyone's calmed down, Lindsay's on hand to help discover the many different benefits of having a dabble instead of always getting super serious about learning a language. It's always fun to learn a language, no matter if you're in a 10-year epic journey...or you are language Lou Bega.

    via GIPHY

    Thank you for listening to the Fluent Show! If you enjoyed this episode, please consider supporting the show by leaving a review in your podcast app or becoming a member of our Patreon community (http://www.patreon.com/fluentshow)

    The Women in Language Speaker Takeover

    The Women in Language Speaker Takeover
    Last week you heard what it's like behind the scenes of organising our online conference. Women in Language. But what is it like to prepare for speaking at this event? Let's hear from the Women in Language speakers! Introducing Women in Language Women in Language is a 4-day online event filled with talks presentations from 30+ female language experts who have done amazing things and documented their journey. The conference is open to everyone, regardless of gender identity. Here's the full schedule for 2020: Women in Language Schedule 2020 https://files.fireside.fm/file/fireside-uploads/images/9/9103f3da-a263-4bfe-b5a3-58649ff9b5f7/DqRDkNdf.jpg Get your ticket at www.womeninlanguage.com Here are the voices you're hearing on this show: Angela Pegarella from Passion for Dreaming (https://www.youtube.com/user/PassionforDreaming) Chesline Pierre-Paul, a life, language and creativity coach Chesline (https://www.chesline.com/) Devy Baseley, who runs FrenchSpeak.au (https://frenchspeak.com.au/) Esther Ciganda, an independent Basque teacher at Basque in Languages (http://www.instagram.com/basqueinlanguages) Gaby Simmons who's the creator of Tim Tim Tom Books (https://timtimtom.com/) Lina Vasquez, a language coach and polyglot who runs the Lina Vasquez YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/LinaVasquezLinguist) Sarah Barrett from family-focused language company Lingotastic (http://lingotastic.co.uk/) Sara Maria Hasbun - remember her? Here she is! (https://www.fluent.show/guests/saramaria) Shanthi Cumaraswamy Streat, expert English teacher at English With a Twist (https://englishwithatwist.com/) Support This Podcast Like all podcasts, the Fluent Show is supported by your online reviews and word of mouth. If you liked this episode, please tell someone about it. Click here to support us on Patreon (http://www.patreon.com/fluentshow), go to your Podcasts app and leave us a review, or simply text a friend about the Fluent Show. Thank you! Special Guests: Angela Pegarella, Chesline Pierre-Paul, Devy Baseley, Esther Ciganda, Gabriela Simmons, Lina Vasquez, Sarah Barrett, Sara Maria Hasbun, and Shanthi Cumaraswamy Streat.

    How to Run an Online Conference Like Women in Language

    How to Run an Online Conference Like Women in Language
    The greatest thing about running a conference online? We can organise it between 3 people who live far apart from each other! Make no mistake, there's a lot of work and care in Women in Language. But when it all comes together, this is one fantastic event. Behind the Scenes at Women in Language In this episode, Shannon and I share how we use each of these tools for making Women in Language. (some of the links below are affiliate links) Teachable (http://sendmeto.teachable.com/tlcpC) both for hosting our own course AND for collecting all information for our speakers Mailchimp (http://www.mailchimp.com) for our emails to speakers and attendees, and for our newsletter Zapier (https://zapier.com/explore) to connect the apps we use Asana (https://app.asana.com/) to stay as organised as possible Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/live) live & live chat Ecamm live (https://www.ecamm.com/mac/ecammlive/?fp_ref=kerstin21) via Skype Zoom (http://bit.ly/39XW7DY) (for the Speak Easy sessions) Google Docs & Forms (https://www.google.com/forms/about/) For promotion, we use Canva (https://www.canva.com/join/flq-fwf-dvm) to make the images and various social media schedulers including SocialBee (https://socialbee.grsm.io/kerstincable6380). Thank you for listening to the Fluent Show! If you enjoyed this episode, please consider supporting the show by leaving a review in your podcast app or becoming a member of our Patreon community Special Guest: Shannon Kennedy.

    5 Fun Ideas To Help You Get More Speaking Practice in Another Language

    5 Fun Ideas To Help You Get More Speaking Practice in Another Language
    It's time for a listener question, this time from super-busy mum Jo-Anne, who needed new inspiration for speaking practice in another language. In the episode you'll learn about * Taking a drop-in class * Joining a Speak Easy session * Chatting to your digital voice assistant * Setting up a practice group with buddies * Practicing through self-talk Check out how Jo-Anne has used the Language Habit Toolkit (https://www.fluentlanguage.co.uk/the-language-habit-toolkit) in this photo: jo-Anne suriel's language habit tracker https://files.fireside.fm/file/fireside-uploads/images/9/9103f3da-a263-4bfe-b5a3-58649ff9b5f7/xahNpRxR.jpeg Thank you to Dafydd (https://www.italki.com/teacher/3820285) for this episode introduction. Thank you for listening to the Fluent Show! If you enjoyed this episode, please consider supporting the show by leaving a review in your podcast app or becoming a member of our Patreon community

    Will the Real Multilinguals Please Stand Up?

    Will the Real Multilinguals Please Stand Up?
    How does being multilingual affect your identity? Do you feel that through these language journeys you've taken, your identity and world views have changed? When recording this week's episode, Lindsay and I dug deep and discussed our perspectives about being multilingual people. It was a surprising discussion! Click or tap here to let us know what you think over on Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/posts/40703467) Thank you for listening to the Fluent Show! If you enjoyed this episode, please consider supporting the show by leaving a review in your podcast app or becoming a member of our Patreon community And click here to get your ticket for our 4-day online conference Women in Language (http://www.womeninlanguage.com)

    Going Up, Up, Up - How to Reach Higher Language Levels

    Going Up, Up, Up - How to Reach Higher Language Levels
    You've come a long way from being a beginner in your target language, so you know that you can make great progress. But the better you get, the harder it seems to improve even more. How can you reach the next level? In this episode of the Fluent Show, I'm sharing a few tips to help you feel GREAT about your language skills no matter where you're at. Learn more about the role of patience, clarity and expectation as you get better at your language. Oh, you want to be sure you reach the next level too? Don't worry, I have hands-on steps included for you too. Thank you to Ethan for this episode introduction. Want to read my full show notes? If you want to get more details and full notes for this episode and all the solo episodes of the Fluent Show, head to Patreon (http://www.patreon.com/fluentshow) and back this podcast for any amount of your choice. Where do you listen? Take a photo of where you're listening to the Fluent Show and share it on social media to say hello! Here's where you can tag me: * Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thefluentshow * Instagram: http://instagram.com/kerstin_fluent/ and #thefluentshow * Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fluentlanguage

    Bilingual Episode (Spanish): Language Learning con Salsa πŸ’ƒπŸΎ with Tamara Marie

    Bilingual Episode (Spanish): Language Learning con Salsa πŸ’ƒπŸΎ  with Tamara Marie
    When was the last time you sang a song in your target language? What about dancing in it? In today's interview, you'll learn what it means to connect to a language through music, and how the culture-first approach helped my guest Tamara Marie from Spanish con Salsa discover new connections, experiences and even insights into her own ancestry. The origins of Salsa as a music style and a way of life How the song RebeliΓ³n by Joe Aroyo changed Tamara's life as a language learner How learning Spanish helped Tamara connect to her ancestry as a black woman in the USA Why the Caribbean music scene can teach you an authentic and diverse way of speaking Spanish How to switch off your thinking mind as a language learner Bilingual Episode I took the opportunity to ask Tamara a few questions in Spanish in this episode. You will hear her reply in Spanish and conduct the conversation like that for about 10 minutes. If you are not a Spanish learner, don't worry as we'll always switch back to English. Here I always like to remember what the late Ron Gullekson from Language Surfer told me: "in a new language, I like to get uncomfortable as early as possible." So enjoy the challenge and enjoy the practice! Gracias to Lindsay Williams for her linguistic support in Spanish. and to you for listening to the Fluent Show! If you enjoyed this episode, please consider supporting the show by leaving a review in your podcast app or becoming a member of our Patreon community. Special Guest: Tamara Marie.

    Don't Let the Streak Run the Show: How to Be Consistent in Language Learning

    Don't Let the Streak Run the Show: How to Be Consistent in Language Learning
    Have you ever broken a streak or lost track? Powered by lots of fun real life examples, this episode will help you learn how to stay consistent in language learning. Put this on your schedule and structure your time. Be super specific Trust your gut and choose what you enjoy and what challenges you If you lose your streak, reconnect to your original motivation Thank you to Dela for this episode introduction. Thank you for listening to the Fluent Show! If you enjoyed this episode, please consider supporting the show by leaving a review in your podcast app.

    When You've Got a Notebook, You've Made Space for a Language

    When You've Got a Notebook, You've Made Space for a Language
    We're discussing all things pen & paper! We discuss the state of handwritten notes in modern language learning, how we do it ourselves, and why pen and paper could be the key to giving you an everlasting language memory. Also featured: Soap operas, Lindsay's a student again, and the Women in Language conference running 17-20 September 2020: www.womeninlanguage.com Thank you for listening to the Fluent Show! If you enjoyed this episode, please consider supporting the show by leaving a review in your podcast app or becoming a member of our Patreon community

    What It Takes to Become a Professional Tutor

    What It Takes to Become a Professional Tutor
    This week's listener question comes from Lee, a new online tutor looking for guidance on the difference between community and professional tutoring on italki. After working at italki as a community tutor, I want to branch out and become a professional tutor. My lessons are extremely structured and informative although I am not a professional teacher so I was wondering as to whether or not I should move to a professional tutor. I think typically professional teachers are seen to be more prepared and knowledgeable. I’m not too sure to be honest. I just know that I love online education! What does it mean to act like a professional as a tutor? How good do you have to be at a language before you can teach it? Why are there community and professional tutors on italki? What qualification do you need to get their professional status? How can you start going full-time as a professional online language teacher? Thank you to Gosia for this episode introduction. Teacher Chat https://files.fireside.fm/file/fireside-uploads/images/9/9103f3da-a263-4bfe-b5a3-58649ff9b5f7/xf8oQmNK.png

    Bilingual Episode πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ : Learn Languages from the Streets with Easy Languages

    Bilingual Episode πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ : Learn Languages from the Streets with Easy Languages
    Imagine you're walking down the street in another country, bumping to lots of cool new people and chatting about big and small life questions with them. And all that in another language! Can't quite travel there? Not ready to speak fluently? Don't worry, Easy Languages has your back! This hugely popular YouTube channel brings you conversations with people from the street, sharing authentic language and culture from dozens of countries. It all started in MΓΌnster in Germany, when a group of students recorded themselves shouting "Hallo!" at random people during a media workshop led by Janusz Hamerski. Today Easy Languages is a global organisation making videos in over 32 languages. In this Fluent Show episode, you'll get to know co-founder Janusz and producer Manuel. Bilingual Episode This episode contains a lot of fun conversation in English and a little fun conversation in German. Janusz and Manuel are German speakers like me, so we switched into German for a little bit to give you some listening practice as a learner. If you are not a German learner, don't worry as we'll always switch back to English and make sure you don't miss anything. Here I always like to remember what the late Ron Gullekson from Language Surfer told me: "in a new language, I like to get uncomfortable as early as possible." So enjoy the challenge and enjoy the German practice! πŸ‘©πŸΎ πŸ‘©πŸΏβ€πŸ¦±πŸ–€ Event Announcement And one more thing I want you to know about: The Sisters Only Language Summit (http://www.sistersonlylanguagesummit.com) is running its second virtual summit on 25 July 2020. This event is going to be fantastic, so make sure you check it out and support them. Fluent Show listeners who are students and women of African descent can apply for one of 3 scholarship tickets that are donated by the Fluent Show. Special Guests: Janusz Hamerski and Manuel Salmann.

    My Language Plan: Halfway Through 2020

    My Language Plan: Halfway Through 2020
    We're halfway through the year, so today's episode is an in-depth review of how it's gone so far. This is my #clearthelist entry for July 2020. I'm sharing how it's going with my Chinese studies, my Welsh language, and what I want to try next. You are invited to review your year and make notes as you follow along with this episode. Here are a few questions you can use for reviewing your own progress: What are the 3 biggest experiences that shaped your first half of 2020? What are 3 things you want to remember about learning languages in the last 6 months? How different do you feel about your language skills compared to the start of the year? What are you working on right now? Which specific actions will you take to make language learning progress in the next 30 days? Thank you to Cait for this episode introduction. Thank you for listening to the Fluent Show! If you enjoyed this episode, please consider supporting the show by leaving a review in your podcast app or becoming a member of our Patreon community

    Revisiting Duolingo

    Revisiting Duolingo
    After a ridiculous change of topic from ✊🏾 to 🍷 and a discussion of what's new in emoji world, Lindsay and I go back to the deep, deep well that is talking about Duolingo! We both have the apps on our phones and we use Duolingo in different ways. How do you use yours? We Shared These Tips for Getting More Out of Duolingo Use the "Practice" button to get unlimited hearts and review what you've learnt before Write down sentences from Duolingo lessons in your notebook to practice in a new environment Make sure you read the "Tips" for handy explanations that give you helpful context Instead of letting the course lead you, use its "Test Out" feature to check in on your learning progress Check out the Duolingo Stories to use your target language Always use the Streak Freeze and Double or Nothing features to boost your little Duolingo gems Add friends on Duolingo (I'm kerstin_fluent) Switch your source language to access even more courses in unusual languages, such as Guarani and Catalan through Spanish Check the forums for questions & use the vocab lists (great link below) Go to the meet-ups to meet fellow Duolingo fans Read the Duolingo blog for interesting stats Thank you for listening to the Fluent Show! If you enjoyed this episode, please consider supporting the show by leaving a review in your podcast app or becoming a member of our Patreon community

    Love Your Accent in Any Language πŸ’›

    Love Your Accent in Any Language πŸ’›
    You say "either" and I say "either" You say "neither" I say "neither" "Either" "either", "neither" "neither" Let's call the whole thing off George & Ira Gershwin This week on the Fluent Show, I'm answering a listener question about accents. What is an accent? Can your accent change even though you're not trying? Is it possible to learn a different accent? Can you get an accent by listening to podcasts? ...and more mysteries! Listen to the episode to hear my answers to these questions and find out why my approach when speaking a foreign language is like this: DO learn pronunciation (IPA if you like) DON’T worry about your accent Thank you to Antonio for this episode introduction. Want to read my full show notes? If you want to get more details and full notes for this episode and all the solo episodes of the Fluent Show, head to Patreon (http://www.patreon.com/fluentshow) and back this podcast for any amount of your choice. Where do you listen? Take a photo of where you're listening to the Fluent Show and share it on social media to say hello! Here's where you can tag me: * Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thefluentshow * Instagram: http://instagram.com/kerstin_fluent/ and #thefluentshow * Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fluentlanguage