
    The Frame of Mind Coaching™ Podcast

    Welcome to The Frame of Mind Coaching™ Podcast with hosts Kim Ades and Ferne Kotlyar! Listen in as the mother-daughter duo discuss our unique coaching approach to topics such as leadership, entrepreneurship, HR issues, relationships, parenting, mental health, and more. In each episode, Ferne brings a topic or case study to the show and Kim shares her on-the-spot insights. You’ll learn how to shift your perspective on relatable challenges so that you can experience dramatically better results!
    enFrame of Mind Coaching™279 Episodes

    Episodes (279)

    The Journey of 1000 miles with Wally Bressler

    The Journey of 1000 miles with Wally Bressler

    They say that the journey of 1000 miles begins with the first step, but they always neglect to tell you how many twists and turns will happen along the way. In today’s episode of the FOM Coaching™ Podcast, we are absolutely elated and excited to welcome Wally Bressler to the show. In this episode, he shares his journey through addiction, abuse and prison and how it led him to becoming the amazing person and the amazing coach that he is today.

    Tragic Hero by Wally Bressler: 

    How To Find Your Perfect Match With Polina Solda

    How To Find Your Perfect Match With Polina Solda

    It seems like everywhere you look, there is a couple in love. Whether you are at a theme park, a party or even the mall, love is everywhere. But how do you find that perfect match for yourself?

    Today on a brand new season of The Frame of Mind Coaching™ Podcast, we are excited to welcome Polina Solda, CEO of Love by Design, to answer this very big question!

    The Love by Design Pyramid Guide:

    Learn more about Frame of Mind Coaching™:

    Working From Home: More or Less Productive? – With Ann Gomez

    Working From Home: More or Less Productive? – With Ann Gomez

    Since the pandemic, we’ve heard the same argument over and over again. Which one is better: working from home or going into the office? On today’s episode of The Frame of Mind Coaching™ Podcast, we have a special guest to discuss exactly that. Ann Gomez, Founder of Clear Concept Inc. and author of Workday Warrior, shares the benefits of each scenario, as well as how to build a routine, be more productive, and concentrate on core priorities.

    Join the conversation!

    Read the episode's transcript here:

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    It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Later

    It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Later

    This episode is a little bit of a sad one because it will be Ferne’s last episode as my co-host. My little girl (who’s not so little) is growing up. She’ll need this time to focus on her PhD and head to the tropics for fieldwork. In this last episode together, we talk about transitions. We talk about moving from one phase of life to another: a new job, a different town, time without a partner, no longer being on a podcast. Why do life changes always feel so hard? And how do we make them just a little bit easier?

    A note from Ferne: Thank you to all our listeners who encouraged me to continue recording. I appreciate all your kind words and notes of encouragement. I’m sure I will be back as a guest soon!

    Listen to this new episode of The Frame of Mind Coaching™ Podcast!

    Read the episode's transcript here:

    Don’t forget to fill out our survey!

    What do you think about this episode? Let us know! Do you have a case or a topic that you’d like us to talk about? Reach out! Please email us:


    How To Tell Your Partner They’ve Gained Weight

    How To Tell Your Partner They’ve Gained Weight

    How do we tell someone that is important to us something that might hurt their feelings? How do we break the news to them without making them feel terrible? Should we tell them at all? Of course, it depends on what we are trying to tell them, but the questions still remain.

    Find out in this new episode of The Frame of Mind Coaching™ Podcast!

    Read the episode's transcript here:

    Don’t forget to fill out our new survey!

    What do you think about this episode? Let us know! Do you have a case or a topic that you’d like us to talk about? Reach out! Please email us:


    Group Productivity: How To Inspire Your Team

    Group Productivity: How To Inspire Your Team

    How do you lead a team that has no official leader? How do you please everyone while maintaining a cohesive vision? Do you become the self-appointed leader? If so, how do you earn everyone’s respect? How do you make your ideas infectious? Navigating the world of leadership and group productivity is complicated no matter what position you’re in.

    Tune in to this week’s episode of The Frame of Mind Coaching™ Podcast to learn more!

    P.S. Adrien (Ferne’s partner) received his PR card 4 days after the recording of this podcast, 2 days before their flight. In the end, they were able to go to France.

    Read the episode's transcript here:

    Don’t forget to fill out our new survey!

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    I Don’t Fit In Culturally At Work

    I Don’t Fit In Culturally At Work

    At work, everyone is part of the same culture. They all celebrate Christmas and Easter and don’t realize that some people celebrate other things. I feel like I don’t fit in. Every time I do something different or mention a different holiday, they look at me like I’m an alien. How could I possibly fit it?

    Listen to this new episode of The Frame of Mind Coaching™ Podcast

    Read the episode's transcript here:

    Don’t forget to fill out our new survey!

    What do you think about this episode? Let us know! Do you have a case or a topic that you’d like us to talk about? Reach out! Please email us:


    Dealing With Exhaustion

    Dealing With Exhaustion
    We all know that feeling when life piles up and the lack of sleep starts to hit us like a ton of bricks. But exhaustion is more than just the lack of sleep. Exhaustion is emotionally charged; it’s the feeling that you don’t have time to sleep because you have so many things to do. It’s the feeling that you can’t take a rest because the world would fall apart without you. So, the answer isn’t as simple as taking a nap.

    The answer can however be found in this week’s episode of The Frame of Mind Coaching™ Podcast, tune in to check it out!

    Read the episode's transcript here:

    Don’t forget to fill out our new survey!

    Was this information useful to you or someone else? Let us know! Do you have a case or a topic that you’d like us to talk about? Reach out! Please email us:

    How To Be More Decisive

    How To Be More Decisive

    To be or not to be? To go or not to go? To buy or not to buy? Big or small, we make decisions on a daily basis, so why do some decisions feel so much harder to make? Of course, there are the morally ambiguous, socially precarious, dramatic and life changing decisions that are understandably difficult. 

    But sometimes, super simple, insignificant decisions can cause so much unnecessary turmoil; like whether or not to go to a party or whether or not to buy a nice shirt, or even where to go out to eat. 

    How do such simple decisions become so complex? Would it really make a difference either way? How do we let go of our indecision and trade it up for peace of mind?

    Listen to our new episode of The Frame of Mind Coaching™ Podcast to find out!

    Read the episode's transcript here:

    Did you like this episode? Let us know! Do you consider yourself an indecisive person? Do you have a case or a topic that you’d like us to talk about? Reach out! Please email us:


    The Constant Need For Validation

    The Constant Need For Validation

    Do you ever feel like it’s never enough? Achieving goal after goal, all you want is more. You want people to recognize you; you want people to realize how damn hard you’re working. You want to be at the top, but once you get there, there is always a new ladder to climb. This chase for validation is not only exhausting, but it leaves us only temporarily satisfied.

    So how do we step off the treadmill?

    Tune into this week’s episode of The Frame of Mind Coaching™ Podcast to find out!

    Read the episode's transcript here:

    Have you ever felt this need for validation? Let us know! Do you have a topic or case that you’d like us to talk about? Reach out! We’d LOVE to hear from you, so please email us:


    Practical Networking Tips

    Practical Networking Tips

    This week’s episode of the Frame of Mind Coaching™ Podcast is all about practical tips for networking. We talk about how to prepare, how to impress, and how to make the best out of conferences. We also talk about what to do if networking isn’t really your thing and how to help yourself by helping others.

    Join the conversation!

    Read the episode's transcript here:

    Was this information useful to you or someone else? Let us know! Do you have a case or a topic that you’d like us to talk about? Reach out! Please email us:


    Top 3 Thinking Strategies of Incredible Leaders

    Top 3 Thinking Strategies of Incredible Leaders

    What makes some people incredible at delegating a group, sparking creativity, and igniting passion in others? What makes an incredible leader? The answer is in the way they think. In this episode of The Frame of Mind Coaching™ Podcast, Ferne and I discuss the top three thinking strategies that incredible leaders have in common.

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    Read the episode's transcript here:

    What do you think about this episode? Let us know! Do you have a case or a topic that you’d like us to talk about? Reach out! Please email us:


    What Happens When We Don’t Share The Values of Our Clients

    What Happens When We Don’t Share The Values of Our Clients

    We cannot see eye to eye with everyone. Sometimes, we disagree with the opinions or thoughts of our clients. But what happens when we fundamentally disagree with their values and beliefs? How do we continue to see them in the best light even when we don’t align?

    Listen to this new episode of The Frame of Mind Coaching™ Podcast here!

    Read the episode's transcript here:

    What do you do when you disagree with someone’s values? Let us know! Do you have a topic or case that you’d like us to talk about? Reach out! We’d LOVE to hear from you, so please email us:


    What Motivates The People Around Me?: With Denim Slade

    What Motivates The People Around Me?: With Denim Slade

    This week, we have a series of firsts. It is the first time Ferne and I interview a podcast guest together. And it is the first time we have Dr. Denim Slade, my own personal coach (because I think even coaches need a coach) live on the show. Denim is one of the few PhD-level relationship coaches in the world and is well known for developing the C.O.R.E. assessment, an evidence-based personality and temperament test. On this episode of The Frame of Mind Coaching™ Podcast, we interview Denim to learn more about his assessment tool and how it helps him understand the drivers and motivations of his clients.

    Listen here!

    Read the episode's transcript here:

    Would you like to take the test? Did you already take it? Let us know! Do you have a topic or case that you’d like us to talk about? Reach out! We’d LOVE to hear from you, so please email us:


    My Son Called the Police on His Brother!

    My Son Called the Police on His Brother!
    One ostrich, five kids, a forged signature, and the police; what more could you want from a story? Tune in to this week’s episode of the Frame of Mind Coaching™ Podcast to hear the story of one of the FAKs (Friedman, Ades, Kotlyar) Family’s favourite childhood memories. This episode is light and breezy, but insightful, nonetheless.

    Wanna know more? Listen to our new episode!

    Read the episode's transcript here:

    Did you like this episode? Let us know! Do you have a funny story you’d like to share with us? Do you have a case or a topic that you’d like us to talk about? Reach out! Please email us:

    How To Convince My Colleagues I’m Right

    How To Convince My Colleagues I’m Right

    You won’t always agree with the ideas people on your team put forward, but there’s a difference between an idea you don’t quite like and an idea that is just downright terrible. How do you convince your team that this is an awful idea without sounding like an asshole?

    Listen to this new episode of The Frame of Mind Coaching™ Podcast to find out!

    Read the episode's transcript here:

    Have you ever had to deal with a situation like this? Let us know! Do you have a topic or case that you’d like us to talk about? Reach out! We’d LOVE to hear from you, so please email us:


    Taboo Topics: Birth Control - Choosing Between The Lesser of Evils

    Taboo Topics: Birth Control - Choosing Between The Lesser of Evils

    As a society, we are ultimately very lucky to have access to birth control and be able to decide when or if we want to have children. The issue is that, for many women, birth control is less than ideal. Be it a pill or an IUD, these contraception options act primarily by altering the hormone levels in your body, which can make you emotional, irritable, and sometimes feel as though you are not in control of your own state of being. This is not to mention the whole slew of health risks that are associated with these medications. Another option is a copper IUD, this option can increase bleeding and amplify the pain from natural periods, which at times can be incapacitating. 

    Then there are the classics: condoms, these are inconvenient and risky at best. Of course, abstinence is a possibility, but a sad one indeed. This is all to say that none of these options are ideal and it can feel crushing to think that you must suffer with one of these choices for a huge chunk of your life, particularly when you have a heightened sensitivity to some of these symptoms. So the question is, given that these are all the options we have, how do we make the choice?

    Check out this new episode of The Frame of Mind Coaching™ Podcast!

    Read the episode's transcript here:

    What are your thoughts on birth control? Let us know! Do you have a topic or case that you’d like us to talk about? Reach out! We’d LOVE to hear from you, so please email us:


    I Suck, How To Get Over It

    I Suck, How To Get Over It
    You can’t be good at everything, especially not right off the bat. But sometimes, that concept is hard to grasp when you keep trying and trying and you don’t feel as though you’re getting any better. Ferne has been playing tennis for months now, and she doesn’t feel like she’s improving; she gets frustrated when she loses or misses the ball.

    She knows that her frustration isn’t helping her become a better player, but she doesn’t know how to get rid of the frustration. In this episode of The Frame of Mind Coaching™ Podcast, Ferne asks Kim for advice on how to fix her frustration.

    Read the episode's transcript here:

    What do you think of this episode? Let us know! Do you have a topic or case that you’d like us to talk about? Reach out! We’d LOVE to hear from you, so please email us:

    The Yes Man

    The Yes Man
    We all know that one person who doesn’t know how to say no. It doesn’t matter what it is, this person will sacrifice themselves time and time again just to make others happy. But just like all other sacrifices, this one comes at a cost. It’s tiring to be a people pleaser, their schedule fills up, and they run out of time for themselves. They may even become resentful and upset at the people they were trying to help. So what should these people do?

    Find out on this new episode of The Frame of Mind Coaching™ Podcast!

    Read the episode's transcript here:

    Do you have a hard time saying no? Do you know someone like that? Let us know! Do you have a topic or case that you’d like us to talk about? Reach out! We’d LOVE to hear from you, so please email us:

    Mother-Daughter Chats

    Mother-Daughter Chats

    This week, Kim and Ferne get real. Kim evenly balances her coaching with her mothering as she gives Ferne advice about her struggles as a new Ph.D. student. Ferne talks about someone who has seemingly set her back by giving her heavy criticism, but Kim helps her see that some of our biggest critics are actually some of our biggest supporters.

    Join the conversation!

    Read the episode's transcript here:

    What do you think about this episode? Let us know! Do you have a case or a topic that you’d like us to talk about? Reach out! Please email us:
