
    The Generations Radio Program

    Today's family and social-economic systems are failing and will continue to do so unless the collective people regain a proper understanding of reality. Generations Radio, with Kevin Swanson, presents that proper understanding of reality by speaking to the issues people face in the modern day from the perspective of a biblical worldview. Broadcasting from our basement studio in Elizabeth, Colorado, we reach over 100 countries.
    enGenerations30 Episodes

    Episodes (30)

    Burnout in a Post-Christian Culture

    Burnout in a Post-Christian Culture

    The world presses a different world and life view on us. . . and it pressures us to live the wrong life, with wrong priorities, wrong perspectives, wrong motivations, wrong goals, and wrong expectations. . . and we wind up with the wrong Schedule, doing the wrong things in life. The results are familiar to a lot of us. . . burn out, adrenal fatigue, overwhelming exhaustion, depression, panic attacks, emotional overload, anxiety, and extreme negativity. Kevin Swanson interviews David and Shona Murray on their new books that speak to our age. . . “Reset” and “Refresh.” If you live in 21st Century America, you need to listen to this.

    This program includes:

    1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (U.S. gov't identifying Christians & Trump-aligned citizens as threat, Haitian Prime Minister to resign over gang violence, Franklin Graham concludes 10-city tour of Southern border)

    2. Generations with Kevin Swanson

    Oregon - A Brave New Experiment

    Oregon - A Brave New Experiment

    Oregon is the prime specimen for the George Soros case, and it’s all pretty sad. After decriminalizing drugs, the legislature almost unanimously reversed course. Soros is only attempting to be more consistent to the worldview that rules the Western world today — and yes, the results are always destructive, extremely destructive to human society. The more fundamental problems cannot be solved by governments, however. Anti-depressant use is 10-fold what it was in 1990. How does one solve the problem of hopelessness to a society this far gone?  Only one solution will work at this point.

    This program includes:

    1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Hungary opposes transgenderism, affirms life, & welcomes kids; Trump ahead in Sunbelt battleground states; Hypersonic plane can travel 3,800-7,700 miles per hour)

    2. Generations with Kevin Swanson

    A Biblical View of Taboos

    A Biblical View of Taboos

    On this edition of Generations, Kevin Swanson and Steve Vaughan discuss Christian ethics. What response should Christians have when discussing certain sins and taboos?

    This program includes:

    1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Biden’s lies in State of the Union speech, Nigerian Muslims kidnap 287 students, South Korean Methodists excommunicate pro-perversion pastor)

    2. Generations with Kevin Swanson

    Time to Reject Noah’s Worldwide Flood?

    Time to Reject Noah’s Worldwide Flood?

    An evangelical theologian informs us that: “All of us are responding to the progress of science and knowledge about planet Earth and having to adjust our interpretation of Scripture accordingly.” When it comes a scientific hypothesis like fossil dating and the filtering of data through a heavily worldview-biased grid, shall the Christian have to surrender the biblical historical accounts?  Will you interpret the Bible by wild scientific guesswork about how rock layers were laid down. . . or will you interpret rock layers, by clear biblical revelation? Will you fall down on your face and worship the modern scientific mind, or will you submit yourself to the epistemological authority of the Word of God? What is happening with evangelicalism now?

    This program includes:

    1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (CVS and Walgreens selling Abortion Kill Pill, Democrats upset with Biblically-sound prayer in Congress, 1,347 displaced Nigerians killed by Muslim extremists)

    2. Generations with Kevin Swanson

    God’s Big Issues in 2024

    God’s Big Issues in 2024

    God’s big issues in the 2024 election usually don’t align with the priorities of the voting base. But why are Republicans much more likely to support homosexuality than abortion? We also look into the 37% gender gap shaping up for the 2024 election. Men are going for Trump. Women are going for Biden.

    This program includes:

    1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Nikki Haley refuses to endorse Trump, Two Christian Pakistanis acquitted of false blasphemy charges, Christian martyrdom of Perpetua in 2nd century A.D.)

    2. Generations with Kevin Swanson

    Your Same-Sex Attracted Pastor

    Your Same-Sex Attracted Pastor

    Confusion reigns among evangelicals these days on the subject of same-sex attraction and gay identity. What do you say to a pastor applying for a job at your church who says, “I have (present tense) sexual, romantic, and deep emotional attractions to people of the same sex (or some other category of person or thing).” Specificity, clarity, and minimal nuance is recommended in these discussions which tend to gravitate towards too much contradiction and obfuscations and the use of worldly terminologies. Would celibacy or a fundamental change of mind (repentance) be preferred for the one who burns? 

    This program includes: 

    1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (France is first country to enshrine abortion as a “right," Tennessee protects God-honoring wedding officiants from homosexual agenda, 20-foot Northern Green Anaconda: The largest snake worldwide) 

    2. Generations with Kevin Swanson 

    A.I. and Technology is Liberal

    A.I. and Technology is Liberal

    Why does AI support pedophilia, and place sins like this in the realm of ethical neutrality?  About 97% of “scientists” believe human evolved.  Science has turned against God, and leads the apostasy of the day. Thus, science is destroying itself.  To trust A.I. programmers to get the worldview right is like trusting pedophiles to run the daycare center. Christians particularly are marginalized today in the courts and in the scientist community.  But why?  The root of this anti-Christian world comes with jettisoning God in the evolutionary construct.

    This program includes:

    1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Supreme Court: States cannot take Trump off ballot, Franklin Graham’s 10-city evangelistic outreach on southern border, Ghana and Uganda passed anti-homosexual laws)

    2. Generations with Kevin Swanson

    Illegal Immigration in America

    Illegal Immigration in America

    Kevin Swanson and Adam McManus discuss the illegal immigration crisis that is going on at the southern border. Is redistribution of the wealth helpful to immigrants in the long run? Should Christians stand against the breaking of the law when illegal immigration occurs? What should Christians do when illegal immigrants are already living around them and how can we disciple the nations?

    This program includes:

    1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (11 YWAM missionaries killed in Tanzania, Possible foreign terrorists coming across southern border, Heroic garbageman saves man, woman and dog from burning home)

    2. Generations with Kevin Swanson

    Pop Culture's Pull on Our Kids

    Pop Culture's Pull on Our Kids

    "Shall my daughter attend a Taylor Swift conference with the pastor's daughter and the rest of the girls at the church?" That's the question posed us recently, and we provide three strategies by which to overcome the overwhelming power of the zeitgeist in the modern age. The underestimation of the demonic powers let loose in pop culture signifies a lack of watchfulness and spiritual power. 

    Do Children Belong in Church or Children’s Church?

    Do Children Belong in Church or Children’s Church?

    Have we been heading the wrong direction with this age-segregation, programmed church, and children’s ministries? Are we really following through on the Titus 2 and 2 Timothy mandates for church discipleship and worship? Questions come up here concerning delegation, children’s church, child evangelism, youth culture, the sufficiency of Scripture, and the displacement of God’s law with the traditions of men. Here’s a key question—Do children of Christian parents belong in the Ekklesia (the church congregation), or do we put them in a “children’s church?” Do we shuffle children off into Sunday Schools, or are they to be discipled daily in the homes by their own parents? Or a little of both?

    The Age of Revolution and the American Uncivil War

    The Age of Revolution and the American Uncivil War

    The Civil War marked a sharp shift in America from decentralized to centralized government, from small government to big government, much influenced by Marxist thinking. What were these forces operating at this time—first rooted in the revolutions of Europe? We speak with the family-producers of a new documentary film, "Quest for Empire," and explore Abraham Lincoln's commitment to grow a strong centralized government in the US—something that continues to this day.

    The Left Wants Trump and “Me” in Jail

    The Left Wants Trump and “Me” in Jail

    The enemy of my enemy is . . . my friend. Clearly, the left wants to put Donald Trump in jail, and they want pro-life protesters in jail for eleven years. While evangelicals may not be quite as thrilled to vote for Trump this time, they are discovering new reasons to vote for him. Ben Franklin's admonition is starting to ring true for more evangelicals—either they will have to hang together, or hang separately. If the left has it their way, somebody's going to hang. Trump favorability is on the rise—higher than ever. Biden favorability is dropping fast. We comment on Trump's speech at the National Religious Broadcasters association. Interesting stuff on this edition of Generations.

    Repentance at Nuremberg

    Repentance at Nuremberg

    Judgement at Nuremberg . . . and repentance at Nuremberg. That's the backstory of history, which turns into the front story. Nazi's in heaven? Jeffrey Dahmer in heaven? You and me in heaven? Only by the shed blood of the Son of God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, could that ever happen. Will the evil (or good) works of man trump the works of God in history? By what worldview are you reading history? Here is an engaging program delving into the souls of the Nazis at Nuremberg from the perspective of an American pastor who was there.

    David Livingstone: Missionary, Explorer, Abolitionist

    David Livingstone: Missionary, Explorer, Abolitionist

    David Livingstone was the real deal, a prime example of faith, courage, and endurance over the long haul. We explore the extraordinary career of this missionary and explorer. We consider his indispensable work of putting an end to the wretched slave trade coming out of East Africa. Compared to Ernest Shackleton, who completed his impossible mission over 2 years . . . Livingstone endured 30 years of unrelenting opposition and untoward circumstances. Here is an encouragement to read biographies, and something of the spirit needed to get into them.

    Troubled Teens, Bad Moms, and Bad Influences

    Troubled Teens, Bad Moms, and Bad Influences

    Everybody's looking for the root causes for recent rampages . . . transgenderism, mental instability, access to guns. But, few mention the hearts of men, demonic influences, and the normalization of insanity by media and academia. Shall we punish moms for the crimes of their sons? We end the discussion on practical ways to help troubled youth.