
    The Generations Radio Program

    Today's family and social-economic systems are failing and will continue to do so unless the collective people regain a proper understanding of reality. Generations Radio, with Kevin Swanson, presents that proper understanding of reality by speaking to the issues people face in the modern day from the perspective of a biblical worldview. Broadcasting from our basement studio in Elizabeth, Colorado, we reach over 100 countries.
    enGenerations30 Episodes

    Episodes (30)

    Five Lies of the Zeitgeist

    Five Lies of the Zeitgeist

    The deception of this age runs very deep . . . deeper than most people would like to think it runs. The deepest deception is that we are all very wonderful, gay, and sinless . . . and in no real need of a Savior. Does anybody get to exempt themselves from the grace of God? Rosaria Butterfield, author of the new book "Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age," speaks from personal experience and with a special clarity on the lies of the age in this helpful interview.

    Abundance of Idleness, Pride Marches, and Prosperity

    Abundance of Idleness, Pride Marches, and Prosperity

    The Gen Z folks have taken up Sodom on steroids—now 28% up from 4% twenty years ago. Is there a connection between a life of idleness, prosperity, and escape and Sodom? Sodom was filled with an "abundance of idleness," pride marches, and prosperity . . . and they "strengthened the hands of evildoers." Both young teens and old were beating down Lot's doors to get at the angels. How will we ever return to a rule of law? Even the pagan states realized this was essential to retain a social order.

    Dangerous States for Families

    Dangerous States for Families

    Parental rights and family freedoms are slipping big time in certain states . . . allowing for more state kidnappings of children. California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, Vermont, and Washington, as well as Kansas City, Missouri, and other places are dangerous for families if parental rights and protection of children from transgender surgeries remains a value. The country has become sharply divided on the issue, and chances of a parental rights amendment to the US Constitution have slipped to practically zero. Here are six advisements for parents who are hoping to salvage their children from the destructive zeitgeist that rules media and schools today.

    Super Bowl 2024 — Is the NFL Getting Saved?

    Super Bowl 2024 — Is the NFL Getting Saved?

    Remarkably, the leading players in the Super Bowl this year are professing Christians; and a few years ago, three quarters of NFL quarterbacks were reported to have been evangelical Christians. That cannot be said of Hollywood, the media, and politicians (or at least the US Supreme Court). Here, we look at the positives and negatives of spectator sports and take up the subject of sports gambling. 

    The Trans-human Society Initiated This Week

    The Trans-human Society Initiated This Week

    The revival of ancient paganism is nothing new, and yet there are some new elements to it. Paganism also included mass slave-based systems, and that is what is developing as humans are increasingly controlled by computers and their programmers. We take a look at the recent progress in technology, enabling humans to manipulate cursors on a screen and surf the internet by brain function.

    What Is the “Establishment?”

    What Is the “Establishment?”

    What is the "Establishment" referenced so much, mostly by conservatives? And shall Christians support the MSM and Big Tech Media? We contrast the worldview of the MSM, Fox News, and the other 3% of news sources. Does Fox News maintain the three sacraments of the establishment religion? Christians must reject the establishment message and oppose the medial cabal. But many have a hard time accepting marginalization and castigation and facing down the enemy. This too will be a faith challenge.

    Finding God’s Love in the Darkness

    Finding God’s Love in the Darkness

    Some pain and illness will be orders of magnitude more intensive than other forms. What happens when the suffering and pain is so intense and so prolonged that it puts the human mental and emotional condition to the test, and shakes faith and hope to the very core? Does faith break? Does love fail? Or does one find love in the darkness and hope in the torment? David Libby shares the real-life story of a fifteen-year ordeal with chronic pain and suffering in the lives of his wife and children. This heartrending story gives a whole new perspective on suffering, the human experience in a fallen world, the sovereignty of God, and the redemption of God.

    Dad, Mom, Your Children's Souls Are at Stake!

    Dad, Mom, Your Children's Souls Are at Stake!

    God uses certain means to bring about salvation while He is sovereign over all of it. Fifty-one percent of evangelicals confirm that their parents were the most important or significant influence in their becoming Christians. Fifteen percent credit a spouse or a sibling as the most important influence in them coming to faith. And only 3% credit a Sunday School teacher, a VBS instructor, or some other ministry in the church, and 4% would credit a concert or a crusade. Dads and moms are critical to the cultivation of souls in this field.

    Disease X, AI, WW III, etc.

    Disease X, AI, WW III, etc.

    World-shaking crises are always in the wind, and the media takes full advantage of them. The fear-mongering is part of the worship service for the media and political systems. What's our mindset in foreseeing crises and handling them when they come? How do we keep everything in the right proportion in our minds, and what is our response to the crisis? When we view the root cause, are we looking at brute chance, human powers, demonic powers, or the sovereign hand of almighty God?

    Should Christians Use Foul Language?

    Should Christians Use Foul Language?

    Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk, and other favorite conservative icons are increasingly employing the most profane language to make their points. Granted, some situations call for stronger language—but are these angry tirades going over the edge? What about referring to someone’s position as “cattle excrement?” How does the Christian use language to build up and give grace?