
    The Healthy Commute

    We realize that we are all very busy, but for most, we are commuting to and from work, school, activities and sports! Therefore, why not use that time wisely and listen to a quick 10 to 15 minutes podcast on a health related topic?
    enDr Daniel Timmerman100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Case of the Week: It's Never Too Late to Start - Transformative Healing at 83

    Case of the Week: It's Never Too Late to Start - Transformative Healing at 83

    In this episode, we present a remarkable case that underscores the power of resilience and the adage, "It's Never Too Late to Start."

    Our focus is on an inspiring 83-year-old patient who grappled with excruciating right hip pain and severe postural distortion. We dive into the details as we recount her transformative journey through three months of dedicated chiropractic care, targeted stretches and exercises, and the therapeutic benefits of spinal traction.

    Uncover the challenges faced, the strategic interventions employed, and witness the phenomenal progress achieved.

    This episode serves as a beacon of hope, demonstrating that with the right approach and commitment, one can overcome physical setbacks at any age. Join us as we celebrate the triumphs of this resilient individual and explore the holistic path to improved well-being.

    Holistic Pain Management

    Holistic Pain Management

    Welcome aboard "The Healthy Commute" podcast, your destination for wellness insights on the go!

    In this week's episode, we dive into the realm of "Holistic Pain Management." Join us as we explore chiropractic care, nutritional strategies, sleep optimization, mobilization techniques, and practical lifestyle modifications. Discover the transformative benefits of chiropractic care in relieving pain and promoting alignment, while unraveling the crucial role of nutrition and quality sleep in overall well-being. Learn on-the-go mobilization techniques perfect for those with a busy lifestyle and gain valuable insights into the advantages of adopting a sit-stand desk and incorporating physical activity into your daily routine. Tune in for actionable tips, and a holistic approach to managing pain as you navigate your daily life.

    Don't forget to subscribe to "The Healthy Commute" podcast for a journey towards a pain-free and healthier you on the move!

    Breath Hold Test as an indication of stress or poor posture

    Breath Hold Test as an indication of stress or poor posture

    In this episode, we dive deep into the fascinating world of the breath hold test, unraveling its secrets as a powerful indicator of both stress levels and posture health. Join us as we explore the connection between our breath and overall well-being, shedding light on how our body's signals can reveal more than meets the eye.

    Discover how stress leaves its mark on our respiratory patterns and affects our breathing rate and oxygen intake. Also, explore the intricate link between breath and posture. Learn how poor posture can not only impact your physical health but also contribute to increased stress levels. We share practical tips and exercises to help enhance your overall well-being, breathing rate and posture.

    Are you more concerned about your child's posture than your own?

    Are you more concerned about your child's posture than your own?

    As parents, it's natural to be deeply concerned about our children's well-being, and often, their posture takes center stage in our worries. But have you ever stopped to wonder about your own posture and its impact on your health?

    Join us as we explore the importance of good posture for both parents and children. We'll dive into the reasons why we tend to prioritize our little ones' spinal health over our own and the potential consequences of neglecting our posture.

    It's time to lead by example and show our kids how to make our posture and health a priority!


    Working from home is here to stay... so time to get it right!

    Working from home is here to stay... so time to get it right!

    In our latest episode of "The Healthy Commute Podcast", we embark on an insightful exploration of the evolving landscape of remote work. As chiropractors, we dive deep into the impact of the new normal – where working from home is not just a temporary solution but a long-term reality.

    Discover the Secrets of a Healthy Home Office. Uncover the keys to an ergonomic home office setup that not only enhances productivity but also safeguards your physical well-being. From the importance of proper chair/desk set-up to the benefits of incorporating movement breaks, we've got expert tips to transform your workspace into a sanctuary of health.


    "Hey Doc... it seems like you always adjust the same area of the spine?"

    "Hey Doc... it seems like you always adjust the same area of the spine?"

    It's a question many patients have pondered while lying on the chiropractic table during their adjustment. The repetitive nature of these adjustments might leave you wondering: Is there a method to this seemingly targeted madness?

    In the world of chiropractic care, the spine takes center stage as a crucial player in the overall well-being of the human body. While it might appear that we are fixated on a particular region, there's more to this practice than meets the eye. Listen in as we discuss the reasons why and the intricacies of chiropractic adjustments as we unravel the mystery behind why chiropractors often focus on the same area of the spine. 

    "Hey Doc... Is it normal to be sore after an adjustment?"

    "Hey Doc... Is it normal to be sore after an adjustment?"

    First off, it's important to know that getting a little soreness after your first adjustment is completely normal. Think of it as a positive sign that your body is responding to the changes. During an adjustment, we're realigning the spine and stimulating the nervous system, which can cause some temporary discomfort.

    The soreness is often a result of your body adapting to the new alignment. It's similar to starting a new workout routine – the muscles and joints need time to adjust. Typically, this soreness lasts for a day or two at most, and it's a sign that your body is on the path to healing.

    Listen in as we explain what is happening to the spine and body as it works through the re-alignment process.

    5 Benefits of Walking After a Meal

    5 Benefits of Walking After a Meal

    Today, we're taking a leisurely stroll through a topic that's close to our hearts - the five incredible benefits of walking after a meal. It's a simple yet powerful practice that's often overlooked, and we're here to shed light on just how much it can positively impact your health and well-being.

    You see, it's not just about burning calories or staying active; post-meal walks offer a myriad of advantages for both your physical and mental health. We'll be sharing some remarkable insights, backed by science, that will make you reconsider the way you approach those post-dinner hours.

    But before you start listening, don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review our podcast to show your support and stay updated on our latest episodes. Your feedback means the world to us, and it helps us bring you more valuable content like this.

    Why Do we Take and Re-Take a Posture Examination When Evaluating a Patient

    Why Do we Take and Re-Take a Posture Examination When Evaluating a Patient

    You may have heard us say either in the office or on a previous podcast that "posture is the window to the spine". The more distorted the posture is, the more stress and pressure there will be on the spine.

    A posture examination is a quick and easy way to get an overview of how your spine is doing.

    After a series of adjustments and postural stretches and exercises, re-doing a posture examination is a quick way to monitor and assess progress.

    In today's episode we review what we are seeing when looking at a patient's posture.

    Neurological Impact of Improved Spinal Position

    Neurological Impact of Improved Spinal Position

    In this episode of The Healthy Commute Podcast we review a very interesting patient case study on the Btracks balance tracking system.

    In a nutshell, we measured their balance with and without their scoliosis corrective exercises, to assess the effects of ideal spinal alignment on neurological function. 

    Listen in to hear the amazing impact it had on her balance and the body's ability to heal.


    Stretch Your Way to a Pain-Free Back

    Stretch Your Way to a Pain-Free Back

    As your partner in natural health, we know that back pain can be debilitating and impact your quality of life. That’s why we’ve put together a list of stretches that can help alleviate your pain from the comfort of your own home. These stretches are easy to perform and may help relieve tension in the lower back, spine, and piriformis muscle. We recommend incorporating these stretches into your daily routine to promote healing and prevent future pain.

    Child’s Pose

    Child’s pose is a relaxing stretch that can help ease tension in the lower back. Begin on your hands and knees, with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Lower your hips back towards your heels, stretching your arms forward. Hold this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

    Cat-Cow Stretch

    Cat-cow stretch is a simple stretch that can help relieve tension in the entire spine. Begin on your hands and knees, with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Slowly arch your back towards the ceiling, then round your spine towards the floor. Repeat this motion 10 times.

    Knee-to-Chest Stretch

    The knee-to-chest stretch can be an effective stretch for easing tension in the lower back. Begin by lying on your back, with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Slowly bring one knee towards your chest, clasping your hands around the back of your thigh. Hold for 30 seconds, then switch sides.

    Piriformis Stretch

    The piriformis muscle can often become tight and cause pain in the lower back. Begin by sitting on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Cross one leg over the other, placing your foot flat on the floor. Gently pull your knee towards your chest, holding for 30 seconds. Switch legs and repeat.

    While these stretches can be helpful in relieving back pain, it’s important to remember that every case is unique. If you are experiencing persistent or severe pain, it’s important to address the root cause. At our practice, we can provide a thorough examination and personalized plan to address your specific needs.

    Don’t let back pain control your life. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and start your journey towards pain-free living.


    7 Surprising Causes of Back Pain

    7 Surprising Causes of Back Pain

    Back pain plagues 80% of the population at some point in their lifetime. And when we think of back pain, we often think of injury, accident, or overuse. But there are many other, less commonly known, causes of back pain. Knowing these may help you pinpoint the cause of your pain and help you discover a way to fix it.

    1. Lack of exercise. Exercise helps you build the muscle tone you need to properly support your back. Being too sedentary can also lead to weight gain which puts added strain on your back. Try to incorporate cardiovascular and strength training exercises into your routine a few days a week, focusing on your abs and back muscles for a strong, supportive core.

    2. Your phone. Using your shoulder to hold your cell phone against your ear can cause strain on your neck, which can extend to your back. Headphones are a great solution that allow you to keep better posture when on long phone calls. Be mindful of texting, too, as bending your neck to look down at your phone can cause similar pain.

    3. Your office chair. Staying in any one position for too long can lead to back pain. So it’s no real surprise that sitting at your desk for long periods of time can wreak havoc on your spine. If your office chair is not supportive, is uncomfortable, or you don’t get up and move every 45 minutes to an hour, it may only be a matter of time before your back starts to feel the effects.

    4. Worn out shoes. If you spend a lot of time in one pair of shoes, make sure they’re supportive and the soles aren’t worn out. Proper arch support is crucial and without it your gait is impacted, which can lead to back pain.

    5. Mattress. As we mentioned earlier, spending too much time in one position can lead to back pain. Now think about how much time you spend on your mattress. If your mattress is old, you sink into it when you lie down, or it’s just not supporting you in a way that’s comfortable (and this is different for everyone), it may be time to replace it. While comfort levels vary by person, lean toward the firmer, more supportive side if you’re dealing with back pain.

    6. Heavy over-the-shoulder bags. Carrying around a large handbag or heavy backpack on one shoulder can affect the curve of your spine and put strain on your neck. If you’re suffering from back and/or neck pain, take a look at what you carry around on a daily basis. A backpack carried properly on both shoulders may be a better option. At the very least, try to clean out and downsize your handbag so it isn’t too heavy.

    7. Smoking. We all know smoking is bad for your lungs and heart. But did you also know that smoking deprives your body of oxygen, which can lead to weak muscles? Weak muscles can lead to back pain. If you were looking for another reason to quit smoking, this is it.

    Chiropractic Checkup for Back Pain

    If you’re dealing with back pain, it may be time to come in for a visit. We can help you determine the cause of your pain and you may find relief with adjustments and alternative therapies. Let us help you get “back” to your old self!


    Vagus Nerve Exercises to Help Promote Healing

    Vagus Nerve Exercises to Help Promote Healing

    In episode 101, we talked about how stress can affect our body's ability to heal. The Vagus Nerve plays an important part in helping your body transition to a healing state. In today's episode we discuss which exercises you can do to accelerate your body's ability to heal.

    If you want more info, please read this article and try the exercises listed in it and let us know if they can help you heal and function at your best!



    Random Show: Let it Rip! Pillow for kids and Effects of a Short Leg

    Random Show: Let it Rip! Pillow for kids and Effects of a Short Leg

    In this episode of the Healthy Commute Podcast, we cover a few interesting topics. The first one addresses the elephant in the room... "I farted at the chiropractor!" It can be embarrassing but rest assured, you are not the only one!

    We also discuss if kids need a pillow to sleep with and also at what age they should start using a pillow.  

    Finally, we review the effects of a short leg on the pelvis and spine and how we differentiate between an anatomical short leg and a physiological short leg.

    Can poor posture hinder your agility or VO2 Max?

    Can poor posture hinder your agility or VO2 Max?

    In this episode Drs. Dan and Pascal review a research article in which they studied the effects of forward head posture on agility, vertical jump, stability and cardiopulmonary function.

    What was found in this study was that forward head posture had a strong negative correlation with agility, vertical jump, stability and cardiopulmonary function. Meaning that the worse your posture, the worse your body can perform, adapt and function.

    If you are concerned with your posture, start with this video with the 4 best exercises to help strengthen and fix your poor posture.

    Click here: 4 Best Exercises to Fix Your Bad Posture

    Never Do Nothing

    Never Do Nothing
    Somedays are really hard. Everything goes wrong. We are tired, frustrated and all we want to do is sit down and relax. We get it. We have those days too. But don't let a bad day disrupt your progress. One minute of Denneroll, 5 squats, one carrot or one glass a water can keep you on track to reach your goals.
    Being in practice for as long as we have, we can predict a patient's outcome by how consistent they are in their stretches, exercises and adjustments. Not perfect, just consistent. 1 minute of your Denneroll at the end of your busy day can keep you on track to reach your goals.
    In this episode, Drs. Dan and Pascal discuss the concept of Never Do Nothing and how it can affect your health and wellness goals.
    Want more info or help? Don't hesitate to contact us at: https://www.lindenwoodschiropractic.com/contact-us/

    How stress affects your body's ability to heal

    How stress affects your body's ability to heal
    You may have heard of the autonomic nervous system (it does things automatically without you thinking about it, like breathing and heart function). But you may have also heard of the term "fight or flight". It's when our body goes into a stress response to survive, like when that dog is chasing you down the street! Unfortunately, too many of us are stuck in this fight or flight response for too long, whether it's from running from one thing to the next, too much time on social media or negative thoughts affecting our body's ability to function and heal normally. 
    In this episode Drs. Dan and Pascal discuss the role of the autonomic nervous system and how our health could be impacted in a negative way over time.
    Have more questions? Don't hesitate to contact us at www.lindenwoodschiropractic.com