
    The Healthy Commute

    We realize that we are all very busy, but for most, we are commuting to and from work, school, activities and sports! Therefore, why not use that time wisely and listen to a quick 10 to 15 minutes podcast on a health related topic?
    enDr Daniel Timmerman100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    3 Vital Signs to Track Your Durability

    3 Vital Signs to Track Your Durability
    In this episode we review 3 tests that you can perform at home to assess your durability or longevity.
    Can you get up off the floor?
    Can you touch your toes?
    Can you simply lift your outstretched arms while on your stomach?
    Listen in as we explain these simple tests and what you can do to increase your mobility and strength.
    Want more help or info? Contact us here!

    If you don't find a solution to your problems, your body will!

    If you don't find a solution to your problems, your body will!
    Tight hamstrings? Forward head posture? Knee injury? Can't reach overhead because of an old shoulder injury? Don't worry!
    Good or bad, your body will adapt, change, overuse one area or lock down another in order to get things done. It is amazing how resourceful your body can be.
    In this episode we dive into how our body adapts and changes and what you can do to help your body heal and move properly.

    Posture: A window to the spine

    Posture: A window to the spine
    Sometimes we get asked, "Is my poor posture the reason I feel so stiff and sore?". In today's world of more desk work, computer and cell phone use, poor posture can definitely affect how stiff and sore you are feeling whether you are 50 years old or 12 years old!
    Is your posture a genetic issue? A habit? how does this affect your overall health and wellbeing. In today's episode, we dive into posture and how we use a posture analysis to understand what is going on with your spine and to also see how you are progressing over time.

    What is the Arthrostim and why do we use it with all our patients?

    What is the Arthrostim and why do we use it with all our patients?
    Have you ever wondered what that instrument we use to help with your adjustment? What does it do? Why do we use it?
    "Arthro" means joint and "stim" relates to stimulation. Basically joint stimulation. 
    In this episode we review why we use the Arthrostim to help with your adjustment and the correction of your spine.
    Wondering if the Arthrostim can help you?
    Click here to contact us to see if we can help.

    Is there such a thing as a perfect Xray?

    Is there such a thing as a perfect Xray?
    Most of our patients have already seen how their spine compares to the ideal spinal alignment. Just like ideal blood pressure, or normal blood sugar levels, there is an optimal position of the spine. That optimal position allows your spine and nerve system to function at their best.
    Today we review optimal spinal position and how it can affect your overall health and wellbeing.

    Bulletproof Your Lower Back

    Bulletproof Your Lower Back
    We recently had a workshop in the office helping patients understand what they can do to "Bulletproof their lower back". We only had room for 12 to keep it hands on, and because it was fully booked, we decided to record an episode reviewing some of the information we gave during that workshop.
    You can also view our video on YouTube explaining 4 of the 6 exercises we recommended.
    Or contact us to see how we can help: https://www.lindenwoodschiropractic.com/contact-us/

    Do we adjust someone with scoliosis differently?

    Do we adjust someone with scoliosis differently?
    Patients often ask us if we adjust patients with scoliosis differently. The short answer is no.
    Patients with scoliosis receive adjustments in the same manner that someone with a neck, mid-back or low back problem would. The adjustments are not treating the scoliosis, but rather the subluxations in the spine. Check out this episode where we discuss the different care options that we use to help manage scoliosis in patients of all ages. 

    Quick and easy body composition to stay accountable to your goals for 2023

    Quick and easy body composition to stay accountable to your goals for 2023

    Want help to stay accountable for your health and fitness goals for 2023? We now have the ability to quickly assess your body composition (muscle vs fat) to help you stay on track and measure your progress as you continue to get healthier. 
    Want your own body composition to measure your starting point for 2023. Let us know on your next visit or contact our office at info@lindenwoodschiropractic.com for more information.

    Are you health rich or health poor?

    Are you health rich or health poor?

    Is our health just based on luck or hard work? Yes, there is a small genetic component to our health however, we have more control of our overall health and wellbeing than we realize.  Health is the natural state of the body, we just have to give it the right environment to thrive. Therefore, the question we should be asking ourselves is, what am I doing today to help my body thrive?
    Listen in on Dr.Dan and Dr. Pascal as they discuss this topic.

    Healing is uncomfortable

    Healing is uncomfortable

    Yes, we all want to get better, feel better, lose weight, get in shape without doing any work. It's just human nature! But unfortunately, healing, or changing a behaviour, or starting a workout is uncomfortable. We have to do things differently, we have change our habits or ways of doing things. And change is hard, and uncomfortable!

    Today we review the best strategies to help you heal and get better faster while still being realistic on what you need to do to get better.

    Is it normal for teenagers to get headaches?

    Is it normal for teenagers to get headaches?

    Most Canadians will suffer from at least one headache in their lifetime; however, just because it is common, does not mean it is normal. Headache triggers can vary from environment, food, stress, dehydration and others. But for teenagers, poor posture is usually at the top of the list.

    Poor posture will lead to extra pressure in the upper back and neck resulting in pain and usually a headache. In this episode we review the most common factors as to why your teenager may be experiencing headaches and what can be done about it.

    Subscribe to our podcast to ensure you don't miss an episode!

    What is rucking and how can it improve your health?

    What is rucking and how can it improve your health?

    Rucking is simply the action of walking with weight on your back. It builds muscle and strength while improving cardio and endurance. Bringing both types of exercises together provides a fuller range of benefits to improve your health. You can burn up to 3x more calories than walking but also less stressful on knees and hips.

    In this episode, Drs. Dan and Pascal discuss how rucking can help you stay fit and strong.

    The Connection Between Pain and Your Brain

    The Connection Between Pain and Your Brain

    Did you know the feeling of pain is something your brain decides you should experience if it believes there is some tissue damage in your body?

    In fact, your brain can decide that you should feel pain even if it only thinks there is a potential threat of tissue damage. It may seem strange, but it’s up to your brain to decide whether you should feel pain or not.

    In this episode we review the connection between your pain and your brain and discuss 5 habits to incorporate to have the best outcome possible for anyone dealing with pain.


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    "Doc... I feel overwhelmed by all the stretches and exercises I need to do to get better... what should I do?"

    "Doc... I feel overwhelmed by all the stretches and exercises I need to do to get better... what should I do?"

    When patients start care, they are usually excited to get started and do whatever it takes to get better. But a few short weeks later, they may feel overwhelmed with the stretches and exercises we have given them, plus any other exercises from their physiotherapist, message therapist or athletic therapist.
    In this episode, we review what key things to keep top of mind to continue to get better but make it more manageable.

    Subscribe to our podcast to ensure you don't miss an episode!

    Can I get adjusted during pregnancy? And should my baby get checked after birth?

    Can I get adjusted during pregnancy? And should my baby get checked after birth?

    Sometimes we are the first to know.... "Doc, I haven't even told my family yet, but I'm pregnant! Can I still get adjusted? And will my newborn need an adjustment after the birth?"

    We get that question a lot. Yes! Getting adjusted during your pregnancy is safe and ideal for you and your baby.
    In this episode, Drs. Dan and Pascal discuss the benefits of chiropractic care throughout pregnancy and for the baby after the delivery.

    Subscribe to our podcast to ensure you don't miss an episode!