
    The Hero Within Karen Hall

    Listen as we connect and share inspirational, true stories of how to navigate and overcome adversity to find hope and healing to return to love! We will feature guest interview episodes along with reflections. I'm excited to join with you on your own hero's journey! Please follow or subscribe and leave a review! 

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    Episodes (78)

    Glowing Through Adversity with Divine Resilience with Symone Fairchild, Part 2

    Glowing Through Adversity with Divine Resilience with Symone Fairchild, Part 2

    In Part 2, Symone Fairchild and I unpack the transformational power of overcoming with divine support.  Symone founded Eye on DV, and is creating a sanctuary for those battered by abuse, proving that even in the clutches of darkness, faith can be the beacon leading to empowerment and renewal.  Be sure to hear Part 1.

    Symone is an actress with a deep-rooted connection to God, who guides her and enables her every step of her life.  With Him, she faced and conquered fears, leading to a portrayal so powerful it could only be described as heavenly. It's a testament to the idea that when we tap into our spirituality, we can create art that doesn't just entertain, but also heals and inspires.

    She also discusses parenting, not passing down generational trauma, and how she empowers the unique spark within him as an empath, in a world that often demands conformity. Our discussion carves out the importance of fostering emotional intelligence and spiritual awareness in our children. She shares several dreams, including her "God is awesome parties!" This episode promises to leave you with a heart full of hope and an invitation to join our ever-growing community of support and positivity through our various channels.

    Thank you for listening, for your engagement and for your support to share our healing messages!

    If you enjoy this show, please subscribe, review and rate with your reflections with our community.

    I'm wishing you lots of love on your own hero's journey,

    Connect with Karen Hall
    Emotional Intelligence Keynote Speaker
    The Hero Within Podcast
    The Hero Within Podcast
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    Connect with Symone Fairchild


    Symone Fairchild, from the Washington D.C. area, was raised in the martial arts, and has an entrepreneurial spirit coursing through her veins which affords her a “pick yourself up by the bootstraps” type of tenacity. She is a warrior of God, a single mom, an actress, screenwriter, producer, director and activist. It is from her creative platform and thriving post-domestic abuse that God has meant her to help and love others. She has braved the storms of healing and reinventing, emotional rollercoasters, and building a foundation for life for she and her son from absolutely nothing. Now that her mission is clear, she will never stop fighting for others through her organization, EyeOnDV, THE movement to eradicate domestic violence, and she will never stop fighting for her son. 


    Glowing Through Adversity with Divine Resilience with Symone Fairchild, Part 1

    Glowing Through Adversity with Divine Resilience with Symone Fairchild, Part 1

    Have you ever wondered how someone can transform the deepest pain into their greatest strength? Simone Fairchild, a survivor turned advocate and force for good, shares how she has transformed her pain into purpose, with me, Karen Hall, the host of The Hero Within Podcast. 

    In part 1 of 2, she describes her extraordinary story of overcoming domestic abuse and empowering others to reclaim their life. Symone's candor about her past abuse and her path to healing, intertwined with spiritual awakening is an inspiration.

     We dive into the creation of Eye On DV, Symone's nonprofit dedicated to eradicating domestic violence, and how her personal triumphs showcase her divine resilience and empathy, gifts from God.

    In this heartfelt exchange, we discuss the power of forgiveness and love  in the difficult but rewarding process of forgiving an abuser.  In forgiving, we liberate ourselves. Our discussion opens a window to the notion that hate can poison from within and that understanding an abuser's inability to love can pave the way for forgiveness , albeit from a safe distance.  Thank you for listening, for your engagement and for your support to share our healing messages!

    If you enjoy this show, please subscribe, review and rate with your reflections with our community.

    I'm wishing you lots of love on your own hero's journey,

    Connect with Karen Hall
    Emotional Intelligence Keynote Speaker
    The Hero Within Podcast
    The Hero Within Podcast
    Facebook Group:

    Connect with Symone Fairchild


    Symone Fairchild, from the Washington D.C. area, was raised in the martial arts, and has an entrepreneurial spirit coursing through her veins which affords her a “pick yourself up by the bootstraps” type of tenacity. She is a warrior of God, a single mom, an actress, screenwriter, producer, director and activist. It is from her creative platform and thriving post-domestic abuse that God has meant her to help and love others. She has braved the storms of healing and reinventing, emotional rollercoasters, and building a foundation for life for she and her son from absolutely nothing. Now that her mission is clear, she will never stop fighting for others through her organization, EyeOnDV, THE movement to eradicate domestic violence, and she will never stop fighting for her son. 


    Beyond Suffering: Finding Meaning And Purpose Amidst Our Struggles; Reflections on How To Find Meaning In Suffering with Jose Pereira

    Beyond Suffering:  Finding Meaning And Purpose Amidst Our Struggles; Reflections on How To Find Meaning In Suffering with Jose Pereira

    In today's episode, we delve into how Austrian psychotherapist Viktor Frankl, a Holocaust survivor, and Jose Pereira, a former hostage in Venezuela, found meaning in deplorable conditions and circumstances. 

    Frankl's philosophy emphasized finding meaning through creative pursuits, service to others, contradictory experiences, decisions, spiritual connection, and perceived meaningless tasks. 

    Similarly, Pereira found ways to cope during his hostage years.  Likewise, we can apply these lessons in our lives and we can choose positivity, service, finding meaning, optimism, love and joy.

    If you enjoy this show, please subscribe, review and rate with your reflections with our community.

    I'm wishing you lots of love on your own hero's journey,

    Connect with Karen Hall
    Emotional Intelligence Keynote Speaker
    The Hero Within Podcast
    The Hero Within Podcast
    Facebook Group:

    Connect with Jose Angel Pereira Ruimwyk

    Jose Angel Pereira, former CEO of Citgo, is one of the Citgo 6, a group of Americans wrongfully detained and held hostage and abused in Venezuela for almost 5 years because he is an American. Beforehand, he spent 35 Years as an Oil Company Executive. 

    After returning on October 1, 2022, Jose wrote his memoir while advocating for other Americans unlawfully detained and helps to change US policy on dealing with hostages by leveraging his international experiences to empower others in making positive changes in the world and in their life. His motto is never to give up and never lose faith.
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    How to Find Meaning in Suffering: From Hero to Villain and Back Again with Jose Pereira of the Citgo 6

    How to Find Meaning in Suffering: From Hero to Villain and Back Again with Jose Pereira of the Citgo 6

    Imagine being on the brink of an ordinary business trip, only for it to spiral into a tale of survival against all odds. This episode brings to light the arresting narrative of Jose Angel Pereira Ruimwyk, a Citgo oil and gas executive in the US, whose life was changed forever when he was falsely imprisoned in Venezuela on espionage charges. Jose  describes the eerie forewarning that presaged his ordeal, and the subsequent struggle for sustenance within the walls of a Caracas prison. His poignant recount of isolation, health battles, and the flicker of hope reignited by a precious phone call with his wife is nothing short of a testament to human resilience.

    As we dissect Jose's journey through the darkest days, we expose the life rafts that kept him afloat: the clasp of hope, the power of a positive mindset,  his faith, the Bible,  his family and fellow prisoners, and the crucial role of spirituality. He shares the strategies that shepherded him through the tempest—focus, calm, and a resolute spirit nourished by prayer, exercise, and the truths in the Bible. With inspiration from the apostle Paul, Jose also becomes a beacon in adversity, reminding us that solidarity, community support, and faith can illuminate the path to resilience and reclaiming one's life from the jaws of despair.

    If you enjoy this show, please subscribe, review and rate with your reflections with our community.

    I'm wishing you lots of love on your own hero's journey,

    Connect with Karen Hall
    Emotional Intelligence Keynote Speaker
    The Hero Within Podcast
    The Hero Within Podcast
    Facebook Group:

    Connect with Jose Angel Pereira Ruimwyk

    Jose Angel Pereira, former CEO of Citgo, is one of the Citgo 6, a group of Americans wrongfully detained and held hostage and abused in Venezuela for almost 5 years because he is an American. Beforehand, he spent 35 Years as an Oil Company Executive. 

    After returning on October 1, 2022, Jose wrote his memoir while advocating for other Americans unlawfully detained and helps to change US policy on dealing with hostages by leveraging his international experiences to empower others in making positive changes in the world and in their life. His motto is never to give up and never lose faith.
    Order book

    Healing Hearts and Celebrating Life with Mary Taylor

    Healing Hearts and Celebrating Life with Mary Taylor

    Discover a tapestry of human experience as we share intimate conversations with Mary Taylor, the resilient president of Pro-Life Utah, on this episode of our podcast. Her personal odyssey from a pro-choice perspective to a staunch pro-life advocate following her own abortion, reveals the intricate complexities of unexpected pregnancy and the healing journey that ensues. Mary bravely opens up about the emotional turmoil and the misinformation that clouded her decisions, casting a light on the significance of support and accurate information for women in similar situations.

    Embark on an exploration of the transformative effects of sharing deeply personal trauma and the courage it takes to use that vulnerability to advocate for change. This episode delves into the poignant outpouring of empathy Mary received upon revealing her past, and the way it ignited her passion to fight for others facing tough choices on their pregnancy journey. We celebrate the unexpected bliss of motherhood, as I recount the spiritual and personal growth I underwent through my own experience with pregnancy and parenting, shining a spotlight on the less discussed but deeply fulfilling aspects of this role.

    Our discussion culminates in a heartfelt look at the array of emotions and outcomes for women who contemplate abortion. We touch on how the provision of compassionate support can transform a woman's perspective on her choices, with many finding unexpected joy in motherhood. Mary and I also discuss the healing embrace of faith and the promise of redemption in times of strife, offering a beacon of hope to those in need. Mary's devotion to her mission, illuminated by her personal narrative, underlines the profound influence these stories hold in the wider dialogue on life and choice. Join us for an episode that promises to bear witness to pain, healing, and the power of human resilience.

    Celebrating Our First Anniversary: A Toast to Hero Stories from Hardship to Hope

    Celebrating Our First Anniversary: A Toast to Hero Stories from Hardship to Hope

    Reflecting on a year of profound narratives, I, Karen Hall, invite you to join in our celebration of the Hero Within podcast's first anniversary. We revisit Rusty Labushagne's journey of wrongful imprisonment and his extraordinary path to forgiveness, showcasing the indomitable strength of faith. It's a moment to acknowledge the inspirational tales that have woven themselves into the tapestry of our lives, as I share my own connections to these stories, drawing parallels with revered historical figures and my personal encounters with hardship. This episode is a testament to the incredible power stories hold in healing, bringing us closer together, and reminding us of our shared humanity.

    As we raise a glass to this milestone, I'm filled with gratitude for the unwavering camaraderie of you, our dedicated listeners. Your feedback and engagement have been pivotal in shaping our podcast into a beacon of hope and unity. The words of encouragement and the community we've built together have uplifted the spirits of our guests and myself. Join us for this heartfelt expression of thanks, as we look forward to another year of compelling storytelling, filled with love, inspiration, and the promise of more unforgettable connections within the Hero Within family.

    Teaching Children and Grandchildren the Sacred Symbols of Our Savior at Christmas

    Teaching Children and Grandchildren the Sacred Symbols of Our Savior at Christmas

    Have you ever looked at a candy cane and seen more than just a sweet treat? Join me, Karen Hall, in our special Christmas minisode as we unwrap the hidden depths of holiday symbols that enrich the festive season with sacred meaning. As a mother, I've found these emblems to be a powerful way to teach my children about the love and light of the Savior, and I'm excited to share these stories with you. We're journeying beyond the jingles and the tinsel to rediscover the poignant reminders of Christ's guiding light in our holiday customs, from the vibrant evergreen to the guiding star of Bethlehem.

    Gather your loved ones and tune in for a heartfelt exploration of how the traditions we hold dear can point us back to the essence of Christmas. We'll examine the spiritual significance behind the gifts of the wise men, the symbolism behind the poinsettia, and even how Santa Claus's generosity mirrors how Saint Nicholas gave to others with the Savior's love. Let's inspire each other to honor the birth of Jesus through acts of kindness and celebrate this time of year not just with presents, but with presence—the presence of hope, love, and His never-ending light that shines in the darkness.

    How to Keep Christ in Christmas with Kathryn McAdam

    How to Keep Christ in Christmas with Kathryn McAdam

    Ever found yourself grappling with the commercialization of Christmas, struggling to keep Christ at the heart of your celebrations? In our latest episode, we explore this challenge with an inspiring conversation with Kathryn McAdam, the host of Unstoppable Joy. We delve into some practical tips for maintaining a Christ-centered focus during the holiday season - from breaking free from the pursuit of holiday perfection to cherishing nostalgic traditions like family caroling. Kathryn also shares a unique idea of limiting gifts to three as a nod to the presents Jesus received, and crafting an advent calendar that tells a story.

    But, the holiday season isn't always joyful for everyone. Kathryn bravely opens up about her personal experiences with addiction and loneliness during this time, offering comforting advice on finding solace and joy, even in the face of challenging circumstances. The conversation takes a turn as we touch on the heartwarming practice of gratitude and serving others as a way to truly appreciate our blessings. As Kathryn recounts her life journey and love for Jesus, her testimony is a poignant reminder of how trials and tribulations can be blessings in disguise. So come along and join us in our quest for a Christ-focused Christmas season, finding joy in the trials, and serving others with gratitude.

    The Science of Gratitude to Rewire Your Brain

    The Science of Gratitude to Rewire Your Brain

    Are you ready for a life-altering journey towards positivity? Join us in this powerful episode as we unravel the transformative power of gratitude. Tune in, sit back and prepare to reshape your understanding of your brain’s circuitry through the lens of gratitude. We tap into fascinating research that demonstrates how gratitude practices not only shift our focus from negative to positive but also lead to physiological and emotional benefits. We promise you, this episode will change the way you perceive the world around you.

    We'll also delve into a unique gratitude practice that requires us to recall and relive the emotions experienced when someone expressed gratitude towards us. Discover how this practice can rewire your brain, influencing your happiness, motivation, and anxiety levels for the better. But the journey doesn’t stop there! We also discuss the spiritual aspect of gratitude. Learn how turning to the Lord and incorporating gratitude in our everyday lives can transform any day into a day of thanksgiving. Embark on this journey with us, and together, let's unlock the power of gratitude and return to love.

    Turn Any Day Into Thanksgiving

    Turn Any Day Into Thanksgiving

    Ever wondered how to unlock the transformative power of gratitude? I'm Karen Hall, and I invite you to join me for an enlightening episode of the Hero Within podcast. As we gear up for Thanksgiving, we reflect on the term 'gratitude' and its profound impact on both our physical and mental health. We discuss enlightening studies conducted by the University of California Davis and the University of Pennsylvania, revealing the ways an active expression of appreciation can boost our physical health, happiness, and even our sleep patterns.

    What if we could turn everyday experiences into moments of thanksgiving? Drawing from wisdom shared by William Arthur Ward and the Dalai Lama, we explore how gratitude can create ripples of positive change in our lives and the world at large. Curious to know more? Join us as we delve deeper into the benefits of gratitude and its transformative power. Let's make every day a Thanksgiving, and together, let's inspire positive changes within ourselves and those around us.

    Courageously Facing Childhood Cancer, Part 2 with Dirk and Sharla Gardner

    Courageously Facing Childhood Cancer, Part 2 with Dirk and Sharla Gardner

    Have you ever wondered how faith can provide strength during the darkest times? Join me, your host Karen Hall, as I sit down with Dirk and Sharla Gardner in a deeply moving episode. This courageous couple opens up about their heart-wrenching journey - from their son's cancer diagnosis, through his treatment, grappling with unanswered prayers, and learning to accept the Lord's will. Their story is a beacon of hope, resilience, and healing, even when faced with the unthinkable.

    The Gardners candidly discuss their struggles, and reflect on how their lives and faith changed after their son's diagnosis. Dirk shares his journey towards a new understanding of faith. It's not about his plan, but in God's plan. Sharla reveals how faith was their anchor in the storm and talks about the tender mercies they experienced. Their story beautifully demonstrates the power of faith, love, and mutual support. Prepare to be inspired by the Gardners' unwavering hope and strength amidst adversity.

    Courageously Facing Childhood Cancer, Part 1 with Dirk and Sharla Gardner

    Courageously Facing Childhood Cancer, Part 1 with Dirk and Sharla Gardner

    What if you suddenly lost your job of 17 years, and your child was diagnosed with a rare type of cancer, all without the safety net of medical insurance? I invite you to join me as I sit down with Dirk and Sharla Gardner, a couple who faced these horrific trials head on. Their story unfolds, filled with suspense, hardship, and unexpected blessings. Dirk and Sharla reveal the power of love and faith as they navigate the stormy seas of life, as they turn toward the Lord, forging a path of resilience and hope.

    Finding strength in faith when you're in the throes of despair isn't easy. The Gardners share their emotional journey, one where they had to lean on the Lord even when they felt the heavens were closed. They discuss, with heart-wrenching honesty, the pain of telling their son about his cancer diagnosis, and how they managed to find comfort in their faith and each other. Their story is filled with twists and turns, including the miraculous provision of a supplementary insurance that saved them from financial ruin.

    Dirk and Sharla discuss their choice to trust in the Lord, even when their future seemed uncertain. They candidly discuss the aftermath of their son's surgery, and their constant battle to maintain their faith. Their journey is a testament to the power of faith in the face of adversity. Listen in as they inspire us with their incredible story, spreading love and hope in the darkest of times. Stay tuned for Part 2 to hear the rest of their inspiring story!

    The Healing Gift of Empathy in Times of Grief

    The Healing Gift of Empathy in Times of Grief

    Feeling the weight of the world's tragedies? You're not alone. In the latest episode of Hero Within, I, your host Karen Hall, share my own struggles with grief and the overwhelming feelings that come with bearing witness to the hardship pervading the world. We dive into the importance of acknowledging pain instead of rushing to find a quick fix, and discuss the power of self-validation and grace in navigating these trying times. 

    As we move deeper into the conversation, we transition from the harsh realities of grief to the transformative power of hope. I share inspiring stories of individuals who found a spark of hope amidst entrenched despair, a testament to human resilience and the potential for healing. This episode challenges us to not only acknowledge our own pain but also to find ways to share hope and light with others, affirming that even the smallest efforts can make a significant difference. So, tune in and let's navigate this journey together.

    Jesus is Our Ultimate Hope; Reflections on Gratitude and Gifts After Suicide Loss With Lark Dean Galley

    Jesus is Our Ultimate Hope; Reflections on Gratitude and Gifts After Suicide Loss With Lark Dean Galley

    Have you ever wondered how faith, hope, and love can guide us through the darkest chapters of our lives? In this thought-provoking episode, we will journey through the harsh realities of mental health struggles as we commemorate World Mental Health Day. We will discuss the power of taking action in times of despair, inspired by the profound words of poet Donna Ashworth. Join me as I sit with Lark Dean Galli, a courageous woman who faced the unbearable losses of her father and son to suicide, and found solace in her unyielding faith.

    This episode will also probe into the depth of the Hebrew word for faith, 'emunah', revealing its essence of action and complete reliance on God. We will delve into the Bible, extracting wisdom from verses in Hebrews and Deuteronomy to frame our understanding of faith's role amid life's 'storms'. We will explore how these challenging times can catalyze our personal growth and fortify our faith, leading to a noticeable shift in our mindset. So let's navigate together, learn how hope, faith, and love can steer us from the bleakest of situations towards a future filled with light.

    Gratitude and Gifts After Suicide Loss, Part 3 with Lark Dean Galley

    Gratitude and Gifts After Suicide Loss, Part 3 with Lark Dean Galley

    Content warning: This episode discusses death by suicide, and viewer discretion is advised.  If you or a loved one are struggling with suicidal thoughts, please call or text the suicide hotline 988.

    Join us in this poignant dialogue as Lark Dean Galley, a mother and grandmother, courageously uncovers the layers of her healing process after her son's suicide. With grace and authenticity, Lark shows us how gratitude and connection served as her lighthouses in the stormy seas of adversity. She even shares the surprising blessings that have blessed her life, including divine messages she received from beyond the veil and the healing presence of a new family member, Caleb.

    The conversation deepens as Lark delves into her relationship with her adult children, highlighting the importance of trust, nurturing, and quality time. Listen as she grapples with the question that shadows many who have lost a loved one to suicide: What does this mean for their eternal welfare? In her darkest moments, Lark found solace in the heavenly messages she received from Christian, which brought her comfort and hope. Join us and gain insight into these intimate experiences that have fortified Lark's spirit, reminding us all of the resilience of the human heart.

    Lark and I would love to hear your thoughts! If you'd like to support the podcast, please follow/subscribe to be alerted to upcoming episodes and also, I'd love it if you leave a review!

    Wishing you lots of love on your own hero’s journey,
    xoxo, Karen

    Thanks so much for listening!  Please share this episode with your loved ones and spread the love to bless others!
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    The Hero Within Podcast

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    Banishing Blame After Suicide Loss, Part 2 with Lark Dean Galley

    Banishing Blame After Suicide Loss, Part 2 with Lark Dean Galley

    Content warning: This episode discusses death by suicide, and viewer discretion is advised.  If you or a loved one are struggling with suicidal thoughts, please call or text the suicide hotline 988.

    What does it look like to navigate the tumultuous seas of grief, and can a tragic loss lead to profound transformation? Today, our courageous guest, Lark Dean Galley, opens up about her journey through the heart-wrenching experience of losing her son to suicide. Her story is raw, deeply touching, and a testament to the human capacity for resilience and change. She shares candidly about how this tragedy impacted her marriage, offering an invaluable perspective on the strain such loss can have on a relationship and how compassion and open communication can become a lifeline.

    As Lark navigates through the shadows of this loss, she uncovers a profound shift in the way she perceives parenthood and life in general. Listen as she recounts the challenging discussions she had with her husband and how they both traversed the landscape of grief in their unique ways. Lark also shares her journey towards grace, forgiveness, and understanding, offering listeners insights into a more open-hearted type of parenting, focused on conveying love rather than enforcing obedience.

    Finally, we follow Lark's transformative journey towards acceptance and letting go. Her ability to allow her children autonomy and reject judgment, with personal examples which serve as a powerful lesson to us all. You'll learn from Lark's journey that true happiness can be found in relationships rather than achievements, as she and her husband strive to eliminate blame from their relationship.

    Stay tuned for Part 3 in which Lark sheds light on the unexpected blessings she discovered amidst the tragedy, illustrating that hope and healing can be found even in the aftermath of such devastating loss. Join us, as we explore these deep and moving themes with Lark Dean Galley.

    Lark and I would love to hear your thoughts! If you'd like to support the podcast, please follow/subscribe to be alerted to upcoming episodes and also, I'd love it if you leave a review!

    Wishing you lots of love on your own hero’s journey,
    xoxo, Karen

    Thanks so much for listening!  Please share this episode with your loved ones and spread the love to bless others!
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    The Hero Within Podcast

    Connect with Lark Dean Galley


    I Couldn’t Even Say The Word Suicide, Part 1 with Lark Dean Galley

    I Couldn’t Even Say The Word Suicide, Part 1 with Lark Dean Galley

    Content warning. Today's episode covers the topic of death by suicide and listener discretion is advised. If you or a loved one are struggling with suicidal thoughts, please call or text the suicide hotline 988.

    Have you ever wondered how to navigate the painful journey of grief and loss following suicide? Join me, Karen Hall, as I sit down with the courageous Lark Dean Galley, who vulnerably opens up about her personal experiences with the tragedies of suicide. Lark shares her reflections on a turbulent childhood marked by her father's undiagnosed bipolar depression and his subsequent suicide, and the devastating loss of her own son four years later.

    Throughout our deeply personal conversation, Lark reveals the immense stigma and shame associated with suicide and how it has impacted her family’s journey to emotional recovery. We delve into the complexities of grief, highlighting how it can differ greatly between genders. Lark shares her personal healing process, offering valuable insights on shedding blame and offering grace to those affected by suicide. She also shares her moving thoughts on maintaining a connection with loved ones even after they've departed from this world.

    Stay tuned for Part 2 in which Lark further discusses her unstable childhood, her struggles with infertility and divorce, and the challenges of managing a blended family. She shares how these adversities have carved her path to becoming a fervent advocate for suicide prevention. A testament to her strength and resilience, this episode serves as a beacon of hope for those whose lives have been impacted by suicide. Listen in to this profound conversation with Lark Dean Galley and find hope amidst the pain.

    Lark and I would love to hear your thoughts! If you'd like to support the podcast, please follow/subscribe to be alerted to upcoming episodes and also, I'd love it if you leave a review!

    Wishing you lots of love on your own hero’s journey,
    xoxo, Karen

    Thanks so much for listening!  Please share this episode with your loved ones and spread the love to bless others!
    Connect with Karen Hall

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    The Hero Within Podcast

    Connect with Lark Dean Galley


    My Podcast Promise; Reflections on Increasing Connection Through Laughter and Integrity with Jason Hewlett Part 1 and 2.

    My Podcast Promise; Reflections on Increasing Connection Through Laughter and Integrity with Jason Hewlett Part 1 and 2.

    Get ready for an insightful talk as I, Karen Hall, your host, reflect on my conversation with the vibrant and award-winning comedian, Jason Hewlett. Prepare to be inspired as we delve into the profound landscape of promises, integrity, and their impacts on our lives. We reflect on Jason's book, 'The Promise to the One', exploring the essentiality of personal commitments, a reflection of our values, and the implications of broken promises. Be sure to listen to previous episodes 57 and 58 of The Hero Within as Jason shares his journey of maintaining his onstage persona offstage, and how he navigates through betrayals while holding onto his integrity.

    In a stirring turnaround, I unfold my personal narrative of discovering my calling, mapping from my early fascination with family stories to the launch of this podcast and authoring a book. Together, we reveal the power of vulnerability in storytelling, the rewards of listener feedback, and the significance of your participation in increasing visibility through reviews and following. We encapsulate the essence of resilience, gratitude, and the unswerving value of integrity. Tune in for an enriching exploration of our promises to ourselves and others.

    Jason and I would love to hear your thoughts! If you'd like to support the podcast, please follow/subscribe to be alerted to upcoming episodes and also, leave a review.

    Wishing you lots of love on your own hero’s journey,
    xoxo, Karen

    Thanks so much for listening!  Please share this episode with your loved ones and spread the love to bless others!
    Connect with Karen Hall

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    The Hero Within Podcast

    Connect with Jason Hewlett

     LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonhewlett/ 

    The Hero Within Karen Hall
    en-usSeptember 12, 2023

    Increasing Connection Through Laughter and Integrity, Part 2 with Jason Hewlett

    Increasing Connection Through Laughter and Integrity, Part 2 with Jason Hewlett

    Have you ever wondered how maintaining integrity and fulfilling promises could shape your life? Well, let's begin our journey with Jason Hewlett, an award-winning comedian, entertainer, and world-class performer. Jason unpacks his life stories and the essence of keeping promises, as well as how his faith steered his actions, especially when dealing with broken promises.

    Brace yourself as we delve deeper into the realms of forgiveness and personal growth. We dissect the valid ways of harnessing our spiritual core to steer through the wreckage of broken promises, the process of forgiveness, and setting much-needed boundaries. Discover how to keep a promise to yourself to act as Jesus would do, a commitment that calls for daily affirmation and practice.

    To wrap up our enlightening dialogue, we dive into a heart-to-heart conversation with Chad Hymus, a motivational speaker whose physical disability has never deterred his spirit to inspire people worldwide. We explore our personal challenges and how they deepen our understanding and empathy for others. Understand how even in the face of hardship, we can refract the Lord's love and touch more lives than we ever imagined. Let's celebrate Chad's resilience and his magnanimous spirit together!

    Jason and I would love to hear your thoughts! If you'd like to support the podcast, please follow/subscribe to be alerted to upcoming episodes and also, leave a review.

    Wishing you lots of love on your own hero’s journey,
    xoxo, Karen

    Thanks so much for listening!  Please share this episode with your loved ones and spread the love to bless others!
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    The Hero Within Podcast

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     LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonhewlett/    

    Increasing Connection Through Laughter and Integrity, Part 1 with Jason Hewlett

    Increasing Connection Through Laughter and Integrity, Part 1 with Jason Hewlett

    Get ready to have your spirits lifted as we sit down with the extraordinary Jason Hewlett, an award-winning entertainer with a knack for finding and sharing joy. This one-of-a-kind comedian reveals how he discovered his unique gifts and developed his career on stage. Through the ICM process (Identify, Clarify, Magnify), Jason helps you uncover your own signature moves and shares the importance of mentorship in his journey.

    The episode takes a heartwarming turn as we delve into the power of giving and spreading joy. Inspired by his mother's example, Jason shares the impact of service and philanthropy in his life. His infectious laughter is not just a signature act, it's a means of spreading validation and happiness around him. His unwavering integrity and love for people have undoubtedly shaped his life and career.

    Our conversation with Jason doesn't stop there. He talks about his initiative to share his wisdom with others, from mentoring aspiring stage performers to running a YouTube channel filled with educational videos. We also unpack his book, 'The Promise to The One', and the lessons he learned from broken promises that strengthened his commitment to keeping his own. This episode is a rollercoaster of emotions, laughter and valuable insights that you simply can't miss!

    Jason and I would love to hear your thoughts! If you'd like to support the podcast, please follow/subscribe to be alerted to upcoming episodes and also, leave a review.

    Wishing you lots of love on your own hero’s journey,
    xoxo, Karen

    Thanks so much for listening!  Please share this episode with your loved ones and spread the love to bless others!
    Connect with Karen Hall

    Facebook Group:
    The Hero Within Podcast

    Connect with Jason Hewlett

     LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonhewlett/