
    The Hill Coaching Company Podcast

    The latest series from Hill Coaching Company is a mixture of collaborations with thought leaders in their fields and individual incites from founder Oliver Hill. As always the aim of each episode is to help you become the best version of yourself you possibly can.
    enOliver Hill70 Episodes

    Episodes (70)

    S3-31: Lonely Exec

    S3-31: Lonely Exec

    Do you own your business or perhaps you are the top exec for your department?

    Do you have anyone you can turn to for advice or to share your concerns?

    If you’re like many of Stephen and I’s clients, when they first reach out to us, you don’t. 

    This can be an incredibly lonely place. Often we don’t even realise how lonely until it’s pointed out to us.  

    Have a listen to see if this relates to you or someone you know.


    S3-29: Tearing Up the Rule Book

    S3-29: Tearing Up the Rule Book

    In some ways this episode is very easy to explain. Does they way we work need to change?

    Is 9-5 still okay?

    Is it right to expect an amount of hours to be work owed in exchange for a salary or should it be about the value/RoI?

    Should we work more from home or less from home?

    Should companies be responsible for your home office/workstation?

    There world of work is changing at an incredible pace and we discuss all many factors in this episode.


    S5-05: The State of The Workplace

    S5-05: The State of The Workplace

    Oliver hijacks his own podcast series in this episode to share some interesting insights into people’s engagement at work. 

    Spoiler alert, it’s not great news!

    Now we know statistics can’t always be trusted however these stats deserve further attention and discussion. 

    Since Lockdown 1 the world of work has changed and will never be the same as it was beforehand. Keeping people engaged at work has never been more important and arguably, it’s never been so hard…


    S3-28: We're All Different

    S3-28: We're All Different

    How many times do we consider how the other person sees, hears and feels things? If we are honest the answer to that is either rarely or never (it probably also depends on who the person is).

    The one thing both Stephen and I can guarantee is that we are all different. Yet, we often think people should think and act like we do. We often expect people to carry out a job or role in the same way as everybody else. We often expect people to share our values.

    I could go on. The point of the episode is to explain how we are ALL different to one another and that we need to starting respecting and acknowledging this in all walks of life.


    S5-04: Imposter Syndrome with James Taylor of ReThink Demand

    S5-04:  Imposter Syndrome with James Taylor of ReThink Demand

    2 weeks ago JT was on talking about sales and his top 5 tips for sales. 

    JT is an excellent salesperson. So how can he have imposter syndrome? I know hundreds if not thousands of people who’d love JT’s confidence in the sales environment. 

    Have a listen to how Imposterone Syndrome affects JT and how he manages it.



    S3-27: Setting Realistic Goals

    S3-27: Setting Realistic Goals

    We have deliberately NOT titled this episode ‘Setting Realistic New Year's Resolutions’ as this episode is relevant throughout the year.

    However, It’s as good a time as any to drop this episode as by the time you're hearing it (15th January 2024 onwards) it's a good bet that many of the things people set out to do in 2024 have already faltered.

    It’s okay! Stephen and I come across this all the time and we ourselves fall foul of at times (and we’re supposed to be good at this stuff). So you’re not alone. The trouble is we don’t make our goals realistic, in fact, often what we think are goals aren’t even goals…


    S5-03: Top 5 Tips for Sales with James Taylor of ReThink Demand

    S5-03: Top 5 Tips for Sales with James Taylor of ReThink Demand

    James Taylor, a client and friend of HCC, is one of the most comfortable and natural sales people we’ve ever known. 

    He’s secured many millions of pounds worth of business with many well known businesses. Perhaps most notably Microsoft. 

    His insights are invaluable to any budding salesperson or for anybody who’s simply looking to keep improving. 

    Do you do these five things?


    S3-26: Thinking my Sh!t Smells of Roses

    S3-26: Thinking my Sh!t Smells of Roses

    In this episode Stephen and Oliver talk about the importance of not comparing ourselves with others. 

    Whether we like it or not we ALL do it. Some of us are better at hiding it than others! 

    However, they’re a lot of reasons why this isn’t helpful. 

    Firstly we’re all different. Therefore it’s not likely we’ll find it easy to replicate others' actions.  

    Secondly a lot of people who seem to ‘be great’ aren’t quite what they’d like you to believe they are!


    S3-25: Letting Go

    S3-25: Letting Go

    How often do you keep things going long after they were ever helpful/useful?

    How many people do you know that keep tolerating poor behaviours/performance from others around them?

    What about that item of clothing that’s so comfortable but has seen better days?

    In this episode Stephen challenges us all to think about letting go of things sooner. 

    What do you think?


    S5-01: Talking Time Management with Chris Reeve

    S5-01: Talking Time Management with Chris Reeve

    The episode launches season 5 of the Hill Coaching Company Podcast series. In this series Oliver will be speaking to guest every fortnight looking to tease out some top points, tips, tricks and insights aimed at helping people become better versions of themselves.

    In this episode Chris Reeve explains how he juggles running a Social Media agency with being one half of a very successful football fan channel, a strict health and fitness regime, working in local radio and maintaining a happy marriage.

    Chris shares his thoughts and ideas for the listeners' consideration.


    S3-24: Decision Making

    S3-24: Decision Making

    Sometimes people think coaches are a bit ‘know it all’ or are threatened by us as they wrongly think we have out sh@t together.

    Wrong, wrong and wrong. We have a lot of experiences  and knowledge to share and we care passionately about helping people.

    In this episode Stephen shares the difficulties he’s faced making some key decisions. He and Oliver delve deeper into the decision making process.


    S4-12: Antihistamines and Gut Health

    S4-12: Antihistamines and Gut Health

    There is a strong argument that the modern treatment of allergies is the wrong way round. 

    Allergies occur and we are prescribed antihistamine (more often than not). 

    We don’t check on our gut health first. Is it possible that a lot of our allergies are simply caused by poor gut health? 

    See what you think in our last episode of the series.


    S3-23: The Winter Blues

    S3-23: The Winter Blues

    This episode focuses on something very close to Oliver's heart. The changes in the seasons and the potential impact it has on you.

    Oliver shares how challenging he finds the Autumn through Winter seasons. Stephen recognises the challenges it brings and between them they hope to reassure people that may also be struggling that it's okay and it's normal.
