
    The Holy F/ck Moments Podcast

    When life hands you a moment that slaps you right in the face, all you can say is HOLY F*CK. It’s painful, blinding, yet liberating AF. The most f*cked up moments in your life can change everything…for the better…if you let them. I’ll show you how on this show. Dive deep with me, Christine Banno, into raw, real, unfiltered stories where chaos meets clarity and mess turns into magic. Through guest stories and my intimate “mini riffs,” expect spicy confessions, shocking revelations, and mind blowing transformations. I’ll show you not only how to face the fire but dance in its flames. Whether you're here for the gasp-worthy stories, the spiritual awakenings, or just a damn good time, I promise: you'll leave each episode with a fresh perspective, ready to face your own "Holy F*ck" moments head-on. → If you have a Holy F/ck moment you'd like to share, or know anyone who's story could inspire others, please email me at christine@christinebanno.com x CB P.S. + If you get triggered: I'm sorry. But also not sorry. but sorry.. kind of.. because triggers can be GD goldmines if you let them be. + If you are inspired: I'm freakin pumped! I've done my job. + If you love this show: PLEASE SHARE, RATE + REVIEW (love you and will be forever grateful!) + If you hate it: Please be kind and remember there is a REAL HUMAN behind this. + My goal is to remind you of how F'ng powerful you are. That you are truly limitless and that you can be, do and have anything in this lifetime, regardless of your past, or your limited story.
    enChristine Banno34 Episodes

    Episodes (34)

    Holy F/ck - Change doesn't have to be long or hard (hear me out)

    Holy F/ck - Change doesn't have to be long or hard (hear me out)

    Hi friends.. today in the forest I decided to expand on my IG story about change. If you are desiring a mini inspirational 9min talk, here it is. I talk about identity, how by mid age we are pretty much running 95% of our day in an unconscious state, and are essentially a limited set of stories and beliefs. I speak to how the actual change isn't hard (b/c you can leave a job or person, say yes to an opportunity, dive into a new venture, invest in a new course or mentor, and that act can take mere seconds) it's learning how to disrupt the auto pilot state, and expand into the version of ourselves who can take those inspired actions and make those split second decisions. That's the real work. 

    Of course this topic is soooo multi faceted and this is a micro chat, but I want to know what you think. Any ah-ha's?

    • ALSO.. Follow me in IG HERE to stay even more connected. DM me, I love to connect to my epic audience!




    Holy F/ck I'm Getting Fired 😳

    Holy F/ck I'm Getting Fired 😳

    In this episode, I sit down with Anna Finck, an absolutely incredible woman who was forced to access her courage and step into her purpose as a health coach after she walked into her office job one day after being sick to have an empty desk and all her sh*t gone 🤣. #thanksuniverse


    We also cover:

    • how the universe stepped in to get her ass moving into her souls purpose after she got a bit too "cosy" in her more logical job that she hated.
    • how she managed a freak out after being let go, as she had just signed a loan to buy a car and an apartment and how she was forced to have radical self trust and follow her intuition. 
    • we talk about the seductive "golden handcuff" temptation that so many encounter when they are being pulled to a deeper calling, but the draw of the safety and pension and security is soooo tempting.
    • How her baby brother passed away at birth and how at 4 years old and how that experience imprinted her desire to help others and how we can turn our pain into purpose.
    • We also share so many tools on how to regulate your nervous system, heal and transform your life on the deepest level.


    If you desire to learn more about Anna and the amazing work she does in this world, you can find out more below:

    Anna is an Embodied Wellness Coach who is passionate about supporting women in reconnecting with their bodies so that they can reclaim their health, power, and lives. Embodied Wellness is about embodiment and empowerment; a transformational wellness + personal growth journey.


    IG: https://www.instagram.com/iamannafinck/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iamannafinck





    Holy F/ck I Need To Slow The F/ck Down

    Holy F/ck I Need To Slow The F/ck Down


    Are you moving at hyperspeed? Overwhelmed? Are you lacking clarity/vision/knowing? Are you stuck in a cycle of "do'ing" and ticking all the "life" boxes, but finding yourself depleted? It's a real thing.

    I experienced this so much of my adult life.. do'ing, achieving, over extending myself, depleted, in burn out and it all came from a nervous system (and mental patterns) that were programmed for, and addicted to, chaos. I spent a lot of my life disassociated from my body and feeling lost and unsure of who I was. At my core, I felt unworthy, so I spent a lifetime trying to "do more" and move fast so I A. didn't have to feel any of the feelings looming beneath the surface (if I'm busy, I can avoid these forever right?? 🤣) and B. Believed that if I just did more, could be a good person, build a business, be a mom, learn social media, workout and be fit, help others, immerse myself in self-development, mediate, indulge in self-care, have a successful side hustle, AND bake cookies for the school sale (w/ a fake smile on my face), than maybe I would prove to the world I was "enough". 

    Spoiler alert: Nothing I did outside of me gave me the feeling I was missing inside. It wasn't until I returned to my body and slowed the F down that things started rapidly changing and getting better - FAST. I cleared old blocks and emotions weighing me down, I became aware of all the stories I was telling about myself and others, my intuition turned the F up, clarity and lightness came online in a big way, I started manifesting effortlessly, I leaned back more, I softened, I experienced joy and inner peace and life got EPIC. Friends we have the key. Our bodies and intuition holds then blueprint to our most magical and abundant life - we have become so disconnected and numb to them and the messages. If you are desiring to feel epic, lighter, clearer, and more joy (aka more magnetic manifesting frequencies) join me and an intimate group for a 4-week experiential and somatic journey.

    SLOW THE F/CK DOWN PROGRAM DETAILS HERE (You can still sign up and receive the replays and join live future calls). 

    Q's email me or my team at hello@activatedaligned.com or DM me on IG OR FB Messenger. I know this sh*t works.. it has given me the most amazing tools to navigate any storm and experience joy, ease and safety in my body. xx

    Holy F/ck My Alcoholic Stepdad Has A Shotgun And I Think He's Going To Use It

    Holy F/ck My Alcoholic Stepdad Has A Shotgun And I Think He's Going To Use It

    In this episode, I sit down with Christel Arrcucci, an absolutely incredible woman who left me speechless when she shared her story about growing up with alcoholic parents and how her abusive stepdad showed up to greet her Father with a shotgun when she said she wanted to move in with him at 13.


    We also cover:

    * How she had a Near Death Experience after developlng pneumonia at 6 months old due to her parents smoking, and how her 3 yr old sisters soul begged her to "stay".

    * We talk about "exit points" on the human journey and whether one's destiny is mapped out for them.

    * She shares what it was like for her to grow up in a family of addiction and how that led her to tap into the spiritual realms at a very young age.

    * How she navigated establishing a healthy relationship with her younger sister after being more of the "mother figure" to her siblings and how she doesn't believe just because you are "blood related" family gets access to you.

    * How at 17 she was told she would be on pain meditation for the rest of her life after a spring board diving accident left her spine in a mess. Her answer to that was “no thanks” and fuck off (aka chose not to accept that limited and disempowering reality).



    If you desire to learn more about Christel and the amazing work she does in this world, you can find out more below:

    IG https://www.instagram.com/christel.arcucci/


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmbodyWealthy


    Website: www.ChristelArcucci.com


    Podcast: https://embodywealthypodcast.com/









    Holy F/ck You're Invited to my FREE MASTERCLASS - Just F/cking Do It (STEP INTO YOUR BADASS POWERFUL SELF)

    Holy F/ck You're Invited to my FREE MASTERCLASS - Just F/cking Do It (STEP INTO YOUR BADASS POWERFUL SELF)

    📣 Friends.. you are invited to my FREE Masterclass! SIGN UP HERE  (replay wil be emailed to you!)

    It's time to access your COURAGE, wake the F up to your power and unlock your UP-LEVELLED self by taking imperfect action.

    The Deets: Just F/cking Do It, is a one hour experimental masterclass designed for YOU to feel lit the F up, as we get you out of your (hamster wheel) head and aligned w/ your limitless, abundant AF self.

    So often we have AMAZING ideas, projects, businesses or soul-inspired creations we want to bring to life, but get stuck in our head (cue perfectionism, imposter syndrome and fear of rejection). Well, I am here to lit a fire under your butt and remind you it's ok to show up messily.. in fact it's encouraged. 

    Stop being a bystander to your precious life. GET IN THE MF GAME AND PLAY. ⚡️🙅‍♀️







    Holy F/ck I'm Angry - 11 min riff

    Holy F/ck I'm Angry - 11 min riff

    Friends.. here is a 11 min riff on Anger. I used to have a really F/d up relationship with certain emotions, anger especially. I used to suppress and hide it, and surprise surprise, it would come out sideways and spill onto others. 

    Here I share a moment from last month when I was was noticing a lot of anxiety and discomfort and realized I was angry AF. I walk you through my process of identifying it and share some tools to help you move through it with ease and integrity vs being triggered and snap-showing on others #beenthere. 🤣


    📣 ALSO.... Make sure to connect with me on IG HERE if you want to follow along for when new episodes are released or you can sign up for my email list HERE (and get a free meditation while you're at it!) plus get the goods as I release meditations, programs, episodes or special coaching offers/retreats. 

    P.S. If you are enjoying these - show me some love and leave a review or share with your friends.. it means more than you know- truly.

    Lots of love. CB x

    Holy F/ck I was diagnosed w/ Lyme Disease, a Brain Tumor AND my best friend just passed away

    Holy F/ck I was diagnosed w/ Lyme Disease, a Brain Tumor AND my best friend just passed away

    In this episode, I sit down with Colleen Ann Maier, an absolute powerhouse, who had her life completely turned upside down and cracked open when she was (get ready for it...) diagnosed with Lyme Disease AND a Brain Tumor AND had her best friend pass away suddenly from stage four cancer. 😱 BUT through the chaos, found her "silver lining", woke the F up and uncovered the most incredible new path into her souls work and unlocked the ability to help other woman access their spiritual gifts.

    We also cover:

    * Her journey from Catholic raised "good girl" to spiritual, mentor and leader.

    * How she navigated the grief of her diagnosis by coming up with the most incredible divinely inspired business plan, only to have her business partner and best friend passed away suddenly months later from stage four cancer. 

    * We unpack and speak about how every single person on this planet has gifts to share with the world (and yes, that includes you).

    * How to identify when you’re in alignment with your soul’s mission and purpose (we are both obsessed w/ helping people access and remeber this).

    * How, stepping into a completely different life can be really scary, and how to get out of your own way.


    If you desire to learn more about Colleen and the amazing work she does in this world, you can find out more below:

    Colleen Ann is the Priestess of Feminine Freedom and the Founder of Silver Lining Wishes.  As a spiritual teacher she works closely with the Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters, leading women to awaken the divine knowing that is in each of us. Through her work, Colleen Ann guides women to reclaim their power, to remember their inner wisdom, and to heal their ancestral wounding. Her mission is to help all women activate their fierce feminine freedom allowing us all to lead ourselves and co-create the lives of our wildest wishes.



    Holy F/ck I just overdosed for the 9th time 😱

    Holy F/ck I just overdosed for the 9th time 😱

    In this Episode I sit down with the AMAZING Judy Van Niekerk who blows my freakin mind with her story about escaping a life of abuse and (I don't know what other word to insert here, but horror), creates a great life for herself in South Africa, but falls into a trap of trying to "fit in" in "normal" society and winds up waking up in a coma at the hospital after her 9th overdose in 18months. (I F'ng know.. I am still processing) lol.

    We also cover:

    • How she fled a life of being locked up and abused and in her early 20's, but still managed to create a pioneering business, became a sponsored paraglider pilot and a sports champion and was filled to the brim with money, but after a painful journey of trying to "fit in", overdosed 9 times.
    • How she was supported by a divine connection that guided her, even during her darkest hours.
    • How her father ended up getting sentenced to 54 years in prison after it was reported to the high court of Ireland (which received international coverage) and how her bravery to make her case public, ended up contributing to massive awareness around the topic of sexual abuse and led to a massive increase of other reports.
    • Her lessons, wisdom and her ability to have pure optimism and inner peace regardless of her past. AKA she is NOT defined her her "human story".
    • ANDDDD she shares a powerful message for the collective.


    If you desire to learn more about Judy and the amazing work she does in this world, you can find out more below:





    More about Judy: My divine purpose is being a conduit for you to integrate God Consciousness and living beyond the ego to experience the fullness of their potential in this lifetime. Guiding you to raise your vibration permanently. 

    At the age of 15 I had the first of a number of extraordinary 'transcendent' supernatural experiences that gave me insight into the extraordinariness of who we are. She now helps gorgeous humans align with their "Iconic Lives" and access prosperity, freedom and bliss.

    Holy F/ck I Speak To Spirits

    Holy F/ck I Speak To Spirits

    In this Episode I sit down with the AMAZING Erin Rogers who candidly shares about how she now speaks to spirits and is an intuitive channel (wtf right?) and the journey she took of leaving her multi 6-figure corporate job and left brain thinking to pursue a spirit-led life (Sedona - Paris - Mexico oh my!) 🤣.

    We also cover:

    • How an unexplained sickness got her in the seat of an Intuitive coach's office where everything cracked open.
    • Her journey with accepting and harnessing this new and very different "non-corporate" life.
    • How her car getting struck by lightening in Sedona was a big WAKE UP CALL she couldn't ignore.
    • Her lessons and wisdom learned through therapy, healing and listening to her intuition.
    • ANDDDD she live channels a message for the collective (yah she does).


    If you desire to learn more about Erin and the amazing work she does in this world, you can find out more below:

    Bio: As a Mentor, Intuitive and Channel, my mission is to elevate your earthly experience. I want to help you create your own unique path for massive success in work, love, relationships and, really, your whole amazing life.

    I work with leaders, healers, and emerging intuitives who are ready to access the power of their intuitive guidance systems to elevate their earthly experience.





    Holy F/ck We Can Do Hard Things

    Holy F/ck We Can Do Hard Things

    Friends.. here is a 7min pep talk/mini boost of energy for anyone who needs it right now.

    Sometimes life gets hard. Like really F/ng hard. But guess what.. humans are resilient AF and so so so capable of doing hard things. There is magic in turning towards the things that make us uncomfortable. Maybe today is a day you do something scary or face that "thing" you've been avoiding.

    Make sure to connect with me on IG HERE if you want to follow along for when new episodes are released or you can sign up for my email list HERE (and get a free meditation while you're at it!) plus get the goods as I release meditations, programs, episodes or special coaching offers/retreats. 

    P.S. If you are enjoying these - show me some love and leave a review or share with your friends.. it means more than you know- truly.

    Lots of love. CB x

    Holy F/ck It's My Birthday 💅🏻

    Holy F/ck It's My Birthday 💅🏻

    Friends!! It's my MF Birthday!! Join me for a 7 min riff as I celebrate myself and share a bit about how I'm feeling as I step into my last year in my 30's.

    I also have a spicy little offer for you if you're looking for some expansion and transformation in your life. For this next week, you can get my self-study Transformation + Intuition courses for 39% off (how old I am turning) whattttt. I am also giving the first 3 people who are desiring a 1:1 session with me 39% off my insanely transformational 75min intensive 

    If you want in on one of these deals, email me at christine@sweatvancity.com or DM me on IG @christinebanno for the link + code.. whoooooo!! ⚡️

    Holy F/ck I Just Lost Both My Parents

    Holy F/ck I Just Lost Both My Parents

    In this Episode I sit down with the AMAZING DeAnne Olguin Williamson who candidly shares about how she left her design career to become a full time artist and creative, after the loss of both her parents (her mother passed slowly from Alzheimers and her father suddenly out of the blue). We go deep FAST. You don't want to miss her incredible story of tragedy to triumph.

    We also cover:

    • How she navigated the grief of their individual deaths, left her job and found purpose in expressing her unprocessed emotions through art.
    • Her journey with managing her son's epilepsy while also enduring the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.
    • Her lessons and wisdom learned through therapy, healing and listening to her intuition.
    • A powerful process (you can also use), to move stuck energy in the body.


    If you desire to learn more about DeAnne and the amazing work she does in this world, you can find out more below:

    DeAnne Olguin Williamson is a Bay Area, CA. visual artist with a focus on female portraiture and botanicals. The themes of roots, growth, and empowerment are woven into her artwork. She came to art/painting as a way to process emotions. Her work has been shown in galleries around the country and is in high-profile private collections. She teaches art journaling workshops and believes in using art to build community. You can find her on her website at wwwdeannewilliamson.com and on Instagram at @deannewilliamsonart



    Holy F/ck I'm starting a Podcast: Part 2 - My Why + What to Expect

    Holy F/ck I'm starting a Podcast: Part 2 - My Why + What to Expect

    Part 2 of "Holy F/ck I'm starting A Podcast!! Here I go on a 6 min riff and expand on my first episode. I dive more into my why and what kind of content you can expect here. Sound is better in this one.. promise 🤣.

    If you like this vibe and are inspired (even a teeny bit), please share, follow along, rate it, or tell me directly (follow me on IG @christinebanno)+ dm me! Maybe you or someone else out there needs a lil fire under your ass to FINALLY START THAT THING!! xx

    Holy F/ck I'm starting a Podcast 😱

    Holy F/ck I'm starting a Podcast 😱

    7min mini riff from my car. The sound is kinda shit but it I am so bored of procrastinating and waiting for perfection, so here it is - Raw, uncut, imperfectly perfect. Me getting out of my own way, so I can just do the damn thing and share my heart with the world.

    In 2017 I knew I would start a podcast, it just took me 5 yrs to embody the courage and learn the lessons to hold it's full capacity. I'm ready. I'm here. And the sound will get better.. promise!

    If you like this vibe and are inspired (even a whisper 🤣), please share, follow along, rate it, or tell me directly (follow me on IG @christinebanno)+ dm me! Maybe you or someone else out there needs a lil fire under your ass to FINALLY START THAT THING!!