
    The Impact Coaching Podcast - Self Development Made Easy!

    This podcast is all designed for anyone who wants more from life and themselves. Focusing on goal setting for success, living with true self-confidence and waking up with intention and purpose everyday. James Hackney is an Accredited Life Coaching and NLP Practitioner who is passionate about helping people make serious progress in their goals and being better every single day. In this podcast, we talk through how to crush your self-doubt, overcome limiting beliefs, deal with the negative internal chatter and break through the overwhelm and confusion that comes with life, through powerful neurolinguistic techniques and the power of questions. Listened to in over 140 countries, over 400 episodes and over 60,000 downloads. If you are ready to plan for success, take action and understated how to grow a mindset positive towards your future and kick starting your journey of self development…these podcast are for you. Sharing powerful and simple techniques you can do, to increase your performance in life! Connect with me on Instagram @james_impactcoaching. It is time to make an IMPACT in your life.
    enThe Impact Coaching Podcast - Change Your Default Future363 Episodes

    Episodes (363)

    1 Question To Make Your Day Amazing!

    1 Question To Make Your Day Amazing!

    The quality of your life can be determined by the questions you ask yourself, so what is this question you can ask yourself to make your day amazing and happiness? In this podcast, I share a question from a recent book I have finished reading called the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, about how you can increase your level of happiness, achievement and success during your day.

    10 X Your Confidence - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence

    How to Start Growing Your Willpower

    How to Start Growing Your Willpower

    We have all said it "I would love the willpower to do that". So how do you start growing willpower to take the actions your want to take and get the results you want in life? In this episode, I share a way to grow you willpower for the things that are making your feel uncomfortable!


    2 Questions To Become More Motivated To Take ACTION!

    2 Questions To Become More Motivated To Take ACTION!

    When we want to do something, our internal chatter can get in the way. A battle between should I or shouldn't I even though you set out with intention to take action. From getting up early in the morning, to calling that person we need to speak with or updating your CV...in this podcast, I talk through 2 questions you can ask yourself to create greater motivation and take more ACTION!


    How Stay Guard To The Entrance Of Your Mind!

    How Stay Guard To The Entrance Of Your Mind!

    Lets look at how your amazing mind can work against you. At how your sense feed your mind information that can either serve you or go against you. In this podcast, we look at how you can be more aware to what you input into your mind to get the desired outputs and results you want in your own life!


    How To Have More Purpose In Your Actions!

    How To Have More Purpose In Your Actions!

    You can not work towards something you are not aware of, so if you want more purpose and better results from your actions, you need to get CLEAR! You need to know what you are intending to achieve. If you are feeling a lack of purpose and clarity around what you are doing in your day, this is the podcast for you!

    Does Your Current Situation Define Your Future?

    Does Your Current Situation Define Your Future?

    You might feel frustrated and annoyed with where you are in your life currently. The job, the house, the career position, your health...there are many contributing things. In this podcast, I share how your present situation does NOT define your future and share my own story of some change I have had to make in my own life.

    How To Practice Gratitude SIMPLY & EFFECTIVELY!

    How To Practice Gratitude SIMPLY & EFFECTIVELY!

    You already know the benefits of practicing gratitude and yet, so many people don't or practice it in a way that isn't effective. In this podcast, I want share how I practice gratitude in a way that is effective and takes less that boiling the kettle!


    South Korea, Importance Of Gratitude & A Mermaid

    South Korea, Importance Of Gratitude & A Mermaid

    You have goals. Things you want to be, do and have in life.  Yet it is not about your goals, its about what you already have in life. If you are feeling frustrated, anxious about the future and emptiness because you want something, this is the podcast for you.


    3 Habits That Will KILL Your Dreams & How To Overcome Them!

    3 Habits That Will KILL Your Dreams & How To Overcome Them!

    Setting goals and be a challenge, yet the mind can also work against you! In this podcast, I talk over 3 of the biggest things that will hold you back when taking action in your goals. If you are procrastinating, getting frustrated with the lack of action or doubting your ability, this is the podcast for you!


    Are Other Peoples Beliefs Draining Your Goals?

    Are Other Peoples Beliefs Draining Your Goals?

    Do you want to be more positive towards your goals, yet allow other peoples beliefs about you ability drain away the positivity? In todays podcast, I talk about how you may be a goal drainer your self, how that can cost you towards your own goals and what to do with other peoples beliefs about your ability!


    7 Ways To Make Your Goals More Visible!

    7 Ways To Make Your Goals More Visible!

    Do you want more focus and actions on your goals and yet you find yourself getting distracted and life getting in the way? In this podcast, I share 7 simple and effective daily hacks that you can use to increase your focus on your goals so you take more actions, increase your confidence and get the results you want in your life!

    Goals Setting & Confidence - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence

    3 POWERFUL Ways To Think More Positively

    3 POWERFUL Ways To Think More Positively

    Negative thoughts getting in the way of your day to day life? Limiting beliefs about your ability and your goals holding you back? In todays episode, I am going to share with you 3 simple and POWERFUL ways you can get back control and have a more positive mindset!


    Questions To Get CLARITY On What Your SUCCESS is!

    Questions To Get CLARITY On What Your SUCCESS is!

    Who is defining your definition of success? Because I want to let you in on a secret, you might be working towards someone else version of success and you might not even know it! In this episode, I want to help you to get clarity around what success is to you so you can have greater fulfilment, satisfaction and purpose.


    The 1 Subject You Should Have Been Taught At School!

    The 1 Subject You Should Have Been Taught At School!

    Lets talk about a topic that if taught during your education, may have changed your life. More success, more wealth, more prosperous future, more confidence the list goes on and on! If applied correctly, this could have changed your life. The great news is... IT STILL CAN!

    10 X Your Confidence - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence

    How STOP Pointless Distractions On Your Phone!

    How STOP Pointless Distractions On Your Phone!

    How often do you pick up with your phone and spend 20 minutes pointless browsing, when you know that time could be put to much better use? In this episode, I wan't to give you a technique to spend less time distracted by your phone and more time doing thing your want to do. Being more productive and having more freedom!

    10 X Your Confidence - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence