
    The Impact Coaching Podcast - Self Development Made Easy!

    This podcast is all designed for anyone who wants more from life and themselves. Focusing on goal setting for success, living with true self-confidence and waking up with intention and purpose everyday. James Hackney is an Accredited Life Coaching and NLP Practitioner who is passionate about helping people make serious progress in their goals and being better every single day. In this podcast, we talk through how to crush your self-doubt, overcome limiting beliefs, deal with the negative internal chatter and break through the overwhelm and confusion that comes with life, through powerful neurolinguistic techniques and the power of questions. Listened to in over 140 countries, over 400 episodes and over 60,000 downloads. If you are ready to plan for success, take action and understated how to grow a mindset positive towards your future and kick starting your journey of self development…these podcast are for you. Sharing powerful and simple techniques you can do, to increase your performance in life! Connect with me on Instagram @james_impactcoaching. It is time to make an IMPACT in your life.
    enThe Impact Coaching Podcast - Change Your Default Future363 Episodes

    Episodes (363)

    Are You Making Other People Successful & Not Yourself?

    Are You Making Other People Successful & Not Yourself?

    How much time do you spend working on your own goals? If you are feeling like you never have anytime for your own goals or you unfulfilled with how you are spending your time, this is the podcast for you!

    Book Here Now - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence

    3 Key Reasons WHY Your Need Life Direction

    3 Key Reasons WHY Your Need Life Direction

    Do you feel like your life lack direction? Time is passing you by and you crave having some form of direction, purpose or mission? In this episode, I talk through 3 key reason WHY you need to have life direction and the down side of not having any.


    Do You Want To Make This Month GREAT? Harness The Power Of Awareness

    Do You Want To Make This Month GREAT? Harness The Power Of Awareness

    How often do you become aware of what you want to have happen? Even if you are at the start, middle or end of the month, asking the question shared on the podcast is the first step to success. If you feel lost and confused about what you want for this month and are ready to start changing that - this is the podcast for you!

    10 X Your Confidence - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence

    1 Key Secret Thats Missed In How To Create Motivation

    1 Key Secret Thats Missed In How To Create Motivation

    If you want to feel more motivated towards your goals, this is the podcast for you. I want to shift your perspective and make your goals...not about YOU! If you are struggling for motivation to overcome roadblocks, challenges and obstacles in your journey, this is the podcast for you!

    10 X Your Confidence - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence

    How Make Tomorrow Productive!

    How Make Tomorrow Productive!

    I want you to use this episode, to help you get more productive and start making progress in your life. EVERY SINGLE DAY! If you feel stagnent or that you are not taking the actions you want to take, this is the podcast for you!

    10 X Your Confidence - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence

    Start Letting Go Of The Past

    Start Letting Go Of The Past

    If you continue focusing on the past you will miss the opportunities ahead of you . Do you feel like you can not move on from the past decision you did or didn't make? The mistakes? Failures? This is the podcast for you as we start to talk about how important it is to move on from the past so you can create the future you desire!

    10 X Your Confidence Now - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence

    How To Make Sure You FOCUS On The RIGHT Habits!

    How To Make Sure You FOCUS On The RIGHT Habits!

    I want you to start this week with a question...​ Where are you placing your focus?​ You tend to get what you focus on and as Tony Robbins says 'Where focus goes, energy flows'. So in todays podcast, I want to give you a few questions to help you check in with where you are placing your focus and if it is on the right things!

    10 X Your Confidence - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence

    Don't Focus On The Plan, Stop The Wasting Time!

    Don't Focus On The Plan, Stop The Wasting Time!

    Do you find yourself moving from one thing to the next hoping to find fulfilment and what you want in life? And yet you feel frustrated and annoyed that you are wasting time and energy? In this episode, if you feel overwhelmed with what you need to do to have fulfilment, satisfaction and work towards what you want in your future and goals, this is the podcast for you!

    10 X Your Confidence - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence

    Do This To Discover Your WHY & Make Your Goals More Motivating!

    Do This To Discover Your WHY & Make Your Goals More Motivating!

    Procrastinating about taking action on your goals? Struggling for motivation and what the WHY is behind what you want to do? In this podcast, I want to help you tap into your WHY so when you are faced with challenges, set backs and a lack of motivation, you can tap into you internal motivation!

    10 X Your Confidence Now - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence

    90% Of People Perform Better When Their Goals Are...

    90% Of People Perform Better When Their Goals Are...

    In this episode we focus on 2 key ingredients that are required in your goal setting process. If you find your performance in life is lacking and your are not achieving your goals, this is the podcast for you!

    10 X Your Confidence - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence

    What To Do When Unexpected Things Knock You Off Track!

    What To Do When Unexpected Things Knock You Off Track!

    In life, there are going to be things out of your control that happen in your day. This then pushes back tasks, actions and your to do list which lets be honest, can be frustrating. So how do you get back on track? How do you get back and prioritise your actions towards your goals instead of delaying and procrastinating?

    10 X Your Confidence - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence

    I Just Don't Know What The Confident Me Is!

    I Just Don't Know What The Confident Me Is!

    You want to be more confident and yet you may be unsure on what the confident you even looks like! This episode will help you understand where you are now in terms of your confidence and allow you to discover your confident self!

    10 X Your Confidence - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence

    Are Your Surrounding Yourself With The Right People?!

    Are Your Surrounding Yourself With The Right People?!

    Lets talk about the people you spend your time with. Are they the right people to help you achieve your goals and dreams? Or are the holding you back from your true potential? This is serious and a lot of people underestimate the people that they spend their time with and how it effects their life. Listen now to find out if you are and how you can discover the right people!

    10 X Your Confidence Now - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence

    The Importance Of Starting With Consistency!

    The Importance Of Starting With Consistency!

    Ever started something new and not got the results you wanted immediately? In this episode, we talk about the importance of consistency when starting something new, a challenge or the change you want in your life. To grow your confidence, ability and sense of achievement!

    10 X Your Confidence Today - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence

    Sick Of Peoples Negative Opinions & Beliefs? DO THIS!!

    Sick Of Peoples Negative Opinions & Beliefs? DO THIS!!

    Sick of being told you haven't got the ability to do something or you are not capable to do something? In this podcast, I reveal how you can stop listening to negative comments about your ability and how to be and feel more positive so you achieve your goals and start to feel more confident and better about yourself!

    10 X Your Confidence Today - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence

    The Importance Of Keeping Focus On What YOU Want!

    The Importance Of Keeping Focus On What YOU Want!

    Life isn't smooth sailing and it is the same for your goals and dreams. You will face challenges and obstacles that you need to overcome. If you feel though that you are being pushed off track and stuck in a rut with the obstacles you are facing, this is the podcast for you!

    10 X Your Confidence - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence