
    The Impact Coaching Podcast - Self Development Made Easy!

    This podcast is all designed for anyone who wants more from life and themselves. Focusing on goal setting for success, living with true self-confidence and waking up with intention and purpose everyday. James Hackney is an Accredited Life Coaching and NLP Practitioner who is passionate about helping people make serious progress in their goals and being better every single day. In this podcast, we talk through how to crush your self-doubt, overcome limiting beliefs, deal with the negative internal chatter and break through the overwhelm and confusion that comes with life, through powerful neurolinguistic techniques and the power of questions. Listened to in over 140 countries, over 400 episodes and over 60,000 downloads. If you are ready to plan for success, take action and understated how to grow a mindset positive towards your future and kick starting your journey of self development…these podcast are for you. Sharing powerful and simple techniques you can do, to increase your performance in life! Connect with me on Instagram @james_impactcoaching. It is time to make an IMPACT in your life.
    enThe Impact Coaching Podcast - Change Your Default Future363 Episodes

    Episodes (363)

    1 Powerful Way To Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs

    1 Powerful Way To Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs

    Struggling with a lack of belief in your ability? Do you have goals and ambitions yet shoot them down because you don't have the confidence? In this episode, I am going to give you a powerful technique that will allow you to overcome any limiting belief you have so you can feel more positive, be more confident and take ACTION!

    10 X Your Confidence - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence

    What Society Expects Vs What You Want!

    What Society Expects Vs What You Want!

    It can feel like at a certain age, you should be at a certain point in your life . You should be doing this, have a certain amount of money in the bank or have you own house. These maybe thing you feel you have to have and not necessary want. If you are at a point in your life, between what you feel you should have and going for what you want...this is the podcast for you!

    10 X Your Confidence - www.impactcoachinggobal.com/confidence

    Wishing Vs Planning For Success? Which Team Are YOU!

    Wishing Vs Planning For Success? Which Team Are YOU!

    Are you wishing or planning for your success? In todays episode, we talk through how people will go through life wishing for the change they want, instead of planning. If you feel like your dreams and goals are a wish, this is the podcast for you!

    10 X Your Confidence - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence

    How To Make An IMPACT In The Last 6 Months Of 2021!

    How To Make An IMPACT In The Last 6 Months Of 2021!

    6 months of the year left, how do you plan to make them exciting and the greatest 6 months of your life to date?! If you are feeling stuck thinking about how the first 6 months have not gone to plan, this is the episode for you.

    10 X Your Confidence Today - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence

    1 Technique To Overcome Little Anxious Moments In Life

    1 Technique To Overcome Little Anxious Moments In Life

    Anxious about something you need to do, an event coming up and pushing yourself into your stretch zone? I got you covered. In todays episode, I am going to be talking your through a simple technique that you can use to overcome life's anxious moments.

    10 X Your Confidence Today - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence

    Are You Planting Seeds Or Leaving Them In The Packet?

    Are You Planting Seeds Or Leaving Them In The Packet?

    The seeds of your dreams and goals needs planting. So they grow and grow, get stronger and stronger and you can positivity impact your future. Are you planting or are you  leaving your seeds in the packet?

    10 X Your Confidence - www.impactcoachingpodcast.com/confidence

    Goals Are POINTLESS...Unless You Have This!

    Goals Are POINTLESS...Unless You Have This!

    Everything you think about and even write down. From goals, dreams and aspirations are completely pointless...unless you take action. If you are not getting the results you want in my life, this episode will help you to focus on what actions you are or NOT taking.

    10 X Your Confidence Now - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence

    Adapting To Get Your Goals Back On Track

    Adapting To Get Your Goals Back On Track

    Life happens. Events out of your control can knock you off course in your journey to your goals and success in life. So how do you get back on track? In this podcast, I talk about the importance of adapting and how to be flexible in your life

    10 X Your Confidence Now - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence

    Power Posing For Confidence!

    Power Posing For Confidence!

    Did you know, you can feel more confident in just under 2 minutes? Today I share with you a simple, powerful and fun technique to give your confidence a boost so you can perform better, have more success and do the things that you lack of confidence has been holding you back from!

    10 X Your Self Confidence Today - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence

    How to BREAK The Habit Of Comparing Yourself To Others

    How to BREAK The Habit Of Comparing Yourself To Others

    This one simple switch, will break the habit of comparing yourself to others so you can feel more in control, learn more and have quicker success! If you feel like you are stuck comparing yourself to people who are where you want to be in life, this is the podcast for you!

    10 X Your Confidence - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence

    Why You Need To Challenge Yourself

    Why You Need To Challenge Yourself

    I this episode, I talk through the importance of setting challenges for yourself. From waking up early in the mornings to that promotion at work. The level of your success is only measured by the challenges and goals you set yourself.

    10 X Your Confidence - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence

    5 Questions To Get More Direction In Your Week

    5 Questions To Get More Direction In Your Week

    Feeling like life is happening to you and that you are pushed and pulled in every direction, just not in the way of your goals? In this episode, I am going to give you 5 questions you can ask yourself to get structure and direction in your week while prioritising your goals!

    10 X Your Confidence - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence

    Unhappy With The Results Your Are Getting In Life? Do This!

    Unhappy With The Results Your Are Getting In Life? Do This!

    Are you at a point in life where you are getting fed up of being stuck in the same situation and getting the same results each and every day? You want to change, just how! How do you get better results. In this podcast, we talk through how what you do daily, gets the results you get and how to change that!

    10 X Your Confidence - www.impactcoachingpodcast.com/confidence

    Overcome Overwhelm & Get CLEAR On The Steps To Achieve Your GOALS!

    Overcome Overwhelm & Get CLEAR On The Steps To Achieve Your GOALS!

    Do you feel overwhelmed and confused in what actions and tasks to complete first to move you towards your goals?  If so, this podcast is for you! I want to give you a step by step  guide to how you can break down your BIG goals to CLEAR and actionable steps to cut out the procrastination, overwhelm and frustration. So you can get more satisfaction, better sense of accomplishment and progress.

    10 X Your Confidence - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence

    1 Way To Get Clarity When Life Gets Busy!

    1 Way To Get Clarity When Life Gets Busy!

    Life can get busy, it can feel like you are spinning plates and not knowing where to place your focus. In this podcast, I want to help you break down the most important areas of your life, get clear on what is important to you and where you need to place your focus!

    10 X Your Confidence - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence

    How To Get More Done In LESS Time!

    How To Get More Done In LESS Time!

    Do you feel like you like tasks take longer than they should and time gets away from you? In this episode, I am going to be helping you to be more intentional with your precious time, get more completed in your life and get more time back to yourself! If you are struggling with time management and tasks running over, this is the podcast for you!

    GOAL SETTING & ACTION TAKING WORKSHOP - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/goals

    3 Tips To Increase Confidence Through Your Body Language

    3 Tips To Increase Confidence Through Your Body Language

    Lets give you some secrets, some empowering ways and techniques you can grow you confidence by using your body language! These will be help to feel more confident, increase others confidence in you and help you to command the rewards your skills deserve!

    Goals Setting & Action Taking For Success - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/goals

    10 X Your Confidence - www.impactcoachingglobal.com/confidence