
    The Leading With Love Podcast

    Joy • Inspiration • Conscious Conversations • Healing • Heart-Based Leadership ~ • ~ BE the Passionate, Impactful Human You Came Here to BE, and Together We Will Co-create the World We Want to Live In!
    en-usShauna Arthurs29 Episodes

    Episodes (29)

    BEING the Love You Want to See ❤️ Episode Twenty-Nine

    BEING the Love You Want to See ❤️ Episode Twenty-Nine

    You are energy, life-force, frequency ... slowed down for just a little while to take the form of your amazing self.

    In a world that seems to be full of chaotic energies, YOUR resonance matters.

    Doing the inner cleansing to clarify your unique frequency and align it with the energies you wish to see more of on Earth is one of the highest tasks you can do in this life.

    “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." ~ Nikola Tesla

    We can either get lost ourselves in the vibrations flowing around us, or we can become like tuning forks ~ clean and clear. In my experience, this alignment and clarity feels WAY better to us as individuals, and has positive impact on everything 'outside' of us as well.

    Enjoy this episode ~~ it is an invitation we may choose to say yes to, in this time when the Earth and her inhabitants need us most.

    With endless gratitude,

    Shauna xo


    Show Notes:

    Music: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com/track/blossom

    Full video episode:

    🌺 Join us on Telegram for 'Love Notes' ~~ a little daily infusion of connection and love! 🌺

    YOU Are Elemental 🌟 Episode Twenty-Eight

    YOU Are Elemental 🌟 Episode Twenty-Eight

    Want to feel amazing?

    Plug back in ... heal the disconnect ... let the elements remind you are of your true NATURE.

    Then, power UP.



    “Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.”
    “There are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the ground; there are a thousand ways to go home again.”
    ~ Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi

    “You carry Mother Earth within you. She is not outside of you. Mother Earth is not just your environment. In that insight of inter-being, it is possible to have real communication with the Earth, which is the highest form of prayer.”
    ~ Thích Nhất Hạnh

    "The cosmos is all that is, or ever was, or ever will be. Our contemplations of the Cosmos stir us — there is a tingling in the spine, a catch in the voice, a faint sensation, as if a distant memory, of falling from a great height. We know we are approaching the greatest of mysteries. ... the cosmos is within us. We are made of starstuff."
    ~ Carl Sagan

    Show Notes:

    Music: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com/track/blossom

    Full video podcast: https://youtu.be/KSfUwzYq2-g

    🌺 Join us on Telegram for 'Love Notes' ~~ a little daily infusion of connection and love! 🌺

    Live FULLY: No Regrets! 🌟 Episode Twenty-Seven

    Live FULLY: No Regrets! 🌟 Episode Twenty-Seven

    Wow!! We ALL need to hear this, again and again ...

    In a world where we can so easily get distracted for YEARS, may this be another reminder that we are LIFE FORCE embodied.

    May we get back into *this moment* so we can connect with our heart's dreams, our soul's callings, whatever adventures our spirits want to have in this lifetime, and the legacy our lives are asking us to fulfill.

    What I really love about this episode is I recorded it upon my return from Kaua'i in June of 2023, and had a tough few months where I truly didn't know if I would get back to my heart's home.  Yet ... I am posting this from Kaua'i now, with a soaring heart full of gratitude for having answered my soul's call to come back, even through hardship and existing dynamics that may have kept me from doing so.

    There will *always* be reasons not to do things. and, there will *always* be a little voice from your heart, calling you forward.

    I will leave you with some of my beloved father's fave quotes, from another stark yet beautiful reminder, Sterling Hayden's The Wanderer:

    "Which shall it be: bankruptcy of purse or bankruptcy of life?"

    "...we are brainwashed by our economic system until we end up in a tomb beneath a pyramid of time payments, mortgages, preposterous gadgetry, playthings that divert our attention from the sheer idiocy of the charade. "I’ve always wanted to sail to the South Seas, but I can’t afford it." What these men can’t afford is not to go. They are enmeshed in the cancerous discipline of "security." And in the worship of security we fling our lives beneath the wheels of routine — and before we know it our lives are gone."

    TODAY is that day ... may we live this and every other day fully, with no regrets!!

    With infinite love,

    Shauna xo


    Show Notes:

    Music: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com/track/blossom

    Full video episode:

    🌺 Join us on Telegram for 'Love Notes' ~~ a little daily infusion of connection and love! 🌺

    The Power of ONE 🌟 Episode Twenty-Six

    The Power of ONE 🌟 Episode Twenty-Six

    YES WE CAN ... each of us, make a critical difference!

    Just re-listening to this as I was uploading it brought tears to my eyes ... I *LOVE* this little episode so much.

    I remember reading a book entitled The Power of ONE when I was a teenager, and it had lasting impact.

    I am hoping that the message shared here today, reaching forward to us from a 1972 interview with R. Buckminster Fuller, will have a similar impact on you, and you in turn on this beautiful world.


    Thanks to the wayshowers who have come before us ~~ and may we all step up and co-create the world we want to see.

    NOW is the time we have all been preparing for, and WE are the ones we have been waiting for.

    With infinite love,

    Shauna xo


    Show Notes:

    Music: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com/track/blossom

    Full video podcast: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKEr_TDE1d5wNtZIsV-a33v9AxQ6saiqO

    🌺 Join us on Telegram for 'Love Notes' ~~ a little daily infusion of connection and love! 🌺

    Blaze That Trail! With Julie Blouin ❤️ Episode Twenty-Five

    Blaze That Trail! With Julie Blouin ❤️ Episode Twenty-Five

    What a ray of light this woman is! I am so glad we connected here. 🌟🙏🏻🌟

    Julie comes to us from Costa Rica, and through the many challenges she has faced ~ including some doozies in creating her dream life and business as a Canadian in Costa Rica ~ she intentionally blazes through them, just as as she did here, determined to have our conversation despite connectivity issues. It's incredible how her beautiful essence shines through even though the feed is blurry.

    Julie sees ALL circumstances as experiences to learn and grow, so life has provided countless beautiful lessons and catalysts for her to truly lead by example.

    In this episode, she shares with us some of hard-earned her insights on:

    * Surrender and resiliency
    * Reframing circumstances and looking for the positive
    * Keeping our sense of humo(u)r
    * ACTUALLY knowing and manifesting/allowing/creating what what lights up your heart!

    Julie lets us into the inner circle of resources she shares with clients, showing us shows us how to live a life of passion, and THRIVE instead of just surviving.

    Enjoy! ❤️

    You can find Julie at: https://julieblouin.com


    Show Notes:

    Music: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com/track/blossom

    Full video version here:

    🌺 Join us on telegram for 'Love Notes' ~ a little daily infusion of connection and love! 🌺

    Nope, You Don't 'HAVE TO!' ❤️ Episode Twenty-Four

    Nope, You Don't 'HAVE TO!' ❤️ Episode Twenty-Four

    What if ...

     🔆 The things you think you are 'supposed to' do are actually not that important?

    🔆 The things that don't get done or on which you procrastinate will actually fall into line - or not - exactly as they need to, and it's OK?

    🔆 The things that are meant for you - opportunities, connections, people you impact - will find you NO MATTER WHAT you are doing, simply from the energy you emit while going about your daily life?

    🔆 You can breeeaaathe knowing this, loosen the grip your mind is trying to keep on life, and enjoy your days more, in the awareness that all is unfolding as it needs to?

    Join me for an infusion of amazing energy as I both explore and surrender to these same questions. 

    Thank you for being here! ❤️🤗



    Show Notes:

    Music: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com/track/blossom

    Full video link:

    🌺 Join us in 'Love Notes' for little more connection and love! 🌺

    YES, You CAN Have What You Want! with Jennifer Forster ❤️ Episode Twenty-Three

    YES, You CAN Have What You Want! with Jennifer Forster ❤️ Episode Twenty-Three

    What a gem!! 😍

    With an indomitable spirit that helped her climb Mt. Everest, run marathons, write books and pursue so many other accomplishments with gusto, this woman is a force to be reckoned with.

    Jennifer has insatiable curiosity mixed beautifully with the intellect to apply what she learns, one of the biggest hearts I've ever known, and a zest for life that is inspiring and contagious.

    In this episode she shares potent wisdom and some very useful tools and perspectives that stem from her journey and life's work; her insights and advice surrounding understanding and alignment of our conscious and unconscious minds are VERY powerful.

    Enjoy, and let us know what you think!

    Shauna xo

    ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

    Find Jen at:
    Inside the Mind podcast: https://www.jenniferforster.com/podcast

    Music: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com/track/blossom

    Full video version: https://youtu.be/uILrLUL5tKI

    HOW Do You DO That? (Actually Leading with Love) ❤️ Episode Twenty-Two

    HOW Do You DO That? (Actually Leading with Love) ❤️ Episode Twenty-Two

    Heart open, NO MATTER WHAT.

    Can you do it?

    This is what evolution is asking of us ... and NOW is the time.

    I briefly touch on what it looks and feels like here to rise to the invitation life and spirit have put before us, as we all make choices each day that lead us toward or away from our hearts' truth.

    This is a sacred path ... thank you for walking it with me.

    Shauna xo ❤️


    Show Notes:

    Find me at http://shaunaarthurs.com

    Music: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com/track/blossom

    Full video version: https://youtu.be/IE3cKGT_kK8

    Life on Fire 🔥 with Scott Brandon Hoffman (Pure GOLD!) ❤️ Episode Twenty-One

    Life on Fire 🔥 with Scott Brandon Hoffman (Pure GOLD!) ❤️ Episode Twenty-One

    Scott Brandon Hoffman ~~ what an amazing guest!

    I'm so excited to bring you this episode, because Scott is a LIT UP soul and has an amazing ability to bring that light and fire and enthusiasm to everyone around him. 🔥❤️🔥 He has so many gifts to share and you are going to LOVE him!

    Scott is a passionate and creative multi-talented entertainer, entrepreneur and overall force of nature, and I'm most grateful to call him a dear friend. He graced us with his time and energy in this conversation and shared much wisdom about living life on our terms; really going for it and singing our unique song, all while having fun. Enjoy!!

    Thank you for being here,


    Show Notes:

    Music: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com/track/blossom

    Find Scott: https://www.scottbrandonhoffman.com/

    Full video episode (recommended!):  https://youtu.be/hlk13SanJoo

    Life Happens (Just Let It!) ❤️ Episode Twenty

    Life Happens (Just Let It!) ❤️ Episode Twenty

    ...it's a bit blurry, and I don't have my camera, or mic, or lighting or sound equipment ... and it's OK! Because life HAPPENS, and when we flow with that we are much happier. 🤩

    That's what this episode is about: life, and how we can go from resistance to surrender to embracing it, whatever may be occurring.

    Life itself knows this ... it flows and evolves and continues to create and renew itself, in myriad manifestations. It is US that has forgotten how this works, and that we are - or should be - part of that flow.

    Enjoy, and thank you for being here!

    Shauna xo


    Show Notes:

    Find me at http://shaunaarthurs.com

    Music: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com/track/blossom

    Full video podcast: https://youtu.be/uqk1X04UYJI

    Joyful EmBODYment with Cortney Dreifelds 😍 Episode Nineteen

    Joyful EmBODYment with Cortney Dreifelds 😍 Episode Nineteen

    Don't you just LOVE when practical 'real world' advice meets spirit and heart and equals use-able wisdom??

    This beautiful guest brings her wealth of clinical experience plus intentional, embodied learning to her clients, and here she shares her insights with us generously. 🙏🏻

    Add her beautiful heart into the mix and you have a potent prescription for not only healing but also living an *intentionally* full, happy life.

    Some things we touched on:

    * Somatic (physical body) movement and how it transforms us
    * Practical tips for moving through and beyond pain
    * Actions and choices to amplify and nurture self-love
    * Living in the moment while also having powerful intentions
    * Grace and compassion for ourselves and others
    * Our patterns don't WANT to change state or feel better ... and how to overcome this 😅
    * Creating space for each other ... vulnerability ... accessing new ways of being
    * What it really takes to get what our hearts desire!

    Thank you for joining us, and for sharing this where you feel called to!

    Until next time, much love ❤️

    Shauna xo


    Show Notes:

    Full video episode: https://youtu.be/lC5wE7I1-WI

    Find Cortney Dreifelds at https://www.peak-performancecoaching.ca/ and https://www.facebook.com/groups/402966754411499

    Music: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com/track/blossom

    You Get What You GIVE! (What Are You Offering...?) 🙏🏻 Episode Eighteen

    You Get What You GIVE! (What Are You Offering...?) 🙏🏻 Episode Eighteen

    If the world is a mirror, what are we seeing?

    We are in a time of conscious co-creation, and we can choose to truly BE the change we want to see when we fully receive that we are being shown, every moment, what we are 'putting out' there.


    * Who are you?
    * What do you want to experience?
    * What do you focus on?
    * What are you creating?
    * What do you want to offer to others, to this world?
    * What do you want to FEEL, and receive back?
    * What do you choose ~ ahead of time so that you can BE THAT when tested?

    I love this episode so much ... I recorded it some time ago, and it was a lovely refresher/reminder for me now.

    Thank you for being here with me!

    Shauna xo

    Show notes:

    Music: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com/track/blossom 🌺

    Full video version: https://youtu.be/zhXPJXsAVgo

    Join Love Notes: https://t.me/lovenotesdaily

    Walking Your TRUE Path with Amy Goldberg 🌟 Episode Seventeen

    Walking Your TRUE Path with Amy Goldberg 🌟 Episode Seventeen

    Ohhh, this woman is such a wonderful spirit! I'm most grateful for this conversation, and the wisdom and love that come through Amy.

    She is a great listener and offers a beautiful reflection and amplification of thoughts and ideas, and I learned so much from her!

    This episode is all about the many ~ often counter-intuitive ~ little steps and choices that lead us to aligned, connected and joyful lives. Included:

    🌟 How to follow your destiny's calling
    🌟 Why your truth makes ALL the difference
    🌟 How to believe in yourself even when you cannot 'see'
    🌟 Vulnerability, courage, love: the hallmarks of new leadership
    🌟 Inspiring hope in ourselves and others

    Enjoy, and let us know what you think!

    With love,

    Shauna xo

    Show Notes:

    Amy is a sought after speaker, best-selling author and co-host of the renowned 'Believe in People' podcast, recently partnering with Authority Magazine. Find her at:

    Music: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com/track/blossom

    Full video version: 

    Discover. Speak. Embody . BE! 🌟 Episode Sixteen

    Discover. Speak. Embody . BE! 🌟 Episode Sixteen

    Today's question is, what are you. BEING?


    It often goes something like this...

    🌟 Personal development and success journey: reading everything, getting to know who you are and how you show up in the world

    🌟 Self-awareness leads to spiritual awakening: seekers unite! What are the answers, who can help us understand?

    🌟 Inner exploration instead of outer: who and what am I, really?? What is really going on here? What is the meaning of all this and what is my purpose?

    🌟 Inner KNOWING: I AM this (insert your word/s here). I know it, I declare it, I choose it over and over, I embody it. ❤️

    - - -

    Bonus round: Wait ... I know nothing 😮😅 ... humbly begin again, but actually from a new 'starting' point!

    What a ride ~~ SO grateful for this adventure.

    Shauna xo

    Show notes:

    Full video version:

    Music - George Henner, Blossom:

    How to THRIVE with Suzanna Dreifelds ❤️ Episode Fifteen

    How to THRIVE with Suzanna Dreifelds ❤️ Episode Fifteen

    Have you ever met someone with such a calm, loving 'I've got you' energy that you completely trusted them?

    This beautiful soul is that ~ for me and for so many in her sphere of influence, both personally and professionally.

    In this conversation, Suzanna and I cover many subjects, from how to have thriving relationships to taking big leaps ... she shares her powerful insights on communication and connecting, vulnerability, courage and tenacity, all while weaving in her own examples of what it takes to live a rich, meaningful life.

    Join us as for valuable - and immediately usable - wisdom on how to use your amazing MIND to achieve what your HEART desires. ❤️

    Thank you and much love,

    Shauna xo


    Show notes:

    Find Suzanna at: https://www.peak-performancecoaching.ca/

    Music: George Henner https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com/track/blossom

    Full video Version: https://youtu.be/P6ZVvEXkvfo

    Daily Love Audios on Telegram (a little shot of love and connection!): https://t.me/lovenotesdaily ❤️

    Just. Show. Up. (With Love!!) ❤️ Episode Fourteen

    Just. Show. Up. (With Love!!) ❤️ Episode Fourteen

    Sooo much gratitude is being spilled out in this episode, along with the invitation to throw away your:

    🌟 Expectations
    🌟 Assumptions
    🌟 Need for control
    🌟 Desire to know or 'call' outcomes
    🌟 Rule book

    ... and see where LIFE wants to take you.

    What if THIS ☝🏻☝🏻 is what unlocks the magical, wondrous life you long for ... ? What if YOU, wide open, are the key?

    All you need to do is show up, with your heart open.

    With love,

    Shauna xo


    Show notes:

    Full video version: https://youtu.be/js8i_-BL44c

    Daily Love Note Audios: https://t.me/lovenotesdaily ❤️

    From Grief to JOY and Beyond with Amy Bingham ❤️ Episode Thirteen

    From Grief to JOY and Beyond with Amy Bingham ❤️ Episode Thirteen

    Wowsers!! This woman is an incredible light in our world. 🌟

    Amy joined us from beautiful Bali, which in and of itself is part of her inspiring story.

    She shares her awakening journey from deepest grief after losing her son, through the absolute JOY and continually refreshed life-force and purpose she now feels, and exemplifies.

    We went deep and wide in this episode ... this is redemption, hope, possibility, following your heart no matter what, new beginnings and new perspectives, surrender, and so much more ... all in a little over an hour. I *LOVED* this conversation!

    Thank you, as always, for being here, and much love to you. ❤️🙏🏻

    Shauna x


    Show Notes:

    * Full video version: https://youtu.be/t5MI_qqPjO8

    * Amy does incredible work with her clients, much of it energetic. Find her on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amy.bingham.11

    * Join daily audios on Telegram ~ a little infusion of love and connection: https://t.me/lovenotesdaily 🤗

    Accessing Your GORGEOUS, Unique and Clear Frequency! ⚡️ Episode Twelve

    Accessing Your GORGEOUS, Unique and Clear Frequency! ⚡️ Episode Twelve

    Ahhh, it feels so good when you tap into your own highest frequency!

    This is my one of my fave episodes, because it just felt SO good, and it contains an invitation for you to feel the same, in your inimitable way!

    This energy will help you access: joy, gratitude, presence, purpose, connection, your special gifts, passion, aliveness, contribution, fulfillment, alignment, LOVE.

    Enjoy, and thanks for being here! ❤️🙏🏻

    Shauna xo


    Dedicated to the amazing George Henner, the gifted musician who created the intro. music I am so blessed to share with you. Find him at https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com/track/blossom

    Full video version: https://youtu.be/eUNyzHo0z_0

    Join us for Daily Love Note Audios: https://t.me/lovenotesdaily 

    Your Spectacular Experiential Vehicle with Angela Smith 🌟 Episode Eleven

    Your Spectacular Experiential Vehicle with Angela Smith 🌟 Episode Eleven

    Ohhh, the wisdom I enjoyed in this conversation!

    Angela is a powerful spirit and has much to share with us ~~ I feel like we just scratched the surface of what she has for us, and for the world.

    Some gems in this episode include:

    * Body Love and Wisdom: Why your body, in ALL its manifestations - perhaps especially those that seem unwanted or we've been ashamed of - is the most accurate and beautiful guide
    * Restoring Flow: Why suppressing ANYthing that wants to come through ~ from speaking truth to expressing creativity ~ 'stops the train of YOU' and leads to health issues (mental, physical, emotional and spiritual!)
    * Subtle or Loud: Calming your nervous system so you can receive the quieter information that is being shared
    * Spiritual Sleight of Hand: What you THINK is your challenge is just a gateway ... SO much healing is available once you open that up (and Angela is a genius at this!)
    * Personal Power: Your hero's journey and how to focus on your own path

    ❤️ "Your body is here for you, for the sole/soul purpose of and for you and your life experience..."

    ❤️ "Your first language is vibe and energy, and we all have the ability to sense and live by that..."

    I *LOVED* this conversation, and I trust you will too!

    Shauna xo

    Show notes:

    * Find Angela at https://www.instagram.com/docangela/ and https://www.facebook.com/angela.m.smith.94

    * Full video version: https://youtu.be/mJgfR4_SZj4

    * JOIN Daily Love Note Audios: https://t.me/lovenotesdaily

    Release All Smallness and GO FOR IT! 🌟 Episode Ten

    Release All Smallness and GO FOR IT! 🌟 Episode Ten

    What is calling you forth??

    What wants to happen through you, AS you in this lifetime?

    Will you follow your heart and go for it, and bring more light, love and passion to this world...?

    Will you be your truest, highest self as you evolve and remember what that is:

    ...No matter what ANYone says or thinks...
    ...Despite any doubts or small thoughts you may have...
    ...Knowing your authenticity is what this world needs?...
    ...Knowing you are embodied permission for others as you do so...?
    ...Knowing it will set you FREE?

    This is what I'm working on, and sharing with you.

    With love and gratitude,

    Shauna xo


    Full video version: https://youtu.be/QI1DMRkQjdU

    Daily 'Love Notes' on Telegram: https://t.me/lovenotesdaily ❤️