
    The Leading With Love Podcast

    Joy • Inspiration • Conscious Conversations • Healing • Heart-Based Leadership ~ • ~ BE the Passionate, Impactful Human You Came Here to BE, and Together We Will Co-create the World We Want to Live In!
    en-usShauna Arthurs29 Episodes

    Episodes (29)

    LOVE Around the World with John Pogachar ❤️ Episode Nine

    LOVE Around the World with John Pogachar ❤️ Episode Nine

    This was SUCH a beautiful conversation!

    This gentle yet powerful human being not only embodies love and kindness but also has found (created!) a way to share LOVE all around the world, for countless people to see and feel.

    It was a true heart-opening experience having John on the show, and I know you will find the same as you listen.

    With love,

    Shauna xo


    John can be found at http://loveoneverybillboard.com and his lovely books are on Amazon at tinyurl.com/38x4b8fp

    Full video version: https://youtu.be/r3JAwIY_Zmk

    Music: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com/track/blossom

    ❤️ Join me for Daily Love Notes on Telegram: https://t.me/lovenotesdaily 

    JOYYYY (Your Natural State)! 🌟 Episode Eight

    JOYYYY (Your Natural State)! 🌟 Episode Eight


    What a beautiful subject ... feeling ... experience ... invitation back into who and what we really are!

    🧐 Can we feel joy, even in times of strife?
    🧐 Is it even OK to feel joyful when others are suffering, or when we are?
    🧐 HOW do we access this JOY?

    This episode is a perspective changer, with lots of tips on how to access our natural joy ... so we can see with new eyes, keep our hearts open wide and LIVE fully and passionately!

    💫  💫  💫

    Dedicated to the amazing George Henner, with SO much gratitude for the music and love you share with the world!


    Full video episode: https://youtu.be/T9cbkJ5jEc0


    Join me for a short daily infusion of love and encouragement on Telegram: https://t.me/lovenotesdaily

    The Power of Recovery and Transformation with Randy Hyden 🙏🏻 Episode Seven

    The Power of Recovery and Transformation with Randy Hyden 🙏🏻 Episode Seven

    Wow! Randy and I went pretty deep in this powerful conversation.

    Growth and change are not always easy, and Randy dropped many nuggets here about moving through your own tough stuff to get to the juice and joy of life.

    His was a path of addiction and recovery, and he holds nothing back as he shares his journey and how these principles of positive change can help so many in various transitions, including those on a conscious awakening path. Takeaway: these ideas apply to all of us at some point.

    Randy takes his own experience and turns it into mentorship and community to help others, even as he continues to learn and evolve.

    NOTE: There is some x-rated content in this, as Randy expresses how anger and self-hatred manifested for himself and others.

    We talked about:

    🌱 Guilt, Shame and Vulnerability >> Grace, Compassion, Connection
    🌱 Denial, Confirmation Biases >> Clarity: Coming out of hiding from yourself
    🌱 Violating your own standards
    🌱 Accepting Help, Forgiveness
    🌱 Expectations and Resentment
    🌱 Self-awareness and Reflection

    Also - of course! - the ongoing beautiful results:
    Gratitude 🌟 Positive Action 🌟 Commitment 🌟 Faith 🌟 Connection 🌟 Love 🌟 Serenity and Joy ❤️

    Thank you for listening, and thank you Randy! 🙏🏻

    Show Notes:

    Find Randy at https://www.facebook.com/groups/easier.ways

    Full video version of episode: https://youtu.be/kne7pvgdWXk

    Music: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com/track/blossom

    Join me for Daily Love Notes on Telegram: https://t.me/lovenotesdaily

    Expectations (Yikes!) vs. Surrender (Sooo Good!) ❤️ Episode Six

    Expectations (Yikes!) vs. Surrender (Sooo Good!) ❤️ Episode Six

    This episode is fresh off 1.5 hours of tech difficulties, with some gorgeous opportunities to not only surrender, but to witness the beautiful, synchronistic results of the HABIT of surrender in myself and another.

    Enjoy, and thank you!

    🤗 ❤️ 🤗

    Full video version: https://youtu.be/i94joVOm-vg

    Music: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com/track/blossom

    Mentioned: Daily Love Notes on the Telegram app ~~ a little infusion of connection, inspiration and love for anyone who wants them! https://t.me/lovenotesdaily 

    Purpose and the Resurrection of Self with Adam Avenus ❤️ Episode Five

    Purpose and the Resurrection of Self with Adam Avenus ❤️ Episode Five

    This young gentleman is an incredible human being. He is the innovative creator of the new Live Aligned app (launching soon: Www.livealigned.app), and his passion and sense of purpose are inspiring.

    Adam shared many things in this beautiful conversation, including:
    🌟 Following your soul's nudges even when your friends don't understand
    🌟 Your friends will eventually ask you what you're doing 😁
    🌟 Sobriety as a means of healing, accessing spirit and unlocking purpose
    🌟 Service to humanity and love as driving forces

    Enjoy, and thank you for being here!

    Shauna xo

    Show Notes:

    You can find Adam at https://instragram.com/adamavenus

    Full video version: https://youtu.be/PvwvaLKIS4I

    Music: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com/track/blossom

    Join me for a daily infusion of love and connection on Telegram: https://t.me/lovenotesdaily ❤️

    FORGET Searching for Happiness! ❤️ Episode Four

    FORGET Searching for Happiness! ❤️ Episode Four

    ...it never works (have you noticed?)!

    There IS a path to happiness, and it's spectacular once we accept the journey that calls us forth.

    Enjoy, and thank you for being here! 🙏🏻

    Shauna xo


    Show Notes:

    Full video version: https://youtu.be/06ENsd8Y5TY

    Music: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com/track/blossom

    Join daily love notes for more inspiration, encouragement and love: https://t.me/lovenotesdaily 

    Every Day Magic with Lisa Scott 🌟 Episode Three

    Every Day Magic with Lisa Scott 🌟 Episode Three

    Lisa and her wisdom and energy are here to light up your world! 🌟❤️🌟

    Among other things, this is a fascinating dive into:

    Human Design (by two people who were not initially open to this whole concept):
    * How we can FLOURISH when we understand an embody our natural strategy, innate authority and energy patterns
    * How it thwarts us *and* how it feels to others when we deny or go against our design
    * Projectors in particular will find this very interesting and affirming!

    * Why being the truest YOU helps you give and receive in abundance
    * Completely trusting the flow and magic of life
    * Energetic information exchange, so much faster than words!
    * Science and spirituality, frequency
    * You receiving and embodying YOUR gifts is a gift to so many others
    * Why you haven't received 'what you want' ~ rewriting and rewiring your brain
    * Unleashing the tool of our imagination on our lives

    I got SO many shivers during this interview, you will see ... Lisa's words and her embodiment are very powerful and impactful. Enjoy!! ❤️🙏🏻

    Show Notes:

    Find all things Lisa at: https://bit.ly/3ZeRekH

    Full video version: https://youtu.be/R1-D4te2xBA

    Music: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com/track/blossom

    Join me on telegram for daily audios to connect and inspire: https://t.me/lovenotesdaily

    Who ARE You (Really)? 🌟 Episode Two

    Who ARE You (Really)? 🌟 Episode Two

    Expand your heart and soul to encompass and embody all that you came here to be, instead of instilled and prescribed definitions ... set yourself free!

    You are not only capable of boundless love, freedom and JOY ~~ you are MADE of these things.


    Show Notes:

    Full video version: https://youtu.be/ueVLP2hy7Sk

    Music: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com/track/blossom

    Join me on telegram for daily love note audios: https://t.me/lovenotesdaily ❤️

    Heart-Based Leadership, Love, Inspiration! ❤️ Episode One ~ Introduction

    Heart-Based Leadership, Love, Inspiration! ❤️ Episode One ~ Introduction

    Welcome to the Leading with Love podcast! 💖

    This inaugural episode is just a first hello ... a little about the why ... and an overview of the exciting things we have in store as we co-create the world we want to live in.

    Don't we all need ...

    * To be inspired and encouraged
    * To know there is LOVE in this world
    * To be called forth to know, live and share our gifts
    * To feel connected to our own hearts and to others

    All this ☝🏻☝🏻 and more is what you will find here, and as you watch or listen please know that I am sending you SO much gratitude and love.

    What an incredible time to be alive. Enjoy!

    Shauna xox 


    Action Steps:

    FOR YOU: Join us for short daily Love Note audios: https://t.me/lovenotesdaily

    FOR ALL: Like, Subscribe, Share! ❤️🙏🏻

    Show Notes:

    Full video version: https://youtu.be/-aljsLF7TuI

    Music: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com/track/blossom