
    The Limitless Mother Podcast

    Can I be a great business owner AND an amazing mother? Can I do work that lights me up, works flexibly around my family AND pays me really well? Can I have it all? Cori Javid brings you The Limitless Mother Podcast where each week she’ll be arming you with the strategy, mindset and dash of woo you need to become successful because you are a mother, not in spite of it. Cori is a Success Coach, Business Mentor, mother and tea drinker who supports her clients in creating and growing Flexible, Fulfilling and Profitable businesses (her signature framework). Her genius is in helping mothers with online businesses remove the limits to create and attract more ideal clients, more time freedom and more money. Cori replaced her corporate salary within 3 months of launching, doubled it within 7 and hit her first 5-figure month in just 11 months all while working 25 hours a week, often less. Having nailed the business + motherhood balance herself, she is now hugely passionate about educating, inspiring and empowering her loyal community to create their very own vision of success. Cori believes you CAN have it all and wants to show you how.
    enCori Javid307 Episodes

    Episodes (307)

    EP 283: The TRUTH About Starting a YouTube Channel in Your 40s (eek!)

    EP 283: The TRUTH About Starting a YouTube Channel in Your 40s (eek!)

    So I started a YouTube channel… and whew was it stretchy!  The truth is: I very nearly pulled the plug on the whole idea.


    On today’s show I’m bringing you behind the scenes and just having a very real and frank conversation about what it feels like to start a YouTube channel as a woman in her 40s.  Spoiler alert: I would not describe it as comfy, lol.


    Regardless of whether you have any intention whatsoever of starting your own YouTube channel, you know I like to be honest about what really goes on (including in our minds) as a mother and business owner.  So grab your favourite beverage and let’s settle in for a heart to heart, shall we?


    Also, I’ve got something super exciting to tell you about that I know you’re going to love!  


    Join my YouTube launch team (and get free goodies!): https://corijavid.com/dream


    Ready for Limitless Money?  Join here: https://corijavid.com/limitless-money/ 

    There’s still space in the upcoming Elevated Abundance Mastermind. Check it out here: https://corijavid.com/elevate

    EP 282: Manifestation Series: The Scale of Belief

    EP 282: Manifestation Series: The Scale of Belief

    You get what you believe.  Simple as that.  It’s just how life works.


    Don’t believe you can do a thing?  You won’t.


    Believe you can be, do or have something?  You’ll make it happen.


    So knowing that belief is the edge, the real thing that makes the difference between you manifesting your desires with ease and feeling like you’re on the struggle bus and never quite making it happen…


    How do you work on belief?


    By knowing where on the belief scale you currently sit.


    This is where the Scale of Belief comes in.


    It’s a tool I created to support clients in getting what they desire (Hi! That happens to be my job) and on today’s show I’m sharing this powerful tool with you.


    So without further ado let’s dive into the Scale of Belief and how YOU can use it to manifest with more ease and speed.

    Ready for Limitless Money?  Join here: https://corijavid.com/limitless-money/ 

    Save your space in the September Cohort of the Elevated Abundance Mastermind: https://corijavid.com/elevate

    EP 281: Occupying the Space Between

    EP 281: Occupying the Space Between

    We’re back with another value-packed episode in this Manifestation Series whoop whoop! 

    Someone stop me because this is fast turning into what could have been a course and something that I could have totally charged you highly for, lol. 

    But I can’t stop, won’t stop. 

    Know why? 

    Because helping you activate your own INNATE (yes, it’s in there, it never left you) power to design and create and experience and enjoy a reality and life that you’re obsessed with is, well, my obsession. 

    So today: what the heck do you do while you wait? While you wait for that big shiny thing to turn into reality? 

    What you do in the space between setting your sights on a desire and it snapping into reality is KEY. It’s in fact, kind of the whole point of this. 

    Let’s just dive in. 

    Ready for Limitless Money? Join here: https://corijavid.com/limitless-money/ 

    Join me in September's Cohort of the Elevated Abundance Mastermind: 



    EP 280: Manifestation Series: The Second Crucial Manifestation Energy

    EP 280: Manifestation Series: The Second Crucial Manifestation Energy

    There are TWO energies you need to tap into if you want your manifestations to be intentional and easeful. 


    Last week we talked about getting into a state of positive expectation: the first energy.


    Today we’re talking about the second: detachment.


    This does not involve giving up or pretending you’re not bothered actually if you sign that client or hit that money milestone or book that family trip.  No.


    We’re going to get into what detachment REALLY means and how to tell if you’ve nailed that energy and what to do if you notice you’ve become attached… like REALLY attached.


    When you master these dual energies of manifestation, you’ve activated your magic my love.


    So let’s do it!


    Ready for Limitless Money?  Join here: https://corijavid.com/limitless-money/ 

    Get into the September cohort of the Elevated Abundance Mastermind while you can (last chance to work with me this year): https://corijavid.com/elevate

    EP 279: How to be a Match for MORE

    EP 279: How to be a Match for MORE

    Be a match for more!  Raise your vibration!  Get into alignment!


    These are cool things to say.  Doubtless, you’ve heard me say them.


    But what do they REALLY mean?

    And how do you ACTUALLY do that?


    The good news is that manifestation doesn’t have to be all airy-fairy woo-woo (unless you like it that way, which I’ll co-sign on).  It can be super practical too.


    Ready to manifest with more ease and speed?

    Let’s do this.


    Interested in joining a September Cohort of the Elevated Abundance Mastermind? Dm me or check out this link: https://corijavid.com/elevate


    Ready for Limitless Money?  Join here: https://corijavid.com/limitless-money/ 

    EP 278: Manifestation Series: How to Manifest

    EP 278: Manifestation Series: How to Manifest

    Good news!  We’re talking about manifestation at least all month and possibly beyond here on the Limitless Mother Podcast, whoop whoop!


    As someone who entirely changed her life (for the better!) after discovering the power of manifestation and learning how to leverage the Law of Attraction, if you know me at all you know this shiz is my JAM.  


    I’m obsessed with helping women manifest whatever it is they desire:


    The epic blowout holiday, the landscaped garden, the dream home, the spa days, solo trips, manicures, personal stylist shopping trips, the date nights, regular time with besties, quality time with the kids, the money, lots and LOTS of it and ultimately the FEELINGS: contentment, fulfilment, joy, inner peace, health, love.  My clients and I have manifested it all and so much more.


    So I want to start at the beginning today so we can level set here.  


    Let’s talk about how the F you actually manifest with intention.  


    I’m breaking this down and making it super simple for you to understand and ultimately wield as a force for positive change in your own life.


    I’m not here to live the dream alone after all.  I’m not stopping until we’re ALL living the dream.


    Ready for Limitless Money?  Join here: https://corijavid.com/limitless-money/ 

    Save your space in the Elevated Abundance Mastermind: https://corijavid.com/elevate

    EP 277: Who's Holding YOU? (+ the key to the next level)

    EP 277: Who's Holding YOU? (+ the key to the next level)

    As women, mothers, and business owners we are great at holding a LOT.  We have a huge capacity to hold.


    However –


    Our intentions to create a bigger impact, to receive more income, and to live life more fully are often thwarted by one fundamental thing:


    Not allowing ourselves to be held.


    If you know what that next level is for you but you haven’t quite made it happen yet, this episode holds the key.


    I’m here to tear up the toxic narratives that have been created for us as women and even more so as mothers.  Let’s knock the vision of the long-suffering, self-sacrificing mother off the pedestal once and for all.


    Just because you can hold a lot alone, doesn’t mean you should.


    So let’s look at this really important question today:

    Who’s holding YOU?


    FREE ENERGY RESET CALLS (book in while they’re available!): https://corijavid.com/space/


    Have you checked out my course Limitless Money? https://corijavid.com/limitless-money/ 


    Apply now to the Elevated Abundance Mastermind: https://corijavid.com/elevate 

    Let’s connect on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/corijavid/

    EP 276: Your Dream Life is 5 Minutes Away (Seriously)

    EP 276: Your Dream Life is 5 Minutes Away (Seriously)

    This can be super annoying to hear if you’re not living your dream life right now –


    But I’m going to say it anyway…


    (because it’s true)


    (& because I want you to be living your dream life so you need to hear this)

    Your dream life is 5 minutes away.


    It’s far closer than you might think, and can arrive at the click of your fingers or the blink of an eye.  It can be the stuff of today, tomorrow… not forever five years off.


    And the best part?  A shitload of work is in fact, not required.


    If you’re ready to shortcut your way to the dream life, I got the goods my love.


    Craving the energetic space of someone supporting you? Book a FREE Energy Reset Call: https://corijavid.com/space/


    Ready for Limitless Money?  Join here: https://corijavid.com/limitless-money/ 

    Interested in the Elevated Abundance Mastermind? Details here: https://corijavid.com/elevate

    EP 275: How to Create More Time (The Time Bending Episode)

    EP 275: How to Create More Time (The Time Bending Episode)

    This is not an episode about productivity… but you will be far more productive when you master these principles.


    This is not an episode about time management… but you’ll manage your time more effortlessly when you master these principles.


    This is not an episode about procrastination or prioritization… but you’ll procrastinate less and prioritise more effectively when you master these principles.


    Welcome to the much anticipated Time Bending Episode.


    FREE Energy Reset Calls available now: https://corijavid.com/space/


    Ready for Limitless Money?  Join here: https://corijavid.com/limitless-money/ 


    Check out the Elevated Abundance Mastermind here: https://corijavid.com/elevate 

    EP 274: You're Doing Too Much (+ it's getting in the way of what you want)

    EP 274: You're Doing Too Much (+ it's getting in the way of what you want)

    This is a public service announcement: you are doing too much. 


    You are doing too much and it’s getting in the way of what you want.


    How do I know?


    Because it is literally my JOB to help women get what they want.


    And one of the things we allllways start with is: pulling back, doing less in order to create more, have more, and receive more.


    What that “more” is, is for you to decide.  More travel.  More ease.  More love.  More laughter.  More money.  More play.  More, more, more.  Your version of more.


    You get to have more.


    But NOT by doing more.


    Today, I’m going to break down for you:


    → the telltale signs that show you’re doing too much

    → the truth about how and why all that doing is getting in the way of what you really want

    → how to stop being so damn busy 

    → what doing less creates… and how THAT thing, is what you can use to make the magic happen


    FREE Energy Reset Calls Available now: https://corijavid.com/space/


    Ready for Limitless Money?  Join here: https://corijavid.com/limitless-money/ 

    Want an intentional space with elevated conversations, big celebrations, and massive support? Check out the Elevated Abundance Mastermind: https://corijavid.com/elevate

    EP 273: The Energy of Money: Funding Your Dream Life

    EP 273: The Energy of Money: Funding Your Dream Life

    Ok let’s just tell it like it is: your dream life?  Yeah, it’s going to cost money.  Doesn’t matter what your dream life looks like… funds are required.


    So let’s talk about leveraging the energy of money to fund your dream life, shall we?


    Because while I’m over here, living my dream life and manifesting my next level dream life as we speak, I want YOU to be living YOUR dream life too.


    As a dream life liver, there’s something I want you to know: your dream life is far more achievable, possible and nearer than you might have been believing.  And that’s not just a cute thing to say, it’s the truth.


    In fact, in that truth is a clue to the energetic hack that can collapse the space and time between you and your dream life in breakneck, goosebump raising speed.


    So we’re going to be talking about this on today’s show.  I’m giving you an actual action plan to leverage your energy to fund your dream life AND talking about the most overlooked - and possibly for us mothers and biz owners, most important - decision to be made about HOW we fund the dream.


    Let’s get into it!


    Ready for Limitless Money?  Join here: https://corijavid.com/limitless-money/ 

    Apply now for the Elevated Abundance Mastermind! https://corijavid.com/elevate

    EP 272: The Energy of Money: Consumerism vs Abundance

    EP 272: The Energy of Money: Consumerism vs Abundance

    If I become wealthy, will I end up buying too much stuff?


    I’ve spoken to many women before who have shunned the idea of becoming wealthy because they just don’t desire all of the typical trappings of that success: the walk in closet lined floor to ceiling with designer heels, the fleet of luxury cars on the driveway, spoilt kids who have everything and somehow still aren’t satisfied.


    There’s a real picture of success we can paint there, right?  Or should I say, it gets painted for us ;)


    So does tuning into abundance - and in particular - financial abundance, mean that we’ll all become consumerist douchebags and so it’s better that we lower our sights and goals?


    Is it better for planet earth if we all find a way to make do with less?


    If we run away from mindless, empty consumerism, what should we run towards?

    On today’s show we’re discussing all of this and more.


    It’s really easy for this topic to become very polarised, but I’m here with a third way.  A way that I think can be the antidote to consumerism without us having to embrace austerity and restrictive frugality.


    Plus I give you a very powerful reminder of the truth about what you - yes you, my love - could or would do with scads of money.


    Ready for an expansive conversation?  Let’s do this.


    If you want to go even deeper with the energy of money, check out Limitless Money here: https://corijavid.com/limitless-money/ 


    The Elevated Abundance Mastermind is open for applications here: https://corijavid.com/elevate 


    EP 271: The Energy of Money: Inside My Recent Money Wobble

    EP 271: The Energy of Money: Inside My Recent Money Wobble

    Omg, omg, omg.  This might be one of my favourite episodes yet!


    I had a FULL ON, rooted in lack and scarcity, big fat money wobble recently.


    Given that I’m a Money Mindset Expert… does that surprise you?!


    I’ll be honest: it kinda surprised me!  


    But ultimately I’m so grateful it happened (I mean, it wasn’t while I was in the thick of it… at that point I was like “Eww eww eww!  Get it OFF ME!” lol).


    I was grateful because it was a kick in the backside I needed for one (being honest) and two, we can dissect it so thoroughly on today’s show.  So I’m giving you the full access backstage pass to what really happened, what I was thinking and what I did about it.


    So that you can know you’re not alone if you’ve ever felt worried, or anxious about money.


    And more importantly we can talk about what you can do to take back your power from the wobble and get on with being your best, most abundant self.  Phew.


    Ultimately this is an AMAZING case study into how our minds and energy influence our reality.


    This money wobble was a WILD experience… so it’s only fair that I share its lessons with you, right?


    Ready for Limitless Money?  Join here: https://corijavid.com/limitless-money/ 


    Let’s make money and have fun together in the Elevated Abundance Mastermind! *Limited spaces available* Head to https://corijavid.com/elevate or send me a DM on Instagram!

    EP 270: The Energy of Money: My Journey So Far

    EP 270: The Energy of Money: My Journey So Far

    When I decided to start my own business, I thought I just had to learn some business strategy and off I’d go. 



    How wrong I was.  One of the earliest and biggest surprises for me in business was discovering that my business success - and with it, my financial success - had little to do with my strategy or how much action I was taking and EVERYTHING to do with what I was thinking and who I was being.


    Now, to me this is the best news possible (I mean, it’s hardly news any more) because knowing that really what this game of business and money and enjoyment is all about is our willingness to do the inner work and grow as a person means there is always more.  Always a new edge to work at.  Always a new energy to step into.  Always a new depth of abundance, contentment and peace to enjoy.  


    Understanding the energy of money was nothing short of life changing for me.  Not just because I finally understood how money REALLY works… that’s cool and all… but understanding that my experience of money is a reflection of my energy and therefore is a reflection of my relationship with MYSELF… I mean, that’s a game changer right there.  Because in the process of understanding all this, healing my relationship with money… spoiler alert: I healed my relationship with myself.  And that entirely shifted my experience of LIFE.  


    So we’re going to be going deep on the topic of the energy of money this month and I thought it best to start with my journey so far.  Because it illustrates just how much this shit works but also because there have been some surprising twists and turns that might resonate with you.


    Let’s start at the beginning..


    Ready for Limitless Money?  Join here: https://corijavid.com/limitless-money/ 

    Apply now for the Elevated Abundance Mastermind here: https://corijavid.com/elevate

    EP 269: The Episode With No Title

    EP 269: The Episode With No Title

    This was a completely unplanned, off-the-cuff episode but I think, very powerful.  What I describe here I want so deeply for you, my love.


    Let this episode be a reminder of the abundance and power that is available to you - indeed within you - right now.


    Let’s create magic together! Apply for the Elevated Abundance Mastermind here: https://corijavid.com/elevate 

    Ready for Limitless Money?  Join here: https://corijavid.com/limitless-money/


    EP 268: What we REALLY talk about on Mastermind calls (sneak peek!)

    EP 268: What we REALLY talk about on Mastermind calls (sneak peek!)

    What REALLY goes on inside a mastermind?  I’m pulling back the curtain and giving you a sneak peek into what we actually talk about inside of my mastermind containers.


    If you’re anything like me, you’re well… a bit nosey.  We could call it curious ;)  And you love to know what really goes on.  What conversations people are really having.


    Maybe you’ve been in a mastermind container yourself and you’re just curious to know how that expereince compares.


    Maybe you’re considering investing in mastermind support so you’d love a behind the scenes dive into what to expect.


    Maybe you’re planning on launching a mastermind or group container yourself in your biz and would love some insight from someone who’s been in the game for a good while now.


    Whatever the case, you’re going to LOVE this episode.


    Before I ever joined a mastermind, I understood the power of women coming together in this way and I really craved that peer kinship.


    What I didn’t fully understand until I experienced it first hand was just how game-changingly powerful the conversations would be.  They legit rock my world.


    And while I can’t give you the truly epic experience of being inside one of my masterminds unless you join one… what I can do is give you a small glimpse of the magic today.


    It’s my intention with this show to be bringing you into higher level conversations that give you the opportunity to elevate.  So what better place to start than discussing some of the topics that have come up in the elevated conversations my clients and I are having right now.


    So grab a cup of tea and settle in.  This is going to be a juicy one.


    Are you craving the elevated conversations and support of a mastermind? Apply now for the Elevated Abundance Mastermind: https://corijavid.com/elevate 


    Ready for Limitless Money?  Join here: https://corijavid.com/limitless-money/ 


    If you have a topic you’d love to hear in an upcoming episode, DM me at https://www.instagram.com/corijavid/

    EP 267: Your Biz vs His Career: Finding Balance at Home

    EP 267: Your Biz vs His Career: Finding Balance at Home

    What happens when your business and his career collide?  Ooh we’re going there today.


    I can’t tell you how many conversations I’ve had with clients over the years about trying to find more harmony at home when it feels like you’re fighting to carve out time for your business and something always seems to happen to derail you.  


    The kid gets sick, the cat needs to go to the vet, your neighbour falls over, your partner goes away on a work trip in the same week that you have parents evening, a dentist appointment for your kid, a birthday party to buy a present for and attend and you’re doing it all with a raging cold.


    It is so easy to feel like your business is always the thing taking the hit.  


    Or maybe your partner’s career or business is just the sort that demands a lot of his time and attention and you’re left feeling like you need to be the one holding everything else but wondering where (and how) your business fits and could even thrive amidst all this.


    I’m going to get REAL about what is required to find genuine balance at home today.  You might not like all of my suggestions. But suggest them I will!

    Because what I know to be true is that there are often deep rooted themes that play out and manifest in a lack of balance at home.  But doing the sometimes stretchy things required to address them can unlock so much more: harmony in the home, in your relationships, easeful success in your business, a pervasive feeling of contentment AND modelling some important behaviours and values to our kids in the process.


    Well when all that is up for grabs I’d say it is WORTH IT!


    Curious about The Feel Better Bundle? Email team@corijavid.com or send me a DM


    Considering working with me this year? Apply here: https://corijavid.com/elevate 

    Ready for Limitless Money?  Join here: https://corijavid.com/limitless-money/

    EP 266: Confession: I Let My Revenue Dip

    EP 266: Confession: I Let My Revenue Dip

    So, confession: I let my revenue dip… *GASP!*  Cue terrifying music ;)


    We need to talk about this my love because I don’t see this getting discussed online at ALL.


    And you know I’ll always be the one to bring these topics to the table when I see something going on but everyone in our industry acting like it isn’t.


    On today’s episode I’m taking you behind the scenes and sharing the two reasons why I intentionally allowed my revenue to dip recently and why it isn’t something we should be afraid of talking about… and is possibly something we should even celebrate.


    Say what?!


    The Queen of working less and earning MORE is celebrating having earned LESS?

    That’s right.


    I’ll be explaining ALL in today’s episode.


    If you’re ready for some real talk on the realities of running a successful biz and pursuing your dream life… listen in, my love.


    Check out my FREE 2023 Vision Workshop: https://corijavid.com/2023


    Apply to join the Elevated Abundance Mastermind here: https://corijavid.com/elevate 


    Ready for Limitless Money?  Visit https://corijavid.com/limitless-money/ 

    EP 265: All Things Vision Boarding: How I Have Used Them to Change My Life (on Repeat)

    EP 265: All Things Vision Boarding: How I Have Used Them to Change My Life (on Repeat)

    There’s never a wrong time to create a vision board.  If you know what you desire for 2023 but you haven’t made a vision board (or something like it) you could well be missing a huge opportunity.

    I have used vision boards since the beginning of my business to create my dream life… on repeat.  I have had huge success in using them as a manifestation tool and consequently my clients LOVE to ask me vision board questions.


    So in the spirit of helping you create and live YOUR dream life this year, I’m happy to be an open book and share much of what I’ve learned more than 5 years into vision boarding.


    Today we’re going deep on ALL things vision boarding.  My process, what’s worked and what hasn’t, what’s on my actual vision board right now (eek slightly vulnerable!), what’s happened when I haven’t had a vision board, what to do if you’re not a super visual person and more.


    And before you grab a stack of magazines, some scissors and glue, make sure you listen to this whole episode first as I do NOT recommend the usual approach that does the rounds on the internet.  I’m going to tell you how vision boards REALLY work so you can get yours done the RIGHT way.  Aka the way that actually creates results.


    Vision board party, anyone??


    For more help creating your compelling vision, check out my FREE workshop: https://corijavid.com/2023


    Ready for Limitless Money?  Join here: https://corijavid.com/limitless-money/ 

    Apply to join Elevated Abundance Mastermind while spaces are still available: https://corijavid.com/elevate