
    The Lisa Bean Podcast

    The all-new Lisa Bean podcast - weekly motivation to help you change your life! Lisa Bean is the founder of the multiple six figure business DARETOGROW, and author of the Amazon topping book First Sh!t Version. Through her online programmes she teaches purpose-driven entrepreneurs how to launch a business to make a living doing what they love and how to scale that business to six figures online. Having sold over £1m of services in her businesses (across marketing, recruitment and online training), Lisa specialises in helping people craft their stand out message, launch their offer and scale using funnel and content marketing. She is a self confessed video geek and regularly releases vlogs of her travels and business journey. From the UK originally, Lisa recently put her belongings into storage to travel around Europe with her partner and whippet.
    enLisa Bean90 Episodes

    Episodes (90)

    #20 Sick of struggling? Do you realise there are 'Three Levels of Change'?

    #20 Sick of struggling? Do you realise there are 'Three Levels of Change'?

    I've read a lot of books on how to change your life and I've only really made sense of something in the past two years:

    There are three 'levels' of change and you can use all of them to access new levels of change in your life.

    In today's episode, I'm going to run you through those three levels of change for changing your life and show you how I used them to get over depression, pay of £100,000 in debt and even walk on fire! Curve ball!

    If you enjoy this episode, please hit like and leave a comment to let me know. 



    Be The Person - Online monthly membership focused on hitting your goals and changing your life https://betheperson.co.uk/



    Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - https://amzn.to/3HPWlAo

    Becoming Supernatural - https://amzn.to/3HPWlAo

    The Strangest Secret - https://amzn.to/494EFwP

    How to Do the Work - https://amzn.to/3uW2kjM

    How to Meet Your Self - https://amzn.to/41o2QmJ

    The Power of Now - https://amzn.to/41o2QmJ

    The Body Keeps the Score - https://amzn.to/47UpIgh

    How We Are - https://amzn.to/47VCpY9

    The Biology of Belief - https://amzn.to/3t9hhP5 

    #19 Don't stay stuck! Five Motivational Truths for Online Business Success in 2024

    #19 Don't stay stuck! Five Motivational Truths for Online Business Success in 2024

    If right now you’re struggling to get the results you want, but you’re ready to make a change and take your life and business to the next level in 2024, listen in. 

    In this episode, I'm going to share with you five of the most transformational and eye-opening things I’ve ever learned about changing your life, with a focus on growing an online business (because the rules are so different in online business!)

    Yes, you’ll hear things that are hopeful and inspiring, but I also have to pepper this with the reality of what it actually takes to change who you are, change your life, and change the results you're  getting.

    Here’s what I talk about:

    • The result you’re currently getting is fair, even if you’re not happy with it
    • Why we feel too busy to create content, when content IS the job
    • Short-term pleasure vs. long-term satisfaction and why we go for the former 9 out of 10 times
    • Building the capacity to do difficult things in your business doesn’t happen at your desk
    • If you want to get different results, you have to change who you are; and there’s two versions of us that you don’t hear about often. I’ve made two other episodes about this last point:

    #15 Find the Subconscious Block That’s Hiding in Plain Sight (Part 1)

    #18 How to Change Your Subconscious Beliefs: 3 Surprising Keys (Part 2)

    If you want to dive even deeper into these topics and receive ongoing support, I have a monthly membership program where we dive deep into how to hit your goals, how to change your behaviours and change your programming. Learn more HERE!

    Connect with me: 

    The Lisa Bean Podcast
    enJanuary 03, 2024

    #20 Create, don't just respond - How to make progress in your business

    #20 Create, don't just respond - How to make progress in your business

    Being an entrepreneur is one of the craziest, stupidest, dumbest things you're going to attempt. And once you are afflicted with the purpose of being an entrepreneur and building companies, you can't help it. You cannot suppress entrepreneurship. If you've got a drive to create things, just accept that you're stuck with it.

    In this episode, I want to talk about burnout and overwhelm. I'm going to run through the things I do to manage burnout and keep it at bay. At the end of the episode, I'm going to show you how to reframe your goals, and break them down using four key categories that will make it easier to understand what's required to go the distance without burning out and feeling totally overwhelmed.

    And I promise you, I will not mention SMART goals ONCE!

    What I’m Covering:

    • My definition of burnout and the underlying causes of it
    • How to assess your skill set, capacity and energy levels in relation to what you want to achieve
    • A sensibly stupid goal - what’s that?
    • Where to get the real feedback on the effort you’re putting in
    • The order of events - how to make yourself safe before you stretch too thin
    • Never forget that entrepreneurship is SELLING the stuff you’re making
    • Why you must learn which activities make your brain switch off

    To break through as an entrepreneur, you’ll need to put in the work of an elite athlete. But don't punish yourself on this crazy journey. There is a better way to succeed and achieve your goals, without the burnout and overwhelm.

    Resources mentioned:

    Click here to download the 2024 planning tool, with the 'five levels' for your key goals: https://lisa-bean.com/strategy/ 

    Connect with me: 

    The Lisa Bean Podcast
    enDecember 30, 2023

    #018 How to change your subconscious beliefs: 3 surprising keys (PART 2)

    #018 How to change your subconscious beliefs: 3 surprising keys (PART 2)

    So you want to change your life, but recognise you have subconscious beliefs or subconscious programming that is keeping you stuck in old patterns and behaviours. So what do you do and where do you begin?

    In this episode, I'm breaking down the three key things you can do to reprogramme the way you think and respond to certain situations.

    We also look at how we become more conscious of our behaviours and what triggers them, how to find a new response to an old situation, and how to override the memory of who you are to change your life.

    This is the most challenging concept to grasp in changing your life: To change your life, you really must change who you are!


    Be The Person - Online monthly membership focused on hitting your goals and changing your life https://betheperson.co.uk/

    #017 Scared of sharing content? This video will inspire you to post more!

    #017 Scared of sharing content? This video will inspire you to post more!

    So many good-hearted entrepreneurs are afraid to post content for so many reasons. But it's holding the good ones back from being of service, and well - changing the world!

    In this episode, I've really tried you inspire you on the content creation front, break down some myths about content creation and show you three key things to nail when making your own content. 

    So press play to learn:

    Why it's so important to build value up front, and how this directly correlates with online sales, you winner!

    The truth about content creation, how long it takes, and why this investment is worthwhile! (This is take five, doh!)

    The three very specific things that make up your profile as an online business owner, and how to start leveraging them today!

    How to build trust, increase buyer confidence and grow your business.

    How to use modern media to increase your 'range' / reach in 2024.

    Remember: Your ‘profile’ is your authority in the market place. The bigger (or more relevant) your profile is, the more you can help people and the more you can sell. 

    Therefore, by focusing on building your profile (and leading up front with value-based AND more personal content), you’re really focusing on preparing your business to win more wonderful clients short and long-term. Who can say no to that?


    Recent workshop - How to build your profile online, focusing on the unique kernel of your marketing idea, offer and message - https://lisa-bean.com/workyouredge/

    Web site - https://lisa-bean.com/

    Instagram - https://instagram.com/lisabeanuk

    Book - https://www.amazon.co.uk/First-Sh-Version-purpose-entrepreneurs-ebook/dp/B0842X4ZG7 #onlinebusiness #onlinemarketing

    #016 Motivation for being true to yourself in 2024 (5 wonderful ways to set yourself apart)

    #016 Motivation for being true to yourself in 2024 (5 wonderful ways to set yourself apart)

    2024 is coming! In this video, I'm sharing with you the five biggest insights I have, including:

    • How to create content your community can't wait to see 'land' each week!
    • What I think about qualifications and the role they'll play in your niche.
    • How to build your business for longterm success by moving beyond 'educator' to xxxx.
    • Why we absolutely need to see 'YOU' on social media. 
    • How to think about the work you do and the results you get to stay in the race. 

    Specifically, I'm showing you the role you will play in your communities in 2024, how we need you to lead us, and how small shifts in perspective will change the game overall for you in your life and business.

    This episode is instructional and motivational. I really hope you enjoy it!

    I'd love to hear what you've discovered, drop me an email and let me know! 


    The Lisa Bean Podcast
    enNovember 20, 2023

    #015 Find the subconscious block that's hiding in plain sight (PART 1)

    #015 Find the subconscious block that's hiding in plain sight (PART 1)

    This week, I've got a big bold claim.

    By the end of the episode, I'm going to have shown you how to find the one big subconscious block that is holding you back from everything you want in your life and business. And I'm telling you now it is hiding in plain sight. I'm going to show you how to spot it, and then we're going to work through how you actually resolve it. 

    What I'm covering in this episode: 

    • 3 things to think about if you want to make a change in your life or business 
    • How it's possible that your big block is right under your nose
    • Why your excuses should be called excuses even if they are highly relevant
    • Questions to ask yourself and discover what's hiding inside your excuses
    • How to go six levels deeper into the story that's plagued your life 
    • Rewards and how to figure out what's driving you

    The exercises I'm sharing with you are designed to help you find that sneaky little subconscious story you're so used to telling yourself, that you're not even registering it anymore. And when you see it, you're gonna go, I knew that, it was so obvious! 

    I'd love to hear what you've discovered, drop me an email and let me know! 





    The Lisa Bean Podcast
    enNovember 13, 2023

    #014 How to Develop Your Unique Thought Leadership

    #014 How to Develop Your Unique Thought Leadership

    When I think about thought leadership, what comes to my mind is this: a thought leader is someone worth following.

    And why is that someone worth following? Because they are full of deep insights, wisdom, experience, life lived and most of all, they have practiced sharing their message consistently over a long period of time. So practice is the word you want. You're not going to get good in your head, you get good by putting stuff out in the world, seeing how it lands, getting feedback, and building your message one person at a time.

    In today's episode, I want to share with you what you can do with your thought leadership, and talk you through six key things that you can consider when developing yours.

    Here’s what I cover:

    1. Direction
    2. Truth
    3. Wisdom
    4. Insights
    5. Hope
    6. Courage

    Thought leadership is what it takes to build a scalable six-figure online business making a living doing what you love, from a place of passion and purpose when you're a good hearted entrepreneur. So if you’re ready to do some challenging thinking and develop your unique thought leadership, join me on this episode, it’s a juicy one!



    The Lisa Bean Podcast
    enNovember 07, 2023

    #013 Hay House Writer's Workshop - the BIG Takeaways (About Writing a Book!)

    #013 Hay House Writer's Workshop - the BIG Takeaways (About Writing a Book!)

    This weekend, I attended the Hay House Writer's Workshop about writing and publishing a book and took enough notes to write a book!

    It was phenomenal - the energy, the people, the content, the speakers. I will tell you up front: I highly recommend this event to any good-hearted person who dreams of writing and publishing their own book. 

    But - the event didn't just teach you how to finish that book and get it out there in the world. It covered so much more including:

    • How and why you should be building community now, and how to do that if you're reluctant.
    • What you must know before writing a book, and how this will help you build your business too.
    • How to put together your book proposal and what publishers really want to see.
    • The importance of writing from 'spirit' and joy instead of ego, and how to make that transition.

    There was such a beautiful energy at the event; an energy of 'being of service'. 

    There was also a very strong message about writing with joy. You put a lot of 'life force' and energy into a book so don't make it a slog - make it joyous.

    Anyway, I don't want to give it all away. Press play. I think you'll get a lot from today's episode about business, marketing and purpose, as well about about writing your book and getting published. 

    Additional resources I mention in the episode

    Let's connect

    The Lisa Bean Podcast
    enOctober 30, 2023

    #012 Mega Mindset Upgrade for Online Sales People

    #012 Mega Mindset Upgrade for Online Sales People

    How do you develop a mindset for success that you want in your online business? And how do you practice and maintain it?

    I want to share with you three key ideas that have transformed the results that I see in my life. Let me be honest with you right away - they all came from pain. Because without the pain of rock bottom, I wouldn't have learned what I'm about to share with you today, and I wouldn't have gotten the results that I got in the years that followed.

    I’m also going to give you some journaling prompts to help you answer deep and important questions about your desires, thoughts and actions, so you can upgrade your mindset and start rocking those online sales!

    What is Covered:

    • How to find out what’s stopping you from achieving the results that you desire
    • Be, Do, Have vs. Have, Be, Do and what that means
    • How to overcome the dissonance between your vibration and your reality
    • Ways to structure your projects and outcomes to stay motivated
    • Using life itself as your feedback mechanism for changing it
    • The power of tweaking your environment to inspire mindset change
    • How to learn to feel in alignment with your vision and let that feeling expand   

    Additional resources to help you upgrade your mindset:

    Let's connect

    #011 Dealing with Overwhelm as an Online Entrepreneur

    #011 Dealing with Overwhelm as an Online Entrepreneur

    If you're feeling overwhelmed in your business and life, it's very likely to be both of them together. Overwhelm comes in different shapes. You feel like you’re running out of money, there’s never enough time for what you have to do, and there’s pressure on you to know all the answers.

    If that's how you feel, know that it is so normal for entrepreneurs. 

    But I can't allow you to continue down that path. We can change it, and in this episode, I’ll talk you through a three-step process to deal with overwhelm.

    What You’ll Learn:

    • Defining true goals: What am I actually trying to do here?
    • Defining the path: What is the vehicle that's going to get me there?
    • How to know the difference between tactics and long-term strategy
    • Safety first: identifying what makes you feel safe
    • What it really means being in your power

    I’ll leave you to work through these steps with a quote by my mum who said, “Lisa, you can be anything, you can do anything, you can do it all, but you can't do it all today.” So calm down, tune in and pick one or two things that resonate with you that you can do today.



    #010 How do I Build a Strategic Six-Figure Business?

    #010 How do I Build a Strategic Six-Figure Business?

    When you do a launch as a coach or a trainer, you win your customers and that feels great. Then six months go by, you're so busy delivering for the customers that you forget to go out selling. And now you're back to square one - there's no cash coming in and you're in big trouble. 

    The remedy for that is building a strategic six-figure business that generates a pipeline of leads for your business. If you want to know how to do that, in this episode I'm going to give you four key pointers for building a strategic six-figure business packed with leads.  

    Here’s what I cover: 

    • How having a timeline helps you sell more 
    • Back to basics: your offer and your customer
    • How to tap into algorithms to help the customer choose you
    • How to build a funnel that works without your full presence 

    Once you nail these four levels, you’ll never run out of leads or pipeline again. That is how building a strategic six-figure business works. And If you want to learn a little bit more, I've written 30 pages explaining exactly how to do this. Get your free download here:  https://lisa-bean.com/six-figures/ 


    #009 How to Sell Now

    #009 How to Sell Now

    How do I make money in my business today? That's the question I get asked a lot. 

    If you’re a coach or a course creator and you're doing it all, from planning the launch, delivering on it, to dealing with taxes - it’s a lot, I understand. And so entrepreneurs sneakily love to say - I'm too busy to sell. Now, let’s get this straight: to be an entrepreneur is to sell stuff. It is so stressful to be delivering all the time only to watch the money run out and all of a sudden find yourself trying to make something up and go out to the market again. 

    This episode is going to tackle what happens if you're in that situation. I’ll share three things you can do to make more money in your business right now and start getting cash in immediately. 

    Here’s what I cover: 

    • How to finalise your offer and get it in front of your ideal clients
    • Creating attraction events to allow people to feel your energy 
    • How you can refresh and update your current offer 

    And here’s my invitation for you: I'm inviting you to work through the three ideas I share in this episode this week, and then next week I'll come back diving deeper into another question - how do I build a strategic six-figure business? 


    • Brand new free guide: How to write an epic 'attraction event' to fire up engagement and sales in your onlilne business: download here >> 
    • Check out my website
    • Conenct with me on Instagram 
    • Connect with me on Facebook

    #008 How to sell online coaching programmes (what six figure coaches know)

    #008 How to sell online coaching programmes (what six figure coaches know)

    How odd is this concept: 75% of your job as an entrepreneur, trying to build a multiple six figure thing, is sales and marketing.

    I mean: If you’re wondering what you should be doing today, it’s this:

    - Making offers and making them better
    - Posting content and building audience and pipeline
    - Adding value to future customers and making sales

    Once those jobs are ticked, you can raise your invoices, book your calls, reply to the person quoting you insurance. These jobs are secondary. Your main job is to market and to sell.


    Your main job as an online coach / provider is to market and sell.

    How does that sit with you? Does it feel weird? I bet it does. Good people who feel driven by purpose ALSO have a feeling deep down that selling is a bit odd. We want to share our gifts and knowledge, and we want to help...for free.

    You can of course build a model like that, where you give away your gifts for free. But you’d have to make your money elsewhere. A lottery win. Marrying into money. A job. Another business that funds this one.

    Or…you can build a model where you get to add a lot of value, and make a lot of sales. That’s what I’m talking about in today’s video but first, a little more context…

    I know you might feel like you’re wasting your time editing a video that only 100 people see. You wish you were better on camera / at editing / with lighting. You wish you could afford to outsource it. You wish more people would see it.

    You might feel frustrated, like ‘Argh, that’ll do’, finalising the sales page for your next offer, knowing you’re anxious about selling. You wish someone could just send you the clients. You wish selling was easier.

    But this is business: marketing, selling; learning to move people to action. The very nature of being an entrepreneur means learning how to provide value in exchange for money. And like anything worth doing, it is truly a skill that requires mastery. It takes time and hours in. Again…
    Marketing and selling are skills that require mastery.

    And the more time and effort you put in, the better you will get.

    You WILL be better at positioning value if you craft 20 offers in a year instead of three. You WILL be better at marketing if you post once a day, rather than twice a week. You WILL figure it all out faster if you lean in and recognise that this is a skill that requires practice, time in and attempts. The work will mould you.

    That being said, there is something you can take advantage of to help you on this journey. All of us have an ‘edge’ – a skill that we’ve developed without even knowing it; a skill that has become so baked into our personalities that it’s natural and normal to us now. You will even use it today.
    For me, growing up as a military kid and moving home / country every two years, then going off to boarding school had its downsides, but it also gave me something I will value and leverage forever. I am good with people.

    I am very quick at reading people. I know people. Sometimes I feel like I can read minds. I know how people are feeling, what they’re not telling me, where I need to push, and where I need to encourage more gently. I learnt this from having to fit in and make friends over and over and over again. I learnt this as a child, in a natural way, without books and psychology and hacks. It’s became part of who I am, and then I built on it with books, psychology, training, and hours in coaching and helping.

    Using this little bit of magic, I can find the crux of an offer, I can build honest relationships quickly, I can position the value people want. I can sell.

    In the coming weeks, I want you to reflect on this concept and ask: What is my little bit of magic? What skill or ability have I developed that I can lean on and use in my business, to help me add value, to make deals, to sell?

    We all have something. You have something, I promise you. So what is it? And how can you use it more? Start looking.

    Meanwhile, this might help as a reminder of what’s important when it comes to selling at this level. In this week’s instalment, I’m showing you the three places where the sale happens. What I’m about to share with you is known to six figure business owners who continue to sell and grow. If you can shift your mindset to master this approach, you can sell and sell, build and build, and never have to worry about where your next sale will come from.



    The Lisa Bean Podcast
    enJuly 27, 2023

    #007 Doing the work you're avoiding: Softer strategies for getting it done

    #007 Doing the work you're avoiding: Softer strategies for getting it done

    “People set these crazy plans and approaches and targets they can never meet because: over-egging your plan and setting crazy targets is a form of sabotage - it gives you the ultimate out.

    New video now live - Getting it finished: 5 softer approaches for getting your important work done.

    The secret to success is 49% action and 99% ‘YOU’ - shh, that adds up scientifically - and the capacity you have to do three things:

    • Try things when there’s no guarantee it will work;
    • Put yourself out there and risk failure; and,
    • Feel like an imposter and turning up anyway.

    Even when you create the time and resolve to take action and do the important work, it’s still your mindset that will allow it or block it.

    What if someone judges how I look on camera?

    What if it isn’t good enough and no-one buys it?

    What if it only gets five likes and then everyone thinks I’m silly for posting?

    There are two types of work us lot need to do.

    The first type of work is output related. Show me your chapter outline. Give me a one pager on your new programme idea. Let’s see your first video cut.

    That’s physical output - stuff other people can see, buy, use and share. That makes sense right?

    The second type of work is all internal.

    It’s feeling vulnerable about posting a video, recognising that story started as a child for you, and supporting yourself to show up in a way that feels safe to you over time. It’s a process, it’s not an outcome.

    It’s knowing you have a habit of giving away all of your money because you think that’s what it takes to receive love, and working hard to spot it when you do it, sit in the discomfort of deciding to keep your money and doing the work to change your story about your own worthiness. It’s a process, it’s not an outcome.

    It’s recognising you tend to say yes to everyone else and your dreams have ended up one week down the list, one year down the list, one decade down the list and now you’re working through the guilt you feel just for taking some time to work on yourself. It’s a process, it’s not an outcome.


    When people say to me things like “Lisa, I’m struggling to post because I feel like an imposter”, there is often a full stop there. But the sentence can’t stop there. There must be an exploration of where this comes from, what benefits it’s giving you now, and how you plan to work through this.

    All the while, there is mounting pressure to post, to create, to finish and so you heap tonnes of guilt on top of the fact you’re struggling to get things done.

    I know, because I feel it too. That second example above - the money / love one - that [has been] me [in the past]!

    So we need something else, don’t we?

    It’s taken me a long time to learn what it really takes to change your life and get projects over the line. Sometimes it is MASSIVE, high energy, physical action, it’s true. Sometimes, you do just wake up, shut down a business, move to Manchester and finish the book ;-)

    And sometimes it’s SLOW, gentle, bumpy action that includes reading books about trauma, spotting patterns over years of cycles, going to therapy to work things out, and creating safe places to create.

    In this video, I’d like to look at this slower, gentler energy and give you five different strategies you can explore for making progress on your real dreams. Safely. Creatively. For the longterm outcome not the short term fix.

    Spoiler alert: I’m not letting you off the hook today. I’m saying that there are two types of work - the output and the mindset. This video says ‘here’s how to finish the output, by focusing on the mindset work’.

    Dive in. You’re ready for more.


    #006 BORING six figure HACKS that, if avoided, keep you stuck at £30k years. Hint: DO THEM.

    #006 BORING six figure HACKS that, if avoided, keep you stuck at £30k years. Hint: DO THEM.

    If you're not yet hitting consistent six figure years in your online coaching business, despite your best efforts, I bet you're avoiding three simple (but ridiculously powerful) hacks that lead to six figure years.

    In short, if your goal is a six figure online business, you have three incredible opportunities that you can action right now, today.

    And surprise: I'm not going to say 'build a funnel', 'get on podcasts' or 'post more content'. I'm going to tell you three even more important and incredibly fundamental business scaling hacks things that will get you to six figures asap.

    Don't ignore these things.

    Web Site: https://lisa-bean.com/

    Instagram: @lisabeanuk

    Motivational Membership: https://betheperson.co.uk/membership/


    #sixfigures #onlinebusiness #onlinecoach #businessadvice

    The Lisa Bean Podcast
    enJuly 11, 2023

    #006 Doing 'the work' to change your life

    #006 Doing 'the work' to change your life

    How to change your life in 2023 using subconscious reprogramming, value shifts and environmental changes.

    If you want to truly change your life in 2023, you cannot JUST 'speak it into existence' or 'write it down and let it go'.

    That requires a level of belief that most people don't yet have. But fear not! You can build it!

    There are four key things you need to do to change your life, including changing the way you speak to yourself and the environment you're in.

    In this final episode in this three part mini series on how to change your life in 2023, I'm going to show you HOW to build that belief in yourself, how your environment can trigger change, and how to think about vision vs. goals to make your dream life your new reality.

    Press play for more.

    The Lisa Bean Podcast
    enMarch 24, 2023

    #005 3 Questions to Find Your Purpose in Life

    #005 3 Questions to Find Your Purpose in Life

    #purpose #uncoveryourpurpose #lifepurpose

    In this episode, I’m going to show you how to uncover your purpose, link it to your vision in life and do the one true action that will help you live a life of purpose. No more hiding. No more delay.

    Each and every single one of us has a unique purpose on this planet. FACTS. In basic terms, it’s to become the fullest expression of yourself. To show yourself. To be of value. To use yourself up. Most of us just aren’t doing this with our life purpose. We’re hiding. Shrinking back. Ignoring ‘the call’ and that’s a problem.

    Your unique purpose in life sits deep in your heart and your soul. It doesn’t show itself under pressure and strain. Like Palmer J. Parker said in Let Your Life Speak - your purpose is like a tiger in the jungle. Wild, but shy. To find it, you can't go storming into the tress. You have to sit quietly under the base of a tree and wait for it to show.

    So here are the two things you have to accept about finding your purpose in life:

    #1 You can’t charge towards your purpose. It comes from within. You listen to it. You trust it. You take action in faith, and in doing do, you charge towards your vision! Your purpose begins as a whisper and the more you listen, the louder it speaks.

    #2 The second thing you have to accept about purpose is that you were given gifts to help you live out your purpose. The likelihood is, you think those gifts are normal, like everyone has them. And so you use them, you don’t leverage them. And if you’re not using them, you’re wasting them.

    In this video, I'm going to share with you three simple but powerful questions to help you uncover your purpose, strengthen your connection to that purpose and take bold steps to live a life of deeper purpose.


    Useful links:

    Web site: https://lisa-bean.com/

    Membership on changing your life: https://lisa-bean.com/programmes/membership/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lisabeanuk/

    The Lisa Bean Podcast
    enMarch 03, 2023

    #004 2023: How to Reprogramme Your Subconscious Beliefs and Change Your Life Completely

    #004 2023: How to Reprogramme Your Subconscious Beliefs and Change Your Life Completely

    I'm a business coach, yup. BUT: Without a crazy, bold belief in myself, and without installing that belief in my clients, we'd be nowhere. NOWHERE.

    In this episode, I'm attempting to summarise the three biggest things I've learnt about belief, self-belief, and how you get the results you want through subconscious reprogramming.

    I want to show you how subconscious beliefs are formed. Why we have them. And give you three steps for reprogramming them for good. Honestly? It's not as big a deal as it sounds.

    80% of the battle is being willing to let go of the comfort of who you were to embrace who you know you can be.

    And the other 20% is consistency around three simple things, which I'm sharing with you in the video. Dig in, this one is worth it...

    #changeyourlife #subconsciousmind #subconsciousreprogramming

    #002 Want to 'market' better? Be useful. Here's how...three questions to ponder today...

    #002 Want to 'market' better? Be useful. Here's how...three questions to ponder today...

    Yesterday, I recorded the start of a new podcast ten times. I am not exaggerating or rounding up for smartness. I even paused after six attempts, had a tea break and tried again. I was committed to producing a podcast episode. 

    The theme I'd selected was based on a training I'd delivered a week earlier for my business community: How to build a six figure online marketing funnel.

    The training was fire! Fast paced. Challenging. A direct call to arms to be useful, to work hard, to focus on client results at every step of the funnel. But it just didn't translate to a podcast for a wider audience. Something that felt really poignant and topical for one audience became cliche and general for another. 

    Without considering why that was the case, I called my dad and said "Dad, I'm not working today - do you want to go and surprise mum at work?". He was a yes. I told him I'd be leaving in an hour. I just had to walk the dogs and send some client emails first.

    Deciding to walk away from the episode gave me something. Freedom? Space? It let me off the hook! It meant I didn't have to produce something practical or functional. I didn't have to 'tick the box' of marketing that day. It just wasn't happening. I'd tried. 

    Somewhat ironically, then, I found myself reaching for my iPhone, whilst looping the field, to record the introduction of the podcast I wasn't making. It felt fun, light, in flow. I recorded myself calling back the dogs. I recorded myself clipping them in. And that's when I realised what was bothering me. 

    Content for the sake of content demotivates me. I can't produce something for the sake of it. I don't like to and I don't want to. And I don't have to.

    When I think of what inspires me, what really gets me flowing, it's the opportunity to create something new and different that will make people smile and ask 'how did she do that?'. I don't want to be a follower, of a pattern or a style or a formula. I want to be a leader, a creator, an original.

    With that idea in mind, I recorded my thoughts (and the rest of my day) on my iPhone, sharing the concept of 'being useful'. Today's podcast episode is the result of that work. We explore the importance of being truly useful in a world filled with more and more content. We look at the catalytic effect of desire in making the world a better place for the people you can help. And I challenge you to produce something meaningful for your business today, instead of ticking yet another item off the list. 

    I hope you enjoy.



    How to develop your unique Thought Leadership and update your marketing, messaging and programmes:

    Free PDF: https://lisa-bean.com/tl/

    Upcoming paid workshop (3 hours + 30 minute 121 review - £99) - https://lisa-bean.com/tl/workshop/

    #business #creator #thoughtleadership

    The Lisa Bean Podcast
    enNovember 29, 2022