
    The Lisa Bean Podcast

    The all-new Lisa Bean podcast - weekly motivation to help you change your life! Lisa Bean is the founder of the multiple six figure business DARETOGROW, and author of the Amazon topping book First Sh!t Version. Through her online programmes she teaches purpose-driven entrepreneurs how to launch a business to make a living doing what they love and how to scale that business to six figures online. Having sold over £1m of services in her businesses (across marketing, recruitment and online training), Lisa specialises in helping people craft their stand out message, launch their offer and scale using funnel and content marketing. She is a self confessed video geek and regularly releases vlogs of her travels and business journey. From the UK originally, Lisa recently put her belongings into storage to travel around Europe with her partner and whippet.
    enLisa Bean90 Episodes

    Episodes (90)

    #001 Keep Going - Focus on Four Things in Tough Times

    #001 Keep Going - Focus on Four Things in Tough Times

    I know one thing for sure: You will make it if you keep going. In today's new extended episode, I'm going to share with you four key things to prioritise in tough times to ENSURE you keep going towards your goal. 

    Here's the Thought Leadership free 40-page guide I mentioned: https://lisa-bean.com/tl/

    And here's a link to the upcoming paid workshop on developing your unique Thought Leadership https://lisa-bean.com/tl/workshop/


    2023 is coming: Do this to change your life NOW (4 direct actions)

    2023 is coming: Do this to change your life NOW (4 direct actions)

    This episode will change your life if you take action on these four things.

    For example: Stop focusing on the external environment around you - stop waiting for stability and certainty to return externally (it ain't coming!) and instead focus on creating a stable footing underneath yourself so you can feel motivated and do the work that matters.

    I believe we all have a purpose and that purpose is to be the fullest expression of ourselves. It's to use our gifts to do our job, and help people live better lives in the process.

    But we can't do this if we're waiting for things to settle down or return to normal.

    Today, I want to encourage you (rather directly!) to re-take control of your future, do the work to create a stable footing underneath yourself, and take action to change your life and the life of the people around you.



    Monthly motivational membership, with a huge focus on 'doing the work' to change your life. https://lisa-bean.com/programmes/membership/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/lisabeanuk/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lisambean

    The Lisa Bean Podcast
    enOctober 26, 2022

    Put in THE WORK to change your life [instructional voice note]

    Put in THE WORK to change your life [instructional voice note]

    Content creation is hard work. Building a business is hard work. Changing your life is hard work. And that's okay!

    It's okay for this to take time and feel 'hard'.

    Don't focus on that.

    Instead, focus on doing work you enjoy, getting better & better, and helping thousands of other people in the process.

    You know how I feel about results. You don't just get what you ask for; you get what you are!

    Action with positive intent leads to results.

    You've got to Be The Person (TM) who does the thing!

    I want my clients and my community to put in the hours.

    I want my clients and my community to work hard.

    I want my clients and my community to push themselves and grow.

    And what's wrong with that?

    My message this week? Lean in. Turn up. Put in the hours. Be the leader we need.

    #changeyourlife #hardwork #motivationtochange

    The Lisa Bean Podcast
    enOctober 24, 2022

    Your ideas will change your life - 22 mins on how to act on them

    Your ideas will change your life - 22 mins on how to act on them

    Change your life with 3 simple questions that PROVE you know how to make your idea happen.

    Plus - why it's so VITAL that you follow through on your ideas.

    This audio is an extract from a training I delivered for a business community I run. Each week, I go live and share some new ideas to keep people focused on their next level in life and business before answering questions.

    This week, I shared three simple questions to help people realise they already have the answers within them.

    Press play to hear the questions and find your own answers...

    Ideas come in like the waves, in and out, in and out.

    Then every now and then, a group of ideas crash together in a crescendo that has the power to change your life. The ideas meet. They have a theme. You see the golden thread that connects them into something bigger than any idea on its own.

    But of course - ideas are no good to the person who turns away. When you ask for help, for guidance, for a miracle, the answer often comes in the form of hope, a change in perspective, in ideas. The hope, the new perspective, the idea is the key, it is the path.

    And it’s WHO YOU BECOME in bringing that idea to life that will get you through to the next level.

    So tune in to the inspiration you’re already receiving.

    Start to write down the ideas you have. And find the courage to take action. Bringing the ideas to life IS the path to the life you want.

    #changeyourlife #motivational #motivationalspeaker

    3 minutes on honest action: Have you done the ONE TRUE ACTION to achieve your goals?

    3 minutes on honest action: Have you done the ONE TRUE ACTION to achieve your goals?

    If the customers aren’t coming you have to ask yourself: Have I realllly done the one true action that will win me new clients?

    Like, honestly?

    There is a BIG difference between making a sales page and then selling your offer, just like there is a big difference between picking your plants for a new garden and then actually putting your shovel in the mud.

    Clip taking from a 45 minute sales training I just did for Pre-Ex Business School.

    #changeyourlife #motivational #motivationalvideo

    The Lisa Bean Podcast
    enAugust 17, 2022

    What is stopping you at the point of action? Motivating voicenote to get you 'out there'

    What is stopping you at the point of action? Motivating voicenote to get you 'out there'

    Did you ever used to watch Gary Vee's daily vlogs? I loved them! I'm not sure if they're back now, but the ones pre-world-shut-down. Ah man they were fab - music, broll, daily life. Right up my video editing street.

    Anyway, in the intro to them, he used to step off a jet and you'd hear him say: "I just want to be happy, don't you want to be happy?".

    Those words are repeated in my head DAILY. And even more so if I feel down or stuck or demotivated.

    That notion - 'I just want to be happy' - has prompted some crazy decisions in me for a long time.

    I guess I just believe that there is nothing more 'successful' than being happy, truly, deeply, happy. Safe & secure, with means to live well, yes...and happy.

    I also believe that if we do what is 'for us' in this lifetime - if we're brave and follow the calling, if we do what lights us up - the other things we desire will follow anyway. It's hard of course, finding the courage to pursue happiness over familiarity, happiness over comfort, happiness over status quo.

    It's often real 'rock the boat of life' stuff we have to do. And a lot of people pause when it comes to the 'taking action' part.

    I guess that's what I'm talking about in today's voice note - what comes before action, what makes us happy, who we want to become.

    Two things...

    1. Vision / destination / goal / intention / desire.

    2. Belief / resolve / willingness to try / energy / motivation to act.

    Often people know what they want and won’t admit it. Then know what it will take and won’t do it.

    I think the first one comes down to a fear of failure or getting hurt and the second one comes down to a belief of ‘not me’, as in - other people can do this but I can’t.

    I doubt myself all the time when I’m shooting for more. In those times I lean heavily on journalling, affirmations annnnddd the belief of others.

    Every day we have a choice: Avoid the hard stuff and distract ourselves with checkout activities. Which really just makes the pain bigger in the long run.


    Lean on positive habits like books, exercise, motivation content etc. to find just enough courage to take one small step.

    When I was totally lost in depression I learnt not to lean on my own motivation at that time - I didn’t have any!

    So I borrowed other people's.

    I read so many autobiographies of business owners who’d turned things around. I listened to comedians on my runs. I played motivational music and speeches and FLOODED my mind and subconscious with the new thoughts I knew I had to believe.

    And with that, I found the courage each day to do a little something for my future - post, pay off some debt, learn. And I am so grateful to that past version of myself who tried in agony.

    The life we’ll live tomorrow will be set up by the courage we can muster today.

    #changeyourlife #subconsciousbeliefs #motivational

    Useful links:

    Web site - https://lisa-bean.com/

    Motivational membership - https://lisa-bean.com/programmes/membership/


    The Lisa Bean Podcast
    enAugust 12, 2022

    3 mins on happiness and fear - how to take action today

    3 mins on happiness and fear - how to take action today

    Happiness, like most good things - It's not a passive process. The passive process of life will see you falling into the trenches of what is easy, what is comfortable, what you've done before. Happiness requires that you actively put yourself in the way of what you want in your life, and you put yourself on the line and you risk failure.

    Everybody's terrified of failure but fear is only ever one of two things. You're afraid it will fail and you won't look good. And the other fear is fear of getting hurt.

    Here's the thing that I love, right…

    Every time you take action on something, you're basically saying, I have faith that this could work. I believe that this might turn out. I believe that if I give it a go and I commit to it, I will figure something out along the way and I'll probably end up where I want to be.

    Any time you procrastinate or hold back or make an excuse or whatever, you're basically saying, I'm fearful that this won't turn out. I’m afraid it won't work. I don't have faith in my ability to see this through.

    So if you're procrastinating on anything like putting a post out, writing a book, going to the gym, going on dating apps, remind yourself that all you're doing is protecting yourself from the fear of failure, from the fear that it won't work out.

    Well, let me tell you, you've already failed because it's never going to work out if you're not even in the game. If you literally don't give it a go, you have failed anyway. So the very thing you tried to protect yourself from, you just ran into at 100 miles an hour.

    Why do that?

    The thing that you want sits on the other side of you taking action.

    5 minutes on: How to change a subconscious belief to change your life

    5 minutes on: How to change a subconscious belief to change your life

    Changing your life is an active, not a passive, process.

    There are stories and ideas and beliefs you’re running that are stupid and mean and cruel.

    What speaker would say to themselves: “You suck! You’ll never get paid to speak!”

    What writer would say to themselves: “You’ve got nothing to say, don’t even begin!”

    What coach would say to themselves: “You don’t know enough. Don’t even think about posting that!”

    Of course, we don’t say these things out loud or even consciously. They’re thoughts, ideas, vibes we hold in our subconscious mind.

    Who cares why. Who cares where they came from.

    What I care about is this:

    1 - You define what you want to become.

    2 - You dig deep and list out how you feel about this. What ideas support you here? What fears do you have? What’s the dominant thought you have in the background around this goal?

    3 - Write it all down! Pay attention. GET CONSCIOUSNESS over the feelings you hold. Say them out loud. Put them into words.

    4 - REWRITE THEM! Rewrite the beliefs you need to hold and repeat them until your subconscious mind accepts them as truth.

    This sounds too simple to work but it literally does lol.

    A belief is JUST something we’ve repeated enough times that we hold it to be fact.

    It’s not fact!

    “I don’t have time” is an opinion, not a fact.

    “I’m not good enough” is an opinion, not a fact.

    “I don’t deserve it” is an option, not a fact.

    Don’t ignore this advice. It will change your life.

    Set your intention. Go searching for the feelings / blocks / self limiting beliefs. Put them into words. REWRITE the belief you need and repeat, repeat, repeat until you hold it to be true.


    Of course you need to back this up with action! Don’t just say stuff and return to your normal behaviours.

    Repeat the new beliefs AND use that vibe to sit down to write a post.

    Repeat the new beliefs AND use that energy to get yourself on the dating app!

    Repeat the new belief AND use that power to create a speaker bio.

    Beliefs and actions come hand in hand. Through both, we gain confidence, experience and momentum!

    Clip taken from August’s motivational membership content! This month’s topic is changing your life by changing your beliefs....


    #changeyourlife #changeyourmindset #subconsciousbeliefs 

    6 fundamental ways to change your life right NOW

    6 fundamental ways to change your life right NOW

    #howtochange #changeyourlife #changeyourmindset

    Honestly? There are only two things you have to focus on if you want to change your life now and it really is as simple as this:

    (1) How you see yourself; and, (2) The action YOU prioritise.

    It's tragic to think we know something we want and we even know how to get it and yet we simply don't do the 'one true action' that will get us there.

    It's like waking up and saying: "I'm desperate to be in shape. I know all I have to do is make better food and move a little more each day but instead I think I'll eat this entire bag of [whatever] and sit at my desk all day".

    Or "I urgently want (and need) to grow my business. To do that all I need to do is actually complete my new offer, invite more people to consider it through webinars / events / ads but instead I think I'll clear my inbox and sit and worry about the money running out."

    Why? We actually do this don't we?

    Think now of something you want. And identify the two basic things you'd have to do in order to make it happen. So why won't you do those two things? What is stopping you?

    I think it all comes down to how you see yourself and therefore the action you prioritise...

    And, I guess - focus. Is that thing in focus now? Do you bring it back into focus daily, by watching content like this and actually taking action.

    Listen! You CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE. And the changes you make today will be the life you live tomorrow. So forgive yourself for the past. Accept you're capable of change today. Press play and follow this process - 6 fundamental ways to change your life NOW.

    You can do it. It's been done before. And it will be done again.


    Interested in working with me? I run a monthly motivational membership focused on helping you 'be the person' who 'does the thing'. We focus on vision, purpose, acccctionnnn and overcoming self limiting beliefs. https://lisa-bean.com/programmes/membership/

    I run a 6 month demi-coaching programme for business owners who want to be more visible online, write their unique thought leadership (or book!) and take their place in the world. https://lisa-bean.com/programmes/edge/

    Or you can work with me 121 for a year to get some transformational done. Email me directly if you'd like to explore this - lisa@daretogrow.co.uk

    Over and out! Lisa :-) 

    The Lisa Bean Podcast
    enJuly 21, 2022

    One TRUE Action - Change your life with a project that matters

    One TRUE Action - Change your life with a project that matters

    The truth is: There is one thing you can rely on more than anything to get a result.

    Whether that’s finally changing your body, or finally getting out of debt, or finally launching that membership…

    Change comes down to one key thing: Did YOU sit your butt in the chair and do the ONE TRUE ACTION that brings about the change you want to see in your life?

    Working on the garden this month has reminded me with such power and yet such simplicity that where you focus goes, energy flows.

    Tackling a major project in your life can be daunting and there is a lot to do and a lot to overcome.

    But don't worry about steps four, five and six just yet. You're not there yet. Sit your butt in the chair (or get your butt in the garden) and just do the true action in front of you right now.

    Press play to remind yourself today of the one big goal that will change your life, find the ONE TRUE ACTION that will see it through and practice being the person who can prioritise the task.


    Want to join me for that 3-hour live workshop on 27th July, 3-6pm? Find out the full details here (free to members of Be The Person membership):



    Want access for free? You got it - join the monthly Be The Person membership for free access to this live workshop:



    Looking to work with me 121? I've got places available on Expansion Edge. Please contact me directly if you'd like to have a chat about your project and the programme.



    #changeyourlife #motivationalvideo #howtochange

    Out of character

    Out of character

    Have you realised that to change your life [insert goal - write book, scale business, change health, move, fall in love, change career], you don't just have to 'make changes', but you have to consistently act deeply 'out of character for yourself' on a consistent basis to experience the new outcome.

    Obviously, that is going to feel horrendous because you think your character is YOU.

    But it's not.

    It's just a collection of ideas, memories, beliefs and values you've come to focus on, remember and prioritise. Like a path we tread in the grass. The more we tread it, the more engrained it becomes. Your 'character' has become deeply engrained.

    With a bit of effort, we can change the path and we can change our character.

    I know this sounds crazy but...

    Everyone has a 'return to type' - a way they respond when things get tough. Let's say for example - an idea doesn't work, you're facing confrontation, you feeling out of control or exposed. In all these situations, you have a way of responding, a type you return to.

    This is why change doesn't stick because when it happens, people feel out of control and return to type, their type, their character.

    Therefore, to change your life, you must learn to change what is characteristic for you. You must act out of character.

    You ready for this work?

    Let's see...

    I hope this gives you something to think about today! ​

    Lisa :-)



    Live three hour Masterclass with The Guardian: How to find your purpose and make change happen. 

    This Wednesday 3pm - 6pm GMT. Find out more

    In her empowering, straight-talking masterclass, you will learn how to get real clarity on what you want - and how to get it. Blending seminar-style talks with interactive exercises and live-guided visualisations, you will spend time thinking deeply about your true purpose and form a plan to live through that truth to bring your dream life into reality.

    Guardian Masterclass >>


    Membership July content coming soon! Join now to clarify your vision and start acting more deeply from purpose.

    I'm busy planning July's membership content, which lands on 1st July. Meanwhile, June's is up and kicking, including a 90 minute live motivational session recorded yesterday! If you need focus, support, a boot right now, click here to learn more and join the monthly motivational membership.

    Motivational Membership >>

    The Lisa Bean Podcast
    enJune 13, 2022

    Am I Lost? [Voice Note]

    Am I Lost? [Voice Note]

    When people tell me "I'm so lost", "I don't know what my purpose is", "I don't know what I want for my life", I gently and with a little cheek reply "You know exactly what you want and what to do next, you're just not yet comfortable with the answer".

    I think deep down we all know what we want. We all know what is for us. We know the 'truth' of our next move. But, because we're human and we're good people, we can't help but think about the impact this change will have on other people, and on our own reputations. "How will this look?", "What will they say?".

    And it's just too much to bear. So we stay. And we struggle. And we explain it by declaring to ourselves "I feel so lost!".

    It helps me to realise that ACTION isn't the first stage in this process of change. Before action comes the need to ADMIT the truth, then the process of ACCEPTING that truth. Only then do we need to turn our attention to action.

    And you can take as long as you want at each stage. But there is a vital difference between engaging in this process and doing work, and ignoring it in hope things will just get better.

    So go easy on yourself, but don't ignore the truth. Break it down. Admit it first. Spend time accepting it next. And then, turn your energy to action.

    Admit. Accept. Act.

    The change you want to make in your life is inevitable. It will happen in the end. So engage positively and humanly in this process and be part of the change you want.


    I can't believe I get to announce this today. My brand new monthly membership Be The Person Who Does The Thing is now live and available to join.

    In this first month, we're diving deep on purpose, vision and the person you need to become to hold the life you want in your hands.

    Each month, there will be a brand new challenge, a worksheet and a monthly live (via Zoom) to hold you accountable, keep you focused and get you doing the work!

    It's time to engage more deeply in the process of change.

    You find out more and join here:



    Lisa x x


    #howtochange #changeyourlife

    The Lisa Bean Podcast
    enMay 31, 2022

    How to make a difficult decision (Voice note #8)

    How to make a difficult decision (Voice note #8)

    Change is a painful process. It requires we forfeit what we know and what people know of us in order to go after something our hearts desire.

    Sometimes, often in fact, we can’t explain why we want what we want, we just know that it’s right.

    It’s a feeling.

    It’s a notion.

    It’s a whisper in our hearts.

    What comes through in that whisper isn’t just clarification of the desire, but the whole programme required to meet that desire. Your desire is both the clue as to what’s next, and the map for making it happen.

    The whisper might be asking you to make room for what’s next by leaving the job, leaving the relationship, moving home, creating a studio, taking time off, booking an event.

    Or it could be showing you who you can be in the notion of a vision or an idea for a book or business.

    You know what the whisper is telling you. And you’re the only one who does. No-one can define it for you, or clarify the message. No-one can interpret it for you or help you make sense of it. Because it rarely does make sense. It’s a map, not a destination. It’s an invitation, not the party. And the answer builds with every courageous step you take.

    My instinct tells me it might be a fairly new idea but it’s far more likely to be something you’ve been hearing for a while. It's been sitting so quietly and patiently in the background, waiting for you to be ready for the truth.

    You might not realise have realised it until this moment but the whisper is the answer. It’s the path to the happiness and ease and peace you seek. And the transformation begins the moment you tune in and start to listen more fully to that whisper.

    So what is it telling you? What is for you? What is the truth?

    As you start to connect more deeply to the desire and tune into the whisper, things will start to move around you. Your tolerances change. You notice little moments of magic and ease. You start to feel the contrast of what is ‘not for you’ more heavily. You get annoyed, you feel impatient.

    What follows acknowledgement isn’t action, but decision. Before we act, we must come to terms with the whisper and decide on the change; on a course of action. You might find yourself saying: “I know what to do, but I’m scared, this is so destructive, I’m dreading doing the thing, what if this doesn’t work?”. This isn’t a bad thing. Even without action, the decision to act is a powerful thing. It says: “I am ready to be ready to act”.

    Of course, the transformation only truly moves into reality when we finally take action, inspired by the whisper. We hand in our notice. We start the blog. We have the conversation. And all hell breaks loose! But we find that we are equipped to handle it. What the whisper has been telling you isn’t just a clue, but the entire map of what is about to unfold in your life for the greatest possible good.

    So when you find yourself asking ‘What’s next?’, ‘What is this all for?’, ‘What is for me?’, don’t look outside of yourself for the answer. Be quiet and listen carefully. Your heart knows the answer and it’s been whispering it to you the whole time. 

    Acknowledge it. Make the decision. And back it up with courageous action. 

    The Lisa Bean Podcast
    enMay 25, 2022

    How to find CLARITY when you're overwhelmed in life or business - three steps to excitement & action

    How to find CLARITY when you're overwhelmed in life or business - three steps to excitement & action

    Motivational voice note from Transformational Speaker Lisa Bean: How to find clarity when you're overwhelmed and don't know which way to turn! Simple, powerful three step process you can follow right now! Join Lisa Bean live in her three hour Masterclass on purpose, hosted by The Guardian:


    #changeyourlife #findclarity #motivationalvideo

    The Lisa Bean Podcast
    enApril 26, 2022

    Not making sales in your online business? Try these five sales activities before you quit!

    Not making sales in your online business? Try these five sales activities before you quit!

    When a new client says to me: "Lisa, I'm just not making enough sales in my online business", the first thing I ask is:

    "Okay, how much time did you spend this month on pitching offers, speaking to customers, hosting webinars, telling people about your online course or membership or coaching programme?"

    The answer is always "Erm, well...".

    Business is not a joke. It doesn't have to be a punishment, but it's not a joke. You can't sit still, posting things on social media, and hope the sales will follow. They won't. I know this is really direct but sometimes we need the reminder: Bold results come from bold action.

    To sell in business you must create a process that educates your prospective clients on who you are, on what you do and on how your offer will give them what they truly desire.

    This means:

    1. Crafting an offer people want to buy.

    2. Demonstrating that you can help your client get what they want faster or more easily or with less pain or effort, through your unique process or approach.

    3. Turning up where customers are and pitching for their custom. This means running webinars, sharing PDFs, opening the doors, hopping on discovery calls, making it clear you have an amazing offer and highlighting the benefits with testimonials.

    4. Continuing to show up for yourself and your future clients, continuing to learn and adapting the process to suit your style and your life.

    Remember: Posting on social media is not selling. It's a good thing; it will help you to build your brand and build trust, but you will only start making sales in a scalable way when you build a process that introduces you to new clients, adds value, educates them on how you can help and pitches an offer...regularly, in a scalable way. The more automated, the better! But this can be a manual process to begin with.

    Press play for five key sales activities you can bring into focus today.


    I mentioned my 30 page business sales guide in the video - Stop Faffing, Start Scaling. Click here to learn more and download your free copy: https://daretogrow.co.uk/sixfigures/.

    If you'd like to learn about my split freebie approach, for building an online marketing funnel, click here to watch the 45 minute webinar. In this energetic video, I show you the methodology I teach my clients, and offer some insights and words of wisdom to get you taking bigger action today: https://daretogrow.kartra.com/page/8mO26

    Interested in working with me? Pre-Ex Business School is my 14 month online training and mentoring programme for purpose-driven entrepreneurs who are serious about learning how to build a business, how to sell ethically, and how to scale up using online marketing. Learn more here. https://daretogrow.kartra.com/page/Preex

    Over and out!

    #businesscoach #howtosell #onlinesales

    The Lisa Bean Podcast
    enApril 20, 2022

    ONE EPIC QUESTION to fall back in love with your online business (Motivational) [Voice Note #7]

    ONE EPIC QUESTION to fall back in love with your online business (Motivational) [Voice Note #7]
    Ah man it happens to everyone! One day you wake up and you've just had enough. Or you're tired. Or it's not working. And you don't want to do it anymore. Sometimes you've drifted off track. Sometimes you're working too hard for too little. Sometimes you're just a little burnt out.

    And you feel like throwing in the towel.

    Well, STOP. Wait. Please. Let me ask you ONE QUESTION that can reinvigorate you love for your business, for business in general and for life!

    Bold claim. Let's see if I can live up to it!

    Press play. 

    P.s. Here's the link to the Guardian masterclass I mentioned: 

    "How to find your purpose and make change happen, with Lisa Bean"


    #onlinebusiness #businesscoach #businessburnout

    The Lisa Bean Podcast
    enApril 11, 2022