
    The Manage 2 Win Podcast

    The Manage 2 Win Podcast is hosted by author, speaker, and leadership coach David Russell, and features an ongoing series of conversations, stories, and advice on entrepreneurship, business, leadership, and company culture, including how to hire, manage, develop, and retain great people.
    enManage 2 Win237 Episodes

    Episodes (237)

    #197 – Recruiting Tips From Chase Kocher & David Russell

    #197 – Recruiting Tips From Chase Kocher & David Russell

    How do I recruit and retain the best talent for my company?

    According to LinkedIn, an average of only 8% of people who view your job posting will apply. 

    If this doesn’t concern you, then it should.  How do you attract and hire superstars when most of them are happy in their current jobs and not even looking?  Then, you convince some people to consider joining your company and only 8% of them apply?

    David and today’s guest, Chase Kocher, the founder & CEO of Aim4Hire, talk about hiring.  Not just when to use a recruiter, like Aim4Hire, but lots of other hiring challenges.  There are plenty of quick tips in this podcast that can help you hire the best and avoid the rest, including asking the right interview questions and knowing salary expectations.

    Aim4Hire, a boutique recruiting agency that partners with top tech startups in the booming market of Austin, TX. 

    Join the podcast.  One hiring tip can make all the difference in your next conversation with a great candidate for your company.

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/41rIZOQ

    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast

    Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0

    Manage2Win: https://www.manage2win.com/podcast 


    This Manage 2 Win Podcast episode is brought to you by Habitly.  I (David) review Habitly best practices regularly, and teach these essential people skills to clients weekly.  This advice has changed my life, and made millions for our clients.

    I started developing Habitly content in 2004.  Habitly’s powerful best practices have now been taught to thousands of people worldwide.  For instance, you can learn how to Create time in your day;  Get more from meetings;  Stay calm;  Achieve significant targets;  and Become a great leader.  Simply study and apply the expert knowledge provided in Habitly courses and micro-learning episodes.

    Whether you’re just out of college, or someone with over 20 years work experience, learn the habits of highly successful people on Habitly. 

    Test drive Habitly for 7 days on us!  This includes full access to the entire Habitly knowledgebase – www.habitly.com.

    The Manage 2 Win Podcast
    enNovember 06, 2022

    #196 – Business Optimization Tips From 400 Startups with Jon Darbyshire

    #196 – Business Optimization Tips From 400 Startups with Jon Darbyshire
    Work smarter, not harder.  Are you ready for this challenge?

    Jon Darbyshire believes a shared vision of “helping teams be more productive by working smarter” enriches culture, promotes accountability, and empowers collaboration through automation.  

    In 2021, Jon Darbyshire and his team launched SmartSuite, a work management platform that manages any process, from any industry, on one platform.  This podcast is different for David, our host, because he chose to ask questions about SmartSuite to confirm how well it aligns with his own best practices. 

    This is not a product demo or pitch.  The conversation weaves Jon’s experience with David 50 years in business.  Although the framework of the conversation is SmartSuite, Jon and David discuss many of the best practices they have learned through their decades of experience and hundreds of companies they have helped.

    Jon has invested in over 400 startups, and it has been a learning process.  David has advised over 1,000 organizations through his consulting and workshops.  What makes one startup overcome its challenges whereas another stumbles or fails? 

    Prior to SmartSuite, Jon ran the Archer Foundation. The mission of the foundation is to advance entrepreneurial achievement, extend the reach of community service programs, and foster educational opportunities for students and single mothers.  Prior to that, he was CEO & Founder of Archer Technologies, and held leadership positions at Ernst Young and Price Waterhouse.

    Learn how to optimize workflow to save time and improve results in this engaging episode.

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/41rIZOQ

    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast

    Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0

    Manage2Win: https://www.manage2win.com/podcast  


    This Manage 2 Win Podcast episode is brought to you by Habitly.  I (David) review Habitly best practices regularly, and teach these essential people skills to clients weekly.  This advice has changed my life, and made millions for our clients.

    I started developing Habitly content in 2004.  Habitly’s powerful best practices have now been taught to thousands of people worldwide.  For instance, you can learn how to Create time in your day;  Get more from meetings;  Stay calm;  Achieve significant targets;  and Become a great leader.  Simply study and apply the expert knowledge provided in Habitly courses and micro-learning episodes.

    Whether you’re just out of college, or someone with over 20 years work experience, learn the habits of highly successful people on Habitly. 

    Test drive Habitly for 7 days on us!  This includes full access to the entire Habitly knowledgebase – www.habitly.com.

    #195 – The “X Factor” of EQ and Agile Leadership with Chuck Mollor

    #195 – The “X Factor” of EQ and Agile Leadership with Chuck Mollor

    Many leaders want employees who are a good cultural fit for their company, but few take the time to establish a culture of psychological safety for employees.

    Chuck Mollor emphasizes the importance of emotional intelligence in leadership so you can have proactive employees who fully embrace your culture, and you provide them the psychological safety they need to thrive in your organization.

    Chuck is a recognized expert in leadership effectiveness.  He has authored a best-selling book on Amazon titled, The Rise of The Agile Leader: Can You Make the Shift?  He trains companies how psychological safety is a competitive advantage that can maximize employee engagement and innovation.

    Where did Chuck gain his EQ and realize an X-Factor to hyper-growth?

    It started back in 1999, when Chuck received feedback from people he was leading.  He tells us how those harsh comments allowed him to see his "blind spots" in leadership, which at the time were not pleasant to learn.  However, his courage in embracing the perspective of others transformed him into a better leader.  This “new Chuck Mollor” then became the company's next CEO and he grew the company substantially.

    In this episode, Chuck explains how to put relationships first, while still delivering excellence as a rapidly growing organization.  He describes how his best practices have helped leaders just like you advance to their “next level.”  How?  By simplifying the complexities of modern leadership and creating a culture reflective of your organization’s purpose, vision, and values.

    Chuck (Charlie) is the founder and CEO of MCG Partners, a consulting firm specializing in leadership and talent optimization.  For over 30 years, he has helped clients align business and people strategy for maximum results.  As a recognized expert in leadership effectiveness, Chuck specializes in coaching and advising senior executives and leadership teams through times of rapid-growth, M&A, and change. Are you looking for the X-Factor that is the tipping point for your company’s next round of growth?  Join the podcast to hear Chuck explain his map to reach your destination.


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    This Manage 2 Win Podcast episode is brought to you by Habitly.  I (David) review Habitly best practices regularly, and teach these essential people skills to clients weekly.  This advice has changed my life, and made millions for our clients.

    I started developing Habitly content in 2004.  Habitly’s powerful best practices have now been taught to thousands of people worldwide.  For instance, you can learn how to Create time in your day;  Get more from meetings;  Stay calm;  Achieve significant targets;  and Become a great leader.  Simply study and apply the expert knowledge provided in Habitly courses and micro-learning episodes.

    Whether you’re just out of college, or someone with over 20 years work experience, learn the habits of highly successful people on Habitly. 

    Test drive Habitly for 7 days on us!  This includes full access to the entire Habitly knowledgebase – www.habitly.com.

    The Manage 2 Win Podcast
    enNovember 01, 2022

    #194 – Learn to Talk for Outcomes Rather Than Yourself - Sean Mahar

    #194 – Learn to Talk for Outcomes Rather Than Yourself - Sean Mahar

    Can you imagine watching a video of your day in the last 24 hours?

    If you are humble enough, it will be clear you could have used better words, a different tone of voice, and had a better attitude as you interacted with others to achieve a result.  Even if that result was something simple, like agreeing to a request someone else made. 

    Sean Mahar believes the world will get better when we became more conscious of how our communication affects other people.

    In this episode, Sean shares examples of leaders who overcam bad communication habits and the results were better relationships, increased financial success, and tremendous time savings.

    His book, Stop Wasting Words, can help anyone improve how they communicate with others.  In today’s podcast, you get to learn some of Sean’s most powerful tips on how you can adapt your interactions with others to improve the outcomes of those conversations.  His wisdom applies to both personal and professional situations.

    Could you communicate more effectively?  

    Join this podcast to hear Sean explain how you can develop one new, powerful communication habit, or take one of your conversational strengths to a new level.


    This Manage 2 Win Podcast episode is brought to you by Habitly.  I (David) review Habitly best practices regularly, and teach these essential people skills to clients weekly.  This advice has changed my life, and made millions for our clients.

    I started developing Habitly content in 2004.  Habitly’s powerful best practices have now been taught to thousands of people worldwide.  For instance, you can learn how to Create time in your day;  Get more from meetings;  Stay calm;  Achieve significant targets;  and Become a great leader.  Simply study and apply the expert knowledge provided in Habitly courses and micro-learning episodes.

    Whether you’re just out of college, or someone with over 20 years work experience, learn the habits of highly successful people on Habitly. 

    Test drive Habitly for 7 days on us!  This includes full access to the entire Habitly knowledgebase – www.habitly.com.

    The Manage 2 Win Podcast
    enOctober 30, 2022

    #193 - After 28 Years at HP, Tom Hardison Hit a Wall. Learn How He Recovered

    #193 - After 28 Years at HP, Tom Hardison Hit a Wall. Learn How He Recovered

    “It took me 28 years to realize that I needed to change my life, that my leadership skills were no longer enough,” Tom Hardison explained to our audience.

    His role at Hewlett Packard had changed and his youngest son had decided to drop out of school.  His very fulfilling life and successful career had diverted onto a rocky road with difficult to navigate potholes.  Things were not working as easily as before. 

    Tom knew he must make changes, but where?  One of the first mistakes he identified was the fact he was not really listening to his son or his wife, and fully considering what they had to say. 

    To breakthrough his challenges required a new set of leadership skills that would allow him to resolve new, or previously overlooked, complexities in his life.  This was true even though as an engineer, he had very strong analytical and problem-solving skills.

    But how to change?

    Tom was caught in a system of processing information and making decisions that blocked him from receiving and evaluating critical data, and fully engaging with people whom he cared most about -  personally and professionally.  This significantly limited his ability to resolve problems. 

    One symptom he identified was that when he was stuck, he made his strengths into "giants" that got in the way of everything he tried to do.  For instance, he was driver, but under this intense pressure, he drove his people too hard.  This hurt his relationships with others and the stress he caused limited their ability to resolve issues.

    To get unstuck, he decided to try watching and listening more, and asking more questions. 

    This led Tom to develop a new system of leadership to overcome the stressful challenges facing him.  He calls this approach, generative leadership

    Are you stuck?  Could you be less stressed?  Do any members of your leadership team struggle in these areas?  If so, join us to hear Tom’s story and solution. 


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    This Manage 2 Win Podcast episode is brought to you by Habitly.  I (David) review Habitly best practices regularly, and teach these essential people skills to clients weekly.  This advice has changed my life, and made millions for our clients.

    I started developing Habitly content in 2004.  Habitly’s powerful best practices have now been taught to thousands of people worldwide.  For instance, you can learn how to Create time in your day;  Get more from meetings;  Stay calm;  Achieve significant targets;  and Become a great leader.  Simply study and apply the expert knowledge provided in Habitly courses and micro-learning episodes.

    Whether you’re just out of college, or someone with over 20 years work experience, learn the habits of highly successful people on Habitly. 

    Test drive Habitly for 7 days on us!  This includes full access to the entire Habitly knowledgebase – www.habitly.com.

    #192 – Are You Ready to “Have It All”? - Vena Sterling can Help

    #192 – Are You Ready to “Have It All”? - Vena Sterling can Help

    We have been told that, "Your personal life stays at home." 

    But seasoned leaders know this is fable, not fact.  For some, this lesson is learned when their personal lives (including our past traumas) directly, but unconsciously affect their workflow as entrepreneurs. 

    Have you seen someone’s personal habits spillover into the workplace, or experienced it yourself? 

    For instance: 

    Have you ever felt guilty for eating your lunch rather than just working nonstop?  

    Do you struggle to lead a team because you want to avoid confrontation, or it is more comfortable to make assumptions rather than communicate more and get ahead of your people and lead? 

     In this episode with Vena Sterling, we talk about how she has discovered the importance of recognizing these factors and working on them.  Vena explains life doesn't get better just by becoming a great entrepreneur, it vastly improves when you learn to develop the skills that give you freedom. 

    Vena learned her lessons the hard way.  She was very successful as a real estate attorney for big commercial firms in New York and Florida.  But she had to stop when her over-the-top work ethic led to burnout.  Only then did she learn the power of teamwork, and choose to dedicate her career to helping women leaders avoid her prior bad habits. 

    Vena Sterling is an ICF-certified executive coach and strategic advisor who empowers entrepreneurs to build high-performing teams that create more wealth, legacy and freedom. She specializes in working with women founders and CEOs who are committed to achieving their version of having it all.  

    Vena has 20+ years of experience in the legal, corporate, and higher-education sectors with a focus on wellness, culture transformation, and leading remote and hybrid teams.  Prior to pursuing her calling as a coach and consultant, Vena graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Law School, and practiced commercial real estate law with large firms in New York and South Florida.  

    Listen in to learn how to create strategies to avoid burnout and maximize how your team is working together! 


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    This Manage 2 Win Podcast episode is brought to you by Habitly I (David) review Habitly best practices regularly, and teach these essential people skills to clients weekly.  This advice has changed my life, and made millions for our clients. 

    I started developing Habitly content in 2004.  Habitly’s powerful best practices have now been taught to thousands of people worldwide.  For instance, you can learn how to Create time in your day;  Get more from meetings;  Stay calm;  Achieve significant targets;  and Become a great leader.  Simply study and apply the expert knowledge provided in Habitly courses and micro-learning episodes 

    Whether you’re just out of college, or someone with over 20 years work experience, learn the habits of highly successful people on Habitly.   

    Test drive Habitly for 7 days on us!  This includes full access to the entire Habitly knowledgebase – www.habitly.com. 

    The Manage 2 Win Podcast
    enOctober 24, 2022

    #191 – How to Grow Your Business 5X in 1 Year - John Nieuwenburg

    #191 – How to Grow Your Business 5X in 1 Year - John Nieuwenburg

    Are you struggling to find time to catch up with your to-do list?  

    Time management is an underrated skill, but it has always been the best secret held by the most successful leaders.  

    John Nieuwenburg has been trying to spread the word on this secret since 2004, when he started coaching business owners. He has helped over 320 small business owners increase profit, remove the stress and chaos from their businesses and get their lives back. Before becoming a business coach, John was president of BC Liquor Stores which currently does over 3 billion dollars in sales annually with a headcount of 4,000 people. In 2019, MacKay CEO Forums awarded John with Canada's CEO Trusted Advisor Award in the Small Business category. 

    In this episode John Nieuwenburg shares with us three important points about the big challenges small businesses owners are facing today: time, team, and money. 

    Leaders must have great time management skills, as “people are always reactive instead of proactive.” 

    So, the question today for all of us is: How do you allocate your time to match your priorities?”  

    Join David and find out! 


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    This Manage 2 Win Podcast episode is brought to you by Habitly I (David) review Habitly best practices regularly, and teach these essential people skills to clients weekly.  This advice has changed my life, and made millions for our clients. 

    I started developing Habitly content in 2004.  Habitly’s powerful best practices have now been taught to thousands of people worldwide.  For instance, you can learn how to Create time in your day;  Get more from meetings;  Stay calm;  Achieve significant targets;  and Become a great leader.  Simply study and apply the expert knowledge provided in Habitly courses and micro-learning episodes 

    Whether you’re just out of college, or someone with over 20 years work experience, learn the habits of highly successful people on Habitly.   

    Test drive Habitly for 7 days on us!  This includes full access to the entire Habitly knowledgebase – www.habitly.com. 

    The Manage 2 Win Podcast
    enOctober 20, 2022

    #190 – Damien Filiatrault Teaches Remote Work & Software Dev

    #190 – Damien Filiatrault Teaches Remote Work & Software Dev

    Hate it or love it, remote work is not going away any time soon. 

    By now, most people are used to remote working. But what about hiring and leading? 

    Damien Filiatrault is fluent in both aspects. He is the founder and CEO of Scalable Path, a software staffing agency that matches leading companies and startups with vetted, remote software developers.  

    Since Scalable Path was founded in 2010, the company has amassed a freelance network of over 23,000 software developers in 177 countries. A powerful remote workforce. 

    Previously, he headed PHP development at SolutionSet, where he spent five months managing a team of developers in Goa, India. Damien has held sales and marketing positions at notable San Francisco technology companies, including Evite and CNET Networks. 

    Through his work at Scalable Path, Damien has helped developers in Latin America and other regions connect to the global talent marketplace and improve their quality of life. He also cares deeply for the environment and has pledged 10% of all Scalable Path profits to climate change prevention. 

    Vetting and hiring as many developers as Scalable Path has done may seem like a tough task. Especially when you must find the right fit for each client remotely.  

    What challenges do they continue to face as a growing remote business? 

    Join David and find out! 


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    This Manage 2 Win Podcast episode is brought to you by Habitly I (David) review Habitly best practices regularly, and teach these essential people skills to clients weekly.  This advice has changed my life, and made millions for our clients. 

    I started developing Habitly content in 2004.  Habitly’s powerful best practices have now been taught to thousands of people worldwide.  For instance, you can learn how to Create time in your day;  Get more from meetings;  Stay calm;  Achieve significant targets;  and Become a great leader.  Simply study and apply the expert knowledge provided in Habitly courses and micro-learning episodes 

    Whether you’re just out of college, or someone with over 20 years work experience, learn the habits of highly successful people on Habitly.   

    First 7 days free, including access to the entire Habitly knowledgebase – www.habitly.com. 

    The Manage 2 Win Podcast
    enOctober 17, 2022

    #189 – Michael Yinger Talks Networking and Dancing with EID+B

    #189 – Michael Yinger Talks Networking and Dancing with EID+B

    “You HAVE TO build your network early.” Dig your well before you’re thirsty. 

    These are the words of Michael Yinger, a high-performance, forward-thinking executive with 20+ years of experience in building teams, managing global organizations, and providing strategic guidance to C-Suite and Board of Directors. 

    Michael is the founder and current board member of ResumeSieve, an AI-powered candidate evaluation platform designed to ignore biases and look purely at talent. Michael has been in the talent acquisition space for almost 20 years and he believes that by removing human biases in the recruitment process, companies are able to hire a more diverse and more effective workforce. 

    Join David as Michael spills some knowledge from his vast experience concerning networking and implementing the EID+B process when hiring. 

    How and where do you successfully network? How important is it to network? How do you successfully hire while considering the diversity of your company?  

    These are questions that at some point or another have crossed the mind of most leaders. Fortunately for us, Michael has some answers on how to step out of your comfort zone with these topics. 

    Listen to the podcast on:  


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    This Manage 2 Win Podcast episode is brought to you by Habitly I (David) review Habitly best practices regularly, and teach these essential people skills to clients weekly.  This advice has changed my life, and made millions for our clients. 

    I started developing Habitly content in 2004.  Habitly’s powerful best practices have now been taught to thousands of people worldwide.  For instance, you can learn how to Create time in your day;  Get more from meetings;  Stay calm;  Achieve significant targets;  and Become a great leader.  Simply study and apply the expert knowledge provided in Habitly courses and micro-learning episodes 

    Whether you’re just out of college, or someone with over 20 years work experience, learn the habits of highly successful people on Habitly.   

    First 7 days free, including access to the entire Habitly knowledgebase – www.habitly.com. 

    #188 – Andrew Wolgemuth Explains How to Scale When Each Client is Unique

    #188 – Andrew Wolgemuth Explains How to Scale When Each Client is Unique

    While serving in the U.S. Army Rangers, he had a training accident which broke his neck. After overcoming his injury, he became the co-founder of a unique jewelry entrepreneurship. 

    Andrew Wolgemuth grew up in the jewelry business with two entrepreneurial parents who started a small jewelry shop when he was a child. Living above the store for most of his childhood Andrew was immersed in the industry. 

    He is currently the Founder and CEO of Wove. He previously served as a Platoon Leader and Deputy Commander in the U.S. Army’s 75th Ranger Regiment, leading a team of 40 Special Operators in unconventional environments around the World. 

    Andrew started Wove while serving in the U.S. Army Rangers by sending realistic replicas to his friends overseas who were looking to purchase a ring while on deployment. This was the start of the Wove custom design process and home-try-on replica experience. 

    Would you send a multi-thousand-dollar engagement ring across the world?  

    This was the question for many of the men serving who wished to propose. Andrew saw the opportunity to help these people while using the knowledge his family business had given him.  

    This is a great story on resourcefulness, ingenuity and overcoming the difficult challenges life throws at us.  

    Join David as he takes the journey through Andrew’s life and successful business. 

    Listen to the podcast on:  


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    This Manage 2 Win Podcast episode is brought to you by Habitly I (David) review Habitly best practices regularly, and teach these essential people skills to clients weekly.  This advice has changed my life, and made millions for our clients. 

    I started developing Habitly content in 2004.  Habitly’s powerful best practices have now been taught to thousands of people worldwide.  For instance, you can learn how to Create time in your day;  Get more from meetings;  Stay calm;  Achieve significant targets;  and Become a great leader.  Simply study and apply the expert knowledge provided in Habitly courses and micro-learning episodes 

    Whether you’re just out of college, or someone with over 20 years work experience, learn the habits of highly successful people on Habitly.   

    First 7 days free, including access to the entire Habitly knowledgebase – www.habitly.com. 

    #187 – Gabriela Pulido on Entering Spanish-Speaking Markets

    #187 – Gabriela Pulido on Entering Spanish-Speaking Markets

    Would you know how to change up your business strategy if you had to relocate to a Spanish speaking community? 

    No? Well, the U.S. is now the fourth country with the highest number of Spanish speakers worldwide. Can you really afford not to know the answer to a question like this? 

    Gabriela Pulido has worked with over 300 brands, on a global, Latin America and Hispanics levels, providing the ability to guide clients into implementing best in class branding and communication solutions. Her clients include Amerant, Endeavor Miami, Miami Symphony Orchestra, Shelton Academy, Insigneo, Lifeinvest, Gama, Empresas Polar, Mercantil, Puntored, Cafam, Avianca, Nestlé, Puntacana Resort & Club, among others. 

    She has served as a founding partner, CEO, director, advisor, and mentor in different companies as well as non-profit organizations. Graduated in industrial engineering from Columbia University in New York ‘92 and MBA IESA ’97. Recently she pivoted her company towards solving creative scalability challenges and created Scalto. 

    Join Gabriela and David as they discuss the strategies that have helped her network and find success inside these markets.  

    Listen to the podcast on:  


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    This Manage 2 Win Podcast episode is brought to you by Habitly I (David) review Habitly best practices regularly, and teach these essential people skills to clients weekly.  This advice has changed my life, and made millions for our clients. 

    I started developing Habitly content in 2004.  Habitly’s powerful best practices have now been taught to thousands of people worldwide.  For instance, you can learn how to Create time in your day;  Get more from meetings;  Stay calm;  Achieve significant targets;  and Become a great leader.  Simply study and apply the expert knowledge provided in Habitly courses and micro-learning episodes 

    Whether you’re just out of college, or someone with over 20 years work experience, learn the habits of highly successful people on Habitly.   

    Test drive Habitly for 7 days on us!  This includes full access to the entire Habitly knowledgebase – www.habitly.com. 

    #186 – Andrew Rosener, World’s Largest Domain Broker, Warns to Own All Your IP

    #186 – Andrew Rosener, World’s Largest Domain Broker, Warns to Own All Your IP

    Do you think ZOOM would be every bit as successful if their domain name was “hurry.com” while their brand name stayed the same? 

    Andrew Rosener, who is responsible for the acquisition of Zoom.com by ZOOM is considered a domain name guru, and one of the largest domain brokers in the world.  

    He’s also a Domain Investor, Digital Asset Investor and pioneer in domain name valuation methodology.  He has completed more than $500 Million in domain name transactions and has been involved in Bitcoin and other crypto currencies since 2013. 

    The industry leader in third party escrow services, has recognized Andrew and his firm, MediaOptions.com, as the #1 or #2 Domain Broker in the World since 2013 when they began the Award.  He has also won and been nominated for many other awards, including Domain Name Hall of Fame and Domain Investor of the Year. 

    Furthermore, Andrew Rosener is the creator of the Rosener Equation, an algorithm that determines the full objective end user or retail value for premium generic .com domain names. 

    We weren’t exaggerating when we labeled him a domain name guru. 

    The importance of owning your own IP, when and why to do so, for how much and in which cases. If you’ve ever had a single doubt about your company’s IP and the importance it can have, this is exactly the episode for you to listen to. 

    Join David as he interviews Andrew on his journey and everything domain related. 

    Listen to the podcast on:  

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    This Manage 2 Win Podcast episode is brought to you by Habitly I (David) review Habitly best practices regularly, and teach these essential people skills to clients weekly.  This advice has changed my life, and made millions for our clients. 

    I started developing Habitly content in 2004.  Habitly’s powerful best practices have now been taught to thousands of people worldwide.  For instance, you can learn how to Create time in your day;  Get more from meetings;  Stay calm;  Achieve significant targets;  and Become a great leader.  Simply study and apply the expert knowledge provided in Habitly courses and micro-learning episodes 

    Whether you’re just out of college, or someone with over 20 years work experience, learn the habits of highly successful people on Habitly.   

    First 7 days free, including access to the entire Habitly knowledgebase – www.habitly.com. 

    #185 – Rob Ferguson Explains Business with a Family Focus and the Reverse

    #185 – Rob Ferguson Explains Business with a Family Focus and the Reverse

    In 1970 the average life cycle for a family business was around 62 years.  Today it is only 24 years.  What went wrong along the way? 

    To get to the bottom of this, David talked to an expert on the topic, Rob Ferguson.   

    Rob has been a trusted advisor to family businesses since 2010.  Prior to becoming an advisor, Rob had a distinguished career in leadership – including ten years as a CEO at 2 different companies.   

    In his current role, Rob has led companies through 10x growth, helped turn struggling companies around, and has conducted more than $100 million in acquisitions.  Rob's company, Ferguson Alliance, is on a mission to increase the lifespan of family businesses.  Rob believes that with the right foundation in place, family businesses can live infinitely. 

    What mistakes shorten the lifecycle of family businesses by 38 years compared to 50 years ago?  And flip the question to ask, what are the strengths they should focus on?   

    David and Rob got into the weeds about family business so you can hear some of the key answers to these questions on this podcast.  Listen if you are a family business that wants to be your best, or another entrepreneur who simply wants inside info on some of the strongest businesses across the world. 


    This Manage 2 Win Podcast episode is brought to you by Habitly I (David) review Habitly best practices regularly, and teach these essential people skills to clients weekly.  This advice has changed my life, and made millions for our clients. 

    I started developing Habitly content in 2004.  Habitly’s powerful best practices have now been taught to thousands of people worldwide.  For instance, you can learn how to Create time in your day;  Get more from meetings;  Stay calm;  Achieve significant targets;  and become a great leader.  Simply study and apply the expert knowledge provided in Habitly courses and micro-learning episodes 

    Whether you’re just out of college, or someone with over 20 years work experience, learn the habits of highly successful people on Habitly.   

    Test drive Habitly for 7 days on us!  This includes full access to the entire Habitly knowledgebase – www.habitly.com. 

    #184 – Can Dr. Lonnie Herman Heal Where Others Have Failed?

    #184 – Can Dr. Lonnie Herman Heal Where Others Have Failed?

    Dr. Lonnie Herman focuses on healing people from an “incurable” and progressively devastating disease, such as Lupus, Parkinson’s Disease, MS, or Fibromyalgia.   

     Can he actually do it? 

    This podcast does not confirm or deny the results Dr. Herman says he is achieving.  David simply talks with Dr. Herman about his process, the time it takes to see results, and whether his approach always works. 

    By the way, no medical approach always works because the patient’s issue might be too far advanced.  However, Dr. Herman is meeting with people of all ages from all over the world who feel they have exhausted all the possible medical alternatives, spent a lot of money, and not been healed or gotten worse. 

    David’s conclusion is part of Dr. Herman’s approach is his own adaptation of homeopathy.  Here’s a western medicine assessment of homeopathy, and a quick overview by the American Institute of Homeopathy.  Dr. Herman did not confirm this in this podcast. 

    This conversation is intriguing.  Dr. Herman is clearly passionate about healing people.  The design of his website is very hard sell, which is a yellow flag , but that may be just that he got bad advice on the design.  However, it has a ton of information plus a long list of video and text testimonials that indicate he is having success. 

    Dr. Herman also has a lot of videos on YouTube, and shares plenty of details on his emotional impact resonance exam.  He has dozens of people endorsing his work and saying their lives are changed from his services. 

    We cannot endorse Dr. Herman, but we like the guy.  We hope he’s the real deal and continues to help people overcome their health challenges.  Why not join the podcast and make your own decision? 


    This Manage 2 Win Podcast episode is brought to you by Habitly I (David) review Habitly best practices regularly, and teach these essential people skills to clients weekly.  This advice has changed my life, and made millions for our clients. 

    I started developing Habitly content in 2004.  Habitly’s powerful best practices have now been taught to thousands of people worldwide.  For instance, you can learn how to Create time in your day;  Get more from meetings;  Stay calm;  Achieve significant targets;  and Become a great leader.  Simply study and apply the expert knowledge provided in Habitly courses and micro-learning episodes 

    Whether you’re just out of college, or someone with over 20 years work experience, learn the habits of highly successful people on Habitly.  

    First 7 days free, including access to the entire Habitly knowledgebase – www.habitly.com. 

    The Manage 2 Win Podcast
    enSeptember 26, 2022

    #183 – James Malley Believes Cartonization Can Help Save the Planet. Really?

    #183 – James Malley Believes Cartonization Can Help Save the Planet.  Really?

    Fed-EX and UPS ship a combined 41 MILLION packages a day.  How much of an impact is this having on the environment? 

    James Malley is an expert in cartonization.  He is the CEO and Co-Founder of Paccurate, a company which focuses on helping the environment by utilizing technology to achieve cost-efficient packaging.  This is aiding to make a dent in the amount of carton used daily for packages all around the world. 

    James has been working in the logistics tech space since 2009.  He has helped create a variety of enterprise shipping technology.  He spearheaded the design of an award-winning multi-carrier TMS and has been evangelizing the use of AI to achieve cost-efficient and environmentally sustainable packing since 2015. 

    What can cartonization really do to help?  Join David to understand the challenges they have faced in a niche industry, as well as the specifics to what they are doing to aid the planet.  

    If you wonder why your box from amazon is 10-times larger than the product they have shipped you, listen to this podcast and learn what Paccurate is doing to help. 


    This Manage 2 Win Podcast episode is brought to you by Habitly I (David) review Habitly best practices regularly, and teach these essential people skills to clients weekly.  This advice has changed my life, and made millions for our clients. 

    I started developing Habitly content in 2004.  Habitly’s powerful best practices have now been taught to thousands of people worldwide.  For instance, you can learn how to Create time in your day;  Get more from meetings;  Stay calm;  Achieve significant targets;  and Become a great leader.  Simply study and apply the expert knowledge provided in Habitly courses and micro-learning episodes 

    Whether you’re just out of college, or someone with over 20 years work experience, learn the habits of highly successful people on Habitly.   

    Test drive Habitly for 7 days on us!  This includes full access to the entire Habitly knowledgebase – www.habitly.com. 

    The Manage 2 Win Podcast
    enSeptember 21, 2022

    #182 – John David Latta Turned Back a Fear of Death and Failure – Learn How

    #182 – John David Latta Turned Back a Fear of Death and Failure – Learn How

    20 years ago, everything that could have gone wrong in a person’s life did.  And what followed was a daily, pounding fear of death and failure.  

    John David Latta was a single dad with two children facing rock bottom, loneliness, and bankruptcy.  Hard work, arguments and logic were getting him nowhere, the competition was tough, and he was in over his head.  

    In his new book, The Synchronicity of Love, John shares the stories of what happened while at rock bottom.  His book seeks to inspire, uplift, heal, shock, awaken and transform people as he shares his journey of courageously battling the “negativity committee” in his mind to develop more powerful, positive, life-giving habits and beliefs.  

    Join David as John shares parts of his personal transformation.  (Yes, he did make it out of his dark hole.  But how?)  We are all wounded.  John’s stories may inspire you to revisit past trauma that is holding you back today – in love, business, money, relationships, health and so much more.  

    Even the most stuck, rigid, and unpleasant people can transform in amazing ways.  Don’t miss the chance to learn how John did it. 


    This Manage 2 Win Podcast episode is brought to you by Habitly I (David) review Habitly best practices regularly, and teach these essential people skills to clients weekly.  This advice has changed my life, and made millions for our clients. 

    I started developing Habitly content in 2004.  Habitly’s powerful best practices have now been taught to thousands of people worldwide.  For instance, you can learn how to Create time in your day;  Get more from meetings;  Stay calm;  Achieve significant targets;  and Become a great leader.  Simply study and apply the expert knowledge provided in Habitly courses and micro-learning episodes 

    Whether you’re just out of college, or someone with over 20 years work experience, learn the habits of highly successful people on Habitly.   

    Test drive Habitly for 7 days on us!  This includes full access to the entire Habitly knowledgebase – www.habitly.com. 

    The Manage 2 Win Podcast
    enSeptember 19, 2022

    #181 – Curtis L. Jenkins Explains How to Connect Your Vision to Reality

    #181 – Curtis L. Jenkins Explains How to Connect Your Vision to Reality

    Too many people are working hard... Instead of working smart.  

    Curtis Jenkins specializes in solving exactly that by helping small business owners develop strategies to grow their businesses from a small size to 7-8 figures.  He does this through a 5-step process called, The Realization Framework Experience, which allows owners of small companies to work as smart, large companies would.   

    Curtis is a graduate of the Fox School of Business and Management at Temple University, where he earned his bachelor’s degree in business administration, and The Warton School of the University of Pennsylvania, where he earned a master’s degree in management of technology.  He is also an author, entrepreneur, and has been a project management executive for more than 20 years.   

    His latest book, Vision to Reality, Stop Working, Start Living, comes on the heels of his prior best-selling book, The Only Job Search Book You Will Ever Need.  It helps those seeking career independence avoid the pitfalls of entrepreneurship and make their vision a reality.  

    Have you stopped living and you’re just working?  Are you simply working too much?  

    Join this podcast to hear Curtis explain real-life examples of his work that continues to enable small businesses to stop struggling and start thriving. 


    This Manage 2 Win Podcast episode is brought to you by Habitly I (David) review Habitly best practices regularly, and teach these essential people skills to clients weekly.  This advice has changed my life, and made millions for our clients. 

    I started developing Habitly content in 2004.  Habitly’s powerful best practices have now been taught to thousands of people worldwide.  For instance, you can learn how to Create time in your day;  Get more from meetings;  Stay calm;  Achieve significant targets;  and Become a great leader.  Simply study and apply the expert knowledge provided in Habitly courses and micro-learning episodes 

    Whether you’re just out of college, or someone with over 20 years work experience, learn the habits of highly successful people on Habitly.   

    Test drive Habitly for 7 days on us!  This includes full access to the entire Habitly knowledgebase – www.habitly.com. 

    The Manage 2 Win Podcast
    enSeptember 14, 2022

    #180 –Getting #&*! Done with Jason Scott

    #180 –Getting #&*! Done with Jason Scott

    Imagine a world where every team in your business is winning...  That’s the transformative power of getting #&*! done! 

    Jason Scott has been in the business of getting #&*!  done....  Sorry, In the business of helping leaders and their organizations get the necessary and expected results for quite some time.  He is the Founder of 120VC, experts in Transformational Leadership, which helps people to define and deliver the necessary and expected results by enabling team members to reach their full potential. 

    Since starting 120VC, Jason has personally overseen the global transformational efforts within companies like DirecTV, Trader Joe’s, Blizzard Entertainment, RIOT Games, Sony Pictures, ResMed, and others.  His team's unique, human-centric approach to change has generated breakthrough results and created meaningful jobs. In addition to being a successful entrepreneur. 

    “We are 100% people powered and outcome obsessed.” (Wouldn’t this make a great T-shirt?) 

    This people first approach to getting results can be extremely valuable for any team leader trying to become more efficient and effective at achieving objectives.  Hitting targets while developing people is not a straight-forward task, so the knowledge being given by Jason is gold to anyone interested in this topic. 

    Join David and Jason on this episode if you’re struggling to #&*! done! 


    This Manage 2 Win Podcast episode is brought to you by Habitly I (David) review Habitly best practices regularly, and teach these essential people skills to clients weekly.  This advice has changed my life, and made millions for our clients. 

    I started developing Habitly content in 2004.  Habitly’s powerful best practices have now been taught to thousands of people worldwide.  For instance, you can learn how to Create time in your day;  Get more from meetings;  Stay calm;  Achieve significant targets;  and Become a great leader.  Simply study and apply the expert knowledge provided in Habitly courses and micro-learning episodes 

    Whether you’re just out of college, or someone with over 20 years work experience, learn the habits of highly successful people on Habitly.   

    Test drive Habitly for 7 days on us!  This includes full access to the entire Habitly knowledgebase – www.habitly.com. 

    The Manage 2 Win Podcast
    enSeptember 12, 2022

    #179 – Lauren Zajac Explains How to Maximize Men/Women Work Relationships

    #179 – Lauren Zajac Explains How to Maximize Men/Women Work Relationships

    Women leaders often inspire people differently than men, yet too often they are not treated equally and or fully empowered.  What can be done to change this? 

    Manage 2 Win is not an expert on this topic, but today’s guest is – Lauren Zajac.  

    Lauren is a lawyer and the former Chief Legal Officer at Workhuman, a business whose mission is to help companies create corporate cultures driven by gratitude.  Lauren managed all of Workhuman’s legal needs and participates as a member of its executive team.  Lauren also serves as board chair for Leadermom and is on the board of The Soul Project.   

    Join David and Lauren to expand your understanding of how women are often forced to second guess their business thoughts due to consciously and subconsciously biased business cultures.  She has been there, done that.  As a result, Lauren has valuable advice for how men and women can work more effectively together.  

    Don’t miss this opportunity to hear Lauren’s insights into authentic leadership, the biggest opportunities and challenges for women executives, and how to have an awesome company culture that inspires both women and men to thrive.  


    This Manage 2 Win Podcast episode is brought to you by Habitly I (David) review Habitly best practices regularly, and teach these essential people skills to clients weekly.  This advice has changed my life, and made millions for our clients. 

    I started developing Habitly content in 2004.  Habitly’s powerful best practices have now been taught to thousands of people worldwide.  For instance, you can learn how to Create time in your day;  Get more from meetings;  Stay calm;  Achieve significant targets;  and Become a great leader.  Simply study and apply the expert knowledge provided in Habitly courses and micro-learning episodes 

    Whether you’re just out of college, or someone with over 20 years work experience, learn the habits of highly successful people on Habitly.   

    Test drive Habitly for 7 days on us!  This includes full access to the entire Habitly knowledgebase – www.habitly.com. 

    The Manage 2 Win Podcast
    enSeptember 08, 2022

    #178 – Billy Price Explains How to Create Breakthrough Products in Crowded Markets

    #178 – Billy Price Explains How to Create Breakthrough Products in Crowded Markets

    After suffering a spinal cord injury as a teenager, Billy Price spent 18 years not being able to put on his own shoe.  He then met an old schoolmate, shared dreams, and they decided to create the fastest and easiest shoe to put on in the world.

    From 18 years old to 36 years old, Billy could not put on his own shoes.  Can you imagine that?  Someone had to do it for him.  Day after day after day…  Then, one day in his 36th year of life, Billy regained a bit of independence he had lost.  He zipped on his own shoes and no one has had to help him put on his shoes since.

    But BILLY Footwear is not just shoes for disabled people.  BILLY Footwear is stylish, comfortable, and quick to put on for everyone.

    Billy Price is the co-founder of BILLY Footwear.  The company is selling millions of dollars of shoes, with 20+ full-time employees.  Within 5 years of starting BILLY Footwear, their products are on the shelves of Nordstrom and Zappos, and sold by Amazon and other online shoe resellers.

    Join David as he discusses Billy’s inspiring story.  Learn how he was able to create a breakthrough product in an incredibly competitive shoe market.  Billy achieved success working as part of a team, and is blessed with an incredible friend and business partner, Darin Donaldson. 

    Developing a resilient mind is key in life.  Stories like this one tend to open our eyes to how we can achieve things that are incredibly fulfilling.

    Warriors like Billy don’t come around every day.  Join this conversation to gain inspiration, a reminder that there are still a lot of good people on this earth, and maybe, just maybe, rekindle a passion you have to achieve something others deem impossible.


    This Manage 2 Win Podcast episode is brought to you by Habitly.  I (David) review Habitly best practices regularly, and teach these essential people skills to clients weekly.  This advice has changed my life, and made millions for our clients.

    I started developing Habitly content in 2004.  Habitly’s powerful best practices have now been taught to thousands of people worldwide.  For instance, you can learn how to Create time in your day;  Get more from meetings;  Stay calm;  Achieve significant targets;  and Become a great leader.  Simply study and apply the expert knowledge provided in Habitly courses and micro-learning episodes.

    Whether you’re just out of college, or someone with over 20 years work experience, learn the habits of highly successful people on Habitly. 

    Test drive Habitly for 7 days on us!  This includes full access to the entire Habitly knowledgebase – www.habitly.com.

    The Manage 2 Win Podcast
    enSeptember 06, 2022