
    The New Generation Entrepreneur Podcast

    You’re about to experience the new way to thrive in business, entrepreneurship, and life by leaning into who you are, what you love, and standing up for what you want to create. This is where we go against the grain, say “NO” to outdated society norms, and we say “YES” to change in order to create a happier, more fulfilled world. Welcome to the New Generation Entrepreneur Podcast, hosted by Brandon Lucero. Like what you hear? Subscribe to the show!
    enBrandon Lucero217 Episodes

    Episodes (217)

    Part 5: Putting It All Together - The Most Powerful Communication Elements

    Part 5: Putting It All Together - The Most Powerful Communication Elements

    It’s the FINAL episode in our 5-part series of the most powerful communication elements. We’ve covered ads, content, sales, launches, and so on… and today I’m pulling them all together so you can start shifting your messaging for more engagement (and ultimately drive more sales).


    If you have a messaging problem at all – this episode is for you! Listen in and discover the difference between an action and a problem, what percent of your messaging changes once you’ve established what works, the top 5 signs your messaging off, and examples and stories along the way for deeper understanding. I’ll even cover the secret to “diagnosing” your audience. My students love this and it works really well in our 7-figure launches.


    Listen to Part 1 of the series here - https://brandonlucero.com/ep213  

    Listen to Part 2 of the series here - https://brandonlucero.com/ep214  

    Listen to Part 3 of the series here - https://brandonlucero.com/ep215  

    Listen to Part 4 of the series here - https://brandonlucero.com/ep216  


    Did you enjoy this episode? I'd love it if you'd share it on Instagram and tag me @iambrandonlucero! Thank you for supporting the show. 


    [FREE 3-DAY LIVE EVENT] Master Your Profitable Messaging: Learn how to communicate so your content, ads, emails, and sales mechanisms can become 2x more effective and automatically stand out regardless of how many competitors you have. Register here - https://brandonlucero.com/mypm 

    Part 4: Sales - The Most Powerful Communication Elements

    Part 4: Sales - The Most Powerful Communication Elements

    I have a secret – growing up, I hated sales. So when I had to go door to door for one of my first businesses, it felt full-body painful – even though I KNEW my offer created huge wins! But now? I love sales. The truth is with the right focus and intention, sales become so much easier and I’m excited to share them with you in this episode.


    Listen in to Part 4 of this series and discover five things to focus on when it comes to sales, the three types of trust that you need to gain in order for a sale to happen, what to say on sales calls, and how to teach and create demand. I've packed so much more into this episode, including how NOT to overwhelm your audience with information (which is the #1 sales depleter out there).


    Listen to Part 1 of the series here - https://brandonlucero.com/ep213 

    Listen to Part 2 of the series here - https://brandonlucero.com/ep214 

    Listen to Part 3 of the series here - https://brandonlucero.com/ep215 


    Did you enjoy this episode? I'd love it if you'd share it on Instagram and tag me @iambrandonlucero! Thank you for supporting the show.


    [FREE 3-DAY LIVE EVENT] Master Your Profitable Messaging: Learn how to communicate so your content, ads, emails, and sales mechanisms can become 2x more effective and automatically stand out regardless of how many competitors you have. Register here - https://brandonlucero.com/mypm 

    Part 3: Launches - The Most Powerful Communication Elements

    Part 3: Launches - The Most Powerful Communication Elements

    In the past 12 months, we’ve had more students coming in because their launches are declining in sales or have plateaued (where they once were super successful). It’s across-the-board funnel-wise! Evergreen funnels, high-ticket, low-ticket, etc. The reason? I’m breaking it all down in this episode – and how you can avoid declining sales and launch with success. The solution may even surprise you.


    Tune into Part 3 of this series and discover what’s going on in the market, and how it affects your next launch, 5 common mistakes you’ll see in the webinar/workshop that lead to fewer sales, funnel hacks you might not expect, and messaging elements inside of launches (for all types of funnels). Don’t miss this messaging opportunity to avoid common mistakes, connect with your audience on a deeper level, and secure the sale before you pitch.


    Listen to Part 1 of the series here - https://brandonlucero.com/ep213 

    Listen to Part 2 of the series here - https://brandonlucero.com/ep214

    Or find both wherever you like to listen to your podcasts!


    Did you enjoy this episode? I'd love it if you'd share it on Instagram and tag me @iambrandonlucero! Thank you for supporting the show.


    [FREE 3-DAY LIVE EVENT] Master Your Profitable Messaging: Learn how to communicate so your content, ads, emails, and sales mechanisms can become 2x more effective and automatically stand out regardless of how many competitors you have. Register here - https://brandonlucero.com/mypm 

    Part 2: Ads - The Most Powerful Communication Elements

    Part 2: Ads - The Most Powerful Communication Elements

    Typically, ads are the first touch point for a potential buyer. It’s the first time they’re experiencing you and your brand – and it’s your best opportunity to bring in qualified leads and build rapport. This is why getting the messaging right in ads is so important. When done well, it’s your lowest-cost way to bring in sales!


    So, if you’ve been struggling with ads, your ad cost is going up, or you have a hard time creating ads (and don’t know quite what to say in them)... this episode is for you! Discover the secret to highly effective messaging in ads that bring in qualified leads, stay on budget with testing and knowing what’s working and what’s not, position you as a thought leader, and get your audience ready to buy. Create ads that convert with these key elements!


    This is Part 2 of our “most powerful communication elements” series and coming up soon I’ll cover launches and sales, but in this episode I wanted to focus on this first touch point, the first invite to take the next step.


    Listen to Part 1 of the series here - https://brandonlucero.com/ep213 


    Did you enjoy this episode? I'd love it if you'd share it on Instagram and tag me @iambrandonlucero! Thank you for supporting the show.


    [FREE 3-DAY LIVE EVENT] Master Your Profitable Messaging: Learn how to communicate so your content, ads, emails, and sales mechanisms can become 2x more effective and automatically stand out regardless of how many competitors you have. Register here - https://brandonlucero.com/mypm 


    Part 1: Content - The Most Powerful Communication Elements

    Part 1: Content - The Most Powerful Communication Elements

    There’s a lot that fits under the umbrella of “messaging.” You have content, copy, ads, emails, frameworks, funnels, and the list goes on. And while it can be easy to focus on one piece at a time, what really brings in sales is creating cohesive communication throughout your brand. Over the next few weeks, I’m going to share the messaging elements you need to create powerful content over and over again throughout your brand!


    In this episode, we’re talking about content. In the coming weeks, we’ll discuss messaging within content, sales, launches and funnels, and ads. Finally, we’ll wrap up by discussing how to pull all the elements together to create an ecosystem for your brand – you won’t want to miss this!


    So tune into Part 1 of this series and discover the essential elements for your content, the best way to create and deliver educational content, how to establish authority, and secrets to unlocking more sales with your messaging. Simplify your content creation process and increase sales with these powerful elements in this part of our series.


    Did you enjoy this episode? I'd love it if you'd share it on Instagram and tag me @iambrandonlucero! Thank you for supporting the show.


    [FREE 3-DAY LIVE EVENT] Master Your Profitable Messaging: Learn how to communicate so your content, ads, emails, and sales mechanisms can become 2x more effective and automatically stand out regardless of how many competitors you have. Register here - https://brandonlucero.com/mypm 


    The 5 Biggest Challenges For Course Creators in 2024 & How To Overcome Them

    The 5 Biggest Challenges For Course Creators in 2024 & How To Overcome Them

    Marketing is shifting in 2024 for course creators – and while change is inevitable, there are 5 major challenges I see coming up for our niche that I want to prepare you for. And with each challenge, I’m giving a specific and unique solution to help you have one of your best years yet! Over the past few years, I’ve worked with thousands of students in the course creator space from a messaging and marketing angle (including ads, strategy, low-ticket offers, high-ticket offers, webinars, evergreen funnels, live launches, and more). I’m not giving you “what works for Brandon”. This is what I’m seeing for our niche as a whole.


    Ready to prepare yourself for powerful shifts and get a competitive edge in the market? Listen to this episode and discover what the upcoming election, inflation in the market, and other current events mean for course creators, how to overcome “over-saturation”, the secrets behind home-run ads and, of course, solutions to each of the 5 challenges facing course creators this year. Overall, I think 2024 is going to be a BIG year. Each challenge and solution is meant to empower you to make changes and shifts so you can stand out and share your gifts with the world at a whole new level.


    Did you enjoy this episode? I'd love it if you'd share it on Instagram and tag me @iambrandonlucero! Thank you for supporting the show.


    [BONUS EPISODE] Do you want an exclusive podcast episode that's going to finally help you master your ad messaging? Here's all you need to do - Take a screenshot of your favorite New Generation Entrepreneur Podcast episode and post that screenshot on IG and tag me @iambrandonlucero! That's it! Team Lucero will send you the link to the bonus episode.


    [QUIZ] Your Business Focus Generator: Find out what you should focus on to take your biz to the next level and get a personalized podcast playlist to help you! Take the quiz here - https://brandonlucero.com/biz-quiz 

    Having a Unique Product Doesn’t Mean Sales But This Does

    Having a Unique Product Doesn’t Mean Sales But This Does

    Having a unique (breakthrough) product does NOT equal sales. And yet, I hear it all the time from marketing gurus, “You have to be unique in order to stand out.” While your uniqueness might help you gain attention, attention doesn’t necessarily mean sales. I’ve had many students come to me with thousands of followers and zero sales and this might be something you've experienced as well.


    Instead of focusing on your product and being “unique”, try the communication techniques I’m sharing in this episode of the podcast. Listen in and learn why you may have a unique product that isn’t selling well, how to stop the scroll and get sales, what’s necessary to understand about your audience for higher conversions, and the three communication tools I use to create engaging messaging. I don’t just list the tools in this episode, I give detailed stories and examples so you can implement these steps in your own business ASAP. Start your journey of creating your own unique communication with these tools today!


    Did you enjoy this episode? I'd love it if you'd share it on Instagram and tag me @iambrandonlucero! Thank you for supporting the show.


    [BONUS EPISODE] Do you want an exclusive podcast episode that's going to finally help you master your ad messaging? Here's all you need to do - Take a screenshot of your favorite New Generation Entrepreneur Podcast episode and post that screenshot on IG and tag me @iambrandonlucero! That's it! Team Lucero will send you the link to the bonus episode.


    [QUIZ] Your Business Focus Generator: Find out what you should focus on to take your biz to the next level and get a personalized podcast playlist to help you! Take the quiz here - https://brandonlucero.com/biz-quiz 

    Creating Conversion Stories For High Converting Content & Webinars with Colin Boyd

    Creating Conversion Stories For High Converting Content & Webinars with Colin Boyd

    Want to engage more people with your content and close more sales? Tell conversion stories. This is a story that engages the right people, builds the know-like-trust factor fast, and helps you bring in more sales. There’s a certain art to conversion storytelling and in this episode, I’m sitting down with one of my top returning guests and storytelling professional, Colin Boyd to break it down for us.


    Listen in and discover the number one storytelling mistake, why your origin story isn’t a conversion story (unless you tell it like this…), three things you’re looking for in a conversion story and the three types of endings, and creating effective webinars and presentations. Plus, when you nail this type of story, you can integrate each one into your webinars, social media, emails, teachings, and more for better connection and higher conversions. Listen in to hear what they are and how you can bring in more sales with stories!


    Did you enjoy this episode? I'd love it if you'd share it on Instagram and tag me @iambrandonlucero and Colin @colinboyd! Thank you for supporting the show.


    [FREE] Selling From Virtual & Live Stages Workshop Series with Colin Boyd - https://brandonlucero.com/stage 


    [BONUS EPISODE] Do you want an exclusive podcast episode that's going to finally help you master your ad messaging? Here's all you need to do - Take a screenshot of your favorite New Generation Entrepreneur Podcast episode and post that screenshot on IG and tag me @iambrandonlucero! That's it! Team Lucero will send you the link to the bonus episode.


    [QUIZ] Your Business Focus Generator: Find out what you should focus on to take your biz to the next level and get a personalized podcast playlist to help you! Take the quiz here - https://brandonlucero.com/biz-quiz 

    My 3 Favorite Sales Techniques In Messaging

    My 3 Favorite Sales Techniques In Messaging

    It’s no secret that great messaging can create more engagement, better open rates, lower cost per lead on ads, and (ultimately) more sales! Because when your messaging is dialed in, it's relevant and resonates. And this is most likely why you’re here– to improve your messaging, so I’m going to share a throwback episode to my top 3 favorite sales techniques of all time.


    Tune in and discover my 3 favorite sales techniques and why, how to use each of these in your business, common messaging habits that aren’t serving you, and my secret to creating demand for your offers (hint: it’s NOT sharing the benefits). I love a refresh on what’s working and what’s not in business, and this episode does not disappoint. Use these techniques in 2024, and I can’t wait to hear how each one improves your business.


    Did you enjoy this episode? I'd love it if you'd share it on Instagram and tag me @iambrandonlucero! Thank you for supporting the show.


    [BONUS EPISODE] Do you want an exclusive podcast episode that's going to finally help you master your ad messaging? Here's all you need to do - Take a screenshot of your favorite New Generation Entrepreneur Podcast episode and post that screenshot on IG and tag me @iambrandonlucero! That's it! Team Lucero will send you the link to the bonus episode.


    [QUIZ] Your Business Focus Generator: Find out what you should focus on to take your biz to the next level and get a personalized podcast playlist to help you! Take the quiz here - https://brandonlucero.com/biz-quiz 

    The Psychological Elements You Need To Communicate To Your ENTIRE Audience with Andrea Maxim

    The Psychological Elements You Need To Communicate To Your ENTIRE Audience with Andrea Maxim

    Your messaging can speak to ALL of your audience. How? Using proven and reliable psychological elements in your business. In fact, when our highest level coach and owner of MAXIMized Business, Andrea Maxim, learned what she’s sharing with you on the podcast, she realized she was leaving out a huge percentage of her audience and the results of using them dramatically increased sales.


    In this episode, Andrea is going to walk you through four psychological elements you can use in your messaging today. Listen in and discover how to be more intentional mindful with your copy and messaging, simple ways to improve your communication in life and business, Andrea’s personal journey using these elements, and why some frameworks don’t work and how to shift. Reconstructing your messaging, your copy, and the information you share can make a massive difference in open rates, click-through rates, cost per lead, sales, conversions, etc., and if “reconstructing” sounds intimidating… it doesn’t have to be!


    Did you enjoy this episode? I'd love it if you'd share it on Instagram and tag me @iambrandonlucero and Andrea @themaximmovement! Thank you for supporting the show.


    [BONUS EPISODE] Do you want an exclusive podcast episode that's going to finally help you master your ad messaging? Here's all you need to do - Take a screenshot of your favorite New Generation Entrepreneur Podcast episode and post that screenshot on IG and tag me @iambrandonlucero! That's it! Team Lucero will send you the link to the bonus episode.


    [QUIZ] Your Business Focus Generator: Find out what you should focus on to take your biz to the next level and get a personalized podcast playlist to help you! Take the quiz here - https://brandonlucero.com/biz-quiz 

    Feeling Fulfilled Everyday By Redefining Success

    Feeling Fulfilled Everyday By Redefining Success

    When I started my business, my success was tied to three-dimensional “rewards.” If I drove my own Jaguar, if I lived in my 5,000 square foot dream house, if I hit a million in sales… then I’d made it. The problem was, when I did get most of those things, I didn’t like who I was. Yes, I’d achieved my goals, but I hadn’t maintained my values. I needed to evolve with love and kindness so my values were equal no matter what I owned.


    Because how you define success has everything to do with whether or not you will be successful.


    Today on the podcast, I’m talking about how to redefine success in order to experience a more fulfilling life. Listen in and discover the three lessons to redefine success, how and when I recognized I was attached to the wrong things, helpful ways to define your worth the right way, and a life-changing lesson I learned from Mel Abraham on making financial decisions. When I started to redefine what success was, I actually became more successful financially, and not only that, I started to remember more of who I was, who I wanted to be, and how I wanted to show up.


    Did you enjoy this episode? I'd love it if you'd share it on Instagram and tag me @iambrandonlucero! Thank you for supporting the show.


    [BONUS EPISODE] Do you want an exclusive podcast episode that's going to finally help you master your ad messaging? Here's all you need to do - Take a screenshot of your favorite New Generation Entrepreneur Podcast episode and post that screenshot on IG and tag me @iambrandonlucero! That's it! Team Lucero will send you the link to the bonus episode.


    [QUIZ] Your Business Focus Generator: Find out what you should focus on to take your biz to the next level and get a personalized podcast playlist to help you! Take the quiz here - https://brandonlucero.com/biz-quiz 

    Growing a Successful Business and Family at The Same Time with Stacy Tuschl

    Growing a Successful Business and Family at The Same Time with Stacy Tuschl

    We’ve all heard the saying, “work on your business, not in your business.” But, especially in the beginning, this can be hard to follow. Maybe you feel like you don’t have the time or the budget to hire. Maybe you don’t feel like you know how to be a leader or struggle to trust people. No matter the holdup, if you’re like me then you started the business to gain more financial freedom and more time freedom. And while your income may increase with more work, you can’t have time freedom unless you run your business like a well oiled machine.


    In this episode, I'm joined by Stacy Tuschl who specializes in systems, processes, and being able to delegate so you can run a business without sucking up all your time, which is absolutely vital to running a business while having a family. Listen in and discover how she runs multiple successful businesses while also protecting her time, who to hire and how it should impact your business, best onboarding practices for strong results and how soon to let someone go, and ideas on including your children in celebrating business wins.


    Did you enjoy this episode? I'd love it if you'd share it on Instagram and tag me @iambrandonlucero and Stacy @stacytuschl! Thank you for supporting the show.


    [BONUS EPISODE] Do you want an exclusive podcast episode that's going to finally help you master your ad messaging? Here's all you need to do - Take a screenshot of your favorite New Generation Entrepreneur Podcast episode and post that screenshot on IG and tag me @iambrandonlucero! That's it! Team Lucero will send you the link to the bonus episode.


    [QUIZ] Your Business Focus Generator: Find out what you should focus on to take your biz to the next level and get a personalized podcast playlist to help you! Take the quiz here - https://brandonlucero.com/biz-quiz 

    Building a Messaging Bridge To Create Demand - Part 3

    Building a Messaging Bridge To Create Demand - Part 3

    The third and final part of our series on building bridges is here and I can’t wait for you to hear it. Your messaging bridge is a crucial part of sales. Not only does it speak to your audience where they are, so it’s getting their attention, but most importantly, it’s helping sell before you pitch. You’re giving them the exact information needed to gain traction. And I’m breaking it down for two students in this episode!


    Listen in and hear me create bridges for Adriane, a business coach who helps service providers and other coaches scale from $100K onward, and Joanna, a writing coach who helps women over 60 write their life stories and pass down their legacy. One common mistake you’ll notice when creating a bridge, especially in webinars, is giving your audience too much information. Avoid overwhelming your audience with all the outcomes you provide, and keep it close to what they need at the moment. You’ll hear this concept in our hot seats!


    Get to know our two students from this episode:


    Adriane Galea is a performing artist turned Sustainable Scaling Strategist, Business Consultant, speaker, and podcast host with more than 25 years experience scaling businesses both brick + mortar and online. After burning out — hard — from scaling a performing arts studio to multiple locations with hundreds of students and a 20+ person staff, Adriane has made it her mission to help service-based entrepreneurs grow life-first businesses that not only pay them well with abundant revenue and profit, but also allows them abundant time to do what they love with the people they love. Find out more about Adriane on Instagram - @adrianegalea


    Have you wanted to write down the life lessons, hard-earned wisdom, and important family stories you’ve accumulated over 50+ years? Journey to Legacy understands the desire to capture those experiences into a meaningful legacy. If previous attempts like writing prompts, memoir instructions or sorting photos still left you stuck, you're not alone. Joanna's proven 7-step storytelling framework uses psychological triggers to stimulate memory and craft compelling life stories. Through online courses, coaching, and intuitive writing software, Journey to Legacy helps you uncover and share the one-of-a-kind life story only you can write. Find out more about Joanna and Journey to Legacy on Instagram - @fromjourneytolegacy


    Did you enjoy this episode? I'd love it if you'd share it on Instagram and tag me @iambrandonlucero! Thank you for supporting the show.


    [BONUS EPISODE] Do you want an exclusive podcast episode that's going to finally help you master your ad messaging? Here's all you need to do - Take a screenshot of your favorite New Generation Entrepreneur Podcast episode and post that screenshot on IG and tag me @iambrandonlucero! That's it! Team Lucero will send you the link to the bonus episode.


    [QUIZ] Your Business Focus Generator: Find out what you should focus on to take your biz to the next level and get a personalized podcast playlist to help you! Take the quiz here - https://brandonlucero.com/biz-quiz 

    Building a Messaging Bridge To Create Demand - Part 2

    Building a Messaging Bridge To Create Demand - Part 2

    In the last episode, we talked about bridges. Specifically, messaging bridges that help guide your audience from where they are to where you want them to be. It’s what really brings in sales! In this episode, I’m sharing behind-the-scenes coaching footage of me sitting down with two students and helping them create bridges for social media content and webinar content.


    Listen in and hear me create bridges for Erika's business that helps entrepreneurial women grow their YouTube channels and Reana who helps burnt-out entrepreneurs get their time, energy & health back while 2-3xing their income.


    While we discuss exactly what to talk about in your messaging, we cover what NOT to do as well – in fact, you’ll hear what will be the death of your messaging (avoid it at all costs – it’s way more common than you think). I talk a lot about strategies and systems on the podcast, and today I’m excited to bring you a way to see how to bring it all together.


    Get to know our two students from this episode:


    Erika Vieira is a marketing expert who specializes in growing female focused YouTube channels. Her podcast, the YouTube Power Hour, has featured over 400 of YouTube's popular female creators. Erika is the creator of the YouTube Bootcamp: a 6 month group coaching program that focuses on the creator first, not the YouTube algorithm. Her innovative method of prioritizing the creator from the inside out has proven to be highly successful, delivering massive growth for her students. Find out more about Erika here - erikavieira.net 


    Reana is a Master Certified Neurocoach, Doctor of Physical Therapy, and host of the Rewired to Thrive Podcast. She teaches service-based entrepreneurs how to eliminate burnout from their business while increasing their revenue by using brain based tools to help them put the systems and boundaries in place in order to create the time and financial freedom they started their business for. Find her on Instagram @dr.reanamulcahy


    Did you enjoy this episode? I'd love it if you'd share it on Instagram and tag me @iambrandonlucero! Thank you for supporting the show.


    [BONUS EPISODE] Do you want an exclusive podcast episode that's going to finally help you master your ad messaging? Here's all you need to do - Take a screenshot of your favorite New Generation Entrepreneur Podcast episode and post that screenshot on IG and tag me @iambrandonlucero! That's it! Team Lucero will send you the link to the bonus episode.


    [QUIZ] Your Business Focus Generator: Find out what you should focus on to take your biz to the next level and get a personalized podcast playlist to help you! Take the quiz here - https://brandonlucero.com/biz-quiz 

    Building a Messaging Bridge To Create Demand - Part 1

    Building a Messaging Bridge To Create Demand - Part 1

    I’ve never done this before on the podcast, but I’m sharing a literal training from inside our New Generation Mastery event we recently held. And it’s all about bridges – no, not the physical bridges across the water you travel over. This “bridge” helps guide your audience from where they are to where you want them to be.


    Tune into this special episode for part 1 of a new 3-part series breaking down exactly how to create a bridge in your marketing and messaging. Listen in and discover what a bridge is and examples along the way, the process for creating a bridge in your messaging, when to use the bridge in your marketing, and how to use the bridge in a workshop, webinar, or social media. Remember, this is just part 1! In the following two episodes, you can hear me create a bridge for students in hot seats so you can start to see exactly how the process works.


    Did you enjoy this episode? I'd love it if you'd share it on Instagram and tag me @iambrandonlucero! Thank you for supporting the show.


    [FREE WORKSHOP] Master Your Launch Messaging - Learn the messaging secrets that can 3x your launch results! Register here: https://pages.brandonlucero.com/mylm 


    [BONUS EPISODE] Do you want an exclusive podcast episode that's going to finally help you master your ad messaging? Here's all you need to do - Take a screenshot of your favorite New Generation Entrepreneur Podcast episode and post that screenshot on IG and tag me @iambrandonlucero! That's it! Team Lucero will send you the link to the bonus episode.


    [QUIZ] Your Business Focus Generator: Find out what you should focus on to take your biz to the next level and get a personalized podcast playlist to help you! Take the quiz here - https://brandonlucero.com/biz-quiz 

    Are You Communicating From Problems or Solutions?

    Are You Communicating From Problems or Solutions?

    One of the biggest marketing mistakes I see entrepreneurs make is solely talking about solutions and avoiding the problems. Solutions sound great! They’re exciting and motivating, but if your audience can’t see themselves getting there, then they will not buy. But talking about their problems doesn’t have to mean “icky” sales messaging or digging into their pain.


    This time we're throwing it back to an older episode because this topic is more relevant than ever and I'm going to be diving into how to truly meet your audience where they are with messaging that connects on a deeper level. Listen in and learn my 3-step process for quickly improving your communication, a simple shift to meet your audience where they are, examples and stories to help see it through in your business, and the quick go-to exercise for implementing this marketing shift.


    Your audience wants a problem solved. Build trust with this marketing strategy and shift that will help you bring in more sales with happy customers on the other end.


    Did you enjoy this episode? I'd love it if you'd share it on Instagram and tag me @iambrandonlucero! Thank you for supporting the show.


    [BONUS EPISODE] Do you want an exclusive podcast episode that's going to finally help you master your ad messaging? Here's all you need to do - Take a screenshot of your favorite New Generation Entrepreneur Podcast episode and post that screenshot on IG and tag me @iambrandonlucero! That's it! Team Lucero will send you the link to the bonus episode.


    [QUIZ] Your Business Focus Generator: Find out what you should focus on to take your biz to the next level and get a personalized podcast playlist to help you! Take the quiz here - https://brandonlucero.com/biz-quiz 

    6 Ways To Increase Back-End Sales and Follow-Ups

    6 Ways To Increase Back-End Sales and Follow-Ups

    There are a lot of different ways to make sales in your business. Most people focus on the front end and getting as many first-time buyers as possible, which every business needs, of course. But a common mistake I see happening is entrepreneurs creating more and more front-end offers. This can muddle your messaging and create less sales in other areas. Instead, keep the focus on sales from previous buyers!


    In this episode of the podcast, I’m sharing 6 surprising strategies to use with previous buyers that can triple your sales (or more) without spending more on ads! Listen in and learn follow-up strategies and backend sales techniques, a new messaging concept I’m working on right now, how it works inside our business and student examples using these strategies, and ways to increase sales without relying solely on ads. These strategies are simple ways to stop leaving money on the table and bring in more profit. Try them out in your last quarter, and let me know how it goes.


    Did you enjoy this episode? I'd love it if you'd share it on Instagram and tag me @iambrandonlucero! Thank you for supporting the show.


    [BONUS EPISODE] Do you want an exclusive podcast episode that's going to finally help you master your ad messaging? Here's all you need to do - Take a screenshot of your favorite New Generation Entrepreneur Podcast episode and post that screenshot on IG and tag me @iambrandonlucero! That's it! Team Lucero will send you the link to the bonus episode.


    [QUIZ] Your Business Focus Generator: Find out what you should focus on to take your biz to the next level and get a personalized podcast playlist to help you! Take the quiz here - https://brandonlucero.com/biz-quiz 

    Journey Into the Life of Brandon Lucero with Rachel Duffy

    Journey Into the Life of Brandon Lucero with Rachel  Duffy

    I can’t believe I’m announcing the 200th episode of our podcast – it blows my mind, and I’m so thankful for every single listener. And, as Rachel points out early in the interview, the New Generation Podcast has a global ranking of the top 1% of all podcasts across all categories. It’s unreal, and it’s because of YOU. I truly appreciate your being here.


    In honor of this special episode, Rachel, our COO, is turning the table and interviewing me. She asked our students what they would ask me and pulled the top questions. Listen in and discover what a week in the life of me looks like, how I move through success and failure in business, insights into hiring coaches and growing a united team, and my current ROI on paid advertising, and if I were starting over, would I use them straight away? We cover so many topics, including my *almost* purchase of a coffee shop, mistakes I’ve made, and what I’m planning to do in the future (plus, the next phase of launching I’m predicting for 2024…) so tune in and enjoy our 200th episode!


    We can't wait to hear what you think of this episode, and if it inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag us, @iambrandonlucero and @rachelduffyhere


    [BONUS EPISODE] Do you want an exclusive podcast episode that's going to finally help you master your ad messaging? Here's all you need to do - Take a screenshot of your favorite New Generation Entrepreneur Podcast episode and post that screenshot on IG and tag me @iambrandonlucero! That's it! Team Lucero will send you the link to the bonus episode.


    [QUIZ] Your Business Focus Generator: Find out what you should focus on to take your biz to the next level and get a personalized podcast playlist to help you! Take the quiz here - https://brandonlucero.com/biz-quiz 

    Finding Your Million Dollar Headlines, Topics and Messaging

    Finding Your Million Dollar Headlines, Topics and Messaging

    You can have a top-notch strategy and all the frameworks (aka gift wrapping and build-up), and it can even be something your audience has talked about over and over... but it still misses the mark.


    On this episode, I’m sharing how to identify what your audience truly wants so you can sell like crazy. Listen in and learn how to stop guessing and discover the hidden messaging underneath, the balance between masculine and feminine sales techniques, examples and stories for how to identify your million-dollar headline, and secrets to optimizing content over time. If you want more sales, let’s nail your headlines! This is a deep dive into how I coach my students on writing highly effective headlines and creating content. I can’t wait to hear your next million-dollar headline.


    Did you enjoy this episode? I'd love it if you'd share it on Instagram and tag me @iambrandonlucero! Thank you for supporting the show.


    [QUIZ] Your Business Focus Generator: Find out what you should focus on to take your biz to the next level and get a personalized podcast playlist to help you! Take the quiz here - https://brandonlucero.com/biz-quiz 

    Streamlining Your Book Keeping, Write-Offs, and More with Serena Shoup

    Streamlining Your Book Keeping, Write-Offs, and More with Serena Shoup

    When most people start a business, their focus is on revenue, sales, and bringing in money. Which is great (and necessary for running a business), but they also tend to overlook bookkeeping and taxes. This almost cost me tens of thousands of dollars, and it could cost you BIG money in savings, taxes, and more if you’re not careful.


    So on this episode of the podcast, I brought in a CPA and bookkeeping expert to talk about write-offs and healthy money management practices. Join me and Serena Shoup, the founder of Of Course Bookkeeping, who works with online businesses to discover how to use your numbers to make decisions looking forward, creative ways to include your kids in the business, when to outsource your bookkeeping and how to get started, and write-offs you probably didn’t know about and how to lower your taxable income. Save yourself the financial headaches down the road, and listen to this episode! I wish I had known this info when I first got started in business!


    Did you enjoy this episode? I'd love it if you'd share it on Instagram and tag me @iambrandonlucero and Serena @ambitiousbookkeeper! Thank you for supporting the show.


    [QUIZ] Your Business Focus Generator: Find out what you should focus on to take your biz to the next level and get a personalized podcast playlist to help you! Take the quiz here - https://brandonlucero.com/biz-quiz