
    The New Generation Entrepreneur Podcast

    You’re about to experience the new way to thrive in business, entrepreneurship, and life by leaning into who you are, what you love, and standing up for what you want to create. This is where we go against the grain, say “NO” to outdated society norms, and we say “YES” to change in order to create a happier, more fulfilled world. Welcome to the New Generation Entrepreneur Podcast, hosted by Brandon Lucero. Like what you hear? Subscribe to the show!
    enBrandon Lucero217 Episodes

    Episodes (217)

    How Any Expert Can Write a Million Dollar Book in 6 Weeks with Sara Connell

    How Any Expert Can Write a Million Dollar Book in 6 Weeks with Sara Connell

    Ever thought about writing a book to grow your business? Well, I have, and selfishly, I invited an expert on my podcast to talk about how to write a best-selling book. Not to hit #1 or the top ten on any list in particular (although my guest can help you achieve this, too), but more importantly to generate sales, build authority, and ultimately grow my business. And this interview delivers just that!


    On this episode of the podcast, I’m joined by Sara Connell, a bestselling author herself and founder of Thought Leader Academy, where she helps coaches, writers, and entrepreneurs become successful published authors and TEDx /in-demand speakers. Join us and learn the three S’s of writing a profitable book, how to position yourself as the guide and thought leader, what to talk about in your book, and the best way to engage your audience that’s working now in 2023.


    Did you enjoy this episode? I'd love it if you'd share it on Instagram and tag me @iambrandonlucero and Sara @saraconnell! Thank you for supporting the show.


    [QUIZ] Your Business Focus Generator: Find out what you should focus on to take your biz to the next level and get a personalized podcast playlist to help you! Take the quiz here - https://brandonlucero.com/biz-quiz 

    Messaging Secrets That Can 3x Your Launch Results

    Messaging Secrets That Can 3x Your Launch Results

    As the online business landscape changes… I’ve noticed more and more entrepreneurs saying they’ve seen a plateau in sales, their launches aren’t scaling, or the launch never took off at all. If this is you, too, you’re in the right place.


    In this episode, I’m sharing messaging secrets that will take your launches to the next level– it’s truly one of the best episodes I’ve ever recorded. Each of these secrets has been a critical part of messaging in some of the biggest launches in the space and they’ve been crucial in my launches as well as my students. In fact, using each of these can triple your sales in the next launch– I’ve seen it happen over and over again!


    Listen in and discover our messaging process for creating high-converting content, two language patterns you can use today for more sales, 3 things that will stop you from creating effective messaging, and what to dial in and focus on to make your audience ready to buy before you pitch. Because you don’t need a new strategy, a fancy sales page, or a new set of bonuses this will only delay your profits more. The answer is in your messaging.


    Did you enjoy this episode? I'd love it if you'd share it on Instagram and tag me @iambrandonlucero! Thank you for supporting the show.


    [FREE GUIDE] The Launch Messaging Handbook For Course Creators: Learn the messaging secrets that can 3x your launch results! Get yours here - https://brandonlucero.com/webinar 


    [QUIZ] Your Business Focus Generator: Find out what you should focus on to take your biz to the next level and get a personalized podcast playlist to help you! Take the quiz here - https://brandonlucero.com/biz-quiz 

    Overcoming Blocks In Money, Health, and Relationships Using Be Do Have with Jim Fortin

    Overcoming Blocks In Money, Health, and Relationships Using Be Do Have with Jim Fortin

    Most people don’t realize is that what makes you successful in business (and financially) is also what makes you successful in your personal health and relationships. If you get down to the root cause of what makes people successful, it all comes down to one thing and we’re talking about it on this episode of the podcast!


    Join me and my good friend Jim Fortin as we discuss the foundations of true success in business and life. Listen in and discover why setting goals doesn’t work (even when you try all the strategies), what really needs to change before making any goal, how to trust yourself and get what you want in life, and why some people are successful and some aren’t. This is the exact process Jim walked me through when I was $40k in debt, living with my in-laws, and struggling with self-doubt and it quickly helped me become a multi-million dollar business owner.


    If you’re not getting what you want in life, or you’ve been struggling for at least six months to reach a goal in one of the three areas, then this episode is for you!


    Register here for Jim's Be Do Have live training that is going on right NOW! - https://tcp.jimfortin.com/brandon/


    Did you enjoy this episode? I'd love it if you'd share it on Instagram and tag @iambrandonlucero and @iamjimfortin! Thank you for supporting the show.


    [FREE GUIDE] The Launch Messaging Handbook For Course Creators: Learn the messaging secrets that can 3x your launch results! Get yours here - https://brandonlucero.com/webinar 


    [QUIZ] Your Business Focus Generator: Find out what you should focus on to take your biz to the next level and get a personalized podcast playlist to help you! Take the quiz here - https://brandonlucero.com/biz-quiz 

    The 5 Biggest Funnel Messaging Mistakes

    The 5 Biggest Funnel Messaging Mistakes

    Over the past few years, our team has worked with over 1,700 course creators, and we’ve recognized common mistakes and behaviors that lead to unwanted results like funnels that don’t work, low show-up rates to webinars, or launches that flop (or never take place after being planned). Sometimes, it’s one shift, one change, one common mistake avoided that helps you crush your goal.


    In this episode, I’m sharing the 5 common mistakes and what you can do instead for better results. Listen in and learn what not to do on your opt-in page, how to shift your messaging in a competitive niche, two ways to create enticing titles and topics for promotions, and what amount of teaching is necessary, and what will lose you customers. The lessons here have helped students breakthrough with some of their highest converting funnels to date and I can’t wait to hear how it helps you and your business.


    [QUIZ] Your Business Focus Generator: Find out what you should focus on to take your biz to the next level and get a personalized podcast playlist to help you! Take the quiz here - https://brandonlucero.com/biz-quiz


    Did you enjoy this episode? I'd love it if you'd share it on Instagram and tag me @iambrandonlucero! Thank you for supporting the show. 

    Entrepreneurship, Parenthood, Aliens, Signs, and More with Rachel Duffy

    Entrepreneurship, Parenthood, Aliens, Signs, and More with Rachel Duffy

    Dozens of people reached out to me after the objection-busting podcast series with Rachel Duffy and wanted more. So we got together and recorded an episode about entrepreneurship and parenthood... but the conversation became so much more than that.


    From parenthood to aliens, metaphysical stories, signs, and lots in between, this episode blossomed into a really cool deep dive I can’t wait for you to experience. Listen in and discover how to handle unpredictability, shame, and all the feels as an entrepreneur, navigating good and hard times in business while maintaining your power, parenting examples and scenarios about helping your kids maintain their power, and the determining question of whether Rachel and I can work together as CEO and COO. We had a blast creating this episode, and if you know either of us, you know I’m more woo and think in 5D, whereas Rachel is not as woo and thinks more “3D.” Don’t worry, we break it all down for you!


    PS... we have a surprise resource for you in this episode, but you'll have to listen to the entire episode to find it! 


    We can't wait to hear what you think of this episode, and if it inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag us, @iambrandonlucero and @rachelduffyhere


    [QUIZ] Your Business Focus Generator: Find out what you should be focusing on to take your biz to the next level and get a personalized podcast playlist to help you! Take the quiz here - https://brandonlucero.com/biz-quiz 



    Messaging That Crafts NO-BRAINER Offers

    Messaging That Crafts NO-BRAINER Offers

    People tend to put offers together like a list of ingredients... guarantees, bonuses, and roadmaps. These things help sell your offer, but the real game-changer may surprise you. Lots of entrepreneurs focus on the offer itself and then build the messaging to go along with it. But this is backward. 


    In this episode, I'm diving in to what makes an offer irresistible. Listen in and learn the secret to crafting and positioning a no-brainer offer, how to add value without adding more to the offer, the four-step process on how to fix your messaging (and create more demand), and where entrepreneurs get stuck and what will cost you sales. I’m here to set the record straight and share the best way to craft an offer you can sell before cart open day!


    Did you enjoy this episode? I'd love it if you'd share it on Instagram and tag me @iambrandonlucero! Thank you for supporting the show.


    [FREE GUIDE] Discover The 3 MESSAGING FRAMEWORKS That Generated Profitable DM's In 72 Hours! Get your guide here - https://pages.brandonlucero.com/dm-sales 

    The Truth About Manifesting And Using Life Lessons For Growth with Kathrin Zenkina

    The Truth About Manifesting And Using Life Lessons For Growth with Kathrin Zenkina

    Did you know that your unconscious mind directs 95% of your reality? Your everyday decisions are mostly made by your unconscious mind, and when you manifest what you truly want… It’s not an “hour-a-day” situation. You’re actually manifesting 24/7. Curious how this works?


    In this episode, I’m sitting down with Kathrin Zenkina, the #1 Amazon Bestselling author, master manifestation and mindset coach, and the CEO of Manifestation Babe to talk about manifestation, growing a business as a parent, and so much more. Listen in and discover how she managed the shift of growing a business with a baby, what she’s learning today and a new modality she’s teaching, when to say no and how this led to her summer sabbatical, and the concept of secret desires (and how it manifests in your life). She’s my business and spiritual bestie and I can’t wait to hear your takeaways from the conversion. 


    If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag us, @iambrandonlucero and @manifestationbabe


    [THE AFFLUENCE BLUEPRINT] Walk away with a complete BLUEPRINT that can actually give you the financial freedom you deserve! Enroll now and get our 4 FREE bonuses! https://pages.brandonlucero.com/tab 

    How To Train Your Brain For Success with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    How To Train Your Brain For Success with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    So you’ve made all the right investments, you’ve taken action, and followed the right strategies… but you’re still not seeing success. There might be something going on in your subconscious mind, and that’s what Dr. Shannon Irvine and I are talking about today – how to reach your goals without self-sabotage.


    Dr. Irvine helps passionate entrepreneurs become CEOs of their minds and reach epic success in their businesses, and she’s here with breakthroughs you can implement right away. Listen in and discover the root foundation of success and how to access it, how to up-level into a 7-figure mindset, active blocking, core shame, and what’s keeping high performers stuck, and different ways to transform or work with limiting beliefs. It’s time to break through the patterns that are holding you back. Because you can’t outperform the stories in your subconscious mind. Working harder won’t be successful if there are other blocks in the way, and that’s what we’re uncovering in today’s episode! 


    If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag us, @iambrandonlucero and @drshannonirvine


    Register for Dr. Irvine's FREE video series & live event to learn the foolproof way to a 7-figure mindset - unleashedentrepreneur.com




    How To Build a Wealth Machine Even If You’re Not Hitting Your Revenue Goals Yet With Mel Abraham

    How To Build a Wealth Machine Even If You’re Not Hitting Your Revenue Goals Yet With Mel Abraham

    There are few financial advisors who understand the ups and downs of online entrepreneurship, so his knowledge has been invaluable, and I want to share some of his knowledge with you in this episode.


    I'm chatting with my friend, Mel Abraham, a CPA by education who helps entrepreneurs build their businesses and their wealth so they can experience financial freedom while making a huge impact on the world. He’s helped me and thousands of others grow our impact and our income (without working harder). Listen in and discover how to build a wealth machine with your income, the three different types of assets you need for long-term financial success, creative ways to make your money work for you, and what to prioritize financially now to secure your wealth.


    And in true New Generation Entrepreneur fashion, Mel discusses how he’s passing down his wealth-building knowledge to his granddaughter. We talk all about lessons he shared with his son and how to teach your kids about money, wealth, interest, and smart money decisions.


    [FREE 3-DAY LIVE EVENT] Mel Abraham's 'The Affluent Entrepreneur Experience'. Join to discover the SPECIFIC Principles EVERY Affluent Entrepreneur needs (and uses) to build wealth and freedom! Save your spot here - https://brandonlucero.com/mel 


    Did you enjoy this episode? I'd love it if you'd share it on Instagram and tag me @iambrandonlucero! Thank you for supporting the show.


    [FREE GUIDE] Discover The 3 MESSAGING FRAMEWORKS That Generated Profitable DM's In 72 Hours! Get your guide here - https://pages.brandonlucero.com/dm-sales 

    How To Launch A Podcast Into The Top 100 with Courtney Elmer

    How To Launch A Podcast Into The Top 100 with Courtney Elmer

    If you have a podcast or you’re thinking about starting a podcast… then you’re going to love this episode. For my business, podcasting has been one of the best content platforms for growth. But, until now I haven’t talked much about how we did it or shared much about podcasts at all. So I’m bringing in a pro, Courtney Elmer, who specializes in podcasting.


    Courtney is the founder of The Effortless Life and the creator of Pod Launch, and she helps entrepreneurs stop spinning their wheels on social media, launch a top 1% podcast, and position themselves as an in-demand thought leader in their niche. Following her process, you grow a strong listenership for your podcast while growing your business.


    Ready to get the podcast secrets for high rankings and more clients? Listen in and discover launching secrets for ranking high from the start, the 4 gatekeepers for bringing in the right listeners, content ideas for bringing in clients and growing your business, and long-term growth, ranking, and how to keep people’s attention. 


    Did you enjoy this episode? I'd love it if you'd share it on Instagram and tag me @iambrandonlucero! Thank you for supporting the show.


    [FREE GUIDE] Discover The 3 MESSAGING FRAMEWORKS That Generated Profitable DM's In 72 Hours! Get your guide here - https://pages.brandonlucero.com/dm-sales 

    Using Terminology and Mastery To Create NEW Messaging That Impacts People For Lifetimes

    Using Terminology and Mastery To Create NEW Messaging That Impacts People For Lifetimes

    There are a lot of standards and “normalities” in online marketing, like video series launches, 30-day challenges, masterclass launches, and so on. But few question where these terms, philosophies, and frameworks come from and how to improve them. And the day you realize that each of these was once created by someone at some point and then over time it became normal… your life will change forever. Why? Because you’ll realize YOU can do the exact same thing.


    Terms you create can shift the market, become certifications, help more people, and so much more. And I’m breaking it all down on this episode. Want a high-impact business? Listen in and discover how you can use “terminology” to shift industry norms, when to start creating your own terms, examples from my own business and high-performing clients using this mastery, and creative ideas on using them and creating messaging that lives beyond you. If you’re focus is on creating a bigger impact, as opposed to more sales… then you’ll want to master terminology in your business.


    [FREE GUIDE] Discover The 3 MESSAGING FRAMEWORKS That Generated Profitable DM's In 72 Hours! Get your guide here - https://pages.brandonlucero.com/dm-sales 


    Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go to https://brandonlucero.com/podcast. Plus, when you send a screenshot of your review to support@brandonlucero.com my team will share our exclusive bonus episode with you! Thank you for your support of this show!


    Connect with me on Instagram @iamBrandonLucero and let me know what you think of the episode!

    How To Run Profitable Ads For Launches with Terrell Brown

    How To Run Profitable Ads For Launches with Terrell Brown

    Ads are a powerful tool for many successful businesses. For us, Facebook ads have been our #1 tool for growth for the past eight years to grow our list and turn our business into multiple six figures. They’re the reason we were able to bring in a huge amount of high-converting leads and close million-dollar launches. And lately, I’ve been getting tons of questions about ads.


    So on this episode, I'm sitting down with our Ads Manager, Terrell Brown to talk about all things ads! Terrell is a Preferred Agency Partner with Facebook who has 15 years of experience in planning and executing successful digital marketing campaigns through the social media platform. Terrell is also the Co-Founder of the Digital Marketing Agency and Podcast Ecomm & Coffee. His current focus and passion is on growing Course Creators, Coaches, E-Commerce Companies, and Digital Brands through Paid Social ads on Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Linked In, TikTok, and more. His expertise includes forecasting annual media spend/buying, paid social media strategy, and is actively involved in the growing Online Coaching and course creator space.


    Listen in and discover a behind-the-scenes look into how Terrell got started with ads, how we use ads in our business without losing money, what’s working today in ads and how you can use them in your business, and creative ways to get started or kick-off high converting ads ASAP. Let me tell you, I’ve worked with Terrell for years, and I had a sneaky suspicion I’d learn something new in this interview… but what he shares in this interview blew me away.


    You can download his FREE Course Creator Calculator here - https://www.ecommandcoffee.com/coursecreatorcalculator 


    And you can find Terrell on Instagram @terrelladvertises


    Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go to https://brandonlucero.com/podcast. Plus, when you send a screenshot of your review to support@brandonlucero.com my team will share our exclusive bonus episode with you! Thank you for your support of this show!


    Connect with me on Instagram @iamBrandonLucero and let me know what you think of the episode!

    How To Release Fear and Anxiety While Building a Business

    How To Release Fear and Anxiety While Building a Business

    When I first started my business eleven years ago, I was on the verge of a panic attack and $40K in debt. Now I’ll spend over $200K on ads without blinking an eye, and the difference isn’t that I have more money. It’s how I deal with fear. Because yes, fear still comes up in my day-to-day life and business, but I have more tools, personal power, and reframes to help me through it and decide with confidence what will truly be best for my family and business.


    Want to learn more about these tools? I delivered a training all about releasing fear in a two-day live event with my New Generation Mastery students, and in this episode, I’m sharing it with you! Listen in and discover the origins of fear and a deeper understanding of where it comes from, what to do with “questioning” and when to take action, the power of reframes and a few of my favorites, and strategic ways to build your personal power and strength in the face of fear. Dealing with fear and building your personal power is a practice, and these strategies and ideas are meant to help you exit the fear faster (and become more aware of it in your life and business).


    [FREE GUIDE] Discover The 3 MESSAGING FRAMEWORKS That Generated Profitable DM's In 72 Hours! Get your guide here - https://pages.brandonlucero.com/dm-sales 


    Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go to https://brandonlucero.com/podcast. Plus, when you send a screenshot of your review to support@brandonlucero.com my team will share our exclusive bonus episode with you! Thank you for your support of this show!


    Connect with me on Instagram @iamBrandonLucero and let me know what you think of the episode!

    How To Overcome Objections with Rachel Duffy, Part 5: Busting Objections Before The Sales Call

    How To Overcome Objections with Rachel Duffy, Part 5: Busting Objections Before The Sales Call

    Tune into this special bonus episode on how to bust through objections before the sales call. This will save you hours of time (and lead to fewer calls down the road). Listen and learn the strategies and tips for busting through objections from day one.


    Are you interested in joining my program? Send me a DM on Instagram (@iambrandonlucero) and let's chat!


    Check out the other episodes in this series:

    Part One: https://brandonlucero.com/ep180 

    Part Two: https://brandonlucero.com/ep181 

    Part Three: https://brandonlucero.com/ep182 

    Part Four: https://brandonlucero.com/ep183 


    [FREE GUIDE] Discover The 3 MESSAGING FRAMEWORKS That Generated Profitable DM's In 72 Hours! Get your guide here - https://pages.brandonlucero.com/dm-sales 


    Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go to https://brandonlucero.com/podcast. Plus, when you send a screenshot of your review to support@brandonlucero.com my team will share our exclusive bonus episode with you! Thank you for your support of this show!


    Connect with me on Instagram @iamBrandonLucero and let me know what you think of the episode!

    How To Overcome Objections with Rachel Duffy, Part 4: Spouses, Rambling, and More

    How To Overcome Objections with Rachel Duffy, Part 4: Spouses, Rambling, and More

    So you end a sales call, and the potential customer did not buy. You can either get off the call, note the response was a no or not right now, and move on, or start the follow-up process in your sales cycle. Which is your typical response? Because if it’s the second option, your sales will double.


    In this episode of the podcast, Rachel and I sit down for the final episode of our 4-part objection-busting series to talk about doubling your sales in the follow-up cycle. Listen in and discover how we coach someone through the spouse or business partner objection, Rachel’s story of missing *this* on a call which meant losing the sale, our re-direct structure for dealing with rambling on a call, and follow-up strategies to increase sales and build trust.


    We also dive into how we make decisions with our spouses, what to do with a “no,” and our personal choices about starting and growing our own businesses.


    Check out the other episodes in this series:

    Part One: https://brandonlucero.com/ep180

    Part Two: https://brandonlucero.com/ep181

    Part Three: https://brandonlucero.com/ep182 


    [FREE GUIDE] Discover The 3 MESSAGING FRAMEWORKS That Generated Profitable DM's In 72 Hours! Get your guide here - https://pages.brandonlucero.com/dm-sales 

    Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go to https://brandonlucero.com/podcast. Plus, when you send a screenshot of your review to support@brandonlucero.com my team will share our exclusive bonus episode with you! Thank you for your support of this show!

    Connect with me on Instagram @iamBrandonLucero and let me know what you think of the episode!


    How To Overcome Objections with Rachel Duffy, Part 3: Money

    How To Overcome Objections with Rachel Duffy, Part 3: Money

    The BIGGEST objection you’ll ever face is… money. And I’m not talking about, “I have zero in my bank account and want to go into major debt to buy your course.” We’re talking ethical sales conversations around buying your offer or course, meaning people who have the money but aren’t sure it’s the best financial decision or something else.


    This is exactly what Rachel Duffy and I are talking about in this podcast episode. Listen in and discover two types of trust for happy buyers and how to build them quickly, why the money objection is coming up, different objection scenarios and how both Rachel and I approach them, and the questions to ask in each scenario. Because money objections, actually, are rarely connected to actual dollar bills. Here’s how we walk people through several money objection scenarios to make the best decision for them and their businesses.


    Listen to Part 1 of this four-part series here: https://brandonlucero.com/ep180


    Listen to Part 2 of this four-part series here: https://brandonlucero.com/ep181 


    [FREE GUIDE] Discover The 3 MESSAGING FRAMEWORKS That Generated Profitable DM's In 72 Hours! Get your guide here - https://pages.brandonlucero.com/dm-sales 


    Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go to https://brandonlucero.com/podcast. Plus, when you send a screenshot of your review to support@brandonlucero.com my team will share our exclusive bonus episode with you! Thank you for your support of this show!


    Connect with me on Instagram @iamBrandonLucero and let me know what you think of the episode!

    How To Overcome Objections with Rachel Duffy, Part 2: "Not The Right Time"

    How To Overcome Objections with Rachel Duffy, Part 2: "Not The Right Time"

    One of the most common objections we hear is– “it’s not the right time.” There’s a lot going on in this objection, and I’ve seen it come up for almost everyone in every niche (no matter what the program or offer is). I’ve also experienced this objection myself before buying a program or offer! And in this episode, Rachel Duffy (who has an insanely high closing rate with happy customers on the other end) and I are sharing how we move people through this objection.


    Tune in and discover what to ask in discovery for deeper insights into what’s going on, how to validate people and help them feel seen, unique ways to identify the underlying issue(s) with helpful stories and examples, and the exact sales conversations we have and how we move people to a confident decision. Because ultimately, we’re here to help people make the right decision for their business, whether it’s a yes or a no. I can’t wait to hear your ah-ha’s from this episode today because we really dig into what’s going on behind the scenes.


    Listen to Part 1 of this four-part series here: https://brandonlucero.com/ep180 


    [FREE GUIDE] Discover The 3 MESSAGING FRAMEWORKS That Generated Profitable DM's In 72 Hours! Get your guide here - https://pages.brandonlucero.com/dm-sales 


    Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go to https://brandonlucero.com/podcast. Plus, when you send a screenshot of your review to support@brandonlucero.com my team will share our exclusive bonus episode with you! Thank you for your support of this show!


    Connect with me on Instagram @iamBrandonLucero and let me know what you think of the episode!

    How To Overcome Objections: A Four Part Series with Rachel Duffy

    How To Overcome Objections: A Four Part Series with Rachel Duffy

    Most people think of making a sale as overcoming objections during the pitch. But you should be helping your potential buyers overcome objections way before you ever pitch. In fact, you can create a content and messaging structure that busts through certain objections at different stages in the customer journey. It’s a simple structure I like to use in my messaging, and I’m sharing it with you on the podcast with our sales coach, Rachel Duffy.


    We’ve created a five-part series on overcoming objections to talk you through our entire objection-busting process. Listen to Part 1 and learn the two types of objections you’re going to come across, why objections come up and how to address them, common mistakes people make in the process, and examples and stories of what works and what doesn’t along the way.


    [FREE GUIDE] Discover The 3 MESSAGING FRAMEWORKS That Generated Profitable DM's In 72 Hours! Get your guide here - https://pages.brandonlucero.com/dm-sales 


    Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go to https://brandonlucero.com/podcast. Plus, when you send a screenshot of your review to support@brandonlucero.com my team will share our exclusive bonus episode with you! Thank you for your support of this show!


    Connect with me on Instagram @iamBrandonLucero and let me know what you think of the episode!

    Balancing Kids, Family, And Business with Carrie Green

    Balancing Kids, Family, And Business with Carrie Green

    A lot of entrepreneurs and friends of mine are asking more questions and talking more about parenting and running a business, so I’ve asked some of my dearest friends and entrepreneurs to talk about their journey.


    In this episode, I’m sitting down with 8-figure entrepreneur, author, and mother, Carrie Green. Listen in and discover the process of making hard decisions as a parent, Carrie’s journey into parenthood as a successful entrepreneur, the balance of social life, time with kids, and time at work, and stories, tips, and personal breakthroughs on being more efficient in your life and business.How you show up in your life and business matters. Each story and interview we share is meant to help support you in your journey and create a better future for the ones you love most.


    Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go to https://brandonlucero.com/podcast. Plus, when you send a screenshot of your review to support@brandonlucero.com my team will share our exclusive bonus episode with you! Thank you for your support of this show!


    Connect with me on Instagram @iamBrandonLucero and let me know what you think of the episode!

    4 Steps To 4 Different Million-Dollar Courses And Programs

    4 Steps To 4 Different Million-Dollar Courses And Programs

    The old way of creating a successful course or program went a little like this: Create a course around your expertise. Share it with the world, market it, and it will sell. And this helped create a lot of the influencers and course creators you know today. But, as you know, the market is now much more saturated. So, this method isn’t as effective, and your messaging needs to shift in order for you to stand out.


    I want to give you a shortcut to growing a wildly profitable business as quickly as possible. This is exactly what I’m doing on this episode of the podcast! Listen and discover the 4 phases of building a 7-figure business today, niching (the right way), creating an offer that sells in today’s market, and what NOT to do when creating a course or program. These are the 4 elements we build on to create profitable and successful businesses over and over again.


    Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go to https://brandonlucero.com/podcast. Plus, when you send a screenshot of your review to support@brandonlucero.com my team will share our exclusive bonus episode with you! Thank you for your support of this show!


    Connect with me on Instagram @iamBrandonLucero and let me know what you think of the episode!