
    The New Generation Entrepreneur Podcast

    You’re about to experience the new way to thrive in business, entrepreneurship, and life by leaning into who you are, what you love, and standing up for what you want to create. This is where we go against the grain, say “NO” to outdated society norms, and we say “YES” to change in order to create a happier, more fulfilled world. Welcome to the New Generation Entrepreneur Podcast, hosted by Brandon Lucero. Like what you hear? Subscribe to the show!
    enBrandon Lucero217 Episodes

    Episodes (217)

    8 Lessons On Raising Kids While Building A Multi-Million Dollar Business

    8 Lessons On Raising Kids While Building A Multi-Million Dollar Business

    It took me 10 years to build a multi-million dollar business (and to grow on a personal level as well). With the experience and knowledge that I have now because of that 10-year journey, if I lost everything overnight it would not take me 10 years to build it back up. It would take one year, maybe less, and I could build it again and again.


    In this episode, I’m walking you through the 5 lessons I’ve learned building a multi-million dollar course-based business and what I’d do if I had to start all over again today. Listen in and discover the secret to profitable messaging and content, what truly helps you scale your business, my student’s #1 struggle and how to overcome it, and how to step out of “victimhood” and take responsibility for your business. You don’t have to learn the hard way - just learn from my experiences! 


    Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go to https://brandonlucero.com/podcast. Plus, when you send a screenshot of your review to support@brandonlucero.com my team will share our exclusive bonus episode with you! Thank you for your support of this show!


    Connect with me on Instagram @iamBrandonLucero and let me know what you think of the episode!

    The Timeless Sales Fundamentals We’ve Used To Grow Multiple 7-Figure Courses with James Wedmore

    The Timeless Sales Fundamentals We’ve Used To Grow Multiple 7-Figure Courses with James Wedmore

    The online business space has changed A LOT in the past ten years. But some business practices will stay tried and true through any market and any shift in buyer trends.


    Years ago, I reached out to a stranger online and asked to meet for coffee. That night at a coffee shop, we came up with a multi-million dollar idea. And in this episode, I’m sitting down with him (the then stranger), 8-figure entrepreneur James Wedmore, to talk about the business lessons we learned and what carried over into how we operate today.


    Tune in to hear us chat about how to know if you have a great offer, what really sells a product or offer, our advice on how to overcome fear and follow your intuition, and what held us back from scaling faster and how we shifted in the future. This episode is jam-packed with information for business owners at any stage and these principles could change your business. Some insights really surprised me in this episode, and I can’t wait to hear what you think.


    Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go to https://brandonlucero.com/podcast. Plus, when you send a screenshot of your review to support@brandonlucero.com my team will share our exclusive bonus episode with you! Thank you for your support of this show!


    Connect with me on Instagram @iamBrandonLucero and let me know what you think of the episode!

    5 Lessons I Wish I Knew Before Starting My Business

    5 Lessons I Wish I Knew Before Starting My Business

    It took me 10 years to build a multi-million dollar business (and to grow on a personal level as well). With the experience and knowledge that I have now because of that 10-year journey, if I lost everything overnight it would not take me 10 years to build it back up. It would take one year, maybe less, and I could build it again and again.


    In this episode, I’m walking you through the 5 lessons I’ve learned building a multi-million dollar course-based business and what I’d do if I had to start all over again today. Listen in and discover the secret to profitable messaging and content, what truly helps you scale your business, my student’s #1 struggle and how to overcome it, and how to step out of “victimhood” and take responsibility for your business. You don’t have to learn the hard way - just learn from my experiences!


    Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go to https://brandonlucero.com/podcast. Plus, when you send a screenshot of your review to support@brandonlucero.com my team will share our exclusive bonus episode with you! Thank you for your support of this show!


    Connect with me on Instagram @iamBrandonLucero and let me know what you think of the episode!

    How To Pull Yourself Out Of ANY Tough Failure In Business

    How To Pull Yourself Out Of ANY Tough Failure In Business

    Here’s the ONE truth I know about growing a business… failure is a part of success. You will fail, you will have hard times, and things won’t always work out how you want them to. Take my business just six months ago. We had the worst-performing launch in years and then we turned it around to have the best results in our most recent launch. But how do I deal with tough business situations like this?


    I didn’t always handle it in healthy or ideal ways. I fell into a lot of traps along the way, like victimhood, not thinking I needed any help (yikes), and believing I knew everything. It’s all a learning process, but I want to help you avoid unseen traps!


    That's why in this episode, I'm sharing everything I wish I’d known when I first got started as an entrepreneur. And what I want future generations to know about as well. So listen in as I spill the beans on the 4 steps to moving through tough times, so you can maintain your personal power, react powerfully and with little impact on your personal life or stress levels, build more resilience emotionally and mentally, and grow a business that turns failure into your superpower.


    Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go to https://brandonlucero.com/podcast. Plus, when you send a screenshot of your review to support@brandonlucero.com my team will share our exclusive bonus episode with you! Thank you for your support of this show!


    Connect with me on Instagram @iamBrandonLucero and let me know what you think of the episode!

    How To Niche Down and Be In Complete Alignment

    How To Niche Down and Be In Complete Alignment

    You don’t HAVE to niche down. At least, not the way you’ve probably been taught. Most people teach “niching down” as choosing a category, then a subcategory, and then another subcategory. This is outdated and causes more problems for entrepreneurs than it provides solutions.


    In this episode, I’ll show you why and I’ll walk you through how I teach my students to niche down without having to choose a category. So, if you want to improve your messaging quickly, attract the right people consistently, work with your absolute dream clients, and feel aligned with your content then this is the episode for you! You’ll learn the 5 problems you’ll run into if you niche down the traditional way. Because your messaging should be able to shift with you as you grow.


    Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go to https://brandonlucero.com/podcast. Plus, when you send a screenshot of your review to support@brandonlucero.com my team will share our exclusive bonus episode with you! Thank you for your support of this show!


    Connect with me on Instagram @iamBrandonLucero and let me know what you think of the episode!

    From Worst Performing Launch To BEST Performing Launch In 6 Months

    From Worst Performing Launch To BEST Performing Launch In 6 Months

    Last September, we had our worst launch yet so I knew something in my business had to change and got to work finding a solution FAST. Six months later and we had our BEST launch to date! What were the changes made? 


    I’m breaking them all down in great detail on the podcast today. From commissions, to ad spend, to strategy shifts and evergreen funnels… I don’t hold anything back. Tune in if you want to learn the shifts we made from our worst launch to our best in 6 months, what I believe is working now in the marketplace based on the numbers I’m seeing, wins, losses, and all the feels I experienced in between, and descriptions of our best-performing ads and other high-performing content.


    [FREE GUIDE] Discover The 3 MESSAGING FRAMEWORKS That Generated Profitable DM's In 72 Hours! Get your guide here - https://pages.brandonlucero.com/dm-sales 


    Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go to https://brandonlucero.com/podcast. Plus, when you send a screenshot of your review to support@brandonlucero.com my team will share our exclusive bonus episode with you! Thank you for your support of this show!


    Connect with me on Instagram @iamBrandonLucero and let me know what you think of the episode!

    Be Heard By Making Your Audience Feel Heard

    Be Heard By Making Your Audience Feel Heard

    In life and in business, no one likes to be in a one-way conversation. We must feel heard in order to hear. So how do you create content or messaging that makes five to a million people in your audience feel heard at a single moment? 


    In this episode I'm sharing how to actually make your audience feel heard through the content you create, the secret to becoming hyper-relevant to our audience through our content, ways to build rapport with your audience, and how do we help make them feel heard before we ever make ourselves heard. Speaking and listening in your marketing is an art form and break it down for you in this episode. In our most recent launch, we realized many entrepreneurs struggle with this balance. They’re more focused on being heard than helping their audience feel heard. Discover how to bring in more sales and engagement with a transformative communication style.


    [FREE GUIDE] Discover The 3 MESSAGING FRAMEWORKS That Generated Profitable DM's In 72 Hours! Get your guide here - https://pages.brandonlucero.com/dm-sales 


    Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go to https://brandonlucero.com/podcast. Plus, when you send a screenshot of your review to support@brandonlucero.com my team will share our exclusive bonus episode with you! Thank you for your support of this show!


    Connect with me on Instagram @iamBrandonLucero and let me know what you think of the episode!

    Break Past That "Waiting" Game You're Playing Because It's Killing Your Business

    Break Past That "Waiting" Game You're Playing Because It's Killing Your Business

    I want to talk about a major roadblock for entrepreneurs that has come up over and over again, and that is waiting. It’s also a roadblock for many of my students that keeps them from seeing results faster. It can look like perfectionism, but the problem is waiting doesn’t lead to results. Perfectionism keeps you from the “best” results. 


    On today’s episode, I’m breaking down how to move past the “waiting game” so you can get better results much faster, grow a business with more clarity, make profitable decisions based on numbers instead of fear, and step into your power and take action like a boss. I’ll give examples of what “waiting” excuses can look like and how to know what the next right step is (or how to step into the unknown without losing your power).


    [FREE GUIDE] Discover The 3 MESSAGING FRAMEWORKS That Generated Profitable DM's In 72 Hours! Get your guide here - https://pages.brandonlucero.com/dm-sales 


    Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go to https://brandonlucero.com/podcast. Plus, when you send a screenshot of your review to support@brandonlucero.com my team will share our exclusive bonus episode with you! Thank you for your support of this show!


    Connect with me on Instagram @iamBrandonLucero and let me know what you think of the episode!

    An Interview With Brandon's Wife About The Ups And Downs Of Being With An Entrepreneur

    An Interview With Brandon's Wife About The Ups And Downs Of Being With An Entrepreneur

    We just wrapped our New Generation Mastery launch, and spoiler alert, it went really well! As sales were rolling in, my wife leaned over to ask how it was going. I shared the good news of a 7-figure launch, followed by… “Remember when we were excited about ONE sale?“



    She didn’t miss a beat. “Yes. I also remember buying you In-N-Out burger because you were broke.” Being an entrepreneur has lots of ups and downs, pivots, and evolutions. Just six months ago we had our lowest-performing launch in a long time (more on this in an upcoming episode). But today I want to celebrate and honor the journey. Here’s a throwback episode to our entrepreneurial journey with my wife and me.



    So tune in and discover a behind-the-scenes look at marriage as an entrepreneur, the connections, hiring, and delegation for leveling up in business and actually prioritizing what you love, exactly how we scaled from zero to a multi-million dollar business, and how to bring your partner along with you in the entrepreneurship journey.


    Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go to https://brandonlucero.com/podcast. Plus, when you send a screenshot of your review to support@brandonlucero.com my team will share our exclusive bonus episode with you! Thank you for your support of this show!


    Connect with me on Instagram @iamBrandonLucero and let me know what you think of the episode!

    How To Delegate Your Messaging And Copy with Our Copywriter, Lander Sulser

    How To Delegate Your Messaging And Copy with Our Copywriter, Lander Sulser

    One of the BIGGEST misconceptions people believe is that messaging is copy. It’s not. Messaging is your communication and it flows into everything you do inside your business. It’s how you communicate on calls and in your content, the topics you cover, the titles you choose, the ads you create, emails… and so much more. And, that being said, copy is one of the most important vehicles that delivers your messaging.


    Over the years, copy has been the hardest thing for me to outsource. It’s so near and dear to my heart – I mean, it's literally my area of expertise. But you’ll reach a point in your business where delegating copy is necessary.


    For this episode, I invited our copywriter, Lander Sulser, onto the podcast to talk all about copy, hiring, delegating, and so on. Here’s what you’ll learn inside this episode when to hire and what to look for in a copywriter for your business, how we were able to find and bring in the right copywriter for us, smart ways to delegate copywriting inside of your business and maintaining our messaging philosophy throughout all content. Sit down with us as we talk about copywriting and hiring the right person at the right time for your business.


    Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go to https://brandonlucero.com/podcast. Plus, when you send a screenshot of your review to support@brandonlucero.com my team will share our exclusive bonus episode with you! Thank you for your support of this show!

    Connect with me on Instagram @iamBrandonLucero and let me know what you think of the episode!

    The Biggest Messaging Mistakes Our Students Overcome To Create Million Dollar Messaging With Rachel Duffy

    The Biggest Messaging Mistakes Our Students Overcome To Create Million Dollar Messaging With Rachel Duffy

    After helping over 1,400 students through our programs and coaching, we’ve noticed common mistakes that keep entrepreneurs from great messaging. And it’s not the strategy you use… Because when you have powerful messaging, then practically any strategy works! But without it, then the strategies do not work.


    In this episode, I’m sitting down with parenting coach and New Generation Mastery head coach, Rachel Duffy, to discuss these mistakes. Learn more about the mistakes and the paradigm shifts students make in order to unlock your own powerful messaging! Listen in as we discuss the #1 problem our students trip up all over, what the “testing phase” looks and feels like for successful messaging, a powerful reframe to help you 10x your traction, and how to position both yourself and your offer as the solution (and ultimately more sales). You’ll also hear the ONE question Rachel asks herself when she’s at a business crossroads to help make the next right decision.


    You could be just one shift away from powerful messaging and more engagement and sales than ever before.


    Join The New Generation Mastery Waitlist - https://brandonlucero.com/ngm 


    Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go to https://brandonlucero.com/podcast. Plus, when you send a screenshot of your review to support@brandonlucero.com my team will share our exclusive bonus episode with you! Thank you for your support of this show!


    Connect with me on Instagram @iamBrandonLucero and let me know what you think of the episode!

    How To Get Your Audience To KNOW They NEED You All On Their Own

    How To Get Your Audience To KNOW They NEED You All On Their Own

    Struggling to sell your product or offer? It’s not about convincing them they need “you” and it’s not about modules, videos, PDFs, and downloads (or even special bonuses). Instead, it’s about helping people come to their own conclusion that what you’re offering is the best solution. You want to persuade, influence, and communicate in a way that people come to their own conclusions about whether they want to work with you or not. When you’re able to do this and communicate in this way, the offer details become almost irrelevant because they already want to buy.


    How is this done? In this episode, I’m sharing my unique process and never before shared content. Listen in and discover my process for creating content that pulls in people and creates demand before you make an offer, the two sorts of trust you need to build to generate more sales, the four quadrants of content to bring in the right audience, and how we’ve been able to spend over $3M in ads and be profitable for every dollar spent. The process I’m sharing with you has helped our New Generation Mastery students bring in emails, and hundreds of DMs from people won want to work with them ASAP!


    Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go to https://brandonlucero.com/podcast. Plus, when you send a screenshot of your review to support@brandonlucero.com my team will share our exclusive bonus episode with you! Thank you for your support of this show!


    Connect with me on Instagram @iamBrandonLucero and let me know what you think of the episode!

    Creating Powerful Messaging Using Your Personal Power

    Creating Powerful Messaging Using Your Personal Power

    Saying the right thing has a massive influence on whether or not it’s going to be effective. You’ve probably heard me talk about language patterns and helpful tools like Thought Reversals, frameworks, script templates, and so on but there are also a couple of *invisible* elements that I also talk about inside my program, New Generation Mastery. Each of the invisible elements will either make or break your messaging. The most influential of all? Your personal power.


    Because if you don’t show up confident, if you’re letting the external world influence you, if you’re adjusting your message because of haters, or because of your parents, or your upbringing… All of these things will influence and impact how effective your messaging actually is.


    Want to know how to maintain the most amount of personal power and what this looks like as an entrepreneur? Listen in to today’s episode and learn the blessing and curse of starting an online business, our success rates with Facebook ads and what’s a “good” percentage, how to grow a business you love on your own terms, and what a loss of personal power actually looks like. Discover how to maintain your personal power and create content with confidence that shifts perspective, brings in sales, and grows a business you’re deeply aligned with.


    Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go to https://brandonlucero.com/podcast. Plus, when you send a screenshot of your review to support@brandonlucero.com my team will share our exclusive bonus episode with you! Thank you for your support of this show!


    Connect with me on Instagram @iamBrandonLucero and let me know what you think of the episode!

    5 Ways To Add Value Without Using Tutorials

    5 Ways To Add Value Without Using Tutorials

    Are you tired of hearing the same general advice about creating content and growing a business? Add value… Give away your best stuff for free… Build the know, like, and trust factor… the list could go on and on! Let's change that.


    On this episode of the podcast, I’m sharing how to create content that adds massive value without endless tutorials. Listen in and discover why information-based content shouldn’t be 100% of what you create, 5 ways to add value (that are NOT tutorials or how-to based content), examples and ideas for how to use each in your business, and how we use them in our business and what’s behind high-performing webinars. I’ve shared these inside my New Generation Mastery program, and now I’m sharing them with you on the podcast.


    Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go to https://brandonlucero.com/podcast. Plus, when you send a screenshot of your review to support@brandonlucero.com my team will share our exclusive bonus episode with you! Thank you for your support of this show!


    Connect with me on Instagram @iamBrandonLucero and let me know what you think of the episode!

    What It Really Takes To Master Your Messaging

    What It Really Takes To Master Your Messaging

    Every single successful entrepreneur (even if they haven’t worked with us) has mastered most or all of the 8 principles of high-converting messaging. Maybe you’ve mastered a few in your own business? And if not I guarantee that what hasn’t been mastered is EXACTLY what’s keeping you stuck.


    After working with over 1400 students, we’ve become very clear on each principle necessary to master your messaging and finally communicate in a way that brings in consistent sales with ease. So if you resonate with any of the communication struggles I mention in this episode, then you have a messaging problem, and I’m here to help you fix it. Tune into this episode to discover the 8 principles of message mastery! Let’s dive into what it really takes to master your messaging so you can grow and scale the business you truly want.


    Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go to https://brandonlucero.com/podcast. Plus, when you send a screenshot of your review to support@brandonlucero.com my team will share our exclusive bonus episode with you! Thank you for your support of this show!


    Connect with me on Instagram @iamBrandonLucero and let me know what you think of the episode!

    Testing Your Way To 7-Figure Messaging

    Testing Your Way To 7-Figure Messaging

    Strategy is rarely the problem. It results in about 10-15% of your success. But I’ve seen entrepreneurs do really well with both live launching and evergreen. Why? With the right messaging, you can flow between both and sell in many different strategies. The major determining factor is not your strategy, it’s your messaging, and the typical misstep I see entrepreneurs make is what I call “guess messaging.” This is when you put the strategy first and fill in the messaging with what you think will work. There’s a MUCH better way.


    On this episode of the podcast, I’m digging into testing and how to use messaging that works from day one. Testing is one of our three phases in the New Generation Mastery program, and it’s one you’ll use throughout the life of your business. Listen in and discover a look inside our program’s testing phase and how to use it in your business, dangerous strategy advice and the blending method I prefer that leads to better results, how I create a webinar topic, and so much more.

    Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go to https://brandonlucero.com/podcast. Plus, when you send a screenshot of your review to support@brandonlucero.com my team will share our exclusive bonus episode with you! Thank you for your support of this show!

    Connect with me on Instagram @iamBrandonLucero and let me know what you think of the episode!

    What I Would Do If I Had To Start All Over Again

    What I Would Do If I Had To Start All Over Again

    I've been in this industry for a really, really long time … before challenges ever existed, video series were brand-spanking new, and webinars were the leading sales technique. Let’s just say I’ve seen a LOT of strategies come and go. I’ve grown successful businesses, and I’ve made a lot of mistakes along the way. One of the best questions I get asked is, “What would I do if I started all over again today?” 


    There are so many factors, and on today’s episode, I’m sharing the exact steps I’d take right now, in today’s market, if I were to start a business from scratch. Listen in and discover what you DON’T need to be successful, my biggest lesson as an entrepreneur and how to grow a profitable business from the start, a quick process for building an audience without 100% “how to” content, and the lucrative offers I’d build and sell as my business grew at each stage, starting from deciding what business I’d start to create my first course.


    The industry is advancing and changing rapidly, but one thing remains true: If you’re able to master your messaging, improve your communication, and understand how to sell, then the strategies don’t matter. So tune in and learn how I’d build a profitable business from day one! 


    Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go to https://brandonlucero.com/podcast. Plus, when you send a screenshot of your review to support@brandonlucero.com my team will share our exclusive bonus episode with you! Thank you for your support of this show!


    Connect with me on Instagram @iamBrandonLucero and let me know what you think of the episode!

    2023 Marketing Predictions From Experts Who Grew In 2022

    2023 Marketing Predictions From Experts Who Grew In 2022

    Over the past year, we’ve seen “proven” marketing strategies (that worked well for many years) drop in effectiveness dramatically while other tactics worked really well. There’s also been a shift in buying behavior that will likely continue through the current recession. Simply put, there’s been a lot of change in the market, and this is because of a multitude of reasons which I talk about in this podcast episode… but even with all of these unforeseen changes, there have been businesses that have absolutely thrived.  


    So who better to hear predictions for 2023 than from successful business owners? 


    On this episode of the podcast, I’m bringing you six different expert predictions, including myself, for what’s to come in 2023. Listen in and discover marketing and business predictions from 7-figure online entrepreneurs including, Jesse Eker, James Wedmore, Nicole Culver, Mel Abraham, Rose Radford, and myself! 


    [FREE GUIDE] Discover The 3 MESSAGING FRAMEWORKS That Generated Profitable DM's In 72 Hours! Get your guide here - https://pages.brandonlucero.com/dm-sales 


    Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go to https://brandonlucero.com/podcast. Plus, when you send a screenshot of your review to support@brandonlucero.com my team will share our exclusive bonus episode with you! Thank you for your support of this show!


    Connect with me on Instagram @iamBrandonLucero and let me know what you think of the episode!

    Using Educational Persuasion To Make Your Tutorials Profitable

    Using Educational Persuasion To Make Your Tutorials Profitable

    We’re able to do seven-figure webinars, seven-figure launches, and we’ve navigated and scaled into a multi-seven-figure business. How? It is all because of the way we communicate. 


    On this episode of the podcast, I’m sharing some of our most successful persuasive techniques that are working now (and have worked multiple times in the past). Listen in and learn why 100% how-to content will kill your sales, why messaging is more important than any strategy out there, what’s truly behind many entrepreneurs’ plateaued sales, and simple persuasive techniques to draw in your audience from day one. 


    Over the past several years, I’ve used webinars, three-day workshops, video series, and emails. So many strategies. They’ve all worked. But if your messaging is broken, then none of it works. Start with the most important factor and discover the persuasion techniques that guarantee sales success. 


    [FREE GUIDE] Learn My 7-Figure Webinar Strategy To Breakthrough Your Sales Plateau And Fill Your Waitlist - https://pages.brandonlucero.com/7-figure-webinar-guide 


    Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go to https://brandonlucero.com/podcast. Plus, when you send a screenshot of your review to support@brandonlucero.com my team will share our exclusive bonus episode with you! Thank you for your support of this show!


    Connect with me on Instagram @iamBrandonLucero and let me know what you think of the episode!

    Building A Business Bringing Entrepreneurship To High Schoolers with Samantha Asante & Launch X

    Building A Business Bringing Entrepreneurship To High Schoolers with Samantha Asante & Launch X

    If you've been a follower of mine for any amount of time, you probably know I’d love to see entrepreneurship taught in high schools. I’m a huge advocate of providing more opportunities to kids after high school (other than college). And on this episode of the podcast, I’m speaking to someone who’s creating change now!


    Tune in and meet Samantha Asante from LaunchX, a high school entrepreneurship program that provides business education to young students. In fact, during the program, they launch revenue-turning businesses. Graduates of the program have been seen on Shark Tank, and their group of students went from zero to $22,000 in revenue collectively in just five weeks. Listen in and discover the behind-the-scenes of the LaunchX program and its success, the shift in society toward entrepreneurship and what this means for our kids, and business insights for growing in 2023.


    [FREE GUIDE] Learn My 7-Figure Webinar Strategy To Breakthrough Your Sales Plateau And Fill Your Waitlist - https://pages.brandonlucero.com/7-figure-webinar-guide 


    Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go to https://brandonlucero.com/podcast. Plus, when you send a screenshot of your review to support@soldwithvideo.com my team will share our exclusive bonus episode with you! Thank you for your support of this show!


    Connect with me on Instagram @iamBrandonLucero and let me know what you think of the episode!