
    The NO Bullsh*t Manifestation Show

    Are you ready to demystify all the “woo woo” & confusing BS that surrounds manifestation so that you can finally create your happiest, healthiest & wealthiest life? 

    Perfect, you’ve finally found the podcast to help you do just that. I’m your host, Kat Cozadd, a money mindset, manifestation & life coach here to give you a realistic view of what it is like to be on a personal, spiritual & professional growth journey. 

    The goal of this podcast is to support & guide you towards manifesting all of your dreams & encourage you to become the person who gets to have it all, be it all & do it all. 

    Each week we dive into topics surrounding manifesting money, releasing your limiting beliefs, healing trauma, connecting with your intuition and SO much more. 

    I am so happy that you are here, let’s f*cking do this thing…

    en-usKat Cozadd167 Episodes

    Episodes (167)

    Fearful About The Current Economic State? Listen To This

    Fearful About The Current Economic State? Listen To This

    Today’s episode of The NO Bullsh*t Manifestation Show, comes from The Enriched Podcast with Grace Alexander.

     Key points that are covered in this episode: 

    • Kat’s background and how she got started manifesting
    • Intentional manifestation vs unintentional manifestation
    • Misconceptions around manifesting
    • Where to start when nothing is clicking
    • The role of the subconscious mind
    • Releasing limiting beliefs surrounding money
    • Investing in mentorship and coaching
    • Overcoming the fear of being seen
    • Keeping momentum even when the economy is shaky
    • How everything in life is inherently neutral and we give everything meaning
    • Creating internal safety for yourself
    • Becoming the center point of your manifestations 
    • Why accepting the lows brings in the highs
    • Following your intuition over your logical thinking
    • The importance of doing the innerwork

     If you are interested in learning more about The Enriched Members Club, visit the link below & use discount code “KAT10” for 10% off:


    Check out Alex’s links below:

    Alex’s Instagram: https://instagram.com/thegracealexander

    The Enriched Podcast: https://thegracealexander.com/podcast/

    If you are ready to take control of your manifestation journey, check out the resources linked down below...

    Click here to become an Inside Member of Kat's low-cost membership community - The Mindset & Manifestation Inner Circle

    Apply to Kat's Signature Online Manifestation Program - The Abundant *AF* Babe Academy

    Follow Kat on Instagram

    Manifesting Time Freedom & The Ability To Travel The World

    Manifesting Time Freedom & The Ability To Travel The World

    In this solo episode of The NO Bullsh*t Manifestation Show, Kat talks about:

    • Why it is okay to not know how or when your manifestations are coming  
    • Getting clear about what you want
    • Setting intentions and taking inspired action
    • Creating the space for your manifestations and making them a priority in your life
    • How the Universe meets you halfway
    • Saying yes to opportunities that come to you
    • Why your limitations keep you safe, but can prevent you from receiving your manifestations
    • Creating evidence of safety around what you want, for your subconscious mind 

    If you are ready to take control of your manifestation journey, check out the resources linked down below...

    Click here to become an Inside Member of Kat's low-cost membership community - The Mindset & Manifestation Inner Circle

    Apply to Kat's Signature Online Manifestation Program - The Abundant *AF* Babe Academy

    Follow Kat on Instagram

    Becoming The Wealthiest & Greatest Version Of Yourself

    Becoming The Wealthiest & Greatest Version Of Yourself

    In this solo episode of The NO Bullsh*t Manifestation Show, Kat talks about:

    • The benefits of ruining your reputation
    • Why she gave up drinking alcohol
    • Facing the dark parts of yourself
    • Breaking free from old limiting beliefs
    • Redefining what it means to be the greatest version of yourself
    • Growing, changing & shifting to ascend into the higher and greater version of yourself
    • How triggers help show you what needs to be healed internally
    • Remaining in your truth and power
    • Why the world needs more people who are following their truth and paving their own paths

    If you are ready to take control of your manifestation journey, check out the resources linked down below...

    Click here to become an Inside Member of Kat's low-cost membership community - The Mindset & Manifestation Inner Circle

    Apply to Kat's Signature Online Manifestation Program - The Abundant *AF* Babe Academy

    Follow Kat on Instagram

    What To Do When You Don’t Know “What To Do” — Manifesting A Fulfilling Career

    What To Do When You Don’t Know “What To Do” — Manifesting A Fulfilling Career

    In this solo episode of The NO Bullsh*t Manifestation Show, Kat talks about:

    • The mass awakening going on about the idea that we do not have to work jobs that we hate 
    • Manifesting your career path, business, etc.
    • Traditional vs non traditional life and career paths
    • Why college is not for everyone
    • Asking The Universe for guidance and support along your journey
    • Paying attention to synchronicities 
    • Following intuitive pulls 
    • Investing in coaching 
    • The act of surrendering 
    • Why you need to get clear about exactly what you want out of life and what is important to you
    • Discovering & following your passions
    • Breaking out of the prescribed path 
    • Overcoming the fear of failure

    If you are ready to take control of your manifestation journey, check out the resources linked down below...

    Click here to become an Inside Member of Kat's low-cost membership community - The Mindset & Manifestation Inner Circle

    Apply to Kat's Signature Online Manifestation Program - The Abundant *AF* Babe Academy

    Follow Kat on Instagram

    Choosing Your Manifestations Unconditionally (Pursuing Your Dream Life Even & Especially When It Doesn't Make Sense)

    Choosing Your Manifestations Unconditionally (Pursuing Your Dream Life Even & Especially When It Doesn't Make Sense)

    In this solo episode of The NO Bullsh*t Manifestation Show, Kat talks about:

    • Investing in yourself
    • Unconditionally pursuing your manifestations even and especially when they do not make sense
    • Breaking free from negative cycles
    • Why you cannot manifest the life of your dreams from your comfort zone
    • Up-leveling to higher energetic fields 
    • Why the inner world must come first
    • Getting out of your own way

    If you are ready to take control of your manifestation journey, check out the resources linked down below...

    Click here to become an Inside Member of Kat's low-cost membership community - The Mindset & Manifestation Inner Circle

    Apply to Kat's Signature Online Manifestation Program - The Abundant *AF* Babe Academy

    Follow Kat on Instagram

    Overcoming Perfectionism & An Eating Disorder with Guest Carolina Salazar

    Overcoming Perfectionism & An Eating Disorder with Guest Carolina Salazar

    On today’s episode of The NO Bullsh*t Manifestation Show, Kat had the pleasure of chatting with Carolina Salazar. Carolina AKA @thecarolinalifestyle on TT and IG, is a health and life coach focused on empowering women to heal their relationship to their body and food, to prioritize their mental and emotional health and to connect to their magic as their higher selves. She provides a holistic view of health - integrating soul, body and mind together. She is also the host of LUNA the podcast, has her own cookbook and offers birth chart readings!

    Key points that are covered in this episode: *Trigger warning:  discussion of eating disorders

    • Perfectionism & perfectionistic tendencies 
    • The importance of personal responsibility & graceful discipline
    • Shifting your mindset to create a new reality for yourself 
    • Conscious manifesting 
    • Shadow work and shining a light on your shadow
    • Prioritizing mental and emotional health
    • The way your body changes over time
    • Recovering from an eating disorder
    • Working through body image issues
    • Finding happiness in the now
    • The “and” mindset
    • Divine feminine energy
    • Dropping the pressure from society and from within

    If you are interested in learning more about & connecting with her, check out the links below:

    Carolina’s Instagram: https://instagram.com/thecarolinalifestyle

    Carolina’s TikTok: https://tiktok.com/thecarolinalifestyle

    Carolina’s Creator Store: https://stanwith.me/thecarolinalifestyle

    Carolina’s Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/5tH27xi7V6AyaickoqpBg9?si=_gquNOyhRC6GoX613W5IJ

    If you are ready to take control of your manifestation journey, check out the resources linked down below...

    Click here to become an Inside Member of Kat's low-cost membership community - The Mindset & Manifestation Inner Circle

    Apply to Kat's Signature Online Manifestation Program - The Abundant *AF* Babe Academy

    Follow Kat on Instagram

    3 Years Ago Today, I Made Myself A Promise To Live By The Law Of Attraction

    3 Years Ago Today, I Made Myself A Promise To Live By The Law Of Attraction

    *TRIGGER WARNING: talk of suicide

    In this solo episode of The NO Bullsh*t Manifestation Show, Kat talks about:

    • Her journey to finding manifestation and the Law of Attraction
    • Living intentionally 
    • Rising from rock bottom
    • Committing to the healing journey and making impactful changes
    • Releasing limiting beliefs
    • No longer playing victim to your own life
    • Finding your light
    • Divine timing
    • Why turning inward creates long lasting, sustainable change 
    • The importance of investing in yourself 

    If you are ready to take control of your manifestation journey, check out the resources linked down below...

    Click here to become an Inside Member of Kat's low-cost membership community - The Mindset & Manifestation Inner Circle

    Apply to Kat's Signature Online Manifestation Program - The Abundant *AF* Babe Academy

    Follow Kat on Instagram

    Stop Asking The Universe For Signs Of Guidance & Learn To Trust Yooo Damn Self

    Stop Asking The Universe For Signs Of Guidance & Learn To Trust Yooo Damn Self

    In this solo episode of The NO Bullsh*t Manifestation Show, Kat talks about:

    • Our connection to the Universe
    • Being intentional with decisions 
    • Asking for signs of guidance from the Universe, but trusting yourself
    • Building faith and trust from within 
    • Becoming financially free and secure
    • Elevating your vibration to naturally and effortlessly manifest what you want 
    • Starting small
    • Following your own inner guidance system rather than getting validation from outside sources
    • Backing affirmations with action
    • Creating new neural pathways
    • The importance of following through on your word

    If you are ready to take control of your manifestation journey, check out the resources linked down below...

    Click here to become an Inside Member of Kat's low-cost membership community - The Mindset & Manifestation Inner Circle

    Apply to Kat's Signature Online Manifestation Program - The Abundant *AF* Babe Academy

    Follow Kat on Instagram

    "It Gets To Be Easy" - Breaking Down The "Hard-work" Myth

    "It Gets To Be Easy" - Breaking Down The "Hard-work" Myth

    In this solo episode of The NO Bullsh*t Manifestation Show, Kat talks about:

    • Breaking down the belief that it has to be hard
    • Identifying and eliminating subconscious limiting beliefs
    • How you are the creator of your own reality
    • EFT Tapping
    • Quantum Leaping
    • Shifting into the greatest version of yourself
    • Identifying why you believe things have to be hard for you in the first place 
    • The ego and the subconscious  

    If you are ready to take control of your manifestation journey, check out the resources linked down below...

    Click here to become an Inside Member of Kat's low-cost membership community - The Mindset & Manifestation Inner Circle

    Apply to Kat's Signature Online Manifestation Program - The Abundant *AF* Babe Academy

    Follow Kat on Instagram

    Healing Your Relationship With Receiving For Money Manifestation, Love & More

    Healing Your Relationship With Receiving For Money Manifestation, Love & More

    In this solo episode of The NO Bullsh*t Manifestation Show, Kat talks about:

    • Societal expectations and pressures 
    • Why we tend to push away opportunities to receive
    • Getting clear on how you receive things in all areas of life
    • How to open yourself up to receiving 
    • Deconstructing old belief systems 
    • Releasing control to the Universe
    • Shifting your vibration and set point of attraction 
    • Naturally and effortlessly manifesting
    • Self fulfilling prophecies  
    • Feminine energy 

    If you are ready to take control of your manifestation journey, check out the resources linked down below...

    Click here to become an Inside Member of Kat's low-cost membership community - The Mindset & Manifestation Inner Circle

    Apply to Kat's Signature Online Manifestation Program - The Abundant *AF* Babe Academy

    Follow Kat on Instagram

    Step by Step Money Manifestation Challenge - TRY THIS!!!

    Step by Step Money Manifestation Challenge - TRY THIS!!!

    In this solo episode of The NO Bullsh*t Manifestation Show, Kat talks about:

    • Self care
    • Creating the evidence for yourself that will prove that you are powerful at manifesting money into your life
    • Kat’s step by step process to manifesting money
    • The difference between sitting, waiting, wishing wanting something vs. actually setting an intention for something and going after it
    • The “ladder of believability”
    • Aligning your energy, thoughts, effort and vibration with manifesting what you are calling in
    • Getting clear on the “why” behind what you want to manifest
    • Feeling into the emotions of gratitude, joy and any other emotion you believe you will feel once you get what you are manifesting
    • The importance of staying open to the infinite number of ways the money can come to you
    • Detaching from the “when” and “how”
    • Scripting/journaling in the present & past tense 

    If you are ready to take control of your manifestation journey, check out the resources linked down below...

    Click here to become an Inside Member of Kat's low-cost membership community - The Mindset & Manifestation Inner Circle

    Apply to Kat's Signature Online Manifestation Program - The Abundant *AF* Babe Academy

    Follow Kat on Instagram

    How Poverty Affects Your Relationship With Yourself & With Money W/ Guest Danielle Mclean

    How Poverty Affects Your Relationship With Yourself & With Money W/ Guest Danielle Mclean

    On today’s episode of The NO Bullsh*t Manifestation Show, Kat had the pleasure of chatting with Danielle Mclean. Through her own experience with PTSD, depression as well as being diagnosed with borderline personality disorder as a direct result from trauma, Dani has personally found significant healing through practicing mindfulness that she wants to share her own experiences, pass along everything she has learned through years of therapy, and in life, and in turn, hopefully assist others in their healing journey through her podcast Causing Friction.

     Key points that are covered in this episode:

    • Growing up in poverty
    • Healing your relationship with money
    • Learning how to manage money & accept help
    • Why oftentimes money manifestation has nothing to do with money and everything to do with your relationship with yourself 
    • How shame/embarrassment lead to victim mentality
    • Breaking free of toxic cycles 
    • Stepping into the highest version of yourself 
    • Instant gratification to combat depression 
    • Redefining what wealth means 
    • The confidence of asking for what you want and deserve 
    • Trauma and how it alters your brain and the way you perceive things 
    • Becoming fully, consciously aware of your current situation
    • The fact that you are who you surround yourself with 

     If you are interested in learning more about Dani & connecting with her, check out the links below:

    Dani’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/causingfriction/

    Dani’s Podcast: https://causingfriction.com

    If you are ready to take control of your manifestation journey, check out the resources linked down below...

    Click here to become an Inside Member of Kat's low-cost membership community - The Mindset & Manifestation Inner Circle

    Apply to Kat's Signature Online Manifestation Program - The Abundant *AF* Babe Academy

    Follow Kat on Instagram

    The Desires Placed On Your Heart Are NOT A Coincidence

    The Desires Placed On Your Heart Are NOT A Coincidence

    In this solo episode of The NO Bullsh*t Manifestation Show, Kat talks about:

    • Why it feels like you are made for something greater than what you have right now
    • Victim mentality and the ego
    • Honoring and pursuing your inner knowing and truth
    • How our heart’s desires are a gift to the world
    • Stepping into the abundant and beautiful life you know you are meant to have 
    • Society, limiting beliefs and conditions that bring us further away from the desires on our hearts 
    • Shining your light in the world in a way that the world needs
    • How everything that you feel is there on purpose & why you should listen and take action

    If you are ready to take control of your manifestation journey, check out the resources linked down below...

    Click here to become an Inside Member of Kat's low-cost membership community - The Mindset & Manifestation Inner Circle

    Apply to Kat's Signature Online Manifestation Program - The Abundant *AF* Babe Academy

    Follow Kat on Instagram

    You Manifest What You Are

    You Manifest What You Are

    In this solo episode of The NO Bullsh*t Manifestation Show, Kat talks about:

    • Why you don’t manifest what you want, you manifest what you are
    • Being more mindful of what you are consuming
    • Assessing and addressing what your life looks like right now
    • How to set yourself up to be the highest version of yourself
    • Becoming aware of what will actually be fulfilling for you at a soul level, and not just provide instant gratification
    • Raising your vibration which, by the Law of Attraction, will attract back in bigger and more abundant things into your life
    • Leaving the all or nothing mentality in the past
    • Why restricting can lead to over consumption
    • Creating long lasting, sustainable change
    • Embodying your beliefs and taking action to bring your manifestations to fruition

    If you are ready to take control of your manifestation journey, check out the resources linked down below...

    Click here to become an Inside Member of Kat's low-cost membership community - The Mindset & Manifestation Inner Circle

    Apply to Kat's Signature Online Manifestation Program - The Abundant *AF* Babe Academy

    Follow Kat on Instagram

    Top Lessons I Learned Going From $70K In Debt To Completely Financially Free Using The Law Of Attraction

    Top Lessons I Learned Going From $70K In Debt To Completely Financially Free Using The Law Of Attraction

    In this solo episode of The NO Bullsh*t Manifestation Show, Kat talks about:

    • Creating a financially free life using the Law of Attraction
    • Avoiding finances 
    • Healing your relationship with money
    • Reframing your beliefs about debt
    • Why focusing on your debt might not motivate you enough to eliminate it 
    • Embodying the version of you that has it all
    • Getting to a supportive place in your finances 
    • Debt being inherently neutral
    • Not restricting when you are releasing debt
    • Honoring what is important to you and prioritizing those things
    • How restricting can often times lead to overindulging
    • Why going on a debt free journey requires you to examine your relationship with yourself, the world and other people
    • The importance of doing the innerwork
    • Getting intimate with your relationship with money

    If you are ready to take control of your manifestation journey, check out the resources linked down below...

    Click here to become an Inside Member of Kat's low-cost membership community - The Mindset & Manifestation Inner Circle

    Apply to Kat's Signature Online Manifestation Program - The Abundant *AF* Babe Academy

    Follow Kat on Instagram

    Boundaries Are An Energetic Standard Of What You Are Available For

    Boundaries Are An Energetic Standard Of What You Are Available For

    In this solo episode of The NO Bullsh*t Manifestation Show, Kat talks about:

    • What boundaries really are
    • How boundaries are learned from parents
    • Setting the energetic standard of what you are available for
    • Recognizing where you are not upholding your boundaries
    • Building new beliefs by following through on your boundaries
    • Keeping promises to yourself
    • Breaking free from negative patterns in your life
    • Learning how to communicate your boundaries with others
    • Positive communication 
    • Raising your set point of attraction to magnetize and manifest more of what you want via the Law of Attraction

    If you are ready to take control of your manifestation journey, check out the resources linked down below...

    Click here to become an Inside Member of Kat's low-cost membership community - The Mindset & Manifestation Inner Circle

    Apply to Kat's Signature Online Manifestation Program - The Abundant *AF* Babe Academy

    Follow Kat on Instagram

    Breaking Down What Manifestation Is For People Who Just Don't Get It

    Breaking Down What Manifestation Is For People Who Just Don't Get It

    In this solo episode of The NO Bullsh*t Manifestation Show, Kat talks about:

    • What manifestation is in simple terms
    • The Universal Law of Attraction 
    • Intentional manifestation vs. manifestation 
    • Getting clear about how you feel about all areas of your life
    • Becoming aware of what your subconscious beliefs are
    • Developing new neural pathways and rewiring your psychology to work for you
    • Creating long lasting, sustainable change 
    • How society shapes our limiting beliefs
    • Common misconceptions around manifestation 
    • The roles of quantum physics and psychology in manifestation
    • How to stop living on autopilot and take control of your life

    If you are ready to take control of your manifestation journey, check out the resources linked down below...

    Click here to become an Inside Member of Kat's low-cost membership community - The Mindset & Manifestation Inner Circle

    Apply to Kat's Signature Online Manifestation Program - The Abundant *AF* Babe Academy

    Follow Kat on Instagram

    50th Episode, What I've Manifested Since Starting The Podcast In September 2021

    50th Episode, What I've Manifested Since Starting The Podcast In September 2021

    In this solo episode of The NO Bullsh*t Manifestation Show, Kat talks about:

    • What has changed in her life since moving to NYC
    • Navigating life in a new city  
    • Making soul aligned friends
    • Changing your perception by putting yourself in the environments you wish to be in
    • Overcoming challenges and growing from them
    • Why we grow so much outside of our comfort zones
    • The importance of embracing change 
    • Learning how to trust yourself 
    • Dreaming bigger
    • Facing challenges and discomfort and allowing yourself to receive abundance

    If you are ready to take control of your manifestation journey, check out the resources linked down below...

    Click here to become an Inside Member of Kat's low-cost membership community - The Mindset & Manifestation Inner Circle

    Apply to Kat's Signature Online Manifestation Program - The Abundant *AF* Babe Academy

    Follow Kat on Instagram

    Becoming The Highest Version Of Yourself With Guest Carlie Victor

    Becoming The Highest Version Of Yourself With Guest Carlie Victor

    On today’s episode of The NO Bullsh*t Manifestation Show, Kat had the pleasure of chatting with Carlie Victor. Carlie is one of Kat’s past clients who has completely transformed her life using intentional manifestation. Currently, she is working on finalizing and launching her app called “Soul Tribe!” which is a dating and social app for those who are conscious of the fact that we create our own realities. If you are interested in joining the community that Carlie has created, or learning more about her app, please visit the links below.

     Key points that are covered in this episode:

    • What the Law of Assumption is and how it differs from the Law of Attraction
    • Misconceptions around manifestations
    • Intentional Manifestation 
    • The importance of investing in a coach
    • Taking inspired action
    • Tapping into the Universal energy within
    • Following intuitive pulls and trusting your intuition
    • Showing up as your authentic self without the approval and opinions of others
    • Carlie’s app for dating and friendship in the spiritual community 
    • Why you should take responsibility for everything that has happened and is happening in your life

    If you are interested in learning more about Carlie & connecting with her, check out the links below:

    Soul Tribe! Landing page: https://jointhesoultribe.wixsite.com/soultribe?utm_campaign=96ab40f0-1382-4d48-bf20-7b212192d6b4&utm_source=so&utm_medium=mail

    Soul Tribe! IG: https://instagram.com/soultribe_connect?r=nametag

    Carlie’s  Podcast: https://anchor.fm/co-create-with-carlie---make-the-law-of-attraction--spirituality-work-for-y

    Carlie’s TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdBxT3Ys/

    If you are ready to take control of your manifestation journey, check out the resources linked down below...

    Click here to become an Inside Member of Kat's low-cost membership community - The Mindset & Manifestation Inner Circle

    Apply to Kat's Signature Online Manifestation Program - The Abundant *AF* Babe Academy

    Follow Kat on Instagram

    Feeling Disconnected From Your Faith & The Universe? Listen To This.

    Feeling Disconnected From Your Faith & The Universe? Listen To This.

    In this solo episode of The NO Bullsh*t Manifestation Show, Kat talks about:

    • What to reconnect to inside of yourself when you are feeling disconnected to the Universe, etc.
    • Navigating through the temporary seasons of life we experience 
    • The resentment and resistance that can come from acting against your integrity while feeling disconnected from your faith 
    • How your parents’/caregivers’ faith and beliefs impact your own faith and beliefs
    • Approaching manifestation from a scientific standpoint through psychology and quantum physics 
    • The importance of accepting that faith wavers at times
    • Giving yourself permission to be with what is
    • Forming radical acceptance

    If you are ready to take control of your manifestation journey, check out the resources linked down below...

    Click here to become an Inside Member of Kat's low-cost membership community - The Mindset & Manifestation Inner Circle

    Apply to Kat's Signature Online Manifestation Program - The Abundant *AF* Babe Academy

    Follow Kat on Instagram