
    The Nomad Together Podcast | Location Independent Families & Digital Nomad Families

    Location independence as a family is possible for everyone! Along our travels, we have met families all around the world who have embraced this lifestyle. This podcast is all about how you too can choose to live a location independent lifestyle as a family. We cover topics such as homeschooling, roadschooling and worldschooling as well as remote working and running a location independent business. Join us as we fly, sail and RV around the world!
    enPaul Kortman64 Episodes

    Episodes (64)

    Episode #24: Secrets to Passion and Success with Jeremy Vore

    Episode #24: Secrets to Passion and Success with Jeremy Vore


    On this week's podcast, you'll be hearing an interview with one of our good friends, Jeremy Vore from TheVoiceNinja.com. We were blessed to visit the Vores at their homestead in Michigan last year. Jeremy is somewhat of a Jack-of-all-trades, with experience as a sea kayak instructor, photographer and a pilot, as well as holding corporate career paths in aviation, health care and more. He currently has transitioned to a location-independent source of income as a voice over talent. On this week's episode, you'll hear Jeremy talk about what it takes to build a lifestyle around passion and how to build success.


    Episode #23: The Challenges of Returning Home with Sharon Gourlay

    Episode #23: The Challenges of Returning Home with Sharon Gourlay


    On this week's episode, we're speaking with Sharon Gourlay from WheresSharon.com. Sharon and her family left their home in Melbourne, Australia in 2014 with the dream of a better lifestyle. Since then, they have built a successful travel blog and a series of other sites while visiting many countries in Asia and Europe with their preschoolers. They recently decided to return back home, which is something that a lot of digital nomads consider during their travels. You'll hear how the Gourlays managed to build a successful location-independent business on the road, and how they were able to face the challenges of settling into life back home.


    Episode #22: The Kortman Family Culture Part 2

    Episode #22: The Kortman Family Culture Part 2


    This week's episode is the second of a two part series all about our day to day lives as a family of digital nomads. On this part of the series, we get a lot more candid about our personal lives as parents. We'll be answering some more listener questions about how we are able to nurture our relationship and keep our batteries recharged. We'll also share some stories about what it is like to maintain an intimate relationship while living on the road. These are some of the questions our listeners ask us the most, but don't worry, we keep the answers "family friendly".





    Episode #21: The Kortman Family Culture Part 1

    Episode #21: The Kortman Family Culture Part 1


    This week's episode is the first of a two part series all about our day to day lives as a family of digital nomads. What is it like to travel with children on the road, and how do we cultivate the kind of culture that we want for our family? A lot of these decisions are intentional, but sometimes these things can happen by accident. We'll be sharing all of the routines, experiences and traditions that have made the Kortmans who we are today. This episode is all about how to live each day as a nomadic family. 


    Episode #20: Becoming an RV Entrepreneur with Heath Padgett

    Episode #20: Becoming an RV Entrepreneur with Heath Padgett


    On this week's episode, you will be hearing from Heath Padgett of the RV Entrepreneur Podcast. After Heath and his wife Alyssa got married, the decided to buy an RV, and honeymoon by traveling all 50 states in the US. Eventually, they decided that they wanted to live on the road full time, and they set out to see if they could work a job in each state as they traveled. They even created a documentary following their exploits. We talked to Heath about his family adventures, and how he has been able to create a source of location-independent revenue to support his lifestyle.


    Episode #19: From Alaska to Mexico with Saskia Esslinger

    Episode #19: From Alaska to Mexico with Saskia Esslinger


    This week's episode features a unique interview with Saskia Esslinger. We met Saskia, her husband Matt and their two boys when we were living in Cabo Pulmo in Baja California. They are originally from Alaska and they traveled to Mexico in a small tow-behind RV. Like us, they are new to this lifestyle, and they are learning what it is like to become location-independent. Join us this week as we chat with Saskia about the ins and outs of parenting and living on the road.


    Episode #18: How to Face Your Naysayers

    Episode #18: How to Face Your Naysayers


    After a brief hiatus, we have returned to the podcast. What happened during those few months? Well, to be honest, we have struggled through some negative feedback and discouraging times. We thought it would be fitting to return with an episode that talks about one of the most difficult things that location-independent families face during their travels: naysayers. We're going to be talking about how to face the people who don't understand us and hate on the lifestyle that we love.


    Episode #17: Can Teenagers Benefit from a Nomadic Lifestyle?

    Episode #17: Can Teenagers Benefit from a Nomadic Lifestyle?


    On today's podcast, we are speaking with Mike Boyink from Ditching Suburbia. The Boyinks have been on the road for over five years, and they have been raising two teenagers along the way. A location-independent lifestyle means taking teenagers away from their friends and outside of their comfort zone, so you can expect that some problems may occur. We have young children, and for some of them this is the only lifestyle they remember, so we are really curious and excited to find out how this lifestyle can work for parents of teenagers. 


    Episode #16: 10 Ways You Can Create Location Independent Revenue

    Episode #16: 10 Ways You Can Create Location Independent Revenue


    Today I'm going to be talking about how you can start to make your own location independent money. This is what fuels your dreams, the ability to earn money without having to go into an office or punch a clock. I'll be sharing ten ways you can turn your expertise and your experience into legitimate location independent income. This is the key to creating a digital nomadic life. I'll be talking about a number of different ways that you can start earning location independent money today.


    Episode #15: Family Life in a Caravan with Ryel Kestano

    Episode #15: Family Life in a Caravan with Ryel Kestano


    On this week's podcast, we are talking to Ryel Kestano, a fellow American who is living a nomadic lifestyle with his family. The Kestanos have four children and are RVing in Europe, or "Caravaning" as it is called over there. They have an incredible outlook on life and such a great story. Our family has learned a lot from the Kestanos, and we are already location independent. This is a very powerful interview that might just change your outlook on how to live your life of freedom.


    Episode #14: Growing Up as a Nomad with Andrea Watters

    Episode #14: Growing Up as a Nomad with Andrea Watters


    On this week's podcast we've invited Andrea Watters on to the show. Andrea is an Aussie and her story is incredibly unique because she traveled the world as a child. She is going to be sharing what life is like as an adult after traveling the world in her younger years. We know there are a lot of parents out there who wonder how the nomadic lifestyle will impact their children as they get older. Andrea talks us through a lot of those concerns and helps us see some of the real-world benefits that our kids will see for the rest of their lives.




    Episode #13: Planning for Your Fact-Finding Journey with Anthony Fasano

    Episode #13: Planning for Your Fact-Finding Journey with Anthony Fasano


    On this week's podcast, we are going to be speaking with Anthony Fasano. Like most of our listeners, Anthony is in the stage where he is actually planning his first trip as a digital nomad.  This is going to be a really informative episode for people who are trying to transition to location-independence, as Anthony is going to be talking about how he turned his career as an engineer into a location-independent business. The Fasano family's story is also unique in that they haven't really decided on becoming full-time digital nomads just yet, but their first foray into this lifestyle might just change their minds. 


    Episode #12: Building a Business and Living Out of a Suitcase with Natalie Sisson

    Episode #12: Building a Business and Living Out of a Suitcase with Natalie Sisson


    On this week's episode, we have invited Natalie Sisson on to the show. Natalie is a number one bestselling author, podcaster, speaker and adventurer. She believes everyone has the right to choose freedom in business and adventure. Natalie was born in New Zealand and built her multiple six figure business from her laptop over the last five years. She has been living out of her suitcase, and has traveled to 70 countries while showing others how to build profitable online businesses via her website SuitcaseEntrepreneur.com.  


    Episode #11: Transitioning into Location Independence with Zane and Gretchen DeVault

    Episode #11: Transitioning into Location Independence with Zane and Gretchen DeVault


    On today's podcast, I am speaking with Zane and Gretchen DeVault. The DeVaults are a pair of musicians with twin children, who have recently completed a their first location-independent fact-finding trip to Los Angeles. They have returned home to Michigan and are in the process of selling their belongings with the intention of traveling across North America. Listen in to hear how their lives have been challenged and changed. Their story is a fantastic example of how anyone can transition into the Digital Nomadic lifestyle.


    Episode #10: Starting a Business and a Family with Dan of Startup With Kids

    Episode #10: Starting a Business and a Family with Dan of Startup With Kids


    Today I am speaking with Dan of Startup with Kids, a podcast all about helping families start and grow businesses while being parents. Dan and his wife have three businesses and are expecting their first child. Like many of our listeners, they are not yet location independent, but they are moving in that direction.  Dan was also homeschooled and talks really frankly about his education and home situation growing up. I actually pushed Dan pretty hard by playing the Devil's advocate on this episode. Stick around to see how he handles the pressure and how we can all learn from his story.


    Episode #9: Ethical Hiring Practices for Digital Nomads with Ross and Mel Townson of FairMarketeers

    Episode #9: Ethical Hiring Practices for Digital Nomads with Ross and Mel Townson of FairMarketeers


    On today's podcast I am going to be speaking with Ross and Mel Townson of FairMarketeers, a website that focuses on helping businesses be ethical in their hiring practices. It's a much different perspective than most of us who own businesses have about hiring. Today's interview will help you see how one couple can travel the world while running a business together and selling other businesses. In fact, they sold their most recent business just ten days before recording this podcast. This episode will touch on what it took for them to transition into location independence and what we can do as entrepreneurs to be more ethical in our hiring practices. 



    Episode #8: Living Full-Time in an RV with Kimberly Travaglino of Fulltime Families

    Episode #8: Living Full-Time in an RV with Kimberly Travaglino of Fulltime Families


    On today's episode, I'm going to be speaking with Kimberly Travaglino of Fulltime Families, a community of almost 1000 Full-Time RVing families. If that number seems surprising, just wait until she tells you how many full-time families in her community are in the United States or how many there are in the world. Not all of these families are location independent, but today's show will really explain a lot about how other families are full-timing it across the United States in an RV. Kimberly is also going to be giving away some prizes so be sure listen to the entire episode to find out how you could get your hands on some free stuff.



    Episode #7: Answering Questions from Our Listeners

    Episode #7: Answering Questions from Our Listeners


    On this week's episode, we are going to be responding to a bunch of questions that were submitted by our listeners. We'll be touching on a broad range of topics, including how we do family differently, and why we love to live with less. We'll also be talking about how we were able to shut down our old lives, how we handle our mail forwarding, and why communication with your partner is of the utmost importance when you are transitioning into a location-independent lifestyle.



    Episode #6: Eighteen Tips for Downsizing Your Life

    Episode #6: Eighteen Tips for Downsizing Your Life


    Today we're going to talk about downsizing your life and living off of less. Living a nomadic life means that you can't take everything with you when you leave. This week's episode is all about helping you choose what you can keep and what you can live without. We put together a list of tricks for downsizing your belongings, and we've broken them down into 18 unique categories. Even if you aren't location-independent, these tips are valuable to anyone who is looking to simplify their life. 


    Episode #5: A Comprehensive Guide to Banking for Digital Nomads

    Episode #5: A Comprehensive Guide to Banking for Digital Nomads


    Today we are going to talk about banking and how it can help you live a life of freedom. For most of us that are living the Western script, banking is a simple, everyday part of our lives. For digital nomads it can become a lot more complicated. We'll be talking about some financial lessons that we learned  during our travels, and how you can avoid making the same mistakes. We'll also be sharing what we believe are the top four banks worldwide for location-independent families, so you can choose the bank that is right for you.
