
    The Nomad Together Podcast | Location Independent Families & Digital Nomad Families

    Location independence as a family is possible for everyone! Along our travels, we have met families all around the world who have embraced this lifestyle. This podcast is all about how you too can choose to live a location independent lifestyle as a family. We cover topics such as homeschooling, roadschooling and worldschooling as well as remote working and running a location independent business. Join us as we fly, sail and RV around the world!
    enPaul Kortman64 Episodes

    Episodes (64)

    Episode #4: Five Options for Educating Your Children in a Location-Independent Environment

    Episode #4: Five Options for Educating Your Children in a Location-Independent Environment


    This episode is going to be all about education, kids, and how to live a life of freedom. We are going to work through the five different options you have for educating your children while living a nomadic lifestyle. There are so many options for schooling your children today that there is really no reason that education should stop your family from becoming location independent. We will likely be diving into each of these methods a little more in future episodes, but this is a great introductory episode for parents who are getting ready to make the leap into location independence.



    Episode #3: Four Ways That You Can Help Your Children Overcome Jet Lag

    Episode #3: Four Ways That You Can Help Your Children Overcome Jet Lag


    On today's episode, we are going to talk about one of the biggest challenges of traveling in general, but specifically with children: Jet Lag. Traveling with kids is tough enough as it is, especially when you are dealing with your own sleep patterns. We had no idea how difficult this was going to be until we experienced it. Because there is so little information about traveling overseas with children available on the internet, this episode is a must-listen for anyone who is planning on making that kind of a journey in the near future. In this episode, we are going to share four techniques for helping your children overcome Jet Lag.


    Episode #2: Six Techniques for Helping Third Culture Kids Say Goodbye

    Episode #2: Six Techniques for Helping Third Culture Kids Say Goodbye


    On today's episode, we are going to be talking about one of the greatest challenges of raising Third Culture Kids: saying goodbye. As digital nomads, traveling with our family means that we are often faced with having to say tough goodbyes to our loved ones back home, or the friends and people we meet in our travels. This can be especially difficult for young children. In this episode we are going to share six techniques that you can use to encourage your children to say goodbye well. The tips we share in this episode will help you ease your children through these difficult partings.



    Episode #1: About Your Hosts, The Kortmans

    Episode #1: About Your Hosts, The Kortmans


    Welcome to the very first episode of the NomadTogether Podcast! We are Paul and Rebekah Kortman, and along with our four children, we are a family of digital nomads. We believe that location independence as a family is possible for everyone. Along our travels, we have met families all around the world who have embraced this lifestyle. This episode will serve as an introduction to our journey. We'll be talking about what got us started in this direction, why we believe in living without owning, and how the digital nomad lifestyle has changed our lives. This podcast is all about where we have been, where we are headed, and our views on the American script.
