
    The Resilient Learner

    Welcome to The Resilient Learner Podcast! We help learners of all ages cultivate the adaptable mindsets and skills necessary to carve their own path in their education and careers.
    en-usSammy Davis14 Episodes

    Episodes (14)

    TRL014 - Resilient Learner Spotlight #1 (Interview with Casey Pfeifer, The Sovereign Homestead)

    TRL014 - Resilient Learner Spotlight #1 (Interview with Casey Pfeifer, The Sovereign Homestead)

    Welcome to The Resilient Learner Podcast!

    We help learners of all ages cultivate the adaptable mindsets and skills necessary to carve their own path in their education and careers.

    Here comes our first interview episode in the Resilient Learner Spotlight series! Last week, I featured an episode from The Sovereign Homestead Podcast hosted by Casey Pfeifer, and today I will be interviewing Casey on this show as the first RL Spotlight.

    The idea behind the RL Spotlight series is highlighting someone who I feel embodies some of the key principles of The Resilient Learner, and inviting them to tell their story.


    Casey’s path mirrors many of us (I think) - a high achiever, ‘gifted and talented’ student who withered on the educational vine so to speak, finding themselves a college graduate asking themselves ‘What’s next?’ and wondering what value they actually got out of those years of school. In this episode, we will be discussing Casey’s educational experiences (in and out of school), and what path(s) he has taken to take control of his education and career.

    I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did!

    Learn more about Casey's work by visiting:


    If you're new to the podcast, The Resilient Learner Podcast may be for you if you relate to any of the following:

    • You love to learn and are currently trying to learn something (start a new career/major/school/degree/class) but you're feeling fearful/stuck/unclear about how to proceed.
    • You lack clarity about your desires, goals, purpose and don't  know where to begin to figure it all out.
    • You feel that your education did NOT prepare you to be successful in the ‘real world’ and want to do something about it now.
    • You have impostor feelings and self-doubt is eating you alive and limiting your professional opportunities.
    • You were a high achiever in K-12 and labeled as having ‘a lot of potential’, yet find yourself stuck and dissatisfied with your education and/or career.
    • You were very good at following paths created for you by authority figures, but feel incapable of creating your own 'life syllabus'.

    If you like this episode, please subscribe, share, and leave us a rating and review on iTunes!

    Join The Resilient Learner Community:


    Music by Music Unlimited from Pixabay

    TRL013 - Get Comfortable Going First and Being Weird (Crossover from The Sovereign Homestead Podcast)

    TRL013 - Get Comfortable Going First and Being Weird (Crossover from The Sovereign Homestead Podcast)

    Welcome to The Resilient Learner Podcast!

    We help learners of all ages cultivate the adaptable mindsets and skills necessary to carve their own path in their education and careers.

    Today's episode is a crossover from when I was a guest on the Sovereign Homestead Podcast.The mission of the podcast is to “help liberty-loving people to design and create resilient homesteads that yield maximum freedom and provide for a high Quality of Life.” Now homesteading may not be your thing, but this episode hits on many of the ideas that form the basis of The Resilient Learner. The title of this episode is Go First and Be Weird, and that is definitely something that we do around here. Sometimes, no one has created your ideal ‘major’ or ‘career’, and it’s up to you to do it yourself. You have to get comfortable being at the head of the pack, so to speak. In this discussion, Casey and I talk about some experiences we’ve had where we’ve been the weirdos in the front and how we’ve emotionally dealt with that, and of course, what we’ve learned. Many of the topics aren’t strictly related to what we’ve covered so far on the show, but I hope this episode gives you a glimpse of how the principles underlying this show can be used in other arenas of life.


    If you're new to the podcast, The Resilient Learner Podcast may be for you if you relate to any of the following:

    • You love to learn and are currently trying to learn something (start a new career/major/school/degree/class) but you're feeling fearful/stuck/unclear about how to proceed.
    • You lack clarity about your desires, goals, purpose and don't  know where to begin to figure it all out.
    • You feel that your education did NOT prepare you to be successful in the ‘real world’ and want to do something about it now.
    • You have impostor feelings and self-doubt is eating you alive and limiting your professional opportunities.
    • You were a high achiever in K-12 and labeled as having ‘a lot of potential’, yet find yourself stuck and dissatisfied with your education and/or career.
    • You were very good at following paths created for you by authority figures, but feel incapable of creating your own 'life syllabus'.

    If you like this episode, please subscribe, share, and leave us a rating and review on iTunes!

    Join The Resilient Learner Community:


    Music by Music Unlimited from Pixabay


    TRL012 - TRL Book Fair #3: Range

    TRL012 - TRL Book Fair #3: Range

    Welcome to The Resilient Learner Podcast!

    We help learners of all ages cultivate the adaptable mindsets and skills necessary to carve their own path in their education and careers.

    Today's episode is another TRL Book Fair episode - yay! I will be discussing Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World by David J. Epstein. This is definitely a TRL 'foundational text', using research and anecdotes (the winning self-help book combination) to demonstrate the value of being a generalist in a world that demands and incentivizes specialization. Have you ever heard the saying, “Jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one”? I think that old figure of speech sums up the main idea of this book rather well. It's one of my favorite books of the last 5 years, and I hope you grab a copy asap!

    Resources for this episode



    If you're new to the podcast, The Resilient Learner Podcast may be for you if you relate to any of the following:

    • You love to learn and are currently trying to learn something (start a new career/major/school/degree/class) but you're feeling fearful/stuck/unclear about how to proceed.
    • You lack clarity about your desires, goals, purpose and don't  know where to begin to figure it all out.
    • You feel that your education did NOT prepare you to be successful in the ‘real world’ and want to do something about it now.
    • You have impostor feelings and self-doubt is eating you alive and limiting your professional opportunities.
    • You were a high achiever in K-12 and labeled as having ‘a lot of potential’, yet find yourself stuck and dissatisfied with your education and/or career.
    • You were very good at following paths created for you by authority figures, but feel incapable of creating your own 'life syllabus'.

    Join The Resilient Learner Community:


    If you like this episode, please subscribe, share, and leave us a review on iTunes!


    Music by Music Unlimited from Pixabay

    TRL011 - TRL Book Fair #2: Grit

    TRL011 - TRL Book Fair #2: Grit

    Welcome to The Resilient Learner Podcast!

    We help learners of all ages cultivate the adaptable mindsets and skills necessary to carve their own path in their education and careers.

    Today's episode is another TRL Book Fair episode - yay! I will be discussing Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth. This is definitely a TRL 'foundational text', covering intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation, how to identify the right type of goals for you, and distinguishing between growth and fixed mindsets) using a captivating blend of anecdotal and research perspectives. I definitely recommend this one!

    Resources for this episode





    If you're new to the podcast, The Resilient Learner Podcast may be for you if you relate to any of the following:

    • You love to learn and are currently trying to learn something (start a new career/major/school/degree/class) but you're feeling fearful/stuck/unclear about how to proceed.
    • You lack clarity about your desires, goals, purpose and don't  know where to begin to figure it all out.
    • You feel that your education did NOT prepare you to be successful in the ‘real world’ and want to do something about it now.
    • You have impostor feelings and self-doubt is eating you alive and limiting your professional opportunities.
    • You were a high achiever in K-12 and labeled as having ‘a lot of potential’, yet find yourself stuck and dissatisfied with your education and/or career.
    • You were very good at following paths created for you by authority figures, but feel incapable of creating your own 'life syllabus'.

    Join The Resilient Learner Community:


    If you like this episode, please subscribe, share, and leave us a review on iTunes!

    Music by Music Unlimited from Pixabay


    TRL010 - Fighting Impostor Feelings (Part 3: Is it you or them?)

    TRL010 - Fighting Impostor Feelings (Part 3: Is it you or them?)

    Welcome to The Resilient Learner Podcast!

    We help learners of all ages cultivate the adaptable mindsets and skills necessary to carve their own path in their education and careers.

    Over the last two weeks, we have outlined the 5 styles of impostor feelings and considered the origins of impostor feelings, focusing on how knowing all of this information can help us fight back against these feelings. We are finishing up the series (for now) by examining situations when your impostor feelings could be indicators that something is wrong in your ‘system’ (job, major, degree program, etc.), and not something wrong with you (although, of course, you do have to do something about the situation)!

    If you're new to the podcast, The Resilient Learner Podcast may be for you if you relate to any of the following:

    • You love to learn and are currently trying to learn something (start a new career/major/school/degree/class) but you're feeling fearful/stuck/unclear about how to proceed.
    • You lack clarity about your desires, goals, purpose and don't  know where to begin to figure it all out.
    • You feel that your education did NOT prepare you to be successful in the ‘real world’ and want to do something about it now.
    • You have impostor feelings and self-doubt is eating you alive and limiting your professional opportunities.
    • You were a high achiever in K-12 and labeled as having ‘a lot of potential’, yet find yourself stuck and dissatisfied with your education and/or career.
    • You were very good at following paths created for you by authority figures, but feel incapable of creating your own 'life syllabus'.

    If you like this episode, please subscribe, share, and leave us a rating and review on iTunes!


    Resources for the Impostor Feelings Series:





    https://www.byrdseed.com/dunning-kruger/ (opposite of impostor syndrome)

    https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.575024/full social contexts of impostor syndrome


    Music by Music Unlimited from Pixabay


    TRL009 - Fighting Impostor Feelings (Part 2: Origins)

    TRL009  - Fighting Impostor Feelings (Part 2: Origins)

    Welcome to The Resilient Learner Podcast!

    We help learners of all ages cultivate the adaptable mindsets and skills necessary to carve their own path in their education and careers.

    Last week, we discussed the 5 styles of impostor feelings and how knowing which ‘style’ best describes your situation can help you fight back against these pervasive feelings. Today we are diving DEEPER into the land of impostor feelings to find out where they come from and of course, how knowing where they come from can help you overcome them!

    If you're new to the podcast, The Resilient Learner Podcast may be for you if you relate to any of the following:

    • You love to learn and are currently trying to learn something (start a new career/major/school/degree/class) but you're feeling fearful/stuck/unclear about how to proceed.
    • You lack clarity about your desires, goals, purpose and don't  know where to begin to figure it all out.
    • You feel that your education did NOT prepare you to be successful in the ‘real world’ and want to do something about it now.
    • You have impostor feelings and self-doubt is eating you alive and limiting your professional opportunities.
    • You were a high achiever in K-12 and labeled as having ‘a lot of potential’, yet find yourself stuck and dissatisfied with your education and/or career.
    • You were very good at following paths created for you by authority figures, but feel incapable of creating your own 'life syllabus'.

    If you like this episode, please subscribe, share, and leave us a rating and review on iTunes!

    Music by Music Unlimited from Pixabay


    TRL008 - Fighting Impostor Feelings (Part 1: Styles)

    TRL008 - Fighting Impostor Feelings (Part 1: Styles)

    Welcome to The Resilient Learner Podcast!

    We help learners of all ages cultivate the adaptable mindsets and skills necessary to carve their own path in their education and careers.

    This week, we’re going to be getting acquainted with the concept of ‘impostor feelings’ (also known as impostor syndrome or impostor phenomenon). This is a VERY COMMON SENSATION of feeling like all the successes you have achieved are BS and someone will discover your horrible secret one day and kick you out (of your job, career, class, etc.). In part 1, we’re going to discuss the 5 styles of impostor feelings and how knowing which ‘style’ best describes your situation can help you fight back against these pervasive feelings so you can continue to do the important work you are here to do.

    If you're new to the podcast, The Resilient Learner Podcast may be for you if you relate to any of the following:

    • You love to learn and are currently trying to learn something (start a new career/major/school/degree/class) but you're feeling fearful/stuck/unclear about how to proceed.
    • You lack clarity about your desires, goals, purpose and don't  know where to begin to figure it all out.
    • You feel that your education did NOT prepare you to be successful in the ‘real world’ and want to do something about it now.
    • You have impostor feelings and self-doubt is eating you alive and limiting your professional opportunities.
    • You were a high achiever in K-12 and labeled as having ‘a lot of potential’, yet find yourself stuck and dissatisfied with your education and/or career.
    • You were very good at following paths created for you by authority figures, but feel incapable of creating your own 'life syllabus'.

    If you like this episode, please subscribe, share, and leave us a rating and review on iTunes!

    Music by Music Unlimited from Pixabay


    TRL007 - What is the value of your education?

    TRL007 - What is the value of your education?

    Welcome to The Resilient Learner Podcast!

    We help learners of all ages cultivate the adaptable mindsets and skills necessary to carve their own path in their education and careers.

    In this episode, we're going to address the elephant in the room - what is the value of your education? Is it even open for discussion? On this podcast, YES! What questions should be considered before you embark upon such an expensive journey? If you (or someone you love) are considering college, graduate or professional school, or any degree or certification program that will cost you time and money, you won’t want to miss this discussion!

    If you're new to the podcast, The Resilient Learner Podcast may be for you if you relate to any of the following:

    • You love to learn and are currently trying to learn something (start a new career/major/school/degree/class) but you're feeling fearful/stuck/unclear about how to proceed.
    • You lack clarity about your desires, goals, purpose and don't  know where to begin to figure it all out.
    • You feel that your education did NOT prepare you to be successful in the ‘real world’ and want to do something about it now.
    • You have impostor feelings and self-doubt is eating you alive and limiting your professional opportunities.
    • You were a high achiever in K-12 and labeled as having ‘a lot of potential’, yet find yourself stuck and dissatisfied with your education and/or career.
    • You were very good at following paths created for you by authority figures, but feel incapable of creating your own 'life syllabus'.

    If you like this episode, please subscribe, share, and leave us a rating and review on iTunes!

    Music by Music Unlimited from Pixabay


    TRL006 - TRL Book Fair #1: Atomic Habits

    TRL006 - TRL Book Fair #1: Atomic Habits

    Welcome to The Resilient Learner Podcast!

    We help learners of all ages cultivate the adaptable mindsets and skills necessary to carve their own path in their education and careers.

    This episode will be the first of many in the TRL Book Fair series! This series will feature reviews/discussions of some of the most influential books (in my humble opinion). The first book in our TRL Book Fair is Atomic Habits by James Clear. I highly recommend this book as a ‘foundational text’ for our TRL community - tune in to learn why!

    If you're new to the podcast, The Resilient Learner Podcast may be for you if you relate to any of the following:

    • You love to learn and are currently trying to learn something (start a new career/major/school/degree/class) but you're feeling fearful/stuck/unclear about how to proceed.
    • You lack clarity about your desires, goals, purpose and don't  know where to begin to figure it all out.
    • You feel that your education did NOT prepare you to be successful in the ‘real world’ and want to do something about it now.
    • You have impostor feelings and self-doubt is eating you alive and limiting your professional opportunities.
    • You were a high achiever in K-12 and labeled as having ‘a lot of potential’, yet find yourself stuck and dissatisfied with your education and/or career.
    • You were very good at following paths created for you by authority figures, but feel incapable of creating your own 'life syllabus'.

    If you like this episode, please subscribe and share!

    Music by Music Unlimited from Pixabay


    TRL005 - Recapturing the joy of the Scholastic Book Fair!

    TRL005 - Recapturing the joy of the Scholastic Book Fair!

    Welcome to The Resilient Learner Podcast!

    We help learners of all ages cultivate the adaptable mindsets and skills necessary to carve their own path in their education and careers.

    In this episode, we're taking a trip down memory lane, reminiscing about the magic of the childhood book fair and exploring ways we can recapture that magic in our adult learner lives.

    If you're new to the podcast, The Resilient Learner Podcast may be for you if you relate to any of the following:

    • You love to learn and are currently trying to learn something (start a new career/major/school/degree/class) but you're feeling fearful/stuck/unclear about how to proceed.
    • You lack clarity about your desires, goals, purpose and don't  know where to begin to figure it all out.
    • You feel that your education did NOT prepare you to be successful in the ‘real world’ and want to do something about it now.
    • You have impostor feelings and self-doubt is eating you alive and limiting your professional opportunities.
    • You were a high achiever in K-12 and labeled as having ‘a lot of potential’, yet find yourself stuck and dissatisfied with your education and/or career.
    • You were very good at following paths created for you by authority figures, but feel incapable of creating your own 'life syllabus'.

    If you like this episode, please subscribe and share!

    Music by Music Unlimited from Pixabay

    TRL004 - How (and why) to 'deschool' yourself (Part 2)

    TRL004 - How (and why) to 'deschool' yourself (Part 2)

    Welcome to The Resilient Learner Podcast!

    We help learners of all ages cultivate the adaptable mindsets and skills necessary to carve their own path in their education and careers.

    In this episode, we'll continue our discussion about 'deschooling', outlining 5 action steps we can take in our quest to become enthusiastic, self-directed learners.

    If you're new to the podcast, The Resilient Learner Podcast may be for you if you relate to any of the following:

    • You love to learn and are currently trying to learn something (start a new career/major/school/degree/class) but you're feeling fearful/stuck/unclear about how to proceed.
    • You lack clarity about your desires, goals, purpose and don't  know where to begin to figure it all out.
    • You feel that your education did NOT prepare you to be successful in the ‘real world’ and want to do something about it now.
    • You have impostor feelings and self-doubt is eating you alive and limiting your professional opportunities.
    • You were a high achiever in K-12 and labeled as having ‘a lot of potential’, yet find yourself stuck and dissatisfied with your education and/or career.
    • You were very good at following paths created for you by authority figures, but feel incapable of creating your own 'life syllabus'.

    If you like this episode, please subscribe and share!

    Music by Music Unlimited from Pixabay


    TRL003 - How (and why) to 'deschool' yourself (Part 1)

    TRL003 - How (and why) to 'deschool' yourself (Part 1)

    Welcome to The Resilient Learner Podcast!

    We help learners of all ages cultivate the adaptable mindsets and skills necessary to carve their own path in their education and careers.

    In this episode, we'll be talking about 'deschooling', which is an idea borrowed from the homeschooling world and represents a specific period between leaving the traditional school environment and beginning a homeschooling journey, where the child does very little formal work and reconnects with their love of learning. I am going to adapt this idea and discuss how it can be applied to adult learners who want to unlearn some behavior and thought patterns from the traditional school environment that get in the way of the quest to become enthusiastic self-directed learners.

    If you're new to the podcast, The Resilient Learner Podcast may be for you if you relate to any of the following:

    • You love to learn and are currently trying to learn something (start a new career/major/school/degree/class) but you're feeling fearful/stuck/unclear about how to proceed.
    • You lack clarity about your desires, goals, purpose and don't  know where to begin to figure it all out.
    • You feel that your education did NOT prepare you to be successful in the ‘real world’ and want to do something about it now.
    • You have impostor feelings and self-doubt is eating you alive and limiting your professional opportunities.
    • You were a high achiever in K-12 and labeled as having ‘a lot of potential’, yet find yourself stuck and dissatisfied with your education and/or career.
    • You were very good at following paths created for you by authority figures, but feel incapable of creating your own 'life syllabus'.

    If you like this episode, please subscribe and share!

    Music by Music Unlimited from Pixabay


    TRL002 - Is fear of failure holding you back?

    TRL002 - Is fear of failure holding you back?

    Welcome to The Resilient Learner Podcast!

    We help learners of all ages cultivate the adaptable mindsets and skills necessary to carve their own path in their education and careers.

    In this episode, we're talking about a major factor that may be limiting how you show up in the world and thus your perception of your success - the fear of failure! If this means nothing to you, then maybe this episode isn't for you. But if you're like me and millions of other people who heard 'Failure is not an option' loud and clear during your childhood and beyond, tune in to learn about how to start unpacking this fear and reducing its impact on your life!

    If you're new to the podcast, The Resilient Learner Podcast may be for you if you relate to any of the following:

    • You love to learn and are currently trying to learn something (start a new career/major/school/degree/class) but you're feeling fearful/stuck/unclear about how to proceed.
    • You lack clarity about your desires, goals, purpose and don't  know where to begin to figure it all out.
    • You feel that your education did NOT prepare you to be successful in the ‘real world’ and want to do something about it now.
    • You have impostor feelings and self-doubt is eating you alive and limiting your professional opportunities.
    • You were a high achiever in K-12 and labeled as having ‘a lot of potential’, yet find yourself stuck and dissatisfied with your education and/or career.
    • You were very good at following paths created for you by authority figures, but feel incapable of creating your own 'life syllabus'.

    If you like this episode, please subscribe and share!

    Music by Music Unlimited from Pixabay


    TRL001 - Who Is The Resilient Learner?

    TRL001 - Who Is The Resilient Learner?

    Welcome to The Resilient Learner Podcast!

    We help learners of all ages cultivate the adaptable mindsets and skills necessary to carve their own path in their education and careers.

    This podcast may be for you if you relate to any of the following:

    • You love to learn and are currently trying to learn something (start a new career/major/school/degree/class) but you're feeling fearful/stuck/unclear about how to proceed.
    • You lack clarity about your desires, goals, purpose and don't  know where to begin to figure it all out.
    • You feel that your education did NOT prepare you to be successful in the ‘real world’ and want to do something about it now.
    • You have impostor feelings and self-doubt is eating you alive and limiting your professional opportunities.
    • You were a high achiever in K-12 and labeled as having ‘a lot of potential’, yet find yourself stuck and dissatisfied with your education and/or career.
    • You were very good at following paths created for you by authority figures, but feel incapable of creating your own 'life syllabus'.

    In this episode, I will share my story of realizing that my fragile learning mindset and skills were limiting my personal and professional achievement, and outline the 3 foundational traits of a resilient learner.

    If you like this episode, please subscribe and share!


    Music by Music Unlimited from Pixabay