
    The Schaftlein Report

    The Schaftlein Report is hosted by Mark Schaftlein, who runs the Private Equity Investment firm Capital Consulting Inc. which is based in Delray Beach, Florida and serves as CEO of Conservative Broadcast Media & Journalism (CBMJ). Mr. Schaftlein is a world-renowned conservative political commentator who seeks to address factual political news without the left-wing bias of the mainstream media.
    enMark Schaftlein364 Episodes

    Episodes (364)

    Schaftlein Report | Guest - Richard Battle and Jeffrey Dunetz

    Schaftlein Report | Guest - Richard Battle and Jeffrey Dunetz
    Guest - Richard Battle and Jeffrey Dunetz
    Headline - Federal Reserve Leaves Rates Unchanged, Signals Cuts in 2024
    1) Dow rallies to All Time High above 37K.  10 Year Note below 4% down 106 basis points in 45 days
    1A) Unemployment at 3.7% and the CPI is at 3.1% year over year.  Inflation expected to fall to 2.5% in 2024
    1B) Why do Americans still have a negative view of Biden on the Economy  He is way upside down 40-60
    1C) 5.2% military pay increase for 2024 in Senate approved budget.
    2) Polling - David Axelrod says Biden numbers are terrible. Trump leads Biden between 2-9 points in the 8 key swing states! Bloomberg/Morning Consult Poll
    2A) Iowa - Trump 51%, DeSantis 19%, Haley 16%
    2B) New Hampshire - Trump 45%, Haley 18%, Christie 14%, DeSantis 11%, Ramaswamy - 10%
    2C) Trump 37%, Biden 31%, Kennedy 17% in three way race.  Throw in fringe candidates and it gets better fro Trump
    2D) Mentally Fit -Trump +16, Physically Fit - Trump +34, Were you helped or hurt.  Trump 49-37
    3) House panel move Impeachment Inquiry forward
    4) Harvard brand is now TOXIC.
    5) Radical Pro-Palestinian leftists shut down the 110 freeway in LA. 75 arrested.
    5A) 80% of the residents of the West Bank support Hamas. While V.P. Harris pushes sympathy for Palestinians.
    6) Israel continues to decimate Hamas but at a cost.  9 elite troops killed in recent ambush.  Militants are surrendering.
    What happens after the war ends?
    The Schaftlein Report
    enDecember 15, 2023

    Schaftlein | Guest - Jason Bermas.

    Schaftlein | Guest - Jason Bermas.

    Guest - Jason Bermas
    Headline - Fear of Trump Win Settling in with Democrats
    1) Voters are unhappy with the economy, crime, border, expensive homes and Biden's foreign policy failures
    1A) Whispers are now open calls for Biden to step aside - Al Hunt. LBJ all over again.
    2) Biden approval in Michigan -14 and Trump leads by 50 -40
    2A)  Iowa poll-  Trump 51, DeSantis 19 and Haley 16 Jason explains the Caucases
    2B) Gov. Sununu to endorse Haley in N.H.
    3) What is Jack Smith doing going directly to Supreme Court in Trump Case?
    4) Mounting evidence against Biden family leading toward Formal House Impeachment Inquiry?
    4A) One candidate gets sympathy from the American public and the other takes all the blame.  Guess who?
    5) How is Harvard's President keeping her job?  We'll exp;lain
    6) CPI up .1% in November but 3.1% over the past year.  4% taking out food and energy.  These are telling numbers.
    7) Zelenskyy in D.C. to pitch Ukraine aid.
    8) Israel pounds Hamas rocket launch sites.

    The Schaftlein Report
    enDecember 13, 2023

    Schaftlein Report \ Guest Host Drew Allen

    Schaftlein Report \ Guest Host Drew Allen

    1) The 4th and "final" GOP Debate is over. Did it matter?

    2) Why is CNN going to host 2 more GOP debates?
    3) Communist Van Jones melts down on live television over Vivek Ramaswamy.
    4) Biden continues to deny involvement with Hunter's foreign business dealings...while more evidence proves he was involved with Hunter's foreign business dealings.
    5) The border is wide open and illegals are waiting in line to be "apprehended." 
    6) Will we get a Biden impeachment?
    7) Chris Wray says the FBI didn't validate Hunter Biden laptop because it would be election interference. HAHAHAHA.
    8) Racist Biden halts menthol cigarette ban because -- wait for it -- he worries blacks won't vote for him over it.

    Schaftlein Report | Guest - Tom Amenta

    Schaftlein Report | Guest - Tom Amenta
    Guest - Tom Amenta
    Headline - Border Security for Military Aid? YES
    1) Ukraine and Israel aid break down over lack of agreement on Border Security. Speaker Johnson delivers ultimatum.
    1A) The hard left and immigration advocates tie Biden's hand.  Republicans need to stand firm on this one.
    2) Israel presses war in Khan Younis where it believes Hamas leaders and hostages are holed up. A route here leads to daylight for military purposes.
    2A) Trump on Hannity tonight and the Debate with 4 participants is tomorrow.
    3) Trump +6, DeSantis +2 and Haley +10 over Biden.  Biden job approval at 38%.
    4) House appears to be headed to an Impeachment Inquiry vote that will pass.
    5) Santos is gone, why is Sen. Menendez still there? Gold bars from a violent robbery found in his home.
    6) Job openings drop to 8.7M, lowest since March 2021.  10 year Note falls to 4.1% down from over 5.0% at the end of October
    7) Congress authorized $7.5B for Electric charging Stations - so far none have been built. 
    The Schaftlein Report
    enDecember 05, 2023

    Schaftlein Report | Guest - Jeffrey Dunetz

    Schaftlein Report | Guest - Jeffrey Dunetz

    Headline - Trump still Dominates as Haley Surges?

    AirDate: November 30, 2023
    1) Is the Haley surge in the polls real.  Koch money rolls in.
    1A) DeSantis goes all in on Iowa visiting all 99 counties. Debates Newsome on Fox tonight
    1B) Trump still far ahead in all of the early states + he leads Biden by 4 in latest polls.
    1C) Biden refers to Trump as a Congressman? Wheel him out folks.
    2) Is the U.S. applying pressure to Israel for extended cease fire which is now in 7th day? Yes.
    2A) 3 Israeli's murdered in Jerusalem and 2 attackers are killed.
    2B) Hundreds of Pro-Palestinian protestors swarm NYC Christmas Tree.  Insane NYC police forced to battle demonstrators.
    2C) Biden apologizes to Muslim leaders for his early negative tone toward Palestinians death toll, despite the fact that Hamas murdered 1,200 people..
    3) Home prices rise for 7th straight month.  Record high prices in much of the country.
    Pending sales drop to 2001 levels as more supply of homes greater than $750K hit the market as rates drop from 8% to 7%.
    4) Henry Kissinger - A diplomat for the ages.  We'll discuss his accomplishments and career.

    The Schaftlein Report
    enNovember 30, 2023

    Schaftlein Report | Guest - Joe Visconti - Thanksgiving Day

    Schaftlein Report | Guest - Joe Visconti - Thanksgiving Day

    Guest - Joe Visconti
    Headline - The State of the Country as we celebrate a great American Holiday
    1) The 2024 Election is less than a year away - Trump is leading
    2) Inflation, Insecurity, Economy, Interest Rates and Debt
    3) Border Insecurity and Massive Problems in our major cities
    4) Global Conflicts in Israel and Ukraine
    5) China is an equal Global player to the U.S. Sure looks that way

    The Schaftlein Report
    enNovember 30, 2023

    Schaftlein Report | Guest - David Alan Brat PhD

    Schaftlein Report | Guest - David Alan Brat PhD
    Guest - Dave Brat - Vice Provost Engagement and Public Relations Liberty University
    Headline - Exploding Federal Deficit - No End in Sight
    1) Gross Domestic Product Analysis 
    2) Deficit Spending
    3) Inflation and Interest Rates
    4) Tax Rates and Spending Cuts a potential Solution
    The Schaftlein Report
    enNovember 28, 2023

    Schaftlein Report | Guest - Drew Thomas Allen

    Schaftlein Report | Guest - Drew Thomas Allen
    Guest - Drew Thomas Allen
    Headline - Is the policy to Israel shifting?
    1) 50 Hostage Release deal?
    1A) Hamas leaders in Qatar should be prosecuted for violating U.S. and International Laws
    2) Only 39% approve Biden's handling of the economy.  Democrats consider changing the message?
    2A) Home sales fall to a 13 year low. Inflation is at 3.2% and Unemployment is at 3.9% but may rise.
    2B) Food banks see demand surge
    2C) Debt to GDP is at 120%
    3) Joe Biden turned 81.  Where was the celebration?
    4) Musk sues Media Matters a liberal outfit over manipulation of adds.  Texas Attorney General laun ches probe.
    5) Harvard Harris poll shows Trump up by 6-9 points over Biden.  Trump is +5 in Michigan
    The Schaftlein Report
    enNovember 21, 2023

    Schaftlein Report | Special Guest Michael Flynn, LTG. US Army (retired)

    Schaftlein Report | Special Guest Michael Flynn, LTG. US Army (retired)
    Guest - General Michael Flynn
    Headline - Hate for Israel and Praise for China.  How did we get here?
    1) 150 Violent Anti-Israel protesters injures 6 police officers outside of DNC Headquarters.
    Democratic congressional members escorted out of the building.
    1A) College campus support for Hamas?  How did we get here.
    Still a minority but a very loud voice.  Professors are part of the problem.
    1B) General Flynn provides analysis on the Israel/Hamas war.
    2) Media proclaims Biden/Xi summit a success.  Was there ever any doubt.
    Climate action, Fentanyl, Military Communication and Pandas. Taiwan status quo?
    2A) Where were the American flags in SF?  Nothing but Chinese flags on motorcade route?
    3) Continuing Resolution passes the Senate for short term funding through Jan 2024.
    No funding yet for Israel or Ukraine
    4) Trumps lead among Republican voters towers in the range of 45-50 points.
    4A) In both Fox News and Quinnipiac polls, Trump beats Biden 39-35 in a five way race including Kennedy, Stein and West. Throw in Manchin and the numbers barely budge.
    4B) Majority of Democrats by 54-28 want an alternative to Biden.
    The Schaftlein Report
    enNovember 16, 2023

    Schaftlein Report | Guest - Drew Allen

    Schaftlein Report | Guest - Drew Allen
    Guest - Drew Allen
    Author and Commentator
    Headline - DeBunking the Election Night Results
    1) While the Election Results were not good, the Media has done a terrible analysis.  We'll explain
    2) Debate Analysis from Miami.
    2A) Trump leads Biden 49-45.  His support is eroding.
    3) Why is the U.S. Response to attacks on our soldiers so MINIMAL?
    3A) Israel agrees to a ridiculous U.S. request for a 4 hour daily pause in fighting - Biden and Blinken are a total weak disaster
    3B) Israel destroys Hamas tunnels and kills weapons maker
    4) Central American countries are now providing busses for illegals on their journey. Mayorkas should be impeached.
    5) Higher Inflation for Longer? Biden has lead us to a $2T deficit (1.7T + $300B in student loan forgiveness) Almost $200B in additional interest expense.
    This is without a recession or U.S. at war.
    The Schaftlein Report
    enNovember 09, 2023

    Schaftlein Report | Guest - Joe Visconti

    Schaftlein Report | Guest - Joe Visconti

    Schaftlein Report | Guest - Joe Visconti
    Headline - Israel Splits North Gaza
    1) Military Operation continues while whinny liberals and cease fire nuts support Hamas
    1A) Biden and Blinken plead for "humanitarian temporary halt".. Israel may do "small pause"  U.S. troops under attack and Biden does NOTHING
    2) A growing chorus of Democrats want Biden to Withdraw from race as polling numbers are a disaster.
    2A) Multiple credible polling shows Trump leading in 5 of 7 Swing states. 
    2B) Media in full panic and melt down. DISBELIEF
    2C) Biden too old +42, Policies hurt Americans =17,  Bad Economy +24. Economy. border, crime and foreign policy are working against Biden
    3) 4 Key elections states today KY, VA, Ohio and Mississippi
    4) Speaker Johnson ties Ukraine aid to Border Security - AWESOME.
    4A) He also ties Israel aid to cutting IRS budget - Another winner
    5) DeSantis, Haley, Scott, Christie and Ramaswamy appear to qualify for tomorrow debate in Miami
    6) Biden refuses to provide loan documents between him and his brother in the Biden crime family saga.  Drip, Drip, Drip

    The Schaftlein Report
    enNovember 07, 2023

    Schaftlein Report | Israeli Army marches to Gaza City

    Schaftlein Report | Israeli Army marches to Gaza City
    Guest - Jeffrey Dunetz
    Headline - Israeli Army marches to Gaza City
    1) Israeli troops advancing
    1A)300 miles of Hamas tunnels
    1B)Foreign Passport holders allowed to leave Gaza
    1C) Biden calls for "pause" Free "prisoners".. Nobody is listening
    2) Thai representative "speaks with Hamas" in Tehran. Iran is the real enemy here.
    3) Jewish students harassed and attacked on college campuses in ugly scenes
    4) Israeli aid bill house demands offsets for $14B
    5) Trump 39, Biden 36, Kennedy 17, West 4  We'' explain
    6) More evidence of Biden bribes 0- It never ends.  The man is compromised
    7) Talib is uncensured and Santos in Not expelled. No surprise here
    8) Tuberville hold wears on GOP in military abortion issue
    The Schaftlein Report
    enNovember 02, 2023

    Schaftlein Report | Guest - Tom Amenta

    Schaftlein Report | Guest - Tom Amenta

    Israel pushes Deeper into Gaza Killing Hamas Leaders with full U.S. Support
    1) Israel takes out numerous Hamas fighters and 4 senior Hamas commanders that planned the 10-07 attacks
    1A) Fighting in tunnels and Hamas territory. Israel is losing soldiers in the fight as the war expands.
    1B) Spokesman Admiral John Kirby stands by Israel in virtually all public comments
    2) Secretary Blinken and Biden have so far rejected calls from the far left wing radicals in Democratic party for ceasefire - rightfully so
    2A) Pro Palestinian demonstrators disrupt Blinken testimony.
    2B) Our middle east bases have been attacked 23 times with only one limited response so far.  Weakness on display.
    3) College idiots continue to make fools of themselves and their universities with antisemitic demonstrations. Columbia University approves of student and professor actions supporting Hamas.
    4) The House pushes $14B in aid for Israel with offset cuts in IRS funding separating Israel and Ukraine aid. A conflict with he Senate and Oval office wishes
    5) Biden approval falls to 37% with 60% disapproving of his handling of the economy.  Why  - Inflation is still double from when Biden became President
    6) His support among Democrats has fallen from 86% to 76%.  His cognitive decline is obvious and Democrats are trying to hide the obvious.
    7) Trump up in Iowa 45 to 16 for Haley and DeSantis.  In South Carolina 53 to 22 for Haley and 11 for DeSantis.
    8) Judge rules razor wire can stay at the border. for now. 169 detained from terror watch list.

    The Schaftlein Report
    enOctober 31, 2023

    Schaftlein Report | Guest - Richard Battle Conservative Author and CommentatorI

    Schaftlein Report | Guest - Richard Battle Conservative Author and CommentatorI
    Guest - Richard Battle
    Conservative Author and Commentator
    Headline - Mass shooting in Maine
    1) 18 dead and killer at large. Certified Fire Arms instructor with mental health issues.
    2) Mike Johnson of Louisiana elected Speaker - Fabulous initial speech focus on Debt, Border security and aid to Israel
    3) U.S. GDP rose 4.9% in Q-3.  All indications are leading to a slow down as interest rates remain elevated.
    4) Israel tests ground invasion into Gaza as daily bombings to kill terrorists continue. Rocket hits Tel Aviv. Hamas traps and blocks Palestinians from leaving.
    4A) Biden and Netanyahu confirm Israel will decide on the invasion time line not the U.S.
    5) Iran drone attacks against U.S. military personnel continue in middle east.  Why has our government not responded tot he Iranian actions?
    5A) Iran foreign reserves now $60B versus $4B when Trump left office.
    They have gone from selling 400K barrels of oil a day to 3M under Biden.  Why is this happening?.Appeasement DOES NOT work.
    6) 40 FBI confidential sources confirm Biden crime family activity.  Cover up - Grassley
    7) Will liberal Jews finally abandon the left after their atrocious actions and votes?
    8) UFC announces Bud Light deal and the boycotts and protests begin.  When will they ever learn?
    9) Jamaal Bowman pleads guilty to pulling fire alarm in capital.  What a dumb ass.
    10) Ca Gov. Newsome in China to meet XI
    The Schaftlein Report
    enOctober 26, 2023

    Schaftlein Report | Guest - Joe Visconti

    Schaftlein Report | Guest - Joe Visconti

    1) It sure looks that way - Hostages before strike? Biden/Jimmy Carter

    1A) 70% of Israeli's favor ground Invasion

    1B) Why does the AP not call them terrorists, instead of militants?

    1C) Hamas launches rockets and Israel counters with precision bombs

    1D) 95% of Americans over the age of 65 support Israel, while only 52% of 18-24 year olds do.

    2) Our Southern border is WIDE open.
    2023 - 2.47M crossings
    2022 - 2.38M
    2021 - 1.73M
    2020 - 458K under Trump

    3) In Presidential politics Biden is bleeding black vote.  Support drops from 90% in 2020 to 74% today

    3A) He and Trump are tied in 3 national polls despite Biden job approval at 40%

    3B) Kennedy at 19% in Harvard Harris poll pulling from both.

    4) How did Joe Biden pay $3.0M cash for a house as the self proclaimed poorest member of congress?

    5) 3rd Georgia election case pleads guilty to lesser charge - Jenna Ellis

    6) Skyrocketing crime in Washington D.C. forces mayor to rethink liberal Democratic policies.

    7) Tom Emmer for Speaker?

    The Schaftlein Report
    enOctober 24, 2023

    Schaftlein Report | Guest Andrew Crapuchettes

    Schaftlein Report | Guest Andrew Crapuchettes
    Guest - Andrew Crapuchettes
    Founder - Red Balloon
    Headline - What did Biden's Trip Accomplish
    1) Humanitarian aid, $100M more of YOUR Tax Dollars for what?  How is it distributed to those in need?
    Opening of 20 trucks from Egypt for supplies at the Rafah Crossing - OK
    A delay in Israeli military Operations - Maybe - Jury is still out
    2) Rashida Tlaib should be expelled from Congress.  She is Anti-American, a disgusting liar and pathetic human being.
    In the face of evidence, she still blames Israel for hospital parking lot bombing.
    2A) Pro Palestinian protesters storm the capital.  Only 3 arrested.  Where is the outrage?
    3) U.S. vetoes UN resolution condemning Hamas as there is no language in it to allow for Israel to defend itself.
    4) Sen. John Fetterman says now is NOT the time for ceasefire.  We totally AGREE.  He receives massive backlash from the left which has gone insane.
    4A) 9 rockets fired from Lebanon.
    5) In Presidential politics, Trump leads Biden in 5 of 7 swing states (AZ,GA,NC,PA,Wisc.) Biden leads in 2 (Nev and Mich)
    The collective margin is +4 which is outside the margin of error being + or - 1.
    5(A) Trump is +14 on the Economy and +11 om Foreign Policy
    6) Jordan withdraws from Speaker race in a victory for Moderates and Democrats.  Yes that's right. Pathetic.
    6A) McHenry likely Interim speaker until January?
    7) Inflation continues to hammer the lower and middle class workers. Mortgage rates above 8%.
    Problems in commercial real estate emerging as predicted.
    The Schaftlein Report
    enOctober 19, 2023

    Schaftlein Report | Guest Richard V. Battle

    Schaftlein Report | Guest Richard V. Battle
    Guest - Richard Battle
    Headline - Biden to Israel and House to Vote on Jordan as Speaker
    1) President Biden heads to Tel Aviv.
    1A) Hamas compared to ISIS
    1B) Humanitarian aid for Hostages? Hamas releases hostage video
    1C) College professors praising Hamas? Sad but true.
    1D) Antisemitism is widespread in U.S. Shockingly high and fully exposed
    1E) Billionaires cutting off Ivy League aid. - Finally
    1F) No refugees in Egypt or Jordan - King Abdullah
    2) Democrats push Biden to shift Iran policy - Finally
    3) Jim Jordan still needs votes for speaker
    4) Putin in China with Xi
    5) Ukraine using Army Tactical Missile System - i.e. Long range precision artillery
    6) Washington Post publishes letter urging Schiff and Porter to drop out of CA Senate race because they are white.
    The Schaftlein Report
    enOctober 17, 2023

    Schaftlein Report | Guest Jeffrey Dunetz

    Schaftlein Report | Guest Jeffrey Dunetz
    Guest - Jeffrey Dunetz
    Headline - Secretary Blinken and President Biden Unwavering Support for Israel
    1) Hamas calls on Muslims to mobilize.
    1A) Hamas is identical to ISIS
    2) 360K Israeli troops amassed
    3) U.S. Special Operations involved?
    4) 5 Democratic Senators and scores of House members call for a freeze on $6B of Iranian funds.  Why hasn't it been done?
    5) Backlash against radical Democrats for criticizing Israel and supporting Palestinians
    6) Intelligence failures come to light in Israel
    7) In politics, Scalise still short of needed votes
    8) Trump and DeSantis are even with Biden. Haley leads by 4.
    8A) Trump leads in 3 early primary states by 30 points as field remains fractured.
    9) In closely followed Ky Governors race, incumbent Democrat Steve Beshear leads Daniel Cameron in polls.
    Ky has been a good predictor of Presidential results the next year since 2000.
    10) UAW strike expand to Ford plant in Louisville which is Ford's most profitable operation.
    110 Consumer Price Index came in at 3.7%.  On the high side.  Rates higher for longer?  YES

    Schaftlein Report | Guest Dr Michael Busler

    Schaftlein Report | Guest Dr Michael Busler
    The Atrocities Grow in Israel
    1) Geo Political ramifications of war in Israel and the Middle East\
    2) Economic impact on the U. S. and global economy
    3) The risk of rapidly escalating oil prices and potential supply imbalances
    4) Rising interest rates - How high and for how long?
    5) Budget Deficits and support for both Ukraine and Israel with the issues of a Divided Congress
    The Schaftlein Report
    enOctober 10, 2023