
    The Schaftlein Report

    The Schaftlein Report is hosted by Mark Schaftlein, who runs the Private Equity Investment firm Capital Consulting Inc. which is based in Delray Beach, Florida and serves as CEO of Conservative Broadcast Media & Journalism (CBMJ). Mr. Schaftlein is a world-renowned conservative political commentator who seeks to address factual political news without the left-wing bias of the mainstream media.
    enMark Schaftlein364 Episodes

    Episodes (364)

    Schaftlein Report | Guest Joe Visconti

    Schaftlein Report | Guest Joe Visconti

    1) Poetic Justice - Trump was right all along.  Border Security as Democratic leaders succumb
    2) Speaker Battle - We'll analyze
    3) Economy in trouble? Jobs report tomorrow as interest rates remain at elevated levels
    4) Russian terrorist strike in Ukraine leaves 49 civilians dead. Future Funding ?
    5) Trump and Biden in virtual tie despite all of the country's problems.  Job approval 40-54 upside down.
    5A) Haley rising in New Hampshire?
    6) Cornel West and Kennedy to run as Independents - What effect will this have
    7) Murder in NYC as 18 year old deranged black kid stabs White guy in unprovoked attack
    8) Pelosi evicted - Liberals scream
    9) Trump ordered by judge to not transfer assets.

    Schaftlein Report | Guest Tom Amenta

    Schaftlein Report | Guest Tom Amenta
    1) 10 Year note rises above 4.75% and 2 Year above 5.1%.  Stocks become vulnerable
    1A) Record Federal Debt and the Federal Reserve shrinking its Balance Sheet.
    1B Geo-political risk is high with war in Ukraine continuing, gas and insurance prices rising.
    1C) CA raises fast food workers pay to $20 per hour minimum.  We'll discuss ramifications
    1D) Is Stagflation around the corner.
    2) Matt Gaetz tries to oust McCarthy in vote today. This is a clown show and not good for the GOP
    3) In New Hampshire Trump is at 49%, Nikki Haley is now at 19%, DeSantis is at 15%
    3A) 84% of Trump voters will not switch.  39% of primary voters say they would consider changing their preferred candidate.
    4) Kennedy to switch to Independent.  What will be the effect?
    5) Biden Approval still under water however Rasmussen has it at 49-48 approve of Biden job. However other polls show his support around 41% and 54% disapprove - RCP Average.
    Which polls is correct?
    6) Rampant Crime i cities - Rep. Cuellar's car is carjacked and prominent reported in Philadelphia is murdered.
    7) Trump Fraud case continues with Judge to decide case.  Hunter pleads Not Guilty.

    Schaftlein Report | Guest Host Drew Allen

    Schaftlein Report | Guest Host Drew Allen

    Ukraine’s Biggest Con Artist Returns to the US to shake America down for more billions.

    The Senate Accommodates the Mentally Deficient Slob Fetterman.

    Why the Biden Impeachment Inquiry Should Be Expanded to Include Other Crimes.

    Russell Brand is the Latest Victim of the Fascist Democrat Party.

    Shock: Praising Obesity Has Led to More Heart Disease Deaths

    Schaftlein Report | "Malaise" Returns - Are Democrats Running Out of Time?.

    Schaftlein Report | "Malaise" Returns - Are Democrats Running Out of Time?.

    1) Biden re-election doubt explode with Media attention - "Too Old"
    1A) Last chance to get rid of Biden/Harris as time is running out - Democrats panic?
    1B Impeachment Inquiry into his son business dealings tied to him?  White House tries to rally the MEDIA?
    1C) His age has become a liability and Harris is NOT ready.
    1D) 77 of Americans say he istoo old, while 69% of Democrats feel the same way
    1E) Influential Democrats David Ignatius and James Carville sound the warning siren
    2A) Conservatives dig in in push to change the trajectory of spending.
    2B) Is McCarthy's job safe?
    3) Romney will not seek re-election - We'll dive into why
    4) Polls unchanged with Trump and Biden in almost identical spots and the head to head is a virtual tie.  Right Track 25-64 is also unchanged.

    The Schaftlein Report
    enSeptember 14, 2023

    Schaftlein Report | Impeachment Inquiry On

    Schaftlein Report | Impeachment Inquiry On
    1) Abuse of Power and Obstruction among Biden family corruption as Impeachment probe launched
    2) Will this shake up the Presidential race?
    2A) Harris on Face the Nation says she doesn't understand Trump question on election and says she is ready but fully endorses Biden
    The American people  do not want or like her.
    2B) Harris, Newsome, Buttigieg, Whitmer and AOC among alternatives?  We'll discuss.
    3) Biden leads Trump by 2 in Morning Consult poll however he trails Biden by a larger margin in Doug Shoen poll ( He is a Democrat centrist)
    4) Budget talks House conservatives demand the following:
    No more weaponizing DOJ
    Reversing WOKE diversity, equity and inclusion and LGBTQ+ policies
    Lower spending levels
    Border security
    Biden Impeachment
    5) Oil at highest level $92 in 10 months
    6) $6B to Iran in prisoner swap
    7) Blue city and state blues as illegals overwhelm sanctuary havens - Gov. Abbott and Mayor Adams exchange insults
    8) Putin - "Trump charges politically motivated"
    9) Biden embarrasses the USA while in Vietnam

    Schaftlein Report | Trade War with China coming

    Schaftlein Report | Trade War with China coming

    1) China unofficially bans I-phone sales to government officials?
    2) Soaring value of the dollar causing concern in Asia.  Oil near $90 while Biden cancels ANWAR approved drilling rights in Alaska.
    3) US economy appears to be growing faster than anticipated in 2023.  Why are so many people disenchanted?
    Millennial and Generation Z are not in the labor force to the degree of their past generations.
    4) Secretary Blinken in Kiev to support Ukraine.
    5) Hunter Biden indictment on gun charges?  Really?
    6) Biden polling numbers are BAD.  Democrats don't want him by 2-1.  Trump picks up 10 cross overs (we'll explain that)
    However in head to head versus Trump it is very tight within the margin of error in most polls.  Haley leads by 6 in hypothetical Biden match up
    7) CNN poll shows Biden approval at 39%
    8) Poor Mayor Eric Adams says migrants will destroy NYC.  We told you so a year ago.

    The WOKE Proof Economy

    The WOKE Proof Economy

    1) Nate will explain our headline and Investment Strategies
    2) Oil touches $90 a barrel. Russia and Saudi Arabia maintain cuts in production. Gas nears $6.00 a gallon in CA
    3) Musk describes how he DEWOKED Twitter - Fascinating stuff
    4) 51% say Biden economy has gotten worse while 31% say it is better. 42% blame Biden and 29% blame Republicans
    5) National Rent control ideas "floated by Democrats".  Currently not policy though.  For how long?  Massive implications another disaster coming?
    6) Political update

    Schaftlein Report | Inflation Still Too High

    Schaftlein Report |  Inflation Still Too High
    Headline - Inflation Still Too High
    1) Economy PCE up 3.3% and core up 4.2%
    2) Military aid to Taiwan
    3) Biden 9/11 NO show Alaska
    4) Trump = Not Guilty plea and Liberal efforts to keep him off the ballot
    5) Blue cities ask federal aid for migrants
    6) Evidence piles up in Biden Influence peddling case
    7) DeSantis shines in storm leadership but Trump still up by 30

    Schaftlein Report | Hurricane Idalia barrels toward Florida big Bend North of Tampa

    Schaftlein Report | Hurricane Idalia barrels toward Florida big Bend North of Tampa
    Hurricane Idalia barrels toward Florida big Bend North of Tampa
    1) Implications for a state with Property Insurance Issues - Potential Category 3
    2) Biden's age continues to be an issue as 71% say he is too old
    2A) 3 Biden aliases and 5,000 emails - Impeachment Inquiry potential
    2B) No change in Job Approval 42-53.  Right track wrong track at 24-65.  Open border, crime, poor economy and bad energy policies
    2C) Another Whopper as Biden claims to have influenced Strom Thurmond on Civil Rights Act but he was on 21 and still in college.
    3) Climate Change Alarmists Red Faced Democrats Sen(s) Markey and Durbin silent as Maui says down power lines were to blame
    4) Car theft up 104% in Chicago as Mayor blames car manufacturers for poor anti-theft devices.
    4A) Retail theft at $100B as Nordstrom closes SF flagship store
    5) Culture wars- Modelo sales up 20%, Bud Light down 20%
    6) Capital is leaving China. Banks cut rates on mortgages and deposits.  Lower collateral to buy stocks, American business see too risky environment
    6A) Property crisis, high youth unemployment and $13T in debt for local governments
    6B) Under reported genocide continues in Xi visit to  Turkistan - a culture being erased
    The Schaftlein Report
    enAugust 29, 2023

    Schaftlein Report | Hurricane Idalia barrels toward Florida big Bend North of Tampa

    Schaftlein Report | Hurricane Idalia barrels toward Florida big Bend North of Tampa
    Hurricane Idalia barrels toward Florida big Bend North of Tampa
    1) Implications for a state with Property Insurance Issues - Potential Category 3
    2) Biden's age continues to be an issue as 71% say he is too old
    2A) 3 Biden aliases and 5,000 emails - Impeachment Inquiry potential
    2B) No change in Job Approval 42-53.  Right track wrong track at 24-65.  Open border, crime, poor economy and bad energy policies
    2C) Another Whopper as Biden claims to have influenced Strom Thurmond on Civil Rights Act but he was on 21 and still in college.
    3) Climate Change Alarmists Red Faced Democrats Sen(s) Markey and Durbin silent as Maui says down power lines were to blame
    4) Car theft up 104% in Chicago as Mayor blames car manufacturers for poor anti-theft devices.
    4A) Retail theft at $100B as Nordstrom closes SF flagship store
    5) Culture wars- Modelo sales up 20%, Bud Light down 20%
    6) Capital is leaving China. Banks cut rates on mortgages and deposits.  Lower collateral to buy stocks, American business see too risky environment
    6A) Property crisis, high youth unemployment and $13T in debt for local governments
    6B) Under reported genocide continues in Xi visit to  Turkistan - a culture being erased
    The Schaftlein Report
    enAugust 29, 2023

    Schaftlein Report | Debate Takes Where do we go from here?

    Schaftlein Report | Debate Takes Where do we go from here?

    1) Commentary on 1st Debate - Vivek Ramaswamy is a disaster.  We'll analyze what did and did not happen.
    2) House Judiciary Committee to probe Georgia DA Willis motives in Trump et all prosecution
    2B) Prosecution asks for 10-18-23 trial.  Trump removes GA defense counsel.
    3) Prigozhin apparently killer with 9 other in Russian plane crash
    4) Ukraine troops appear to be launching attack in Crimea to take back from Russians

    Schaftlein Report | Debate set as Trump heads toward Atlanta Booking

    Schaftlein Report | Debate set as Trump heads toward Atlanta Booking

    Guest - Drew Thomas Allen
    Headline - Debate set as Trump heads toward Atlanta Booking
    1) Debate stages set with 8.  Who needs to shine?
    2) Trump heads to Atlanta for Mug Shot - The decline of democracy
    3) Biden debacle in Maui - sleeping and bad jokes
    4) Student loan forgiveness and extensions - what happened to supreme court ruling?
    5) Cars, Gas and Houses are becoming almost unattainable for many

    Schaftlein Report | Guest Gabriel Rench

    Schaftlein Report | Guest Gabriel Rench

    Mark Schaftlein discusses with Gabriel Rench the arrests which happened on September 23rd, 2020 at a psalm sing protest in the Moscow parking lot of City Hall. The protest had been organized by Christ Church, where Gabriel Rench was a deacon, and the ensuing news coverage spread far and wide, even to President Trump’s twitter feed. Many around the country were outraged by the decision of MPD to arrest peaceful protestors, while others raged at Christ Church for behaving, they believed, unlawfully and unsafely.

    • City of Moscow acted unlawfully in arresting and charging protesters.
    • Tax Payers Pay the Price of the City of Moscow’s Religious Discrimination.
    • Constitutional rights cannot be suspended during a pandemic.
    • Mediation Settlement Award

    Mark Schaftlein's guest is Tom Amenta author of The Twenty Year War

    Mark Schaftlein's guest is Tom Amenta author of The Twenty Year War

    Mark Schaftlein's guest is Tom Amenta author of The Twenty Year War


    1. Ghost Gun decision
    2. The change in the news stories becoming commentaries, not news 
    3. Classified documents - Donald Trump does not have to prove he is innocent 
    4. The presidential election will come do to eight states 
    5. The outcome of a third party, like 1992 Ross Perot, candidate 
    6. What could derail Trump and Biden from winning their party's nomination
    The Schaftlein Report
    enAugust 09, 2023